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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MAY 1, 2024) — THE PLANET shudders to learn of the woke Bitchfield Sochol Department’s policy on the “trans” bullshit currently poisoning our youngest minds. We can’t look, choosing to keep alive the desperate hope that the system doesn’t indoctrinate children with this mind-fuck.

Transgenderism is identity politics taken to insane extreme, for the fact is and the data show that the so-called “identities” of transgender people are either fraudulent because they are products of a fad (the vast majority of cases) or the result of mental illness (the minority).

Little Thomas and Sam are being brainwashed into thinking that are Teresa and Sally, and that even dwarfs the budgetary waste of public schools as scandalous outrage. Fads and insanity aside, one’s gender can easily and definitively be determined by one’s plumbing “down there.”

In the natural order, gender is not an “identity.” It is a neutral function of biology.  There are always genuine aberrations, of course. Those abnormalities, however, indicate dysfunction and should not to be mistaken for something as foundational as self identity.

With that preamble, THE PLANET presents this guest column by Karol Markowicz of the New York Post and first published there.

———- ooo ———-

By Karol Markowicz

Is transgenderism among kids largely a fad?

It certainly looks that way.

Researchers at the Netherlands’ University of Groningen recently released the results of a landmark 15-year study of 2,700 children starting at age 11.

They tracked the gender non-contentedness of these children over the years and found: “In early adolescence, 11% of participants reported gender non-contentedness. The prevalence decreased with age and was 4% at the last follow-up (around age 26).”

The researchers concluded, “Gender non-contentedness, while being relatively common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age and appears to be associated with a poorer self-concept and mental health throughout development.”

In other words, most of the children in the study who were feeling gender dysphoric in their awkward teenage years had shaken that off and adjusted by early adulthood, and their dysphoria was associated with bad self-esteem and mental-health problems.

This is fully at odds with the policy pushing its way through American schools and medical institutions: Kids who declare themselves transgender, no matter the age, need to be “affirmed,” an idea that sometimes leads to children taking hormone blockers or getting surgery to attempt gender transition.

These interventions can have lifelong consequences, but some doctors aren’t even sure if the child should be informed before they take action.

Leaked documents last month from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health found some doctors don’t think disclosing potential risks is necessary.

As The Post reported, practitioners believe telling a 14-year-old about possible fertility consequences is like talking to a “blank wall.”

A child psychologist said it’s “out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them.”

If children can’t understand the medical consequences of an entirely elective procedure that isn’t necessary to benefit their health or save their life, perhaps it’s best not to do it?

This shouldn’t be controversial.

Yet we’ve gotten to a place where anyone who doesn’t jump at the chance to “affirm” a child in his or her quest to change genders is a transphobe or worse.

When Gov. Ron DeSantis banned such medical interventions for Florida kids, headlines like Rolling Stone’s “Ron DeSantis Just Took Two Big Steps to Make Trans Lives Illegal” were common.

Reuters noted the law “escalates a Republican political strategy to pursue bills restricting transgender rights.”

Many news stories called it a ban on “transgender treatment” because it banned puberty blockers and hormone therapy for children.

Laws like this are necessary to stem the hysteria that has developed around the topic and to protect mostly girls.

The University of Groningen study found that girls were being hardest hit by this gender dysphoria.

The report notes, “Individuals with an increasing gender non-contentedness more often were female and both an increasing and decreasing trajectory were associated with a lower global self-worth, more behavioral and emotional problems, and a non-heterosexual sexual orientation.”

Abigail Shrier was among the first to identify the social contagion of transgenderism, specifically among teenage girls, in her 2020 book “Irreversible Damage.”

Her latest book, “Bad Therapy,” looks at therapy culture that indulges teenagers in any bad idea they may have.

Perhaps the answer is to not simply accept the words of children.

The “gentle parenting” being pushed right now that makes good parents consider putting their kids on drugs to help them achieve an unattainable sex change needs to run up against tough love and fast.


Is thinking an act of perception or an act of creative imagination?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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12 Gauge
12 Gauge
10 months ago

Corporal Klinger tried to get a section 8 to get out of the army. Now he be made a 5* .

Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago

Klinger! Great example!

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago

I had a nun at St. Joe who was trans-she was a transistor or maybe a translator. I can’t remember which.

In Da Know
In Da Know
10 months ago

Slow news day Tucker?

Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Slow day in the barn ? Leave the sheep alone and go back to the chickens.

10 months ago

This is happening right now down in Great Barrington where the pedo/porno “English” teacher was grooming the middle schoolers into “her” deviant lifestyle. But she has the real balls as she is running the school district around by their democrat nose telling them she is going to sue. The school district should fire the teacher, give praise to the janitor and probably press charges against the teacher for the harm she did to the CHILDREN.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

I agree. Moreover, she–LGBT+F+Q teacher, demands to hide her name from any public records:))
That would be a violation of Mass General Laws.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Village Knight
10 months ago

No it’s not. Go back to Russia, Village Idiot!

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

You are an anti semitic bigot. Go join the Hamas lovers at Williams Adolf.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

The book was porn plain and simple under mass law. Cops did what they need to do. That teacher should be fired not allowed to sue.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Tt2
10 months ago

Is the teacher in question a he/she, she/he, confused/crazy/it?

Or just teaching being a deviant and bringing material not appropriate for educating the subject matter in the curricula?

I’d not want children near either.

10 months ago

This same transgender craze happened in Europe having been spread there by the far left, but Europe is pulling away from it and realizing how dangerous it has become for young people. Europe is learning from their mistakes. America is not. Teenage girls are so susceptible because they are so much more sociable than boys so are much more influenced by their peers. “If my best friend is transgender, then maybe I am too” has destroyed the lives of many young teenage girls. They try to convince each other that they really are transgender or let’s try it out and before they know it they are taking drugs and getting surgeries that have long term consequences for their bodies. The far left is pushing this on young people around the world for many reasons, none of these reasons take into consideration the physical and mental health of the young. They spin a lot of lies like these young people will be seriously depressed unless they change their gender with drugs and surgery at a very young age.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

I fully support Dan’s right to publish this crap.

BTW, who spells Carol with a “K”. Must be a Trans.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

I’m sure everyone here appreciates your approval even though you’re a buffoon

Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

Worldwide must be in the same ward with TSC

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

At Jones 2?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Live in Concert at the Dumpster Fire

one term/steal only

Uncle Bosey and The Cannibals, with “Lets Go Brandon“!

opening act, Dog Faced Pony Soldier

also performing, Sleepy Joe and his bumbling Clown Act with special appearance by Corn Pop

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

You forgot to mention Sleepy Joe and the Hamassholes.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I am going to see the Baltimore Orioles tonight & tomorrow afternoon. On my drive, I stopped at the Biden Welcome Center in Delaware.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

“On my drive, I stopped at the Biden Welcome Center in Delaware.” -JM 5/24

Did you stop by to see Hunter too?

But Jonny, you’re not a Chi-Com, Ukraine Nazi, Criminal Alien, … how did you get in?

Oh, I forgot DEMOCRAT!!!

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

When your candidate is running on taking women’s rights away and how great a dictator he will be after a failed coup.MAGAs have culture wars with American citizens. Republicans are a very mentally ill party.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

“Republicans are a very mentally ill party”.

Posted from the person who has permanent residency in Jones 2.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Life begins at conception. So does the human rights.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Typed just like a product of the Pittsfield Public School system: utterly moronic.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
10 months ago

You are orders of magnitude below/less than, the cognition of a moron. Not even rating an imbecile; You idiot!!!

Now try to explain Your statement, if You can?

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Let’s see, Trappy. You have wasted hours of your life shilling for an abject criminal fraud like Donald Trump. He cheated on his wife with a porn star while Melania was pregnant with their son. And you think this is an example of you being intelligent?

You have no credibility whatsoever and all you do is barf up garbage from The Gateway Pundit and The Daily Caller on a daily basis.

You are bereft of independent thought and judgment and are nothing more than a sad member of the unhinged Trump cult.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
10 months ago

Do You take showers with pre-pubescent girls like your hero Biden does?

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Of course you believe the debunked Ashley Biden diary story. What is wrong with you? You’re just another keyboard warrior. Gutless and paranoid.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Yeah, keeping guys with schlongs from saying they’re women and competing against real women is anti woman.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

The heavy equipment on the GE Woodlawn Ave site rivals the building of the World Trade Center…Is there a huge business coming to Pittsfield or is this another head fake?

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

You might have missed it in the news. It was reported a couple of days before Christmas.

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Marchetti said a Camp Lejune Spring Water bottling plant is going there.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

You should go there on a windy day to enjoy the scent of PCB coated dust.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
10 months ago

Please Google: Massachusetts budget shows how Democrats wastes your tax dollars – Washington Examiner

10 months ago

Young Hamasshole Nazis bivouacing at Williams college.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

They should save the tents to live in when they graduate.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I get a big kick out of the demands for certain foods, supplies etc..from these moronic d bags. Most elementary students have better life skills.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

We know TSC wasn’t there as no one requested a blow up sex doll

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

We found out today Trump was in charge of the porn buyoff.The slob Trump is a wackjob.Love Joe’s economy

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Fake news TSC. The porno sult’s lawyer was in charge of/made the payoff attempt without Trumps knowledge.

“On Thursday night, Avenatti tweeted, “Keith Davidson is lying. After I confronted her w/ her own text msgs, Daniels admitted to me in early 2019 that she & Davidson had extorted Trump in Oct. 2016 – it was a shakedown. This was one of the many reasons I fired her as a client in Feb. 2019.”


“Abysmal” April jobs report worst since Dec 2021, and price of gasoline is creeping up to topping $4/gallon again. Americans most expensive thing to drive is a grocery cart

Biden has also decided, by executive order, to have American taxpayers fund “Obamacare” for Criminal Aliens. That is sure to help “Joe’s economy”!

Jack Smith’s “stolen documents/Mar-a-Lago raid” was a planned setup by The FIB, the DOJ, and The Biden Junta.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

If you crazies were worried about the porn in schools for children as much as you are worried about adults and porn you might have something.

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Got a good recipe for uncle Bosie chops?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Very fake delusional news.

10 months ago

The Planet is back. Was really starting to worry. All sorts of scenarios going in my head about what happened. Glad you’re back.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Thought The Deep State got him!

Reply to  JustSaying
10 months ago

So did I. I thought it was the shutting down of free speech here in Berkshire County. So glad it wasn’t. Just shows how the far left is making us very suspicious of their intentions for the country.

Reply to  JustSaying
10 months ago

I thought maybe he was thinking about discussing the slaughter in Palestine and AIPAC put a choke hold on him much like they did with CNN and MSNBC who have all of a sudden clammed up on the subject. FOX can talk about it but only if they spin it so that slaughter seems like a good thing.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

I see You approve of the actions of the Barbarians on 10/7/2023.

Traitor Joe has been letting them into America/importing them, for over 3 years now.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

I thought it might be a galactic battle out in the universe from Voltron and the Planet going on that caused the outage. It’s obvious the Planet destroyed the evil Voltron and saved the Planet.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

I was concerned that a Voltron death ray hit the server!

B. Condiment
B. Condiment
10 months ago

It was a lovely evening for Freaky Fridays.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Voltron the Porkchop Update

With the website down we got lots of porky updates to share

Not sure if I shared that President Voltron the Porkchop took mommy dearest for soft serve last Sunday after lunch.

Then he free advertised for the thieves the Tans that now have a food trailer thanks to another thief from Jaes fame. Hetried the Berkshire Flavourful Bites food truck at Hot Plate Brewing Co. Got the Chocken Satay meal. Yes that’s his spelling.

Yesterday was his birthday so he went to dinner at Espetinho Carioca with mommy dearest and got the Nido Milk Ice Cream. After he ditched mommy he went to gay friendly Hot Plate Brewing for beers.

Tonight was a double header sucking down drinks at the Unico Spririts Tasting and then sucking ass at First Fridays at 5.

Voltrons been busy but gonna catch up on some cartoons this weekend I bet and porn.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Moll, I assume you are a mole in his camp, and that he couldn’t possibly be dumb enough to post this crap on social media. Just Saying.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

“There was a time in America, when kids didn’t have to worry about their parents giving them synthetic hormones. and trying to chop of their penises or breasts”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

That was a time when children were left alone to figure things out for themselves while going through they’re journey of life.

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Right on target, Dan. I know, I’ve been there. This nonsense we have today of kids 8 to 12 years of age being coached and treated like high school kids is nonsense and detrimental to their development as athletes. Years ago, during summer months youngsters played baseball and developed their skill at hitting and fielding on neighborhood play fields. In my day it was the Cresent Creamery parking lot that was near railroad tracks, was mostly weeds, some grass, and lots of dirt. That was our field and we played there every evening during summer months. These neighborhood fields helped develop a few of our great athletes. The Merriam Street field helped develop Art Ditmar and Fred Broaderick, to name just two.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


We had all sorts of outside games we played as children growing up. In “Your” neighborhood, you knew and interacted with the neighbors and, if they had their children.

It was not just baseball, but kids games of tag, Ringoleavio/Ringolario, hide and seek, sports…..

Learning to ride a bicycle, or to hunt and fish, planting a home garden.

As you mentioned “sports” could be in a cow pasture for baseball/football, basketball on a backboard/hoop erected on a tree close to the edge of a dead end street or on the side of a barn.

Kids had a childhood. When they got out of school to interact, learn and enjoy.

My Mother used to ask; “Where you going?”. “I’m going out”. “Out where?”. “Outside back for dinner…”

Last edited 10 months ago by Mad Trapper
snark shark
snark shark
10 months ago

Massachusetts is near the top in cost of living in the USA. Pittsfield is also pricing itself out of the market. Auditors in Boston are projecting the situation to become much worse and exacerbated with the continuing influx of migrants who need everything from tooth brushes to food to medical care as well as education and training. Thousands are being fully supported by the taxpayers as they are not readily employable. Many never will be. Employers are reluctant to hire unskilled people with no record of their history and poor or no English skills. The state and cities AND THE PEOPLE PAYING TAXES WITHIN will be paying the tab and it is unforeseen as to when it might ever let up. It is akin to families being forced to finance immigrant step families as well as their own. Pittsfield’s large tax bumps reflect its ongoing need to take care of these people whether the mayor reveals this to you or not. Do not expect this to abate any time soon. And for many families this does not leave much discretionary money after taxes and necessities.

Officials in Boston are panicking as educated skilled professionals are moving out in large numbers and taking their talents with them. This is forcing many business s to leave as well. Think tanks are working overtime to fix another problem they have created themselves.

Pittsfield is in the same situation with the more educated and self aware getting out of the way of the impending implosion. Teacher, police, and many other professional and skilled positions are becoming very hard to fill.

And in the absence of the more educated the city is being back filled with less educated, less skilled and more needy types and you can see it all over the city starting with the leadership cadre. Pittsfield also has a housing crisis. Rents have sky rocketed and apartments are scarce. Making matters much worse is that the city is trying to jam migrants into apartments leaving little or nothing for local residents. And the shortage is causing rents to keep going up making matters even worse. If you build another fifty units but more and more people come you still have the same problems.

Get out if you can. You are not going to win this battle. You just are not. Out of Pittsfield and out of Massachusetts.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

I don’t always agree with you but this post is spot on.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

With a shrinking population how are we short of housing.?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

Brain drain syndrome. It is the educated forward thinkers who are bailing. But there are a ton of actual people. Problem is that a great many of them are not accounted for in any city or state census. And these are the ones needing food, housing, and medical on the taxpayer dime. Your and my dime. Marchetti cannot hand out huge tax breaks to his friends fast enough. So the average Joe, clawing to make ends meet, is supporting his own family, an immigrant population AND subsidizing Marchettis millionaire friends who he is giving ginormous tax breaks.

This is how it is and is going to be. If it works for you great. If not seek shelter in a more hospitable location. The masses who are leaving Pittsfield, and those who have already left, are doing so for good reason. They have done the math going forward and a Pittsfield future is not financially bright. Do not wait until you are broke and cannot leave. Do not become trapped like so many of us elderly.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

The million dollar question!

10 months ago


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
10 months ago

You folks, and especially Dan, are downright shameful. I will grant you that there are those in the trans community who behave in over-the-top fashion. But to use language like ‘bullshit’ ‘mindfuck’ and ‘fraudulent’ is downright mean and incorrect to boot.

Dan’s simplistic dichotomy belies his depth of education. It is quite possible and common for a child to have a gender identity that is different from that indicated by DNA and genital body parts. It is quite clear from the nature of Dan’s post and the other posts here that none of you have spent time with and gotten to know a trans child. To vilify these children as mentally defective is mean and short-sighted, and is a clear indicator that Dan and other folks making those statements have not spent time with and gotten to know any trans children.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Does anyone have any Comment Cleanser?

Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago

Nobody is saying there aren’t trans children. What we are saying is that making decisions on hormones and surgeries should wait until they are over 18, but the problem is the schools and our culture trying to convince more and more young children (under 18) that they are trans and pushing them to make life changing decisions at a very young age. That’s the issue. No child should be pushed into this until they are old enough to know this is what they really want to do because so much of it is irreversible and other issues could be going on in their lives while teachers and activists insist that these very young children must be transgender.

Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago

Identifying as is pretending to be. Stop abusing children with this fake woke crap.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago

The poor children are victims of deranged adults, who should be in mental institutions, or jailed.

If a boy/girl, thinks they are a girl/boy, their parent(s) are crazy.

If this disphoria continues into adulthood, without coaching/grooming/etc…., they are in fact crazy.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I will repeat: none of you have spent time with and gotten to know any trans children.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I would bet that you have not spent time with a trans child.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Fair enough. And so tell us: is that trans child mentally ill?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago

Would you allow that trans child to purchase an AR15 or 9MM, Lois?

If not, why not?

But mutilating their genitals is acceptable?

Are you a full blown MAP? Or just testing the waters?

Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago

So you are an expert in the field or just a woke lunatic?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lois Lane
10 months ago
Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Of course we don’t want to medicate or take a scalpel to trans children. But what we do want to do is to have empathy for them and not vilify them as mentally ill or evil.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Very good article. It verifies what we’ve been saying that more females than males are being made very confused about their gender and many of them have other issues going on besides gender confusion. The activists seem to think that hormones and surgeries will solve all of the problems in the lives of these young females.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Get out while you can! The Guv & legislators have prioritized migrants’ welfare over the welfare of its own citizens!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Do we AMERICAN TAXPAYERS pay for student loans debts, before or after the ungrateful students debtors , chant “Death to America”?

Last edited 10 months ago by Mad Trapper
In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I bet you shot your dog just like what’s her name Rube

10 months ago

Has any one ever used the Community Health Vans CHP, they travel throughout the county provindinf services from covid and flu testing to the shots as well as new urgent care visits to patient of chp and has well has for everyone and anyone. Insurances are usually billed but if you are lacking in that department they will work with you in getting you set up with a specialist and still be seen that same day. The staff that work on these units are top notch and the two guys are a hoot and will get the job done and keep you laughing. Now here are the issues as I have heard from that little bird. 1st the manager was let go in the pretense the job was did away with. Not true would you be suprised by this she was pushed out by sneaky medical assistant, nasty np, and vp that where all dirty. The upside was the vp was forced into retirement. Now it didnt help the medical assisant got more power so as ruling the roost. The np more out of control, the over see person Jenn W so full of herself and a ceo no real experience is cutting a unit everyday with reason losing money. This is about serving the poor community not about your damn pocket. Who was the keeper of the golden book or probably books. Something is fishy in Denmark and smelly here. As always take it out on the workers with cut this cut that. Level the operation intact and higher more at unheard of pay and benefits even my dog would scratch for. There egos and retalation even chased a grade A1 social worker away to a other service. Hugh lose to Chp and the clients she bent over backwards to help. No attempts to keep her just mean, nasty treatment right up till the end from the egomatics powers to be. Please people for the love of all good, make calls, email board of directors, call local and state people. Help your staff Help your selfs