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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 22-4, 2024) — Today THE PLANET discusses the happenings in Ukraine. They affect every person in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, the East Coast, America, Europe and the world.

Behind all of it, nukes.

In a Wednesday speech to the Bundestag, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said “Russia is not as strong as people think.” The statement sits on the surface like an iceberg. Deeper, we find an ominous possibility that’s becoming a probability.

Scholz’s speech was meant to rally NATO and the European Union in support of Ukraine as it continues to fight back against the Russian assault. Vladimir Putin anticipated a turkey shoot, especially after Ukraine’s comedian-turned-president refused military advice to prepare against Russia’s military border buildup. He thought his troops would take Kiev within the first week. Instead, the Ukraine army fought brilliantly, backed by assistance from the West. Kiev holds.

Putin’s dreams of a Soviet Restoration have received a rebuke since countries formerly under the control of the USSR have sought alliances with the West. NATO expands. The Warsaw Pact is no more. China ascends. Russia diminishes. This makes Putin dangerous.

———- ooo ———-

The war has exposed Russia’s army, and that’s when Putin and top aides started dropping casual references to nuclear weapons. They mentioned nukes as if they were talking toy pistols and caps. Is it bluff, the way Kim Jung Un keeps firing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan? Kim knows one false move with his nukes and he is finished, along with his dynasty. That’s the rub. When despots like Putin and Kim know they’re going down, they might want to take the rest of the world with them.

Putin just won another six-year term in an election only slightly more rigged than the one in 2020 America, and world tensions are taking the “sim” out of the simmer and move closer to a boil. We can’t help but wonder who, if anyone, will pull the nuclear trigger second. THE PLANET says second because first goes to the United States. Remember Aug. 6 and 9, 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. First time around, no one else had nukes, so no retaliation. Second time won’t be so lucky.

———- ooo ———-

We still can’t see a scenario where Putin would be fool enough to use nuclear weapons — save one. Harkening back to Scholz’s comment, the one sure thing we’ve learned about Russia is that, decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, the country’s military isn’t ready for prime time. It’s sixth rate, behind the U.S., China, Germany, North Korea, and Japan. Russia’s still in Triple A, in danger of demotion. At that point, who knows what Putin will do.

On the other side, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky did not heed warnings of his senior military advisors when they told him in 2021 of the Russian buildup on the Ukraine border, this despite ongoing battles in the Donbas region, then already seven years old. Putin saw his chance and made a grab at glory. He didn’t get glory. He got gory.

Russia overwhelmed Ukraine in the first weeks of the now two-year+ war, but luckily, the generals took charge. That’s when Zelensky declared martial law, shut down political opposition, crushed the free press, cancelled the scheduled March 25 presidential elections, and became the type of autocrat he spent his years in comedy satirizing. That’s Ukrainian-style “democracy.”

And what if Ukraine “wins.” It will then face:

  • a country with a ruined infrastructure that must be rebuilt
  • hundreds of thousands of war-hardened veterans who will need counseling, care, and employment
  • a ruined economy.

It’s hard to see them winning without NATO and direct involvement of the United States. The West’s half measures are helping Ukraine stay afloat, but they are tactical advantages, not strategic ones. Russia has a long-term, asymmetrical advantage in soldiers, materiel, and nearly every other measure. That balance will only change with NATO going to war.

NATO and the U.S. must decide: All or nothing? One thing’s for sure: World War III will end in mushroom clouds.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


The past isn’t dead. It isn’t even past” — William Faulkner.



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The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

Frank Lutz said if you make Trump come up with money for a bond to pay for his crimes then you make Trump more powerful to his followers and more dangerous, so just leave him alone. I guess the same holds true of Trumps best buddy Putin as we must appease Putin and give him the democratic Ukraine.Both Dan and Frank say these dictators are both too dangerous to fight back against their desires to couple up because of the bloodbath they will bring if they are not bigger than people.I am watching in real time how Germany supported Hitlers power of fear.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

With the endless TDS screeds, TSC seems determined to outpost The Planet screed master himself, JM.

Instead of posting your opinions of Trump, how about posting your opinion on “leaders” you support and THEIR current policies.

You know like China Joe Xiden and Gov. Maura Healey, and their favoritism towards illegal aliens over American citizens.

Try and tell The Planet your opinion about Maura Healey stating “….things happen…” when discussing the rape of a 15-year-old disabled juvenile female, by an illegal alien-Haitian animal.

It’s even a liberal “news source” for you TSC.

Migrant crime allegations have Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey facing surge of political outrage – CBS Boston (

Trump had NOTHING to do with this.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

I posted this elsewhere also and it is exactly what you are getting at in your post. Once
again, the only thing that people with TDS are giving any attention to, is Trump and his supporters! They won’t discuss the current policy issues at hand that has the country in shambles.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

The immigrant problem is real and Biden deserves much of the blame.

But Trump does hire them himself for EVERY one of his resorts. And you know this to be true so don’t give me any of that TDS blowback.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snarkshark
11 months ago

That’s really your reply Snark?

Wow, do you suffer from TDS too. Not as bad as TSC.

Let me help you, the illegal alien invasion IS China Joe Xiden and the democRATS problem.

Trump has NOTHING to do with this.

China Joe rescinded Trump’s “remain in Mexico policy,” his first few days in office. Remember?

Biden administration ends Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy | PBS NewsHour

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
11 months ago

What’s your point?

Trump hired illegals and gave them a job.

Xiden enriched HIS FAMILY by selling access to “the Big Guy,” to China, Ukraine, and who knows elsewhere.

Do you see the difference Snark? One (Trump) helped others. The other (Xiden) only looked out for himself.

If you’re going to step up to the adult table with me, you’ll need more than MSDNC talking points with me.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

I never hear the corporate media call Trump a thief afraid a rapist or a traitor.Media love Trump…AT Garland should have arrested the conspirators the day of the Coup on q/6/2021.Trump owns the media.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

I didn’t realize that Trump did the interviews and hiring for his organization

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Agent 86
11 months ago

I agree A86. But you have to keep in mind who Im replying back to-Snark.

Snark watches The View and agrees with every (since debunked) democRAT talking point they spew, in their endless TDS rants and then comes on here and posts those same views.

I’ll one hundred percent guarantee you Trump had a Human Resources Department doing the hiring. He had ZERO with the hiring of kitchen/hotel staff, but in Snark’s view, Trump did all the hiring.

I laugh when not one of these liberal “social justice warriors,” who post on here can NEVER talk about ONE GOOD thing Xiden has done for the American taxpayer.

If Donald Trump could somehow collect rent from all of the liberals who he lives 24/7 rent-free in their heads, it’d be a “blood bath,” huh Snark?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
11 months ago

Snarky gets his “news” from Vanity Fair – that should tell you all you need to know. Just like JM getting his “news” from Yahoo.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

LOL…as soon as you say China Joe I think of Steve Bannon Trump Chief of Staff and brain on the China Yacht after being convicted of stealing the donations of his private build the wall fund.Then I think of Ivankas 17 patents she got as soon as the Trump pay to play presidency started….You need to turn the propaganda station off…repeat repeat repeat repeat China Joe

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Hunter is staring in a porn version of a remake of 007’s Diamonds are forever.

Dr. Wong
Dr. Wong
Reply to  Optimus Prime
11 months ago

Problem is he snort diamonds

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Dr. Wong
11 months ago

And he pisses gold.

Dr. Wong
Dr. Wong
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Dementia Joe go to China and order cream of sumungai

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Guess again uncle Tanoose.

Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

I am watching in real time how Germany supported Hitlers power of fear.”

Yes, indeed.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
11 months ago

Power of Fear??? Hitler had no real audience until the chaos of complete devaluation associated with the Weimar strategy to payoff infinite reparations in Marks. France got a trllion scraps of worthless paper.

So fear – that’s what you associate with the rise of National Socialism? You must be completely ignorant of the years in jail during which Hitler drafted his edicts of hate. If you want to make comparisons with the German era, read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Shirer.

What an insult, TSC.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Well 6th rate is a huge stretch. The US army got defeated by a small guerilla force with no tanks, airforce, missiles.or artillery. Couldn’t occupy territory. couldn’t even evacuate.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

But our war machine contractors made countless billions over ten years while Kissinger screwed his way through most of the prostitutes in Paris all the while pretending to negotiate an end to the debacle. These same weapons manufactures are hoping the Gaza inhumanity also goes on for a long time.

Dr. Wong
Dr. Wong
Reply to  snark shark
11 months ago

Dementia Joe leave many war machine in Afghanistan but contractors don’t mind. They get many fortune cookies with dollar inside.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Dr. Wong
11 months ago

Left war machines for everyone.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Neither could Russia.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Toonfor
11 months ago

But Russia faced about a trillion dollars in US arms and training in the Mujahadeen. It cost us probably more in treasure than USSR, and their leadership never cared about the losses. I think that military commanders would worry that the military legacy of this war is our enemies’ fresh appreciation for and mastery of micro drone destruction. Not sure we are up to the tech given we haven’t engaged an army our weight. We can barely protect our navy from missiles. Read somewhere that tracking and destroying a Yemen missile takes full attention – a lot of crew and everything must perform, and success is touch and go.

At any rate, the West always says Russia is second rate, and finds that doesn’t really matter when they have enough soldiers and weapons to stock 6 armies and an endless supply. Look at the map of Siberia. That’s all the metal and mineral needed for a millenia. The Russian Juggernaut. Very slow to start; appears almost incompetent at first, and it won’t stop. The military objective counter is to simply try to grind it to a halt and hope where is stops is its angle of repose.

The Ukrainian people are fighting outside their weight class, and their survival is truly inspiring.

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Toonfor
11 months ago

You said it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Natterjack
11 months ago

And neither could we.

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

In 9 days Marchettis plan to cut taxes and consolidate like Pittsfield Catholic churches and Little league’s have done will be revealed.He will also abolish every new position over the last 8 years put in by Tyer.The schools will do no more spending or expanding.for 5 years.We will consolidate more kids under 1 roof.Pittsfield should not subsidize any development until we have a 5 year spending plan in place.Taxes are 40% cheaper in Lenox Ma.Congressman Neal got us 4 million for grandstands replacement so fix the grandstand.We must now take care of what we own and not build more things to rot.Call all utilities that cut into our streets for access to wires and pipes and tell them to repair there cuts or face getting no permits in the future.Highway needs to demand every cut returns roadd to like new condition

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

What you are asking for is tracking work and follow up. Professionalism.

Joseph Banks
Joseph Banks
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

He is also “looking” to hire a landscaping business to oversee the ever growing megabuck botanical decor of the city. I am sure he has no idea who will get the contract. Right??? hee hee

This line item is actually on the low hanging fruit list of things he could cut to reduce taxes. Very few people give a shit if there are flowers and shrubs all over the city in this time of inflation and hard times. Looks like a good way to make a friend some serious money though.

Joseph Banks
Joseph Banks
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

They probably knew sometime during the campaign.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

What great reminder of how simple it could be to steer the city back on the right course. If only city leaders cared about Pittsfield more than their egos and pocket books.

Reply to  Two Cents
11 months ago

I like your sentiment.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Pittsfield needs to have a better maintenance program in place the buildings parking lot on Columbus Avenue in Benny other things have not been kept up that’s why we’re doing the park over because it wasn’t maintained so whoever’s in charge of maintaining buildings needs to be replaced

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Don’t we have people in the DPW whose job it is to check on contractor’s road repairs? Do these people just stay in the office and play pocket pool?

11 months ago

Currently I do not see Putin shooting off any nuclear bombs towards us. He loves himself too much. Now the same can’t be said of our leader I think he might confuse what button is what on his remote. That being said I think Biden wants Ukraine to be destroyed so any and all records of his illegal doings by his family will be lost”! The biggest threat America is facing in my eyes are the illegals coming in and if they have dirty bombs in any of the cells they are creating.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
11 months ago

What I see is a burgeoning NATO army. That would likely force a seizing of territory to connect ByeloRus to Kalinigrad providing land corridor to mid Baltic port and isolate the Baltic trio. At this point, it is not clear whether either US or Russia has a reliable nuclear strike. Given relocation of missiles to the West, Russia has a strong advantage in strike time compensating for failures.

In my day, we never heard a media or leader from US/USSR even mention the option of launch. Always talked about them as defense, even the first strike ones. I say that we have the casual chatter is disconcerting.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Not my day. A good point. We could not tolerate the USSR turning Cuba into a naval base and weapons launch pad. Existential.

You make an excellent point. Arguable that NATO expanding to Byelorussia and Belgorod is the same deal for the Soviets today as Soviets taking over the Cuban island. Probably is. Remember Bill Clinton. He was warned by advisors that pushing NATO into prior Soviet states was destablizing and risked undermining Yeltsin who was struggling to keep the Communist Party from reseizing control. His response: “F*K Yeltsin. [Russia] is finished.

Nowadays, we don’t keep professional diplomats near the advisors, as though we still have them anyway. No more good quotes to remember.

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Jayne Goodall
Jayne Goodall
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

These days they are worried about who is putting nuclear weapons in space. Really, they are. And the last time they played around with that idea they killed off all the dinosaurs.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jayne Goodall
11 months ago

Space today is much more delicate than even the ’90s. We wouldnt last a month. Who needs a planet killing asteroid when we have crooks running the nation?

Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

TSC actually has Nikita Khrushchev’s infamous shoe. He beats it on his desk when he post stuff about trump

Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

TSC still has Nikita’s shoe.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
11 months ago


Nobody Cares
Nobody Cares
11 months ago

How kind of you to give the mayor a break and I’m surprised you aren’t talking about your friend Mike and how this person who is married to someone who was a city official is picking on him boohoo I think you’re slacking Dan Happy Weekend

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Nobody Cares
11 months ago

Does Sucksausage factor in?

Reply to  Herb Pease
11 months ago

Yes, Barry’s half-wit sidekick is always lurking in the shadows.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Nobody Cares
11 months ago

Pittsfield’s taxpayers will care when Mayor Peter Marchetti proposes another predictable Pittsfield politics 5 -10 percent spending increase in the City’s budget that begins on July 1, 2024.

What does Government, “God”, & Gold have in common? Answer: Greedy Lobbyist Dan Bosley, Nuclear Weapons, & Dictators such as Putin with his toy chest that could blow up the world.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jon Melle
11 months ago

Lumpy is just there to manage the decline of the city and to keep the local kleptocracy happy.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jon Melle
11 months ago

Marchetti wanted 90 days to cut the budget and new projects.

Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

He lost his knife

11 months ago

It’s been shown in the last few days in Congress that Biden had lots of deals going on with Russia and China that involved his son and nobody knows what Biden was giving these countries in exchange for so much money. Now both of these countries want more and more power. We are on the brink of nuclear war and nobody seems to want to stop it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
11 months ago

But Donald is the only one that went to Moscow to get peed on by a teenager. Not sure if it was a gift from Putin or he put it on Melania’s credit card, but Putin has it all on video which is why Trump asks how high when Putin tells him to jump.

And why do you think some of these congressional fools are kissing Trumps orange ass to such a degree. Intel is saying it is because Donald is using the same gamut to keep them in line. Mara Largo makes the Playboy mansion look like a peep show.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  snark shark
11 months ago

Very fake news made up by the Clinton crime family and believed by moonbats.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Pat
11 months ago

Yes, that is the line that FOX NEWS and Jim Jordan are pushing.

Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
11 months ago

Not a line. They have plenty of proof.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
11 months ago

Is the Committee cross examining Jordan?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
11 months ago

Is that what your “military intelligence” sources are telling you Kindergarden….I mean Ms. Fahrenheit?

You’re taking a page from the Dirty Barry Clairmont book of a$$clowns with your multiple aliases.

What’s next? A college professor to Cumby’s parking lot security guard.

You’ll make Dirty Barry proud Kindergarden. Maybe he’ll help you get a PPP Loan too.

And that’s not saying a lot…..

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

No, my source is FOX NEWS, Markus. I guess you want me to have just one alias, like you.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
11 months ago

Ukrainian people already declared the war effort finished. Like America, Ukrainian parents are telling thier children, not to join military. The Berkshires began seeing an influx of Ukrainian refugees, in early 2000s.

They need half a million soldiers, which they no longer have , due to attrition, mass exodus and common sense ( quantity matters)

Russia is shifting gears to more technical warfare, drones , surveillance and starvation campaigns.

Only people interested in continued hostility, are the industrial war complex investors, biden l, McConnell, McCarthy, nikki haley, like kickback takers

Reset the boundaries, the conflict will be over. It’s just 2 gangsters turf war. Being settled after 20 years of tit for tat.

The Ukrainian people are convinced, problem is zelinski, will lose his grip on power. Haven’t seen much of him, because his days are numbered.
Only question is do his own people or Putin get him first?

Last edited 11 months ago by Thomas Betit
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

But a very wrong analysis

Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Give us the benefit of your profound wisdom on the subject.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

How so?To be argumentative, identify the first moment there is an assumption implied in a word choice or assertion, and explain the fallacy. Do not proceed until finished with first issue.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Thomas Betit
11 months ago

The US will fight the Soviets to the last Ukrainian.

You are absolutely correct that it is a war between gangsters. The first weeks of the war saw the Ukrainian gangs, splitting the country from North and South above the Dniepr.

Need a deal wherein Ukraine is declare non NATO, neutral, with a buffer zone occupied by a peacekeeping force. Something like a Camp David accord and the Sinai. Won’t come from the people who bought us this war. Not wise to count on the people who caused the problem to fix it.

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Thomas Betit
11 months ago

Have heard similar things from people with family there.

Reply to  Thomas Betit
11 months ago

He’ll flee Ukraine and get a job as Tyer’s assistant at B.C.C….. so he’s all set.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

Dan, I know you have coined the phrase DIE for DEI. DIE certainly hits the nail on the head. I want to also add an acronym I read for DEI on Twitter (X) yesterday. I think it also hits the nail on the DEI head.

It kept the DEI title, but instead of Diversity, Equity….., it changed it to a more appropriate title. I give you:


DEI-“Didn’t Earn It.”

On the DEI front, I did email OB of the Didn’t Earn It (DEI) office and asked him when he plans to put on a training to try and help us YT’s understand why most black communities are plagued with gun violence every weekend?

I’ve lived in predominately YT neighborhoods all my life and there is maybe one shooting (suicide) on record. Black neighborhoods are plagued with gun violence. Why?

And why is it when black people accumulate wealth legally, they tend to live in YT neighborhoods and not black neighborhoods?

Take the Big Dump for instance. The people in his neighborhood sure “don’t look like me,” right Earl?

It’s been a few weeks now and no reply.

I did hear that the BBEC is putting on a “Hunters of Color” seminar down the road. Wasn’t aware that skin color and hunting animals launches a business or creates a business model? I must have “missed” that business course offering during class selections back in the day.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

Is it possible that Amuso’s level-funded budget gambit was actually in service of the mayor to set up an excuse for eliminating DEI?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Bishop
11 months ago


Kone King
Kone King
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

The Amuso beatdown continues today in the Eagle. This time they call her petition “ham-fisted”. Get with the program Kathy!

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Get ready to sing. Agenda items 31 through 34 suggest that Councilor Amuso has no intention of being shushed by the goons.,%202024.pdf

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

The TV dramatization of the book, The Mechanism (Brazil Petro corruption), explains the nature of reform in corrupted culture and governments. Reformers are immediately ground up by the gears and spat out. The gears are exceptionally big and reformers, not part of the system find themselves in transit.

Andy Coughman
Andy Coughman
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

AIPAC will grind up a candidate as well should they step out of line. Possibly the biggest molder of American government, for better or worse.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Andy Coughman
11 months ago

You may well be right, however I don’t think so.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
11 months ago

“an election only slightly more rigged than the one in 2020 America.”

No wise man/woman has the power to reason away what a fool believes he sees. 

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
11 months ago

You did not hear about the Trump conspiracy to overthrow the election won by Biden.FOX on air talking heads were going to back up the reporting after Trump conspired this coup for months financed by Ginny Thomas and her handling of the money behind the coup.If the trial ever starts you will cry at what you now support.Trump needs to get back in office to make it go away forever as our first elected dictator.You deserve what you vote for

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Trump lives in the Dem TDS heads and drives them insane. It’s a short

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Please post the evidence for this delusional theory

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
11 months ago

When  it comes to Biden’s foreign policies it is more like playing “Biden Roulette”there is a round in all six chambers .

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
11 months ago

For satire to work, it needs exaggeration.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Two points;
1) the DOD is being disarmed by the present regime, and
2) the U.S. Army has published ALARACT for “Utilization of the Army Retiree Recall Program.”
In addition, the U.S. is being invaded, at taxpayer expense, by illegal aliens some of whom are international military agents.
Thank your O’Biden regime for all of the above. These truly are dark times.

Also, Obama made a visit to the UK Prime Minister earlier in the week. If you think senile Biden is running things……wake up!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Michelle Biden said she would never want to be president because Barack would just be telling her what to do. Obama seems to be a control freak even according to his own wife. He is endlessly working behind the scenes to help the globalist government agenda. He is close pals with the George Soros family.

Spin Ayarn
Spin Ayarn
Reply to  Pat
11 months ago

What about Hillary? I hear she is seeding trees in Benghazi with asbestos so that when they flower in the springtime asbestos will be blown all over the city. I hope someone will please look into this when time allows. Its awful and some people feel like she should be called out on it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
11 months ago

Ironically, if Michelle Obama were to run for president the election would be over before it started. She has more class in her left ear than the whole Trump family has in their entire cultish clan.
You better hope she is not a last minute secret weapon Pat. I know you don’t think woman are smart enough to be president but you might be surprised at how many count55ries are lead by woman.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Another comment – the U.S. has bioweapon labs in Ukraine near the border with Russia. Not only is Ukraine a corrupt money-laundering country for our politicians, it is strategic for our intelligence agencies.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

You might want to read up on Russian oligarchs to round out your knowledge about corruption. And make sure to read the section about how much money they have laundered buying up property in America.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Berkshire Eagle:
The Massachusetts Historical Commission told the city that its plans to raze and rebuild the grandstand of Wahconah Park would constitute an “adverse effect.” 

That’s all the reporter had to say on the State’s report, which isn’t much reporting. But does it suggest that the State is convinced the stadium does not need to be razed?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Which means they are convinced it can be restored.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Pittsfield doesn’t need a rebuilt stadium. Can’t afford it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Have to agree it doesn’t need it. Take it away Pittsfield will still be chugging along. Won’t be a city though – just a place to stick people. To be a city, Pittsfield needs a reason for people to live there. Needs to be a place where wealth aggregates. Don’t see Wahconah doing that.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Perhaps if a woman’s baseball league with men who think they’re women played in wacky Wahconah Healey would fully fund it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Pretty hard hitting wording. I guess it did not occur to the junior reporter to ask what the hell they meant by that. But my guess is that it means Pittsfield needs to build a much bigger more expensive stadium with housing for immigrants in the outfield.

Terrace Tetrich
Terrace Tetrich
Reply to  snark shark
11 months ago

Back in the day the bums transients and drunks held camp in back of Wahconah Parks outfield. It had a mound preventing the water to drench vagabonds and was quite comfortable.

Obie Joyless
Obie Joyless
Reply to  Terrace Tetrich
11 months ago

I remember that. I was one of them. You might say I was all three rolled into one and it was my job to continually reinforce that mound. When I hit the lottery I upgraded to Springside Park where there is more privacy to go number two.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

Pittsfield needs a good friend like this to keep it from making bad choices.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

With the Bel Aire dam slated to be removed, what effect will that have down stream at the Park, especially during the fall when the Pontoosuc Lake dam is lowered?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  acheshirecat
11 months ago

It’ll do less to the park than a burst dam. We may have to call someone in who has experience with dikes .

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

We’re there is a will there is a way. They can replace the failing beams and trusses. Renovate the entire facility, keeping the structure the same. Makes to much sense.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

Yes Joe i have been saying that since it was closed. As long as the pilings are good, and i assume they are because one of the redesigns used existing pilings to save money, then repair and don’t change anything. I don’t know what part of the grandstands are condemned but I will take a guess its the siding and roof and they have asbestos insulation. Should have been put out to bid for repair as soon as it became a problem. Not in Pittsfield. Got to call in consultants, engineers, clueless citizens, and anybody who says we need a brand new park. Also will need a new name. For me its Jacques Cousteau Field because it will be under water half the time.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  acheshirecat
11 months ago

Sounds like the State’s report confirms your observation.

Vinnie the First Baseman
Vinnie the First Baseman
Reply to  acheshirecat
11 months ago

and yet there HAVE been millions poured into that Park over the years. That last restroom and locker room upgrade was a giant chunk just by itself. Doubt if you can get your hands on any of the actual paid bills but the Parks dept has an idea.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  acheshirecat
11 months ago

Maybe they can have a waterpolo team.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

Has anyone actually seen photos of the rusted beams?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Healey is a disgrace to the citizens of Massachusetts whose lives she is supposed to protect…..

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
11 months ago

Maybe a recall petition will happen.

Rickety More Allies
Rickety More Allies
11 months ago

Roads could be crap in the morning. Please clean that stuff off your roof before you leave your driveway and don’t be an idiot on the road like you usually are.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Rickety More Allies
11 months ago

Thanks for the tip Dudley Dooright

Frozen Errows
Frozen Errows
Reply to  Rickety More Allies
11 months ago

Thanks Herardo

Frozen Errows
Frozen Errows
Reply to  Rickety More Allies
11 months ago

The plow driver just went by scraping paint.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

The Town of Lee (Mass.) filed a civil lawsuit versus GE and Monsanto whereby the Plaintiff argues that since 1968, GE and Monsanto conspiratorially hid evidence from the public that PCBs are harmful to the environment and public health, while they continued to sell and use PCBs in Pittsfield (Mass.) and beyond up to the late-1970’s when PCBs were banned by the EPA.

The bigger issue are the capped leaky landfills that hold PCBs in Pittsfield, and a would-be one in Lee. Capped landfills are temporary because they do not last forever, and they must be monitored from day one. GE even admitted to this fact. The PCBs should be destroyed instead of being put in capped landfills that will eventually be ineffective in containing the PCBs.

Jon Melle

Lookin Fur
Lookin Fur
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

Other than Allegrone,who makes the money on this Wright building project? CPA funds?

Lookin Fur
Lookin Fur
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

How the hell can the Wright building be considered Historical?

Reply to  Lookin Fur
11 months ago

Oriville Wright taught Oriville Redenbacher how to pop corn there.

Reply to  Lookin Fur
11 months ago

Was built in 1914, out of brick. Maybe the Pittsfield Historic Commission member should take note , the next time they pontificate about Brick not being in Pittsfield’s History. Most Historic Buildings in New England are made of Brick or Stone. Dumb Ass.

Last edited 11 months ago by Joetaxpayer
Lookin Fur
Lookin Fur
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

Community Preservation tax is insidious. What’s wrong with people in Massachusetts

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Always the issue of unintended consequences. CPA was voted on the arg that it would preserve historics and fix blight. How nice. And it costs each person exactly $12/year. Just a dollar a month out of your backpocket.

To get the dough you need to own blight. Who gets the money?

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lookin Fur
11 months ago

Pittsfield folk voted to get taxed more. Nuff Sad.

Last edited 11 months ago by Joetaxpayer
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

Exactly JT,

[Government’s] great contribution to human wisdom…is the discovery that the taxpayer has more than one pocket.

In the Bitchfield CPA case the voters told them about their extra pocket they could reach into and let them do it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

GE has only gone Fren Gardner Park in 30 years time.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

If you say so

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
11 months ago

Ex-Mayor Barry just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut. Seeing on several sites his latest attack on Mike Daly of Its Pittsfield Tonight and also a mention of Dan. What is this guy’s problem? Does it make him feel like a “real man” to be a bully? Why has Barry been allowed to bully so many local citizens for years? What has Barry ever done for the city? His wife completely wrecked the city during her terms. Both Mike and Dan have advocated and tried to better the city through their blogs. At least Mike and Dan listen to the taxpayers, can’t say that much for most of our elected officials. As far as Alisa Costa’s remark to Barry about boycotting businesses on North Street because Mike Daly had interviewed these businesses, and her so called apology because she is new at being an elected official, her comments should be reported to the State Ethics Board, and she should step down from her role as a Councilor at Large. Also, noticed that Dina Lampiasi and Rhonda Serre “liked” Alisa’s comment, maybe they should also step down. The immaturity of these three women gives hard working women a bad name. If they have such a lack of common sense, they should have never run for the position. Maybe someone should tell these three women that they no longer have to kiss up to Mayors Barry and Linda. Costa’s so-called apology was full of lies and bull crap. That is why I did not vote for her I could see she would be one of the packs of jokesters that are currently attempting to run the city but are basically ruining it.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Merry & Bright
11 months ago

It’s obvious that the guy should seek professional help. All his friends who cheered him on and liked the comments on that thread have an adolescent mindset. They should apologize and examine their motives.”

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
11 months ago

Local business s should take note that these woman would so readily use them as pawns to further their agenda. This further highlights Pittsfield problem of having people running for office for all the wrong reasons. Take note of the names. Also take note that the mayor or none of the others seemed to want to express a different view on the matter.


11 months ago

Downtown Pittsfield announced today that a sperm bank will be opening on North Street next month. They expect to have a night deposit slot accessible from the sidewalk. The TIF has been approved.

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

MAGA is endless in their denial of what a Trump dictatorship will have on the Berkshires and Massachusetts. I know that 30 years of Rush Limbaughs ignorant rants on women and minorities followed by the propaganda of FOX entertainment for shutin white angry scared senior citizens has poisoned their view of America.There are 17 Republican Senators tied to Russian influence powering angry hate in the name of Don brokeass Trump for Putin.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Yeah, Slow Joe’s policies have Bitchfield and the country’s economy booming. Another 75 IQ points and we could call you a moron.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Oh, speaking of minorities that you mention in your post, Jussie may be right after all. Chicago is MAGA country! Like Chicago other deep blue cities with many minority people in them are finally waking up to Biden’s devastating policies which are affecting them terribly. Democrats pandering to them for the 2024 election season isn’t working out as well as they planned. Illegals are cutting into their financial interests. They feel they are being told to get in the back of the bus again while Joe and company do the driving.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

You should try a good laxative.

11 months ago

Memo To the Pittsfield School Department. we’re not as dumb as you look. According to the Department Of Education Website Pittsfield enrollment in 2024 for pk-5 is at 2,274 students. Back in 2000 we had 3,182 students, with our 8 schools. We definitely do not need to build another school. Time to retire a few buildings. Stop wasting my money.