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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, AUG. 16-8, 2024) — THE PLANET is always open to guest columns, and we have the honor of publishing this one. It is authored by former city councilor Charles Kronick, better known on THE PLANET and elsewhere as Sir Chaz.

If you wish to submit a guest column for consideration, feel free to do so.

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Special to THE PLANET

Faith in the Almighty is the bedrock of this nation’s founding. Without it, none of the spectacular events of personal courage and personal sacrifice would have placed farmers, tradesmen, and common men on Battlefield Road on that April morning in 1775.  Even less probable the line of militia men, having lost their commander in the initial volley, let tear a volley that blew the brains out of the Royal officers and caused the Redcoats to take flight after just two minutes of fire.
Captain Isaac Davis, 30 years old, left his wife and four children all sick with the dreaded scarlet fever, disappeared into the early morning darkness, and led his men to Concord. He didn’t wait for a better day, and he did not get to see his loved ones again in this world. His parting words to his wife, Hannah, were “Take good care of the children.” She shared his purpose that night, and in her despair must have taken some assurance in divine blessing.
The courage was inspired and lit by religious leadership. As men quaked at the approach of Col. Smith’s columns at dusk, there was a possibility that they may disperse. Concord minister William Emerson largely brought the men together and moved them through the day of battle.
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In Concord, the older militia had decided to hold the town. They took a position on a hill behind the meetinghouse that gave them a clear view of the town center. … [T]hey would hold the high ground and the regulars would have to navigate their advantage. Down below, others continued to debate their options.
Minister Emerson was with them there. He rallied them, saying “Let us stand our ground. If we die, let us die here.”
Debate came to an end when the young militiamen reported back. They saw the scarlet ribbon gaining speed, drums and feet pounding. The sun was getting high, the polished barrels and bayonets were shimmering. A young man, Harry Gould,  panicked. Minister Emerson slapped him on the back: “Stand your ground, Harry! Your cause is just, and G-d will bless you.” (Sir Chaz, KOTT, “The Second Strike of the Match.” Sourced from: Fischer, David Hacker, Paul Revere’s Ride.)
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The civil, democratic institutions of the Bay State colony was formed by the church of the Puritan settlers, generations prior to 1775. The Puritans formed the first democratic government, and they are responsible for the conversation that spread generations hence. The names of these ministers and leaders today are generally misused, cast in the primitive caricatures as misapplied to the fire and brimstone of Cotton Mather. They laid the foundation for what eventually became the late 18th century civil and governing institutions that formed the functioning government of the Commonwealth.
The powers of General Gage, bull edicts, and punitive acts attempted to reimpose themselves over the self-declared sovereign communities of the Commonwealth. The justification, the motivation, the purpose for the fight was provide by
G-d.  Decades after the war, Capt. Levi Preston answered a journalist’s question: “Captain Preston, what made you go to the Concord fight? … Were you oppresed by the Stamp Act? Tea tax? The writings of Locke, Harrington, Sidney about the eternal light of liberty?”
Preston replied, “I never heard of these men. The only books we had were the Bible, the catechism, Watts’ psalms and hymns, and the almanacs … Young man, [what] we meant in going for those Redcoats was this: We always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn’t mean we should.” (Fischer, David Hacker, Paul Revere’s Ride.)
So who were these men and women that formed the birth of this nation? Politicians? Lawyers? Rebels? Largely none of the above, and definitely not rebels. They were Friends of Liberty who, guided by the word of G-d, had courage in their certainty that their cause was just. Their faith is written into every document that explains the purpose of the American people.
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THE PLANET thanks Sir Chaz for sharing his views.


To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead” — Thomas Paine.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Decades after the was” *after the war

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Your quote from Paine certainly sums up the frustration of the board.

Illigit Muree
Illigit Muree
1 month ago

This is about an interesting presentation as Kamaflauges economic
roposals today.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Watch out Charles, You just poked the godless immoral Leftist beehive, “It” won’t like this!!!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Also loving the title. Perfect! Don’t change a thing.

1 month ago

Well, whatever ‘birst’ means, I’m quite willing to believe that faith in God propelled it.

Problem is, that belief and behavior in no way proves or even implies the existence of God.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

OH; Birst is just what John Adams prescribes, “let the mind run free.” Toss off your shackles, read, and let your mind think for you. Birst is burst and birth I think.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

The portmanteau… heart-emoji that thing.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Your dilemma is not relevant.

To your point, men of Faith do not search for metaphysical proof. Skeptics, who predate the Book and the Word never found the satisfaction of proof in any act or principle. And still, today, they continue to fail.

I recommend for you, an intelligent creature, America and the Political Philosophy of Common Sense by Segrest.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

It is not a dilemma.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Skeptics are only failures in the minds of those like yourself.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

I guess you’ll wait until you die to find out.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

No, the answer is quite clear to me.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

OK, Lucifer is your Lord

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Whoa, says you. Given your spoutings on this board, I’d say it is you who uses Lucifer as a life coach.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Liberals/Leftists are Godless and hate Christians.

Your post above is proof.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Sorry, sir, you are false.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Nope, Leftists are.

Watch some more MSM, your indoctrination needs a BOOSTER!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Bravo Sir Charles, well done!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Just prior to the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the American British Colonies were taxed a net sum of 2 weeks per year of their incomes. In 2024, the U.S. taxpayers are taxed many months of their incomes, and the U.S. national debt is currently over $35 trillion and always increasing in red ink.

The Massachusetts government asked King George III for a bail out. The King of England declined and he told his subjects to raise taxes. Massachusetts was bankrupt in the mid-1770’s. Also, many of the mostly slave owning Founding Fathers were deep in personal debts. MONEY played a BIG part in the Revolutionary War.

Enter religion to argue that that God granted the American subjects that natural rights of self-determination. Enter politics by arguing that taxation without representation in the government is unjust. Enter France, which provided financial and military aid to the Founding Fathers.

Please understand that 18th Century France outlawed Slavery, and that black citizens of historic France were equal under law there. The Declaration of Independence was written to appeal to France to ally with the Founding Fathers versus King George III and Great Britain.

The Founding Fathers lied to France by saying that Slavery in the American Colonies was the fault of the British Empire because when they defeated the King George III’s British Armed Forces, most of the Founding Fathers continued to own Slaves throughout their natural lives in the newly formed United States of America.

The Native American Peoples were the victims of GENOCIDE from the 17th Century through the 19th Century. Their lands were stolen. U.S. President Andrew Jackson’s pogroms against the Natives are compared to Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jewish People and “the others”. NOTE: The U.S. and U.K.-led Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany in 1945 and ended Hitler’s EVIL and TRAGIC Holocaust.

While Judeo-Christian Religion(s) are the Foundation(s) of our society and government, I have to ask: “How were the Founding Father’s and the U.S. Government they formed religious given the Institution of SLAVERY and the GENOCIDE(S) of the Native American Peoples?”

Since the end of WW2 in the mid-1940’s, the U.S. Government made the U.S. Military Industrial Complex the cornerstone of the U.S. economy and Wall Street has made trillions of dollars in profits off of endless wars. But at what cost?

Since the end of WW2, many millions of innocent people around the world have been killed at the hands of the U.S. Government’s military and intelligence operations. The U.S. Government’s number one non-farm export to the world are arms sales.

In the 21st Century, more and more countries are turning to authoritarianism instead of democracy. Over the past 50 years, the middle-class U.S. family unit has greatly diminished, while the underclass population is always growing larger in numbers. All of the income gains except for a paltry average net gain of $5 per week has gone to the financial, corporate and ruling elites. Is this what American Democracy is supposed to look like?

In closing, I do NOT understand why U.S. history and today’s inequitable political system is so glorified. To say that we are founded on religion and democracy when it flies in the face of facts is really propaganda.

I love my country and God, but I dissent against my government, as well as organized religion.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Quit trying to be like your cousin Pete you’ll never be mayor of Pittsfield or get cute guys like he does you need to take the guys you can get Jonathan you’re not cute. Sorry but not sorry.

Taxed out Maxed Out
Taxed out Maxed Out
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You can’t get away from yourself.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Taxed out Maxed Out
1 month ago

It appears he can’t get away from himself and has no intention of doing so.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Dissent against your government and organized religion is especially valid today. It’s hard to find a church or synagogue that does not wear the banners of their conquerors and have exchanged her sacred texts for Microsoft-word constructed forgeries.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

August 16, 2024

Re: Open letter to Charles Ivar Kronick

Hello Charles,

I posted my response to your essay about the Founding of the U.S.A. beginning in the Spring 1775. I am NOT targeting you. I am exercising my FREE SPEECH.

Indeed, I am a victim of Pittsfield politics mostly due to the actions of an EVIL man named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who is sarcastically called “Luciforo”, as well as “Pittsfield’s Pot King”.

It has been over the past +28 years of my 49-year-old life that Nuciforo has conspiratorially bullied and hurt me in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) and beyond. He is a DISGRACED politician, and a corrupt Attorney, and he used his connections in Pittsfield and Boston alike to make millions of dollars off of the state’s predatory marijuana industry since he founded “Berkshire Roots” in early-2017.

I admire you for standing up to the evil men (and women) who run Pittsfield politics when you served as the city’s poorest Ward 2 City Councilor. As I live in Southern New Hampshire, you now live in Vermont. I am happy for both of us to have moved away from Pittsfield like the many thousands of people have done over the past 50 years.

Likewise, I have no bad thoughts of you either. In fact, my thoughts of you are good thoughts. I like that you tell me how you feel about my political writings. I have many friends who support Donald Trump for U.S. President in 2024. I respect their political beliefs as equal to my own. I choose to support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the U.S. Presidential ticket in 2024.

I enjoyed reading your essay on Planet Valenti. Please keep up the good work in politics.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Good post, Jonathan. Spelling and grammar perfect. Content, less impressive.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Thank you JM.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Letter: “Question for the Colonial after political event”
The Berkshire Eagle, August 16, 2024

To the editor: I was surprised that the Colonial Theatre hosted a fundraising rally for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Colonial Theatre is a 501(c)(3) organization. (“‘We have a fight ahead of us.’ Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield,” Eagle, July 27.)

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Perhaps the CEO of the Colonial Theatre might be able to offer an explanation. Did the Colonial give up its 501(c)(3) status?

Dave Bubriski, Pittsfield

Shakes Their Head
Shakes Their Head
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

should government owned venues rent to politicians? At least the Harris campaign pays its bills…

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes Their Head
1 month ago

Did the the Kamala cabal pay the city the $50k it cost the city for the money begging event they staged?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Shakes Their Head
1 month ago

….rules are meant to be broken….when Kamala visits Pittsfield….and leaves the distressed small city with $1.4 million….because old wealth Sherwood Guernsey is part of the latte limousine liberal political establishment and he brought the Veep to the heart of the beautiful Berkshires….so that Kamala could campaign for the U.S. Presidency in 2024….at the historical Colonial Theater….but it is unlike the historical two Norman Rockwell paintings he himself donated to the Berkshire Museum….only to be auctioned off in 2018 for millions of dollars….along with other historic pieces of artwork….and there is no baseball in Pittsfield this Summer 2024….and Wahconah Park will turn into Pittsfield’s version of Boston’s “Big Dig” boondoggle…and PCBs are still everywhere in Pittsfield….and Mayor Peter Marchetti is named in a sex discrimination federal lawsuit whereby he allegedly called Victoria May “a BITCH” at a bank they once worked at together….and the aforementioned Mayor gave Nuciforo a so-called city “FREE CASH” pot settlement of $341,000….while the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski pay excessively high municipal taxes and fees….in return for….I won’t write it….but former Mayor Linda Tyer, along with her greed-ball neighbor Nuciforo live in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College….and Jimmy Ruberto’s Rolodex is rusted out at the bottom of Silver Lake….and Beacon Hill state lawmakers got almost nothing done and now they are on their 5-months-long taxpayer-funded vacation….and PAC Man Richie Neal is only representing K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp….and greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley is kissing his dirty behind….and Jon Melle supposedly cannot get away from myself….but I did get away from North Street’s Social Services Alley and the ring of poverty inner-city neighborhoods that surround downtown Pittsfield….but I am still a member of the underclass population in Southern New Hampshire….so do not be too happy for me….Thanks everyone!

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Goos points raised in this letter. Arrogant democrats think they are above the law.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Not only did the three stooges appear at the colonial they seem to be running the place.

Layne Staley
Layne Staley
1 month ago

Gloria send me pictures of my boys.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 month ago

An excellently written column Charles. Having recently visited Concord and the sites thereof, I really appreciate your well articulated retelling of some of those significant events on that fateful day of April 1775. It certainly gives us great pause to think about where we have progressed or regressed as a was also a great reminder of how Our sovereign God has so graciously, poured out such great blessing upon our nation for all the years following these events. Thank you and hope to thank you in person this fall at our reunion.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Unfortunately, a good deal of evil has been carried out on this earth in the name of God. We humans will be a sight better off when we start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop blaming it on the will of God.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Sure, just see what the current communist Pope has been up to.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The evil, done in the name of G-d, is also evil committed in taking the name in vain.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Paul Revere, William Dawes, with Preston ignited a powder fuse that burnt throughout the Baystate and awoke civic, governing, and religious institutions that had been developed since the 1760’s. Three men on horse, but hundreds waiting for the word and k owing what they must do.

You are blessed to know and honor your heritage. I recommend Americans with doubt or love to discover Project Appleseed. It started with one man, maybe a decade ago, who worried about the divisions and loss of national heritage. It is now a national organization committed to teaching our heritage and revitalizing the spirit of the American Revolution.

What reunion?

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

FF: I would be happy to meet you, or talk otherwise.

Shakes Their Head
Shakes Their Head
1 month ago

Faith in god also translated to chattel slavery. Fully supported by the Puritan leaders.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Shakes Their Head
1 month ago

Exactly. Jesus Christ preached compassion and said the meek will inherit the Earth, which is from the Beatitudes in the Bible that means that those who renounce worldly power will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ wanted human beings to stop sinning against God. Slavery of the black people and the GENOCIDE(s) of the Native American Peoples by the Founding Fathers is the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ believed in, but, as we all know, human beings Crucified Jesus Christ for standing up to those who coveted worldly power. It has always been that those who covet worldly power use God as their will to have power. When will it ever end?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

“What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun ( Ecc.l1:9) Our real problem today is sin. Rebellion against God, which began with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Mans nature has not changed throughout history. Its as depraved today as has been before. Man has become a depraved, restless being always searching to worship something or someone, most times barking up the wrong tree. God’s word says, “ All have sinned and have fallen short if the glory of God”(Romans 3:23). Man is unable to fix the problem of sin on his own that is why God sent his son Jesus Christ, “ to take away the sins if this world” It is only believing in him, obeying His word and serving Him can we be freed from the slavery of sin. You ask “When will it ever end ? When Christ returns to earth to separate the sinners from the saved. God’’s word says in James, “ Draw near to me and I will draw near to you” John 14:6 says, “ I am the way the truth and the life, no one cones to me except through the Father. These are tumultuous times( nothing new) in which we live, a time that beckons us all to draw near to Him now, as we will all ultimately face Him sooner or later and learn very quickly where we will spend our eternity.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

The Festus view is the overly simplistic, delusional view pushed by the church in order to maintain and bolster their global power. Faith is easy, and it gives the perp an easy out for all the evil he wishes to propagate (e.g. Trapper). That is the strategy of every religious person I have ever known – I can think and do what I want because God will forgive me.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

God is God and we’re not. God is truth.And the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom/understanding. Wisdom and truth are found in his word. Have you ever read any of his word, the Bible ? If not I I suggest two books to start with, the book of Ecclesiastes and the Gospel of John Whether you believe these things or not God is still God and you and I will both have to stand before Him on judgement day.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

I’ve read the good books and look forward to judgment day. The problem with your view, I would submit, is that God is to be respected, not feared. For fear, you see, is the root of the problem. MAGAs lack of mileage is due to their reliance on fear rather than respect.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

G-D wants ‘respect’? Like, he must earn it or something? Read again. I recommend james.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

At the end od of the book of Ecclesiastes (which summarizes it) He says, Fear God and keep his commandments This is holy fear of God. In other words we are to live in awe, have great respect of and
in obedience to him not the same fear as in the fear of man

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

If you fear G-d, then you fear no man. Hence, G–d is the groundspring of liberty and the enemy of tyrants.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Shakes Their Head
1 month ago

It was not universally supported by anyone in the colonies. There was a lot of recognition that it contradicted the cause of liberty and revolution. But a lot of things were different back then – when it comes to history, best to read more and judge less.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  openly gay commenter
1 month ago

Read more and judge less is excellent advice. Add to it : be curious.

I suspect too that there’s a good bit of anachronisms in his post.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

The European Union wants to and is threatening to limit FREE SPEECH in the U.S.A.

P.S. Pittsfield politics does this through its use of RETRIBUTION!

1 month ago

Know thy self.

Reply to  God
1 month ago

Thanks, God, I do.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

You know what I Mean; Message received.

Reply to  10-4
1 month ago

“We are programmed to receive.”

1 month ago

Great article by Charles. There has been a falling away from God in this country and we are seeing the results of that very bad decision.