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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 19-21, 2024) — Complicit in Pittsfield’s demise is the failure of the local mainstream media, “led” by the Berkshire Eagle, also known as the Boring Broadsheet.  Without an aggressive, crusading daily newspaper or similar push from other media sans THE PLANET, politicians, officials, and bureaucrats simply cannot resist the temptations of power and money.

Not covering the events and people that matter, media fill their pages, air, and screens with fluff, puff, cotton candy, nonsense, and the kind of sensationalism that, in the larger overall picture, means squat to citizens.

This week, the BB featured on page one two dubious stories illustrating its lack of news judgment.  Clearly, the BB suffers not from a lack talent but from bad management. Give THE PLANET the same staff, and we would double circulation within one year.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

The first story, played page one, top of the fold, right side, a story about a psychic who authorities say did a good job foreseeing easy marks upon which to push her invisible services. Phony psychics. Talk about a Grade A oxymoron.

The second story dealt with the arrest of a long-time history teacher at Miss Hall’s School, who’s been accused of sexual harassment by former student Melissa Fares. This Fares kept silent for a number of years. Two other women have piled on, with more expected.  Isn’t it interesting how, in this post-#Me Too era, how such accusations often occur years after the alleged incidents.

The Eagle practically has the former history teacher hung by the neck until dead, forgetting that he is, before anything else, innocent. Before any adjudication of the claims, the BB trumpeted statements by Fares’ lawyer and school administration, praising  “these women for their extraordinary courage in coming forward,” suggesting an assumption of guilt. Other local media piled on in their own lazy version of “me too.”

Truly? And will these women still be seen as “extraordinarily courageous” if these accusations turn out to be made from whole but unholy cloth? Our gripe with the BB and other outlets stems from the crass, cheap, sensational coverage that doesn’t align with the present news value of the story. Consider: Nothing has happened except one woman making a claim.

That’s it.

Money, Money, Money

As of THE PLANET‘s press time,  no criminal charges have been lodged and No lawsuits have been filed. Fares reportedly made her allegation to the school, announcing it in a Facebook post April 8 to a private page for Miss Hall alums, a group with more than 600 members.

As you can guess, it’s agitated a storm of interest. Fares’ lawyer, Eric MacLeish of MacLeish Law, says “people are talking to each other” and has spoken of many other ex-school pupils coming forward. Are we looking at a premature burning at the stake by social media?

MacLeish has criticized “failures in leadership” at the school. Reading between the lines, looks like he and his firm won’t be satisfied with one teacher or several but also plan to go after the school itself … and its fat endowment cabbage. MacLeish has said his firm has filed similar lawsuits against “a majority of the prep schools in New England.”

As they say, there’s money in them that hills.

Meanwhile, local media run with rumors and anonymous sources, making a neutral observer wonder if the accused can ever hope for a fair trial.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


Riddle me this: What do Bitchfield’s mayor and council president have in common with a gross of used condoms?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Fred Rutherford
Fred Rutherford
10 months ago

Rest assured that the Eagle will print all the fake news that’s fit to print!

10 months ago

C’mon Dan you know Lady Liberty is no longer blind,,,,she can see they way!! Just look at the Sham “Trial” or Persecution of the leader of the Republican Party by the corrupt Democrats in NY. Yes the persecution using a Biden supporter as judge whose daughter works with none other the lying/perjuring adam schiff and the decisions he has already made that are easy to be overturned on appeal, if the appeal is heard in a REAL COURT that follows LAWS, instead of the clown car in NYC. Unfortunately our current government doesn’t know how to or can’t follow laws because it is in their DNA not to follow laws and to lie,lie.lie or plagiarise!!
As for the hate rag of misinformation, aka Berkshire Eagle, they flout the bluest of blue lies and misinformation whenever they print. I use it when teaching on how to get away with misinformation when trying to brainwash the feeble minded lemmons! They are following the German Nazi’s party propaganda system to a T and watching how our government does things around here it seems to be working

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Sure but it’s ok to have a SCOTUS Justice ruling on several tRump cases, who’s wife is a MAGA hat wearing election denier, and who received numerous gifts, money, vacations, RV’s. Etc.

Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago


Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

Gobsig is a mental defective whom doesn’t get out much.

Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Again you try to switch the topic. The judge in the persecution of Trump donated money directly to the opponent Biden and his daughter works with the lying Schiff who has chinese spies with him. The SCOTUS who you refer to did not donate money to anyone last election and is not the judge in a persecution farcical attempt to interfere with an election….which is illegal by the way. This judge should be disbarred, put in prison and have his pension taken away

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

I agree, this judge, Clarence ‘the cad’ Thomas, should be disbarred, put in prison and have his pension taken away.

Cody P. Endant
Cody P. Endant
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Is Ari, Fred’s?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Liberal/Leftists Judges and DAs included, believe it’s fine to flout the US Constitution that they swore an oath to uphold.

Especially if the Constitution gets in the way of their/their puppet master’s political agendas.

Radio of Missisippi J. Crock
Radio of Missisippi J. Crock
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

WGOB radio station takes a break to share a message from our sponsor:


Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

The word “flout” means to scoff at. Where do you teach?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  FKY
10 months ago

Implied meaning. It reads, “flout the truth with lies…”

Its informal writing, I give it a pass.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

So you favor social promotion. I guess that’s why you give a pass to your own “Its”.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

That’s some creative writing, Chaz.

Reply to  FKY
10 months ago

what century did you get educated in???? That is the archaic definition, please look at the Merriam-Webster definition which is the current one….but thanks for push back???

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Yes, I do know that when enough people get it wrong the liberal dictionaries will eventually acknowledge that usage. We wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Chelsea Grammer
Chelsea Grammer
Reply to  FKY
10 months ago

You idiot. Lexicographers are conservatives.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Chelsea Grammer
10 months ago

Wrong. Crossing guards are conservative and ophthalmologists are liberal.

Reply to  FKY
10 months ago

Go easy on him. He’s undereducated.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

You need to move to Alabama or Montana, where they think more like you do.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago
10 months ago

Audit Rutberg he owns you & everything surrounding.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

FOX entertainment runs a mainstream accusation page 24/7 even after investigations have cleared accused individuals.They are innocent.Don Trump is innocent until the evidence suggest he is guilty and then a jury can dismiss evidence that proves guilt and that Jury can throw the evidence away with jury nullification. Trump of course admitted guilt in his press speech yesterday by stating publicly how they did the payoffs…..He is delivering truth to the public so that it won’t be shocking when heard in court.Trump is presenting his case outside the courts with his crybaby speeches about the judge who is having non of his nonsense allowed in the courtroom…he was the only elite in the room and whined he was

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

TSC I figured out that you’re actually Alan Dershowitz. Wow. Thanks for gracing this blog.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Cannibals ate my uncle.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Hell Toupee
10 months ago

Biden’s uncle ate his cannibals.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Hunter ate cannabis.

Reply to  Hell Toupee
10 months ago

Cannibals ate Corn Pop.

Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

Sugar Pop Pete ate sugar pops.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Hell Toupee
10 months ago

Biden’s should be cooked very well done as they are known to carry diseases.

Not sure if cooking will kill the mental illness pathogens?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Traitor Joe and Slick Willie Clinton admittedly, paid off hush money with accusations of RAPE. Where are the “criminal charges” TSC?

Clinton also lied under oath about getting a “Lewinsky” in the White house, and Biden’s daughter’s diary (authentic) details pedophillic showers with Joe.

Biden’s/Garland’s DOJ is going after the person who found Ashley’s abandoned diary, not investigating/prosecuting “Pedo Pete”, as his #1 Son Hunter calls him. This utterly corrupt Federal DOJ goes after after the messengers/whistleblowers who embarrass them, not the criminals.

The term Pedo Pete is from Hunter’s” laptop from hell”, has also been verified. The FIB had Hunter’s laptop for over a year before the 2020 Selection, they hid the contents. The leftist MSM dubbed it “fake news” when the story broke,and 52 traitor’s from the federal alphabet agencies made a false statements attesting to the “fake news”, that is in fact the truth.

In the laptop were also details of the Biden Crime Cartel’s dealings with Eastern Europe and Communist China. Also Hunter’s dealings with illegal drugs, illegal firearms, and his sexual escapades with both prostitutes and close family members. This led up to the 2020 Selection.

In summary, the whole Biden DOJ is corrupt and weaponized against political opponents, as are the Soros funded Judges and AGs on a State level. Remember Andria “Squeaky” Harrington?

God help America.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Haven’t you TDS people learned that whining about everything orange man bad and not being able to talk about Joe’s record with the policies Joe has put in place that are ruining the country has more citizens concerned for this election?

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Orange Jesus of coarse will be judged guilty and crucafied, but will arise on the third day to pardon Mike Johnson and His other fellow sinners.

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Are you confused???MSNBC and CNN are the propagandist machine who when brought to court say they are in the entertainment business not news

10 months ago

RIP Dickie Betts.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Natterjack
10 months ago

Dickie w/Allman Brothers Band at The Music Inn 8/26/1979

  1. Don’t Want You No More
  2. It’s not my cross to bear
  3. Cain’t take it with you
  4. It’s Not My Cross to Bear
  5. Need your love so bad
  6. Blind love
  7. Can’t Take It With You
  8. Just ain’t easy
  9. In memory of Elizabeth Reed
  10. Blue Sky
  11. Try it one more time
  12. One way out
  13. Need Your Love So Bad
  14. Southbound
  15. Whipping post
  16. Pegasus
  17. Ramblin Man
  18. Midnight Rider
  19. Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
10 months ago

I absolutely commend you Dan for this article. I read those articles, and am seeing a good man and a fine teacher being ruined. The language describing the observations of young girls decades ago (I noticed he stopped driving us) couched in journalistic leading language coach the reader to conclude what is evidenced in the reporting.

The age of Complaints is one of personal advancement, aggressions, and cowardice. I read the report; my opinion is it is to be rejected. It is written by professional liars.

Thank you for taking Matt Rutledge’s side, and G-d bless him.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

The Berkshire Eagle has blacklisted me – Jon Melle – for 20 years now. Yet, a lot of us know that I was politically persecuted in Pittsfield politics when I was a young man & my dad, Bob, was a Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 – mid-2000) by Luciforo & his mean-spirited network. The point that I am making here is that we are more powerful than the Dirty Bird rag!

Eza slaughterhose
Eza slaughterhose
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Man on fire at a trump Trial

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Eza slaughterhose
10 months ago


Reply to  Eza slaughterhose
10 months ago

Crazy bastard died:(

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Eza slaughterhose
10 months ago

Deranged liberal/leftist with TDS.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Shades of Saigon.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago


First allegation



Motion for new trial

Release and freedom


See also


External links

Bernard Baran


View history


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernard Baran
Born Bernard F. Baran Jr.

May 25, 1965
Died September 1, 2014 (aged 49)
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, U.S.
Nationality American
Occupation Day care employee
Known for Wrongful conviction in the day-care sex-abuse hysteria

Bernard F. Baran Jr. (May 25, 1965 – September 1, 2014) was an American day care employee wrongfully convicted in the day-care sex-abuse hysteria of the 1980s and 1990s that was spawned by the McMartin preschool trial.[1]

Unlike other day care cases, the Baran case garnered little national press coverage.[2] The Baran case spanned almost 25 years from his arrest in October 1984 until all charges were dropped in June 2009.[3] Baran maintained his innocence throughout his case, making him ineligible for parole.[4][5] Baran was accused, tried and convicted within a three-month period and sentenced to three life sentences in January 1985. In 2009, the Massachusetts Appeals Court vacated the convictions, deeming the case “notorious,”[6] and citing the behavior of the original prosecutor as “troubling.”[7] The Baran case is the subject of the 2010 documentary film Freeing Bernie Baran.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Reminds me of The Left Winged Parrot’s coverage ,of “the racial incident” they spun “news” on at Simon’s Rock College. Did the false accuser ever pay for her crime? The Parrot never sensationalized that angle of the story, which was the truth/facts.

If the teacher currently in question is a diddler, he should be punished, but not by the “newspaper”.

The concept of “innocent until proven guilty,” in an impartial court of law, has been lost on the media, and also across the nation by Kangaroo Courts and weaponized DOJs. Political leanings have more to do with the manner of/or lack of court proceedings than the facts at hand.

Concerning Miss Hall’s School, they always had a fair amount of trollops in the student body. They used to sneak out at night to go to Morewood lake, skinny dipping and drinking with the local boys. Now there is a housing development between the school and the lake.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago


Clowncil President Voltron ate at the lunch buffet at Espetinho Carioca today.

Important Facebook post just released

Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Praise the lord and pass the picante sauce

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Trans mastication day of awareness?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Does that mean the Great Barrington Cop who applied Gender Queer story is finally not going to be covered any more?

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Did they ever remove the porn book from the middle school?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Removed it? I’m betting they added a bigger selection of those kinds of books. Advanced porn to brainwash to another level for the students.

10 months ago

“Our gripe with the BB and other outlets stems from the crass, cheap, sensational coverage that doesn’t align with the present news value of the story.”

You’re kidding, right? The Planet’s stock in trade!

Reply to  ChainChomp
10 months ago

Berkshire Eagle is an activist based newspaper. Its left bias is nauseating. Have not purchased a paper in 10 years. Hopefully they cut back to zero days of publication.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

They were throwing free Left Winged Parrot Poops at the end of my driveway trying to get new subscribers.

I asked them to stop littering.

10 months ago

If the alleged victim was 16 or older and consented, there was no crime even if there was sex. If she was 14 or 15 and there was no penetration, just first, second and third, so to speak, then there is no crime either.

Cody P. Endant
Cody P. Endant
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

Groomed beginning at age 14 – 22 – Arrested Development. Identity crisis.

Bitches Bark

For dinner tonight, serving up a piece meal… beginning here with this loverly teaser; word salad, and to follow, a heated assortment /salted pignolas

To perfection – chef kiss

Cody P. Endant
Cody P. Endant
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

The actual complaint that spins in the DA’s office is childhood sex trafficking. Different statute.

Cody P. Endant
Cody P. Endant
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

And, if he was committing adultery with the minor aged babysitter due to his wife being impregnated by another man, how do you think he treated the babysitter?

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
10 months ago

Men, if you don’t already know it – accusation of any untoward behavior by a woman (especially in MA) is in all likelihood the same as proven guilt. Be careful.

Reply to  openly gay commenter
10 months ago

Unless you’re a far left democrat

Cody P. Endant
Cody P. Endant
10 months ago

I smell alcohol and cannabis

What’s the proper course of action?

snark shaRK
snark shaRK
10 months ago

Meanwhile nothing has changed Gaza.

‘Heartbreaking’ scenes of killed children taken for burial after Rafah strike

Hani Mahmoud
Hani Mahmoud

Reporting from Rafah, Gaza

Within the past hour, the scene of bodies being transferred from al-Najjar Hospital to their final burial was very heartbreaking. The majority were children, wrapped in white sheets soaked in blood.

We spoke to a doctor from the hospital [where the children were brought] who described them as having devastating wounds, soaked in blood.

Their burns were so bad that even if they made it to the hospital alive, they would have quickly lost their lives because there’s no way such injuries could be treated right away given the current situation [at the hospital].

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shaRK
10 months ago

What about the unprovoked attack on Israel? What about the Israeli hostages still being held? What about the Israelis who were killed in the attack on the nation of Israel?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

What about Donald Duck getting a caraway seed stuck between his teeth?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

Ducks, and Walt’s Donald Duck, never had teeth.

Reply to  snark shaRK
10 months ago

Heartbreaking scenes from Ukraine too which the globalist media seldom shows because that’s the good war. Children and the elderly are dying from war everyday in Ukraine and all the money we keep sending over there will keep the misery going for years because many people know that, short of giving Ukraine a nuke, there is no way they can win this war against Russia, but our globalist government wants to keep sending billions into a black hole which they say they will track the money this time, but who know. Whey didn’t they track it all the other times they sent billions over there? Public pressure about where all of this money is going is the only reason they are changing their tune now, but who knows if it will really effectively track this massive amount of money.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Money is the least of our worries, since it really looks like nuclear war is the most likely outcome. Ukraine is getting longer range weapons, and the Russians won’t be able to tolerate Moscow being bombed any more than we would DC or NYC. Russians will have no choice but to use whatever they have to destroy the launchers in Ukraine as well as the stockpiles and command centers in Europe and in space. And after getting Europe destroyed for no reason we can be sure that the US leadership won’t hesitate to destroy what used to be America.

Henry Mitchell
Henry Mitchell
Reply to  Wilson
10 months ago

Ukraine will zap there launch sites with focus-beam space nukes.

Reply to  Wilson
10 months ago

If Russia knew that Ukraine had a nuke, they wouldn’t send over their own nuke since it would be mutually assured destruction. Putting nukes in the hands of some countries, however, would be a disaster since they just want to destroy people. Nukes in the hands of terrorists would be the end of humanity.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shaRK
10 months ago

What are the Palestinians/Barbarians doing to the hostages they took 6 months ago?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Ya just don’t wanna talk about those kids do ya? Did ya know Joe Biden just gave the Israeli barbarians more bombs and bullets to kill even more kids? Joe feels like you do. He does not want to talk about it either.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

How are the children in Ukraine doing Snarky? Being conscripted to fight in a war for a corrupt autocracy? How many Biden Billions of US tax money been laundered there, so far? The Congress led by Liberals and RINOs are pushing for another 60 Billion dollars for the Zelensky laundrymat.

Joe gave the Iranians Billions of US dollars ~ 1 month ago. Result missile drone/attack this month.

Joe gave the Taliban 80 Billion in state of the art Weapons in his botched running away from, er “with drawl” from Afghanistan. Those weapons showed up in Iran , then Gaza summer 2024. Result barbarian attack on Israel in October.

The Barbarians hide themselves amongst women, children, hospitals and schools.

America should not be funding foreign wars to launder US tax dollars, in Israel, Palestine/Middle East, or Ukraine.

P.S. Why has the Biden Junta abandoned US military forces in Niger? No support even medical supplies?

10 months ago

Laughing my head off over a “commentary” piece in the Eagle which praises Kamala Harris for the job she is doing as VP. Is today April Fool’s Day? What a joke! Her own party mocks her. Worst VP ever!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

The only job she’s qualified for is ……..well ask Willie Brown about “heels up” Harris.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Ha! She’d flip you with one hand tied behind her back just to level the playing field.

Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago


Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Get used to it. She’ll be your POTUS in January 2029.

10 months ago

The Kennedy clan is backing Joe Biden who is a genius in their eyes. At least 15 members of the Kennedy clan including Kerry and Caroline Kennedy are putting down RFK Jr.’s campaign because Joe is their chosen one. The Kennedy clan has no idea or they don’t care about the financial attacks on the working middle class by Biden. His radical agenda of supporting surgeries and gender drugs for young children, his open borders which have made Fentanyl the number one cause of death in the country, the terrorists coming into the country which Christopher Wray is warning is only a matter of time before widespread terrorist attacks happen here in America, the strengthening of Iran and Russia by the Biden administration, destroying the oil industry and forcing expensive and inefficient electric vehicles on struggling Americans. None of this bothers the formerly “Looking our for the Working Class” Kennedys. They will hole up in Martha’s Vineyard while the country implodes. It just shows the phoniness of the Kennedys. Not that RFK Jr. is a great candidate. He was interviewed yesterday by a FOX reporter and he didn’t even know what ESG is. Not good for someone who is supposedly trying to put down the policies of the current Biden administration.

Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Did they drive to the press conference in Teddy’s old Delmont?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Out of town visitor driving through Pittsfield:

“look out!!! there’s a piece of road in the potholes!!!!!

10 months ago

The Kennedys are in tight with the globalists like George Soros which is a big reason why they love Biden and not just because he is a fellow Democrat. Remember when Berkshire County’s own George Soros backed District Attorney Andrea Harrington supported flaming red-haired Joe Kennedy III for Senate. She is in tight with the Kennedy family and Joe Kennedy III is in solidarity with his family to support Biden. They are all in on the globalist agenda which is why Biden is so critical to the creation of this dangerous one world government and one more term of Biden/Harris will seal the deal.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

You and your dog whistles.

I'm soros, soo sorros
I'm soros, soo sorros
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Prolly in tight w David Capeless, Fitzgerald

& fxn uhhh…. dorinda at bluestone manor

5th dentist
& the got damn DIE’ed

Soros/Dorinda – AFRICA, who wants to go swimming ?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

If you are not familiar with the state’s Nutt-job Sec. of Transportation, you need to read this…….
Monica Tibbetts-Nutt has vowed to raise taxes & fees, and stated her authority to use policy as a “weapon.” She needs to be fired!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

She is one scary looking female/it/the/they…….

10 months ago

Rosa DeLauro, the purple haired throwback to the 60’s in Congress, is asking Congress to throw billions of dollars into the black hole of Ukraine, into the slush funds of Joe Biden. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Indiana State Senator Victoria Spartz, who grew up in Ukraine, gave excellent speeches about why this money is continuing the slaughter and misery of the Ukrainian people because all the money in the world isn’t going to win this war against Russia. This is a sick military industrial business model as Marjorie Taylor Green says so strongly. Democrat Rosa DeLauro goes on about freedom, but she wouldn’t know freedom if it was right beside her since she is in bed with the authoritarian globalists. They are being more careful about oversight of the money THIS TIME, or so they say, but are again showing no concern for the safety of Americans who are dying in droves from Fentanyl everyday and will bear the brunt of terrorist attacks from the millions of unvetted that Biden continues to pour into this country and no concern for American economic misery as billions in the bill go toward the economy of Ukraine, this is not just about sending them weapons. Nine billion will also go to Gaza. The loud Democrats in Congress cheered on the defeat of the amendments to these bills, presented by Taylor Greene and Victoria Spartz, which would have reined in somewhat the massive amount of money. Our government is broken. It’s a sad day for America and the world.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Rosa reminds me of the lady who used to hit the dirty old man with her purse on laugh in

Reply to  Hell Toupee
10 months ago

Yes, she reminds me of her too. Rosa DeLauro is 81 years old. I wish she had retired years ago. She gets really grouchy if anyone disagrees with her. “You can shake your head” she kept saying today when anyone challenged her opinion by shaking their head back and forth.

Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Ruth Buzzi.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

What? You forgot to mention Soros?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Sarcasm: Luciforo told me to remind everyone that today is 4/20 [2024] and his Anti-Christ idol Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

Luciforo is suing the City of Pittsfield because he wants his $440,000 in HCAs fees for his pot permits back. Luciforo also filed a lawsuit in Boston to try to take away unions in the Massachusetts marijuana industry. Luciforo loves MONEY, which is the root of all EVIL.

Luciforo lives in a mansion in the same elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield that former Mayor Linda Tyer and her 3rd husband Barry Clairmont HAVE their own mansion in. Luciforo lives far away from his Dalton Avenue pot growing 3-story building that stinks up nearby residential Pittsfield neighborhoods.

But not to worry because Luciforo is 60 years old, which means that in about 25 years from now, Luciforo will rot in Hell where he will smell sulfer for eternity along with his birthday buddy Hitler.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Trans pot head day of awareness

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

There is a bum hobosexual camp planned for the state forest behind that development

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier said: “I took an oath to uphold the constitution.

The context here is the push to audit the Massachusetts State Legislature’s two chambers in Boston, which she opposes, along with retiring Rep. Smitty Pignatelli.

Does the constitution allow for illegal immigrants to have state driver’s licenses?

Does the constitution allow for the state legalization of sex workers?

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Does the transfer of driving records come with the immigrants to the rmv? And I& no5 why not?

Din Go ...
Din Go ...
10 months ago

See what’s really happening locally,

A DCF employee in Berkshire relocated from NJ DCF with civil action pending regarding the murder of a child.

On March 31, 2023 a case was filed against SW et. al., in the jurisdiction of Ocean City NJ

Case #OCN0000766-23

Filing date: November 24, 2023


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Every single day it’s another gut punch to the American taxpayers – just go to the supermarket, the gas station, your kid’s school or any place else in this once great country to see how far down we’ve gone in such a short time.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

How else to cover the co$ts of taking in all the Criminal Alien$?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

And to help afford pay raises for themselves when the time comes.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Donald Trump added less than $8 Trillion to the U.S. national debt in 4 years. The Trump squad is coming after future generations….

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

This is taxachusetts.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

At this rate Mass. should move up to #1 state of people moving out before Healy’s term is up.

This Just In
This Just In
10 months ago

Actual footage from the Biden family archives. No joke.

10 months ago

This is some of the meetings from Congress yesterday deciding on the massive aid bills for Ukraine and Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza. 60 billion dollars. It was passed as most of us knew it would be, but listen to the politicians say this bill is for United States security and they know Americans care about that they say. As millions of unvetted are pouring into our country, these politicians have the nerve to throw in our faces they we need to send this 60 billion for our own security. If these politicians really cared about our security, our borders would be secured. Washington really thinks we are gullible, stupid people. Their arguments against the amendments also make no sense and their refusal to immediately identify those who voted against the amendments was telling.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Almost thirty thousand innocent civilians go have been dead from our allied friends?Where are the protests against this at park square ? Unbelievable

Reply to  Iredbyfired
10 months ago

Make a sign for your car and drive around honking. It always works.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

95 billion foreign aid workers package? Wth ? Spend it on the border!!!!!

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Babies being bombed in Gaza. Where are the Park Square dancers?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Iredbyfired
10 months ago

They were by Taco Bell today

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

The representatives were waving Ukrainian flags in Congress this week to celebrate laundering 60 Billion more dollars in Ukraine.

The last time American flags were waved in the same hall was 1/6/2021, and they threw those patriots in prison.

10 months ago


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