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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 31-JUNE 2, 2024) — “The road to Acapulco is very hard indeed, and it don’t get no easier if you haven’t any weed” — New Riders of the Purple Sage.

Yeah, but the road to Bitchfield makes Acapulco look like the Miracle Mile. Bitchfield’s idiot mayor just gave away $786,625 in  “free cash” to three municipal pot facilities. Maypo has just set the record for quickest mayoral flop in city history. It usually takes a year before the Kapanskis realize the corner office is screwing them once more. Maypo’s done it in less than five months.

How badly can a manager blow it?

Media reports have made this surrender sound overly complicated. Let THE PLANET reduce it to the essentials, as if we were boiling maple sap. We have no maple, but we do have a Maypo and a sap.

Before the dope facilities opened, they signed contracts agreeing to pay specified fees. Then, years later, with their businesses established, they pull a “we changed our minds” and sued for the city for refunds. Instead of fighting the suits in court, they city folded faster than Myron Florian’s accordion. Cost to taxpayers: Almost 800 Gs.

THE PLANET sought put one of our legal sources, a lawyer with one of the city’s best known law firms. We asked: “Was the city case winnable?”

“I was surprised that the mayor agreed to settle,” said Perry Mason. “When the city agreed to allow the marijuana facilities, the regulatory language was unambiguous. In my judgment, had the city pressed the case, it would have won.”

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET ‘s favorite aspect of the case was political angle. It came courtesy of our Right Honorable Good Friend, councilor-at-large Earl Persip. He cast the lone vote (9-1) against the cash cave-in.

“I don’t agree that these local businesses who, when the Cannabis Control Commission came about and set all the rules, they were very willing and able to pay these fees, understood what the fees were for, they signed these agreements in good faith, and then when they figured out there was an issue with the law and how it was written is when they came back asking for money,” he said.

“Now it’s coming from the free cash and it’s coming from the taxpayer and I don’t agree with it.”

Persip feels that the state should have reimbursed the companies.

“Everybody was very eager to pay the fees, people were eager to collect the fees,” he said.

One wonders if some of those same people are eager to collect kickbacks on the awards.

Nahhhh. That stuff NEVER happens in Bitchfield.

———- ooo ———-

Each new city council squeezes out a star the way a near-empty toothpaste tube can always yield one more brush. For a generation, Peter Arlos starred. More recently, we’ve had Rioting Rob Tuttle, Chris “CC” Connell, and “Sir Chaz” Kronick. In the early going, Persip has the inside track and early lead.

He’s speaking his mind and has been telling Maypo where to get off–in polite dais-talk, of course. THE PLANET finds this worth watching, hoping that Earl keeps up the good work. We’ve long thought he possessed independence.

But why now? We asked aroun. The wise guys have two theories:

  • (a) Between the 2023 campaign and now, the mayor did something to give Earl a pissing. What that is we don’t know. Anyone care to enlighten us?
  • (b) Persip’s thinking of Campaign 2027 and a mayoral bid. Maypo will not be running for reelection. He also has a trial date upcoming in federal court. If Earl keeps coming on strong, he could make a formidable candidate.

So don’t Bogart that joint, my friend.

Pass it over to Nuciforo.


If you lose it now, you’ll have to find it later” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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The school committee
The school committee
9 months ago

Breaking….Trump found guilty of 34 felonies by 12 jurors.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

To quote a poster on Twitter (X) today:

“The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. Not for the illegal CIA groups and biolabs inside of Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Not for the drone strikes at killing innocent people at weddings. The 33,000 deleted highly classified emails on a private server or the illegal spying on an incoming President and American citizens.

It was because Trump “misclassified” a $130K payment to a porn star.”

Think about that. He didn’t even mention Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, or Gennifer Flowers, either.

Welcome to a third world banana republic the US has become.

The new democRAT slogan is, “we sh!t on the Constitution and favor Ukraine and our future army to disarm Americans (illegal aliens) over Americans. Our voters are dumb and gullible enough to fall for it. too.”

BTW-all of you who suffer from TDS, the plan once again backfired. Trump’s servers for his campaign contributions page crashed because of the overwhelming support he NOW HAS.

I would hope it all ends peacefully, but Snark, TSC, JM, HL MAP, you better hope it doesn’t go south. You’ll have today’s liberal women and illegal aliens in your corner. Good luck with that.

We have a charged up AMERICA FIRST BASE!!!

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

So he got caught doing what every other politician does

kudos, you just enflamed his voter base.

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Don’t get too excited School Committee. When Trump wins on November 5th that will be the day of celebrations for this country. Even though the Democrats will unleash all kinds of riots if Trump does win. We have to save our country from these really bad people in Washington.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Pat, do you think Biden will send the Proud Boys and other such maniac mobs of Putin living goons to storm the capitol building like Trump did? Or is that just a desperate pathetic Trump thing?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
9 months ago

Biden mourned, George Floyd , a drug addled convict, by taking a knee.

Biden mourned the 13 AMERICAN SERVICEMEN killed in Afghanistan , DUE TO HIS BLUNDERS,……BY CHECKING HIS WATCH.

The 13 survivor families HATE TRAITOR JOE. Fact check that………

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Speaking of Biden’s military f up’s. North Korea is rattling their cages again with South Korea.This post I found is dead on.

It is no stretch of the imagination that if Biden picks up the “Red Phone” the “General” on the line at the Pentagon is an actor pretending he’s a General…..
Biden: “Get me the Red Phone I’m nuking North Dakota.”
Biden Handlers: ” That’s North Korea sir and we should not be
nuking anyone before
your nap.”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Snark Shark
9 months ago

You tend to dodge my questions Snark.

I’ll toss you a softball question.

Without mentioning Trump or TDS, now is your chance to explain to me like I’m a current level 5 Picklefield Public Scohol student, what makes Xiden a great president and what has he done to truly earn the 81,000,000 votes he allegedly received.

When I don’t get a response back, I’ll know you are enjoying a little splash pad time with Ricky “Roundabout” Rumpus.

You two “guys” are probably discussing important issues like “climate change” or more bump outs for Bitchfield.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Leftists lack the intellectual humility to look beyond their mental exhaustion. They can’t be bothered to think. They just want the power to do whatever they feel. Head, tired. Default: feelings. No rules, just

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Pat you spelled “Peaceful Protest” wrong

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Q- When will Traitor Joe get TWO TERMS???

A- One for treason and the 2nd for pedophilia……

9 months ago

Wonder how much the pot group paid or I mean donated to the current mayor’s campaign fund? At least the city should have ask the citizens who are paying the bill if we wanted to fight! Another question about trash, was it put out to bid? It seems we the citizens of the bitches are being slapped over and over. Why did they tear down the trash to energy plant that worked for 5 decades? Maybe a new bigger one can be built on the GE pollution site and the city could charge Casella $200 ton to drop off their garbage. The city could then sell the electricity to the electric grid…look at that a money making scheme, The pot smell from Dalton Ave will drown out any smell created

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 months ago

The Devil himself, Luciforo donated a cool $1,000 in October

Give Me More Now
Give Me More Now
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
9 months ago

If andy was not involved none of them would have gotten a dime. But no way they were gonna cross him. He could have asked for treble damages and it would have just been added to our taxes.

Camel Bachk
Camel Bachk
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 months ago

I get a free high from Dalton Ave. just sayin….

Reply to  Camel Bachk
9 months ago

Marchetti may try to find a way to tax free highs if he can. No free lunch with that guy. (unless you be buddies with him)

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
9 months ago

Mayor Peter Marchetti wants his city public pension plus perks for life. Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior wants to cash in on pot money. Other than Earl Persip the dumpster, the City Council wants to giveaway Kapanski Ka$h to the special interests greed-balls. Voltron Pete White wants to anoint himself as the next failed Mayor of Pittsfield politics. Jon Melle wants to vomit. Blogger Dan Valenti wants to write about Bitchfield’s failures that keep coming along with disappointment after disappointment….

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

If the cases were legally winnable, I don’t understand why Mayor Maypo settled with Andy and the others.

Doesn’t Bitchfield have a legal department to advise Maypo?

We all know Andy is a connected player in Bitchfield politics, so I’m sure that was a huge factor in this “legal decision.”

But then again, it’s not Maypo’s money he’s giving away. It’s OUR taxpayer money.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

It was a change in state law that prompted these suits and others throughout Mass. The impact fee provision was amended to require that they were to be quantifiable and not automatic. At that point, municipalities should have amended their own host agreements and stopped charging impact fees unless they were justified due to related costs. Almost none did and they continued to collect the fees. Once the 1st suit was filed, many communities, including Boston, just settled up before they too faced litigation. Pittsfield, as always, was just late to the party.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King should have been prosecuted and sent to prison in 2006 for his double dipping as a Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the chamber’s Finance Committee while at the same time serving as private legal counsel for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies. In early-2007, The Boston Globe published a news story on these facts. Nuciforo’s 2 pot lawsuits: The $341k settlement in Pittsfield and the pot union busting one in Boston should not have ever happened in 2023 – 2024 because Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior should have been a Convicted Felon and disbarred from practicing law in Massachusetts. How Nuciforo always gets away with all of his alleged wrongdoings is beyond my comprehension – other than the corruption of Pittsfield politics and the state government in Boston.

Jon Melle

Camel Bachk
Camel Bachk
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

This could have been easily squashed had
Nuciforo had any empathy for the city he grew up in?
Earl has some good points on a couple things he stated.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

ENFIELD, Conn. (WTNH) — More than 100 Enfield Public School employees will lose their jobs as part of sweeping budget cuts that also include all athletic programs for multiple grade levels.
It’s a part of a plan approved by the board of education on Wednesday to cut $5 million from next year’s budget.
“It’s disheartening, it’s frustrating,” said Tod Couture, a special education teacher. “People have been told they don’t have jobs. They’re crying and wondering if ‘I’m next.’ Everybody is hanging on by a thread.”
About 130 positions will be eliminated. That list includes teachers, deans, behavioral techs and central office positions. All middle school and ninth-grade sports have also been cut.

Reply to  Meanwhile
9 months ago

But the Pittsfield mayor and council do not even have the courage or will to cut the flower budget a few bucks.

Get out if you can. It will not get any better. Ever. They are eating your and your child’s lunch and they plan to finish it.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

ENFIELD, Conn. (WTNH) — More than 100 Enfield Public School employees will lose their jobs as part of sweeping budget cuts that also include all athletic programs for multiple grade levels.
It’s a part of a plan approved by the board of education on Wednesday to cut $5 million from next year’s budget.
“It’s disheartening, it’s frustrating,” said Tod Couture, a special education teacher. “People have been told they don’t have jobs. They’re crying and wondering if ‘I’m next.’ Everybody is hanging on by a thread.”
About 130 positions will be eliminated. That list includes teachers, deans, behavioral techs and central office positions. All middle school and ninth-grade sports have also been cut.

9 months ago

After the Trump conviction, Joe Biden has the nerve to say that nobody is above the law. Nobody, that is, except his son with his gun and tax violations. Oh, but that’s because he was a junkie. Sorry Joe, but nobody is above the law according to you. The corrupt justice system in this New York trial, with so many of Trump’s witnesses not allowed, the prosecution having the last word to the jury with their closing statements, the confusion of the judges instructions to the jury, and the obvious favoritism shown by the judge to the far left cause was so blatant. The list goes on and on of the dirty tactics used in this kangaroo trial. These very bad people in Washington need to be given the boot before we are all their political prisoners. In the online blogs so many of these Biden supporters are attacking Republicans by saying we are fascists and are not accepting the results of our legal system. If Biden wins another term, or any of these far left people win, this country is in real danger.

Miss Konstrewed
Miss Konstrewed
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Tyler street is a disaster Among other street painted roads. In the painting in the crosswalks are not aesthetic for crossing or for safety. The green crosswalk signs are all tired street e specially when the sun is facing west to east,you can’t see anybody that’s going to cross why would you have a green warning sign? when I see green that means go,why not have a yellow sign. What good is the sign when the crosswalk paint has faded. There will be accidents this year on our roads.

Reply to  Miss Konstrewed
9 months ago

They have crosswalk painting scheduled for Thanksgiving. Just before they start salting the roads again.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Biden FAMILY for PRISON 2024

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
9 months ago

Dan, here’s what happened after meeting Neil Mahoney of the Red Sox. For sure he thought I was going to accept the offer I had from Boston University. It was a free ride. I decided on Colgate University. I attended Colgate with my lifetime friend, Larry Bossidy. Never regretted the decision. At Colgate we were classmates and teammates. Larry pitched us to the 1955 college world series. The only time Colgate ever played at Omaha, Nebraska with America’s top teams. We beat Southern California, a school with 30,000 students. Prior to that game we lost to eventual champion Wake Forest. Larry was pitcher for nine innings, and we lost 1 – 0. At Colgate to this day there are hanging banners about our playing at Omaha and beating Southern California University.

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Dan, I have never stopped thinking of this, what if I attended Boston University? The interest and offer was for football so I would have had to play football. Baseball for BU was not important. They were smart enough to know I was very interested in baseball and that is why they brought Neil Mahoney into the picture. I think of it all now and am thrilled of all this interest. I also think about what would have happened if I signed to play professional baseball after high school. Little did I realize Colgate baseball was just an also sport for them and they have since terminated baseball as a sport the university participates in. The miserable spring weather in the Chenango Valley was awful for baseball. Thanks to Larry Bossidy’s pitching we made it to the college world series. That is Colgate’s historical highlight for its entire baseball history.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

May 31, 2024

Mayor Peter Marchetti’s first municipal budget for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) won its first round of rubber stamp approval votes on Thursday night, May 30th, 2024.

The final municipal budget vote will occur on Tuesday night, June 11th, 2024.

The average Senior Citizen household has to pay the city an average of over $5,000 in municipal taxes a fees….for Pittsfield politics:

The 60-year-old Nuciforo will receive a “FREE CASH” settlement from the City of Pittsfield for the amount of $341,000, and in return, Nuciforo’s “Berkshire Roots” Dalton Avenue marijuana business is allowed to stink up nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant “largest in the region” unpleasant pot growing odors.

After his mayoral 4-year term(s), Mayor Peter Marchetti will collect his lucrative city public pension plus perks for life.

This is what happens in a corrupt small postindustrial city when the wrong people have power in state and local government. Is there anyone out there who will stop the city’s “business as usual” GREED?

Jon Melle

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

It is well known around the state that Pittsfield has lost every lawsuit ever filed against us.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

No stems no seeds , that You don’t need, Nuciforo DOPE is NO GOOD WEED…….ahhhhh cough cough hack hack cough……

in honor of JM

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

I believe someone posted Andy even offered JM a peace offering and a chance to experience some real Purple Haze. JM of course rejected the offer. He would rather carry the grudge and blog about Nuciforo.

K Nat Gifted
K Nat Gifted
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Heard a bong was the ‘haze’ part.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

They are BOTH, Liberal rectums, and deserve each other.

Neither will have hemorrhoids as both are THE perfect Azzholes

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Actually he did smoke every purple haze blunt. Unfortunately we now have to hear his rantings and crazy thoughts about everything.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

June 1, 2024

Thank you. The highest honor I – Jon Melle – could ever receive in my life would be to see Nuciforo sent to prison for all of his wrongdoings, the GREED in Pittsfield politics and beyond end by the people and taxpayers standing up to the likes of “Bitchfield” Mayor Peter Marchetti and Voltron Pete White the pork-chop, and Beacon Hill lawmakers passing a state law giving at-risk homeless Veterans entitlement to Emergency Shelter in Massachusetts, which illegal immigrants already have, along with other lucrative taxpayer-funded benefits that Veterans are not receiving in Massachusetts.

Please know that the 3 Berkshire-based State Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli and John Barrett III all recently voted against giving at-risk homeless Veterans priority for Emergency Shelter in Massachusetts. Shame on Tricia, Smitty and John!

Jon Melle

P.S. Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King is a piece of SHIT who is collecting $341,000 in “Free Cash” from the City of Pittsfield’s settlement with three Pittsfield marijuana companies, and who has a 2nd pot union busting lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court to try to take pot unions away from marijuana workers in Massachusetts. Taxpayer dollars do NOT matter to Nuciforo. Unions and marijuana workers do NOT matter to Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior. Hopefully, Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers in Boston will oppose Nuciforo’s 2nd pot lawsuit.

P.P.S. Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King’s “largest in the region” 3-story pot growing building on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods – who allegedly lost value on their biggest investment: their homes – with his unpleasant pot growing odors. Nuciforo himself does not live near there, but rather, Nuciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College, along with his multi-millionaire neighbors Linda Tyer and her 3rd husband Barry Clairmont.

K Nat Gifted
K Nat Gifted
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

It is an awful smell.

Fly Me To the Moon Please
Fly Me To the Moon Please
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

And many of those people you see on the road coming at you in the wrong lane are high on weed and edibles. It is Russian roulette and my insurance person said that the legalization of pot in Mass. has contributed to the raising of insurance rates.

Reply to  Fly Me To the Moon Please
9 months ago

Agree, my advice drive in the bike lane or brake down lane . Stay safe.

Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
9 months ago

**”Marky Maypo’s Taxing Tale”**

In the heart of Pittsfield, where cobblestones meet,
Lives Mayor Marky Maypo, oh so indiscreet.
His office adorned with green leaves and haze,
He dances to a tune of fiscal malaise.

“Tax the poor!” he cries, his grin wide and bold,
As he counts their pennies, their stories untold.
The struggling families, the working class,
Their burden grows heavier, alas!

Marky Maypo, the spoiled brat in charge,
Sips champagne, his pockets quite large.
He takes from the needy, their hard-earned dimes,
And hands it to friends who deal in green crimes.

The marijuana moguls, they cheer and rejoice,
As Marky signs checks with a devilish voice.
“Dispensaries need funds,” he declares,
While libraries crumble, and schools bear the snares.

The poor plead for relief, their voices unheard,
While Marky’s cronies light up, undisturbed.
“Education? Nah, we’ve got the herb,”
He chuckles, his conscience a distant blur.

But the streets grow dim, and playgrounds decay,
As Marky’s tax hikes pave the way.
His friends build empires, their profits soar,
While the poor scrape by, their dreams no more.

“Marky Maypo, you scoundrel!” they cry,
As they tighten their belts, their hope running dry.
But Marky just grins, his pockets well-lined,
A mayor for the wealthy, the rest left behind.

So here’s to Marky Maypo, the taxman supreme,
Whose legacy reeks of a dubious scheme.
May the people rise up, their voices unite,
And reclaim their city from this blinding light.

K Nat Gifted
K Nat Gifted
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

The poet lost me at reclaim.

Makin Trax
Makin Trax
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

The tight pants and shirts aren’t conducive unless you look half way in shape directors,,

Makin Trax
Makin Trax
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Maypo doesn’t want us to get old. I agree we will live to regret it.

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
9 months ago

n All-American Story. I thought it was a coincidence with just a little change in the third sentence of the title. Checking further it appears to be a lengthy book on Agganis. If it is I would be interested in reading it. Are these two very similar titles two different stories. It appears they are. Long ago I met Harry Agganis and if it is two different stories, I will be in reading the book I just read about. I <would like to ask you. is this a book that is related to our first conversation?