(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MAY 6, 2024) — Crisis averted.
As so many of you reminded us, THE PLANET went dark for about 24 hours Thursday evening into Friday. We heard from a bunch of you, including two former mayors, a bunch of ex-councilors, and a truckload of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanskis. We thank all of them.
It was interesting to see and hear the rumor mill unfold, with tales of intrigue swirling about that would do justice to a spy novel. It brought amusement, confirmation, and laughs.
Here were a few of the comments that came on board shortly after THE PLANET got back online:
- The Planet is back. Was really starting to worry. All sorts of scenarios going in my head about what happened. Glad you’re back.— PAT
- Thought The Deep State got him!— JUST SAYING
- So did I. I thought it was the shutting down of free speech here in Berkshire County. So glad it wasn’t. Just shows how the far left is making us very suspicious of their intentions for the country.– PAT
- I thought it might be a galactic battle out in the universe from Voltron and the Planet going on that caused the outage. It’s obvious the Planet destroyed the evil Voltron and saved the Planet. — OPTIMUS PRIME
- I thought maybe he was thinking about discussing the slaughter in Palestine and AIPAC put a choke hold on him much like they did with CNN and MSNBC who have all of a sudden clammed up on the subject. FOX can talk about it but only if they spin it so that slaughter seems like a good thing. — MEANWHILE
———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET–local media voice of Truth, Justice, and the American Way–contemplates the next move on the chessboard. (Photo by MRS. PLANET).
Look, when THE PLANET decides to go offline, it will be OUR choice and OUR decision.
That said, we’ve no doubt Mayor Maypo, Voltron the Porkchop, Miss Jane Hathaway, and many others in Bitchfield’s ruling junta would love to see something closer to OPTIMUS PRIME‘s theory. We’re sure Maypo, Voltron, and Jane would love to see that “galactic battle.” As OP states, though, they can’t win against us.
Miss Jane’s grudge against us goes back to the end of her failed mayoral tenure. Surely she has fantasized payback for what she still thinks, namely, that THE PLANET did her in, not her out-of-touch policies. She pictures us in her kitchen, tied to a chair and forced to listen as she reads from the book Gender Queer. Maypo and Voltron the Porkchop seethe because we speak the truth about The Two Petes form of government. In the interests of peace, we offer The Two Petes this deal: If they stop telling lies about us, we’ll stop telling the truth about them.
———- ooo ———-
Actually, the reason THE PLANET went dark is all because of what they call a plug-in. In plain English, plug-ins are periodic and regular updates used by computer platforms such as the ones we use. They keep the site up to speed, literally, with the ever increasing pace and sophistication of high-tech and data streaming. Seems a plug-in mistakenly got installed that proved incompatible with the platform. Our Army of Robots diagnosed the problem, went dark, and fixed the error.
It was then a relatively simple matter for IT to fix the situation. In the course of it, we learned some cool “backstage” stuff about the arcane and bizarre operational matters of cyberspace.
For those who expressed panicky concerns for our brief absence, thanks for the reminder of how vital this site has become in a region suffering from one-party authoritarian politics and rule. THE PLANET, alone among local media, has served as the lone voice of truth and honesty, not afraid of sunlight and not cowered by the cowards in government. This we offer free of charge and free of outside control, the two things that bother “Them” most of all.
“Art is the struggle against chaos” — Andre Malraux.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Glad you are back, and thank you for all you do. When you do shut out the lights for the last time, just give us a couple days notice so we aren’t worrying about you.
Will do, TELL. … and thanks so much for the kind words.
Please take it as a compliment that the weirdo rulers of Pittsfield politics – the over-sized taxer Mayor Peter Marchetti, Voltron Pete White, and Level 5 Schoolmarm Sara Hathaway – all dislike you, blogger Dan Valenti.
Next week, they will be disliked by the local taxpayers when they propose their fiscal year 2025 municipal and school district budget that will increase spending by up to 10 percent. I wonder if Peter Marchetti will receive a mayoral raise to pad his future city public pension plus perks for life?
Jon Melle
Dear Dan,
Thank you Bizerkshites were getting worried……..many thanks , especially with integrity/truth in your blog.
my best,
Thanks, TRAP.
Thanks again,
Real news at it best!!!!
The Truth? Answer: Our career politicians are always raising our taxes….just wait until next week when Mayor Peter Marchetti’s 10% municipal spending increase is made public!
Also a truth, idiots will continue to support this style of government by continually voting for the corrupt democrat party
Most definitely Dan appreciated. If there is a retirement of sorts couldn’t someone continue under your management? Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Anyway there is a Council meeting tonight,the numbers are 215 plus for the next budget.
Woah! $215 million+? If accurate, that figure presents taxpayers with a thoroughly corrupt, unjustified money grab. It will also fulfill the prophecy THE PLANET made during the fixed mayoral “race,” namely that the Two-Petes Form of Govt. (TP-FOG) will go for broke in making so many struggling citizens broke. It will break many Kapanskis. TP-FOG is the perfect acronym for the sham Bitchfield govt. TP for toilet paper, FOG for a blinding soot that poisons the lungs and prevents people from seeing.
As for a continuation of THE PLANET, I am always open to anything, though at this point, I find it unlikely that there is (a) a writer/editor good enough (b) who is equipped with my plethora of sources embedded within the govt, needed to function independently as a one-man news service (c) who has the stamina to deal with BS (d) has the required technical ability (e) has strong views on pertinent issue and isn’t afraid to sign off on them with a real name (f) the imagination to basically be an assignment editor to come up with stories and (g) the business sense to act asa publisher.
Glad it was nothing more than a hiccup. I can understand the worry from your posters that something nefarious had become you seeing how this is one of the last bastions for free speech! With everyone here living in a banana republic one can understand their concern, especially in a week where all the information coming out of the Trump court cases were all orchestrated from inside the “White” House. The FBI put information in the cases of documents going to Mar-Lago which they had for months and then ordered Trump to take them only to then raid his house to get them back! Tell me this isn;t a sham! Also everyone now knows the Georgia case is another that was orchestrated with the Biden Regime as Fani and her lover had multiple visits to the “White” House before charging anything and the NYC case is so far out of any legal issue that all it can be is a witch hunt nothing legal about their case as all. Yet the sitting illegitimate “leader” of the “free” world isn’t being charged with anything even though he stated he illegally extorted a country when he was V P, also he had classified papers at multiple unsecured places when he wasn’t suppose to even have any access to them and of course who can forget the computer. Haven’t even said anything about the tampering with a federal election. Well as you can see I needed you back and open for business. Thanks for being a place anyone, even the crazies, can come and vent/discuss the topics of the day.
BTW what can the people of Pittsfield do to get the North Street destruction crew out of town and never to return? Maybe also how to get the money spent on all the poor consultant fees we have paid over the years?
See you next Tuesday Rubette ; )
In other news, it was a busy weekend for President Voltron the Porkchop.
Went to the phony fundraiser for the Slaughter’s wallet fund masquerade party at Proprietors Lodge stalking Kellie Molleur. But hey if she was crazy enough to date Rob Dwyer then maybe he stands a chance. Wonder if Dwyers buddy Chris Farrell was in the closet looking for vulnerable children at the ball.
The went to the punk rock flea market cause Voltron is a punker and of course had to visit a mead tasting room and partake of alcohol and get some for home.
He was sad Crispy Cone closed due to rain but he went to Friendly’s with and old “friend”
These are indeed an insider’s Inside reports. Everyone’s wondering who you are.
They may be an insider but these tidbits were also posted to Pete’s personal Facebook page
Can’t believe Pete White is the CC Head. The guy is an idiot! Isn’t he living with an employee of the PSD?
That I don’t know. I do know his mother lives with him
His mother works for the school department?
Maybe Pete #2 has an alter ego. A split personality like Cybil and needs the attention of exposure on here. But it would really suck to have even more than two Petes.
Pete White is writing a book about Berkshire beer. He’s on his fifth draft.
We will be sending you an offer to join THE PLANET as a joke writer, TOUPEE!
Address it to Henny Notsoyoungman
That’s a good one right there!
I thought the problem was with my computer so I asked my husband if Planet Valenti was working on his computer. When he said it wasn’t I did think it could be a maintenance issue with Planet Valenti, but free speech being shut down was also a concern.
Elon Musk saying it’s only a matter of time before the dollar is worthless. Our debt is skyrocketing and something needs to be done. We have a very narrow window of opportunity to turn this country around, but that window is quickly closing. We can’t let the globalists bring down this country.
Violent protesting is continuing on campuses across the country. Graduations are being disrupted as terrorist groups are trying to radicalize people around the world. We can’t let the terrorists spread their anti-semitism across the country. They have already taken over major universities with a high percentage of students now harassing Jewish students.
Disrupting classes and graduations? Stupid in the extreme, especially when, as a student, your priority is attending class.
Biden wants to pay the college loans of these students. That is crazy too considering how some of them are acting.
I get all my news out of the USA regarding the GAZA mess. Corporate media in America is currently not so much different than TASS, the Russian news agency. If Americans were getting the real story they would they would understand the college protests. God Bless them all.
Al Jeezera
Democracy Now
The Majority Report
Also, go to you-tube and type in Hala Rharrit, the State department diplomat who just quit in disgust of what her country is doing.
Hope they don’t shut you down for this Dan.
I regularly monitor a bunch of news, both within the outside the States. Outside includes Al Jazeera, The Global Times, London Times and Mirror, and a couple others. I applaud your approach.
You, support the
Islam Barbarians and rapists, murderers of 10/7/2023.
NOT me.
I’m a good Christian , not a Jew
A shallow Christian though. You have no idea what is going on. No idea.
Islam has never been about peace since it’s inception. Conquest and subjugation are it’s nicer qualities.
American Wars
Viet Nam over ten years
Iraq over 8 years
Afghanistan 20 years
What were you saying about peace MT? Duh what?
Never knew the USA was a religion, but thanks for sharing you are a hater and should move to Gaza pronto to help with the cause
Another Nazi convert!
Dan wrote a trans hate article and his site goes down the next day from a “plugin” lol cope. You violated your webhosts TOS or got hacked.
See? Your comment reflects some of the hysterical rumors! Sorry to let the rain in, but it was about plug-ins. Keep reading, though!
Why is biology hate?
Because Marchetti and Kerwood need to keep the slush fund viable, Marchetti has taken out a reverse mortgage on City Hall.
Eli Manning didn’t attend the Tom Brady Netflix event. He didn’t want to roast poor Tom a third time.
Tom is going to get over that soon enough.
$375 million
Fox invested a ton in getting Brady: $375 million over 10 years. Brady will call all of the big games on Fox – including the 2025 Super Bowl – until that contract runs out or he calls it quits.Jan 30, 2024
Let’s hope he’s less annoying than Chris Collingsworth and most announcers like Tony Romo.
Tony Romo’s the man. Neve been a Cowboys fan but Romo excels at announcing NFL games.
LOL, the guy doesn’t know when to shut up.
That is a fact. Another fun fact, Eli, Payton Manning combined have 4 Super Bowl wins, Brady has 7. Nuff Said.
Poor Tommy boy had two chances with Eli and failed both times. 042.
Forgot to include Archie Manning, very solid 13 year NFL career. Manning Family still at 4 Super Bowl wins. Brady 7 .
Maybe the kid Manning will make the NFL and win a couple of Super Bowls. … Oh wait. That would still leave the Mannings one short of Tommy.
Arch Manning playing for Texas now. Grandson of one of them? Has high expectations.
Arch is the grandson of former Saints QB Archie. He’s the son of Cooper Manning. Eli and Payton are his uncles. Kid had a stellar high school career.
Not to mention Arch comes from great football stock too.
If you want to call Tom Brady get in touch with Eli. He has Tom’s number.
Dan, it’s good to see you back up and running.
I have to admit I too believed the deep state of Bitchfield cracked The Planet’s code and shut you down.
After many comped meals and action figure battles, VP Voltron and bored with running the riff-raff away from Cumby’s, Dirty Barry Clairmont, teamed up and shut you down.
Id say welcome back, but you were never gone.
And to add to your last subject, yes, youth who believe they are someone they are not, are headed for a life ahead of misery and failure.
The adults who promote this should be slapped around with a rubber hose a time or two. I’m sure they’ll “see the way.” Lord knows as an American taxpayer I’m tired of paying for deadbeats. And now illegal aliens?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is not a huge demand for your nihilistic view of Pittsfield and and your pithy way with words to spin faux angertainment against Pittsfield and it’s elected leaders with your cadre of usual suspects.
If you don’t like the direction the city is going in, then step up and be the change you want to see.
Instead, we all get to see your constant ranting/bitching online about how disappointed you are with Pittsfield.
Maybe you should step up and get involved, beyond your “journalistic efforts” with this website.
Thanks for the advice!
I nominate you for the,
Dan Rather Memorial Award for the Most Stupid
We second the nomination.
Oh, PS, You are a few bricks shy of a full brick hod.
How many pot holes did the bus hit today?
Pink panties in a bunch again we see!!!! ROFL!!!
It’s always interesting when someone uses tired cliches to try to make a point. Shows that you’re in possession of a weak mind.
Angertainer or not, Dan The Man speaks the truth. Shittsfield has been going one way for 30 plus years. No one in their right mind would raise a family here if they could afford to instead live in a surrounding community, GOBSIGs excepted,and of course week paid city employees. Parks are shotholes, North Street is a shithole, bums in both places, and that my friend is just the tip of the iceberg Shittsfield has been steering into for years. Grow a brain.
Way to tell it like it is, Shits!
Dan, welcome back. Was concerned that the “transgender community” might have put a gag order on you:) Keep doing what you are doing.
The good old 5 percent annual spending increase: How predictable, Pittsfield politics!
May 6, 2024
Predictable Pittsfield politics’ Financial Management plan:
* Always increase city spending by at least 5 percent since the early-1980’s
* Tax Senior Citizens’ households at least $5,000 per fiscal year each on their respective residential property
* Increase Water/Sewer rates by at least 8 percent per fiscal year
* Spend tens of million of dollars in state aid per fiscal year on the city’s Level 5 public schools
* Spend millions of dollars on so-called economic development, which in Pittsfield’s case, the city’s only economic growth is in the city’s huge underclass population
* Elect career politicians for life who enrich themselves and their politically-connected cronies on the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family’s dime
* Mocked Mayors sarcastically called the late-Barstool, Aberration, Rolodex, Montello, Gated Community, and the sitting “90 day grace period” openly gay stool sample who shove it up our asses with record high municipal taxes, fees, debts and unfunded liabilities in return for a shit sandwich
* Over 50 years of large losses in population and living wage jobs, large numbers of declining public school enrollment, over 650 students per academic year who choice out of city schools to neighboring public school districts, and a myriad of financial shell games in the state and local government that the average common person does not understand
* The “Jon Melle” resident of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) having better – terrible – odds of winning the state lottery – regressive taxation SCAM – jackpot than finding a full-time, living wage job in Pittsfield’s dead downtown that is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” with the inner-city’s surrounding neighborhoods also known as “The Ring of Poverty”, which is by design because….
* Pittsfield politics is run on Perverse Incentives, which means that the larger the underclass population equals the larger the state aid funding for “Life in the Pitts”
Jon Melle
Happy that you are still here Dan. You are the only voice of the people..
So dija hear about Marchettis new trash collection plan with toters? People be sayin that they are making them purposely small so that you have to pay for a second one. and anything you cannot fit into it you must take to the facility (soon to open) and pay out of pocket. Looks like the vendor cut themselves a pretty slick deal. Reminds me of the deal GE put over on Doyle and Hickey.
Thanks, SNARK. THEPLANET broke the story on the toters, first of any media, on April 24. It drew 181 comments. Didn’t hear about the size of the toters, although what you write would not surprise me in the least. Anything that will make life more difficult and expensive for the Kapanskis, that’s what the TP-FOG wants (all the while stuffing their pockets with public money)
What do you do with an oversized couch cushion? Gotta make a trip to the facility and pay to dispose of it because you cannot squeeze it into the toter? What about a vacuum cleaner now?
Name it Linda and give it a hack state job.
….Name it Andy Luciforo and put your pot trash in the toters….
Why does Pittsfield continually attack the family? They are continually increasing the cost to raise a family in this city. I will be surprised if most don’t pick up and move out leaving everything for the houseless and illegals
Marchetti needs to bilk to taxpayers for trash collection but seems to think there is also 40 million lying around for a new stadium basically to be used for private business. Let them build their own stadium Pete. Goldkang has more dough than we do.
Agree. All the money Pittsfield taxpayers are doling out should be recouped. Surcharges on tickets for Bousquet Ski Mt. and Bousquet Sports plus Herman Meveille. Not to mention Berkshire Museum , Wahconah Park and Beacon Cinema and more. We simply cannot afford to give our hard money away without, getting our share back.
I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot more illegal dumping.
Marchetti is as dumb as Doyle but he doesn’t think anyone will notice.
Brooklyns Best ☆☆☆☆
Is the catch of the day freshly caught from Onota Lake?
Silver Lake
I’d take Silver over Onota at this point.
How about a survey, Dan of your readers- is the city moving in the right direction, yes or no?
Good idea. Perhaps I can formally launch that as a question to lead off a column.
How things can change, especially, especially if you are going to vote for the other guy. Former President Trump is being roosted because he spent a half hour (probably at the most) of private time with an admitted retired douche bag. Oh, my goodness isn’t this awful. To name a few, former presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, have spent private time with, I’ll be kind, females free with their bodies. And you know what part of their bodies the former presidents were interested in. Now Trump’s enemies are attempting to classify him as anti-human. These enemies of Trump should look in the mirror. Or maybe they are just plain jealous.
Bravo, CHUCK. You have laid out the ridiculousness of this witch-hunt against President Trump as well as I’ve seen it. In the Stormy trial, prosecutors, all Democrats and stated prejudice against Orange Man, inflated one misdemeanor into more than 30 “felonies.” Your last sentence also gets at something that may very well be in play. Jealous of his money, his fame, his influence, his, uh, vitality. Compare that to what currently holds the No. 1 and 2 slot re: The Oval Office, which has been renamed The Awful Office.
BTW, last night I watched a full-length documentary about The Greek God, Harry Agganis. Fabulous. I highly recommend it. It was done in 2012, runs 2 hours 16 minutes. Titled: Agganis The Golden Greek: Excellence to the End. It’s on a number of channels, including Amazon Prime, where I watched it. For you, having met the guy, it’s a Must See.
Does anything that woman said have anything to do with any alleged crime? What crime exactly was committed anyway?