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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 26-8, 2024) — Because the column from Wednesday was posted late, THE PLANET is going with it for the weekend. We do this so everyone can be informed on what the three idiots of the Two-Pete Government intend to do with downtown parking, trash, and eater/sewer rates.

This is the favorite brew of city council president Volton the Porkchop.

We keep this column extant so that we can honestly say “You were warned” as mayor Maypo, council president Voltron the Porkchop, and DPW infantile Ricky Rumpus set out plans for these three areas–crucial to the quality of life in Bitchfield for the Kapanskis–designed to make the city even more oppressive than it is as well as increase citizens’ cost of living 25%.

These three engage in legal criminality, morally shameful politics that destroy quality of life made “legal” by the subornation of controlling elections.

Read this well. Take and make notes. In a fair and just universe, citizens would storm the corner office and council chambers and DEMAND reform.

Ah, but who, other than THE PLANET, said life was just and fair?

Have a great weekend, everybody!

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY APRIL 24, 2024) — Bitchfield’s beer-belly mayor has put DPW czar Ricky Rumpus in charge of three projects central to the city’s quality of life, matters that the council will rubber stamp into existence.

You can guess what’s going to happen next.

Forget Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chance. When bedraggled taxpayers have Maypo-Rumpus-to-Council, they’re out even before they enter the batter’s box.

Rumpus is point man for decisions on (a) downtown parking, (b) trash pickup, and (c) water/sewer rates.

Does THE PLANET have to draw you a map?

———- ooo ———-

At last night’s City Council meeting, these three projects littered the agenda. You don’t need details, those rationalizations that torture bad management into a failed resemblance of “good policy.”

  • Parking’s going to get worse
  • Casella will get a five-year trash contract that will include TOTERS
  • Water and sewer fees will again skyrocket.

For Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, each represents the cost of ineptitude at all levels of city government.


Doom began with a letter from mayor Maypo to THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends:

To the Honorable Members of the City Council City of Pittsfield
70 Allen Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Dear Councilors,

Please accept this communication and presentation from the Commissioner of Public Services and Utilities as a response to a petition regarding angled parking on North Street.

Rectfully submitted,

Peter M. Marchetti, Mayor

In response, Rumpus sent the mayor and councilors a dead letter springing the trap. Bottom line, Kapanskis, is that Rumpus hired Kittelson & Associates and spent a fortune to have them recommend the foregone conclusion. Kittelson presented proposals for angled parking and what we presently have for Nothing on North (NON), parallel parking.

As we know, the bumpouts, bizarre street signs, poor markings, unused bike lanes, and the rest of it reduced the number of parallel spaces at NON. Diagonal parking would add spaces.

After what THE PLANET doesn’t doubt was careful, pensive, serious, sober, open-minded consideration, Rumpus recommended KEEPING PARALLEL PARKING. The joke is that the city could have done nothing, saved a small wad on a consultant, and “arrived” in the same place. Of course, taxpayers wouldn’t have

Ricky Rumpus studies the consultant’s report on NON parking.

the report’s pretty pictures.

Stupid. Plain stupid.

This is what government of, by, and for The Two Petes look like.


Mayor Maypo wants to give Casella Waste Management a five-year contract. Again, he called on Rumpus, who sent councilors a love letter that is also a “Dear John” to current trash procedures. He recommended AUTOMATED COLLECTION, an “allocation for waste management services and includes a commitment by Casella to … the shift towards automated service, including the procurement and distribution of the standardized carts.”

In short, TOTERS.

Pay to throw, with extra costs for additional extra trash carts.

Rumpus wants the council to formally adopt the agreement by July 1. Casella would them conduct a TWO-MONTH EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN. Think of it as brainwashing for “automated collection services.” In September, quoting from Rumpus, “Systematic deployment of the 48-gallon carts for waste and recyclables begins, ensuring all households are equipped with the necessary bins ahead of the service changeover.” October would see the “Systematic launch of automated collection services, coinciding with ongoing educational efforts to smooth the transition for all city residents. We anticipate the deployment to take place over 1o weeks, with aimed transitions to automated service by 1 daily collection route at a time.”

Cheer up, folks. It will only hurt when get soaked with the bill.


In the third epistle to the council, Rumpus sends a declaration “aimed at adjusting our water and sewer rates on an annual basis.”

In plain English, every year, Administrative Creep will be raising the rates.

For FY25, water rates will jump 12%. Sewer will be a whopping 25%.

And that’s what was set in motion last night, a conspiracy masking as collaboration involving the mayor, councilors, and Rumpus, the mission of which is to make the city as expensive and as unresponsive as possible.

Ask yourself: Why would any municipality act in such a way? The answers can be found under “G” for Greed, “P” for Power, and “C” for Corruption.

In short, The Kapanskis are cooked.


It’s not government spending that’s the problem. It’s the corruption and waste” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Time for Pittsfield citizens to storm city hall carrying hot tar and feathers.

Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

We only had one or two with the balls to fight-city hall and no one on here was in support.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I thought it better to exercise my John Locke Liberty of Property Rights and I sold and moved out.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

That is the only viable solution. The cabal that dominates and runs the city will never let up on the mismanagement of taxpayer funds and the ever increasing need to raise taxes to compensate for it. When you add in that Joe blue collar is being forced to subsidize the special interests who are finding all kinds of ways NOT to pay their fair share, you have an untenable situation for a young family trying to make a decent living in Pittsfield.

The political power structure in Pittsfield has created quite a steep climb even for a two middle income family to try to get ahead. Take the free advice and get the hell out. You and especially your children, deserve much better. Do not make their challenges even harder by staying in Pittsfield. That steam roller you see coming up behind you is the Pittsfield tax monster and its appetite is voracious and as we have seen for the last decade, gets exponentially hungrier. This will not change. It will not get better. It cannot get better, because the debt is enormous and even if there was the will to level budget for ten years, the need for megabucks now is desperate. And if you have been following just the little bit coming from city hall you know you are in trouble because they have you and your home by the testicles and have no intention of relaxing their grip.

Get out now!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

The cabal that dominates and runs the city will never let up on the mismanagement of taxpayer funds and the ever increasing need to raise taxes to compensate for it.”

“The political power structure in Pittsfield has created quite a steep climb even for a two middle income family to try to get ahead.” – Snarky

Keep on voting D-Rat Snarky, that is the above you speak of.

On a national level the Uniparty Junta, of Liberals and RINOs, just looted the US Treasury again to fund foreign wars.

Nothing there for Americans, like closing the open border to Biden’s ongoing invasion of criminal aliens, or deporting the 20 million new ones since Jan 2021.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Predictable Pittsfield politics always increases municipal and public school district spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year since the early-1980’s. In recent years, the number is closer to 10 percent per fiscal year.

Pittsfield has hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities. Moreover, the soon to be 26-year-old polluted PEDA debacle has millions of dollars in debts/unfunded liabilities, which increase in red ink as each year passes us by.

If someone out there wanted to write and publish a textbook on how NOT to financially manage a municipality, then one would title the textbook: “The City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts” and “Kufflinks” Matt Kerwood would be the starring bureaucrat.

Big Government and Big Businesses’ financial management is NOT similar to one’s personal financial management. It is all a financial shell game to the bureaucrats and the career politicians whom they serve in government by giving the rest of us DISSERVICES on more levels than the Empire State Building has in floor numbers.

In Pittsfield, the bureaucrats always pass an annual local budget to receive as much state aid as possible. It is NOT about the local taxpayers, who have to pay excessively high state and local taxes.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

You would have made a great politician Jonathan you say the same thing without saying really anything or providing answers to the problems you mention. Why don’t you move back to Pittsfield and help your cousin Mayor Pete clean up the mess. Maybe he’ll give you some money to launch your LBGTQ friendly clothing store on North Street.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Eric Swansin
10 months ago

If I moved back to Pittsfield sometime in the next 25 years, then my enemy #1 “Luciforo” will continue to persecute me – Jon Melle – because I must be a very important man in his deluded mind. I wonder how his marijuana lawsuits are going? Nuciforo is Pittsfield’s Pot King of marijuana lawsuits.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Speaking of a deluded unhealthy mind, you are top shelf stuff with your Andy rants. Give it a fuggin break you will feel better with a clearer mind.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

‘Fuggin’ – norman mailer reference?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Naked and the dead

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

He’s doing a good job persecuting you as you write!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Does he have a silent partner for this business?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

How did city taxes get raised by Flat Tyer you praise and love so much Jon?

You were just kissing her rump again this week.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

It is a true fact that Mayor Linda Tyer passed record high municipal budgets. I predict that Mayor Peter Marchetti will propose a record high municipal budget soon.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Flat Tyer really gave it to the taxpayers with the help of now mayor maypo who has picked up where she left off. Maypo has Menu Pete to do what mayor maypo did for Tyer.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Per Sir Turpentine, corrupt governments are the most expensive for the worst service. In time, you will have to bribe workers, though they be employed to fix things, to pave your streets and repair your failed sewers.

Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Pay the damn water and all the rest. You’re locked in for at least four more years. Pay or get the hellout.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Eden Agateguadredrauline.
10 months ago

Pay, or we’ll take that house. You don’t think you actually own it, do you?

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Eden Agateguadredrauline.
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Well it’s ok to let Americans starve but goddammit make sure those illegals eat.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Eden Agateguadredrauline.
10 months ago

They get free housing, medical, drivers licenses, school for their spawn, and more!

Heil D-Rat Healey is even kicking out homeless veterans to make room for more criminal aliens.

Stich Senatore
Stich Senatore
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Mad. On the drivers licenses, they now count out of state infractions and can automatically suspend your license here.

And not only that, you get the charge added on to your current record and are fined whatever the current amount here is no matter when the amount was adjudicated for,double jeopardy.

I know a woman who had a dui back in the early 80 ties from another state,nothing since and it happened to her. How does the illegal get a license without the state knowing what their records were in another country?…..


Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

Good question….think you need to call TFB, While you are at it ask why the hell is the state trying to expand train service out of Boston when they have never made a profit nor broke even. This while they are in the greatest concentration of possible users. When the state can operate the MBTA in Boston profitably then maybe they can explore expansion,,,and pay for it from their profits not the Kapanski’s wallet!! There was a great article about their attempted expansion into Worcester then pulled out and doubled the time of the commute by adding more stops.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

When you get pulled over just say “No Hablo Ingles?”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Maybe Americans can get illegal status ids too?

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Mucus Garcia

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Is that why taxpayers are paying more and more money for less and less services?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Example: 2033 budget we hired 4 inspectors
Bought them each a Ford SUV
Two quit in months
Budget for four is a fact.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

You still pay for stuff not provided. They should sell the SUVs at least.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Now, they say, “In 2023 we added 2 health inspectors.” Not, ‘we taxed for 4 and hired 4, but now have but 2’. It’s not lying, it dishonest in common speech, but in government context it is dishonest.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago

I’m very worried. It’s been at least 48 hours since Clowncil President Voltron has posted a beer or food picture. Something has to be wrong.

Peter Freeride
Peter Freeride
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Isn’t it against the law for politicians to accept gifts? I mean like in other cities and stuff?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

He has also blocked comments, it’s only open to a chosen group of butt kissers. He doesn’t want to hear the truth.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

There’s only so much mastication a body can endure.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
10 months ago

Now they want contributions to the ugly design they cooked up for the Dunham mall.

Corporate Division
Corporate Division
10 months ago

Did everyone already know that Shirley Edgerton is the President of Elizabeth Freeman Center?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Corporate Division
10 months ago

Say it isn’t so

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Corporate Division
10 months ago

Dats Wacist!!!

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Corporate Division
10 months ago

Really? Her name doesn’t appear in their Executive/Staff/Board listings.
They generally post that info pretty quickly.

10 months ago

Here’s a thought the maze creator little ricky rumpass, why not cut the sidewalk in downtown in half and get rid of the medians so the bums can’t sit there begging for their fix. Put the bike lane down the middle of the road so you don’t need one on each side. Make North 2 lanes again and you could probably do angled parking while you are at it.
For the clowncil why don’t you publish the notes from the discussions of the ARPA money and get money returned that were given out illegally (or against the mandate) and put the money to the water/sewer department where it all should have been spent.
The Mayor should cut the school department by $20 million and you can tell them it’s for the current students kids so there will still be a public school system in 10-15 years.
And go find those greenhouses and let Taconic’s vocational school have a community garden where the produce could be sold at the farmers markets in the area to keep it funded.

10 months ago

US weapons manufacturers set to rake in huge profits

Two of the largest US weapons manufacturers – Lockheed Martin and RTX – are in for a major boost in sales as the US demands more pricey military equipment to send to Ukraine and Israel.

On Wednesday, Biden signed a law that designates $17bn in new military aid to Israel and $61bn to Ukraine.

That means the US will need to buy and restock military equipment, including missiles and drones produced by RTX and interceptors that arm the Patriot missile defence system produced by Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed CEO Jim Taiclet told investors this week that the new demand will “provide a strong underpinning for future growth” in the upcoming years.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

NO MONEY for US border enforcement or to deport the criminal alien hordes.

Plenty of money for Ukraine and Israel border enforcement.

The Capitol building is infested with traitors.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Meanwhile does not understand how nations equip their militaries. USA would not be able to maintain an ordnance industry if the manufacturers cant sell their products. Some nations, like USA get to choose their clients. Some, Israel, cannot.

It’s nothing to cry and shriek about.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

*To clarify, USA cannot keep ordnance manufacturers in business on domestic needs alone, except when we are at war.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Why does the U.S. claim to want peace in the Mideast but then sends billions of dollars of high tech weapons to the barbaric madmen in Israel who are committing genocide openly and bragging about it?

Go to YouTube and search BREAKING POINT or DEMOCRACY NOW or AL JEEZERA and watch some independent news for a clue to what is happening to your country. You will be shocked. American news sources, all of them, are no longer relevant as they are covering up the atrocities of which America is complicit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

Biden currently wants to import Barbarians from Palestine, to supplement the invasion of Criminal Aliens crossing the southern border.

“all of them, are no longer relevant as they are covering up the atrocities of which America is complicit.” – Meany

Heard of Rieley Gaines, murdered by one of Traitor Joe’s “migrants”?

Do you even care about the atrocities right here in America, committed by the Criminal Alien invaders. Atrocities for which the Traitors in Congress and infesting the White House are complicit?

I don’t give a Rat’s ass about Ukraine, Israel, or the domestic or foreign Barbarians who chant “Death to America”. It’s time to take care of America and Americans first.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

“Part of the $9 billion in relief being sent to the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, claims a former Congressman who sat for years on the Foreign Affairs committee, is secret funding for massive Palestinian resettlement in America and Canada.”

“I’m pouring through the pages of the three supplemental funding bills. Don’t buy what they are selling. Came across this on page 11: ‘‘International Disaster Assistance’’, $5,655,000,000, to remain available until expended, to address humanitarian needs, and ‘‘Migration and…

— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) April 18, 2024

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

“Multiple people were arrested following Ilhan Omar’s Speech at a mostly peaceful pro-Hamas protest at the University of Minnesota on Tuesday. This was not Omar’s first rodeo of inciting a mob. Omar recently became unhinged towards Loomer Unleashed, calling us “disgusting” for pointing out her hypocrisy of calling supporters of President Trump “extremists” while Omar’s congressional colleagues have credibly accused her of sharing pro-Hamas propaganda in the halls of Congress. Omar went on to tell Loomer Unleashed that her congressional colleagues accusing her of sharing pro-Hamas propaganda are disgusting, too. Omar’s behavior further proves that some people are more equal than others in Joe Biden’s America. 
In her deranged speech, Omar thanked the mostly peaceful pro-Hamas protesters for “putting their bodies on the line.”  Loomer commented on Omar’s comments, ” She needs to be removed from Congress and then it must be made illegal to take your oath of office on the Quran in America like this miscreant did. Send her back to where she came from and please send her spawn of Satan with her. They don’t belong in America.”

Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

Independent news? What a schmo.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

Glue yourself to a highway?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

You can drop the sanctimonious act. The gross violence behind your words are on full display at Columbia U (and most other elite colleges.)

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

The gross ignorance of your comment charlie, is on full display. Get a clue and come back, but please do not waste my time with any more kronick nonsense. You are embarrassing yourself.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

And let’s clear out some of your smoke. Not even Palestinians can stand HAMAS.

Hamas kills aid workers to manufacture Gaza food crisis, Fatah charges
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF  Published: APRIL 22, 2024

A Fatah TV anchor reported that Hamas had attacked aid workers, stolen food and water and caused food prices to skyrocket in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian political faction Fatah charged on air that Hamas had deliberately killed aid workers, stolen aid and manufactured a food crisis in Gaza, according to a Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) investigation published on Sunday.  

A Fatah TV anchor reported that Hamas had attacked aid workers, stolen food and water and caused food prices to skyrocket in the Gaza Strip – which PMW said constituted a triple crime. 

“Hamas’ persecution of any party who is a source for distributing the [humanitarian] aid or securing it began from the start of the war, as Hamas persecuted well-known figures and teams of volunteers on the ground in mid-October [2023],” the anchor said. ”It attacked them and killed some of them for two reasons: Firstly, to prevent any activity by any [other] party in the Gaza Strip; and secondly, to ensure Hamas control over the aid and its storage, which of course leads to these crazy and unreal prices that no one can pay in the shadow of this destruction. 

“After the occupation bombed storehouses controlled by Hamas, the accumulation of tons of various food and aid products that Hamas had taken exclusivity over became clear, at a time when the Gaza Strip is suffering from hunger.”

Following the anchor’s comments, footage from an Al-Jazeera interview was played which showed a woman in the enclave complaining that “the aid isn’t reaching all the people” because the aid “is all to their [own] homes. Let Hamas catch me and shoot me and do what they want to me.” 

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza
Despite a surplus of evidence indicating that Hamas is stealing aid in Gaza, The European Union’s foreign policy Chief Josep Borrell claimed last month that Israel is not doing enough to ensure sufficient humanitarian aid for Gazans, according to Reuters.

In April, the White House also claimed that Israel had not done enough to ensure that enough humanitarian aid was entering Gaza. 

Palestinian civilians complained to the IDF that Hamas stole aid, The Jerusalem Post reported in January, alongside recordings of civilian testimonies. 

In one recorded call, a Gazan civilian testified that Hamas murdered his cousin because he tried to seek help from UNRWA. In another conversation, a civilian said he does not leave his home because he fears Hamas will seize it and use the property to fire toward Israel and destroy his house. 

Testimony of a Gazan civilian regarding Hamas stealing food from Gazan civilians (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has previously pushed for Islamic groups to make donations to Gaza as a form of “financial jihad” against Israel.

“Dear brothers and sisters, let us call this ‘financial jihad.’ The Islamic nation does not make ‘donations,’” Haniyeh told a conference in Qatar. “This is not just a humanitarian issue, despite its immense importance and Gaza’s need for any aid it can get. This is financial jihad. We should revive this principle of Islamic jurisprudence in our Islamic nation—the notion of waging jihad with one’s life and one’s money.”  

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

US military relies largely on foreign sources for equipment and parts. They even source/buy from the Biden Crime Cartel’s owners, the Chi-Coms.

In a real shooting war the USA would be woefully unprepared. We rely on the nuclear threat.

BTW, I’d like to report a demented senile old man, not competent to stand trial, who has nuclear weapons…..

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

My point is we no longer live in the days of the King’s armory where the king makes his own swords.

MEANWHILE is wondering why German Leopards are owned by militaries globally.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

What I am really wondering is, where will America get its fighting soldiers now that the country’s belly has been laid open and exposed. Who wants to fight for a country who starts wars just to make arms dealers rich beyond belief? If we had trouble getting recruits before, they will really have trouble now that our government is beating their own college kids on their own campuses. Are we Russia now? China?

Maybe this is why all the military aged men have been brought in over the border?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

“Maybe this is why all the military aged men have been brought in over the border?” -Meanie

You really are that stupid!!! Not a moron or even low grade imbecile, a true idiot!!!

Ask General Millie and Admiral Levine, two “women”, er “fighting men”!!! That can’t make recruitment quotas.

Or Traitor Joe who abandoned servicemen in Afghanistan, and just this month again in Niger. Left state of the art US weapons in BOTH PLACES!!! He also is kicking out homeless Veterans, just like Ma-DRat Heil Healey, to make way for BETTER treatment of, CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Then we could discuss the disgusting, Veterans Administration, that POTUS Trump was getting back on the side and interests/needs of US service veterans.

The “woke jokes” are recruiting deviants of every race creed and color, DIE for “diversity (and it’s the whole government not just military):

he/she/it/thingys/pedophilies/beastalists/gender confused/gender mutilated/trannys/……

The world is laughing at the American clown show running DC

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
10 months ago

Example: 2033 budget we hired 4 inspectors
Bought them each a Ford SUV
Two quit in months
Budget for four is a fact.
Is that why sitting on properties are in such disrepair? Is that why we lost Columbus Avenue parking and we’re losing the ballpark because the inspectors don’t inspect cities buildings and we’re about to lose a couple of schools the name of consolidation will they tear the old ones down because of lack of maintenance.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Richard Arnold
10 months ago

You can’t pass the roadway to the city’s watershed and reservoirs/Farnham’s dam, the bridge is out.

Maybe they inspected that, NOT!!!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
10 months ago

There isn’t a tax or increase to the taxpayers Mayor Maypo and company don’t like and those clowns will adopt an “Exit Tax.” like others are trying to implement.If you choose to leave.

10 months ago

Had to run errands in Allendale yesterday, and was shocked by the number of illegal aliens milling about on sidewalks & in stores like TJMaxx, Walmart & Stop & Shop. Anyone know if they are being housed in that dilapidated motel across from McDonalds? How many more have been shipped into Pittsfield in the last month? Where are they all being housed? Who is checking them for TB & other diseases? How are the kids being sent into public schools without vaccinations? Where is Cambi the Health Director on this invasion?

Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

We saw from the recent school budget that they make millions more from the state the lower the standard of living in the city is. If Pittsfield was a nice place government employees would take home less money or lose their jobs.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Leftovers? Nope they dine first.

The corrupt Pols feed on the taxpayers like starving pigs at a slop trough.

Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Definitely more of the illegals in the area. Masshole legislators just passed another 250 million dollar expenditure to house, feed and everything in between for the criminals. More taxes on the horizons.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

Masshole legislators = Traitors.

Just like the Federal Traitors who broke their oaths to uphold the US Constitution.

Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

And the answers are – Yes. Too many. Where you suggested they are staying, and behind Guidos. No Effingbody. Because illegals don’t need no stinking vaccinations. Me no se senor.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

And how did you know they were illegals?? Did they wear vests indicating immigration status? I’m really curious how you figured this out.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

20-35 year old males, non-English speaking, unemployed, looking lost, poorly dressed, some hispanic, some black, some mixed race. Young women some pregnant, some ignoring their young children who are running through the stores touching everything, speaking Spanish, not comprehending simple English questions, not sure how to work ebt card, again poorly dressed, walking on foot throughout Allendale.

Molly maybe you are a slow learner.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Gov made public that she is distributing them to Pittsfield and Gt Barrington. That’s your answer.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

How about they don’t speak English, for starters?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

He’s not of imbecile or moron cognitive ability, like You are.

The MSM feeds you bullshit, and you eat heartily every day.

Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

You should have seen the crowd at the Library last night. There were so many hanging around outside I thought it was a hotel

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

And these new to the area folk are going to love Marchettis new North street. He pretends to be spending millions more tax dollars to make the place prettier and “safer”. The drug dealers, down trodden and pan handlers are going to love it. Not so much all the condo owners who will have to look out their windows upon such a scene.

Sum tin wong
Sum tin wong
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

how do you know they were illegals? Did you ask them? Did they provide you with any documentation to prove they were illegals or are you just racially profiling them based on their ethnicity and or looks or even possibly by the language they spoke?

Reply to  Sum tin wong
10 months ago

Sum tin, another proud graduate of Pittsfield Public Schools.
Grow a brain.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Sum tin wong
10 months ago

Biden has let illegals in from all over the world. Russians, Chinese, Arabs and Asians he loves all terrorists.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

He’s importing the scum of the earth to America. Already has a plan to bring Hamas Barbarians here using US tax dollars.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
10 months ago

What the hell is wrong with Mayor Maypo. He evidently can’t comprehend how many roads Morales has been allowed to screw up. North Street, Ann Drive, Dan Avenue, Lucia Drive, Adelaide Street just to name a few. These are leftover screw-ups from last year. The city is already attempting to fix lawns with their subpar soil and grass seed. His idiotic idea that narrowing roads will help with traffic control has upset a large number of taxpayers. Now he is going to allow him to continue with this idiotic program. This proves that the Administration does not listen to the taxpayers. Have also heard that Commissioner Turocy of the Public Works department came out of retirement from 2019 to guide Morales. Has anyone else heard of this “rehire”? Does anyone know the salary for this “rehire”?
Many question why both Morales and Kerwood were not let go at the start of this new administration, my guess is, who the hell would want to work for the City of Pittsfield. Also, how many “secrets” would be revealed. What is Mayor Maypo afraid of?

Publik Werks
Publik Werks
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Morales has been around for almost ten years and now he needs guidance? So now taxpayers are going to pay for Turocy AND Morales and how many assistants to assistants to assistants?

You can’t make this shit up bubba. It is the Bizzarro world of Pittsfield, Ma. and its current mayor/puppet is a guy (actually two guys) named Pete. Marchetti thinks he is the mayor but I hear White tells him what to do and not do.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Publik Werks
10 months ago

Perhaps the mayor can join the masticator and mom for one of those epic lunches.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Is it true that the black hole called North street is going to get another multi million dollar “makeover”? It is mega projects like this that are continually fucked up and having the need to be redone and redone and redone that are burying current and future generations of Pittsfield taxpayers in debt that can never catch up.

Get out while you can

Shadow Coffers
Shadow Coffers
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

And if so, is that the real reason North street has to be done over and over and over again, never quite solving any traffic, parking or pedestrian problems, but often making them much worse?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

The city should take a Cat D9 and make a few passes up and down North Street, and then start over. That would even take care the potholes on upper North, that have dangerous pieces of road in them, and the bums on the medians.

No “consultants” needed.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Please take it as a compliment that “Voltron” Pete White blocks you on his online communications. I am sure anyone who lived in Pittsfield knows full well that Pittsfield politics’ other name is spelled R-E-T-R-I-B-U-T-I-O-N, not democracy! Pittsfield politics is an incestuous-like provincial group of corrupt political insiders who expect the rest of us to either tell them how wonderful they are for running the city into the proverbial ditch or shut up out of fear that they will dish out retribution against us and our loved ones. Pete White refuses to communicate with blogger Dan Valenti, too. I wonder if there will be a “Voltron” Award on his awesome blog?

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

If you need someone to tell you why something can’t be done Pete White is your man. If you need somebody, to roll up his sleeves and find a way to get it done, not so much. Stop voting this man in office.

Robots R Us
Robots R Us
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

If he was not voted in this mayor would appoint him to a high level position in his cabal. His puppet loyalty is invaluable in a “government” like the one in Pittsfield.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Pete is a classic example of a company man complete with chapstick and knee pads.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Herb Pease
10 months ago

You misgendered “it”! Confused company thingy.

In The Know
In The Know
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Is that even legal? Can a politician block a person if they use their personal account to communicate with constituents? I don’t think so.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

Probably cannot prevent public from emailing you on a public account. Constitutional Right to petition lawmaker, and city email is publicized as a public contact. Certainly shouldn’t. Every two weeks each councilor pledges allegiance to the US Constitution. Maybe they should read the first page too.

Stich Senatore
Stich Senatore
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Everything is beautiful. Needs another ninety days.

Stich Senatore
Stich Senatore
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Traffic backed up from east and elm to park square?…….

Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

Probably people honking for peace like the sign that the peace patrol people hold on Thursdays.

Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

East St. dug up east of PHS.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Morales and Kerwood will make Marchetti look foolish. Wake up Mr. Mayor before these two buffoons turn you into a punchline.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

Too late, Mrs Mayor is already wearing the “lipstick on a pig”…

B. Condiment
B. Condiment
10 months ago

I think the mayor is on to something with this two month educational campaign for using toters. Maybe this could be the first in a series of educational campaigns for Pittsfield residents. What else do the good people of Pittsfield need to learn?

Stich Senatore
Stich Senatore
Reply to  B. Condiment
10 months ago

Many years ago on Dan Valenti Show an attorney named (Anthony can’t think of his last name) stated there would be a flying car someday. Well its here. Do you remember that interview?

Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

I think Dan interviewed George Jetson or maybe it was George Jefferson.

Capo Zlilopez
Capo Zlilopez
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

I’m thinking A Doyle. Anyway he was correct. There was also a speaker at open Mike about 10 years ago talking about a future pandemic,and advised to store up on necessities at home and that came to fruition also.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Stich Senatore
10 months ago

It was Ted Kennedy’s Olds Delmont. It flew off a bridge at Chapaquidic !

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago

Not flying.

Before the scotch wore off, Tedward thought he was taking Mary Jo out for a date sailing/boating on his Oldsmo-yacht.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  B. Condiment
10 months ago

To actually come out and vote

Downtown Abbie
Downtown Abbie
Reply to  B. Condiment
10 months ago

Learn to stop worrying and love taxes with this one simple trick.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  B. Condiment
10 months ago

How to relocate

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  B. Condiment
10 months ago

They need to learn how to burn trash in their backyards.

Free Bird
Free Bird
10 months ago

While some cities and towns are managed better than others this state as a whole is becoming a very expensive place to live. I don’t see how people just starting out can afford to live here…

Tax Me More Please
Tax Me More Please
Reply to  Free Bird
10 months ago

Has anyone done one for Pittsfield? How much does a family of four need in a city where the homeowner has to pay not only his or her own property taxes but is also required by law to subsidize wealthy business owners with cozy political connections who conveniently get their own taxes whittled down? What is that figure Pete and do you really give a shit?

Someone cooked here
Someone cooked here
10 months ago

DCF caseworker in Pittsfield has pending charges in New Jersey. Child Endangerment in a murder of a 7 year old. Tell me wkoafw, switches jurisdiction and continues to make DECISIONS for more children and family.

My level of outrage is on the ether – you’ll find me there.

10 months ago

They (you know who I’m speaking of) use that money to buy property & they develop it.

I have been listening to the fxn driller blaster excavation for 2 years.

Going out doors makes me want to go indoors.

10 months ago

So now we apparently have criminal allegations that fall within the statute of limitations ,and at least one alleged victim who report this to the DAs office through her lawyer. This means that the Pittsfield Police Detective Bureau should now be investigating any alleged crimes. I am confident that if the Pittsfield Police detectives are investigating, the alleged perp won’t get Bernied!

Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

He lived a full life.

Reply to  Line-a-dooty
10 months ago

Bernie was as innocent as the day is long and was railroaded, big time, pal.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

To skew reasoning: flood with negative news and suppress exculpatory info.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

“Visions of downtown Pittsfield” – It is recurring NIGHTMARES on North Street!

“8% Water/Sewer rate hikes” – It is part of Mayor Peter Marchetti’s upcoming record high municipal budget proposal that always charges fixed-income Senior Citizens over $5,000 per fiscal year to see City Council Pete White wear his Voltron headgear and eating pork-chops.

Pittsfield politics relies on the city’s huge underclass population to receive huge state aid funding for its huge annual municipal budgets. Former Mayor Sara “Aberration” Hathaway infamously said many years ago now that, “Pittsfield is a Junkie for state aid.”

No wonder why former Mayor Jimmy “Rolodex” Ruberto is a full-time resident of Sunny Florida and a part-time resident of upscale Lenox, Massachusetts. He doesn’t want to stroll around dangerous downtown Pittsfield, nor does he want to pay the city hundreds of dollars to do his daily three-S’s.

The 2 Pete’s who run Pittsfield politics should be in the city’s Hall of Shame, along with the likes of the late-Gerry “Barstool” Doyle, Jr., Peter “GE Lobbyist” Larkin, Andrea “Pot King of lawsuits” Nuciforo, Jr., Angelo “Stay away from Maine” Stracuzzi, the late-Carmen “Camp Russell’s alleged Pedophile-Counselor” Massimiano, Jr., the late-Gerry “Hide the exculpatory tape recordings for decades until he dropped dead of a heart attack” Downing, and the like.

Jon Melle

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Pete White and Pete Marchetti have passed every budget and here we are.The two Pete’s are incompetent and have ruined retirement for Pittsfield elders. Marchetti does not seem to understand what he Tyer and White have done.Ever since EV World wide we have been giving money to all the cool cocktail developers without a benefit.Stop giving now.Stop digging the Pittsfield hole deeper.Consolidate schools.We need one High School at Taconic and 1 middle school at PHS.we must consolidate elementary into both middle school and remove all new position created in the last 8 years..No police or teacher layoffs.Marchetti and White are positive about who they are and thats great.Marchetti and White have also ruined Pittsfield Massachusetts.Both Marchetti and White are incompetent to fix what they broke.Marchetti and White need a 5 year plan of consolidation.We see nothing but crazy crazy taxation that has no end game. Stop digging Pete,the elderly need you to change your ways. We all know you are here for the retirement check ,please commit to helping retired people keep their homes.We are begging the powerful to help the powerless.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

We are begging the powerful to help the powerless”


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Mayor Maypo:
“All you ungrateful peasants are just too stupid to see how everything is so much better under my leadership for you”.Your complaining is annoying static distracting from my hard work raising taxes and fees! One Bitchfield.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

When the Pittsfield retired pass away who do Pete and rePete think will buy their homes? People will buy overvalued homes without a job here??????

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Juan Pittsfield
10 months ago

Florida realtors are dumping FL homes due to extreme hikes in prop insurance. They have to park their cash somewhere and do it fast. I would think areas of high rental demands be attractive.

Ironic though there is little evidence that this creates a seller’s market since income prop shoppers are fixed on budgets.

Sum tin wong
Sum tin wong
10 months ago

Dan, You claim Mayor Marchetti is a friend of yours but every time he tries to do something you cut him up. Folks in Pittsfield have long been spoiled with trash collection. former councilor Chris Connell had a 6 unit apartment building getting free pickup courtesy of the tax payers. Republic Services was notified of this and then when they didn’t stop at that property on Union St he made one call to the commissioner and surprise surprise they were they to collect the endless pile of trash.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Sum tin wong
10 months ago

Did he pay property tax on the building?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Sum tin wong
10 months ago

Pete won’t consolidate the schools because he is here to collect 90k retirement when he leaves.Pete wanted 90 days to show us his plan.Pete needs to resign because now he’s another known liar.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

First the Hess Forest and now the homeless camp at Springside. Marchetti is quietly getting it done and people are noticing.

Reply to  Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

Rhonda, I have to agree with you and give credit where credit is due on these two! Of course, broken clocks are also right twice a day.

Garun Teade
Garun Teade
Reply to  Crab
10 months ago

Biden is three percent ahead in the Marist poll? B S. Trump will win by at least Three to Five percent.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Garun Teade
10 months ago

Trump has no shot.He is running on dictatorship and killing his political enemies.Pure ignorance and hate does not attract smart people of moral character. That only attracts hate filled morons on FOX

Syphillus Sufferer
Syphillus Sufferer
Reply to  Crab
10 months ago

What about broken cocks?

Reply to  Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

But not so quietly raising taxes huh? If you give any fool bottomless budget funding without oversight he can do many things.

Personally I could give two shits about the Hess forest but I do care about the city sucking more and more money from me through its reckless taxation policies.

Downtown Abbie
Downtown Abbie
Reply to  Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

The Springside park camp? I didn’t think there would ever be a solution. Many had tried. They sent a Kennedy in there!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Downtown Abbie
10 months ago

I hope the Kennedy wasn’t driving an Oldsmobile.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

Reminds me of this Jewish joke.

A man pleads,in tears, to his Rabbi. “Rebbe, my house is a mess
It’s full of people and no one picks up.:
RABBI:”Do you have a goat?”
R: GET A GOAT AND PUT IN THE HOUSE. See me next week.”
Week passes, man returns to R.
R:”hows the housemow with the goat?”
Man:”Not good it’s tearing up the rugs.”
Next week, rabbi asks how weak went, predictably answer was unhappy. A fee more weeks pass with a horse and geese taking residence. The man is now a complete wreck. Rabbi tells him to get the animals out and come back next week.

Rabbi: “How’s the house?”
Man: “It’s wonderful. No chickens, goats, geese horses. Its quiet, clean I can think, there’s space to walk. THANK YOU!”

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Rhonda Santis
10 months ago

Out of Springside, in at Clapp Park. Same problem, different neighborhood. Now that’s really getting things done….

B. Condiment
B. Condiment
Reply to  Nannysm
10 months ago

That’s the Pittsfield spirit!

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago


President Pork Chop Voltron has announced that Dairy Cone will be opening on Sat April 27. Do not get in line in front of him. Wonder if you can get a beer float with a cone?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

He and is Mom were there last night after eating at Proprieters Lodge.

Freeloaders R Us
Freeloaders R Us
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Will our cones be free too? Or just the panderers cone?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Amendment 698, homeless veterans prioritization for shelter assistance, was rejected on a 27-129 roll call vote.

On Friday, April 26th, 2024, Berkshire State Representatives (aka Rubber Stamps): Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli, and John Barrett III all voted against a state legislative amendment that would have given homeless veterans priority for shelter assistance in Massachusetts.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

These Reps are despicable & should be voted OUT!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Thanks for your service veterans, now enjoy illegals being prioritized over that provided. You are useful when we are campaigning though.

Scumbag Politicians
for illegals first.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

CRIMINAL ALIENS come first!!! Free hotel rooms in the once beautiful Berkshires.

They are scarring the “woke” customers away from Guido’s.

Free Bird
Free Bird
10 months ago
10 months ago

Public input sessions regarding proposed toter trash program are as follows;

Monday May 6, 10 am Froio Senior Center
Thursday May 9, 7 pm Conte School
Tuesday May 21, 7 pm Herberg School

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Looks like the fix is already in. What’s the purpose of these “INPUT” sessions? I guess to indoctrinate the public. No input will be considered. They’ll take your suggestion and run it through the proper channels. One good flush should do it.

Ari There Yet
Ari There Yet
10 months ago

There’s no Corporate listing for Friends of Smiley’s Pond.

10 months ago

Biden said on the Howard Stern show yesterday that he will debate Trump. He didn’t say when, but he was not surrounded by his handlers so who knows if this will really happen. If it does, more than likely they will do it after most people have voted since voting will start months before the presidential election day and last for weeks afterwards. Trump will overpower Biden easily in a debate and they know it even though they will have Biden pumped up on energy drinks. Look for a late October debate between the two if it happens at all.

Beste Availabull
Beste Availabull
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

I could overpower Bide. Inflation? Why aren’t prices? Petrol way up almost double since Trump. Border crisis,nuff said. Unrest in Middle East,no solution.Leaving servicemen on tarmac? Just a few. Bottom line people can’t pay these inflated items like food and gasoline,basic essentials. Trump is the fix.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Dementia is a cruel, unrelenting disease. There is no denying that Joe Biden is suffering from acute mental decline, but I don’t know what’s worse….The fact that Joe Biden is obviously unfit to be President or the people who think it’s “ok” for Joe Biden to remain as President.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Trump looks like a homeless stink bomb

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Traitor Joe has a long history of lying, racism, criminal exploits, and treasonist acts……before dementia set in. Now it’s just an excuse.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

This demented corrupt old fool stumbles around, can barely speak, needs cheat sheets in appearances with other heads of state and we are supposed to vote for him? This clown belongs in the mental health wing. How can 50%of the voting public vote for this evil creature? Has the electronic media completely brainwashed people? The Russians and Chinese must laugh like hell. Doesn’t the news media understand that all of us are in danger with him in charge of
national defense?

Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Anyone voting for him only cares about achieving the George Soros globalist one world government agenda and I don’t know what his family is thinking to push him on despite his obvious decline. Kamala is waiting in the wings if BIden can’t finish the job if, God forbid, he wins the upcoming election. All scenarios are terrifying from a Biden win

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

There are millions out there who have succumbed to the media mind f**k and think Joe is doing a good job! I guess they do not shop in grocery stores, know what is going on in Ukraine or Israel, or simply like a big government nanny state. We are dealing with some very stupid, stupid people. I know, I interact with many on social media. They really, really think Joe is doing great and his brain is sharp! A testament to the success of the corrupt media being able to control the weak

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Biden is not surrounded by criminal lawyers in courts

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

I don’t want whatever you’re smoking. It seems to have turned your brain into a dried-up cauliflower.
Either that, or you’re merely pretending to be a fucking idiot, because you are charged with being a low-level shill for the corrupted establishment and its grotesque puppet Biden.

Either way, you got the shit end of the stick,

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

What was Trump’s crime in this instance?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

After all TSC, we must protect and save De Mock Racy, right ?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Biden’s surrounded by Visiting Angels.

10 months ago
Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago

President Voltron the Porkchop took his mommy to lunch at Proprietor’s Lodge for lunch today

Beste Availabull
Beste Availabull
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Anthony Perkins ?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Trumps mom honestly felt Donny was a moron

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Then she has a lot in common with your mother

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

There’s a secret in the city budget. Some of the summer kids program money is being used to rent extra porta potties Why do we need extra porta potties? Two reasons. They keep locking the restrooms at the parks because the copper and fixtures keep getting stolen.
The homeless population has exploded in Berkshire County and they hope that these extra porta potties will stop the homeless from taking a dump on the baseball fields.
They will divert over $120k this summer from kids summer programs to rent these toilets.

Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

There were over 1000 people at opening day little league ceremonies at Deming this am, had to be moved from Clapp due to destroyed concession stand by shit bums. Restrooms pad locked at Deming. 1 porta potty. 100 plus million budget, 1 toilet for 1000 people. How thoughtful!!!

Yed Abculct
Yed Abculct
Reply to  JustSaying
10 months ago

They should do what everyone does there pee in da woods.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

All brought to you by…………Liberal Democrats!

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

I bet your dog hates you

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

He bite your ass, then have to lick his own for an hour to get rid of the foul taste.