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It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to expose delusion and error” — Thomas Paine

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION SEPT. 13-15, 2024) — THE PLANET is like you and most people. We want to be left alone, live in peace, feel safe, have enough for a comfortable life, and want just enough government to assure these rights. The only ones who advocate Big Government are (a) the crooks and crumbs in politics for a living and (b) the ignorant, whom they have seduced.

These are the “greedy leaders” George Harrison sang about in his magnificent post-Beatles song “Beware of Darkness.”

This is Kamala Harris.

———- ooo ———-

What’s interesting to THE PLANET is how people can keep falling for such creepers. She rises on the strength of the casting couch, runs for president, fails to win a single delegate, gets selected (not elected) Vice President primarily because she is black and female, hasn’t run for anything since, and at a late hour gets propped up to head her party’s national ticket.

Harris empty calories, stands for nothing, cowardly avoids the press, speaks in vapid tautologies in a nasally whine, laughs inappropriately, and half the electorate falls for it, dazzled by the Unicorn and Show Pony candidate.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, won the presidency against all odds and fierce opposition from the Old Guard, the Swamp, and gave America one of the most successful four-year terms this country has ever seen. Secure borders. A growing economy. Low inflation. Respect for America. No war. Dialogue not weakness with our “enemies.”

Trump’s effectiveness was and is like no one else because HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN.

The Swamp hates and fears him. They tried the courts to stop him, Harris and Biden adopting the Stalin Model of show trials. That failed. Next up, a bullet to the head. That failed. In reserve, steal another election through manipulation.

And that’s why America has one final chance to right the foundering, floundering ship on Nov. 5 by voting in Donald Trump at America’s 47th president.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET now presents this guest column by James Conrad, republished by fair-use permission.

Kamala Harris Called ‘Embarrassing’ After Plagiarizing Biden While Finally Posting Policies
Kamala Harris Called ‘Embarrassing’ After Plagiarizing Biden While Finally Posting Policies

Vice President Kamala Harris has embarrassed herself many times throughout her sham political career. Her latest mistake, however, might take the cake when it comes to her biggest humiliations.

Harris was just caught blatantly plagiarizing from President Joe Biden’s campaign. This came seven weeks after he dropped out of the race, and she was anointed as his replacement.

On Sunday, Harris’ official campaign website blatantly plagiarized policies from President Joe Biden’s campaign website, copying and pasting them onto its “issues” page. Her campaign did this after weeks of Harris being slammed for not having any policies on her official website.

The New Republic, a liberal outlet, called Harris out for plagiarism in an article titled “Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris’s Launch of Policy Platform.”

From The New Republic:
Shortly after Kamala Harris released her policy agenda on Sunday evening, users on X spotted something in the metadata: Much of the language appears to have been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website. On Sunday night, X user Corinne Green pointed out that the issues section of Harris’s website contained metadata with language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden. This language was visible when links to the campaign site were shared, and in the website’s description on Google searches.

All of this creates the impression that at least some of the Harris campaign’s policy language was copied and pasted from Biden’s documents. That would be an embarrassing miscue from the Harris campaign, which partly came into being because of a perception that a refresh was needed to garner enthusiasm in the Democratic Party. It doesn’t help that the section on her website about her Israel-Palestine policy seems very similar to what Biden’s campaign was saying.

This Sums Up Harris Perfectly

This perfectly sums up both Harris and her campaign. Indeed, there is nothing authentic or original about Harris. Instead, Harris is a sleazy career politician who will do and say anything to win this election.

Ever since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has tried to portray herself as a moderate falsely. In reality, Harris is a radical liberal who will undoubtedly go about enacting her own woke agenda if she makes it to the White House.

That’s why it is no surprise that Harris would put virtually no thought into the issues page on her website. She has no intention of letting voters know her radical plans for this country should she come to power.

This is also rich coming from Biden’s vice president, given the fact that he was forced out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarizing a speech by the British leader Neil Kinnock. After the scandal broke, multiple incidents of plagiarism in Biden campaign speeches and even from his time in law school were exposed to the world.

This humiliating controversy was a major skeleton in Biden’s closet for years. It seems that Harris has since taken a page out of her boss’s playbook for her own presidential campaign. You know what they say about birds of a feather!

In the end, this just goes to show once again how incompetent Harris really is. At this critical time in American history, she’s the last type of person that this country needs in the White House!


Reason obeys itself, and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it” — Thomas Paine.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Bravo Dan!
I believe the vast majority of her supporters fall under “B” – wholly ignorant.
“Sleazy career politician” – her lifetime label. No accomplishments. Obama stooge.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Many are voting against their own self-interest (because Orange Man Bad) in other words, “We’ll vote against the Constitution and for Communism just to teach those Trump and MAGA people a lesson!”

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Over the top, Optimus.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
28 days ago

This is example A of MAGA

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Once upon a time, it used to be said that a politician is one “who talks a lot but says very little.”  That quote was usually accompanied by another: a politician “is one who pledges to build bridges even when there are no rivers.” 

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Walz said “Kamala began her career as a young prostitutor.”
Truer words have never been spoken about her!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Willie kicked started her career!

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
1 month ago

And the Republican party fell for it hook line and sinker. This should be a easily a landslide for the Orange man. But and its a big one. The party is run by a bunch of Christian looney birds. They have let Trump rise without challenge and without putting up any one that would challenge him or should I say as crazy as him. This is and will be the downfall of the Republicans again this year. Sorry this imbecile at the top will loose again and which should be a easy victory.. The economy sucks, the border is a mess but yet they can’t rein this open mouth lunatic in.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Yet you’ll vote for the Marxist who destroyed the economy and opened the borders!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
28 days ago

That’s how the brainwashed poor democrat voter does it, don’t think for yourself do as your told and vote democrat. They all believe their life will be better even though the proof is they will be worse off.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
28 days ago

Border are more secure now than ever.Trump is a modern day NAZI

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I guess we’ll have to wait for a candidate that ABC wants to win then. Maybe they will want to fix the border and the economy too.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

Ah, the media. What circle of Hell would Dante have put them in?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I think the discount aisle where nothing is organized.

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

It will be much too late by that time. Our country will become just like the European countries that have been taken over by the illegal immigrants. This election is pivotal for determining the direction of America. Do we let the communists and globalists totally destroy our culture or do we take a stand to take back our country. We are on the brink and so many Americans are either looking for big government to take care of them and/or they are brainwashed by the messaging they hear everyday to hate Donald Trump.

Glenn Beck explains how Europe’s migrant crisis is coming to America.

Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Glen Beck – now there’s a credible source.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Oxenhatter
28 days ago

Glen has been a scared survivalist and made 200 million selling you the Brooklyn Bridge

Steve Banon
Steve Banon
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Trump has called in mega star Laura Loomer who should become the new bright star for the republican party. There are rumors circulating that she may even be called upon to replace Vance as Trump VP. Things are finally looking up.

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Larry Bird is correct yet again. Trump is the greatest gift that has ever been bestowed upon the Democratic Party.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

…also Late Night TV….Colbert, Stewart and Kimmel are making gold on the whole misfit Trump entourage….Trump has been the biggest source of humor for America since the three stooges

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
29 days ago

Due to poor ratings, those late night shows/leftist hate fests, are planned to be canceled.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
28 days ago

Yah, I think the Daily show with John Stewart won another Emmy just last night dude. They don’t cancell shows that are winning Emmys. So sad that Maga folk are not allowed to enjoy humor or movies any more. This is what happens when you join a cult.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Thomas Paine (in the….’) lost pamphlet: Most of the Founding Fathers owned Slaves!

Donald Trump’s AGENDA: Project 2025 to remake the U.S.A. into an authoritarian state!

I remember an infamous and disgraced Pittsfield politician’s plagiarism in the year 2012. His name rhymes with Luciforo.

My favorite politicians: Andrea Harrington, Kamala Harris, Joyce Craig, and Maura Healey.

Blogger Dan Valenti’s least favorite politicians: see the names above.

What is the WEIRD legacy of the Republican Party? Answer: Moral Hypocrisy.

Who is the ULTIMATE moral hypocrite? Answer: Donald Trump.

If Kamala Harris is “sleazy”, then Donald Trump’s scandalous life is what, again?

Jon Melle

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Today, I want the other JM.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

You’ll have to wait until his thorizine kicks in

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Common, that’s what. Very rich CEO’s of huge enterprises meet lots of people all the time everyday and have fun doing so. They also have more buying power with women.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

I did not write that. That is not the real Zippy the Pinhead©!!!

I demand the fake Zippy the Pin Head go away forever.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Using a quote from the great Ronald Reagan “There you go again” to speak for Dan once again. How in the world do you know who is his least favorite politicians are? He has been around long enough to know more than the few you mentioned. Not counting the many he has personally dealt with.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

You are correct. I was not speaking for Dan Valenti when I wrote about his least favorite politicians. I was making the point that I disagree with him about his support or favorable writings for Donald Trump. I like the aforementioned liberal women politicians because they are standing up to Donald Trump in 2024.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Again, when your hatred for a man outweighs your love of our country – you ARE part of the problem!

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Ronald Reagan is responsible for the deaths of 223 United States Marines murdered on Oct 23 1983 in Beirut Lebanon by a suicide bomber due to his failed policies in Lebanon. If Biden is responsible for 13 Marines killed in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber, then hold Ronny Raygun responsible as well. Semper Fi.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
29 days ago

Let’s get Fauci, CDC/FDA/NIH held responsible for preventable Covid deaths.

Reply to  In Da Know
28 days ago

Duh you don’t know what ya be talkin about…stop reading revisionist history, I know veterans that were there at the time

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
28 days ago

Get a job and start paying taxes then I might listen to your brainwashed pea brain rants

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
28 days ago

He ain’t giving up his taxpayers funded free ride for a real job and pay his fair share in taxes.

1 month ago

If there was an alternative. Trump is too polarizing and divisive. Ted Cruze missed his shot. He would have won in this election.

Steve Banon
Steve Banon
Reply to  pothole
1 month ago

Ted Cruz is going to lose his senate seat in Texas. Even his wife and kids cannot stand him.

Celtics Fan
Celtics Fan
1 month ago

Man eats Dog…. Let’s face it Trump is a loon and blew the debate!

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Celtics Fan
1 month ago

I think the debate blew him.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

Did Kamala help?

Reply to  Celtics Fan
28 days ago

Kamala blew Willie Brown and probably Willie Nelson.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

I was enjoying some tea and crumpets with my uncle Dennis and his husband Larry, when we began talking about Trump’s Project 2025.

I told them Donald Trump’s AGENDA: Project 2025 will remake the U.S.A. into an authoritarian state.

My uncle Dennis then told me something even more shocking about Donald Trump’s Project 2025.

He told me on Page 451, it diminishes and ultimately ends LGBTQ families like Dennis and Larry and want to replace it back to the “traditional nuclear family.”

This is why I’ll never vote for the MORAL HYPOCRITE Donald Trump.

(sarcasm) Donald Trump cheating on all of his wives is no big deal because it’s a man and a woman.

I love both men and women. Why discriminate?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Mr. Looney tune…… Trump has nothing to do with this project. Stop consuming fake news.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Except that everyone involved in it worked for him in his administration or private business. Some of them helped him execute his insurrection on Jan 6th.

But he does not even know who they are huh?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Pelosi et al staged the disturbance 1/6/2021, so that the electors could not be challenged/called into question, as provided for by the US Constitution.

She got her wish.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

She did it to create a permanent hit list.

Reply to  snark shark
28 days ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Once again, I did NOT write that post.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
28 days ago

You’re project 2025 involves you finally getting laid

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

More job loss in Pittsfield:

The 2-Pete Pittsfield politics downward spiral continues….

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

But we hired a guy to bring business to Pittsfield…he makes 100 k

Reply to  The school committee
28 days ago

Be quiet TSC this is what you continually vote for, get use to using all your money to the dems taxes so you get the right to stand in soup lines

1 month ago

HARRIS THE CHEAT“incompetent Harris”
”rises on the strength of the casting couch”
succeeds “primarily because she is black and female”
“speaks in vapid tautologies”

Well, at least they have stopped calling her stupid and inarticulate. They finally realized that they just couldn’t make that case because it flew in the face of fact.

You’ve really got to ask yourself: why did they spend so much time claiming she is stupid and inarticulate? I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it’s because that’s how she was portrayed in the counter-culture media.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Sorry to burst your Leftist bubble. Have You watched her recent/ONLY interview?

1 month ago

I really can’t blame PV for censoring my posts; they no doubt would affect the integrity of the website.

Little Buggerz
Little Buggerz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Yup. Heez censoring again.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Oxenbatter, where’s the line for lobotomies?

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

If you want to queue up I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Is it BYOK?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I posted a link to the video of Donald Trump’s closing statement during his debate against Kamala Harris, Lindsey Davis, and David Muir of ABC News, this past Tuesday night.

I want to ask the same question that Trump asked Harris to our far-left posters during this statement, WHY HASN’T SHE DONE ANYTHING IN THREE AND A HALF YEARS?

*Ox-care to answer, or is it not “eloquent” enough for you?

*Snark-I know “it’s not Trump,” but do you have a non-TDS answer?

*JM-you are the resident “Project 2025,” poster. Do you have an answer? **hint** It’s not in Project 2025.

*TSC-I don’t speak Smirnoff and blues (fentanyl pills), so I don’t know how to pose this question to you?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

“*Ox-care to answer, or is it not “eloquent” enough for you?”

Hi Markus,
The answer is: first, in the past 3.5 years she was not the boss so could not implement her own ideas as boss. Second, she did a lot as VP. I won’t make that list for you.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

You won’t make that list because there is NO list.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

A list could easily be compiled, but I won’t do that for you.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Exactly, because there is NO list.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

She oversaw the invasion of criminal aliens at the border, and even flew them in.

Harris owns that on her resume.

She broke ties in the US Senate, twice, to swindle US Citizen taxpayers. See what was in the bills Oxy.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Sorry, Markus, my responses sometimes don’t pass the censor unless I make a stink.

Jim Ottow
Jim Ottow
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Yes Dan we remember that the kittle skunk and his big stink.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Have you thought about offering lobotomies?

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
1 month ago

Some posters have already had one…. Can someone have two?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  H2O
29 days ago

Merlina has one on each side of her head. The ladies are big on looks though

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
28 days ago


Sometimes my posts, are not allowed- is it for editorial reasons?
I’m an left a bit confused.
My posts are more polite, truthful than many you allow.

FMI – do all posts await moderation?

See Trey Cowdey moved Road Rage Rollins lack of prosecution, back into national news.

Josh Levy next disbarred corrupt federal prosecutor for Massachusetts. Bar association readmitted Rollins, after he gets destroyed in confirmation.
He lacks the DEI appeal to gain readmission.

Perhaps an article on judiciary malfeasance, which h your all to familiar with?
Rinaldo guest appearance?

I believe the
Judiciary is most corrupt branch presently- followed closely by fake news media.

Let’s hope the Donald’s luck doesn’t run out.
How long they will start sending teams of assassins ?


Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  danvalenti
28 days ago

Maybe a little less gobblydygook from some here. I got a list for you.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

You don’t need to pose questions from the cult, it’s not as if you can figure out who the elderly racist is..Let me guess,you eill believe this idiot got cheated out of another election.LOL…you won the debate…hilarious and you watched this moron for 90 mins.Your boy won,amazing

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

The next time you are out and about and happen to stumble into Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens) and/or Linda “Flat” Tyer-Clairmont, remember to say, “Thank you,” for all of this “diversity and inclusion” you brought to the Berkshires.

Headlines like this, really do make people from the outside of the Berkshires envious of the “diversity and inclusion.”

Hey, we did get the Ricky Rumpus-Roundabout on Tyler Street, with the grant money received from the state to house these illegal aliens.

**If you can open the link, you’ll get an idea of that “diversity and inclusion” that Harris/Walz are STILL letting come across our border.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Mayor Peter Marchetti’s new toters with wheels should have the pictures of the Pittsfield politicians on them so we can put our garbage in them and then push them down the hill and over the cliff (Nilan). My would-be toter with wheels would have the picture of Luciforo on it so I could put my garbage in it and then push it down the hill and over the cliff (Nilan).

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You may see the city go into revolt on this one. Those toters are just too small for 75% of families even with diligent recycling. This has Bird scooter and North street toilet plunger stink all over it. Call the mayor and his pet Pete White at their homes if you have concerns as they are the promoters, backers and are the ones jamming this down taxpayers throats.

Of all the things they could have saved money on they chose the one that would hurt the citizens the most.

But splash pads, pickle ball courts, dog walking parks, pump tracks at Springside, new city positions, dozens of new city vehicles, pay raises and planters, trees bushes and flowers all over the city need full funding. WTF

Get out if you can. These are the people in charge of your city and they could give a shit less about you.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

I totally agree with you on this one snark shark. These totes are ridiculously small. The city is even admitting they are doing this to force people to spend every waking minute organizing their garbage to fit into various containers. The city even arrogantly admitted that they had the choice of 4 sizes of toters to choose from and they chose the next to the smallest container out of spite for the public it seems. People will have a terrible time of squeezing all their garbage into these totes. Large families and even smaller ones will be forced to pay extra money that the city is squeezing out of them at every turn. Will it take rats roaming all over the city before these politicians wake up and get some common sense?

Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Many people have told Marchetti the small containers won’t work but moron Morales tells Marchetti what to do and Marchetti does it. It’s obvious to most people that Morales is incompetent. Why won’t Marchetti pull his head out off his backside?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  H2O
29 days ago

I hope Dan takes this subject up and let’s us have a full discussion. The people who made the decision on toter size all have city trash receptacles at their disposal. So there you go. The pictures they were showing of the toers from the side were very misleading as to actual room inside of them. Of course.

Prediction…taxpayers befuddled and seriously inconvenienced not knowing what to do with trash. Feeling quite let down by Marchetti and especially White who is supposed to advocate for them. No one really expected that from Marchetti from day one but had a smidgen of hope for White. To no avail.

Casella…aboutto make a fortune,,,getting a much more lucrative deal than they ever dreamed of from Marchetti and White. Felling like they struck gold.

Marchettie and White……same self serving inexperienced nitwits they were before they took the helm. Absolutely no concept of what the working man is going through trying to make ends meet. And apparently could care less.

Morales…not blaming him as he does not make a move without orders from the corner office. He does not have any real power. Never the less it will be him dealing with an obviously unworkable situation. The whole thing is set up to fail and when the snow melts next spring the city will look like a landfill.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
29 days ago

Those toters are smaller than the doggie bags the twin Pete’s fill up after decimating the all you can eat buffets
to take home.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
28 days ago

What are you supposed to do with a broom? A vacuum cleaner, a plastic lawn chair, a broken lamp, and any number of plastic children’s toys, or overstuffed pillow that will not fit into these toters? There are literally hundreds of items tossed out everyday that will not fit into these toters and if each one has to be trucked to the transfer station consider the hardship and expense.

And what about the week after Christmas or if you have a graduation party or picnic. What about those huge pieces of Styrofoam and other pieces of packing material that come with the purchase of televisions or some furniture?

Those toters may be fine for the elderly couple who have no life day in and day out but in the real world this setup seems to have been designed to enrich a business with the help of political, (or really stupid) politicians.

No private business that provides toters for residential use uses toters this small. What are the names of the people who actually did the research and signed off on the small toters for Pittsfield or would they rather not say?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
28 days ago

It’s definitely a screwed up system and did anyone expect anything different from the global warming climate changing moronic leadership? How would the Pete twins like if the size of their doggie bags were smaller for their food they take home and they had to pay extra for more?

Reply to  Optimus Prime
28 days ago

Suppose I seal my driveway and have 5 five gallon plastic buckets to get rid of? Do I now need to pay $140 for a transfer station membership plus the cost of getting rid of the buckets?

Would I need to take valuable time from my day to make the trip and wait in line as well?

Reply to  DYI Guy
27 days ago

Call mayor lumpy

Little Buggerz
Little Buggerz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

A knillonb would only be 28 gallons. They start at 48.

Reply to  Little Buggerz
28 days ago

What if I have a 6×8 rug to dispose of? Another trip to the transfer station? This is getting expensive and old.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  DYI Guy
28 days ago

I see a trend in hoarding just over the horizon

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

But yet again Clown shoes Shagrue lets them out with low bail and they again commit more crimes. When is somebody gonna take these clowns to task?Howdy doody Bowler, Beer Gut Pete and clown shoes Shagrue.. All promise nothing delivered. The city is worse than ever!!!!!!! Come on Dan call these con Artists out
The place is a cesspool.

Last edited 1 month ago by Larry Bird
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Larry, can I let you in on a little secret?

The DA does not set bail, the judge does.

The DA only suggests a bail amount. The defense attorney usually asks for personal recognizance “PR,” or no bail.

That little civics lesson was free of charge. Hope you learned a little something.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Hold Them as a danger to the community.. That is what available to the DA.. They are after all a danger right? Dangerous immigrant gangs?? Maybe a flight risk ya think? Pretty much your own words. Then set a high bail attorney Markus it is attorney today right.
A 58A hearing, also known as a Dangerousness Hearing, is a court proceeding in Massachusetts that determines if a defendant is a danger to the community and should be held without bail. The hearing is held under Massachusetts General Laws.

Hey, thanks for the civics lesson. I hoped the info I provided was beneficial to your chide remark.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I started to argue this back Larry, good points BTW, but you can’t be held as “dangerous” on a theft (non-violent) crime.

Then it dawned on me, if Kamala shut the border down NOW, she is the acting Prez, and stated deporting these criminals NOW, we wouldn’t be having this discussion now would we?

Can’t blame Trump on this one.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

The greatest danger I felt was the loss of the barbeque sauces at the checkout aisle. They were safe so I don’t see a dangerous hearing actually. But I’m prejudiced and really don’t care about horse feed.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Dan- Your reference to “Beware of Darkness” brought to mind the scripture verse of Ephesians 6:12
” For our struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against the mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places”
And because of this, we must contend with those “greedy rulers”, those immoral reprobates, who are put in high places of authority, to execute their diabolical rulership over us, Many of our so-called leaders, have been “given over to a depraved mind, since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, who abandoned them to their foolish thinking, letting them do the things, that ought not to be done”(Romans1)

What we see happening here, in this present political debacle, should not surprise us, with our inability to convince others, (especially our leaders) of the importance of truth/moral thinking, an essential, for our nations ultimate survival. Nothing of what we are seeing play out, with the likes of Kamala Harris, should surprise us, given what God has made clear to us in His word. Though many may scoff at this, we as a nation need to truly humble ourselves before God, our creator, the one who has blessed us greatly since our inception, God has been very patient with us but one can only surmise just how much longer His patience will continue especially as we consider our present day, devolving state of affairs

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Nothing of what we are seeing play out, with the likes of Donald Trump, should surprise us, given what God has made clear to us in His word.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

ToxinChatter- “ 7Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.”(Galatians)

If Trump becomes President you may finally see(depending upon how hardened your heart has become) the great things he will do to revive and make America great again. If Harris becomes President, you will soon see that everything that has been said/predicted of her will come to fruition. And you will be standing there like a lost puppy , scratching your head and saying, “ Gee what happened” and all those accusatory words you spoke against Trump, will slap you in the face and you will quickly realize the costly and devastating blunder you made voting for such a fraudulent fool as Harris. She will undoubtedly accelerate corruption and with the help of her co-conspirators will completely destroy our Republic and usher in a communist nation, the essence of who, she is truly about.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

“Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.”

Reply to  Oxenhatter
28 days ago

He may even be convicted of 91 felonies if he mocks God too much.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
28 days ago

So most Leftists will be rooming with Lucifer.

Jim Ottow
Jim Ottow
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Taconic Thunder was drenched by the H V Hurricanes. How can a hill town be so much better than our high schools ?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jim Ottow
1 month ago

Hoosac has always had a good feeder program. They get the kids from Adams, Cheshire and Savoy from the youth leagues to the high school program.

In the Inri
In the Inri
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Better players ?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

She doesn’t need brains, she only needs ballots.

Apples Pickins
Apples Pickins
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Shots at Trumps course. Trump is ok.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Apples Pickins
28 days ago

Trump will never be OK. Dementia is irreversible.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
28 days ago

The TDS is strong in this one.

Which appointed one is running things at 1600 PA Ave now, Snaky?

Biden was declared incompetent , to stand trial for his crimes, due to dementia, by his own corrupt DOJ. Why hasn’t the Laughing Hyena taken over?

I forgot, she’s busy campaigning on fixing the things, she did the last 3 1/2 years:

open borders/criminal alien invasion, energy and food prices unaffordable, politicallyweaponized DOJ and federal agencies, paying criminal aliens more benefits than senior US citizens on social security, dependence on foreign energy rather than being an energy exporter……….

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Donald Trump likes to play golf and watch television. Kamala Harris likes to laugh and get ahead.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

I want this JM today.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
29 days ago

Willie Brown got the head!

Ninety Daze
Ninety Daze
Reply to  Mad Trapper
29 days ago

Dan got the head when he gave the 90 days. Check out the shit show council meeting sept 10

29 days ago

Another assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the media continues to spin the hate machine against him. Kamala Harris called Trump “a threat to our democracy” during the debate when what she really meant is Trump is a threat to her communist/globalist agenda taking down this country. This is why Kamala will not be specific about her agenda and instead says she will create an “opportunity economy”. This is so vague and will undoubtedly benefit illegal immigrants not Americans. The son of the shooter said his dad is a great guy who hated Trump, but he would never resort to violence. Trump is being targeted by assassins and, as a former president, he should now have the same protection as Biden.

Springfield, Ohio just had 15,000 Haitians enter their small city of around 50,000 people. Just imagine if Pittsfield, a similar sized city, has this happen. This is Kamala’s plan for cities and town across the country and all she did was laugh at Trump and his concerns about illegal immigration. The media is making fun of Trump also for even mentioning what is happening in Springfield, Ohio. The media is deceptively saying that Trump’s claims of an invasion of this small city are false, but Fox and Newsmax are showing what is really going on in this city.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Pat
29 days ago

Did you see the report Trump had a earpiece on at the golf course and new what was being staged. Sound familiar?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
28 days ago

Biden, Harris, Zelensky, and MSNBC, all have connections to the 2nd loony Leftist Assassin.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
29 days ago

The question remains–how does a conservative convince the typical low-IQ/low information voter who the left wing media is targeting with the daily Trump bs to have them give thought to voting for what’s strategically best for him/herself and the

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Optimus Prime
28 days ago

One event forms a suspicion. Two makes a hypothesis. Three a fact.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
29 days ago

Taylor Swift for Prez in the 2030’s!

Sir Suspect
Sir Suspect
Reply to  Pat
29 days ago

So Im Driving in n y state and come to a red light near the highway and this guy comes out of nowhere rapping on my window. So I’m not to worried as I’m two hundred pounds and can take care of myself. So I put the passenger window down a little while the lights turning green he starts speaking Spanish. I know Spanish very well. He says he wants to go to jail,in Spanish. So as I drove off I pointed to the gas station and he says ,yells gracias,thank you in Spanish.

This illegal immigration is no joke. You don’t know who your dealing with.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Pat
28 days ago

You sound a lot like Laura Loomer Pat. Are you related?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
29 days ago

“I wanna live in an America where the press has more access to the Democrat nominee than the assassins do to the Republican Nominee,”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
29 days ago

The press is good with Kamala giving just two interviews and the two attempts on Trump’s life.

29 days ago

This is the picture of a guy who says Trump is a buffoon and a fool and thinks he is behind J6. I wonder where I can get his t-shirt.

comment image

Sea Dreamer
Sea Dreamer
Reply to  Absolut
28 days ago

Looks like Mike.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Absolut
28 days ago

Why is he wearing a Donald Trump wig? Looks like it came from Trumps MAGA merch store.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Snark Shark
28 days ago

You have proven my theory!

Vio Lehnnt
Vio Lehnnt
Reply to  Snark Shark
28 days ago

Kamala teeth. Same dentist?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
28 days ago

Assassins for Biden/Harris.

“It didn’t take long for internet sleuths to get out ahead of the intelligence agencies and the big tech censorship machine who quickly removed any trace of the incredible history of Ryan Wesley Routh, a Democrat donor and, according to the bumper sticker on his vehicle, a Biden-Harris supporter.

Donald Trump Jr. shared the image of the would-be assassin’s truck parked in front of his home with the caption:

That’s an Interesting bumper sticker on Ryan Wesley Routh’s truck.” -TGP

comment image

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
28 days ago

An American communist.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
28 days ago

I’m not sure I can build the Democrats’ new assassination-porn love into my wardrobe.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Snark Shark
28 days ago

That’s Kamala’s advisor on foreign policy for her campaign.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
28 days ago

Kamala said a LOT in her last interview about the economy. A lot of “we are going to give you lazy f’ers free sh1t because life has been unfair and you are entitled to it”. Why should those f ers who made good for themselves through hard work have more than you??!?

The school committee
The school committee
28 days ago

Fatboy Trump is afraid of all DAs and needs you fellas to save his immature ass.