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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL12-4, 2024) — Is the true meaning behind Bitchfield’s so-called “transformation specialists” (TS) actually to promote bizarre gender-affirming procedures for so-called transgender and “gender non-conforming” people?

Sounds far-fetched, but it’s not, at least according to a fed-up manager/executive currently employed at one of the city’s social service agencies. This person, who wishes to stay employed and therefore shall be identified as “Wonder,” says she has “witnessed” such counseling to teenagers who have “fallen into this ugly and vicious gender spiral.”

THE PLANET‘s poking around into the TS “BS” came after we ran a picture of seven TS (henceforth called BS) members. Our caption identified six women and one of undetermined gender. There are only two. Genders, that is.

Our posting apparently caused quite a stir, quite outside the appearance of Wonder. Some took it hot. And that’s okay. We don’t expect unanimous consent on the points we out forward. That only happened on the City Council and Socohl Committee.

THE PLANET posts information not to win converts to our point of view and certainly not to make friends but simply to prompt discussion of key issues. You see, unlike this area’s hapless collection of political hacks and mercenaries, we actually belief in America’s founding principles, including the “free marketplace of ideas.”

Our beliefs also run contrary to the hapless local mainstream media, the “hackiest” of which are the Boring Broadsheet and WAMC (What A Miserable Collusion). Thes two sites are also huge promoters of the current “gender lunacy.”

It’s simple. If you’re a guy who thinks he’s a girl (or vice-versa), you are either (a) mentally fucked up, (b) a follower caving to another “flavor of the month” trend, or (c) doing it for attention without actually believe such nonsense.

Mental About Mental Health

Mayor Maypo’s overreaction in appointing a 30- (count ’em) 30-member mental health committee exemplifies both the hollowness and hypocrisy of the mayor’s first few months in office.

On the one hand, he has his slouches and sucks touting how wonderfully marvelous Bitchfield is, where streets are lined with marzipan and marshmallow. For example, take the ample Rebecca Brien, head of Downtown Pittsfield Inc. (DPI).


She posts on the DPI website: “Pittsfield’s downtown, known as the Upstreet Cultural District, boasts a lively roster of music, dance, theater, community festivals, and celebrations.” The site is so outdated it mentions the abolished Third Thursday festival and the First Friday Artswalk. How can one take such propaganda seriously if it doesn’t care enough about itself to update its site with accurate information?

At the same time, mayor Peter Marchetti (Say his name! Say his name!) realizes that the “scene” in Bitchfield is so bad that he has to create a mental health committee that will be as gigantic as it is useless.

It gets worse. From this committee will emerge an executive committee and numerous subcommittees.

Bureaucracy will join hands with Acme Handcuff Company to make sure the new committee shackles itself to the iron fence of the drug trade to assure the city’s opioid crisis will get worse. In Bitchfield, that passes for progress.

Drugs–traffickers, users, and the gangs that keep the supply lines moving–are the sole reason for the mayor’s panic move in establishing the commission.

If you boil this down further, the sole blame falls on users. Without them, suppliers would be out of luck. Traffickers and gangs are simply in business trading the American Way. They see a market, invest private capital to fill that market’s needs, and go to work. What harm there?

Users, though.

The do-gooders want to burn untold billions in public money to “help” them kick drugs. That money is largely a waste. THE PLANET has known several individuals who kicked a drug habit by MAKING THE CHOICE TO STOP USING. PERIOD.

That’s how it’s done. It sucks. It’s a lonely road. But for those who can muster the will and courage, it can be successfully traversed. The decision to use is a choice and excusable. To keep on using is also a choice but inexcusable.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Riddle: What imaginative use did Peter White find with a fresh banana peel?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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11 months ago

Way to tell it like it is, Danno.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
11 months ago

I look forward to seeing fewer syringes littering my neighborhood once the mental health crises committee gets in swing.

Reply to  openly gay commenter
11 months ago

The committee will support MORE free needles and crack and meth pipes. I guarantee it.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

April 11, 2024

Predictable Pittsfield politics:

1. An excessive municipal operating budget that always increases spending by at least 5 percent up to 10 percent per fiscal year.

2. Instead of small businesses, Pittsfield is the Social Services and Not-for-Profit Capital of Massachusetts.

3. Instead of investing in the people and the community, Pittsfield screws anyone and everyone who is not part of the incestuous-like one political (Democrat) party insider’s club.

4. Level 5 public schools with over 650 students per academic year who choice out to nearby neighboring public school districts.

5. Lottery Tickets and Nip Bottles and Marijuana Dispensaries and the like epitomizing the state’s systemic mockery of the low- to-moderate income underclass residents who live in Pittsfield’s distressed economy.

6. Mayors who say that Pittsfield is a Junkie for State Aid, Crime in Pittsfield is an Aberration, I have a Rolodex, I will revitalize post-GE Pittsfield, Pittsfield is Vibrant and Dynamic, I request a 90-day Grace Period free from criticism, and I am NOT a fan of social media and blogs, I formed a [secretive] advisory committee on mental health and addiction whereby I have unilateral authority….

7. Past Mayors who now live in Sunny Florida, a Gated Community along with her litigious neighbor who is sarcastically known as Pittsfield’s Pot King Luciforo, and anywhere else but inner-city Pittsfield.

8. The School Committee and City Council supporting demolishing two West Side public schools, while omitting the elementary school that abuts Hill 78, which is a capped leaky landfill full of GE’s PCBs industrial chemicals that causes brain damage, learning disabilities and cancer.

9. Pittsfield politics other name is RETRIBUTION! It is NOT democracy.

10. NO real representation on any level of government for the fictional family named Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who lives, works, and pays taxes in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Jon Melle

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
11 months ago


You don’t get to have it both ways.

You CONTANNTLY bitch about the druggies sucking up all the resources, plaguing our streets and how we need to rid ourselves of the problem(s).

Now you have a guy trying to do something about it, and you call it an over reaction.

You really should rename this site “Bitch Site”.

Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

That’s right Dan. Notice how the police chief isn’t on it?

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
11 months ago

Durwood is this you?

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
11 months ago

Attention bums of Pittsfield. The Pittsfield state forest is accessible from west street just beyond BCC…. Plenty of room for tents. Clean brooks and on the bus line. People in the neighborhood love the house less . They will help you. Please consider an encampment.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  North Street Nomad
10 months ago

Please dont’ say that, PSF is one of the few good things about this city.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
11 months ago

Another shitty column. Dan, you’re really hitting the skids. Maybe it’s time to hang up the keyboard for good. Maybe you are just out of anything to talk about. Now we wait for Mele’s race to post a delusional rant. Then comes Chaz the spaz. Then comes all the usual bitchers and Dan hangers. Maybe if we’re lucky even stroke victim Gaetani with some insufferable diatribe.
Enough already with the homophobia. Best thing that could happen would be gor Mayor Marchetti to take you out back, bend you over and show you how it feels and make you a convert to the other team. I will admit i.loom forward to your insults about Council President Voltron and his latest beer lacer culinary delight reviews. Do you think he rams an action figure up his limping arse to go to sleep? It is obvious he wants to believe he’s hetero but no female with have him.

The mental health advisory committee is certainly not a panicked response since he proposed that throughout his campaign and is a planned method of attacking the issue.

And enough already with the homo and substance use disorder bashing. It is obvious you are bias against both. I’m not sure where this is rooted in you but it’s very obvious you afraid of liking a boning or suffering a broken hip and getting addicted.

Time to find some new material.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Sarcasm: That is me: Jon Melle, who is racing to post my delusional rants…. I should join the ranks of “Junkie for State Aid” & “Abberation”, “Rolodex” & “Renaissance”, “Vibrant & Dynamic”, and “90 day grace period”. I should run for U.S. Congress versus PAC Man Richie Neal and then after I lose by 40 points, I should appoint myself as Pittsfield’s Pot King. I should propose demolishing 2 West Side public schools, while NOT doing anything about the elementary school that abuts the capped leaky landfill full of PCBs industrial chemicals that causes brain damage, learning disabilities, and cancer. I should be the first would-be openly gay Governor of Massachusetts, but then have the sarcastic nickname of “Unproductive”. I should be a U.S. Senator who represents Massachusetts in the Swamp, but really live in Chevy Chase, Maryland. I should be the U.S. President and say that I am very proud of my scoundrel son, Hunter. There you have it: Jon Melle’s DELUSIONAL rant.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Council President Voltron pondering the next food place to raid and the next pint to drink. He has a unique talent for saying alot while accomplishing nothing. But he has the vote of every pub and Cafe owner in town.

11 months ago

Be careful Dan, pretty soon the so called leaders of the Pitts will create a 100 person committee, of kool aide drinking thought police, to make sure bitchfield has “freedom of speech”. You know that it will insure the complete opposite of it, just look at what illegitimate is doing in DC

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

Do “advisory” committee’s get paid? That’s a question to ask. Not even money, gifts, kickbacks, etc. Usually there is an incentive to join these. There has been previous incarnations of this and they weren’t doing it out of the goodness of their hearts

Social Services, is like Communism… while good in theory, it’s corrupt and nothing more than a racket for the public trough

While I am at it… most of those who recieved ARPA funds have posted information on the city website…. all but the BBEC.

Last edited 11 months ago by Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

Interesting fact about social work. My late mother. Dr. Jane Kronick was the Chair emeritus of the Bryn Mawr Graduate School Of Social Work and Social Research, was a strong advocate for progressive social programs. She was also a classical thinker and statistical hawk. Though a committed proponent of welfare programs, she held a certain disdain for social workers and regarded their task as ‘protecting the status quo.’Essentially, this is what Valenti is describing in this column. Social workers are imported to Pittsfield, integrated into their governing bodies strictly for the purpose of maintaining a stable flow of services and client. It is sick and it ignores the fundamental objective of social work which is the solving the person’s adversity as the objective.
In medical analogy, it would be as though doctors, instead of identifying illness and working to make the patient healthy, simply found a marginal state that kept them coming back for treatment for the sake of the treatment, not the disease.

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago


openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Mr K, I think you have in fact described the current status of doctors these days – they aren’t any better than the social workers!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  openly gay commenter
10 months ago

CMS and insurers will not pay doctors and providers if they mess up a patient. They pretty much set the drumbeat on treatment and discharge to prevent MRSA, bedsores, and adverse complication from bad care.

But, I agree with you on the doctors which to be fair, are likely following the policies of their employers. Physicals now are largely driven by social studies generated by the State (do you wear seatbelts? Do you have power tools in your house? What is your favorite color?) Intake papers look like an employment test designed to weed out contradictions. Gender M/F. Identify as Etc…

Do the right thing and refuse to answer anything that isn’t relevant to your health or purpose of visit. keep them on track. My prof in Med Coding, an hospital admin, refused even blood pressure and weight taking when being seen for a torn ligament.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

“Social Services, is like Communism… while good in theory, it’s corrupt and nothing more than a racket for the public trough”

Most often designed to succeed just enough to appear to work.

Interesting fact about social work. My late mother. Dr. Jane Kronick was the Chair emeritus of the Bryn Mawr Graduate School Of Social Work and Social Research, was a strong advocate for progressive social programs. She was also a classical thinker and statistical hawk. Though a committed proponent of welfare programs, she held a certain disdain for social workers and regarded their task as ‘protecting the status quo.’

Essentially, this is what Valenti is describing in this column. Social workers are attracted to Pittsfield, integrated into their governing bodies strictly for the purpose of maintaining a stable flow of services and client. It is sick and it ignores the fundamental objective of social work which is the solving the person’s adversity as the objective.

A medical analogy, would be directing doctors to establish a marginal state for patients that kept them coming back for treatment just for the sake of the treatment, instead of treating the illness so the patient no longer needs treatment (or needs less.)

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

Prolly get paid “under the table”.

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

Trump like Putin are not promoters of the market place of ideas.They attack the press and Putin kills the ideas of journalists presented by the press. Trump has promised to attack and destroy the press if he is elected America’s first dictator.The press was bought by all the large wealthy corporations to control their leash and draw the line when needed.
Trump is now bizarrely saying he will improve America’s Healthcare as he tries to now tap into the democratic winning issues along with now backing away from his national abortion ban.He is so desperate to be all thing to all voters.One thing we know for sure about Trump is that he does not want his crimes to become public.Americas press is almost non existent in 2024 as our conservative government is months away from choosing fascist Trump over democracy .Remember one thing,America’s democracy is the 1st prize of fascist around the globe like Orban,Putin and FOX propaganda.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Anyone want to take a stab at translating this?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  North Street Nomad
10 months ago

My guess would be about12-15 Bud Lights and a half a bottle of grape Mad Dog 20/20.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  North Street Nomad
10 months ago

I don’t think anyone on here speaks Vodka.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Sounds more like Old Grand Dad. That I have understood in the past.

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

Mayor Marchetti had made a mess of the City of Pittsfield as a councilor and I thought he was going to deal with this problem of his creation.We waited 90 days to pass off the problem to others and now we know who the real Mayor Marchetti is.This man is Mayor to build wealth through is retirement. Well played Pete.You have lost my respect because I believed you were going to present a plan.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

May I ask you sir, what did Marchetti ever do that would have made you believe he would present a plan? Was it something that he did as council president or just blind faith?
I did not believe for one second that he would be any different than he has always shown us to be. He is what he is and will continue to be what he is. Tyer. Maybe Tyer on steroids if he is serious about a new ballpark.

Get out if you can!

Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Ricky, maybe you can help him pal

11 months ago

To quote Dan: “If you’re a guy who thinks he’s a girl (or vice-versa), you are mentally fucked up.”

You should be ashamed of yourself.

You shouldn’t wonder why the rest of the world sees you and your blogsite as something they’d rather not communicate or do business with. It is clear that none of your children or family members are gay.

If your source believes that such people have “fallen into this ugly and vicious gender spiral…” then I would not consider that person an unbiased and reliable source.

Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

You obviously have no friends, children or family members who feel trapped in the gender they were assigned at birth – a gender that does not match that of their physical bodies. This is a fairly common condition, and for you to assume such people are “mentally fucked up” is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

You may well feel differently if a member of your family or someone you are close to felt they belong to a gender that does not match that of their physical bodies.

To use your forum to publicly encourage the taunting, insulting and belittling of such people is the height of insensitivity and irresponsibility.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

It is clear you are acquainted with no one who feels they belong to a gender that does not match that of their physical body.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

You would call my 7-year-old nephew ‘mentally aberrant.’

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  observer
10 months ago

No, I would call you or his parents “mentally aberrant,” for not allowing a 7-year-old child to be a CHILD.

Whatever happened to a young child (boy) playing with Legos or toy cars?

With your line of thinking Observer, my 7-year-old grandson should be allowed to purchase an AR-15?

He CURRENTLY THINKS he’s a Green Beret in the US Army, as he hunts his pet dogs and cats.

Let those two words sink in- “currently thinks.”

It means he’ll more than likely CHANGE HIS MIND.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  observer
10 months ago

Possibly, probably, there is no greater crime than the abuse of a child.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

You better not read about what is going on in Gaza. Snipers taking out children with head shots. Not even kidding. CK Al Jeezera news on youtube. Horrifying. American media covering it up as America is providing the bullets.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

Israel imports bullets???

Snipers giving up their positions for shooting childrn???

Yep, that’s Al Jezeeera YouTube news channel. I bet you watch jihadi snuff videos too.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  observer
10 months ago

more likely your nephew’s mother

Reply to  observer
11 months ago

There are many Doctors who regard a Guy who thinks he’s a Girl as a Mental Illness. Most people would agree. Unfortunately, many are too afraid of the Woke crowd to say it out loud. Dan, simply said it out loud, deal with it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

The worst of it is the people who mess these (usually young children up.)

When a child comes to school, and is displaying age-inappropriate gender behavior, it is a red flag for child sexual abuse.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

But in the schools now that child will be ushered into something like the “LBGT Alliance” that meets after school at Taconic apparently and puts these children in a gender / sex-oriented club with their adult teachers.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  openly gay commenter
10 months ago

Totally true. I saw them celebrating children misidentifying themselves at Morningside. Close 10% in any grade?

So much for being primary reporters.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  openly gay commenter
10 months ago

And those overseeing the children in their charge feel there’s no need to tell the parents about these clubs.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

If you listen to “Up on Taconic” on WTBR you can hear them openly talking about it. I guess they don’t think any parents are listening.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  openly gay commenter
10 months ago

They tried that with my child at BART. I complainted to the principal. Got rebuffed, so immediately withdrew my child and put her in a different school. Why aren’t parents complaining to the Scohol Committee? Such a weak lot.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

Doctors in the transition business will agree with the confused patients on who they think they are, and who they want to be for a price. It’s all about the Benjamin’s.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

It’s about letting people be who they want to be.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  observer
10 months ago

There lies the fallacy. It’s not “who they want to be”, it’s “who they would like to be.” That means, ‘would like’ OBSERVES the knowledge that what is not necessarily possible.

I would like to be Napoleon Bonaparte, only where he was rich and lived the life of an emperor. Not the other parts though. Scratch that, I would like to be Michelangelo but not have to work on the scaffolds and commit to one Pope.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

That’s what they used to say about gays.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  observer
10 months ago

But, we are not talking about gays.

Reply to  observer
11 months ago

Dan is 100 percent spot on, and it has nothing to do with same sex attraction. It is a mental disorder. You are either born a male or a female. Deal with it.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Indeed, the truth is the truth. And you people miss the mark. No wonder you 30-percenters are such pariahs.

Reply to  observer
11 months ago

XX or XY….. that’s the science genius.

Reply to  observer
11 months ago

Identifying as is pretending to be. If that’s what you want to do don’t expect the rest of us to play along with your delusions

Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

You folks are highly insensitive judgementalists. There are many XX-ers that feel they are males and many XY-ers that feel they are females.

Reply to  observer
10 months ago

Facts don’t care about their feelings!

Reply to  observer
10 months ago

Bullshit! They’re delusional. There is no science to validate their “feelings.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

You nailed him there. He loses the arg when he defines gender as a feeling, which is a reaction to a belief.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

I’m surprised you folks have not met people in your lives who have female genitalia, are XX but identify as males and are sexually attracted to females, and others who have male genitalia, are XY, but identify as females and are sexually attracted to males.

They are about 1% of the population and do not consider themselves mentally deranged.

Bloggers on this site, and the site editor, believe that these people are mentally deranged. But they are not, and it is a shame that you all feel that it is a form of mental illness. Remember, they used to say that about gays and lesbians.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I hope you and your acolytes never have a trans child.

11 months ago

When illegal immigrants from conservative countries have their kids start to come home from school identifying with different pronouns and wanting surgeries and drugs to permanently change their bodies, these people will not be happy. Welcome to America! Europe is moving away from this gender insanity because they are seeing the danger, but America is moving full steam ahead.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

Tossing money at a problem, is not solving the problem. It’s just kicking the can do the road and delaying the inevitable. Mayor Maypo has a “whole mess” on his hands, left behind by the Barry “Flat” Tyer administration. He was the clowncil Prez, so he no free passes on this one.

We all know the only real policy to curb violent crime and drugs is the “Broken Windows Theory.” Bitchfield needs a zero-tolerance policy for gang bangers, gun crimes, drug dealers, and every other nuisance crime, that effects the everyday working person.

Unfortunately, we know this won’t happen.

Nimrods who claim to be “social justice warriors” have convinced weak-minded, older-white, liberals, that people of color have been discriminated against in the criminal justice system. Because of this “injustice,” people of color have a recurring “get out of jail” free card and can expect people to turn a blind eye when they loot a jewelry store to “feed their families.”

Remember when former, disgraced DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington, used to tell us that nonsense?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

Marcus, you are spot on my friend. A 30 person task force is about 18 people too many, and that number alone assures its uselessness. Jesus had 12 disciples for God sakes. The answer is tough love, law enforcement, strict penalties, and personal responsibility. Not coddling the bums and addicted
Zombies with free crack pipes and meth pipes and condoms we taxpayers are funding, letting them shit and live in the parks, hang out in the corners with their cardboard begging cards, and littering city with nips every other block. The city needs to get rid of the trash, human and other, and throw the scooters which I saw yesterday, ready to load and distribute, into Silver Lake.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
11 months ago

Unfortunately the Judges are not on board. Drunk driver, with semi automatic rifle and amo 30 rounds in back seat. Zero license for the weapon. No problem in Pittsfield, release and give him a court date. They are waiting until they kill someone. WTF! Stay locked and loaded, know one will protect you, but yourself.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
11 months ago

If children don’t know what gender they are, what private parts they have and how they function, and what bathroom to use it’s the parent(s) fault. Note the parentheses, TWO parents a MAN and a WOMAN, with a born with penis and vagina.

The government/social services/schools have no business pushing this gender affirming mental sickness onto children. That should be a criminal offense, just like “drag queen ” hour for children.

There are reports from South County that one of these confused and abused children, thought “itself” was a cat. And the school put a litter box for a restroom, just for “it”. That is the current state of mASSachusetts public schools.

If adults want to play dress up, cut up and mutilate their bodies, and engage in private perversions, fine with me. Don’t parade yourself, literally,in front of children, nor entice them into your perverted world and beliefs.

If the perverts/deranged want to force that onto others, there used to be a place for them, mental institutions.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
11 months ago

Rube, what’s up with your fascination of cross dressers/Trans people? Not getting what you want at home and looking to take a walk on the wild side. It’s Ok Sweetheart, I’ll keep your secret safe. Bahhhhhhhhaaaaaaahaaa.

Reply to  In Da Know
11 months ago

Mental Illness is not a joke. Hope all of your Cross Dressing and Transgender friends seek the help they deserve.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In Da Know
11 months ago

Are trans sheep a thing? You would know. Basaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Reply to  12 Gauge
11 months ago

Marchetti made this coming Sunday trans sheep day just for inda

Last edited 11 months ago by Gobsig
Reply to  In Da Know
11 months ago

Hey Liberace, you can pretend to be a girl. Just don’t expect others to validate your delusions

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
11 months ago

Your response is predictable, You being an alumnus of Belchertown State.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Did his post graduate degree at flatulence state.

11 months ago

You mean Mayor Bleach White is promoting bizarre gender-affirming procedures? Shocked…..

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
11 months ago

Partners, friends….

Something happened overnight. It’s the climate here. In Jackson Mississippi, the weather is unchanged from hundreds of years. But here we have what you call ‘Climate Change.’

Climate change is upon us on Pontoosic lake. It is bad. A brutal cold front swept the Lake. Tennesey De Sauer Mashe froze in his tracks on the North end of Island #3. Only the tip of his hat pokes through the white crust. Ice has locked me in my home. The glacial weight is immense. I’m terribly cold, my feet are frozen into the once soft ground beneath me, I cannot move, the timber above me, just a thin skin of hope against the climate change ice age of the second millenium, shall not hold off the weight much longer. Air is heavy. I fear this is the end. My final post. I fear to so much as move.

Send help. Please.

Tennessee Poats
Tennessee Poats
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
11 months ago

Sure it ain’t brain freeze.

Reply to  Tennessee Poats
11 months ago

He probably just got a few bad ice cubes.

MIssissippi Jack Crock
MIssissippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
11 months ago

As hope grows dim, what I wouldn’t give to be back in dear Avalon. To perish, cold, suffocating in my house now under 10 feet of ice in the climate changing Pittsfield. my radio, I searh channels looking for love hope.

WGOB Broadcasting now. What a crock to hear in my final moments.

“It’s Friday eve! TGIF!!! This is your Mayor, Peter Marchetti, giving a special It”s One Pittsfield program for my friends here at WGOB, voice of the good ol’ boys. Today, I am giving you the news. City Council completed its first quarter.Newbies are now seasoned fighters, the brigades for the People everywhere they are to be found. Zombies continue to patrol the streets. Do not talk to them, they are now innoculated and trained not to bite unless provoked. Again – don’t approach or look them in the eyes. For your benefit, and to help you not make eye contact with the Pittsfield Police Zombies, the mural of the Woman with snakes for hair on North is there to divert your attention. If you are approaching an oncoming zombie, please look at the Woman With Snakes For Hair. The zombie will pass you harmlessly. We thank Witches Inc for the mural. If you pass a witch or know one, please thank her. For all you gardeners and those with big plans for cleaning up the yards, we have a great weekend for you. Sun is expected to be hot green. No clouds and the air shall be pure sulphur. It is perfectly safe to breathe but be careful out there. Weather’s changing. If it’s your first time leaving your house since last August, doctors suggest spending no more than 30 seconds out there for the first week. We have a special guest right here to answer all your questions. Dr. Vindaloo from New York Albany Hospital is here, and our call in number is 413-382-5633……..”

Last edited 11 months ago by MIssissippi Jack Crock
Reply to  MIssissippi Jack Crock
11 months ago

Dr.Vinny Boom Bots wasn’t available?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

April 12, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I believe the root of the social problems cities such as my native hometown of Pittsfield (Mass.) and the city I lived in for 4 years of my adult life in Manchester, NH, is that society is uneducated about the UNDERCLASS.

Carol Robidoux, who publishes Manchester Ink Link, sent out her daily news email today (Happy Friday, 04/12/2024) whereby she wrote about the city’s ARPA hire for Manchester’s homelessness crisis whose employment was terminated yesterday by the Mayor, but she was given a $57,000 settlement from the city. Carol wrote about the decades of failed social services policies and programs to assist the city’s underclass out of a life of poverty.

In the Berkshire Eagle, I read the headline and one paragraph of an op-ed column whereby the author wrote that gambling is a regressive tax. Despite the way in which the government and big business structured gambling, the underclass is consuming gambling products and thereby (voluntarily) paying regressive taxes. I thought to myself that greedy lobbyists, such as Dan Bosley, supports gambling and other regressive taxes because it enables them to obtain large state (and beyond) tax breaks for their big business clients.

I support social services, public education, mental health and addiction committees that are NOT secretive and give Mayor Peter Marchetti unilateral authority, and so on. But the hole in the proverbial doughnut is that a majority of people do not understand the UNDERCLASS population in our inequitable society.

Instead of a top-down big government and big business approach to social services, Mayor Peter Marchetti should take a bottom-up approach. If I were the Mayor of Pittsfield (Mass.) like my relative is – as we share the same Italian great-grandparents who migrated to Pittsfield over one century ago, I would educate the public about the city’s largest growth demographic: The city’s huge UNDERCLASS population. I would also explain that the state lottery SCAM is a regressive taxation scheme that targets the UNDERCLASS and makes a systemic mockery of economically distressed “Gateway” cities such as Pittsfield.

Carol Robidoux is right on target. Manchester, NH, has had decades of failed social services policies and programs to assist the city’s underclass out of a life of poverty. I would add that one of the main reasons for these decades of failures is that we do not understand the UNDERCLASS population from a bottom-up viewpoint.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle

11 months ago

Off topic but seriously important

Supposedly the American govt. is concerned that Iran may use this weekend to pay back the genocidal maniacs in Israel and that Israel may light the fuse for WW 3 as payback payback. All US forces and embassies are on high alert all over the world as are most military’s around the world. The ducks have been lined up. It just takes one rouge idiot (like Netnanyu) to set it in motion.

American news sources have been avoiding the subject ever since Israel started using Gaza as their own personal human butcher shop. Fox news is at least touching on the subject though as usual putting their own spin on it as to who the perpetrators really are.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Meanwhile
10 months ago

I still remember when China Joe Xiden, (DNC) democRATS, and MSM, kept repeatedly telling us that if Trump got into office, he would start WW3.

If we do have WW3 and the military draft is reinstated, does it give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that our soldiers are coming from the ranks of the six “Transformation Specialists,” and their ilk.

Will Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia, use “gender neutral” bullets, bombs, and missiles?

We certainly don’t want a they/them mistakenly killed and labeled a he/him.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

MA: He’s pro Iranians. Infatuated with dogs that kidnapped our embassy and later blew up 200 US soldiers sleeping in their barracks in Beirut.

11 months ago

Unfortunately the mayor is more concerned with far left lunacy than commonsense solutions to the city’s problems

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

Show me one social worker, therapist, counselor, etc. that isn’t either in counseling themselves, a substance abuser or on some sort of anti-anxiety or mood altering pharmaceutical.

I’ll wait. I know enough of them to realize how harrowing this statistic probably is. Screwed up individuals barely scraping by sanely “helping” those who are more just as worse off.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
10 months ago

The good ones are not in counseling or abusing chemicals.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
11 months ago

Who could blame the mayor for going full bore woke on Pittsfield. When you have Joementia Ziden on Easter no less, calling for a Transgender Day of Visibility,  

A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 | The White House  

Tony B
Tony B
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
11 months ago

Well nimrod Trans day of visibility happens every year on 3/31. Easter doesn’t. You know, that “holiday” that celebrates a story written in a mythical book about a guy who played a trick on the people in his village.

Reply to  Tony B
11 months ago

Thanks for your opinion Truman Capote.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Tony B
11 months ago

You do look smashing in your skirt Toni.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

I’ll go along with the loaves and fishes or turning water into wine but turning men into women? Now there’s a myth for village idiots.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Herb Pease
10 months ago

If one’s a miracle, what is the other?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Quack surgery and or quack psychology

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Herb Pease
10 months ago


Reply to  Ron Kitterman
11 months ago

What Vinny said

Last edited 11 months ago by Gobsig
In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 months ago

Rube, next year Easter is on Hitlers birthday, we blaming that on Biden too lol. Oh, and it’s on 4-20 as well. Guess y’all gonna blame that on Willy Nelson. Baaaaaaaahaaahaaa

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Will Biden be having a trans nazi day?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Herb Pease
10 months ago

Maybe. Nazis were known for perversion.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In Da Know
10 months ago

Transnazi day of visibility, celebrated by moonbats everywhere!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Boston releases illegals committing crimes….
Healey should be recalled! She appointed a former girlfriend/lover to the court.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Seems like when it only hits close to home for these clowns is when something is done. Disgusting!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

You sound like Kelly Ayotte, who is running for Governor of New Hampshire in 2024. By the way, did Maura Healey ever pay a porn star sex worker, as well as a Playboy Model, hush money? A: NO. Rather, I think that was Donald Trump. By the way, did Maura Healey ever say on a hot mic that she “grabs women by their [genitials]? A: NO. Rather, I think that was Donald Trump, too. Lastly, it is NOT Maura Healey who is endorsing Donald Trump for U.S. President in 2024. Rather, it is Kelly Ayotte who is endorsing Donald Trump in 2024, despite the fact that she declined to do so 8 years prior in 2016. Hmmm.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Nice dodge JM to answering Fritz’s post about criminal aliens being let go and turning it into a TDS post. I hope you encounter a couple criminal illegals the ones who you put before vets.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Swamp Rd Richmond/W Stockbridge yesterday afternoon, two Criminal Aliens picked up in vehicle traveling north.

Car towed, Illegals cuffed and stuffed. Good job by police officers.

Want bet they are released already by mASSachusetts courts?

Runnin Feud
Runnin Feud
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Iran has attacked Israel

Reply to  Runnin Feud
10 months ago

Iran attacked Israel directly. They usually use proxies. The majority of ballistic missiles and drones were intercepted by Israel and their allies. This was a major attack and if our country was hit with this amount of firepower it would be considered war. Iran seems to want to back down now after their attack, but what Israel will do remains to be seen. Biden hasn’t been helping the situation by going after Israel for a ceasefire with Hamas when it’s Hamas that is refusing a ceasefire.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

They usually use proxies”

They also usually attack proxies, such as embassies, community centers, and US army targets on non-combatant exercises. They launched that attack for the youtube videos. SS likely has them downloaded to get him through the next week.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

April 14, 2024

The letter, below, really bothered me on many levels. When I think of a bureaucrat, I think of a banal micro-manager who is bought and paid for to serve their political boss’ “Twilight Zone” interests. A perfect bureaucrat dots all his i’s and crosses all of his t’s. A greedy bureaucrat only cares about his job, pay, perks and pension.

To illustrate, the corrupt EPA supports GE’s plan to put a capped leaky landfill full of PCBs industrial chemicals in Lee, Massachusetts. I, along with many other concerned people, wrote to the corrupt EPA during the public comment periods. The corrupt EPA bureaucrats found technical reasons to disregard all of the public comments that did not align with their poisonous findings.

To illustrate, Pittsfield’s Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78, which is a GE capped leaky landfill full of PCBs industrial chemicals that causes brain damage, learning disabilities and cancer. The Pittsfield public school bureaucrats wrongly allow this poisonous public school to continue to operate, while there is a severe public safety threat to hundreds of students, faculty and staff. Sarcasm: Thanks again, corrupt EPA bureaucrats!

Pittsfield’s public schools are unfortunately known as Level 5 public schools. One of its bureaucrats found that a statewide undercount of low-income students resulted in millions of dollars in state funding in favor of the city’s failed public school district. What I see here is that the city’s large population of underclass students are attending Level 5 Pittsfield public schools that led to increased state aid funding for the city’s public school district. That is not really a victory – even in Pittsfield.

Would anyone want to deal with the corrupt EPA bureaucracy that agreed to a capped leaky landfill near an elementary school? Would anyone write to the corrupt EPA about capped leaky landfills only to read that they found technical reasons to reject all of the comments that did not align with the EPA bureaucrats’ point of view on the matter? Would anyone want to pay excessive municipal taxes in Pittsfield in return for the city’s huge underclass population’s children attending the city’s Level 5 public schools?

Jon Melle


Letter: “In defense of bureaucrats”
The Berkshire Eagle, April 13, 2024

To the editor: It can be all too easy to give bureaucrats and bureaucracies a harsh word.

The words themselves are sometimes used as insults. They are frequently those who enforce rules and processes we don’t like or sometimes don’t understand. We hardly ever hear the word “bureaucrat” used in any sort of positive way.

But near the soul of every good administrative bureaucrat lie two very important questions: “Is this right?” and “Is this the best we can do?” They see the humanity of the systems they’re a part of and do their best to address these questions with honesty and hope. Part of a bureaucrat’s job is to remain behind the scenes or around the edges. However, sometimes one of them does something so important that it’s important to pause and shine a light on them for more than a moment.

This week, we learned of the work of Kristen Behnke, assistant superintendent for business and finance of the Pittsfield Public Schools. Through her good work, we learned of a statewide undercount of low-income students that, if unchecked, would have resulted in millions of dollars in cuts. (“A Pittsfield school official revealed a statewide undercount in low-income students. It will unlock another $2.4M in aid,” Eagle, April 12.)

Her work has helped prevent suffering for those who serve all of us through their work in school systems — work that is already harder than it should be — and thousands of students and parents. We owe her our deep gratitude.

Yes, bureaucrats and bureaucracies are frequently regarded as a problem. Usually, what gets highlighted is a mistake or error instead of their everyday work that keeps things functioning. But at their best they are protectors of well-being, defenders of shared assets, guardians against costly errors, and the energy that keeps an organized society functioning in ways we never usually see at all.

The Rev. Mike Denton, Pittsfield

The writer is pastor of United Church of Christ, Pittsfield.


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

The Rev is petitioning for sainthood. St. Benke of the Triplicate Language Office Bureaucrat.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Her attribute is the stack of paper in three inscrutable languages, at a cost of $1,000/word, that is ritually tAcked onto every bureaucratic mailing to the flocks.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

April 14, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

One of my best friends, who I grew up with in Pittsfield, wrote to me today that I cannot change the past with Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s a little less than 28 years of bullying me, hurting my dad, Bob, and so on. I agreed with him, of course. You, Dan Valenti, once wrote to me that you know that I was hurt in Pittsfield politics. Many other concerned people have communicated with me their negative views about “Luciforo” over these many years of my adult life (20 years old during the Spring 1996 to 49 years old this upcoming Summer 2024). I appreciate that good people care about me, as well as my family, when it comes to “Pittsfield’s Pot King”.

The thing many people do not understand about Nuciforo’s conspiratorial persecution of me is that it has not ended, nor will it ever end until death to us part. It is like I am married and divorced to my enemy #1. I can never escape this 4-foot-tall piece of poop that exists in the form of a man. Nuciforo wins at any cost. He has no decency. He has no bottom. It bothers Nuciforo that he has not fully ruined my life, despite all of the abuses he has done to me over so many years now.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Hegelian dialectic thingy here
You say he has no dignity, and I start thinking he must.