(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 8-10, 2024) — THE PLANET begins with a brief reaction to Thursday night’s State of the Union Address.
“Come on, man!”
This wasn’t a SOTU update. Biden gave a stump speech. How embarrassing. He attacked his predecessor, something no president has ever done in addressing both sessions of Congress. It was the oddest, strangest such address in this country’s history.
There’s something seriously off about the man, and his bizarre cadence, phrasings, volume shifts, and other vocalizations give rise to a chilling thought: If he’s like this now, imagine what it’s going to be like should he be re-elected. At 86, four years older, he’ll be as coherent as an oyster roasting helplessly on a blazing sidewalk.
A PLANET prediction: This speech sealed his doom in November.
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Biden had to nerve to mention Laken Hope Reilly in his speech.
As well he should, since he is responsible for her murder via his disastrous dissolution of America’s southern border. THE PLANET shares this article from CNN. It highlights the immense sadness of this tragic case, at the same time prompting anger and fury at every woke person who supported Idiot Joe. They too share in Reilly’s murder.
Questions remain in investigation of death of Augusta University student found on UGA campus
Ashley R. Williams, Raja Razek, Priscilla Alvarez, Isabel Rosales and Jaide Timm-Garcia, CNN
As the investigation continues into the death of an Augusta University College of Nursing student on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Thursday, federal officials confirmed the immigration status of a suspect now in custody.
Augusta University junior Laken Hope Riley, 22, was found dead on Thursday near a lake on UGA’s campus after jogging nearby, authorities said.
The suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, of Athens, was charged in Riley’s killing with felony murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping and concealing the death of another and was denied bond Saturday morning, Athens-Clarke County jail records show. Authorities say there is no evidence Ibarra previously knew the victim and was not a student at UGA.
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed Sunday Ibarra is a Venezuelan migrant who is not a United States citizen.
His brother, Diego Ibarra, 29, is in custody on federal charges of possessing a fraudulent green card and faces up to a decade in prison, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Georgia.
Both brothers are undocumented. The immigration status of the suspect prompted requests from Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to President Joe Biden “demanding information” related to Riley’s death as he criticized Biden’s immigration policies.
Vigil and funeral to be held for victim
Riley’s family announced a funeral service would be held for the late nursing student on Friday.
Riley’s Alpha Chi Omega sorority at UGA, where she attended college until spring of 2023, will host a vigil Monday in remembrance of the victim and another UGA student who died on campus last week, the university announced.
A GoFundMe campaign set up for Riley’s memorial and to establish a scholarship fund had received more than $100,000 in donations by Sunday afternoon.
“All proceeds going towards starting the Laken Hope Riley foundation which will be used to drive homicide awareness and safety for women,” according to the according to Poole Funeral Home.
Photo of 22-year-old homicide victim Laken Hope Riley. – Obtained by CNN
Suspect was arrested in 2022 after unlawfully entering US, ICE says
The suspect in Riley’s killing was arrested in 2022 after entering the United States illegally, according to a statement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Ibarra entered the US near El Paso and was arrested by US Customs and Border Protection on Sept. 8, 2022, according to the statement from the agency.
“He was paroled and released for further processing,” ICE noted.
New York City police also arrested Ibarra last September and charged “with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation,” according to ICE.
The NYPD released him “before a detainer could be issued,” the agency said.
When contacted about ICE’s statement about Ibarra’s arrest and release, New York’s office of the deputy commissioner of information said it did not have an arrest for Ibarra on record.
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations’ Atlanta Field Office has lodged a detainer against Ibarra following his arrest on Friday, the agency says.
Concerns raised regarding Ibarra’s immigration status
As the investigation into Riley’s death continued Sunday, Ibarra’s immigration status has become the focus of officials concerned about tightening border security.
Republican Gov. Kemp, who addressed a letter to Biden blasting his immigration’s immigration policies in the wake of Riley’s death, requested confirmation on Saturday of the suspect’s immigration status as well as any information available regarding the asylum claims and release of the suspect’s brother.
“Laken Riley’s tragic death struck the hearts of Georgians everywhere and has sparked national outrage,” Kemp said in a post on X. “Joe Biden’s failed policies have turned every state into a border state, and I’m demanding information from him so we can protect our people when the federal government won’t!”
The governor also wrote, “While media reports surrounding this case have relied on sources and leaks from your own federal agencies, the answers to these basic questions must be provided publicly as soon as possible.”
House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote on X on Saturday offering prayers to Riley’s family and called on Biden’s administration to use its “existing statutory authority and close the border.”
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment about Kemp’s letter and requests on Saturday.
Estranged wife describes suspect as ‘calm man’ while they were together
Jose Antonio Ibarra’s estranged wife, Layling Franco, said Ibarra was a “calm man” and treated her well while they were together.
Layling Franco told CNN via text on Sunday she hasn’t had any connection to Ibarra for months after separating from him, and she reacted “like anyone would in that situation” after learning someone she once lived with had been arrested as a suspect in connection with a death.
“I was shocked taking in everything that was being said about him,” she said, adding she would like to sit with him so he could explain “directly what happened.”
Franco said she knows nothing about the case and wants to stay out of it but expressed sympathy for the victim.
“Ultimately, what I want the most is justice” for Riley, she said.
When asked about Ibarra’s immigration status becoming a focal point of the case, Franco responded crimes are not tied to particular nationalities.
“We can’t put a nationality on a criminal. There are criminals all over the world,” she said.
UGA Latino student groups address ‘hate comments’ received following Riley’s death
Two student organizations involved with the UGA’s Latino community said they have received “hate comments” following Riley’s death, according to a joint statement posted on social media.
“In light of recent events, we find ourselves confronted with the painful reality of hatred and bigotry that has no place within our campus community,” UGA’s Hispanic Student Association and campus Latino mentoring organization LISTo said in the joint post on Instagram.
The university had more than 2,700 Hispanic students enrolled in 2022, according to UGA’s fact book.
“The hurtful and discriminatory comments made following the tragic loss of one of our own have deeply shaken us all. Such grief should not be made use for racism, hatred or xenophobia,” the post continued.
CNN’s Caroll Alvarado contributed to this report.
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THE PLANET invites your comments on the State of the Union address and any other issue.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
“There’s nothing nothing nothing beyond our capacability our capacity” — Joe Biden, actual quote.
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Joe had a pin with the correct spelling of her name and picture of her in his hand while making his remarks about it.Unintentionally he admitted an illegal committed her murder. Afterwards, the media and his democrat colleagues and friends were more upset with him using the term “illegal”, than they were with her murder.
Heard on scanner yesterday. Home owner called police to report a shoe-less man sitting on her porch. Had no idea who he was. Police came and said there was a serious language problem and were having trouble communicating with him. Apparently they cannot detain such a person if he is not harming anyone so they just move them along and wait for the next call.
Gonna be a fun summer in Pittsfield if you don’t live high on a hill like the mayor or out on the bottom of the mountain like the last poor excuse for a peoples rep.
Can the city be sued for encouraging and abetting dangerous people to locate in population centers? Smart lawyers may want to draft up some legalese talking points so they can hit the ground running.
This isn’t the first such report, TICK. I doubt a municipality can be sued “for encouraging and abetting dangerous people to locate in population centers?” Not when it is official policy of your federal and state governments. Good thought, though.
Sadly though, Trump had his minions kill a bill that would have at least helped the situation. But he has his followers shitting in their own beds and they seem to like it.
Trump left office with a secure border ,and invasion of the nation by Criminal Aliens was not a crisis and national disgrace.
The first thing Traitor Joe did was implement over 90 executive orders January 2021 that essentially dissolved any and all enforcement of our borders and eliminated our sovereignty as a nation.
As far as shitting goes, Biden keeps Depends stock in the black.
You’re crushing it Tucker. Did you pen this wearing your tRumpy sneakers and smelling of tRump cologne, you know, the lovely scent of McDonald’s Big Mac and fries farts, greasy KFC, and diet Coke. If you keep this up tRumpy may hire you to clean his golden toilet. ROTFL
Nice and warm today. You and the sheep should be cozy.
Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago
How you view Biden’s speech depends on whether your MAGA or non-MAGA. As a certified non-MAGA I thought it was pretty good. The GOP response though was an insult to females. Her blatant reliance on emotional manipulation vs. fact was sub-par and disgusting.
Trying to argue gender issues with a gender confused person is like splitting a bottle with Tennessey De Sauer Mashe. I want to pour, he insists on cutting the bottle down the middle.
Mother Jug’s and Speed is what Biden was really thinking.
Jon Melle
1 year ago
The State of the Union is that Donald Trump is bad, while Joe Biden spends us into oblivion with federal budget deficits of over $2 trillion per fiscal year in return for the underclass from around the world pillaging the fictional Kapanski working class family in Pittsfield. Did I miss anything today?
1 year ago
Definition Quid Pro Quo – This for That, Like when illegitimate said to the Ukranian President when he was VP, You won’t get the $1 billion that Congress and the President said you would unless you fire the person who is prosecuting my son at Burisma….Lo and behold 6 hours later that sucker was fired and Ukraine got their billion…..hmmmmm but where is the media and the great investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein? This is on tape with bubblin biden doing the talking himself
Festus Feeney
1 year ago
Clear affirmation that our great Republic has been woefully hijacked by a foreign entity of government called the Biden Cartel. Everything we were founded to be, everything we hold dear, and every right to life, liberty and the pursuance of happiness is being or has been purposely expunged from our lives. This man and his insidious Cartel of bankrupt bandoleers are absolutely unhinged and out of control. It couldn’t be any clearer, the pernicious pathway these demonacrats have elected to take this great nation. Unfortunately we,will soon see the full impact of the felonious fallout of this feckless fabulist and his demonic minions of mendacity. What an absolute disgrace and filthy shame perpetrated on our country.
What you have to know is that when the Democrats proclaim that Trump is going to destroy “democracy” what I hear and what they believe, is that Trump will destroy the Democrat party version of “democracy”. To that, I say
it couldn’t happen fast enough.
And the demoncrat version-of democracy is pure unadulterated communism, don’t let anyone tell you differently. Biden’s speech was just another outrageous billboard advertisement of the road to communism( aka Perdition).
Your comment shows you have no idea what communism is. Dems do not want communism – they want to spread the wealth of the top 1% to the middle and lower classes.
Joe Biden and his followers are niw outting the communist icing on the cake, which was baked ling ago to transform and destroy our nationinto a communist entity. Monica Crowley put it well, “anAmerica-destroying efforts by liberals are part and parcel of a longstanding plan hatched by the Soviet Union in the 1930s.”
Trouble with that line is that through at least the ’60’s, Republicans were called liberals. Democrats were still heavy with Jim Crow at zero gneration. I refer you to Phil Ochs’ song, “Love Me, Love Me, I’m a Liberal”
He mocks Republican liberalism for lack of radicalism.
In every American community, you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally. So here, then, is a lesson in safe logic.
[Verse 1]
I cried when they shot Medgar Evers
Tears ran down my spine
And I cried when they shot Mr. Kennedy
As though I’d lost a father of mine
But Malcolm X got what was coming
He got what he asked for this time
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
Get it?
[Verse 2]
I go to civil rights rallies
And I put down the old D.A.R.
(D.A.R., that’s the Dykes of the American Revolution)
I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy
I hope every colored boy becomes a star
But don’t talk about revolution
That’s going a little bit too far
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
[Verse 3]
I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
My faith in the system restored
I’m glad that the Commies were thrown out
Of the A.F.L. C.I.O. board
And I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
As long as they don’t move next door
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
“Trump will destroy the Democrat party version of “democracy”. To that, I say it couldn’t happen fast enough.”
I understand why you MAGA folks are no longer in favor of democracy: it is because your views are not the views of the majority, and so leaders with your views won’t be elected in a democratic system.
The problem with you wanting a non-democratic, authoritarian, brute-force system is that the non-MAGAs outnumber you, and so you will also lose the brute-force battle.
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago
China Joe Xiden didn’t even call her by her correct name, Laken Riley.
No, “the big guy” called her Lincoln Riley. Lincoln Riley is currently the University of Southern California (USC) Football Coach. You know the alma mater for NFL Hall of Famers, Ronnie Lott, Junior Seau, Marcus Allen, OJ Simpson, and many others.
Letter: I took issue with AP’s ‘Not Real News’ article
Mar 8, 2024
To the editor: I find it hilarious The Berkshire Eagle publishes a “Not Real News” section.
In the Feb. 12 edition, we have “New York migrants are not getting credit cards.” If you read beyond the printed headline, The Associated Press notes “The claim: New York City is giving credit cards to migrants living in the U.S. illegally,” and the “facts” go on to explain the program will provide migrants with prepaid debit cards.
So yes, technically they are not receiving “credit cards” but the are receiving debit cards, funded with taxpayer dollars. In a city that has devolved into chaos with murders, violence against police, rapes and theft dominating the news, the New York City’s leaders believe this is prudent. The good news: The participants “will be required to sign an affidavit affirming that they will be using these cards for the intended purposes” and that doing otherwise will risk removal from the program. That should surely prevent misuse.
Meanwhile, after admitting a family member into a nursing home, my family has to worry about how to pay for care. This family member is a Navy veteran, worked his entire life, paid taxes and obeyed the law, and this is the thanks we give him and his family. Disgusting.
If you are able to admit a family member into nursing home in Massachusetts, if you pay out of pocket for nursing home care, you are taxed $3,500 per year.
“To boost Medicaid funding for Massachusetts’ 450 “struggling” nursing homes, the state has enacted a nursing home user fee, the Boston Globe reports. The tax, about $9.60 per day or $3,504 per year, will be levied on the estimated 8,000 nursing home patients who pay for their own care”
Biden must have been talking about the Berkshires when he made the comments about book banning. Nobody is talking about banning books, they are talking about highly sexual content and pornographic material being put in the hands of young kids. Have someone from the school Committee or the Berkshire Eagle read the recommended books to us before they place them in Schools.
I’d love to see all the older, white, liberal, reactions, if the Berkshire Eagle headlined their Sunday morning newspaper, with the picture of the two nude teen boys orally pleasuring each other in a “69 position.”
They could then have the other picture of the two teen boys in a car talking about searching for gay porn and how they thought everyone searched for it, right below the first picture.
**I thought you had to be 18 or older to access pornography. Did that law change?
Next, you could open up to the second page and find a young girl developing breasts wishing she had breast cancer, to rid herself of her developing breasts.
**Guess why? She “identifies as a guy,” now and developing breasts thwarts that plan.
Do I believe this book “Gender Queer” and books like it should be banned in public schools?
You bet your A$$ I do. Kids have no business reading that garbage.
It’s nothing more than promoting child porn, gay porn, and long term mental health issues in kids. All these “transgender kids” will be pharmaceutical drug dependent years down the road.
You know, when reality sets in that 99.99% of the world thinks it’s extremely disturbing behavior that they believe they are something they are not.
And for those of you liberals about to give me the “kids can look up anything” argument, I’ll tell you it has more impact when it’s a teacher or person in authority (principal, cultural competency coach, superintendent, etc), promoting or talking it up to their students, than it does having their friends finding porn on his/her phone and sharing it.
The current Cilly Clowncil is rigged as are all the boards and committies to the extent that whatever Maypole wants he’s going to get.
What needs to happen is to hold these clowncilors and administrators accountable for ever increasing tax increases and frivolous spending.
Start with Wahconah Park,home excessive assessments increases,water-sewer increases,a new school? Come on. We are still waiting for winter pot hole repair.Maypoles ninety days is almost up. His Delivery date will expire.
The most thing we should be concerned about is crime. This could be the pinnacle in crime here in our region this summer. Can you say shot sputter?
I mean Gobs and Markus of course. No space for the likes of Inda here. Gobsig and Markus come on over to Island #3. We need more good right thinking men like you here.
That tells us all we need to know about this current Democrat party. The list of things wrong with the country that RFK Jr lists is sadly all true. It’s staggering just how much is currently wrong in America and RFK Jr. lays it all out.
Trapper is an error-free foreign bot designed to sew doubt about American elections. The goal of these Russian and Iranian hackers is to get us fighting among ourselves, starting with the view that Biden was installed and not elected.
Mad Trapper
1 year ago
State of the nation?
If you are better off now than you were 3 years ago, you’re a Criminal Alien.
Raise your hand if you said FJB!!! while buying groceries or gasoline this week.
Groceries are very expensive. And that is why I don’t send Donald Trump money to pay his legal bills. Perhaps if you did not send him so much you too could afford food once in a while as well.
So was rent, but many people including myself just received a big rent increase courtesy of Joe Biden and his terrible economy. So sick of people blaming our poor economy on COVID. The COVID crisis ended years ago, but Biden’s policies of attacking energy and our farmers is keeping our economy from recovering except for the wealthy who are doing just fine. Anyone earning over $100K has no idea what all the fuss is about our economy because they are not feeling it. They are home owners with their mortgages paid off, they have climate controlled heating and cooling systems in their homes which helps to offset the soaring cost of energy. The burden of Joe Biden’s terrible economy is falling on the struggling working class and old Joe knows it.
You are no better off now than you were 3 years ago probably because your job is to bag those groceries. If you bust your ass you can work yourself into a higher paying job.
Americans would be better off going to Mexico then coming back as Criminal Aliens who “NO Hablo Ingles”.
What are YOU going to do, when the Government takes away all your “free stuff”, section 8 and EBT card, and you cannot leech off taxpayers anymore? The reason being they gave away all the Americans tax dollars to foreign criminals?
Better yet, TRAP, simply “self-identify” as an illegal alien … you know, the way a young person can “self-identify” as someone of the opposite sex and be taken seriously. Another option: “Self-identify as black, female, non-binary, trans, lesbian and register as a Democrat. Next thing you know, your elected to public office. In Bitchfield, you could be mayor.
I know of people who have high wage paying jobs and have taken on second jobs to keep up. Something that they didn’t have to do 3 years ago to maintain what they had built up.
Unique thing today is that if your wage is not generating wealth, the only option is to look beyond employment (cottage business.) You cannot work enough hours today to build wealth.
Yes but it’s not the fault of democrats. The inflation was due to Covid.
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago
The Oscars
Best Bitch?
Best Pot Lawsuit versus Pittsfield?
Best Country Buffet?
Best Social Services Agency?
Best Level 5 Scohol?
Best used Scratch Ticket?
Best used Nip Bottle?
Best useless Rolodex?
Best Gated Community Mansion?
Best Cooked Book?
Best Empty Storefront?
Best Panhandler?
Best Homeless Person?
Best Aberration?
Best Capped Leaky Landfill?
Best Tax Hike?
Best Fee Hike?
Best ARPA Giveaway?
Best PEDA Failure?
Best Municipal Debt?
Best Municipal Pension Plus Perks (for life)?
Best Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) Hit Job?
Best Public SCAM?
Best Conspiratorial Act of RETRIBUTION?
Best Shit Sandwich?
Best Blogger?
Like you, I look forward to Sunshine Week from Sunday, March 10th – 16th, 2024. I hope that voters will elect new state representatives and senators to Boston’s corrupt, inaccessible, inequitable, secretive and top-down Statehouse in 2024. It would be too good to be true for all of the Rubber Stamp career politicians in Boston (and beyond) would be voted out of their elected offices in 2024.
The government is supposed to serve the people of Massachusetts, not the Almighty Dollar and the financial, corporate and ruling elites in Boston who profit off of corruption. The government is supposed to use the taxpayers’ dollars to invest in people and communities. If not, then the career politicians are no different than a thief in the night who breaks into one’s home and steals their belongings while one sleeps. I liken career politicians who only do DISSERVICES in the government to thieves in the night.
The cap of 9-months on emergency shelter stays is a structural assault on the underclass families in Massachusetts. Homelessness and poverty are a structural assault on a person and a family. There are three types of conflicts and violence. The first kind is direct assaults such as verbal assaults and physical assaults. The second kind is structural assaults such as poverty, joblessness, and homelessness. The third kind is cultural assaults such as one race, religion, gender, etc., saying that they are superior to the would-be inferior race, religion, gender, etc. When any and all of these types of assaults occur in society, it is all of our duty to limit and stop conflicts and violence against people and families. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable people and families experience a majority of these types of assaults, while the elites think and say it is not in their interest to help. Whatever happened to being a good man, good woman, or good person?
State House Speaker Ronny Mariano opposes state legislation that would require that the schools that teach sex ed and use a medically-accurate and LGBTQ+-inclusive curriculum. Massachusetts is one of 11 states out of 50 that does not teach children about sex education. Since I was a teenager, I learned that when an man has an erection, a man emits sperm prior to, during ejaculation, and after, and that when a man’s genitals are near or in a woman’s genitals, the sperm can travel to a woman’s egg, and that the woman can become pregnant. In short, a man should not have his genitals near or in a woman’s genitals because the man’s sperm can reach the woman’s egg, and then the woman can get pregnant. I do not understand why schools would not explain these sex ed facts to their student. Pregnancy and giving birth to a baby and raising a child is a life-altering event for every person and family in human history.
Governor Maura Healey’s financial proposals and policies are misguided and inequitable. She proposes a 50 percent reduction in state funding for re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated people in Massachusetts. In addition, she proposes level-funding other initiatives that advocates say would reduce recidivism rates, including rental assistance and reentry programs for young adults. Also, she proposes online lottery gambling, cutting state funding for gambling addiction services, and would double state funding for marketing gambling in Massachusetts. As we all know all too well, gambling on a policy is really regressive taxation. The record-breaking profits by the Massachusetts State Lottery is achieved by decades of the state government marketing their regressive taxation scheme(s) to the mostly financially illiterate low- to moderate-income residents who live in poor communities. The greedy lobbyists, such as Dan Bosley of the poor City of North Adams and the big business-filled City of Boston, see the lottery’s huge profits as a way to get bigger state tax breaks for their big business clients. The state lottery is a big SCAM!
Moreover, Governor Maura Healey recently cut $375 million in state funding to Social Services agencies and other state programs that assists people and communities in need. This is the same Governor Maura Healey who places the underclass population in distressed cities throughout Massachusetts who rely on state funding for Social Services agencies to balance their budgets. Governor Maura Healey’s misguided and inequitable financial policies are at extreme odds with her support for illegal immigrants having emergency shelters and the right to shelter law(s) in Massachusetts. She refuses to raise state taxes to pay for her big state government proposals and policies. Governor Maura Healey is misguided. I believe that she should step down from her elected office of Governor of Massachusetts because she is leading the commonwealth towards an iceberg similar to the one that sank the Titanic over one century ago.
I am not a subscriber to The Dirty Bird rag otherwise called The Berkshire Eagle so I am unable to read the full news story of the starving underclass families in Western Massachusetts, which has systemic multi-generational poverty that has been studied by the Boston Federal Reserve over the years. Of course, I – Jon Melle – grew up and spent a majority of my life in Western Massachusetts, so I understand the severe economic inequality there on a personal basis.
You need to not only reverse the $375 million in state funding cuts to Social Services Agencies, but also, you should increase the state funding to meet the increasing need of the starving underclass families, especially in Western Massachusetts which has it the worst in the commonwealth.
As the Governor, you have to deliver positive results for the entire commonwealth, not just the wealthy elites in and around Boston and its wealthy suburban municipalities. If you fail to deliver, then you are a failed public manager, and you need to step down as the Governor of Massachusetts to let a new Governor deliver for the entire commonwealth.
If I were the would-be Governor of Massachusetts, I would be all over this matter of the starving underclass families in the commonwealth. Unlike you, I would not be supporting all of the gambling industries, cutting state funding for Social Services for compulsive gambling addicts, doubling the state funding to market gambling in Massachusetts, and so on. On a policy level, gambling is really regressive taxation. If you do not understand any and all of these matters, then unfortunately, you are similar to the underclass residents you are doing DISSERVICES to.
I want to help you, but I am a disabled man. I hope that my letters to you are helping you, but I am very frustrated by your decisions as the Governor of Massachusetts. You are different than the very wealthy trust fund Harvard legacy Governors Bill Weld and Willard Mitt Romney. You are not as corporate as Governor Deval Patrick and Charlie Baker. It seems to me that you may not understand financial management policies because you are an Attorney by education and career. If you do, indeed, understand financial management policies, then you are the most misguided and inequitable Governor of Massachusetts to date.
Are there any other cities in America, besides Pittsfield, Ma, that are wealthy enough to build a 40 million dollar stadium for a “minor” league baseball team that draws about 30 paid customers per game, during a short season and has the taxpayers historically funding a large chunk of its operational costs?
And is the owner of this team and his investment group the driving force behind the push to have taxpayers build a new modern upscale facility? Whose idea was this in the first place? Really. And who will the real beneficiaries of this new taxpayer bleeding venture be? Will it be a private business venture that should have built the stadium on their own because they will be the ones making money from it? Or will it be the taxpayers, 99 percent of whom will never go near the place?
Will the mayor allow himself to be pushed around knowing that if he goes forward with this project it will make him look like a tool who caters to special interests and not the people he begged to vote for him? And if so, how utterly sad that would be for the people of Pittsfield to be scammed once again by politicians who pretend to care about them but do not.
You’re giving the Suns too much credit. They are not a Minor League team. They play in a College League, one of about 80 in the Country. The Grandstand could be repaired, I know they say it can’t, I’m not buying it. You shore up the structure and repair the foundation (if needed) and replace the steel beams and cross members.
That is funny but not funny as all hell. 30 paid customers…..They’re cutting down forests on Churchill Street home of Climate Change City Councilor? Isn’t she concerned?
The speech was TDS with a heavy dose of AOF…. Angry Old Fart!
Jo3 also called her Lincoln twice.
Oh like you wouldn’t have trouble with that stupid name.
Do you have a super secret Joe Biden jibberish decoder ring?
Sometimes it even works with Kamala Harris!
Joe had a pin with the correct spelling of her name and picture of her in his hand while making his remarks about it.Unintentionally he admitted an illegal committed her murder. Afterwards, the media and his democrat colleagues and friends were more upset with him using the term “illegal”, than they were with her murder.
That and her family is disgusted. What an insult to her memory. Her name is a last detail, forgotten.
Her family said FJB!!! his coddling of Crimial Aliens, and his propaganda speech.
They went to POTUS Trump rally in Georgia instead.
Trump admired Hitler and Putin
Heard on scanner yesterday. Home owner called police to report a shoe-less man sitting on her porch. Had no idea who he was. Police came and said there was a serious language problem and were having trouble communicating with him. Apparently they cannot detain such a person if he is not harming anyone so they just move them along and wait for the next call.
Gonna be a fun summer in Pittsfield if you don’t live high on a hill like the mayor or out on the bottom of the mountain like the last poor excuse for a peoples rep.
Can the city be sued for encouraging and abetting dangerous people to locate in population centers? Smart lawyers may want to draft up some legalese talking points so they can hit the ground running.
This isn’t the first such report, TICK. I doubt a municipality can be sued “for encouraging and abetting dangerous people to locate in population centers?” Not when it is official policy of your federal and state governments. Good thought, though.
Call the FD and have them blow him off the porch with a fire hose.
This is a direct result of Democrat open/no border policy, and it will only get worse.
Sadly though, Trump had his minions kill a bill that would have at least helped the situation. But he has his followers shitting in their own beds and they seem to like it.
Go figger
You mean the one that would have immediately made illegals legal? And included another $60 billion for Ukraine? Those are stunt bills. Poison pills
You ,like Trump, want Putin to invade a democracy. Ukrainians fight him because they have tasted freedom.FOX blond propaganda has its way with you.
Trump left office with a secure border ,and invasion of the nation by Criminal Aliens was not a crisis and national disgrace.
The first thing Traitor Joe did was implement over 90 executive orders January 2021 that essentially dissolved any and all enforcement of our borders and eliminated our sovereignty as a nation.
As far as shitting goes, Biden keeps Depends stock in the black.
You are so tied into FOX and diaper Don Trump you repeat what they say.Lemmings are followers.
Then you must have heard about the pizza party? At the station. Word has it that the homeless are hanging around the accountants business.Daily.
Get a dog. If you can find one.
I am afraid they might eat it.
Was it Adam from Northern Exposure?
A guy without shoes is dangerous? WTF
You’re crushing it Tucker. Did you pen this wearing your tRumpy sneakers and smelling of tRump cologne, you know, the lovely scent of McDonald’s Big Mac and fries farts, greasy KFC, and diet Coke. If you keep this up tRumpy may hire you to clean his golden toilet. ROTFL
Who is this “Tucker” to whom you keep referring?
One of his love sheep
His baa-sheeeeep
Nice and warm today. You and the sheep should be cozy.
How you view Biden’s speech depends on whether your MAGA or non-MAGA. As a certified non-MAGA I thought it was pretty good. The GOP response though was an insult to females. Her blatant reliance on emotional manipulation vs. fact was sub-par and disgusting.
Your first sentence is true, MS, as your second sentence illustrates.
Trying to argue gender issues with a gender confused person is like splitting a bottle with Tennessey De Sauer Mashe. I want to pour, he insists on cutting the bottle down the middle.
Your biggest mistake is in not drinking KENTUCKY bourbon.
Well, when it comes to identity, you have your priorities right.
Thank you.
You’re very welcome. The rest of them are way off.
I like it when Crooked Joe talks about prescription jugs. I’m gonna’ have my doctor write me a script.
Is that similar to a jugs gun?!
The only thing you need a script for is Viagra.
The jugs should make it unnecessary
I think if I ran into Mr. Farenheit, I’d need viagra too for at least a month.
Even a bag over it’s head wouldn’t help, let alone viagra.
Wearing a mask for two years kept it from scaring people.
Mr. Fahrenheit is Farrokh Bulsara.
Mother Jug’s and Speed is what Biden was really thinking.
The State of the Union is that Donald Trump is bad, while Joe Biden spends us into oblivion with federal budget deficits of over $2 trillion per fiscal year in return for the underclass from around the world pillaging the fictional Kapanski working class family in Pittsfield. Did I miss anything today?
Definition Quid Pro Quo – This for That, Like when illegitimate said to the Ukranian President when he was VP, You won’t get the $1 billion that Congress and the President said you would unless you fire the person who is prosecuting my son at Burisma….Lo and behold 6 hours later that sucker was fired and Ukraine got their billion…..hmmmmm but where is the media and the great investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein? This is on tape with bubblin biden doing the talking himself
Clear affirmation that our great Republic has been woefully hijacked by a foreign entity of government called the Biden Cartel. Everything we were founded to be, everything we hold dear, and every right to life, liberty and the pursuance of happiness is being or has been purposely expunged from our lives. This man and his insidious Cartel of bankrupt bandoleers are absolutely unhinged and out of control. It couldn’t be any clearer, the pernicious pathway these demonacrats have elected to take this great nation. Unfortunately we,will soon see the full impact of the felonious fallout of this feckless fabulist and his demonic minions of mendacity. What an absolute disgrace and filthy shame perpetrated on our country.
What you have to know is that when the Democrats proclaim that Trump is going to destroy “democracy” what I hear and what they believe, is that Trump will destroy the Democrat party version of “democracy”. To that, I say
it couldn’t happen fast enough.
And the demoncrat version-of democracy is pure unadulterated communism, don’t let anyone tell you differently. Biden’s speech was just another outrageous billboard advertisement of the road to communism( aka Perdition).
Your comment shows you have no idea what communism is. Dems do not want communism – they want to spread the wealth of the top 1% to the middle and lower classes.
Democrats want America to be a 3rd world latrine.
Joe Biden and his followers are niw outting the communist icing on the cake, which was baked ling ago to transform and destroy our nationinto a communist entity. Monica Crowley put it well, “anAmerica-destroying efforts by liberals are part and parcel of a longstanding plan hatched by the Soviet Union in the 1930s.”
Trouble with that line is that through at least the ’60’s, Republicans were called liberals. Democrats were still heavy with Jim Crow at zero gneration. I refer you to Phil Ochs’ song, “Love Me, Love Me, I’m a Liberal”
He mocks Republican liberalism for lack of radicalism.
In every American community, you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally. So here, then, is a lesson in safe logic.
[Verse 1]
I cried when they shot Medgar Evers
Tears ran down my spine
And I cried when they shot Mr. Kennedy
As though I’d lost a father of mine
But Malcolm X got what was coming
He got what he asked for this time
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
Get it?
[Verse 2]
I go to civil rights rallies
And I put down the old D.A.R.
(D.A.R., that’s the Dykes of the American Revolution)
I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy
I hope every colored boy becomes a star
But don’t talk about revolution
That’s going a little bit too far
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
[Verse 3]
I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
My faith in the system restored
I’m glad that the Commies were thrown out
Of the A.F.L. C.I.O. board
And I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
As long as they don’t move next door
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal
The GOP is now in such disarray they couldn’t win even if the democrats all stayed home.
The GOP is mostly RINOs who tacitly support the leftist agendas.
Ok, so what is your solution? Purge the RINOs and keep the party?
Democrats have become something between fascists and communists
“Trump will destroy the Democrat party version of “democracy”. To that, I say it couldn’t happen fast enough.”
I understand why you MAGA folks are no longer in favor of democracy: it is because your views are not the views of the majority, and so leaders with your views won’t be elected in a democratic system.
The problem with you wanting a non-democratic, authoritarian, brute-force system is that the non-MAGAs outnumber you, and so you will also lose the brute-force battle.
China Joe Xiden didn’t even call her by her correct name, Laken Riley.
No, “the big guy” called her Lincoln Riley. Lincoln Riley is currently the University of Southern California (USC) Football Coach. You know the alma mater for NFL Hall of Famers, Ronnie Lott, Junior Seau, Marcus Allen, OJ Simpson, and many others.
Absolutely Pathetic
Don’t forget the Giffer
Dandy Don and Alfalfa, too!
Come on man . Lynn Swan……just sayin..
All-World tight end Russ Francis.
This will be the highest crime rate this summer in Unitedstates history.
Willie Mc Ginest…..Sam (the bam) Cunningham…..just sayin…
Biden is an embarrassment and an abject failure.
He was spinning tall tales all night.
He should be impeached for not enforcing the border, and tried for treason for encouraging an invasion of CRIMINAL ALIENS.
Commieala was a figurehead mindless cheerleader.
Yeah,and her dunb look smile.
Letter: I took issue with AP’s ‘Not Real News’ article
Mar 8, 2024
To the editor: I find it hilarious The Berkshire Eagle publishes a “Not Real News” section.
In the Feb. 12 edition, we have “New York migrants are not getting credit cards.” If you read beyond the printed headline, The Associated Press notes “The claim: New York City is giving credit cards to migrants living in the U.S. illegally,” and the “facts” go on to explain the program will provide migrants with prepaid debit cards.
So yes, technically they are not receiving “credit cards” but the are receiving debit cards, funded with taxpayer dollars. In a city that has devolved into chaos with murders, violence against police, rapes and theft dominating the news, the New York City’s leaders believe this is prudent. The good news: The participants “will be required to sign an affidavit affirming that they will be using these cards for the intended purposes” and that doing otherwise will risk removal from the program. That should surely prevent misuse.
Meanwhile, after admitting a family member into a nursing home, my family has to worry about how to pay for care. This family member is a Navy veteran, worked his entire life, paid taxes and obeyed the law, and this is the thanks we give him and his family. Disgusting.
Jeffrey M. Costa, Lenox
If you are able to admit a family member into nursing home in Massachusetts, if you pay out of pocket for nursing home care, you are taxed $3,500 per year.
“To boost Medicaid funding for Massachusetts’ 450 “struggling” nursing homes, the state has enacted a nursing home user fee, the Boston Globe reports. The tax, about $9.60 per day or $3,504 per year, will be levied on the estimated 8,000 nursing home patients who pay for their own care”
Biden may embarrass you, but not us. Kamala Harris mindless? – she has more brains in her frontal lobe than trapper has in his whole cortex.
She has a frontal cortex?
It’s actually a sperm bank.
Said the one who has none.
Said the semen dumpster.
Said the one who is one!
Biden: Nancy’s husband blew over the limit.
Kamala: There’s a limit?
You can’t tell because you need one to recognize one.
If I gave Harris a penny for her thoughts I’d get change back.
Her frontal lobe, needs a refill from Willie Brown.
Harris, unlike you, knows what a frontal lobe is and what it’s for.
A hammer for her nails.
Kamala went on a diet to loose her “love handles”.
Won’t she look funny with no ears?
RFK Jr. response to the state of delusion address…
Biden must have been talking about the Berkshires when he made the comments about book banning. Nobody is talking about banning books, they are talking about highly sexual content and pornographic material being put in the hands of young kids. Have someone from the school Committee or the Berkshire Eagle read the recommended books to us before they place them in Schools.
Have you ever found a bed as comfy as your Crown Vic Ronny?
Have you found a bed as comfortable as your sheep?
Spread your sweet lil butt cheeks wide open. Papa Trump is on the way.
Take a test, In da know. What are you to stupid to pass civil service test?
Good point RK.
I’d love to see all the older, white, liberal, reactions, if the Berkshire Eagle headlined their Sunday morning newspaper, with the picture of the two nude teen boys orally pleasuring each other in a “69 position.”
They could then have the other picture of the two teen boys in a car talking about searching for gay porn and how they thought everyone searched for it, right below the first picture.
**I thought you had to be 18 or older to access pornography. Did that law change?
Next, you could open up to the second page and find a young girl developing breasts wishing she had breast cancer, to rid herself of her developing breasts.
**Guess why? She “identifies as a guy,” now and developing breasts thwarts that plan.
Do I believe this book “Gender Queer” and books like it should be banned in public schools?
You bet your A$$ I do. Kids have no business reading that garbage.
It’s nothing more than promoting child porn, gay porn, and long term mental health issues in kids. All these “transgender kids” will be pharmaceutical drug dependent years down the road.
You know, when reality sets in that 99.99% of the world thinks it’s extremely disturbing behavior that they believe they are something they are not.
And for those of you liberals about to give me the “kids can look up anything” argument, I’ll tell you it has more impact when it’s a teacher or person in authority (principal, cultural competency coach, superintendent, etc), promoting or talking it up to their students, than it does having their friends finding porn on his/her phone and sharing it.
The current Cilly Clowncil is rigged as are all the boards and committies to the extent that whatever Maypole wants he’s going to get.
What needs to happen is to hold these clowncilors and administrators accountable for ever increasing tax increases and frivolous spending.
Start with Wahconah Park,home excessive assessments increases,water-sewer increases,a new school? Come on. We are still waiting for winter pot hole repair.Maypoles ninety days is almost up. His Delivery date will expire.
The most thing we should be concerned about is crime. This could be the pinnacle in crime here in our region this summer. Can you say shot sputter?
“Maypole.” THE PLANET loves it. The name, a derivative of “Maypo,” may stick.
I can’t figure out why Gobsig and Markus are so obsessed with sheep.
Why, they are embarrassed by Inda”s intimate habits. They and their fine values are welcome on my island.
I mean Gobs and Markus of course. No space for the likes of Inda here. Gobsig and Markus come on over to Island #3. We need more good right thinking men like you here.
Truer words were never spoken.
Question’s for Joe.
Question for Optimus: why do you think the plural for question has an apostrophe?
RFK Jr’s “State of the Nation” 3/7/2024
Such a nice speech. RFK Jr. is from the old Democratic party not this new crazy version that is intentionally destroying our country.
Yes, PAT. He’s a centrist “Democrat” of reason and common sense. The current “Democrat” Party won’t accept him. He doesn’t fit their “woke” agenda.
He’s an American, not a left wing cuckoo traitor.
That tells us all we need to know about this current Democrat party. The list of things wrong with the country that RFK Jr lists is sadly all true. It’s staggering just how much is currently wrong in America and RFK Jr. lays it all out.
Trapper is an error-free foreign bot designed to sew doubt about American elections. The goal of these Russian and Iranian hackers is to get us fighting among ourselves, starting with the view that Biden was installed and not elected.
State of the nation?
If you are better off now than you were 3 years ago, you’re a Criminal Alien.
Raise your hand if you said FJB!!! while buying groceries or gasoline this week.
Groceries are very expensive. And that is why I don’t send Donald Trump money to pay his legal bills. Perhaps if you did not send him so much you too could afford food once in a while as well.
Groceries were inexpensive 3 years ago, so was gasoline and other commodities.
So was rent, but many people including myself just received a big rent increase courtesy of Joe Biden and his terrible economy. So sick of people blaming our poor economy on COVID. The COVID crisis ended years ago, but Biden’s policies of attacking energy and our farmers is keeping our economy from recovering except for the wealthy who are doing just fine. Anyone earning over $100K has no idea what all the fuss is about our economy because they are not feeling it. They are home owners with their mortgages paid off, they have climate controlled heating and cooling systems in their homes which helps to offset the soaring cost of energy. The burden of Joe Biden’s terrible economy is falling on the struggling working class and old Joe knows it.
You think Criminal Aliens, er “refugees”, stabbing American children brings America “strength and diversity”……..
You are no better off now than you were 3 years ago probably because your job is to bag those groceries. If you bust your ass you can work yourself into a higher paying job.
Americans would be better off going to Mexico then coming back as Criminal Aliens who “NO Hablo Ingles”.
What are YOU going to do, when the Government takes away all your “free stuff”, section 8 and EBT card, and you cannot leech off taxpayers anymore? The reason being they gave away all the Americans tax dollars to foreign criminals?
Better yet, TRAP, simply “self-identify” as an illegal alien … you know, the way a young person can “self-identify” as someone of the opposite sex and be taken seriously. Another option: “Self-identify as black, female, non-binary, trans, lesbian and register as a Democrat. Next thing you know, your elected to public office. In Bitchfield, you could be mayor.
If I self identify, as a Black Woman, ……..and still like women, …….does that make me a black lesbian?
You believe Criminal Aliens assaulting police officers and stabbing American children to death, “brings the country strength”.
I can tell a man of class as one who believes that all work is honorable.
Some of my best friend work retail. Some dig soil and haul stuff too. What’s your beef with them?
Natterjack never owned or put on a pair of work shoes.
Labore est Orare
That’s true.
True for youse.
None whatsoever.
I know of people who have high wage paying jobs and have taken on second jobs to keep up. Something that they didn’t have to do 3 years ago to maintain what they had built up.
Unique thing today is that if your wage is not generating wealth, the only option is to look beyond employment (cottage business.) You cannot work enough hours today to build wealth.
You actually can. It depends on the career you choose.
Yes but it’s not the fault of democrats. The inflation was due to Covid.
The Oscars
Best Bitch?
Best Pot Lawsuit versus Pittsfield?
Best Country Buffet?
Best Social Services Agency?
Best Level 5 Scohol?
Best used Scratch Ticket?
Best used Nip Bottle?
Best useless Rolodex?
Best Gated Community Mansion?
Best Cooked Book?
Best Empty Storefront?
Best Panhandler?
Best Homeless Person?
Best Aberration?
Best Capped Leaky Landfill?
Best Tax Hike?
Best Fee Hike?
Best ARPA Giveaway?
Best PEDA Failure?
Best Municipal Debt?
Best Municipal Pension Plus Perks (for life)?
Best Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) Hit Job?
Best Public SCAM?
Best Conspiratorial Act of RETRIBUTION?
Best Shit Sandwich?
Best Blogger?
Jon Melle
Last one is simple, JM. THE PLANET!!
I agree. The Oscar for Best Blogger goes to….Dan Valenti!
Really J best blogger? Uh let’s see?
March 09, 2024
Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Mass,
Like you, I look forward to Sunshine Week from Sunday, March 10th – 16th, 2024. I hope that voters will elect new state representatives and senators to Boston’s corrupt, inaccessible, inequitable, secretive and top-down Statehouse in 2024. It would be too good to be true for all of the Rubber Stamp career politicians in Boston (and beyond) would be voted out of their elected offices in 2024.
The government is supposed to serve the people of Massachusetts, not the Almighty Dollar and the financial, corporate and ruling elites in Boston who profit off of corruption. The government is supposed to use the taxpayers’ dollars to invest in people and communities. If not, then the career politicians are no different than a thief in the night who breaks into one’s home and steals their belongings while one sleeps. I liken career politicians who only do DISSERVICES in the government to thieves in the night.
The cap of 9-months on emergency shelter stays is a structural assault on the underclass families in Massachusetts. Homelessness and poverty are a structural assault on a person and a family. There are three types of conflicts and violence. The first kind is direct assaults such as verbal assaults and physical assaults. The second kind is structural assaults such as poverty, joblessness, and homelessness. The third kind is cultural assaults such as one race, religion, gender, etc., saying that they are superior to the would-be inferior race, religion, gender, etc. When any and all of these types of assaults occur in society, it is all of our duty to limit and stop conflicts and violence against people and families. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable people and families experience a majority of these types of assaults, while the elites think and say it is not in their interest to help. Whatever happened to being a good man, good woman, or good person?
State House Speaker Ronny Mariano opposes state legislation that would require that the schools that teach sex ed and use a medically-accurate and LGBTQ+-inclusive curriculum. Massachusetts is one of 11 states out of 50 that does not teach children about sex education. Since I was a teenager, I learned that when an man has an erection, a man emits sperm prior to, during ejaculation, and after, and that when a man’s genitals are near or in a woman’s genitals, the sperm can travel to a woman’s egg, and that the woman can become pregnant. In short, a man should not have his genitals near or in a woman’s genitals because the man’s sperm can reach the woman’s egg, and then the woman can get pregnant. I do not understand why schools would not explain these sex ed facts to their student. Pregnancy and giving birth to a baby and raising a child is a life-altering event for every person and family in human history.
Governor Maura Healey’s financial proposals and policies are misguided and inequitable. She proposes a 50 percent reduction in state funding for re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated people in Massachusetts. In addition, she proposes level-funding other initiatives that advocates say would reduce recidivism rates, including rental assistance and reentry programs for young adults. Also, she proposes online lottery gambling, cutting state funding for gambling addiction services, and would double state funding for marketing gambling in Massachusetts. As we all know all too well, gambling on a policy is really regressive taxation. The record-breaking profits by the Massachusetts State Lottery is achieved by decades of the state government marketing their regressive taxation scheme(s) to the mostly financially illiterate low- to moderate-income residents who live in poor communities. The greedy lobbyists, such as Dan Bosley of the poor City of North Adams and the big business-filled City of Boston, see the lottery’s huge profits as a way to get bigger state tax breaks for their big business clients. The state lottery is a big SCAM!
Moreover, Governor Maura Healey recently cut $375 million in state funding to Social Services agencies and other state programs that assists people and communities in need. This is the same Governor Maura Healey who places the underclass population in distressed cities throughout Massachusetts who rely on state funding for Social Services agencies to balance their budgets. Governor Maura Healey’s misguided and inequitable financial policies are at extreme odds with her support for illegal immigrants having emergency shelters and the right to shelter law(s) in Massachusetts. She refuses to raise state taxes to pay for her big state government proposals and policies. Governor Maura Healey is misguided. I believe that she should step down from her elected office of Governor of Massachusetts because she is leading the commonwealth towards an iceberg similar to the one that sank the Titanic over one century ago.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Can you limit this mental patient to under 250 words please?
March 9, 2024
Hello Governor Maura Healey,
I am not a subscriber to The Dirty Bird rag otherwise called The Berkshire Eagle so I am unable to read the full news story of the starving underclass families in Western Massachusetts, which has systemic multi-generational poverty that has been studied by the Boston Federal Reserve over the years. Of course, I – Jon Melle – grew up and spent a majority of my life in Western Massachusetts, so I understand the severe economic inequality there on a personal basis.
You need to not only reverse the $375 million in state funding cuts to Social Services Agencies, but also, you should increase the state funding to meet the increasing need of the starving underclass families, especially in Western Massachusetts which has it the worst in the commonwealth.
As the Governor, you have to deliver positive results for the entire commonwealth, not just the wealthy elites in and around Boston and its wealthy suburban municipalities. If you fail to deliver, then you are a failed public manager, and you need to step down as the Governor of Massachusetts to let a new Governor deliver for the entire commonwealth.
If I were the would-be Governor of Massachusetts, I would be all over this matter of the starving underclass families in the commonwealth. Unlike you, I would not be supporting all of the gambling industries, cutting state funding for Social Services for compulsive gambling addicts, doubling the state funding to market gambling in Massachusetts, and so on. On a policy level, gambling is really regressive taxation. If you do not understand any and all of these matters, then unfortunately, you are similar to the underclass residents you are doing DISSERVICES to.
I want to help you, but I am a disabled man. I hope that my letters to you are helping you, but I am very frustrated by your decisions as the Governor of Massachusetts. You are different than the very wealthy trust fund Harvard legacy Governors Bill Weld and Willard Mitt Romney. You are not as corporate as Governor Deval Patrick and Charlie Baker. It seems to me that you may not understand financial management policies because you are an Attorney by education and career. If you do, indeed, understand financial management policies, then you are the most misguided and inequitable Governor of Massachusetts to date.
Best wishes,
Jon Melle
The Federal ,State and local Governments funded by the taxpayers was never intended to be everyone’s daddy. We are now $34 + trillion in debt.
The debt is not the fault of the Dems.
500 plus words? Not much new or said.
Are there any other cities in America, besides Pittsfield, Ma, that are wealthy enough to build a 40 million dollar stadium for a “minor” league baseball team that draws about 30 paid customers per game, during a short season and has the taxpayers historically funding a large chunk of its operational costs?
And is the owner of this team and his investment group the driving force behind the push to have taxpayers build a new modern upscale facility? Whose idea was this in the first place? Really. And who will the real beneficiaries of this new taxpayer bleeding venture be? Will it be a private business venture that should have built the stadium on their own because they will be the ones making money from it? Or will it be the taxpayers, 99 percent of whom will never go near the place?
Will the mayor allow himself to be pushed around knowing that if he goes forward with this project it will make him look like a tool who caters to special interests and not the people he begged to vote for him? And if so, how utterly sad that would be for the people of Pittsfield to be scammed once again by politicians who pretend to care about them but do not.
“Scammed.” That’s the word for it, SNARK.
You’re giving the Suns too much credit. They are not a Minor League team. They play in a College League, one of about 80 in the Country. The Grandstand could be repaired, I know they say it can’t, I’m not buying it. You shore up the structure and repair the foundation (if needed) and replace the steel beams and cross members.
That is funny but not funny as all hell. 30 paid customers…..They’re cutting down forests on Churchill Street home of Climate Change City Councilor? Isn’t she concerned?
Wahconah Park is a national treasure.
From Howie Carr, this applies to fungal elected bodies, large and small, that are rotting this Nation:
““You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go!”” -Oliver Cromwell, 1653
(“How can we miss them when they won’t go away? “)