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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 19, 2024) — If you will be so kind, allow THE PLANET to harvest and issue a few modest predictions. [ED NOTE: For the thick heads in class, we use the word, “FEINT” instead of “expected” “FAINT” … yes, it’s intentional. The confused should consult the nearest Webster (excluding Alex Webster, of course.]


  • That the investors who cornered the plywood market in Chicago are laughing all the way to the bank after so many stores boarded up their windows ahead of the protests threatened at the Democrat National Convention in the Windy City. Wonder if the savvy bunch included former White Sox knuckleballer Wilbur Wood?
  • That if the protests materialize and turn as violent as some fear, no doubt the lapdog “mainstream media” will called them “peaceful protests.” Fetching for “Killer Kamala,” as pro-Palestinian groups call her, is written into the MM’s lucrative deals with party Bosses.
  • That anyone making a comparison between the 1968 and 2024 Chitown conventions will be judged off base. In 1968, Democrats went into the gathering in turmoil. This follows LBJ’s shocking March declaration, the dousing of the Eugene McCarthy fire, and the June assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Dems ended up with Johnson’s VP, Hubert Horatio Humphrey. Despite the chaos, Humphrey almost beat Richard Nixon in November. In 2024, party Bosses made sure, in their silent coup of dumping “Let’s Go Brandon,” to secure a totalitarian GroupThink coalescing around an unexamined view of puppet Queen KamaLite.
  • That KamaLitemania, not to be confused with Beatlemania, will fizzle the moment she breaks down and has to face unstructured press interviews, press conferences, or any situation that requires off-the-cuff improvisations. If Bosses succeed in keeping her away from the press and exclusively on the teleprompter, wait until Donald Trump, debating wizard and provocateur supreme, gets her behind the podium.
  • That the safe word of the Dom/slave relationship between Kam and Tim will be: “Tampon.”
  • That Kam’s handlers will erect a silent dog fence around her, keeping her within a ten-foot perimeter and away from any kind of scrutiny. Not saying that Kennela is a dog, of course. Of coarse (for CHELSEA!).
  • That Trump’s sentencing in mid-September will be delayed until after the November or dropped entirely. Riots or “peaceful protests”will ensue.
  • That Trump will be sentenced to jail in mid-September on charges already known to be false. Riots will ensue. Or “peaceful protests.”
  • That Tim Walz will not show up at his debate with J.D. Vance with a tampon taped to his forehead. The tactic doesn’t work. It got John Lennon thrown out of the Troubadour during his infamous “Lost Weekend” in LA, 1974.
  • That Walz’s eschewing the tampon will not, nonetheless, be enough to have him reconsider his edict for all public restrooms for men and boys be equipped with feminine napkins. This will send the LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ crowd into flights of ecstasy. It might even persuade Peter Marchetti and Peter White to move to Minnesota. We should be so lucky.
  • That if you’re looking to work for the KamaLite campaign, you will find on the application form a list of pronoun preferences that will be too non-inclusive. The current choices are limited to “he/himshe/herthey/themxe/xemze/zrey/emhir/hirfae/ferhu/hu.” True. Where, you will wonder in your wokeness, are “he/hawhip/hipzig/zageenie/meenieminey/mo?’
  • Locally, that P. Marchetti, his expanded waistline having no more room to grow, will begin imploding from the middle of his forehead. This startling diminishing will continue to the point where, when he is called to face federal charges alleged by ex-Co-Op exec Theresa May, he will have been reduced to a tub of goo. Trial averted. One can indict a ham sandwich, but one cannot try a tub of goo. Even if it’s in a Tupperware container.
  • That P. White will be found in city council chambers dressing his vast collection action figures in latex. He will deny that he derived any sexual gratification from the maneuvers, arguing that council rules and the city charter make no provisions for or against such encounters. He will take the opportunity, after a heaping helping at the tap rooms and King Kone, to swear out an affidavit that he doesn’t know the meaning of figging, fetching, or fisting. Upright guy, he/ It is “he,” isn’t it?
  • That every city employee will self-identify as black.
  • That Ken Warren will turn into Howdy Doody or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
  • That Brittany Simola Noto, formerly known as Brittany Bandidni, will announce to the dais that she is the illegitimate offspring of baseball’s Gino Cimoli and former Bitchfield gadfly Guy Noto.
  • That Matthew Wrinn will realize he’s on a ship of fools. He will book himself on a magical mystery cruise and, somewhere on the brawny deep, will hurl himself overboard, anvil securely tied about neck.
  • That James Conant will one day wake up and realize, “It’s only a dream, and that’s all it’s ever been. A dream within a dream.”
  • That Patrick Kavey will finally tie the knot with his haircut, making an honest woman of his haircut.
  • That Dina Lampiasi will prove to one and all that being lesbian means never having to say you’re sorry.
  • That Rhonda Serre will find lucrative sidework as a blimp in 2025 4th of July extravaganza.
  • That Kathleen Amuso will declare she is the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.
  • That Earl Persip will finally find “people who look like him” and that the Dumpster Behind Paul Rich will be named grand marshal of next year’s parade.
  •  That on Nov. 5, with Trump leading in the vote, last-minute “found” ballots will emerge. The Restoration will be complete and all will hail Queen KamlaLite. Evidence of massive voting fraud will be destroyed by the Justice Department and obedient local election officials, and it will be another four years of Morning in America.
  • Make that Mourning in America.
  • THE PLANET will, by then, either be domiciled in another country or, if we remain in our native land, be assured of a surfeit of material for at least four more years … the ballot or the bullet, whichever comes first. The bullet came in July. Guess that leaves us with the ballot.

THE PLANET will welcome any predictions you might have.


I make you uncomfortable because I’m uncomfortable and laugh to avoid answering the question” — Kamala Harris.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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1 month ago

Interesting way to start the week Dan but I will try to do my best Johnny Carson impersonation.
The trash role out will be a cluster F*** with garbage totes getting stolen all over the city and the re[placements will cost twice as much as the supposed savings the Kapanski’s dictated about
JM will continue to blabber about how terrible the Democrat Party is but then still state he will vote for them, never realizing he is part of the problem
The brainwashed Snark, TSC, Oxenhater, etc crowd will continue to sell their soul to the Communist Party and screw over the good hardworking common Kapanski’s
The hate rag of the Berkshires will continue to be a Communist Party propaganda rag spewing nothing but hate then wondering why everyone is racist and hates everyone else
Wow I think I will stop while I’m batting 1000, this was easier then anyone/thing/identified gender could have guessed

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Project 2025 is the Republican Party’s Agenda to make the U.S. Government into an authoritarian state that would make the legally immune Orange Oger (achiever) Donald Trump the U.S.A.’s first King.

* A side note: If the U.S. President is legally immune for official acts, does that include Bill Clinton’s official (sex) acts with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office (aka – in the Oral Orifice) in the mid-1990’s?

J.D. Vance will wage his war against childless women, such as the beautiful iconic actress Jennifer Aniston. In his mind, women should be having babies or else they are miserable wretches. J.D. Vance is WEIRD!

Peter Marchetti will serve his mayoral term(s) and then collect his city public pension plus perks for life. Voltron Pete White the Porkchop will be next in line. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will always be at the end of the line.

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

JM, are you really calling another person “weird?”

You, of all people. Are you the pot or are you the kettle?

Let me remind you, you used to address Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), as “the lovely.”

To put in context:

JD Vance enjoys the traditional family, and you find that “weird.”

You call an obese, do nothing-politician, and (at the time) married, “the lovely,” and that’s NOT WEIRD?

Please explain that logic to us “weirdos.”

Shakes Their Head
Shakes Their Head
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

JD enjoys a traditional sofa.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

All you MAGA frogs sitting in the water as it heats up slowly. Trump wants to bring it to a boil and cook you with all the rest of us. But you cannot see that can you?

So sad.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

So you jumping in the boiling oil with Commie Kamala and Tampon Timmy for a quicker death?

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Why didn’t trump , do it last time he was president?
Just wondering, if you have facts or just delusional thoughts.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Very fake news

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

JM you of course did not realize you just lived through the most authoritarian President/VP in history. From their Executive Orders(most ever) to the weaponization of the DOJ going after opponents. That is the Party that you support. Trump was all about lifting up the classes and races through Capitalism and the Constitution unlike Lyin Biden and Commie Kamala

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Thank you Jon!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Such an easy job!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

TSC and his buddies love the Kammie Kommies

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Excellent Shirley. Also the brainwashed youth will continue to force their pronoun choices on us. I’m now receiving business letters from young people who feel it’s necessary that I know their pronouns. I couldn’t believe it when I read these letters, but this is what they are being taught in the schools and in the culture. It’s so sad.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Those you mentioned are living proof that the Democrat faithful would vote for an anvil as long as
there’s a ‘D’ painted on it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

More like a sickle.

Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
1 month ago

‘Feint of Heart’

Dan must be competing with Sir Charles to see how many typos can occur in a headline.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Why argue with a critic, Dan?

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

But of coarse!

Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

But of coarse!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Well, that settles that question then. You should charge double for OH

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

What does that mean?

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

TSC and others are familiar with other stuff that vas done in Ancient Greece.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Chelsea Grammar
1 month ago

Did you attend public school?

Perhaps using feints in a sentence, may assist, you of lesser intellect.

Ali feints a right, then delivers a left hook.

Dan is comically eluding to the democratic policy of lying, cheating and fraud to win elections.

Feint means fake, mislead …
Very appropriately used.

Try to keep up:)

Do you understand useful idiots, are easily misled?

Fortunately the minorities , are becoming aware , they were voting for their own oppression( welfare) , murder( via abortion)
And mass incoseration ( biden crime bill ” superpredators” verses trumps first step act )

Was that an attempt to separate the less intelligent?
You may be more clever. Than I credited

Think you may have missed Trump campaign ” too big to rig”
If it’s a blowout like 2016 no amount of fruad will be believable- look for Trump to garner 85million votes.

” it’s the economy stupid”
Add immigration, biden impeachment and illiteracy.

All due to Democrats policies
It’s over except for 9/18 sentencing and SCOTUS overruling.

Thomas hopefully avoids assassination attempt.
Adding to minority vote for trump.

If hes breathing hes 47.
Then America/ world will see massive unrest.

In the two months we are distracted
China takes itaewon, Putin takes Ukraine- Israel Iran war starts. North Korea and india most likely join the fray.

Who you think gave kamala 500 million $ this week?


Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

There’s nothing wrong with the public schools I attended. At least they taught me, correctly, that the greatest sin is arrogance.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

He teaches english second language to CCP spies.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

In the land where Time has ended, the predictions are easy. One correction: Kamalite will give no presscinfe red nces. Maybe she will stand and deliver a brief remark, but no questions. This the creature who forbade lower ranked personnel in her AG office to make eye contact with her and commanded to greet her in unison every start of the day, “Good morning General Harris!!!”.

That’s right, she calls herself a general. Josef Stalin, once the just a general secretary taking notes on Duma meetings, may be credited with the trick.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

* give no press conferences.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

From what I recall, our own former walking gaffe of a district attorney, Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington’s, office was not peaches and cream either. Straight, normal, people, walked on eggshells around her.

I surprised WW didn’t try and coin a phrase like that to give the DA office more of an authoritarian-type figure, of course in the name of “social justice.”

District Attorney conjures up fear of the racist white man.

Commandant Attorney, Commandant for short, expresses joy and happiness in the social justice/DEI realm.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I served as juror on one of her prize trials. I was astounded by the arrogance and bald face lies of her prosecutor and ‘expert witness’. They lied to the judge and jury.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Wait Now Charles you’re now an expert in the Law and Markus the Ex FBI agent/ CIA agent or was it swat ? Two tools in an echo chamber. “ Bald face lies…” sounds like you in the City council meetings right? Two tools in a echo chamber. Maybe you two could go get a drink together wink wink

Last edited 1 month ago by Larry Bird
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I was there. You were not. It not even about any law. It was about evidence and truth. Duh!

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Complaint against Marchetti is NOT accused of sexual harassment but he is accused of depriving May of her right to find satisfaction at her place of employment. A supervisor may not target an employee for abuse so as to make them want to quit.

I believe there are sexual harassment charges against the other principals.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Yes, I believe you are spot-on with this.

I don’t think Pete Marchetti barks up Theresa May’s tree. If it was a Timothy May, then I might buy into it. But not a Theresa.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I believe the bitch slap happened, don’t forget we are living in Bitchfield

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Sexual harassment is not restricted to sexual advances or suggestion, but to targeting someone because of their gender. Can include inappropriate jokes intended to offend, or just malevolence directed at you based upon gender. The bitch slur probably supports a SH complaint, but the pattern she alleges against Marchetti is based on general malevolence. You win in court if you shoot straight and pick your targets carefully.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

You might give that last line of advice to your guy Trump. Also, he needs to stay awake long enough to do so.

This tip is free of charge so please do not disparage the intent.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Is Biden awake?

Who is running the country, RIGHT NOW? Jill? Sotero?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Pretty sure Obama, the freshman senator from Illinois who went from Chicago gang to white house with nothing in between, was not in control. Rahm Emanuel probably had more power than he.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

I thought it was determined that Traitor Joe was incompetent to stand trial by his own corrupt DOJ? That same DOJ that would not release the tapes.

The crimes span the whole Biden Crime Cartel, but the RINO speakers of the house (MaCarthy, Johnson), have less balls than the gold winning women’s Olympic beach volleyball team (pretty evident they had XX chromosomes).

Biden et al should have been impeached long ago.

1 month ago

Harris/Walz would be a nightmare for this country. Both are far left extremists. Kamala Harris has terrible language and communication skills. I keep hearing her mispronounce so many words every time I listen to her speak. Or she uses the wrong word completely. For example she was saying price-gauging instead of price-gouging when referring to pricing at the supermarkets. In true Marxist style, she wants government to take charge of the pricing of food which in countries like Venezuela has led to food shortages and starvation.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Here is a real crisis Pat. Everyone needs to see this and beware. Banks in trouble.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

But a Sexual predator would be better? A regular on Epstein Island Cheated on his wife with a porn star

the Party of family values Ok

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Cuckoo bird I believe Harris was the one on her knees and Biden in showers with young girls. So who is a predator? Also everyone knows the court verdict in NYC was illegal and a political hit job. If you followed that logic you could be charge with sexually assaulting someone in the 70’s and be fined millions. This is called CCP kind of law, thanks Brandon

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

You mean the Clintoons?

Slick Willie took HBeast with him to Lolita Island. The flight logs are there. Not sure if that was cheating?

Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

New report out, and it was on the liberal news media, that people can’t afford to go on vacation so hotels and vacation places are hurting. Who is to blame for this??? They did not say but everyone knows who has been in office, Harris/Biden. Just saw the misinformation spying Obama’s who again tried to race bait and denigrate instead of talking policies and plans for the country.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

We’ve been asking JM, Chelsea/Kindergarden, and Snark, to show us ANY of Kamala’s platform that’s she’s going to use to help dig the US out of the “Bidenomics” disaster, and all we got was the usual TDS, “they fight for the little guy,” or our post graded on spelling and/or grammar, we finally got one.

Guy’s, if you still ID as such, care to comment:

Kamala Harris’ Dishonest and Stupid Price Control Proposal (

Goya CEO bashes Kamala Harris price-fixing plan: put the ‘last nails in the coffin of this economy’ (

Obama economist trashes Kamala Harris’ price control plan: ‘This is not sensible policy’ | Fox News

**JM, take a look at that last link.

The “hunky love-bug,” you so admire, Bathhouse Barry, even his former economist thinks her plan is TRASH.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

As quoted by Upton Sinclair: It is difficult to get people ( see JM) to understand something when their ‘salary’ depends on his not
understanding it.’

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

There is the number one issue in society, all the leaches. There are many job openings and these people on the dole should be working and paying their fair share, isn’t that what the Democrats keep saying while adding more taxes to the wealthy? I will let them in on a secret the Democrat policies have made more poor people then any other policy known

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

This country did not become great on the backs of the lazy.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I’d never want to see anyone suffer, but a small part of me would like to see him get his wish of an all democRAT-run government and his VA benefits eventually taken away to help support illegal aliens with that money.

Let JM get a real-life, experience, of how great the democRATS “fight for the little guy” and how Tim Walz really “takes care of Veterans.”

One day he wakes up on the street. He still does not a job, and now no VA money/benefits to boot. Instead of posting his daily screeds from his basement, he now has to battle the “houseless,” drug addicts, and illegal aliens, just for an outlet space at the public library, to do his daily postings. Do you think he’ll still believe that “they fight for the little guy?”

JM, please do me a favor before you look foolish and post another TDS screed, read the headline of the link below:

“…democRATS REJECT giving Massachusetts HOMELESS VETERANS preference OVER illegal aliens….”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

There are now, and always have been, people that will not work. They prefer to
be “activist” and let others work to support them.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

The crew you mentioned, Marcus, are dyed in the wool Kammunists and no amount of debate & logical reasoning will change their twisted viewpoint. The same have never experienced life in China or North Korea and are ignorant about how restricted their lives would be.
May freedom ring! Vote MAGA!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

It really is sad how brainwashed these people are.They seem to forget that we had four years of a Trump presidency, and the country flourished. Not to mention, no wars going on anywhere in the world.And to think he did all of this, after Bathhouse Barry committed Treason on him, by not completing a peaceful transfer of power (Crossfire Hurricane) between Presidents, I’d say he did pretty good myself.I didn’t even mention the Stelle Dossier either.

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Well Dan, you DID see what a Trump administration, complete with insurrection, would look like so hopefully that will influence you as well.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

How have Americans been doing the last 3 1/2 years Snarky? Energy and food cheap? Secure border without a horde of criminals coming to get free stuff from US taxpayers? Keeping the perverts out of public schools and the wrong restrooms? Rent and mortgage easily affordable?

Harris says, “on day one”, she is going to fix the things, she and Traitor Joe have been doing since they were installed . See the above.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Here we go again a misinformed brain washed idiot who still can not connect the dots that Pelosi and the FBI created the J6 travesty and they even are responsible for the killing of a veteran who served her country. The information is out there that Kamal even played a part with the “pipe bomb” found at the DNC. Before spewing your falsehoods (or lies) please do investigations and only type facts

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Dan – you DO NOT want to see what a [man in control] to the power of Harris-Walz adminstration would do.

You are talking about the old power of the Democratic South finally completing its war upon the Republic, having cleansed its past with the new blood of the European inspired nazi-communist axis. Say hello to ANTIFA, goodbye to Thomas Jefferson.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

For clarity, Markus tagged me as someone who would be voting for Harris even though I have never indicated such intentions.

What I DID say was that I would definitely NOT, under any circumstances, vote for the Clarabell wannabee with the orange wig.

I am waiting for more definite policy as to whether Harris will still fund bombing children in Gaza or not. If she comes right out and says she will stop the Biden policy of killing innocents in Gaza on day one she may very well get my vote.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

So what candidates are you considering seeing how Kennedy is talking about dropping out

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Maybe Jill Stein? If the Democrats don’t get her kicked off the ballot?

Kennedy is endorsing Trump (Friday), might be heading NIH, or taking his Dad’s job as AG.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
1 month ago

Prediction – you will lose your lunch when you see this:

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
1 month ago

Tampon Tim will do the debate ~ no strings attached

1 month ago

The kamalanarchists will be out in full force to peacefully burn down Chicago and pull down the statue of George Halas.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

The street named for Moses Howard after he and his two pals brought the house down at the Colonial.

Reply to  Goslow
1 month ago

Dr Howard, Dr Fein, Dr Howard…..

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Funny how the liberal media is not showing the riots that are happening in Chicago with thousands of cops calling in sick

That girl
That girl
1 month ago

Love the satire. These jamokes need to be taken down a few pegs. Glad you’re on it!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

If Trump wins and Project 2025 is implemented into federal law(s):

….then Jon Melle will lose his VA benefits and my nightmare of living on my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) would become true for poor middle-aged me.

If the far-right extremists win, then I could only hope that my Enemy #1 called “Luciforo” may finally show me mercy after his over 28 years of abuse(s) against me by giving me one of his pot products to ease my pain.

The “have not’s” will lose all of our rights. We will have no choice but to serve the financial, corporate and ruling elites’ agenda. If we fight back against the tyranny of the “have’s”, then we will be sent to one of Putin’s Siberian forced-labor prison camps.

JD Vance will force women to have children or else they will have to wear the equivalent of the Scarlet Letter A along with a cat print on the back of their shirts to live in shame for violating his WEIRD views of society.

History books will be revised to say that Slavery provided job training skills, the plight of the Native American Peoples was for white manifest destiny, that capitalism did not cause the huge underclass population, that the military industrial complex, forever wars, arms sales exports, and greenhouse gas emissions are all necessary to protect our freedoms.

The powerful will rule by RETRIBUTION. The powerless will be persecuted.

Please STOP Trump’s authoritarian madness. Please vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the U.S. President ticket in 2024!

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

JM are you really that dumb? The Democrats are bringing us into Communism. Harris has even said she will take Patents away from people and produce the goods her self with her selected manufacturers. Who will create anything if they are afraid of government just taking it from them????Try to wake up and take your meds and get a job!!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

In 3, 2, 1, get ready for; “Trump is the moral hypocrite,” “Jon Melle will lose his VA benefits,” “Walz supports Veterans,” “ they fight for the little guy,” “Project 2025,” “Trump will bring us to Authoritarian rule.”

I’m trying to save you from having to cut and paste from a past screed, as the reason(s) you’ve given why you are not voting for Trump in November.

Did I miss any JM?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You’re JD Vance crap on women but, the democrats
Party of Women: ‘Till Sweat Drip Down My Balls, All These Bitches Crawl’ Rapper Lil Jon
Ignites DNC. Since they’re offering free abortions and free vasectomies, maybe they can start offering free CAT scans to see if anyone there possesses
a brain.

snark shark
snark shark
1 month ago

Do most Pittsfield residents understand that any trash they have that will not fit into the relatively small (by design) opening of their new trash cans must be physically driven to the the transfer station and paid for separately from your taxes. AND that you will need a $120 annual fee sticker just to get in the gate before you pay for what you bring? The lines will be long. The wait time will be long. The cumulative extra residential costs will be enormous. The inconvenience will be a huge pain in the ass.

They could have optioned for larger totes but the mayor wanted Casella to be able to maximize their profits. Thanks Pete. You da man.

We re talking about things like plastic lawn chairs, vacuum cleaners, small chairs, and 100 other things they used to take. I believe it was set up this way and that Casella will make an extra 5 million dollars as a result. The mayor and Pete White will be putting their trash in city dumpsters so no problem for them but everyone else is going to find it both quite costly and very inconvenient.

If you have any items like that now laying around your cellar or garage or attic get them out now. Clean out that garage this weekend people! Attic and cellar too. Time is short.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

If you remember the old 80’s movie with Rodney Dangerfield, Back to School, there is a scene in it where Rodney has to “school” the Economics Prof, about who runs the garbage biz and how they conduct business.

As Rodney stated, “It certainly ain’t the boy scouts.”

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

True dat. I doubt there are any tapes, audio recordings or logs of any of the discussions for the contract.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Never will these are Democrats running things in Pittsfield, Still can’t figure out why they closed the incinerator after putting upgrades in that cost the city $500,000.00 stating at the time they were needed to keep it compliant for the next decade.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

I see a shortage of sawzalls in Bitchfield’s future.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

I see a lot of Bitchfield’s garbage will end up everywhere else, except the garbage totes.

Why pay when there are plenty of spots to dump for free.

City parks, other people’s over flowing garbage totes, tossed beside them overnight, where Earl’s opponents campaign signs eventually ended up-businesses will love this, sidewalks, flop houses, dilapidated properties.

See what I mean?

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Maybe someone has hidden cameras at strategic locations

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
1 month ago

All I have to say today is, how appropriate was it to see Clowncil President Voltron Pork Chop piloting the Red Rocket in the Soap Box Derby?

Was there food, beer and momma fell from the train waiting for him at the finish line as he massaged the Red Rocket to victory?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

First time to victory? No way.

Porkchop Pete’s a multitasker.

He’ll power or “massage the red rocket” to victory at the same time his Chewbacca action figure has goes “spelunking in the bat cave” looking for riches.

You didn’t think he made Bitchfield Clowncil VP on silly merit or qualifications, did you? You need real skills to get that job.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Did you do undercover security with the ear piece and side weapon?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

You certainly drank plenty of the sh!t water your filters were supposed to filter out. It’s seeping out of your ears.

If you want security for your drag-show events Snark, may I suggest you reach out to Dirty Barry Clairmont.

How many more names are you going to post under?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

That’s not SS. It’s a City Councilor. I’d narrow it down to three (two on the right, one on the left.)

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Appreciate the info. Very similar writing styles and word usage to SS.

Not to mention both enjoy the very disturbing activity of drag-time story hour with the kids.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

It’s more a pattern of context that reveals these critters than style. It’s a Council-Critter.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

Lumpy Marchetti’s ride looked like a casket

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 month ago

RFK JR considering dropping out and endorsing Trump.

This is due to what the “Democratic” party has become, the way they have treated him and others during the “primary”, and trying to oust Independents ( Jill Stein too) from the ballot.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Isn’t he the guy that found the dead bear cub and put it in Central Park?

Yah, he definitely seems like the kind of guy who would endorse Trump.

Illegit Mureuh
Illegit Mureuh
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

No. That was Ewell Gibbons.

Illegit Mureuh
Illegit Mureuh
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Or was that Euwell? They say he had a red rocket.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

RFK JR is the guy that the DNC squeezed out of the primary process to install Traitor Joe like a toilet, only to flush him and install a stankier commode, Kamala.

DemocRAT “Democracy” at it’s finest. How many primary votes did Harris get?

“They have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept off stages, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state, they even planted insiders into our campaign.”

-Nicole Shanahan (RFKs VP running mate)

Rumor is Trump may have a position for him, as head of NIH, or his late father’s role as AG. The announcement will come Friday.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

He would be a good choice for NIH. He would be a fine President, but he is a reconstruction candidate. Unfortunately, we are not in a reconstruction moment. Our government resembles Cicero’s Senate.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

The only way to save our country from the Commies and the Marxists is for some Democrats to unite with Republicans. This is very serious because Kamala is way out there in the far left field. Kamala is giving very little away about her agenda because it’s all about high taxation and more inflation. Kamala is just as delusional as Michelle Obama. Michelle didn’t say a word while young children were being mutilated during the Trans frenzy in this country. Children as young as 9 or 10 are still being experimented on with hormones and testosterone and surgeries and Michelle just stays quiet, but has the nerve to say last night that trans kids should be able to be who they are as if that is what everyone is so upset about. Michelle Obama is a rich socialite and thinks that qualifies her to tell parents it’s okay for their kids and teachers to hide what is being done in the schools. Such phoniness from Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

He wanted the carcass, and then had to lose it. It actUally not all that uncommon. The prank was unfortunate.

Devil is a liar
Devil is a liar
1 month ago

Jeremia Pollard, get your checkbook ready. Col. Ashley owned Bett.

Greenagers should get acreage instead of a salad.

Repairations ahead,

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
1 month ago


Like the new honest you.
You could of exposed many more,bitchfield hoaxes.
Nilan fiasco still has alot of milage, as you are fully aware.

This was a good start.

Taxatwoshits is fast becoming eastern California, druggies pooping in streets, will break the camels back.

With the dike tyrant governor
1) eliminating mini trucks – 1/2 the size 3 times the mileage- in commywealth, in support of green new scam
2) rampant violations of 2and amendment civil rights, with newest unconstitutional legislation ( nutty 9th just slapped down commyfornia 1in 30 law
3)total eliminating diesel heavy trucks , from sale in taxatwoshits- leading to only 2025 and newer trucks allowed to enter commywealth ( the Biden boat brigade , awaiting trucks to transport goods off commyfornia – is still growing)
4) governor carper breath bribing ex lovers into silence, with Massachusetts supreme court judgeships .
5) carpet munch involvement in kamala/ Patrick meeting at salon- worse than any Kennedy killing- details in October!
6) MSP-13 & Famous But Incompetent?
Corruption, rape, murde and voter fraud-
Coming to senate hearings very soon
7) carpet munch odumba connection 🙂

Am I still in penalty box? ( being censored?)
If so why?

Tom Betit

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

Yes. Good. Cryptic.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

Dude… as the saying Goes and Dan might not say it But I will “ I know what you did last Summer”n

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Who cares? Paul Revere was a rowdy one too.