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  • Number of times Donald Trump has been dragged into court on fake charges by DEI hacks posing as lawyers and judges?–We lost count.
  • Number of times Kamala Harris has sat down for a one-on-one interview–One.
  • Number of assassination attempts on Donald Trump in two months–Two
  • Number of press conferences given by Kamala Harris in three and a half years–Zero.

Yes, the numbers are ugly and telling. We have one candidate of substance, literally risking his life for his country. We have another of veneer, a propped caricature of dark interests looking to take this country down.

In case you’re wondering why her handlers haven’t let Harris meet with the press or non-vetted public, look no further than the interview she gave on Saturday.

Kamala’s Big Task? Sit down for 10 minutes with a pro-Harris anchor of a local Philly TV station, a guaranteed soft-ball situation. Newsman Brian Taff  of Acton News 6 asked his first question, wanting KamaLite to name “two specific things” she’d do to lower punishing food prices.

KAMALITE: Well, I’ll start with this: I grew up as a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. You know. [SHE FLOUNDERS, A PANICKY LOOK EVIDENT]. And, um, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people have dignity.

THE PLANET wishes we were making this up. Keep in mind the question. What SPECIFICLY would she do to help Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski at the grocery store.

Count on that being the last time KamaLite’s masters let her sit down without a gag in her mouth and a teleprompter up her butt.

———- ooo ———-

I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. You know.

———- ooo ———-

As for Assassination Attempt No. 2, troubling aspects are emerging. The most problematic for THE PLANET is that Trump decided to golf that day and only at the last minute. It was to be a private round, and it received no publicity. How did the assassin wannabe know Trump would be playing?

Other questions:

  • How did he obtain an AK-47 with long-range scope and obliterated serial number?
  • How was he able to secure a spot only a medium par-4 away from Trump?
  • Where did he get the money to finance this haywire plan?
  • Did he act alone? Early reports suggest he didn’t.

It’s clear the Democrats are still playing their three “Trump” cards to stop Donald:

  1. Weaponize the courts using show trials run by biased prosecutors and judges.
  2. Assassinate him.
  3. Fix the vote on Nov. 5.

This once-respectable party has no platform other than an irrational, pure hatred for Donald Trump and for America.

When informed of the kill attempt and that Trump was safe, KamaLite and Joe Biden (remember him?) “expressed relief.”


Immediately after, Tampon Tim Waltz three-stepped into a politicized rant on gun control, pledging that he and his running mate will “chart a new way forward.”

A comfort, that.

Meanwhile, Trump refuses to be bowed.

“Nothing will slow me down,” he wrote on social media. “I will NEVER SURRENDER!”


Take the guns first. … I like taking guns early” — Kamala Harris.



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28 days ago

PV explicitly claims in this post that the Democrats wish to assassinate the former president.

PV has an obligation to the public to state the truth.

Democrats do not want Trump to be assassinated, for 2 reasons. First, Dems are not that evil. Second, Dems feel that Harris will beat Trump handily – Dems want Trump to be the GOP candidate. With Trump gone, the whole scenario changes to the detriment of the Democrats.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
27 days ago

“Dems are not that evil” will require some evidence. And unlike Harris, Trump actually won the primary, so no Republican has a better chance of winning. Harris could be replaced by literally any Democrat (well maybe only 2/3 look OK enough to recite the lines on TV).

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
27 days ago

Democrats already tried to assassinate POTUS Trump, twice.

If Harris is the best the Democrats can try to install, who is really running things?

What is Traitor Joe been up to? Ukraine conflict is heating up, IDF just took out thousands of Hezballah terrorists, ……….

AWOL is where Joe has been, on “vacation” at the beach under Jill’s care. I have no confidence Harris has stepped up as 2nd in command.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

It’s not democrats if you care to check it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

You didn’t check Oxy, the truth hurts leftists

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
23 days ago

Just the crazy democrats.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
27 days ago

Just look at the mountain of vile hating letters in the Eagle. I don’t believe you.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
27 days ago

A lot more love coming from Trump’s speeches than all Democrats’ speeches and letters combined. The Dems don’t stand for love or any other affection than Hate.


Last edited 27 days ago by Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

You are a bonehead if you think trumps speeches are filled with love.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

See, I just don’t believe you. My doubts confirmed

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Look at a different, right-wing paper.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
26 days ago

JM your whole post is a lie, if you want to be taken seriously start investigating and write truthful word instead of the democrat communist manifesto that says just lie and make things up

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
25 days ago

If I’m being taken seriously by you folks then I’m in trouble.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
26 days ago

Authorities: Alaska Man Threatened to Kill 6 Supreme Court Justices |

There’s another one! Wants to kill the family members too. Assassination-porn is definitely a Democrat thing.

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Fraid not, bonehead.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

MSM approves of this also.

MSNBC has close ties to the golf course assassin.

That wacko had all kinds of red flags and warnings to DHS from his dealings and visits to Ukraine. Those were summarily ignored by Mayorkas/DHS.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

Mayorkas looks like a cartelier. Probably their man.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Was LBJ , not a Democrat?
Seems your theory, is a bit flawed.
If Kamala wins , look for a gulf of tonkin, weapons of mass destruction hoax – to start a war.

You invested in industrial war complex?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Thomas Betit
25 days ago

Hillary broke the filibuster and said, bomb Baghdad! Now with Biden everyone is at war and business is booming here for the profiteers.

Reply to  Thomas Betit
23 days ago

When the war machine is running, Pittsfield prospers.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
28 days ago

You know, think about it . . with
all the gaslighting the Kamala campaign, democrat politicians, political activists and news media are trying perpetrate on the citizens, they must have one hell
of a big carbon footprint!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
28 days ago

I also figured out what Kamala means with her stated “opportunity economy policy “ If elected Kamala will be the Bonafide Leader of “The Free Shit Party”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
27 days ago

She will try many of her social “investments” and guess where the government is going to get the money to pay for them?As Sanders said, Harris is saying whatever it takes to get
herself elected.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
28 days ago

“Salad Daze” sounds like a new dressing the Kraft company put out. It goes great with Kamala’s word salads.

The school committee
The school committee
28 days ago

At the debate Trump was asked about his Healthcare policy and after 8 years he has a concept of a plan..Dan thinks Trump and Musk are great haters

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  The school committee
27 days ago

Hillary Clinton says it’s a ‘double standard’ to ask Harris about her policies
‘She does not have to do it,’ Clinton told journalist Kara Swisher

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Of course the Dems have no policies but Hilary still has her 33,000 classified emails that she illegally obtained

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
25 days ago

The Hillary Clinton Shadow Government.

Reply to  The school committee
26 days ago

Government should not be involved in healthcare. Since Romney/Obama care started check out how many hospitals and nursing homes have closed. It isn’t pretty and what’s worse is how inept the remaining ones are in treating people

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
25 days ago

Nationalized health care is the civilized option.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Where has that ever worked?

The school committee
The school committee
28 days ago

Trumps getting rich selling confederate flags in red states and

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
27 days ago

TSC is getting poorer voting for democrats. These are the ones you run into who in conversation at the grocery store, gas pumps etc.. who ,bitches about how everything you need to just get by cost so much.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Optimus Prime
27 days ago

DJT is getting poorer for daring to run for Presodent.

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

That is true. Running for Pepsodent won’t get him anywhere.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

I think you’re talking about Bob Hope? You date yourself

Reply to  The school committee
27 days ago

Again more hate speech from the TDS crowd. It would be great if they could share what their vision for America is because their so called Presidential candidate is acting and speaking like a Marxist Communist.
A question for the day is when will the media who have attacked Trump saying he needs to be stopped will be dragged into court and charged with inciting violence and attempted assassination? Maybe even election interference? They can be put in the same cells as the grandmas and grandpas from J6!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
27 days ago

Project 2025 and Donald Trump wants to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education, privatize the VA, gut federal social insurance programs such as Medicare and Social Security, etc., in order to giveaway huge tax cuts to the super wealthy. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will support the Dept. of Education, the VA, Medicare and Social Security.

I am supporting and voting for Kamala and Tim in 2024 because I do not want to fulfill my nightmarish vision of me living on a sidewalk on the corner of Fenn Street and First Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, (while my Enemy #1 Luciforo lives in his mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College). I like my VA benefits, as well as my Medicare and Social Security benefits. I support public education, too. (I dislike Luciforo, of course).

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
27 days ago

John, New Wave Music on 1st and Fenn is long gone, and Pittsfield/Berkshire county residents are glad you are gone too.

Your VA SS benefits will be gone soon also, Democrats are not using the $$$ for Americans. CRIMINAL ALIENS Biden/Harris have imported, get more US Taxpayer funds, than elderly US citizens living on SS. Think about that and vote your choice.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
24 days ago

Not nice.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
23 days ago

No, you’re not!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
27 days ago

Mele, Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025. Also did not ban abortions during his 4 years as President and doesn’t plan on doing so once he’s elected. He did state that he would allow States to decide for themselves.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
25 days ago

Yeah, like states should decide for themselves on integration. Project 2025 was promoted and approved by Trump.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

He has said in numerous interviews he has nothing to do with it. Don’t worry Massholes will still allow babies to be murdered. Rest easy.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
25 days ago

Trump IS Project 2025. It was designed around him for Gods sake. Who do you think this was all about if not him? It describes his values right down to his DNA.

By the way, for any of you who may have hopes young Barron was going to be the only good Trump ever born you can forget about that. He is helping sell Donalds phony crypto scheme. One of the partners is bragging right on video that it was designed for idiots. Not kidding here.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
25 days ago

I’m going to tell John Hinckley JM is banging Jodie Foster.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
27 days ago

Kamala said a LOT in her last interview A lot of “we are going to give you lazy f’ers free sh1t because life has been unfair and you are entitled to it”. Why should those f ers who made good for themselves through hard work have
more than you??!?

Reply to  Optimus Prime
25 days ago

And why didn’t you work hard enough in your lifetime to rise above the hoi polloi?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

You have a man-bun. Where do you knot it?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

You have to crook your neck, to look so far up, to see the “hoi polloi”.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

With all your lies JM that you keep spewing I’m starting to believe that Nucifero did absolutely nothing to you

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
26 days ago

Even the Eagle cannot cover for Luciforo anymore! We all know what he has done over the years. It is all mean-spirited & EVIL!

Reply to  Jon Melle
25 days ago

That’s the crowd you consistently support the hate rag and dems, all evil and illegal

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
25 days ago

Just look in the mirror and say it Jon, “I am a Marxist Nazi Commie” I especially love the smell of burning tires and hacked voting machines

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
24 days ago

And free sh!t provided the taxpayers.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
25 days ago

Just curious, from what source of fabulist fakery did you ascertain your futuristic “ nightmarish vision” of life under a Trump vs. Harris administration ? The fact of the matter is, you will never end up homeless on Fenn street unless you purpose to do so. As far as your govt. benefits go, when was the last time they were reduced or deleted ? Its not going to happen as the general pattern for government is to “ grow bigger and spend lots” despite who is in office.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
24 days ago
Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
27 days ago

A few more questions
1) why did dhs ignore warning of Chelsea Walsh , who after fleeing Ukraine due to assassins maniac behavior?
2) how can we not know when , how and funding for Hawaii transport?
I dont think he swam
3) how did government, after he published a threat nationally, still manage to ignore the threat.
4) why is federal investigators so upset with Florida department of public safety running a parallel investigation?
In case anyone forgot, the
Feds dropped ball with Epstein, until victims brought lawsuit.

Occums razor suggests.

The gun most likely shipped from terrorist sympathizers in Ukraine, he met when radicalized ( like boston marathon bomber) numbers scrubbed to protect zelinski.
He is another modern oswald wanna be.
Why else record, his own criminal conduct- unless it was to promote terrorism ( Daniel Pearl execution)

Its implausible government, didn’t know of threat & stop attempt , they either were passive , permissive participants or actively involved.

Reply to  Thomas Betit
27 days ago

Had an SKS, Wonder if it had an import mark.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Absolut
26 days ago

Only legally imported firearms. Get stamp- it’s more a tax / tariff measure- than security.

I would assume he probably shipped it from Ukraine- to his girlfriend or son.
In several pieces marked perishable medical.

Famous but incompetent, wont be investigating this matter.
Florida DPS cant subpoena records- so that is going nowhere.

How can a person have 100 charges, and never go to jail?
Guy was being protected , like fbi informant ( who’s limo company killed wedding party of 20 plus ? )
Ukrainian truck driver who murdered 7 jarhead motorcyclists in New Hampshire….
Limo co owner
then escaped to Abbattabad , Pakistan- to live with Obama bin laden.

Rat framed Muslim clerics for Bush/ cheney hoax of radical Islamic terrorism!

Seeing the pattern yet?

Obama created White christian nationalists hoax- if Christian’s cared about politics- it much easier and productive to simply vote.
But obama intimidated them further, insuring they avoid the poles.
Think DOJ targeted Catholics on accident?


Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Thomas Betit
25 days ago

If it has an import mark, it would be acquired here. If not, it’s smuggled from abroad. If its AK, could come from anywhere. If SKS it’s old. I’m a pinhead so I know about these things.

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

You’re a pinhead so you think the Dems did it.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

The Dems definitely did it. Third attempt will form proof.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

WE pinheads get things right once in a while. And we wear better clothes too.

Reply to  Thomas Betit
25 days ago

You people kill me. You all say they must be democrats cuz they tried to off trump and then say it’s democrats who tried to do it.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Yepperoonioni!! That’s absolutely right!

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

You might as well be talking to a bowl of goldfish Oxen. Those folk cannot see past the reflection in their little bowl. They are not allowed to.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
27 days ago

I’m opening the polls at 3:1 that Diddy “commits suicide,” just like Jeff Epstein did.

Diddy has had some pretty influential democRATS at his “freak off” parties. Let’s take a look at a few names:

*Barrack “Bathhouse Barry” Obama
*Taylor Swift
*Snoop Dog

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs jailed after sex trafficking indictment | AP News

Diddy offered to post $50,000,000 bail, but a judge denied it. It must be bad.

Where’s Taylor Swift denouncing Diddy’s actions and conduct?
Bathhouse Barry?
Anyone on the list-hello?

Sex trafficking of underaged girls and boys, doesn’t warrant a response from any of them, but Trump talking about and bringing attention to illegal aliens eating pets and wildlife in Springfield, OH, is worthy of a response from the above. Including Bathhouse Barry bringing up the “racist” card.

**JM, if you want to know what an actual hypocrite is, read the last few paragraphs a few times and let it sink in.

Donald Trump cheating on his wives is not even in the same ballpark as the above. Children were getting sexually abused. WAKE UP!!

TRUMP 2024

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
27 days ago

Definitely agree. Two things don’t hang them self’s, drywall and Jeff Epstein!

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
27 days ago

Epstein is not dead after all. FBI spotted him at Mara Largo when they were looking for documents. He disappeared behind a false wall with Trump and has not been seen since.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  He's ALIVE
27 days ago

Wow, you’re on another level of stupidity.

Even the mention of child sex trafficking triggers a TDS response from you.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

Well yah cuz Trump used to bragged about how he would go into the dressing rooms of the girls in his teenage beauty pageant. Remember that?

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageantsMr Trump said on Howard Stern’s radio show in 2005 that he could ‘get away’ with walking into the dressing room to ‘inspect’ beautiful womenRachael Revesz
New York
Wednesday 12 October 2016 15:02 BST

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
27 days ago

Taylor Swift must be doing “research” to figure out the Diddy problem just like she supposedly did all this “research” to decide she would endorse Kamala. Taylor Swift is obviously not very good at doing research.

So much hypocrisy to say anyone complaining about the Springfield, Ohio invasion is a racist, but typical of Obama. The left is doing the same thing in Europe. If anyone complains about the out of control illegal immigration, they are labelled a racist. If 15,000 white people suddenly invaded Pittsfield, that would also be a disaster. A city the size of Pittsfield can’t handle that number of people. We don’t have the resources. A Springfield, Ohio homeowner was being interviewed and she said that their politicians were trying to convince locals to sell their homes so the illegal immigrants could live there.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
26 days ago

Epstein and Trump the dynamic duo!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
26 days ago

Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago.

Prominent Leftist/Liberals were frequent flyers to Epstein’s “Lolita Island”, including the Clintoons. Slick Willie’s name is on 29 flight logs, he brought the H-Beast along at least once, her name is in the logbook. Did Jeff make a tape of that episode of pedophilia….?

THE FIB/DOJ has been sitting on that evidence for many years now.

It’s stored away with Hunter’s Laptop and the evidence of the rest of the Biden Family Crime Cartel’s worldwide enterprise. Those crimes span decades, to when Traitor Joe was a Senator, and “quid pro quo” VP of Barry Sotero.

Remember the extortion of Ukraine officials/prosecutors investigating Hunter’s involvement with Ukraine energy company Burisma? Joe bragging about “quid pro quo” when he was a VP?

He was ignorant enough to to it on camera for the whole world to see! For some reason, Barry’s crooked DOJ/AG Eric Holder, ignored that bribery/extortion. Other’s involved in dubious Ukraine energy deals include: the Romneys, the Kerrys, and the Pelouseys.

Let’s not forget in 2014, the USA/CIA helped install new leadership in Ukraine. This directly led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the installation of Zelensky, and in turn, the current Russian/Ukraine war.

This war has been a huge money laundering scheme, perpetrated upon the American public/Treasury. How many BILLION in aid, so far? Most of it unaccounted for, and the weapons donated to fight the Russians, showing up on the Black Market worldwide.

Bumbling Biden provided even more state of the art weapons to our enemies and terrorists, with his disastrous run away/”withdrawal” from Afghanistan. Besides getting Americans killed and abandoned there, these weapons have been used extensively against our allies.

In Gaza May 2023, these abandoned weapons showed up in the hands of Hamas. Funneled there via Iran. A country that is America’s sworn enemy since the days of Jimmy Carter. Mr Biden had lifted sanctions on Iran imposed by POTUS Trump, and in fact was providing “foreign aid” to BOTH Iran and Hamas 2023. Why did Joe do that?

These US made/provided weapons were used 10/7/2023, in the barbaric attack upon Israel by Hamas.

So how has the “dynamic duo” of Biden/Harris done for America these last 3 1/2 years, or should I say done to America?

And I haven’t even touched on, “the secure border” (According to DHS chief Mayorkas/”border Czar” Harris) , and attendant MILLIONS of CRIMINAL ALIENS roaming about and throughout America.

American taxpayers are involuntarily funding and supporting, these invaders, BETTER THAN AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!

Thank you Democrats, and God help America/Americans; the Democrats won’t!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

Where did you get all those lies…I didn’t read that in the Hate Rag of the Berkshires!! So you know its not true to the brainwashed dumb dems, especially the TDS crowd on this site

Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

You, Trump and Putin don’t want Ukraine to win.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

What does winning look like?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
24 days ago

Reminds me of Antz war of ants vs termites. Ants won. 1,000,000,000,000 ants dead, to 1,000,000,000,001 termites.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

The NWO is entrenched in Ukraine with the help of our CIA. There are/were 26 bio-warfare labs in operation.

Zelensky is even attacking/persecuting the Orthodox Catholic Church, along with his own people.

The elected Ukrainian government was ousted in 2014. That sparked annexation of Crimea by the Russians.

Zelensky’s persecution/undeclared war on Eastern Ukrainians sparked the current war.

The losers are the Ukrainian people. The puppet government of Zelensky don’t give a rat’s azz about their own people.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

Orthodox Christian I think. Probably churches stocked with gin and bombs

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
24 days ago

Orthodox Catholic Church/Eastern Orthodox Church.

The “other” branch of Catholics vs Roman Catholics.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
24 days ago

No no no no no. They are Eastern orthodox (Greek orthodox, Russian orthodox etc…) originating from Constantinople. They have no relationship to Catholics which is Roman. A whole different liturgy and structure.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
23 days ago

They split from the original Christian Church of St Peter, Roman and Eastern/Orthodox.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
24 days ago

USA wanted to choose between three or four gangs in Ukraine, Russians naturally already had an in with the eastern gangs, and Crimea was rather theirs since the Tsars since they already had that war, so we went with the gangs in Kiev. Funny how all the most and the best of our military stuff goes to gangs free (free for them not you), while allies and legits have to beg just to buy.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Russia could stop where they are today and have left just the rump of Ukraine with Kiev. With the Dnieper sea gone, even the South is a threat to the north. His military is now fully modernized and swelled way beyond it was years ago. I don’t think they will miss their 1970’s vintage tanks.

Russia has already won? Maybe.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
26 days ago


Remember when diddler hosted town hall for Kamala?

Look for Trump to hammer them pics , very soon.

His lawyer trying to get him into less dangerous prison.

Judge Being shocked at evidence, is going to be difficult to overcome.

Pretty boy will PC
Spend 23/7 in cell
1 hour alone in extra large dog crate/ 4 times a week.

Solo shower 3 times a week.

Phone and books when co feels like it( never )

DOC wont drop ball again-
Think he has kids- plaintiffs.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

You do know that Trump is on video with Diddy more than once saying what a great guy he is right? Would you like the link?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  snark shark
24 days ago

Martha Stewart also says that “I keep complaints to myself since negative public comments is bad business.” How much money did Diddy raise when Trump says “He’s a great guy”?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
27 days ago

If you want the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, vote for Trump and his tax plan.

He wants to create only two tax brackets, 15% and 30%. Right now there are two brackets below 15%, one at 10% and one at 12%. If those go away and you immediately start getting taxed at 15%, your taxes just went up.

On the top end, if the 37% bracket goes away, the rich save 7% on all their income over about $500,000. Thats $70,000 in savings for the rich for each $1,000,000 of additional income. No wonder Elon Mush is supporting Trump.

But if you make under $168,000, count on your taxes going up between $2,500 to $4,000.

Chew on that for a while.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
27 days ago

While I chew on that, I have a tax-related question for you.

Did one have to report the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) as taxable income, when doing one’s taxes a few years ago?

Asking for a friend…

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
26 days ago

PPP is taxable income.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago

Glad we taxpayers got some of it back then.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
26 days ago

It don’t matter how much they tax you, Democrats are giving it all away to CRIMINAL ALIENS and/or their money laundry known as Ukraine.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
26 days ago

Barry’s got it right. I’d rather Harris be elected, but if Trump is elected I’m sitting on easy street.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
25 days ago

Harris/Walz will increase your taxes to 60%…sent this yesterday but Dominion must have weeded it out

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
25 days ago

The tax plan that would raise taxes for people who make less than $100,000 is from Project 2025, which Trump does not endorse. Trump has said he would extend the provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. If he does so, people making less than $100,000 would not see their income taxes increase to 15%.

It always amazes me when I hear the typical “ class envy” conversation re: “ the rich”,coming from the mouthpiece of liberals.” , who seem to possess great animosity toward the wealthy. Everyone has the same opportunities in this country to amass wealth, if they so desire and choose to work hard to achieve it. Many choose not to. But they love to express hatred toward the rich and successful.
Another thing that always amazed me was how the “ rich haters” are always buying lottery tickets to become just like the people the hate.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
27 days ago

As much as I’d love to say I came up with this quote; unfortunately, I did not. I found it on X.

Here it is:

Unless you voted for Kamala Harris in the primary, please refrain from calling Donald Trump a “threat to democracy.” It makes you look really, really, stupid.

100% Pure gold!!

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
26 days ago

Kamala has been my candidate from day one.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
26 days ago

Did you vote for her?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

Nobody voted for her since 2020 election cycle, she dropped out with 1% of the primary votes.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
23 days ago

He voted in the open democrat primary. That no one else was allowed in.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
26 days ago

So you’re an American communist, Ox?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
25 days ago

I’m not a commie of any sort, Fritz.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Of course you are a commie. You probably keep a pocket bust of Lenin in your right pocket and Mao in your left.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Check it out – a closet commie!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

“Kamala has been my candidate from day one.” -OXY

Day one? When was that? 2020 primary when she dropped out of with ~1% of the votes.

Or when You voted for her in the current “Democratic” primary? Whoops, that’s right, NOBODY VOTED FOR HARRIS! NOBODY. DNC forced any and all other candidate out of the primary. Democracy at it’s Liberal finest!

Harris was installed as a candidate last month, like a toilet. The DNC organized an internal coup, when Biden’s dementia at the debate made it apparent he is not currently running the country, nor fit to be reelected.

Formerly D-, RFK JR couldn’t even get into the crooked Democrat primary this election cycle. Due to DNC sponsored “lawfare” against him, he ran as an Independent. His campaign was met with more lawfare by the Leftists

Seeing the Highway to Hell the Democrats are paving for America, RFK JR has dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump. Mr Kennedy has more common ground with POTUS Trump, than the current Leftist/Liberals/Democrats. That is a fact.

Together they are campaigning with another common vision, MAHA, Make America Healthy Again . This concept is synonymous with MAGA vision for America. RFK JR would make an excellent choice as Secretary of Health.

The current thing, at that position, is Richard/Rachael (take your pick?) Levine. A biological male who prances around in women’s clothing.

So when was Your epiphany concerning Harris, THE “day one”?

Was it the day of the DNC LED COUP LAST MONTH?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
24 days ago

Much like Kamala’s plan to help the hardworking American taxpayers and not illegal aliens, Ox has posted her policies “numerous times,” but yet no one can seem to find this alleged post.

Trust me, I’ve looked.

So Ox, repost her plan or STFU!!! Your opinion and posts will be meaningless from this point forward. Even if they “look like me.”

Stage is all yours Ox…….

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
24 days ago

Here it is, Markus. Now I will STFU.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
23 days ago

Really? Thats wonderful news! THANK YOU!!!

I wonder how many more editorial policies they at BBC violated in publishing that report.

Last edited 23 days ago by Zippy the Pinhead
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
23 days ago

BBC is left of CNN/MSNBC/PBS.

Look at Britain/England and the mess they have inspired there.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
23 days ago

What you say it’s true. They have a Guinness Record of breaking their own editorial policies when they want to report things that aren’t true.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
23 days ago

He should send links to the Guardian. It’s a communist rag and they don’t need editorial standards.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
23 days ago

I like the Daily Mail. It has the best reporting on UFOs. If you are needing the latest on extraterrestial, they got it.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

Great Quote ! I believe Trump would do well to start hammering more the Open Border( and the consequences thereof)as a “Threat to our Republic”. If he and other Republicans would voice this mantra like the left voices so incessantly their “ Threat to our Democracy” sham, it could wake at least a few more up to resist voting for Harris and her rogue regime.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

I cannot find it. I took my last Lisinopril pill this morning (Wednesday, September 18, 2024). As of Thursday, September 19, 2024, I have no pills of Lisinopril to take. I have high blood pressure. If I have a medical emergency, I will have the VA pharmacy to thank. I would appreciate it if the VA pharmacy would please refill my bottle of Lisinopril pills. I am looking at my Lisinopril bottle and it is empty tonight (Wednesday, 09/18/2024). You guys suck for leaving me without my prescription medication. I did not even receive a telephone call today (W., 9/18). Thank you for NOT caring about me. I really hate it when the bureaucracy is more important that the Veteran at the VAMC pharmacy. I am sending this secure message out to everyone who I know. Screw you, VA pharmacy!

Jonathan A. Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

Poor John. The democrats you voted for don’t care about disabled, or bat shit crazy Veterans. They are too busy importing and taking care Criminal Aliens.

Go buy a few bottles of Ripple.

Vote Harris/Walz John!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
26 days ago

I will never vote for Pittsfield’s piece of shit pot King!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

Vote Harris/Walz John.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
26 days ago

You MAGAs are incapable of voting your pocketbook.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
26 days ago

“You MAGAs are incapable of voting your pocketbook.”

Nope. That’s why no sane American would consider voting for Harris/Walz.

I’m reminded of Democrats every time I: buy gasoline, pay my energy bills, see my tax money given to CRIMINAL ALIENS for free housing/medical, fill a grocery cart, see more US tax money laundered in Ukraine, seeing CRIMINAL ALIENS in grocery/Walmart using cards paid for from my tax money provided by Biden/Harris,

But You will vote Harris/Biden, just because, they are NOT TRUMP!

See paragraph #2 above, for what the above paragraph implies, Oxy.

Last edited 26 days ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

Hey Trapper, you were so lazy you didn’t work hard enough to keep you’re head above water and now you’re jealous.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Nope, just angry all those years of taxes and SS savings, are being given to a horde of CRIMINAL ALIENS by Biden/Harris et al and their string pullers.

As Biden/Harris are incapable, and they certainly have not been, running the country the last 3 1/2 years.

Who is?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Please explain why you support Kamala Kommunism’s Unrealized Capital Gains Tax??

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago

The rich profited off of Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act”, Oxy.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Was that the act that stuffed trillions of dollars into well connected pockets driving inflation through the roof.?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

Maybe VA should be privatized?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
26 days ago

The great thing about government bureaucracies like the VA is that you can teach yourself Mandarin, Thai, Spanish. Russian, and Arabic without helpful study guides they include with their mailings.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
26 days ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
26 days ago

This is just a sample of things to come for you JM, when you cast your ballot for Harris/Walz.

I’m going to do a quick presentation for you.

What I would like you to do, is try and find the common denominator with the poor treatment of U.S. Veterans.

**Let’s remember how, as you describe him, “the hunky lovebug,” Bathhouse Barry Obama treated Veterans:

Too little, too late for veterans under Obama (

**Now, remember how Trump treated Veterans JM? Here you go buddy:

President Trump has been a champion for America’s veteran community (

**Now, let’s take a look at how current democRATS are “taking care” of Veterans. And once again:

Battenfeld: Healey faces more national heat over her treatment of Massachusetts veterans (

**You might ask yourself, what are democRATS spending all of the US tax money. For that, I have an answer too JM.

The Cost of the Border Crisis: $150.7 Billion and Counting | The U.S. House Committee on the Budget – House Budget Committee

$150,700,000,000 of US tax money spent on illegal aliens.

Instead of worrying about your medications, I’d be worried about how many more monthly checks you are going to receive in the mailbox.

You might want to start exercising a bit. Rounding up shopping carts at the grocery store can be taxing for older, sedentary, people.

Not sure your people skills are up to snuff to be a people greeter at the front entrance.

$150,700,000,000 of US tax money spent on illegal aliens.

Last edited 26 days ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

You idiot. The US doesn’t even take in $150,700,000,000 in taxes.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Then where did the money come from meatstick?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

Billions in Massachoosets. Reserves are tax dollars unspent. All gone now

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

I mean, were tax dollars unspent. Now they’re spent.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
25 days ago

Thank your current administration JM again is anyone better off after their reign?

DI Abeateese
DI Abeateese
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
23 days ago

I thought it was l s d

snark shark
snark shark
26 days ago

October 30, 2018
comment image
James Stanton
“We Have Met the Enemy, and He is Us”
I thought that phrase was funny when I first saw it uttered by Pogo the Possum in Walt Kelly’s comic strip “Pogo” during the 1960’s. I knew it was a take on “We have met the enemy, and they are ours” the bombastically heroic dispatch sent by Oliver Hazard Perry, commander of the American fleet at the Battle of Lake Erie, to General (later president) William Henry Harrison on September 10, 1813. Now, more than 50 years later, it doesn’t seem so funny. It’s now too true to be funny.

26 days ago

Why is it always a Democrat that shoots at Presidents or someone running for President? Is there something amiss in their DNA? or mental ability? low emotional control? Thoughts I think I will ponder today

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
26 days ago

Hate. They hate the people, not the ideas. The other side hates the ideas, not the people. Letters to the editor in Eagle frequently attack and insult people supporting Trump. When a pro Trump letter is printed, rarely, they pile on to dump hate on the letter writer. “I cannot let Mr. Smith go unanswered”

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

You truly are a pinhead. You need to sample other papers.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

That is such a great response!!! I don’t know how to answer it! I should read the NYT to find out what my neighbors think. Of course!

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

I’ll find less hate there? That’s wonderful!

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Your proctologist is probably a democrat so I sure hope he does not hate you.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Meanwhile
25 days ago

Me too! I always fill out medical forms checking D on the right square.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
26 days ago

Assasination-porn is a symptom of TDS.

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

It is MAGAs who are afflicted with TDS.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
25 days ago

Like I said, you guys say they must be democrats cuz they tried to assassinate Trump and then say it’s only democrats that tried to assassinate trump. Dumb logic.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
25 days ago

It’s TRUE. Not logic, just a fact. Not just Trump – justices, Republican lawmakers too. Crazed Democrats and their porn.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
26 days ago

Trump held another overflowing rally at Uniondale NY on Long Island yesterday.

Supporters were lined up 12 hours in advance, no signs of them being bused in , like those of Harris’s campaign events.

Before the rally he appeared on the Gutfield show.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

People who have jobs don’t show up for rallies 12 hours ahead of time. What does that tell you about trumps base?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  snark shark
25 days ago

“What does that tell you about trumps base?”

See MT, they hate the people, not the ideas.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Trump has his rallies and talks trash from beginning to end and wonders why people think he is an asshole. Ivanka tried to explain it to him and had to give up. So she decided to just stay as far away from him as she could possibly get.

By the way, her daughter LOVES Taylor Swift.

Ivanka Trump celebrated her daughter’s 13th birthday with a Taylor Swift-inspired cake.
“Happy 13th Birthday to my incredible daughter, Arabella! Watching you grow into a teenager feels like a dream,” Ivanka captioned the series of celebratory photos via Instagram on Wednesday, July 17 —

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Snark Shark
25 days ago

I love Taylor S too, but I think The Rock does her better.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
25 days ago

Snarky, who is Hunter voting for?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
24 days ago

Wouldn’t it be the height of irony if Hunter and Trump wound up in the same prison cell?

You might want to get in on Trumps crypto offer now before the securities and exchange people shut it down. Hurry.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Snark Shark
23 days ago

There are a lot of assholes too to talk about. But mostly it’s about love: fixing things, helping people, staying strong, etc…

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
25 days ago

What does that tell you about Kamala Kommunism when she has to bus in supporters to her rallies, from out of state?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
25 days ago

That they are PATRIOTIC AMERICANS, who would miss work in this time of Liberal/Leftist caused economic hell, to show their support FOR AMERICA!!!

And, because Harris has shown no support nor vision, for America/American citizens

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
24 days ago

Tells me they have a little bank left that the current administration hasn’t got their hands on yet.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
26 days ago

In another crushing blow to Kamala Harris/Walz (Bathhouse Barry Obama’s 4th term), the Teamsters Union won’t endorse a presidential candidate because “internal polling showing most members support Trump,” taken quote, unquote, from the Clinton News Network (CNN) itself.

Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump | CNN Politics

This in itself is an endorsement for Trump.

I don’t think the democRATS can muster enough fraudulent ballots this time, like they did in 2020, to steal the election.

This was from yesterday’s rally in Uniondale, NY. He packed a 16,000-seat arena in NY. There were over 60,000 more requests for tickets.

Donald Trump rally: Big crowds, security tight for former president’s rally in Uniondale, New York – ABC7 New York (

Kamala came to Pittsfield not too long ago. A few hours from NYC.

How many did she draw? A few hundred?

Certainly, nowhere in the neighborhood of 16,000.

Ka bumpabumpabump
Ka bumpabumpabump
26 days ago

So Barker road is getting repaved AGAIN. Too bad the councilor for Crane Ave can’t get the mayor to pave that mess. But if you have people with clout living on a street it sure helps.

KIds on the bus are getting a bumpity bump ride every day coming home from school. Some think it is cool and others not so much. You would think the folk with the golf course connections could offer some incentive to someone to get that Crane ave paved.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Ka bumpabumpabump
25 days ago

It’s impolite to talk about this topic here, asphalt is very demoralizing, but your name is very cool.

Last edited 25 days ago by Zippy the Pinhead
Ka bumpabumpabump
Ka bumpabumpabump
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Watching a road deteriorate in front of your eyes while Pete White sits on his ass and offers no help is demoralizing. Especially so when other roads in much better condition are being taken care of.

(my grandmother gave me the name when a toddler because I kept falling down the stairs)

Reply to  Ka bumpabumpabump
25 days ago

SO KaBump; Hetes the funny fact. Crane is split down the middle btw wards 1 and 2. Ricky Rumplestilkin could pave it and satisfy his quota for both wards and both councilors would get to add it to their street cred accounts. Then ward 5 guy gets even more rich streets paves.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ka bumpabumpabump
25 days ago

Why did Ricky Rumpus, quit paving Holmes rd at the railroad bridge?

Does he even realize the Lenox town line and smooth un-cratered pavement, is a mile further South?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
25 days ago

They lack street cred further south I think.

25 days ago

She left out the part where she was a caddie at a miniature golf course

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
25 days ago
Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
25 days ago

Yes that is ludicrous too! Thanks!
Which JM are you here?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago
  1. Ox said you should read right wing rags – less hate there. I agree. Who cares about project 20w5? It has no wheels.
Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
25 days ago

Project Death Star 2025 could demand funding for a Death Star to result in completion by 2025. I don’t think it would happen.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
25 days ago

Hoping and praying that in the next several weeks, the light of truth will finally awaken all the sleeping dupedsters suffering from acute TDS, and that their eyes will finally see what an egregious mistake it will be to cast a vote for Harris, this inept and feckless fraud , who I am convinced will (along with those she surrounds herself with) run this country so far into the ground it will become near impossible to salvage. Wake up all you dupedsters, and open your eyes and realize the wayward direction you are blindly attempting to take our great nation.

,Real Eyes. Realize , Real Lies,

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
25 days ago

This says all you need to know about Kamaka Harris for President

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

In keeping with her current, “Illegal Aliens First, Americans Last” policy, Kamala Harris has vowed to use our hard-working, US Tax money, to provide gender-altering surgery for ILLEGAL ALIEN INMATES.

Yes, you read that correctly-ILLEGAL ALIEN INMATES.

This policy must make a sad-sack, do-nothing, politician like Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens), feel like it’s Christmas 365 days a year.

Speaking of TFCB, does anybody know what countries flag she displays in her office? Certainly not the US flag. Definitely a Ukrainian flag is proudly displayed in her office. I’m also thinking the Haitian flag too.

**Inmates is also a term used for prisoners in jail. I add this to help our lower IQ posters understand better.

TRUMP 2024

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

Speaking of Criminals.. We know Trump and Epstein were Boys and now seeing all these pictures with the Orange man and Diddy..and Speaking of that the Orange man how about the shout out he gave to the Republican nominee from NC? My god it’s over

Again not a Kamala fan but Trump is a train Wreck at this point

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
25 days ago

Harris response (word salad) when RECENTLY asked about, her plan to “lower the cost of living?”

Maybe the D-s should have kept Biden……….

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
24 days ago

Are you really that ignorant LB?

Two assassination attempts on Trump and numerous horsesh!t criminal charges against Trump all being dropped left and right, and if they really had evidence of this he wouldn’t already be sitting next to Diddy, if you really believe that, I’ve got some awesome oceanfront properties in Phoenix, AZ, I’d like you to take a look at. Real cheap too!!

It’d be perfect for a high IQ guy like you.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
24 days ago

Trump is a convicted felon that is fact ..please try to follow along. He is sexual predator, Epstein and Trump were buds and neighbors connect the dots. Diddy and Trump are Buds connect the dots .]. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…… just because Hannity spins it and you lap it up. I get your mad he is going down to a JV Qb but that is on the party for letting this turd float to the top.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Larry Bird
24 days ago

comment image?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
23 days ago

Looks like a picture of Kamala’s current campaign.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Larry Bird
24 days ago

Perhaps you haven’t seen the pic of Kamala, in her satin nightie, alongside Diddy??

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
23 days ago

White Party?

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

If Trump is waiting for people to forget about his attempted takeover of the White House on Jan 6th he has a long wait. It is still on tape and has been seen over and over around the world a million times. (except for Fox news) He can lie about his rapes and document stealing and countless other fraudulent ventures but his bringing three thousand goons to the capitol building is all on tape with him giving a speech minutes before egging them on.

You sir, are in denial.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Snark Shark
24 days ago

I’ll extend that really awesome offer of oceanfront properties in the Phoenix, AZ, area, to you that I did to “Larry Bird.” It’ll be perfect for high IQ guys like both of you.

Let me know. These are “hot properties” selling fast.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
24 days ago

Even if you really were working in a West Virginia coal mine that day and missed it live, you can still see the video Marcus. Make sure to start at the beginning where Trump juices them up and then goes into hiding to watch it all unfold from the safety of his bunker.

Is it not humiliating for you to grovel uncontrollably before this charlatan, who in the real world could give two shits about you? How do you look yourself in the mirror each morning knowing that your mind is owned by another man and you have become one of his victim soldiers?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
24 days ago

Ok, you really cut me down there, Snark. Don’t think I’ll ever recover from it.

In the interim, care to post why Kamala hasn’t implemented ANY of her great plans yet. Keep in mind, she’s been VP for the past 3.5 years.

What has she done positively for us, non-freeloaders? You know, working, taxpayers.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
23 days ago

What great plans has ANY vice president implemented? It is a backup job with almost no real power. But you knew that right?

Trump tried to hang HIS vice president (Mike Pence) on Jan 6th for going off script if you recall.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  snark shark
23 days ago

Actually, first time I wish what you say is true. You mean breaking ties in senate votes is not Power? You’d be surprised how much an effective VP can actually do. Remember Cheney?

Last edited 23 days ago by Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
24 days ago

I’ll take that deal at your low price. You’ll lose $$ and I’ll make out. You are as good a dealmaker as Orange Jesus.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Snark Shark
24 days ago

No, you sir, are in denial. Educate yourself instead of parroting main stream news bullsh!t.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Snark Shark
23 days ago

Ask Milley why he didn’t follow the president’s order…

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
25 days ago

Welp, now we know why Bathhouse Barry, Xiden, and Harris, sent billions of dollars to Iran.

Could you imagine if the script was reversed, and Iran was spying on Harris and turning over everything to Trump. No, me either.

Ox, Snark, JM, TSC, Mr. WW, and Larry, care to explain and defend this.

**The only saving grace about this is, nobody with an IQ above a golf ball will buy the “Iran did this,” when the deep state tries a false-flag to divert attention away from Harris’ poor polling.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
24 days ago

Markus, Harris is outpolling Trump.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago

Of course Harris is polling better with the Gimmedats ! What did you expect? They will always vote for a Santa Clause.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago


Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
25 days ago

Epsteins client list is still running America
Diddy’s list top 100 names been released
Yet sex trafficking customers in Massachusetts, 29 of thier identities being withheld from the public.
Massachusetts supreme judicial court, slow walking case, to protect their colleagues, friends and family.

” if the names are released, the system will grind to a halt ”
The hearing was up on youtube – when chief justice of probate court purchases sex with under aged children,the trial court protects him.

Reminds me of a certain hit and run, the planet was silenced by trial court injustice sabrina Garcia Vega.

Chief justices ,cousin bobby jr , at least doesn’t have to purchase sex.
Hopefully girl avoid the golf course, them Kennedy cars and clubs are lethal.

Told you that story has alot more legs.


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
25 days ago

Stats on terrorists apprehended at border hidden from public on orders from the border czar……

Knott Happy
Knott Happy
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
25 days ago

This RMV is suspending drivers licenses from out of state infractions dating back decades ago up to today,and you get your license automatically suspended unless you want to pay an additional fine or to comply with certain rules that you need to drive your car?

I understand where they’re going with the suspensions,so it would be added onto your previous ofenses,but if your problem years ago has been adjudicated and a clean record since the out of state violation should not come with a 20 times the original adjudicated fine? And no entity should have that kind of power.

Unduh Watuh
Unduh Watuh
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
25 days ago

Keep out of the lake Pontoosic. Algae bloom. Imagine what the water table problem is at Why Could Park. Just a matter of time until Onota from outer Churchill development starts to spew its nasty sheet all over the place.

Reply to  Unduh Watuh
24 days ago

Especially if people start putting their excess garbage into it because they cannot afford the mayors new trash rip off. People who cannot afford food are not going to be able to pay gouging trash collection costs and will deal with it any way they can. And most of the coming problem could have been avoided with the next size up toter. But the mayor and White seem to have wanted to maximize Casellas profits at the expense of all their constituents. How sad is that?

Reply to  Meanwhile
24 days ago

I agree. A 96 gallon toter should have been the obvious choice, but this is a money making scheme by the city of Pittsfield for themselves and Casella.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Pat
23 days ago

Add an extension to yours. I love the goop section in hardware stores.

Last edited 23 days ago by Zippy the Pinhead
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
25 days ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

About three and a half years ago

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
23 days ago

When she was sworn in 2020 after the selection was over.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Kamala really “packing them in” at her rally !! Poor attendance……

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Gateway Pundit lacks credibility.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago

No, you lack credibility. You have obviously been brainwashed by mainstream news.
Why would you support Kamala’s Unrealized Capital Gains proposal?
Why would you support open borders?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
24 days ago

TGP was right about:

Hunter’s laptop,

H-Beast/DNC staging the “Russian Collusion” hoax,

The “insurrection”

“Quid Pro Quo” Joe extorting Ukrainian officials,

Exposed all of these lies: The Jab “safe, effective, stops you from getting the Vid, stops you from spreading the Vid, stops you from getting sick, stops you from being hospitalized, stops you from dying of the Vid (started out with the first two lies).

The open border


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Komrade Kamala Harris can’t even get 650 people to attend her rally in GA.

This is very telling, especially with the fact that Trump just filled a 16,000-seat arena in Uniondale, NY, with 60,000 more ricket requests to get in.

Funny, when you listen to MSM, they have Trump/Harris polling neck and neck.

Anybody with an IQ above 70 and a smattering of common sense, simply knows this is not true.

It’s just MSM’s attempt to make it appear the race is close, so the low-IQ dimwits like Ox, Snark, JM, Mr. WW, Larry, TSC, buy into Harris winning the (stolen) election.

Not this time though. We can see the FACTS and EVIDENCE with our eyes. Plus, Harris can’t hide out in a basement, like China Joe Xiden, did in 2020.

****This is a great example of Bathhouse Barry Obama’s repealing the Smith-Mundt Act (1948) in 2012, to allow propaganda to be used on US citizens. Low IQ people who rely on MSM and do no fact checking for themselves, buy into it, hook, line, and sinker.

Trump 2024

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
23 days ago

With an entrance ticket of $10000, 650 attendance isn’t bad.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
23 days ago

The ones that are showing up to her events are the sheeple, a large portion of the electorate who pay little to no taxes and rely on “free money” from the gummint = DemonRats. They’re not about to throw all that away by not voting for Kam.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
23 days ago

She isn’t getting the job done.
Is Hillary dusting off her pantsuits?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
23 days ago

I still think Big Mike is in the on-deck circle, getting tucked and taped, and ready to recite verbatim off the teleprompter.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
24 days ago
Rival Wreez
Rival Wreez
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Look fritz face. Trump supporters don’t like Harris and Harris supporters don’t like Trump. Whoever gets the voters out wins and the dumbass democrats will always outnumber them or steal it. Woke is the reason Trump will prevail. Everyone except woke will vote for Trump. Woke types are city council,mayor and family fans of overrrated high school athletes

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Rival Wreez
23 days ago

Do you got some spare tabasco?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Rival Wreez
23 days ago

If you check out what the republicans are doing in Georgia you will see that they have zero chance of excepting any election results should Trump lose.

They are going to create all the chaos they can and will stop at nothing. If Trump is not going to be president no one is.

I feel confident in predicting that going into inauguration day in Jan 2025 democracy in America will have been turned on its head and the country will spiral without direction for several years, without leadership of any kind. And all the fine folk (on both sides) will suffer together never quite figuring out that if they had only just worked together a little bit they would not have self destructed.

What will it say on Americas tombstone?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
24 days ago

This is must see priceless.

New Trump campaign ad (16 seconds), featuring, Kamala Harris. ROFL!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
23 days ago


Larry Bird
Larry Bird
24 days ago

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To avoid a second debate

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Larry Bird
23 days ago

Oh, now that she is losing along with voting already starting, Kam wants another debate? She could have accepted the Fox debate prior. Now she wants one on CNN which already had one.

Seek help while you can. Your trolling trainers haven’t done a good job.

Make it Fair
Make it Fair
Reply to  Optimus Prime
23 days ago

Why can’t they have a debate at Mara Largo with Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Green co-hositng? In order to be fair they could limit Kamalas answers to three words or less and let Trump use a teleprompter. They could also shine a strobe light in Kamalas eyes while Trump could be receiving a back rub from Laura Loomer.

And if Kamala still won they could have the Proud Boys storm the studio, take a shit on the dias and trash the place.

Trump 2024

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Make it Fair
23 days ago

Make it fair, the moderator was picking on him, she had a secret ear piece, Boo f ing Hoo. Trump got crushed and would again no matter the stage. Yes he could beat up on the senile president. However he had his A$$ handed to him the last debate. He is unhinged old earatic, getting squashed by the JV team.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Larry Bird
23 days ago

Trump had two, Kamala hadn’t even had one on her own. She wants practice she should it on her own time.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
23 days ago

Doesn’t matter he is done!

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Larry Bird
22 days ago

Then why does she want another attempt? Rule of thumb: If you are ahead and your opponent is done, you keep status quo.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
24 days ago

Toby Leary & the Civil Rights Coalition are racing to secure enough signatures to suspend/repeal the new MA gun control law which the Guv signed off on. You can help by signing the petition at Dave’s Gun Shop in Pittsfield.

Brains Beautee
Brains Beautee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
23 days ago

Some ought to muzzle your mouth.

23 days ago

The Berkshire Eagle recently ran an article complaining about the birth rate in this country being so low and how this is threatening to so many things including social security. This is another example of government creating a huge problem. Pushing abortion on so many and making it so easy is a big reason why the birth rate is so low. The Berkshire Eagle could also be trying to justify all of the illegal immigration by this article. We need all of these immigrants because Americans aren’t having enough children. It’s total nonsense, of course, because if the government wants more kids in this country they could easily incentivize it rather than discouraging it by continually promoting abortion. The far left does want more kids in this country just not American kids is the only conclusion to draw from their hypocrisy.

There Hoff
There Hoff
Reply to  Pat
23 days ago

Appreciating Dans blog here over the years. Also for fighting the little old ckown to save our free speech.

Nothing left to give
Nothing left to give
Reply to  Pat
23 days ago

I come from a middle class family therefore I should be your president. ……that’s it in a nutshell. And they keep saying Trump wants to be a dictator? That is really a stupid statement. The illegals coming in is an act of terrorism. That’s on Harris.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
23 days ago

Repost, for Liberals who are afraid to click on the link…….new DJT campaign ad, starring Kamala!

“Now they have pledged, to carry out the largest deportation, a mass deportation, in American history.
Imagine what that would like and what that would be?” – Kamala Harris
I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message -DJT