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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 7, 2024) — If nuclear war breaks out, it won’t be initiated by China, Russia, or the United States. It will be by Iran or North Korea.

THE PLANET‘s money is on Iran for the simple reason that the country has religion. It’s ruled by Islamic extremists, who once again prove true the great historical lesson that fundamentalism on a subject about which we know little to nothing leads only to destruction and misery. North Korea will only launch in the event of a serious threat to the Kim dynasty. Otherwise, it knows that any  aggression would only lead to its annihilation. Kim’s riding too fat to risk his cushy.

We’ve been pondering such thoughts in light of the existential threats that, if unchecked, will lead America to the status of a second-world nation or worse. Those threats come both from within and without. Let’s deal with “without” first.


THE PLANET speaks of the disintegration of our southwestern border, which creates a superhighway for the nations of the world to turn loose their unvetted unwanted. These include terrorists, spies, criminals, terrorists, rapists, and all sorts of human scum.

Joe Biden’s first act as president was to undo the measures taken by Donald Trump to secure the border. Since then more than 10 million illegals have entered the country, overwhelming our cities and towns and costing taxpayers a fortune. Thousands more pour into America each day.

Writer Todd Bensman, author of Overrun, calls the situation “an economic ticking time bomb” that, when it explodes, will come at a “mammoth cost.” This will be added to the $1 TRILLION the U.S. spends every 100 days under Biden’s ruinous woke-ism.

Internally, this explosion will overwhelm local schools, area hospitals, courts, prisons, and place unsustainable “downward pressures on wages,” to say nothing of local budgets.

“There’s a price tag to  all this that Americans are finally waking up to,” Bensman told Joe Dwinell of the Boston Herald. Already here in Massachusetts, the tab for providing full life care services in this “right to shelter” state has hit $1 billion dollars. It is expected to at least double, maybe more, in the next year. Meanwhile, local taxes keep rising, services to hard-working services dwindle, and it’s Mark Jane and Joe Kapanski who will be paying the bill. In Boston, the shelter system alone is projected to run $224 million in the red for the current FY.


Two words: “schools” … “education.”

The rot is led by the racist, radical left. Public education has replaced academic rigor with “feel-good” identity issues. Predictably, the result of which has been disastrous for this country’s standing by almost every quality-of-life measurement.

The quality of teaching and learning has plummeted since Biden foolishly shut down school during the faux “pandemic.” Absenteeism has skyrocketed; teachers have lost control of classrooms; violence, bullying, and drugs are off the charts; and curricula have given way to ubiquitous presence of smart phones.

Locally, we see this internal-external squeezing of America playing out as scripted in Bitchfield. Since Markey Maypo (the “man” once known as Peter Marchetti) became mayor, a subtle but perceptible shift has occurred in what THE PLANET may generously label “a generous restraint of common sense.”

You think it’s a coincidence that “Drag Time Story Hour” for kids should occur this early in Maypo’s Administration? Perhaps. Perhaps not. That cadre surrounding the self-declared “openly gay” Maypo and cosplay Porkchop Pete have left the whiff of something in the air, a redolent sense that something is dreadfully off-kilter. This is purely a subjective observation, of course, but the word that comes to mind to describe this creep factor is “perverse.”

On Bitchfield’s “external” front, the flow of illegals — the woke term is “migrants” — continues. Prediction: These freeloaders will descend on a flummoxed city led by corrupt political incompetents in ever-increasing numbers. Free housing, free EBT cards, free smart phones, free health insurance, free meals, free transportation, free education, free everything, all on the backs of the Kapanskis.

And do you think Maypo will object as Bitchfield gets overrun?

THE PLANET invites you to ponder that one.


And so it’s true pride comes before a fall” — The Beatles, “I’m a Loser.”



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.





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Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet
1 year ago

You might want to check out Israel as a candidate for starting, directly or indirectly, a nuclear war. They have had nuclear capabilities longer than Russia or China. AND as one can clearly see by their treatment of Palestinians, unbridled genocide and ethnic cleansing, as well as taking over their land, that they are a reckless and blood thirsty lot and do not much care what the rest of the world thinks about it. This is actually why Iran wants nukes, so they can defend themselves against fanatical Israelite’s. That country is lead by Benjamin Netanyahu who is himself a power hungry dictator and has installed a very loyal cabinet of reckless war hungry fanatics.

The United States has been providing conventional weapons to Israel for decades but needs to distance itself from them immediately as they are going to drag the whole world into conflict. Their war with Hamas is NOT our war.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Magic Carpet
1 year ago

The point of having a nuclear weapon is to deter an existential attack. 70 years of surviving life or death wars, Israel has not resorted to using them, and borders in the Middle East actually found a relative stability. Therefore, it is evident that the only thing that would result in their launching them is a like attack upon them or the certainty such an attack is imminent.

So, given the existential threats to Israel, it serves the international interest to deter those threats. Defunding Israel would be the surest path to witnessing the most drastic military response from Israel to their enemies that would be both heartened and encouraged by your reckless suggestion: the pathway to war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

.Tennessey De Sauer Mashe, my neighbor at Island #3 Pontoosac Lake, is going on a hunger strike to protest. That leaves me with a lot of hot dog rolls to eat.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
1 year ago

If any of you dogs here want to do a hunger strike, please space them out and let me know. I’d most appreciate you for leaving your meals at the Donut Palace. Ask for Misty and she holds it for me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mississippi Jack Crock
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

To recap the Israeli perspective: They are at war with Syria. No treaty offered by the Syrian is on the table. Iran is committed to destruction. Lebanon has an army that is subservient to Hezbollah which is engaged in an arms race with the IDF. Hamas has converted Gaza into an war front. West Bank has built the infrastructure to do what Hamas has done: tunnels deep into Israeli territory.

So, if you really want to see fireworks, by all means go ahead and give the green light to the Iranians to let loose the dogs.

Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Methinks your knowledge of Mideast conflicts is quite limited. It can be a third rail subject and is most often avoided in America due to the predictable and immediate backlash accusations of antisemitism. But the reality of the age old conflict is quite different than what much of the whitewashed propaganda portrays. There are at least two sides to the story and a surface scratch study will leave one woefully out of the loop.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Magic Carpet
1 year ago

It’s not an age old subject. It is common sense policy. Methinks you protest too much.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Magic Carpet
1 year ago

Arguing with the left is challenging not for the strength of their arguments but for their lack of commitment to the issue. You wander.

I made no mention of antisemitism, which I agree is behind a lot, but not all, of the rhetoric today. The leading Universities are firing their heads, reluctantly, because finally business donors, many not Jewish, are finally getting fed up by outrageous antisemitic behavior and environments, and also because they don’t want their graduates crapping up their workplaces. I could go on and entertain your new argument, but no!

My point is direct to the military use of nuclear weapons. When the policy is defensive, you rely on a strong conventional army to prevent needing to use them.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Magic Carpet
1 year ago

Also – Netanyahu cannot be a power hungry dictator in a country that does not have a dictator. What do you know?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

If Ukraine still had their nukes, I doubt that Russia would have attacked them, but some not very bright people in this country decided that Ukraine needed to surrender their nukes. One bad decision after another which has led to the disaster in Ukraine that we are now seeing.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Actually, I don’t think it would have discouraged the Soviets (What you call Russia is an army made of Soviet people – mostly East Siberia and South East.) The question is when would the Ukrainians feel the necessity to launch theirs? If they would be up to it, I’d predict when all else fails.

Reply to  Magic Carpet
1 year ago

Your thoughts on Ukraine?

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Maybe you could offer him a cigarette lighter.

In Da Know
In Da Know
1 year ago

Great post Tucker.

Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

It great how you’re able to post while being intimate with your sheep.

Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

Good one Rachel. Don’t you have sheep to attend to.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

Joe, Donald, Maura, Pete & re-Pete….we are screwed!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Maybe in your world JM, but not in the world of the US Vets who have been kicked out of housing in favor of illegal aliens under the policies of Joe, Maura, and Pete (squared).

Trump has ZERO to do with this.

You democRATS OWN this.

Speaking of you democRATS, I haven’t read one post from any of you: JM, Snark, TSC, NutButter, Mr Worldwide (and all of his numerous alias names), etc. not ONE of you posted anything about China Joe’s border invasion and the death of nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal alien. Why not?

Is this the reason none of you have welcomed any of them into your homes?

Time to quit spouting MSDNC drivel JM. You VOTED for this.

Trump warned all of us. You VOTED for this. Time for you to move on to another subject.

D’s OWN this one.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I support Veterans and the programs to end homelessness. I am sad to read about the tragedies caused by illegal immigrants, including the death of the nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal alien. I support the rule of law. We are a nation of laws, not men. Lastly, I did not want either Donald Trump or Joe Biden in 2024, but now we will have these two failed candidates for U.S. President in 2024.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

If you vote for China Joe Xiden, you DO NOT support US Vets.

You SUPPORT illegal aliens with a vote for Joe Xiden.

This is reality of today’s world JM.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I completely agree Dan and it’s only going to get worse.

To keep it on the local front, a real local newspaper (media) would begin to question Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) about who’s going to care financially, medically (especially child births-children automatically are US citizens), employment and educational opportunities, etc. for these illegal Haitians currently staying in Bitchfield/GB motels, once the money dries up?

Of course we all know.

Take a look in the mirror, as you’re heading back to work after enjoying your rushed 1-hour lunch break, while these Haitians are spending and enjoying YOUR tax money sitting on their a$$e$.

“Diversity,” huh Trish?

That “diversity line” seems to end well short of TFCB’s neighborhood.

Funny how that always seems to be the case for older, white, suffering from TDS, democRATS.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Our local News Monkeys here in Bitchfield won’t dare print anything that might be detrimental to what our leaders are spouting about any given issue.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Dan, it is a terrible thing to talk about the idea of murder. Courts evil thoughts. It also encourages fear.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Not much more can be said about the sad state of affairs in the Pitts and for that matter the USA. As can be seen with last nights results the Democrats don’t mind voting for a demented criminal to be their leader. Ask one Democrat what has Biden’s Presidency done for the good of the country?? His policies have started the downfall of the greatest country there ever was for all time. Someone has to remind him there is no such thing as a free lunch and no the big guy does not deserve a cent let alone 10%

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Wait until Mayor Peter Marchetti’s fiscal year 2025 municipal budget proposal increases city spending by between 5 percent to 10 percent starting on July 01st, 2024. He should donate all of his public pay plus perks to the city to lead by example, but Hell would freeze over first.

Governor Maura Healey’s administration wants us financial fools to be compulsive gambling addicts, while she cuts state funding for social services that otherwise help people and distressed communities in need. She needs to resign over her inequitable decisions.

Joe Biden is running federal budgets deficits of over $2 trillion per fiscal year. What the Hell does he care because sooner than later, he will be a memory we will all have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

This is the government that the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working class family who lives in Pittsfield (Mass.) does NOT deserve!

Jon Melle

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

You want a republican president then get a real candidate. Trump is slurring his words worse than Biden at his rallies. He is actually making very little sense at all. If Biden wins it will be because Trump was the best the republicans thought they had to offer. And that is just sad as hell isn’t it?

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Rowed my boat back to Island #3. Tennessey De Saure Mashe beat me back. He voted Nikki, I naturally voted Trump. With Nikki dropping out, he’s going back to the Democrat Party. Democrats did try to get their candidate on the Republican ticket. I dug a small moat to separate his cottage from mine.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Mega TDS

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

I suggest you go back 4-5 years and see how well the policies of the Trump policies were treating the Kapanski’s. Imagine if he wasn’t dealing with the Obstructionist Democrat Party and the Obstructionist Swamp. Yes the FBI and CIA both came out with lies to undermine a President and Presidential candidate, they also committed to a misinformation campaign against a siting President.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Are you referring to Jan 6th 2021 where Trump got his cult followers all juiced up on coke and sent them into the capitol building hoping they would destroy democracy so that he could keep power?

To his credit he did say ahead of time that he would not except the results of any elections UNLESS HE WON! So he had to pull out plan B and a lot of innocent people got hurt as a result.

I assume he will not except any results from the coming election either and will have his blockheads better prepared on their second insurrection attempt.

I am kinda hoping the capitol police open up with some serious fire power at the first sign of trouble. They should have last time don’t cha think? Any other country would have.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

“I am kinda hoping the capitol police open up with some serious fire power at the first sign of trouble. They should have last time don’t cha think? Any other country would have.”

You’re a real mess.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Snark, are you a comedy writer for CNN or MSDNC?

This sentence says it all about you, “Trump got his cult followers all juiced up on coke….”

Explain to me and the other MAGA Planet posters, how “this (UNARMED) cult” planned to “destroy democracy?”

By taking selfies with the cops who let them in the Capitol.

**You fail to bring up the video Trump posted on social media asking MAGA followers to go home peacefully. It was deemed “misinformation” by all social media platforms.

Explain that while you’re at it too. I’m curious.

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Before writing about the FBI, CIA and Pelosi’s attempt on Jan 6th to discredit the sitting President please get your head out of the View ladies skirts and do some investigation. There is so much information out there that contradicts your stated beliefs that I am embarrassed for you every time you write

Whadda Mess
Whadda Mess
1 year ago

Big local media discussion about the ever increasing demand for food handouts in Pittsfield and the county. Not one word about the ever increasing influx of immigrants as part of the cause. It is not woke to correlate the two. No one wants to discuss just how monstrous the immigration problem has become because THEY caused it and they are not going to shoulder any of the blame. They are just going to keep their heads down and pass along ALL COSTS to you and I.

Reply to  Whadda Mess
1 year ago

They also have a policy in place that gives food to anyone who shows up. I’ve seen some of the vehicles that pull into the pantry, not sure they should qualify. If the food supply is low, might be time to change there policy and only give out food to people who can prove their on assistance.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 year ago

A Population Bomb has been dropped on the USA which is vaporizing us from within.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 year ago

A great article and great analogy of Pittsfield being the microcosm of Biden’s “devolutionized” America. It appears that trickle down corrupt leadership has become a kind of”acid rain” destroying all that we Patriots, and lovers of this great Republic hold dear. It is such an egregious outrage to see this city and country falling into such disarray, while at the same time feeling a kind of “ hands tied” helplessness or incapability of being an effective agent of change. Sadly, Who we elect is Who we become. Immoral, And unfortunately we now have mendacious individuals whose primary modus operandi is to acheive greater self-aggrandizement, bigger bank accounts and create a dangerous fallacy of a kind of “ anything goes” freedom, that without restraints will ultimately decimate both community and country. I would be remiss not to include our Creator within the mix of this discussion. One of the greatest contributing factors as to why we are in the mess we are in, is simply because we have thrown God out of the public square, live according to what is right in our own eyes, and consequently, we have become a flagrant affront to Him. God has shown great patience/long suffering far too long, while blessing our nation beyond abundance. It is frightening to consider his judgement and what he may have in store for our nation, unless( as He says in His word) we turn from our wicked ways and repent. I encourage everyone to pray for our nation and community as well, as I believe we are heading into a season of history that will greatly “ try men’s souls”.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Amen to that. Wise writing. Benjamin Franklin reminds us that the American Revolution was a religious war in addition to a war for self-determination. Throw out religion, you lose the Nation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Lets clarify then. BF did not fight for zealotry. Example, Quakers opposed largely the war but were not heavily persecuted post independence.

First Amendment; Gov does not have the authority to either mandate nor restrict religious observance. It preserves the individuals right to put G-d above government. That is the essential for human liberty.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

The Word leads not to disaster but to Common Sense and to the Golden Rule. You can’t get there without the Word and Faith.

This is a unique argument Dan. It is likely the only one that cannot be argued except for by assertion. Like the Big Bang, what was it? It’s a fact, nothing more.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Can someone tell me how long it took God to design the human body and why he made it so complicated and subject to fail on SO MANY LEVELS? I mean somebody put a whole lot of engineering into that and/but WHY?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago


Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Festus, we all want the same thing. We all want peace and to believe that our government has the best interests of the citizenry at heart. Your first paragraph or so could be either Dems or GOP.  Where you, Chaz and Dan miss the boat is your belief in religion and a creator as a panacea. Any religion that condones evil acts by allowing immediate forgiveness is off the mark. Belief in a creator is inessential and takes the onus off ourselves as agents of our own destiny. 

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

The first lesson for the Faithful in the Torah/Bible is that Man is universally fallible and corruptible. Therefore, it is to be concluded that taking our destiny in our hands relying simply on our personal needs and desires is prone to fallibility.

It is not a quest for panacea but for resolution to perplexion. If the Founding Fathers, wise men all, were to reject G-d, they would simply state the three branches of government and they would certainly omit the Bill of Rights since Rights therefore default to Man which translate to the power of the stronger.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

Would you therefore argue that in general, Man is capable of perfect thought?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I’m not sure why the ‘therefore’, but before we decide if humans are capable of perfect thought we need to define what perfect thought means.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

Infallible. No second thoughts.

Otherwise, can you define perfect though? The Republic is a text that explores the the nature of Thought. Plato developed a model that attempted to define a perfect methodology. Yet, he too admits that it was not sufficient to fully provide knowledge.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

Perfect thought: the ability to comprehend the totality of an object. Example: Joe Biden. Is he bad? Is he Good? to have the perfect thought on the matter, you must evaluate the totality of all that defines JB. Everything that he has done from birth.

Ukraine War: perfect thought on the matter is say, understanding all the history of foreign policies and their successes and failures and applying the perfect policy that reflects the Truth from all the lessons.

So with that in mind, how confident are you, N, that in the next week you will not make a mistake that you won’t say, “I should have know better”?

How many people walking can so much as predict what will transpire in 1 month, a week, or even one day? I said, “therefore” because my take on your theory is that Man, either collective as in group think Man or indviduals – the ‘clever man’ is capable of owning a perfection that prior belonged to G. I argue that our knowledge is too miniscule to even consider the possibility.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

Thank you Nat for your comments. Yes, many of us, not all, do desire peace which unfortunately is an elusive entity, kind of like the racing greyhounds wanting to catch the rabbit. They never do and neither do we, ever get a real hold on lasting peace. A big problem/preventative, stems from the core nature of who we are. And the government, as established by our founders, do have a responsibility to serve in the best interest of its citizenry. However, they do not, mainly due to the the depraved nature they possess. Though you may not believe that the Bible is truly Gods word, I would kindly ask you to read The letter to the Romans, Chapter 1, verses 18-33. From God’s standpoint, this clearly articulates man’s problem and his alienation from God. God is God, and we are not( though we so often like to think we are). Whether you believe in Him or not, God is still God and ultimately He calls the shots, not us. No matter how much we try or want to be (as you say) “agents of our own destiny” we never will be. God is sovereign, He is in control of our ultimate destiny. I realize these are hard sayings but there was a time I didn’t understand them either. Read the book of Ecclesiastes and the Gospel of John, They may offer you some great insights into our Creator God.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Sorry (not really), but I don’t ascribe to your belief system. Religion and belief in God serve a very important and useful societal function, but unfortunately there is a dark side – that is, so many god-fearing, religious people do not take responsibility for their evil behaviors, reasoning that it is not up to them but it is up to God.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

I see greater darkness and evil in the atheist. Stalin. Hitler. Pol Pot.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
1 year ago

 so many god-fearing, religious people do not take responsibility for their evil behaviors, reasoning that it is not up to them but it is up to God.”

I have never heard any Jew or Christian reason that. Sounds like a line from a movie, “Shoot them all and let god sort them out.”

Probably the thought you refer to is that “I am unable to judge him. That is, what he did is horrible, but I cannot judge him absolutely.”

1 year ago

Have 8 Elementary schools, need 5 or 6 . Pittsfield’s answer , build a new Elementary School. WTF.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

And study the project until 2030 before submitting the proposal?! The Confederacy of Dunces.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

I think they are anticipating all the migrant children the city will be inviting in. We may need two or three new schools and guess who is going to pay for it. Hint, (its not the migrants)

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

I would rather keep paying for a school with only ten students if the alternative is Marchetti turning it over to ServiceNet.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

“The next step after a statement of interest would be a feasibility study to determine the specific needs and parameters of the project, costing about $1.5 million and partially covered by the state.” -iBerkshires

Do I read this correctly: they want to spend $1.5 million to do a study?? If so, I would have heard enough and left the room. They are not serious.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

$1.5 million for at most 5,000 students.

1 year ago

I only have to look at how the city has left Hibbard school to crumble and become an eyesore for over 20 years for me to get nervous about what will happen if the city closes the school in my neighborhood. Time to buy the rat traps! No new school plan should happen until there is a very open plan on what will become of the unused schools. Herbert Hoover said “a chicken in every pot”….This council and Mayor will be saying ” A ST JOE’S in every neighborhood!! — if we let them.

Reply to  Crab
1 year ago

The School Department is still using Hibbard School, for food and supplies for the Department. If they were financially responsible, when they closed a school, they would move that operation to the closed school. Also moving the Administrative offices there too. Then sell Hibbard and Mercer Schools to developers, getting them back on the tax rolls. Off course, that is if they were financially responsible.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

JOE- I think the days of heating, lighting, replacing a roof etc on a three story building that only one small piece (one floor) of is being used has always been a tremendous and foolish waste of money. I would say again: we should not allow our council, school committee or mayor to spend $1 of our taxes on a new school until they present a VERYclear plan for what will become of the unused buildings. I really don’t want a St. Joe’s in my neighborhood.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Crab
1 year ago

How about the jail? How much are the taxpayers paying to upkeep that drafty old relic?

Reply to  Crab
1 year ago

Again, the reason that Hibbard and Mercer Schools are in such disarray is because they are owned by the Pittsfield Public Schools. There are no children inside these buildings. Getting them out of there hands in back on the tax rolls benefits all. St. Jos no longer houses homeless. the Catholic Church is still try to sell the building. Unfortunately it is in a shitty part of town.

Reply to  Crab
1 year ago

When I say the Pittsfield Public Schools as owners, it’s really the City of Pittsfield, we the taxpayers.

Reply to  Crab
1 year ago

I do agree that using one floor on a 3 story building is a ridiculous waste of money. Of course it’s just our money, the City government doesn’t give a shit. Same as it’s always been.

1 year ago

Population of tax payers is way down. So let’s build a stadium and build another new school. Let’s give 650,000 to Herman Melville. Wow,, the Eagle, local politicians and the people voting for these politicians are nuking futs. Sell if you can get out now. Pittsfields a sinking ship.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
1 year ago

Joe Bitchen’s disapproval rating has finally recovered. He’s back up to 19%.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
1 year ago

I think that is higher than Trumps though

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago


Shaun Harrison
Shaun Harrison
1 year ago

could you remind us who was President when everything shut down in March of 2020?
I would suggest you Google it on your smart phone.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Shaun Harrison
1 year ago

It was intended to ‘flatten the curve’ – 2 weeks to give time for hospitals to equip and to reduce the infection rate. The states kept it going until everything collapsed. Pretty sure DJT did not mandate North Adams closing all floors, Whitmer banning sales of seeds at Walmart, etc…

1 year ago

Hey Joe,
If Crosby is in such bad shape, demolish it & send the kids to the OTHER 7 SCHOOLS.
Retain the land. Put up classroom walls in Conte.

The city needs to focus on maintaining what they have. Even the new Taconic has ongoing issues i.e. nonfunctioning A/C.

A new building will not pull the failing PPS out of level 5!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

According to fire code Conte would need to be completely redone. You can’t just slap up walls. Not that simple.

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
1 year ago

commissioner Rumpus is one big flop up.Let him go to another area,not worth the head ache.

Reply to  12 Gauge
1 year ago

Actually you can build masonry walls that are fire rated it is that simple. Just saying. Of course it doesn’t fit the narrative.

1 year ago

In Massachusetts on Super Tuesday 17% of Democrats declared they didn’t want Biden. Trump won easily in Massachusetts unlike in Vermont where Haley beat Trump so Massachusetts has a lot of cracks in their blue state status. This is why the politicians in Massachusetts want to sign up the illegals to vote by getting them drivers licenses like Trish Bouvier has done here in Pittsfield. The left knows that the working class is being the hardest hit in Biden’s supposedly glowing economy which we working people know is a lie. We are losing money everyday due to Joe’s inflation and other policies that are destroying the dream of home ownership, depleting savings, soaring energy prices, and raising rents.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pat
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

A report from a poll worker, Williston, VT
“On Town Meeting Day I had the privilege of working at the Williston polls. It seemed to be a very good turnout and it’s always nice to see fellow townspeople. 

As the day progressed, I was actually shocked at what I was observing. An impartial poll worker, I kept my mouth completely shut, to the detriment of my tongue which I frequently had to bite. There was blatant action by Democrats requesting Republican ballots, I have to assume to vote for Nikki Haley and distort whatever support Donald Trump may actually have in VT. 
It was actually sometimes humorous the efforts expended. For instance, a couple came in, wife took a Democrat ballot, husband took a Republican ballot. A few minutes late the wife returned, stated she had been informed she need a Republican ballot and asked if she could switch her ballot for a Republican one! 
Many people were very confused about which ballot they wanted to ask for. A number of people asked if they voted as a Republican would that force them to vote Republican in November. One person flat out asked what she needed to do to insure Donald Trump could not win. Several people voiced their opinion of Trump, none were complementary. 

A very high percentage of people under about 30 asked for Republican ballots. I doubt we have that high a percentage of younger voters going conservative, maybe I’m wrong there. One gentleman stated he was voting Republican this day but certainly not in November. 

This intentional, and I believe organized attempt to distort Vermonter’s voting results is unfortunate at the very least. It does indicate the strength of the Democrat/Progressive party in VT with substantial support of shall I say Democratic leaning Republicans and the concerns I have as November approaches. 

This coalition’s efforts were however very successful as I observe the local and national press reporting on the strong Republican endorsement of Haley and repudiation of Trump. Politics is treated as a game and the actual role it plays is the cause of the serious economic despair we find ourselves in. If this games proceeds, VT residents will lose as the politicians will seemingly win. That is not sustainable.

I did, however, find hope in the apparent awakening of the population that has voted down many town and school budgets, across the spectrum of voters united against the out-of-control policies and costs of living in our great state. School districts and towns need to view this not as a defeat but as a clear call that Vermonters are hurting. Fiscal responsibility has to re-emerge, tough decisions have to be made.  

Do not respond with threats of doom and gloom. Sharpen your pencils, examine policies and function as employees of the people you work for, not as our rulers. 
We need to recognize and nourish this common issue moving forward. We need to encourage a feeling of unity, common sense and economic reason as we move towards November. We need to mitigate people voting against Republicans just because they are Republicans, because of Trump. Our platform needs to be based on economics, public safety, inclusion and progress for all in VT.”

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

A lot of interbreeding in Vermont. Hence Bernie Sanders and Nikki Haley voters. Nuff said.

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Your waaayyy out there lately Charles!. are u ok?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Yes, you have to wonder if some Democrats were just trying to make sure Trump is the Republican nominee just because they think he will be easier to beat. I’m not sure about that theory because I think Trump can win. Hopefully though many Democrats are sick of what they are seeing coming from the Democrat party like the invasion of illegal immigrants, the out of control crime in many cities, and the financial attack on the working class and they are coming to their senses.

Mo Bedick
Mo Bedick
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Didn’t St. Jose have an Alumni or an interest in trying to keep it going. I’d be embarrassed to have been an alumni there without at least explore going down that avenue. I thought it’s Alumni we’re supposed to be a proud group there? Now it’s just a piss-hole for illegal’s and homeless.

Reply to  Mo Bedick
1 year ago

St. Joe is owned by the Catholic Church and is currently for sale. The new homeless shelter is on Pearl Street. Yes, you paid it.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Hopefully the influx of illegals is waking some people up in Massachusetts. Imagine waiting in line at a food pantry to make ends meet then watching illegals getting everything free at the taxpayers expense. The state can’t print money out of thin air like the federal government does so the money has to come from somewhere. Leftist policies often sound good on paper until it affects people personally.

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Yup. Trump will save your arse.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Mayor Maypo asked for 90 days before criticizing his administrative decisions. Well, so far taxpayers have seen nothing but anticipated spend, spend, spend from him. Millions for flooded Wahconah Park, new schools, combined renovated schools, field trips and conventions for his CC pals. We have listened to him babble about nothing on his new One Pittsfield broadcast, saw pictures of him on a gay sled at an empty Clapp Park and tooting the new Servicenet nontaxable Farm on Crane Avenue, meanwhile Crane Avenue is a disaster. Noticed in the Berkshire Beagle postings for all new types of jobs in City Hall, more taxpayer monies being wasted.
I would suggest Mayor Maypo have a field trip just around Park Square, down North Street to Wahconah Street. His administration can’t maintain just that short distance, never mind the rest of the failing City. Would love to know how much taxpayer’s money has been spent on orange barrels and cones that decorate the city. This short distance is riddled with deep potholes, garbage, overgrown vegetation, empty nips, panhandlers and drunks. Noticed the meter folks are now booting cars along with constantly ticketing cars. One car down by BMC has been sitting there booted for days. Is this the latest Bitchfield decorations, really free’s up a parking space doesn’t it! Feel for any individual that has to take an ambulance to BMC crashing over all the potholes by the Wahconah Street ambulance entrance.
Sorry Maypo that I didn’t wait 90 days, but your city is a complete disgrace, and you are not helping to fix it.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Roasting him? Are you just thawing him now for the roast?

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Mare? Just the paint in the streets is so faded.

Gone Girl
Gone Girl
1 year ago

Dan if you hurry on down to HESS Forest you can see the demolition team not wearing any hazmat equipment. Great photo op for the Pete twins. By the way, are they conjoined or sumptin?

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

If that Maria Liccardi is doing business at lake Onota village, what the hell is she doing on the mobile home park control board?

It’s Dunn
It’s Dunn
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

At the mobile home committee tonight,mamacass suggested increasing the length of the minimal increase on the rent contract.Mama has NO right telling any entity what to do. This committee is a fact finding board , not the litigants lawyers? If I were the owners I would sue the hell out of this chairman and it’s committee, Incredible.

Diss Mount
Diss Mount
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Could be Latent Poke chop.

Pete W Head
Pete W Head
Reply to  Gone Girl
1 year ago

That’s the new Big Dig. Thirty years too late.

1 year ago

On a lighter note , it’s nice that Pittsfield is not the only F up place in the Berkshires. Williams College has finally unveiled there drawings for there new Art Center at the former Williams Inn property. After years of designing by one of the top up and coming Architectural firms they came up with a one story, roof pointy, bland piece of crap. It might be up there with the apartments on Tyler Street. Of course it will, be welcoming to all and inclusive. Also a safe space for students and families. In my day we just said,its Open to the Public.