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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 23, 2024) — There’s only one story between now and Nov. 5, and that’s the U.S. presidential election.

The artificially engineered Kamala Bump has fizzled, and only diehard Loon Liberals would consider voting or her. The mainstream mass media, of course, would have you believe it’s a close race. It’s not. The only thing that will make this close is ballot fraud when the votes are counted. This, of course, assumes that Donald Trump will not be assassinated between now and Nov. 5.

The telling question that Harris supporters will not address is the one asking why, then, if she’s so great, has she not brought paradise on earth with her policies in 3.5 years. The best they can respond (because they can’t answer) is that she has not been the president. If someone submitted that as the comeback trying to make the debate team in college, they wouldn’t have a chance.

Fact is, Biden-Harris (they are the same, except Harris is Biden with a nice tan and a vagina) HAD no policies. They only had politics centered around an irrational hatred of Trump.

Take the border … please. This Democrat two-step featured (a) a free-for-all at the border and (b) a failed social experiment known as Sanctuary Cities. Of course, Bitchfield fell for it, led by a “dynamic, vibrant” figurehead mayor and a jellyfish council president. Welcome overcrowding, an increase in crime, a drain on the public dollar, and growing tension.

Harris as border czar let in anywhere from 12 to 22 million unwashed and unvetted from third-world prisons, mental hospitals, barrooms, drug dens, and welfare rolls. She and Biden ran away from reason, spiked common sense, and essentially dissolved the lines that defines “nationhood.”

Or haven’t you heard of Elmer Sola? This piece of crud snuck into the United States from Brazil, made his way to Massachusetts, and, police say, committed at least 11 sex crimes, including aggravated rape of a child. Police arrested Sola, 49, on Nantucket Friday. Sola got into America unvetted on an unknown date at an unknown location. Incidentally, just the day before, also on Nantucket, ICE agents arrested a 28-year-old illegal from Salvador on a charge of child rape.

———- ooo ———-

In a related story, in case you missed it, the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill (266-158) that would go after illegals for sex crimes and violence. The Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens passed in a rare  bipartisan effort.

What stood out for THE PLANET, however, is how the Bay State’s Profiles in Courage, all Democrats, voted. Eight of the gutless wonders voted AGAINST the bill. Only moderate Steven Lynch voted for the provisions that would deport rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and other criminals.

Voting in favor of rape, pedos, and all the other forms of human disease represented by the criminal scum:

  • Katherine Clark
  • Bill Keating
  • Jim McGovern
  • Richard Neal
  • Lori trahan
  • Ayanna (Baldy) Pressley
  • Jake Auchincloss
  • Seth Moulton

These America-hating reps applauded Dem Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Harris stooge, who called the bill “scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence.”


Meanwhile on the campaign trail, President Trump pledges mass deportation and restoration of America’s borders. Harris? She was busy cackling through another hardball interview, this one with something called Oprah Winfrey.

No, THE PLANET isn’t making it up.


Independence is my happiness” — Thomas Paine.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Larry Bird
Larry Bird
23 days ago

A jury found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment. But yet this predator is Running to be the President


Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  danvalenti
22 days ago

A victimless crime

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
22 days ago

It’s called rape.Guilty in civil court of rape…there are 25 others that have the same story .

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  The school committee
22 days ago

The one raped was Trump.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
17 days ago


Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

You moron. There’s no such thing as a guilty finding in civil court.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
21 days ago

Correct,Trump fount liable of her rape in civil court.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

Did someone get raped?

Reply to  The school committee
20 days ago

You really have a difficult time comparing things

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Gobsig
21 days ago

Who got raped?

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
20 days ago

Joe Biden digitally raped Tara Reade

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
20 days ago

Pedo Pete, as Hunter calls him (from “The Laptop from Hell”), took inappropriate “showers” with his young Daughter Ashley.

comment image

Last edited 20 days ago by Mad Trapper
Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Gobsig
20 days ago

Right. Why is Trump being tried for Clinton and Biden’s rapes?

Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

Rape he did not you have no clue

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Tt2
20 days ago

Yoda never lies.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  danvalenti
22 days ago

You mean gold diggers plural as in many

Got it

Reply to  Larry Bird
22 days ago

The woman is a certified lunatic.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Larry Bird
22 days ago

Reading the name of E. Jean Carroll, has the look and sound of a great fiction writer. I think it best to forgo her last name , carcinogen, as it might have a tendency to adulterate her good name. The track record of this woman is as truthful and trustworthy as Karine Jean-Pierre’s illustrious story hour. Her testimony doesn’t even reach the credibility level of C Blasey Ford 2.0. But in the eyes of the regressive left, those living in the World of Woke “Wicked Good”, she is a non fiction writer, par excellence.. Discerning the truth, is an impossible undertaking for those on the side of the Goebbelsized left. What a dire awakening they all will soon witness, when their Never Neverland world comes crashing down, with the return of Truth, Justice and the American Way(aka DJT)

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Festus Feeney
22 days ago

Same tactic as any lynch mob. Only no need for a criminal trial, they just pretend there was one.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
21 days ago

Wow, strong prediction.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Larry Bird
22 days ago

The nut case lady handed over to authorities the dress she claimed to be wearing when this supposed incident happened. Guess what? That dress wasn’t available for approximately 2 years later that she claimed to be wearing. She was “Mind Banging” Trump.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
22 days ago

New Trump campaign ad, featuring Harris

“Now they have pledged, to carry out the largest deportation, a mass deportation, in American history.
Imagine what that would look like and what that would be?”

 – Kamala Harris
I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message -DJT

Last edited 22 days ago by Mad Trapper
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
23 days ago

I have been claiming for years that we have not hit left-wing bottom yet. 

Reply to  Optimus Prime
22 days ago

Be unburden by what has been

Reply to  Optimus Prime
22 days ago

The trouble is that when we do reach left wing bottom, the country will be toast and unable to be saved. Once the violence from the terrorists allowed into this country happens, Americans will know once and for all just how dangerous the Biden/Harris polices are, but we will be living in a very different country. Once Americans see their housing options severely limited, it will be too late. Everything will be limited by the government and freedoms we took for granted will be gone.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Optimus Prime
21 days ago

As Neitzxhe said, “When you are facing the worst, your best consolation is that you could be dead.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
17 days ago

You all are doing fantastic under Biden

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
23 days ago

The Dems are planning on stealing the election with “overseas” ballots……

Forage Stooge
Forage Stooge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
22 days ago

The illegals have them in their back packs. Ingenious

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Forage Stooge
22 days ago

20,000 potential illegal ballots in Nevada are marked good. So long as one of them is legit, the rest are good too?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
22 days ago

Trump stole the reasoning of white men who watch FOX…1/6/2021…Keep watching FOX

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
22 days ago

You have no reasoning at all.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
21 days ago

He’s a conformist.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
22 days ago

Donald Trump’s agenda is to Make America Go Authoritarian. I am grateful for liberal leaders such as Andrea Harrington, Kamala Harris, Joyce Craig, and Maura Healey for standing up to Trump’s bullying of people who need our support to live a life of dignity.

If Trump wins in 2024, he will privatize the VA, abolish the U.S. Department of Education, gut federal social insurance programs such as Medicare and Social Security, and so on, in order to pass a huge tax cut for the super wealthy. As a disabled Veteran, I would end up living on my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of Fenn Street and First Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, while my biggest enemy in my life “Luciforo” lives in his mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

I hope that Kamala Harris wins the White House in 2024 so that Veterans won’t lose everything. I don’t want to see Grandma and Grandpa thrown off of the cliff. I don’t want to see children become uneducated. I don’t want the U.S.A. to go from a democracy to an authoritarian country.

Trump will lose the 2024 presidential election because he lost the women’s vote. No modern president has won an election without at least somewhere around 50 percent or higher of the women’s vote. Kamala has somewhere around 2/3rd of the women’s vote, while Trump has somewhere around 1/3rd.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
22 days ago

The bullying you speak of re:Trump is a concept called Leadership ( not found anywhere in the democrat dictionary or playbook) It is a foreign concept in the democrat mindset, one that disappeared long ago, following the assassination of JFK.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Festus Feeney
21 days ago

Everyday I go to work I get bullied.

I check in, boss demands I do something. If I’m not in at 900 – he looks at me threateningly and intimidates me. Rare that he praises me and give me treats but always demands I do things for him instead. My only happiness is my lunch which I buy at Subways®. He picks on me without end. There are others here, but I’m the only one who he makes me do these things. I am completely demoralized and most days I just want the day to end so I can go home. I am mercilessly bullied. I’m miserable.

The only person who understands me is James Dean at Misty Moonlight. He lets me pet his motorcycle.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
20 days ago

Ah, James Dean, a Rebel without a cause. Don’t forget get to use the Subway App. Save a few bucks.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
21 days ago

Trump is a failure in the role of leader. He’s good at the ‘boss people around’ part, but comes up short as a role model for his citizenry. I would not want any of my kids, grandkids, friends or family to talk and behave as he does. Part of leadership is moral leadership, at which Trump is an abject failure.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

Oxen, I am sorry that you have such a negative opinion of Trump. Not sure what news outlets you listen to, but Trump is not the man you may think he is. I have seen countless instances where he has done some incredible things to really help people in so many difficult circumstances. He did not need to run for President but he did because he loves America and really does want to do whats in the best in of our country. Sorry you do not know the real DJT

Reply to  Festus Feeney
20 days ago

Festus, I’ve been watching DJT in all his various contexts for as long as, if not longer, than you. There are two narratives about the man, diametrically opposed in content. I know which one is the truthful, accurate one.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

One of us is right Oxen, the other is wrong. If Harris becomes the Resident of the White House, and everything goes crashing down and we become a complete communist nation, will you be willing to take responsibility for that egregious decision? I will be the first in line to accept blame, if that ever happened under Trumps watch.
At least do some objective research into who the real Kamala Harris is, if you ever find the real truth about her, being flabbergasted will be an understatement. You can start by tuning into “ Real Americas Voice” and listen to the truth/facts for once.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

How could a commie know anything about moral leadership when they deny the legitimacy of morals?

Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
20 days ago

If you think I’m a commie and that I deny the legitimacy of morals then you don’t know me.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

All commies say that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

If that was true, 2016-2020 would not have been a great time to be an American.

Jan 2021-present? Life sucks.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
20 days ago

2016-2020 was a time when the majority of citizens were embarrassed to have DJT as our president. That’s why he was voted out. He couldn’t take being voted out and, for the first time in the history of our country, tried to change the election results.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

The coup was Nov 2020 when Biden was Selected by nefarious means.

The cover up was the staged J6 fiasco, so the results/electors could not be challenged, as provided by the US Constitution..

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago


Reply to  Acute Angina
20 days ago

There is an actual TDS, consisting of people believing ‘the apprentice’.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

in your opinion, what constitutes moral leadership ? And what kind of America are you hoping to live in, under the Harris Presidency?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
22 days ago

They should have locked your azz up and threw the key away. Trouble everywhere you go.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
21 days ago

Bill Clinton is a 2x Convicted Felon for Perjury and Suborning Perjury from the Paula Jones Sexual Harassment case whereby he lied about receiving blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, which was sarcastically called the Oral Orifice.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling this year 2024, the U.S. President cannot be charged with a crime if it is an official act. Does that make Bill Clinton receiving blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office and then the U.S. President lying under oath about it an official (SEX) act?

Donald Trump is a 34x Convicted Felon from the porn star Stormy Daniels hush money case that he will appeal.

Donald Trump also owes many millions of dollars from two civil cases that he is appealing.

I was convicted of 2 misdemeanors, which were annulled by the State of New Hampshire in 2019. The Manchester NH police officer John Cunningham who arrested me for knocking over a plastic traffic cone was himself never charged with a crime when he later hit a pedestrian who is an Attorney named Adam Mackler with his police cruiser many years ago now. Manchester NH Police Officer John Cunningham was counseled by his municipal police department for disrespect because he yelled at one of the two witnesses to my arrest by him saying to her, “I don’t care if he [Jonathan Melle] is disabled!”

I know I am not a former U.S. President like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. I no longer have a criminal record since it was annulled back in 2019.

I wish that Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior was charged, indicted, and possibly found guilty of his alleged double-dipping as a former Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies with the Boston Law Firm Berman & Dowell from 1999 – 2006, which led to him having to step down from his aforementioned elected office in 2006. These FACTS were reported by The Boston Globe newspaper back in early-2007.

I believe that Nuciforo should have been a Convicted Felon and disbarred from practicing law and sent to state prison long ago, but he still has a law office in Boston’s Financial District, and earlier this year 2024, he successfully settled his pot lawsuit with the City of Pittsfield for $341,000.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

Your insanity plea worked .Chin has nothing on you.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

I’m willing to bet you’d feel differently about your overwhelming support of DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington and her policies, had you committed this crime during her tenure as DA.

You and Lonnie Durfee would have probably been cellmates at Berkshire County’s gray-bar motel.

You fail to realize what a “social justice warrior,” really meant for people who “look like me.”

JM, being as you support Harris/Walz and their policies, I’m curious as to why you haven’t brought your parents to a drag-show story hour with kids?

KFILE: Harris pledged support in 2019 to cut ICE funding and provide transgender surgery to detained migrants | CNN Politics

You should bring them and take photos and email them to Dan.

I’m willing to bet your parents would realize in a fast way, this isn’t the democRAT party I knew and grew up with. You might enjoy it with your support of Harris/Walz, but I bet they wouldn’t.

Bring them and report back.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Optimus Prime
21 days ago

Nothing wrong there at all. He was acquited of one and had to do some time for irritating a cop. I give him a thumbs up for it.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

With Kamala, you won’t lose everything – just your bennies, your shirt, your pants, your coat, your hats, and your gloves.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
20 days ago

He likes to take his hat and jacket off on his own

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
20 days ago

Get a job and then you won’t have to worry. You seem to be a great delusional writer that the democrat pols would love to abuse,,, I mean use

snark shark
snark shark
22 days ago

Dan are you serious that the only subject you want to talk about for the next seven weeks is the election? I find it all rather mind numbing myself and may drift off for that time period if that is the case.

While I can enjoy the tranquility of watching a farmer spread manure on his fields, I cannot really get into the verbal equivalent for extended periods of time. Does not seem beneficial to the psyche. May even cause depression.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
22 days ago

September 23, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti and blog posters and readers,

Off topic:

Pittsfield politics: has new toters – has a record high municipal operating budget – has an annual operating cost of between $30 million to $40 million more than similar postindustrial small cities – has predictable annual municipal budget increases of around 5 percent or higher for over 40 years now – has mostly unfunded municipal public debts (including OPEB) in the hundreds of millions of dollars – has the Wahconah Park “Big Dig”-like boondoggle project proposal – has Tricia Farley Bouvier Country Buffet going into her 14th year (of doing nothing) in Boston – has Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior $341,000 richer (allegedly, thanks to his $1,000 donation to Peter Marchetti’s 2023 campaign) – has Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King’s Berkshire Roots largest in the region marijuana growing operation on Dalton Avenue stinking up residential neighborhoods with his dead-skunk pot odors (while Nuciforo himself lives away from it all in his mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College) – has Peter Marchetti being named in Victoria May’s federal sex discrimination lawsuit versus a local bank whereby the then bank manager Peter Marchetti allegedly called Victoria May “a BITCH” – has Peter Marchetti’s Pride flags flying around the city – has Pete White cosplay Voltron – has Bill Cameron proposing tearing down 2 west-side public schools while he omits Allendale Elementary School being next to Hill 78’s capped leaky landfill full of GE’s PCBs that cause brain damage and cancer alike in human beings – has Level 5 rated public schools (the worst rating by the state) – has over 650 students choice out of the Pittsfield public school district to neighboring public school districts – has over 50 years of its only economic growth being in its large underclass population – has a downtown that is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” with the inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty” – has a violent crime rate that more than doubles the (Massachusetts) state-wide average since at least 1980 – has over 1,000 gang members living in its inner-city neighborhoods with reported daily shootings – has over 50 years of severe losses in living wage jobs and population – has an incestuous-like clique of multi-generational, inter-related families that are sarcastically called “The Good Old Boys” – has a daily newspaper (The Berkshire Eagle) that is sarcastically called names such “The Dirty Bird” that does a DISSERVICE to real journalism most, but not all, of the time – has news media blacklists of free speech letter writers such as myself (Jon Melle) whereby the Eagle hasn’t published one of my many letters in over 20 years now – has state lottery sales that most of the residents don’t understand is really (voluntary) regressive taxation that systemically mocks the low- to moderate income mostly financially illiterate residents and Pittsfield itself on many levels – has Pittsfield politics’ other name being called RETRIBUTION (my dad, Bob, and I should know thanks to Nuciforo’s decades of conspiratorial persecution of me/us) – has voter turnouts of around 20 percent give or take a few points – has public participation apathy syndrome whereby only a few residents dare to speak or write letters about Pittsfield’s downward spiral – has the 26-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing higher unfunded liabilities (public debts) – has been the subject of museum exhibits in London, NYC, and L.A. whereby Pittsfield was titled: “A City in Decay” – had the Berkshire Museum in 2018 selling 2 Norman Rockwell paintings that the famous artists himself donated (along with other historic paintings) for tens of millions of dollars – had the Boston newspapers write that Pittsfield is a service city by the working-class residents for the wealthier southern Berkshires – had the N.Y. Times write that Berkshire County’s real estate market is hot, but to avoid the hole in the doughnut: Pittsfield – has Mayors with nicknames of (the late) Bar-stool, Aberration, Rolodex, Montello, Gated Community, and the sitting Mayor also known as Openly Gay – always has a majority rubber stamp City Council – and last, but not least, has the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family paying their hard-earned money to state and local taxes in return for….I won’t write it….because it is all listed above.

Jon Melle

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

I find this JM to be terribly demoralizing. I need a nap.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

Get a job Chin!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
21 days ago

John, have you considered, breaking up your posts into paragraphs? Like a good 6th grader would?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
20 days ago

I would break his posts up into posts.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Zippy the Pinhead
20 days ago

Maybe compost?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
20 days ago

Where do you find the 5 rating for the Pittsfield school system?

22 days ago

Yeah, the Dems are stealing the election, Jean Carroll and the hoards of other women made it up, Trump didn’t try to keep classified docs and he didn’t try to incite rioters to disrupt the election results. Also, he didn’t try to strong arm Georgia election results, and he didn’t try to strong-arm Zalensky to dig up crap on Biden. Got it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
22 days ago

Zelensky just arrived in the USA courtesy of Traitor Joe and Commieala, to get more US taxpayer money to launder for them.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
21 days ago

Thanks for the tip! I’m boxing up my moo mooes for him.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
21 days ago

The little weasel was campaigning for Kam and Walz during his visit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
21 days ago

Zelensky is a crossdresser/transvestite, he and Tampon Timmy Walz will get along great.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

10 thumbs down! Now I’m getting somewhere!

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

I gave it a thumbs up for correct.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

Kool-Aid drinker!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

About time you “got it”and came to your senses and realized the truth.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
21 days ago

When are you folks going to figure out that msm is mainstream because it is correct and it is what the large majority of our citizens watch and believe. You MAGAs are the opposition minority, and you are mostly wrong because you are so strongly siloed.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
21 days ago

Yea, MSM is on top of things.

The “Russian collusion” that was an invention of H-Beast and the DNC.

Hunter’s laptop was a fake.

The jab prevents Covid.

The border is secure………..

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
20 days ago

I think NYPost has more marketshare than MSM. Men who have sex with men. At most 5%.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
20 days ago

The msm thinks the border is secure? I don’t think so.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

Pravda was also mainstream. All the truth that’s fit to print.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

Harris and Mayorkas said the border is secure, and there is no CRIMINAL ALIEN invasion. They just imported 20+ Million of the dregs of the earth, to America.

You voting for Harris Oxy?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Oxenhatter
20 days ago

Oooo! MSM and BBC are mainstream!

The school committee
The school committee
22 days ago

Republicans are melting.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
20 days ago

What an insightful comment. If your IQ hits 60, you should sell.

22 days ago

Republicans are right about so many issues including out of control immigration. Countries like Germany, France, and England are losing their national identity because rather than assimilating, the invasion of illegal immigrants in those countries are clinging to their own culture and it’s all being orchestrated by the far left. This culture clash is leading to all kinds of problems in these countries including violence. This is what the left wants for America too. Kamala Harris will continue to pour in the illegal immigrants. It seems like this subject is too complicated for Americans to wrap their heads around and they want to avoid discussing it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
22 days ago

Dan, your post was 100% correct. I’ve read over a few of the usual left-leaning posters and their responses, and as usual, is the typical TDS nonsense spewed nightly on MSM evening news.

Here are a couple more links to back-up today’s post that Harris is floundering, and Trump continues to surge.

Trump gaining in surprise new stronghold as crime, migrants shift blue voters right | Fox News

In a real twist of irony, the next link is going to be a real head-scratcher for Bathhouse Barry Obama and the usual race-baiters. A racial dilemma is brewing.

Believe it or not, “white supremacy” is NOT America’s greatest threat, as told to us numerous times by the Xiden/Harris administration over the past 3.5 years.

No, it looks like the democRATS new voters (illegal aliens) are getting ready to do (gun) battle with the democRATS old voters (black Americans) of previous elections.

Chicago Versus Venezuelan Gangs: ‘Blacks Against Migrants’ |

Ox, Snark, Mr. WW, JM, TSC, and Larry, get your popcorn ready.

Just out of curiosity, who are you picking to win? Better yet, who do you want to win?

Americans or illegal aliens?

Your party helped stage this epic battle-enjoy!!

TRUMP 2024

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Flogging Molly
21 days ago

Looking at the picture of Warren and the other guy, Warren should take his hat and jacket off.

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Herb Pease
20 days ago

Why? I like both the hat and the jacket.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
21 days ago

I would be more concerned with the ” men of influence ” sexual predators of commonwealth Judiciary.
Tge Nepotism is alive and well, if your not Kennedy spawn , need not apply.
Newest Scandal is an all Casey family affair.
The Family that rapes together, stays together.

Another 28 secret ( not so secret) magistrates hearings- the judiciary is trying to conceal.

You’re strangely quiet on the subject, which gave you credibility.

Is the planet again silenced?


Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
21 days ago

In nearby New Lebanon NY on the side of Samuel Tilden’s grave reads “ I Still Trust the People”, which is some sort of reference to the 1876 election, living in Massachusetts, think must reimagine the truth.  

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
21 days ago

You have a good point but I lost you at the end……

The school committee
The school committee
21 days ago

Trump is old and tired of feeding you guys your daily dose of lazy sleepy hatred.His goofy rambling talks of how the world has knocked him down crying about how hard it’s been being a FAKE loser billionaire.You guys still love the crybaby speeches.Remrmber that fatboy is 80 years telling stories at the bar.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

If you’re in danger of drowning do you question the guy who throws you the life preserver?

Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

It never bothered you that soon to be 82 year old Joe doesn’t know what he’s doing or where he has been for the last 4 years. It was all beautiful for you. Trump is as sharp as a tack and the very fearful leftists know it because he stands in the way of the horrific far left agenda.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
21 days ago

comment image

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Mad Trapper
20 days ago

That’s good sign language too.

21 days ago

As sex crimes against Baystaters by illegals continues to increase, MA has become the 4th worst state in the nation for outmigration. While the Healey administration continues to throw bazillions at the immigration problem, this issue as well as rising taxes and the “Millionaires Tax” is driving residents to flee in droves. Mass Fiscal Alliance states that 45,259 MA residents have outmigrated for a gross income loss of over $3.9 billion dollars!

How many illegals have been sent to Pittsfield? How will social services and BMC handle the influx? Has Healey enticed the Berkshire Mall developer to turn the mall into public housing for illegals? Which Pittsfield hotels have been paid off by the state to house illegals?

The growing problems created by Democrat open borders is destroying not only the state but the nation.

MAGA 2024

Phaulty Paul
Phaulty Paul
Reply to  Lenny
21 days ago

Dan are you acutely aware we are currently in a w w ? That should be your talking points against Harris. That and a thirty million illegals entering our neighborhoods.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Lenny
21 days ago

Most small Business owners in the Berkshires would love to have an influx of legal immigrants here. The Current pool of lazy, fat, drug addicted, drama filled, brain dead, labor pool has killed any growth to this area. And the aforementioned group of local white workers is like a bad a$$ pimple.

Reply to  Larry Bird
20 days ago

The reason so many are lazy, fat, drug addicted and brainwashed is due to Democrat policies and indoctrination in the schools. The Democrats have destroyed the work ethic by their Nanny State policies so these young people just want to hang out all day and do drugs while living off the government. The schools finish the job by making sure the young are not too educated to care what is being done to them. The only message they get is to vote Democrat to continue the destructive cycle.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
20 days ago

Well put Pat!
Zoomers are still either on Parental support or government support.

Sulleze Barr
Sulleze Barr
Reply to  Larry Bird
20 days ago

There should be some bartending openings here soon. But they’ll have to be tips certified.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
20 days ago

Bird Brain, what Biden/Harris has imported the last 4 years are not “legal immigrants”.

They are the addicts, dregs and offal, of other nations, who have emptied their prisons and mental institutions. Estimates at > 22 MILLION, so far. To attract them Biden/Harris is giving them better FREE benefits (housing, clothing, food, medical, phones, pre-paid cards…), than elderly US CITIZENS forced to live on Social Security. And they are looting SS funds to do so.

The “current” labor pool you speak of is, the direct result of Liberal/Leftist policies.

Pittsfield never had begging bums at every intersection, until under the ruse of “relocating the homeless Covid +”, The mASSachusetts Democrats relocated the offal of Eastern Massachusetts. They were put up on taxpayer expense, at local hotels/motels circa 2021-2022, some have since emigrated to Springfield Park.

Then there is the great Section 8 “labor pool”, and the “affordable housing” scams. Entire apartment complexes filled with the unproductive and their drug dealing associates/”roomies” from nearby cities.

The other “affordable housing” scam is perpetrated by connected “developers”, who get city subsidies to redevelop properties. The result being overly expensive apartments/condos. Becoming a homeowner in the Berkshires is a thing of the past.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
20 days ago

Maura Healey for U.S. President in a future election, please.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
20 days ago

JM’s anything in a skirt party

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
20 days ago

Well, that’s how libturds operate. They don’t want anyone to “suffer” in an entry-level job. They want the dumbest homey in town to be President.

20 days ago

Great article Dan especially how all the Dems vote in lock stock steps because they are all brainwashed sheep. I love how they always cry for compromise and to be independent but they all vote as their leaders tell them to.
For the TDS crowd and the brainwashed closed minded crowd on here I will let them know what Marxist Communist Kamala and Nazi Tim’s project 2025 is:
They are planning on taking companies over that they don’t like by taking “their patents” as Kamala has said
They are planning on invading law abiding citizens home to take their guns
They are planning on mobilizing 87,000 IRS agents to attack their enemies(or anyone who doesn’t agree with their Marxist agenda)
They plan on allowing illegal aliens to continue to invade our country and giving them free stuff that the Kapanski’s pay for
They will continue to spy on citizens
They will continue to attack their opponents using lawfare and making up alleged crimes that really never happened
They will continue not to pay for healthcare so hospitals and nursing homes will continue to close
They will increase all taxes
They will continue to allow criminals to live in society to continue to commit crime

I will stop there because I know the little brainwashed brains of the TDS crowd can’t handle too much truth, they may crack and end in Jones with the leader of their group.

One last thought who really believes they are better off today than they were before the crime cartel took over our government?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
20 days ago

Hey! Millions went for “hope and change” which means absolutely nothing. So, why won’t the same millions go for “Joy” and “When we fight, we win.” which also mean absolutely nothing?

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
20 days ago

Kamalas getting desperate, her latest idea ( eliminating filibuster) lost her more votes.

Harry ried got the nuclear option, whi h Republicans used to confirm lots of judges. Hows that working out for Democrats?

Zippy the Pinhead
Zippy the Pinhead
Reply to  Thomas Betit
20 days ago

That cost her Senators Simena and Manchin and all their supporters.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
20 days ago

Why is FCC fast-tracking Soros’ purchase of 220 radio stations 6 weeks before the election?
You know the reason!
FCC was created in 1934 by leftist FDR to limit political opposition.

The school committee
The school committee
17 days ago

We have a presidential candidate found guilty of rape in civil court.Crime is way down under Biden and so is price gouging inflation at 2% considered perfect.Keep crying and whinning America’s Crybaby conman who won’t do the border bill