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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY APRIL 15, 2024) — Welcome to Tax Day, wherein we Americans have the privilege of submitting in silence as Aunt Samantha picks our pocket and confiscates up to 50% of our hard-earned income.

Of course, in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, the Kapanski’s get a one-day extension because of another of those phony “holidays” where every public-sector employee (not Fed) gets a day off with pay courtesy of the beleaguered taxpayers.

Allow THE PLANET to share few taxable observations:

  • Colorful:
    • Congratulations to the Berkshire United Way for its first 100 years. Job well done. Except for the opening and closing of the ceremonial dinner. We present this line that concludes Britt Polito’s coverage in iBerkshires: The Youth Alive step and dance team opened the event with performances and former board member Warren Dews Jr. closed with “Happy Birthday.”
    • Youth Alive is a Shirley Edgerton production. Dews is that huckleberry from NYC who is to music what Dean Martin was to sobriety. Edgerton and Dews: Now that’s united, but it shouldn’t be the way. As they used to say, “There goes the neighborhood.”
    • Reminds us of this bit of news re: Fani Willis, the woke Georgia prosecutor who’s as crooked as a Rumplestilskin’s wooden cane.The Justice Department said Friday it unmasked “inconsistencies” in Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis’s use of federal grant funds, confirming whistleblower allegations.Willis previously fired the whistleblower who alleged the Fulton County office mishandled $488,000 of federal grant money to pay for “swag,” computers, and travel…The Justice Department did not provide any further details on the nature of Willis’s reporting “inconsistencies” on the $488,000 federal grant, which was earmarked for the creation of a Center for Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention in Atlanta. The grant ended in September 2023, but the center never opened.Notice the last bit. She got a $488K “grant” to create a “Youth Center.” She took the $$$ but never bothered with the Center. Calls to mind the Berkshire Black Economic Council and the ARPA money used so Shirley and entourage could visit their roots in deepest, darkest Africa.
    • Of Color. Remember that. Opens a lot of doors and lets you off the hook for a lot of mischief.
  • The Award, Please:
    • THE PLANET is pleased to announce a Coveted Suborbital Award for contributor Flogging Molly. It was Moll who dubbed the city council president “Voltron.” We

      Ladies and Gentlemen, your esteemed City Council Vice President, VOLTRON. 

      have discussed it with the board and the Secret Squadron, and we have added this to “Porkchop Pete” as the affectionate diminutive for our Right Honorable Good Friend, the city council president. Cheers and applause for Molly!

  • More Beer:
    • The wise guys in Vegas have set the over/under on how many beers Porkchop Pete aka Voltron will consume this week. The number is 140. THE PLANET‘s taking the over.
      • Voltron read an article about the dangers of over-indulging. He gave up reading.
      • A camel can work 10 days without drinking. Voltron can drink 10 days without working.
      • Everyone has their own path. Voltron‘s leads to Liquors Inc.
      • Voltron went out drinking last night. When he returned, he found his home wasn’t where he left it.
      • For Voltron, Beer Nuts are $1.75. “Deer nuts” are under a buck.
      • Voltron only drinks on days beginning with “T” … Tuesday, Thursday, Today, and Tomorrow.
      • When Voltron Pete was dyslexic, he would walk into a bra.
      • Voltron‘s last words: “Hold my beer. Now watch this.”
      • For Voltron, the glass is never half empty. It’s halfway to his next brew.
      • Actually, Volton isn’t drinking any more. No. He’s just not drinking any less.
  • Poof, and It’s Gone!:
    • So just like that, Slow Joe Biden cancels $7.4 billion owed by 23 million people on college loans. This despite the Supreme Court ruling it illegal. Too bad for the lenders. They let money go in good faith to men and women who agreed to take it, promising to pay it back. You know who gets stuck with the bill, don’t you? Gotta mirror? That’s not how adulthood works. You sign a contract of your own free will, and in doing so agree to abide by those terms. Ah, but adulthood is sooooo out of fashion these days.
  • Hypocrisy Spelled with a “W”
    • Our HippoCrit Award goes to our good friend Mr. Worldwide. He called us out for complaining about how the druggies have helped ruin downtown, but then branded us hypocrites when THE PLANET criticized Mayor Maypo for creating a 30-member mental health commission. Mr. W should know one when he thinks he sees one. One one side of his face, he believes that a young person’s brain isn’t formed for adulthood until they are 25 years old. This is the woke ruse D.A. Adrea Outthedoria preached to not punish the under-25 set for criminal activity. On the other filange, Mr. W believes an eight-year-old child can make an informed choice when it comes to gender-altering surgery. Precious!!
  • Riddle Me This
    • What new and innovative use have Maypo and Voltron discovered for jelly donuts and breadsticks? First place winner gets an all-expense-paid trip to Nothing on North. Second place gets two all-expense-paid trips to NON. Third place gets strapped into a chair and questioned by the angry gals who comprise Bitchfield’s “Transformation Specialists.” … Actually, we have just been reminded, they have reserved that honor for THE PLANET.
  • Happy Monday, everyone! 


No words should be wasted” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Milt Plum
Milt Plum
10 months ago

If it’s all the same to you I’ll celebrate Giant’s day Monday not Patriot’s day.

Tucker Fredricsun
Tucker Fredricsun
Reply to  Milt Plum
10 months ago

I’ll Gogolak that.

Reply to  Tucker Fredricsun
10 months ago

Pete the first soccer kicker.

Reply to  Natterjack
10 months ago

Openly soccer style I’ll have you know!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

April 14, 2024

I liked reading that The Planet will be dealing with the REVEREND [Mike Denton, Pittsfield; The writer is pastor of United Church of Christ, Pittsfield] in the Wednesday column.

I did not like reading his letter either whereby he praised the bureaucrats who run Pittsfield’s over-priced, Level 5 public schools that are full of underclass children who qualify the city for millions of dollars in additional state aid. Does the Reverend live in “The Twilight Zone”?

While he is at it, he should also praise all of the state and local bureaucrats for North Street’s glut of Social Services Agencies and the sarcastically called “Ring of Poverty” inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround downtown Pittsfield’s “Social Services Alley”. The underclass population – Pittsfield’s largest growth sector for many years now – brings in millions of dollars in additional state aid to the city. But, I ask, at what cost? Answer: At the cost of REAL economic development instead of millions of dollars in additional state aid due to Pittsfield’s large underclass population.

While he is at it, he should praise the EPA bureaucrats that transformed Pittsfield into GE’s toxic waste dump full of capped leaky landfills. They plan to do the same to the Town of Lee, Mass. He should praise the bureaucrats who run the polluted PEDA debacle and its millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that continues to increase in cost as time goes by. He should praise the bureaucrats that put Hill 78 – GE’s capped leaky landfill full of PCBs that causes brain damage, learning disabilities and cancer – right next to Allendale Elementary School.

While he is at it, he should praise the bureaucrats for the fact that since at least 1980 through 2024, violent crime in Pittsfield has more than doubled the statewide average, according to published studies. When a middle-class family or a small business looks at Pittsfield’s crime data, they look to live elsewhere.

The list goes on and on. Bureaucrats who serve the one political (Democratic) party government in Massachusetts give us excessively high taxes, the lottery SCAM, and all of their other “Twilight Zone” DISSERVICES, while they enrich themselves and their inequitable bosses at the public trough – to illustrate, some super-greedy lobbyists in Boston earn 7-figure salaries; state lawmakers in Boston giveaway billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks – government at is WORST.

Jon Melle

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Wow Jonathan take a breath after that rant and maybe consider that it’s time to take Andy up on the standing offer to smoke some Maryjane and enjoy the warm smell of colitas rising up through the air and make peace.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Eric Swansin
10 months ago


Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago

I am humbled to see that President Voltron has been recognized by the Planet. Much thought and consideration went into this pseudonym that will now share the spotlight with Porkchop Pete. Congratulations to Pres Voltron for receiving such attention on the Planet’s post today. At least it gives a him a good reason to start imbibing at all the downtown gin mills early tomorrow as you get a paid holiday as a member of the Commonwealth’s no show brigade.

10 months ago

Captain Video Voltron just drinks beer when he doesn’t have the energy to masticate.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

Ghost of Gerry Doyle?

Keep in mind that the guy with the pointy wooden conehead is being groomed to be the next mayor. His current position as council president is more of a loyalty to the cabal test, than a job representing the constituency. So for those of you just praying you could survive the current idiot, you need to know it is not going to get any better.

Get out now! These people are only interested in what is in your bank account and how fast they can take it from you. Do not allow yourself to sink any further into their quicksand trap. And that is exactly what it is.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

Doyle was the first openly soccer style alcoholic mayor of our fair city.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Food beers. That’s what. They should be banned, and the people drinking them closely watched by the gendarmes. A filthy concept.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Not beer Dan.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

April 15, 2024

Pittsfield politics and beyond:

The late Gerry Doyle debacle: “Barstool” & “Good Old Boys club”
The Sara Hathaway hack: “Aberration” & “Junkie for state aid”
The Jimmy Ruberto regime: “Rolodex” & “Renaissance”
The Dan Bianchi bust: “Montello” & “Part-time Mayor”
The Linda Tyer taxer: “Gated Community”& “Vibrant & Dynamic”
The Peter Marchetti mania: “90 day grace period” & “Openly gay” & “Affordable level service budget spending increase [is an oxymoron by a moron]”
Pete White: “Porkchop” & “Voltron”
Tricia Farley-Bouvier: “Country Buffet” & “Driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants” & “Happy Endings”
Paul Mark: Paul “Marxism” & Karen Spilka’s favorite “Rubber Stamp”
Maura Healey: “Unproductive” & “Inequitable state spending”
Richie Neal: “PAC Man” & “Inaccessible”
Ed Markey: “Maryland Markey” & “Hot Air”
Elizabeth Warren: “Joe Biden receives more campaign donation than anyone in U.S. history, but I endorse him while I fight for Main Street [because 2 + 2 = 5]”
Joe Biden: “Dementia Dem” & “Hunter’s businesses and millions of dollars in income were not connected to me” (The two quotes are connected to each other)
The fictional Mary Joe and Jane Kapanski: “Just get it over with and take my tax dollars while I pound sand.”

Jon Melle

10 months ago

Congratulations to the original grifters and extortionist who helped destroy the community when they started to try to socially engineer society while flying around high on the stolen dime. The United Way should disappear. The time for them has come and gone, the government has taken over whatever crack in the social fabric they supposedly helped fill. I am tired of the totally illegal shakedown I have to navigate yearly. Hopefully they will quietly disappear and I hope another one of their leaders doesn’t harm an innocent person.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Over 20 years ago the United Way CEO got caught using donation money for hookers/call girls.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

In memory of Mr. Calamari.

Ya right
Ya right
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

United Way

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

The United Way we knew as a community died the day they proudly announced their focus was no longer on supporting organizations like the boys and girls club but rather on social engineering.

10 months ago

Unfortunately it’s a real Holiday to the taxpayers. We’re paying all the layabouts for yet another day off.

10 months ago

Thanks Dan! Just like the ink stains in Arolos’ shirt pocket, I will never be able to unsee this.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

All hail the mechanical pencil.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

On this Monday morning, I’ll post a quote that I read this morning.

It sums up the China Joe Xiden (S)election in 2020:

“If you got the most votes in U.S. History, you don’t need to arrest your political opponents. But if you stole the election, you pretty much have to.”

Let that sink in……

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

In New Hampshire, first it was Kelly Ayotte, second it is Chris Sununu, selling their souls to the Devil (in this case: Donald Trump; NOT “Luciforo”, of course).

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

How was your/Biben’s “Tranny awareness day”, er Easter to the rest of us?

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

I sent this information to Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey!

Kelly Ayotte is standing by Claremont State Rep Jonathan Stone, a week after police records revealed he allegedly sexually pursued a child and then “threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children.”

Ayotte, who posted a photo of herself, Stone, and dozens of automatic weapons, machine guns, and other high powered rifles in March, has refused to distance herself from Stone. House Speaker Sherman Packard has left him a member of the House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Committee.

Kelly Ayotte can’t possibly continue to pretend to be on the side of law and order, on the side of women, or even on the side of decency after she’s welcomed this reprehensible individual into her campaign.

It isn’t the first time she was caught with a dangerous extremist and it most likely won’t be the last either.

Previously, Ayotte tacitly accepted the endorsement of infamous self-avowed white supremacist Ryan Murdough, before eventually trying to distance herself from him. She also appeared at a campaign stop with a leader of the Free State Project and Moms for Liberty, which has ties to the Proud Boys and January 6th insurrection. Ayotte’s campaign advisor, now working for Donald Trump, said Republicans planned to send soldiers to the polls to “play offense” against voters.

Ayotte’s Anti-IVF Record Exposed By NH Press

“NH moms with children via IVF watch governor’s race. Ayotte’s record raises concerns.” Sometimes one headline says it all and that was the case as the Portsmouth Herald spoke with New Hampshire moms who expanded their families with IVF treatment.

Earlier, in its Sunday paper, the Union Leader reported how Ayotte “consistently opposed universal access to IVF” in the Senate. She co-sponsored legislation, backed the Blunt Amendment, and even personally contacted the Obama Administration all in an attempt to give employers and insurance companies the power to deny health insurance coverage for the treatment.

Kelly Ayotte’s actions over the past decade plus speak louder than the 11th hour election year promises she is rolling out now.

Source: Ryan Mahoney, Executive Director, Amplify New Hampshire – – “Ayotte Still Standing By Child Predator” political email – Friday, April 12, 2024

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

I have to admit I didn’t really read any of this JM. I more or less skimmed it, for brainwashed, old-white, liberal “trigger” words.

In your screed you write, “January 6th insurrection…”

Now, think of this JM and then come back and give me your answer:

Are you really that brainwashed to believe that a small, unorganized, unarmed, group of ordinary people, can overthrow a super power?

Glad the USSR never thought of that strategy.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

MA; all I can say myself is that if that was an insurrection, we should all be dismayed, as Americans, how incompetent we have become.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

Remember Nov 14 1998 Jon? When Slick Willie Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money to shut up and go away.

Now why are they prosecuting Trump today?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

And that was for shushing a rape.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Saw a great meme with slick willie looking spooked by the Trump persecution

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Going forward yes. This has yet to be determined.

10 months ago

Speaking of liberal craziness, the Golden Gate Bridge has been shut down for hours due to 10 anti-Israel protesters shutting down traffic. Manhattan is also having problems due to these protesters who want their pictures taken and to show their hatred for Israel. Only tolerant liberal cities would allow this to happen.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

It’s not anti Israel as it is Netty’s genocide in Gaza. Where are the protesters here?………

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

Horrific and barbaric. Netanyahu is making Putin look like a choir boy. American new sources are hiding most of the atrocities but they are getting out through independent news sources like Al Jeez-era and Democracy Now as well as many other not so well known sources. You can find these two on and will be shocked at what you will find out about American complicity in one of history’s most cruel acts of genocide know to man.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

“most cruel acts of genocide know to man.”

Holocaust denier, much? Turkish genocide of Armenia. Euro-genocide of Jews (from Atlantic Coast up to the Russian CR border. Serbian genocide in Bosnia. Hutu genocide of Tutsis (on scale and hate, and intent rivaled the Europeans, and facilitated by them too.) Hamas putting live infants in ovens in front of their parents 10/07/2023.

You are a sick dog, S.S.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

And you sir are not very well informed these days. Come out into the daylight and look about you.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

You’re a pretty stupid dog at that. Woof woof!

You’re one with the walking dead, cowardly writing drivel under a pseudonym
You’re greatest fear: being revealed. Wow, what a guy.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

He’s probably out there with the Pro-Palestinian crowd chanting death to America

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Yes, clearly he, advanced in years, is burning US and Israeli flags shrieking praise to the mullahs.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

Think maybe if the Palestinians were not harboring the Hamas Barbarians things would be different?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Things would be different if Hamas agreed to a truce. They won’t, and their objective is to conceal their crimes done to the kidnapped victims.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

I say go to Russia cuckoo bird and write back how well you are being treated, btw take your meds I think you missed the last pass

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

He’ll like it there. Be the best decision SS could make in decades.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

By the way the US doesn’t need to help Israel other than money we all know Irans Air Force in Iran is shit and Israel’s superior.

Face it,U S does want escalation.
Lots out blame to go around – China is the only winner.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

Democrats and RINOs, working together to screw Americans.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

The snow plows need some practice on those bridges.

Protest all they want, but not in the roadways.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

If you wanted to protest, you’d have to get a permit and stay off the roads.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

You shouldn’t need a permit to protest (free speech) or own a gun (2nd amendment).

But you don’t need to block roadways, or beg/panhandle on traffic medians, to exercise right to free speech.

And firearms owners should only be using guns for lawful purposes: defense, hunting, and defending the Constitution against tyranny, et al.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

China and Russia cannot compete With NATO. Iran cannot compete with Israel either. This has become a deadly Chess game. U S does have Israel’s back but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. W W 3 ?

Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

Of course Russia and China can compete and defeat the US and NATO. The spirit of America has changed and is becoming a communist land of LGBTA+2QRS

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Especially when NATO nations decide they don’t want to spend their money on their militaries and structure their economies to be energy dependent on the Soviets.

The way the Ukraine war is going, there is a strong possibility that the Baltoc bloc will become orphaned from Poland and West Europe with Byelorus bisecting them. Europe has no army to defend even a 30 mile strip.

Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

Which is why we need a strong leader in the White House who isn’t enabling Iran with lots of money to fund their military ambitions. Even Trump may not be able to stop the terrible path that our country and the world is on, but 4 more years of Biden and his VP will be a nightmare for everyone.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Even Trump? Like you really do believe he is God don’t cha? Keep sending him money Pat and remember he luv luv luvs ya. Very much I am sure. Hopefully we can get him down off that Cross so he can save the world.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

New York CNN —

Investors in Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock are throwing in the towel.

Shares of TMTG (DJT) tumbled 14% Tuesday after closing 18% lower Monday. Driving the stock lower Tuesday: The company’s premier product, Truth Social, announced a major expansion into streaming, a notoriously cost-intensive business in which media behemoths like Disney have struggled to turn a profit.

TMTG’s stock, majority-owned by former President Donald Trump, is down more than 70% from the all-time high it set on March 26, the day after it merged with a blank-check acquisition company to go public. Although the company is still worth billions of dollars, it is struggling to make money and desperate for cash. Experts have warned investors to be careful if they choose to trade the stock, because the company doesn’t have the fundamentals to back up its sky-high valuation.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

Joe Biden gave Iran $3.5 BILLION last month. US weapons Joe gifted the Taliban in Afghanistan showed up in Gaza last summer.

Think there is a connection?

A while back, somebody named Sotero lifted sanctions and gave Iran pallets full of US currency. How did they afford those missiles?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  RubbedRong
10 months ago

“This has become a deadly Chess game.”

But Biden can’t even understand checkers.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Votron once told me he would never run for a job he wasn’t qualified for! No joke man.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Ron – there really ain’t much to it. Just show up once in a while, say nothing and vote yes.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Looks like someone made him an offer he could not refuse?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

The city is run by the directors and their ‘public’ commissions, RK. The Mayor is a captive in that corner office. Now, if the Mayor were to import his own director wanting a change in policy, watch how fast the poor bloke gets slandered and driven out of his professional life. First, the whispering rumors: abuse! incompetence! Pittsfield’s HR is good at that. Then a firing. Then a police escort all the way home. All those kind councilors you see now, unleashed from their tethers, they won’t be kind at all.

Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
10 months ago

In the council’s chair, a man named Pete,
Whose love for Voltron couldn’t be beat.
With action figures lined in a row,
He played while the town’s troubles did grow.

“Porkchop Pete,” they’d say with a sigh,
“As taxes rise, our wallets run dry.
While you command your plastic brigade,
Our trust in your leadership does fade.”

He’d nod at meetings, not hearing a word,
Imagining space battles absurd.
The residents’ pleas just passed him by,
Lost in a fictional starry sky.

Homes were taxed, to the stars and back,
While Pete planned another Voltron attack.
The city cried out, in need of a leader,
But Pete was off fighting a space invader.

So let this be a lesson, quite clear,
To council presidents far and near:
Serve your people, don’t neglect your role,
Or like Pete, you’ll pay the ultimate toll.

10 months ago

This post had too much in it to process and digest. The United Grifters just hit a nerve with how they were able to be the mob and twist compliance with the working class to donate or else. My next nerve was hit with the famed ARPA Committee of JM’s love doll LT. Remember they could not meet in public because they were to scared of being seen stealing the government’s money?? My question is where did they post the minutes and discussions surrounding the parsing out of the 30 schillings? Would love to see how the 2 cronies in charge ran the meetings/discussions to earn their salaries/ Would love to see how many days and hours were spent on this task. I know there will be no answers in this looney liberal land,,,I’m still trying to find those greenhouses that disappeared during COVID.

10 months ago

Mayor, host a Lake & Bake. Your genius is showing.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

It looks like the racial-grift in Bitchfield must be drying up for the Cultural Competency Coach.

Much like a virus, she has spread her racial grifting to Williamstown, in particular, the Williamstown school district.

Her role you wonder. Spreading her racial hatred of white people.

Take this quote from Superintendent Jason McCandless, “…..consider her a mentor and someone who helped me take steps forward in understanding my own biases.”

It amazes me Shriley Edgerton knows all about white people’s bias’ towards people of color, but she always contracts amnesia when it comes to black-on-black gun violence.

The leading cause of death in a young black male 16-35, is another black male.

Edgerton Taking Part-Time Role at Mount Greylock / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

It was truly infuriating article.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

If McCandless has any bias, he should step down as Superintendent. I was taught, The Golden Rule as a child. That applies to all, regardless of race. Shriley , should be sent packing.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

April 15, 2024

Retiring Lenox State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli said that the Governor Maura Healey administration does NOT have a plan for the 2023 influx of migrants that filled Massachusetts’ emergency shelter system. Pignatelli said that there is a sharp distinction between Healey’s and the House’s competing plans. Pignatelli said, “this is not a sustainable model for Massachusetts, and without a good solid plan, not only of the housing needs, but of the financial needs of these folks, I think we’re proceeding very cautiously. We want to just continue to work with the administration, but our dollar numbers are very different right now.”

Smitty Pignatelli believes that there real reason why Governor Maura Healey has not plan to spend somewhere around $1 billion per fiscal year on the migrant crisis in Massachusetts is because she is holding out hope that the dysfunctional U.S. Congress and the high inflation Biden administration will provide the commonwealth with billions of “Biden Bucks” to fund the needed social services.

What is wrong with this picture? The Massachusetts State Legislature is one of the most unproductive in over one decade. Smitty Pignatelli does NOTHING but complain about Governor Maura Healey, who has been in her current elected position for 15.5-months, while Smitty Pignatelli has been in his elected position in Boston for over 2 decades.

Jon Melle

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
10 months ago

Like to know what your opinion is, Dan I think it’s pretty smart of the mayor to have a stupid little TV program where nobody can ask him any questions between him and the city council president they don’t like to be put on the spot they have to come up with the answers