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A U.S. Constitutional Cornerstone: A person is innocent until proven guilty.

For a citizen not formally charged with a crime,  premature guilty verdict is personally and socially devastating.

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 10-2, 2024) — If you peruse any high school yearbook or media coverage of high school graduations from the 1930s through to mid-to-late 60s, you will see how mature, even “old” looking, the graduates appear. They represent a continuation of traditional values that long had been in place.

Beginning in the mid-1960s, however, things began changing. Hair got longer, clothes more casual, and poses more informal. Fast forward to today. Over these intervening 60 years, a massive transformation occurred whose net effect has been the perpetuation of not youth but an infantile immaturity. So many college students and graduates act and look as if locked into permanent childhood, yet we’re supposed to take them seriously.

THE PLANET uses this observation to become ombudsman du jour for the Berkshire Eagle and WAMC radio concerning their irresponsible reporting of unproven allegations against a now-dismissed teacher at Miss Hall’s School. The school administration is also in the line of fire. Just speculation, but if this involved the Pittsfield Public School system and one of its teachers or administrators, neither outlet would cover it.

———- ooo ———-

On Wednesday, in Second Coming type, the Eagle‘s Heather Bellows crucified the-ex teacher (THE PLANET will not name him), calling him a serial sexual predator. Bellows and her editors have taken as gospel the claims of two former students, Melissa Fares and Hilary Simon, who at least 19 and 15 years after the fact have alleged sexual “grooming” and activity on the teacher’s part. Implied as a “proven” conclusion: They were underage and forced into it. In short, victimhood.

The Eagle‘s coverage included a veritable photo album showing the teacher with the two accusers, plastering his mug out of anonymity and into the spotlight. Earlier, WAMC’s Josh Landes landed sucker punches against teacher and school with a badgering, long-winded account as one-sided as it was premature. That coverage we can dismiss as sloppy seconds with little original reporting.

———- ooo ———-

This has taken place and a man’s life destroyed despite the following facts:

  • The accused has not been arrested or formally charged with a crime.
  • No lawful adjudication of the women’s claims has occurred.
  • The accused lost his job despite 30+ years of classroom excellence.
  • It is not clear when the alleged activities occurred with respect to the women’s age of consent.
  • Both women said they continued relationships with the teacher after graduating from Miss Hall’s.

Be objective now. Do you see the problem? The media has charged, convicted, and sentenced the man without any legal foundation for doing so. All we have at this point are post-facto claims nearly two decades old.

No one other than the principals in the case know what took place. If there was sexual activity, was it between consenting adults? Based on their public comments, the women at the time didn’t realize there was anything wrong. Now, all these years later and after the #Me Too flood gates opened, the pile-ons and late hits come pouring in.

In asking why, we must consider every scenario. THE PLANET can think of two alternate, plausible reasons why someone would suddenly go public with claims 15 and 19 years old:

  • (1) Money (Miss Hall’s has an endowment of $22 million)
  • (2) Buyer’s remorse, where they now regret in their 30s what actions from their teens. Remember that free-will actions come with responsibility for owning what one does. At least that’s how it used to be in America.

Woke legal theorists insist children as young as 6 years old are equipped to make informed decisions regarding permanent, life-altering sex changes. These same people, though, a priori take the side of accusers in their 30s who are essentially saying they bear no responsibility for the choices they made years ago. Again, victimhood.

———- ooo ———-

It brings us back to our initial point.

Years ago, young people were expected to know the difference between right and wrong AND they were expected to take responsibility for their actions. In 2024, in an environment poisoned by woke politics of a shrill minority, that expectation has been discarded. Irrationality and feelings trump facts and evidence.

None of what THE PLANET writes comments whatsoever on “guilt” or innocence” in the Miss Hall’s case. We simply don’t know. Neither does the EagleWAMC, the Boston Globe, nor anyone else, yet their editorial choices have prematurely condemned an innocent man and ruined his life

Only the courts can sort out innocence or guilt. Our very system of governance rests upon this fact.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


The cornerstone of our legal system: Innocent until proven guilty” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

May 10, 2024

The cornerstone of Pittsfield politics: Predictable retribution.
The cornerstone of the feminist Me-Too movement: Double Standards.
The cornerstone of the extremists movements: Moral Hypocrisy.
The cornerstone of Beacon Hill politics: Do NOTHING but DISSERVICES.
The cornerstone of the Swamp: Pay to Play.
The cornerstone of 300,000 years of human nature and behavior: GREED.
The cornerstone of so-called JUSTICE: MONEY.
The cornerstone of power: Divide and Conquer to dominate.
The cornerstone of the Miss Hall’s sex scandal case: Wait many years to accuse a man teacher of being sexually inappropriate with teenage girls.
The cornerstone of GE: Make Pittsfield (and Lee) into GE’s toxic waste dumps.
The cornerstone of blogger Dan Valenti: Criticize Pittsfield and beyond from his upscale home in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The cornerstone of Jon Melle: Say that I am a persecuted person due to the abusive, conflctual and mean-spirited actions by Luciforo and other bullies, and also, blame the financial, corporate and ruling elites for over 50 years in inequitable socioeconomic policies – Class Warfare – that makes the commoners pound sand, while the super-rich get richer and the underclass gets poorer.

Jon Melle

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Instead of endless posts about Andy Nuciforo why don’t you do something about it? You could move back to Pittsfield and not only help clean up the city with your cousin Mayor Pete but you could also help Pittsfield’s lawyer in the suit against Andy.
If you did that you would be a rainbow beacon of hope and Mayor Pete would gladly give you ARPA bucks for your LBGTQ friendly clothing store on North Street. Any thoughts on a store name?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

The cornerstone of Jon Melle: I’m always a victim and one way or another I will insert me being a victim into any topic /story that is written by someone else.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Thanks for writing that I – Jon Melle – like to play the victim card. I guess it is similar to people telling me to pound sand.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Hey Flounder,
Having LDS ( Luciforo Derangement Syndrome) and acting a victim all the time isn’t the best way to make it through the rest of your

Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Victimhood nos know bounds.

King Charles' Sausage Fingers
King Charles' Sausage Fingers
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Quit yer bitching. You are not a victim

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  King Charles' Sausage Fingers
9 months ago

Luciforo has persecuted me – Jon Melle – over the past 28 years now. I am a victim of Luciforo’s conspiratorial bullying of me. Luciforo also hurt my dad, Bob, many years ago now. I am a victim in this matter. I am NOT playing the victim card. Why would I write and blog about Luciforo for so many years if he didn’t do the mean-spirited things I have long described?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Of course he is innocent, so is Donald. You have tried both as well and have found in their favor. That is all I need to know.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

So what’s Trump on trial for?
Has the teacher guy been charged with a crime?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Dan,WOKE is an invented FOX trigger word.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

And they work as intended

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Moonbats themselves use woke as self description. TSC is delusional.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

You sound like you have 20 years of education! You must have graduated 10 th
grade twice.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

He went to engineering school with Morales

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I’m not saying the guy used good judgment if all of this is true but how do we know these women who as far as we know didn’t initiate the relationships? Now years later they’ve been convinced they’re victims when all the guy is guilty of is giving in?

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Trump is on trial for falsifying business records (misdemeanor) in order to influence election results (felony).

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
9 months ago

Trump is being treated like the child he is.He can’t look anyone in the eye.Trump tried and failed to kill these stories.Trump in his satin pjs

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Biden showering with his teen daughter

You get what you deserve
You get what you deserve
10 months ago

The guy is a douchebag Dan if these were your daughters I bet you would feel differently about him
His wife and family is who you should feel for

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Plus, any journalist worth his/her salt would have asked the follow up question(s) why would these young girl’s parents allow a grown man to spend that much time alone in what seemed like non-campus type activities.

I didn’t have daughters, but any adult wanting to be alone with my child outside of school would draw red flags immediately.

I am old school though. I’m not a “minor attracted person (MAP),” huh H.L.MAP..

The parents will soon be answering that question though in any future legal proceedings. If there are any.

In the right
In the right
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

It was a boarding school! The parents weren’t there! He was the parent. And do you not understand how these predators work? They charm and ingratiate themselves with the parents in order to gain access to the girls and trust of everyone. Maybe become a little bit more informed before making flippant statements without any basis in reality.

Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

He spend time in the parents guest house in CT allegedly, with the parents in the main house, so don’t disregrad that Mr. Right!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

You know this happened how?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In the right
9 months ago

And you know this happened how?

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

You really are a detestable person.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
10 months ago

Interesting you choose the word “detestable.”

According to Merriam’s, the definition begins with “arousing…”

I mention MAP and you choose this word that’s definition begins with “arousing.”

Coincidence, huh H.L.MAP?

Me thinks not.

Any headway on the Conrad Mainwaring statue in Park Square?

Accord to H.L., if MN has a statue of the felon George Floyd, why not one of a pedophile, so Bitchfield can keep up with the Jones’.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

You are just as detestable as Trapper. You spew all manner of Trump-loving invective. The two of you hate your own country and are profoundly unamerican.

Chelsea Grammer
Chelsea Grammer
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
9 months ago

He really is de-testable. We can de-test him and void his SAT scores.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Who says they were minors?

In the right
In the right
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Yes, it was worth it.

In The Know
In The Know
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Of course it will be worth it. For the two “victims” and the law firm representing them. That’s really the whole point, money.

In the right
In the right
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

Is it? I thought it was about education, change and protecting the next generation…. But I guess you would know, right? Since you are so intimately involved?

In the right
In the right
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

There are more than 2 “victims”

You get what you deserve
You get what you deserve
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I’ll agree with that I do know someone indirectly involved in this but definitely in the know what a mess is right

In the right
In the right
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Exactly Dan. You hit the nail on the head this time. You don’t know him and you weren’t involved so why are you even writing about this!? Something you have absolutely no connection to or any idea about. There are multiple girls from a 33 year period who were abused by him. They don’t know each other. Do you honestly think they would put themselves through this if it wasn’t true.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  You get what you deserve
10 months ago

The question is did he break any laws?

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

He was in a position of power.Not a woke opinion.You seem to be saying he can develope the relationships without knowing that he has no idea of his power over a young student.He knows what he is doing and it is wrong.Students have crushes on their teachers and you imply they should all go for it.WOKE is the FOX trigger word for excusing male behavior.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Kind of like this, TSC?

comment image

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

So every boss who ever boffed his subordinate should be tarred and feathered too? Happens all day long, in government jobs and private sector.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

we taxpayers pay for the coverups from our government officials. To the tune of 17 million so far over the years. And we can’t even know what officials committed the offenses.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

If only you knew about what went on in city and state governments too, including Pittsfield

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

It sure does and the boss has great leverage.Thats why the is a law to protect.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

What law?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Was Clinton wrong to do Monica?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago

It’s OK/anything goes, if you’re a leftist/liberal, in the eyes of our two tiered system of injustice.

Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago

Morally, maybe, ethically, perhaps, criminally, no way Jose!

Reply to  JoePesci
9 months ago

Same goes for Monica

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
10 months ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Which laws were broken?

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

What Pittsfield desperately needs is to invest 30 million dollars in a swamp wetland former dump site in the worst area to build a ball field while tearing down the historic Waconah Park and replacing it with weight rooms and wine bars gutting the very soul of its history ,all for the celeb owners of a baseball team of out of town college kids.I still don’t believe you can’t fix the grand stands with the 4 million congressman Niel got to keep the historic park historic.

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Its all part of the plan. Now its been 2 yrs and nothing has been done. That doesn’t do a structure of any kind any good. Next update expect to hear more is wrong. When the problem was found, the first question should have been “How do we fix it and when do you start? Nope. Pittsfield leaders say give us three options to totally rebuild. Maybe play ball sometime in 2030. Total joke.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

So one year the grandstand was in good shape and suddenly over the winter it became rust dust? Sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.

10 months ago

Bernie Baron was railroaded after a fishing expedition was conducted for victims. Dad office was responsible for it.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

Gerry Downing hid the exculpatory evidence of tape recordings of the children for decades until he dropped dead of a heart attack. David Capeless took several years after Downing’s death to release the aforementioned evidenced that led to Bernie Baran to be released from prison where he was raped 4 times and beaten up, too. How EVIL is that?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Disgusting by Ford and Downing

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago


10 months ago

I agree. If he is guilty, he should pay the price, but the Berkshire Eagle coverage is guaranteeing that he will not get a fair trial in this area. Young people have been intentionally dumbed down by the entire educational system in this country. They can’t figure anything out because they have zero critical thinking skills.

Just look around Pittsfield and nothing is being questioned. VIM (Volunteers in Medicine) opens an office in Pittsfield and nobody questions that 98% of its clients will be Illegal immigrants. Other medical offices in Pittsfield are overwhelmed with patients especially places like CHP dental and they have a very difficult time getting dentists to work there, but VIM somehow manages to get volunteer doctors and dentists. Pittsfield and the Berkshire has so many illegal immigrants pouring in that a place like VIM is now needed. They used to just have a small office in Great Barrington.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Well put Pat!
”If he is guilty “. I think people are to quick on making their decision on guilt or innocence in many cases before hearing all the evidence in a court of law. The media’s job is to present the facts of cases only while reporting and not judgments until the case is proven one way or another at it’s end.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Chp is a joke, dirty, corrupt and crooked which starts at the top of the over paid management team and the board ignornes it. Place is going down the toilet very fast. Cant keep staff, chases away staff. Makes BMC look good

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
10 months ago

If he wasn’t guilty, he wouldn’t be on trial – Soviet jurist

Speed Bernoor
Speed Bernoor
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

So the Lakeview Restaurant in lanesboro doesn’t have a Alchohol license?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Speed Bernoor
10 months ago

I have no clue about that.

10 months ago

Stop sticking up for pedophiles, I don’t care if she was 16 or 19. He is a grown man and a teacher. Obviously he has a history of grooming and having relationships, personal in nature with students. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not, it’s wrong and he shouldn’t be around young girls. I can’t stand all these pedophiles. That includes men or women dating and marrying people the age of there own children. If your wife ,husband, boyfriend or girlfriend is 20 years or more younger than you, than you are a pedophile and should be shunned in society. Wahhaaa!!!

Reply to  Crybaby
10 months ago

Bullshit buddy. Consenting adults can date and mate who they want. Plenty of older men and women snag the younger guys and gals. So if I am 55 I can’t date a 35 year old? This is America pal. You are nuts. By the way, plenty of women like older men.

In the right
In the right
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Well said? The comment has nothing to do with the topic of your blog so how it is “Well Said”? A teacher grooming and having sex with students isn’t the same thing as “consenting adults” having a relationship. If you think it is, then you probably shouldn’t be writing about this at all.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

groomed how?

In the right
In the right
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

You are kidding, right? A 55 year old DATING a 35 year old is NOT the same thing as a teacher, someone in a position of authority and control, grooming a 15 year old.

Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

No, I am not kidding, you are barking up the wrong tree pal, it was Crybaby who posted that ” If your wife ,husband, boyfriend or girlfriend is 20 years or more younger than you, than you are a pedophile and should be shunned in society.”. My reply was spot on, as we live in America and it is not the governments business what consenting adults do, and my example was a 55 year old and a 35 year old. I am actually more posters didn’t take Crybaby to task for calling all adults with a significant age spread pedophiles. Maybe you should reply to Crybaby and ask if he is kidding!!!

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
9 months ago

Nope ,no kidding my opinion.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

How did he groom her ? Are you just parroting crap you read in the Eagle?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  In the right
10 months ago

Groomed how?

Reply to  In the right
9 months ago

It was me I said pedophiles. That’s my opinion, you can call them whatever you want losers, scumbags ,immature pieces of shit. Who couldn’t find a mate in there generation. Pedo seemed to upset quite a few ,so I’ll stick with that.
Anyway that doesn’t have anything to do with the teacher and student. He is a adult she was a child. He was in position of power. Should be put in the paper just like the psychiatrist in Lenox, exposed and never work in the position they abused again. You don’t need official charges. In the public square.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

Well said my friend

Reply to  Crybaby
10 months ago

55 goes into 25 all the time. Totally legal.

Reply to  JustSaying
10 months ago

I loved older women when I was a young buck. As Ben Franklin said, they are so grateful.

Reply to  JustSaying
9 months ago

OK, Leonardo date my twenty five year old. We will be fighting. Than we’ll see how tough you is. It is legal ,don’t make it right.

Reply to  Crybaby
9 months ago

So how old is too old for your 25 year old daughter, who by the way has a legal right to date a 65 year old. Is 33 too old for you? How about her dating a teenager, say a 19 year old, got a problem with that?

Kent Ghetanydummer
Kent Ghetanydummer
Reply to  Crybaby
10 months ago

So Hugh Hefner and Elvis should have been castrisized?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kent Ghetanydummer
10 months ago

Jerry Lee?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Crybaby
10 months ago

Pedophile is before puberty

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

So if you were a adult when they were a puberty. Isn’t that wrong? Yup, so you just wait till they turn 16. You sick people.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

I agree with you Dan. The Eagle and WAMC have already declared this guy guilty.

For you legal scholars, take a look at MA General Laws (MGL) 265 Section 23. In particular the sentence that states, “….unnatural sexual intercourse, and abuses a child, UNDER AGE 16….”

Tough to dispute legal facts, but I’m sure this is an example of an”threat to democracy,” that Trump poses on all of us if he gets reelected.

My guess, he fits the “narrative,” of “America’s greatest threat,” China Joe Xiden.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

16 is for me, young ,tight and sweet

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Guilty of what?

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

Sixty five illegals of unknown criminal status were just shipped into the Berkshires this evening. Thank you Yankee charter for putting profits over community and country.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

The hotel behing Guidos

Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

According to MassLive , there are 30 Families living in Pittsfield, who arrived 5 months ago. Pittsfield can ill afford more illegals. Time for our inept Governor, to put an end to this. Return to sender.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

“Time for our inept Governor, to put an end to this. Return to sender.”

Still a federal felony to aid and abet criminal aliens. The Uniparty and Department of Injustice, instead chooses to persecute political rivals.

In other words ~90% of elected officials are felons. Instead of building a wall, America needs to build new prisons for the current politicians. Healey would look stylish in an orange jumpsuit, rooming with the rest of the mASSachusetts delegation of elected felons.

After Healey sent the National Guard to da Vineyard to evicit the criminal aliens sent there by saner states, she proceeded evict the rest of the state’s unwanted homeless veterans with the foreign hordes.

She is now scattering the invaders throughout mASSachusetts, and feeding/housing/educating them, with citizens tax dollars. She gives not a rat’s ass about Americans.

Her solution in mASSachusetts seems to be to remove them from areas that affluent live in, e.g. “Migrants”, er Marthas Vineyard. Pittsfield is an ideal location.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I hope they are on a Boeing. : )

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Attorney Tom Renz has this to say about the Pope and I agree…
As a Catholic I personally denounce and rebuke this corrupt lying monstrosity of a human being that is destroying the church. @Pontifex leads a church that spends absurd amounts of money defending pedophiles, promoting the fraud that is global warming, and pushing communism. I do not believe I can judge a man’s soul – that is for God alone – but this is one of the most reprehensible and loathsome creatures on the planet. My only condolence as a Catholic is that mine is the church of Christ and he can wreck it temporarily but the word will always live on. I will give nothing but my prayers to this church so long as this man desecrates the position of pope. @GenFlynn @lancewallnau @HISGLORYME #Catholic

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Free Bird
9 months ago

Lance Wallnau is a demented Christofascist. You and your ilk are reprehensible.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

She’s also the leader of the Wu Klux Klan!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
10 months ago

Yet, our leaders tell us we have a shortage of housing, food insecurity issues and so on for the people who have been citizens here for sometime. Hey don’t worry though we will take more from the taxpayers from what little they have left in their budgets to get bye to provide for others.

Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

This is why VIM just opened their big office on South Street. They know what is coming for the Berkshires. Lots of illegal immigrants courtesy of globalist Joe Biden and his globalist friends. Local politicians think this is all wonderful and they are doing their part for one world government. Anyone who disagrees is a racist. Their hypocrisy is on full display since Jewish people are being chanted at “From the river to the Sea” by far leftists on college campuses. The Berkshire Eagle reported that Williams College is gathering and more and more protesters for the Palestinians and they hope graduation isn’t disrupted. The Eagle proudly announced that the Williams College protesters are chanting “From the River to the Sea” even though the Eagle surely knows the real meaning of that phrase.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

You would think that any American looking at the dangerous shape our country and world is in under Biden’s control would ever allow that fool back in office.

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Their chants amount to heil Hitler

Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

Any livestock?

Cerulean Sweater
Cerulean Sweater
10 months ago

I think you are telling on yourself with this take, Dan. Pedophiles love to protect other pedophiles.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Cerulean Sweater
10 months ago

So will Biden come to rescue of Mr Rutledge? Maybe he could pay a visit to Miss Hall’s , just to “sniff around”.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Will he bring Corn Pop? Uncle Bosie isn’t available.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Biden’s bumbling clown show featuring his cross dressing cabinet.

Reply to  Cerulean Sweater
10 months ago

I think you are on to something. Dan has been in many teacher student relationships. He seems to have taken this story personally. Huh!

Chelsea Grammer
Chelsea Grammer
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

An infinitive is not a Part of Speech.

Reply to  Cerulean Sweater
10 months ago

Whatever you think of me, is none of my business.

Reply to  Cerulean Sweater
9 months ago

Might be poor judgement but having sex with someone who has reached the age of consent is not pedophilia.

Cerulean Sweater
Cerulean Sweater
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Legally, maybe not. But it sure does rhyme with it. Personally, I find anyone who thinks a 40+ year old having sex with a teenager to be acceptable should have their hard drives checked.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
10 months ago

The only positive about the Berkshire Eagle is that woke owner Fred Rutberg is no longer a judge!

Off topic. The saga of California Avenue now continues from last summer. The City of Bitchfield worked on the street for a total of 4 months last year after Bike Lane Morales had the brilliant idea to narrow the street. Morales had the audacity to stand in front of the CC and state it takes 5 to 7 days to pave a street! In doing this, the city ruined 36 driveways and all 36 lawns. This does not include 3 residents that driveways and yards are accessed from California Avenue. Yards and driveways now flood, some residents have lived on the street for 40+ years and never had this issue before. All complaints and there have been many by many residents have been totally ignored. Pages and pages of pictures have been sent to City Hall. Residents have met personally with a street meeting with then President Marchetti, Councilor at Large Persip and Morales last fall. All residents received a letter assuring us the street would be made right in Spring 24. Of course, this promise was made a couple weeks before the election.

It took one resident to contact many City officials to get the ball rolling this spring. It took many, many attempts to get a response. Another meeting was finally held on the street. Once again promises made by Councilor at Large White and Councilor Brittany Noto.

Disgruntled City workers showed up finally around 2 weeks ago, worked a whole day on one yard, rototilling and raking it thoroughly, then next day just dumped crappy soil on only certain lawns, ignoring approximately 16 yards. Next day more disgruntled workers showed up to “hydroseed”. Next day it rained and crappy soil and seed flowed away. Of course, common sense does not exist as they are trying to grow a lawn onto concrete/blacktop. Duh!

We are now into 6 months of bullcrap from the City administration. How much monies have been wasted repaving and reseeding the properties on this street. Since Marchetti was a banker I trust he can hopefully do the math on how much taxes the residents of this street have paid to his City. Do we need to remind him that we pay his salary, the city councilors salary and all the city workers salary, and of course their health insurance and new trucks they drive around in. If this shoddy work was performed by a private sector company at least the residents could file a class action suit, but we are stuck with this major screw up by the City (remember this was to save money). Pathetic performance by previous City Administration, was hoping this new Administration would be different. We are all are tired of their lies and deception towards us. They must honor their promises!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Marchetti is a follower and anybody who thought he would be a good leader is smoking some of that dope that is ruining our city.

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
9 months ago

York. Washington CNN — 
Schools across the country are announcing teacher and staff layoffs as districts brace for the end of a pandemic aid package that delivered the largest one-time federal investment in K-12 education.
The funds must be used by the end of September, creating a sharp funding cliff as schools also struggle with widespread enrollment declines and inflation.
Many districts have warned of layoffs as the current school year comes to a close and next year’s budgets are planned. The local headlines about teachers likely won’t help Americans who remain stubbornly pessimistic about the economy
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images/File

BUT IN PITTSFIELD they just raise the taxes. Nobody gets cut anything. It is easier that way. Over 100 new city vehicles with new buses on the way. Immigrant influx may have added five million to the budget with no end in sight.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Mayor Marchetti, please don’t let Morales ruin your time as mayor. Everything he touches turns to 5hit. Stop listening to this unqualified clown.

Reply to  DB
10 months ago

Morales made a monkey out of Tyer and Marchetti’s letting him to the same. Pete smarten up.

No Self Esteem
No Self Esteem
Reply to  Linduh
9 months ago

Morales looks more like the monkey to me. He has been groomed to support the mayors at all costs. He takes “subordinate” to a new low level as do many of the councilors themselves. Even the mayor seems to have been trained to behave a certain way.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  DB
9 months ago

He allows companies to dig up our roads and not put them back.Deborah Ave has sunken depressions from utility work and he should drive to these sights and sign off on the repairs.Word gets around that nobody cares how they put it back together.

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

He’s going to make a laughing stock out of Marchetti. I hate to see Peter become a punchline.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
10 months ago

Wondering if the judge in the Trump hush money trial will allow his lawyers to use this?

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Maybe so. Anything from Bill Maher or TDS (the daily show) is fair game.

I know
I know
10 months ago

Dan- you forgot to mention the part where he admits it? Convenient.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Tear down historic Wahconah park and build a brand new Stadium and tell tourist this use to be historic Wahconah park.Please tour the New weight room and gym facilities on your way to the wine bar and 80 inch big screen .Only in PittsfieldMa

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Proud of the peaceful protesters to protect the powerless Palestinians from genocide by famine and desease.Biden is withholding 2000 pound bombs that indiscriminately create a 1000 foot wide radius of death.These students peacefully brought attention to the issue of genocide and were punished in America

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

So now you’re a Nazi?

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Iranian Nazis and Hamas Nazis are responsible for all deaths in Gaza. They hide behind civilians. They surrender and the war is over. Simple as that.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Peaceful like when they illegally enter buildings and vandalize them and hold building custodians hostage. You are a nitwit.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Happy Mother’s Day 2024. If it weren’t for mothers, none of us would be here to write comments on Planet Valenti’s blog.

My dog told me that he thinks that Pittsfield’s proposed fiscal year 2025 operating budget is excessive, but he said that the proposed trash-toters would save the city some money, but that Pittsfield politics would continue to increase yearly city spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year no matter what happens because it is all a financial shell game that most people do not understand.

Say No To Drugs
Say No To Drugs
9 months ago

So does Yuki get a cut of all the drug deals done in Methuselah’s bathroom and kitchen?

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
9 months ago

The propaganda parrot , has long smeared defendants. Why is Dan so upset, by the accusations, against this man?
conciseness of guilt?
certainly not the interest of justice , due to his tardiness of concern.
Me thinks he protest to loudly!

I know
I know
9 months ago

Btw, you say “a man’s life destroyed”…. His life is not destroyed so not sure why you say that.