ADD 2, SEPT. 12 A.M. — Some debate leftovers.
- Best line of the night goes to Trump: “I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they’ve said about me.”
- Funniest line, again Trump, speaking of Joe Biden: “He doesn’t even know he’s alive!”
- For What It’s Worth Department: Reuters/Zogby monitored a room full of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents (20 of each). Voters from the two major parties split predictably along party lines. The interesting result came from the Indies. They went for Trump 60-40. The result surprised analysts, one saying she was “shocked.”
- Harris is the Unicorn and Show-Pony Candidate. A real heavyweight.
- Funny how Trump will do debates, grant interviews, and hold press conferences with friend and foe alike. He was playing another road game for the ABC team, who are notably anti-Donald. Harris’ handlers, meanwhile, won’t dare let Cackles stray 10 feet from the leash. Why are they so scared? (Rhetorical question).
- The Dem playbook is obvious. Let Biden mule-haul the primaries, dump him, assign his delegates to the laughing hyena so she doesn’t have to campaign, keep her away from the press, Have Teleprompter Will Travel, and play Four Corners “offense” to run out the clock to Nov. 5. If all that doesn’t work, go for the fix when counting the votes. As Stalin said, it’s not the votes that count but who’s counting the votes. Assassination failed to stop Trump. The fake court charges failed to stop him. In reserve: Throwing the election. In Case of Fire, Break Glass.
ADD 1 SEPT. 11, MORNING — It’s interesting to see reactions to the debate last night. Donald’s people say he won. Kamala’s people say the same thing. Minds are made up. Folks know for whom they are voting. They knew before the debate, and the event changed the electoral landscape very little. Of course, in a divided America (Biden pledged to unite the country … how’d that turn out?), a “very little” might be enough.
THE PLANET‘s take? Having moderated a bunch of these, it’s hard to call these affairs “debates.” They’re more like “he said/she said.” From what we saw last night, we now know why Kamala won’t give unscripted interviews or press conferences.
Donald ran on his record. Kamala ran away from hers. Donald pointed out that his presidency featured America’s secure borders, booming economy, no wars, international respect, and strong military. Kamala never once mentioned Joe Biden, dodged her failure as border czar, couldn’t refute the inflation crippling households, lie her ass off with respect to foreign policy and the wars and entanglements, and failed to take blame for our military failures.
One of THE PLANET‘s dear readers loves her “eloquence.” We’ll give her this much. Compared to Joe Biden (Trump’s funniest line: “He doesn’t know he’s alive”), she’s Cicero and Demosthenes. But “eloquent?” Last night, she dished out memorized hit lines (“You run on problems. I run on solutions”), bromides, hollow promises, and the tired cliches of stump speech. She only cackled twice. Anything but eloquent. At best, she has the tempo of a street hustler, although, that said, she can’t sling the hash like her true boss, Marse Barack Barry Obama Sotero.
Donald saved his haymaker for last. Having won the coin toss, he elected to make his closing remarks following her. She continued with the usual blarney, how she’s going to do this, do that. Trump delivered the knockout when he said you’re the incumbent. You’ve been in charge 3.5 years. THEN WHY HAVEN’T YOU DONE ANY OF IT?
Donald showed command status. Kamala showed the most grating, nasal, high-pitched whine. Can you imagine being Mr. Kamala? That poor bastard has to listen to her when she’s got a “honey-do” list in her hand. Okay for him, but for America. Ask yourselves. Do you really want THAT for POTUS?
Donald showed substance. Kamala showed surface. One is depth. The other is Formica.
If you wish to risk World War III, join the “Colleens and Darrens” of the unthinking and vote Kamala. If you with to Make America Great Again, vote Donald.
———- ooo ———-
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 9, 2024) — Sick of the NFL (National FanDuel League) yet? What used to be professional football has turned into an excuse for legalized betting. Speaking of which, what are the odds for Tuesday’s showdown debate (Sept. 10) between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris? Anyone out there like Harris?
She’s already bitched about the format (same as the June 21 debate between Trump and Biden). She’s taking the same approach as her public education policies. Set expectations low and depress standards to the bottom to create the illusion that our kids are geniuses. Ever take a look at the length of Honor Rolls for middle and high school? They’re longer than a Kamala word salad.
Candidates will not be allowed notes. They can have a blank pad, a pen, and water. Kamala asked ABC, which will broadcast the event, for Teleprompters next to her stand. No dice. She then asked if she could bring her emotional support pet, Rin Tim Tim. Again, “Nyet!” Kam blasted ABC as “racist” and “sexist.”
———- ooo ———-
It isn’t clear to THE PLANET or anyone else what accent she will adopt when speaking. She changes her elocutions depending on the group. When she pretends to be black, she’s preachin’ Southern Baptist ebonics. When she’s Indian, she channels Mahatma Grundy. If she’s with white, big-ticket donors, she becomes Mrs. Thurston Howell III, you know, “Lovey.”
Speaking of teleprompters, maybe you missed this, from Ingrid Jacques in USA Today.
Rule No. 1: Keep Harris on teleprompter
Harris’ ability to completely redefine herself in a matter of weeks seems tied to her teleprompter. Her campaign team has not let her go far from it. And for good reason.
A brief unscripted response to reporters at last week’s prisoner swap celebration between the United States and Russia, that finally led to the homecoming of Americans like journalist Evan Gershkovich, is a great example.
In what should have been a simple answer to deliver, Harris said in part the following: “This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy, and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.”
This harkens back to what Harris is known for doing when she’s off teleprompter – stringing together nonsensical word salads.
And it’s why Harris has so far limited her appearances to rallies and events where she’s safely on script and can control the narrative.
Since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has not held formal news conferences or interviews where she could face tough questions. And the news media hasn’t put any pressure on her to do so.
Harris even skipped the National Association of Black Journalists convention, although she – the first Black woman and first Asian American presidential nominee of a major party – had been invited.
Criticize him all you want, but Trump also was invited and actually showed up, even though he certainly knew it wouldn’t be a friendly audience (it wasn’t).
———- ooo ———-
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, June 21, 2024, ancient history. Trump wiped the floor with an overwhelmed Joe Biden. It took Democrats 3.8 seconds to jettison Biden and coronate a huckster who wasn’t on any ballot, who didn’t campaign, who received no votes, and who secured not one delegate (same totals when she DID run for president four years ago).
THE PLANET wonders how long it’s going to take before the Dems realize the honeymoon is over for their calendar girl.
Will they dump her, as well?
“He lived well who concealed well” — Rene Descartes.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Trump will slice and dice Willie Brown’s Mattress like a ginzu knife on a tomato.
Trumps bone spurs are acting up and he will not be able to make it Tuesday.
But he really did want to be there ya know.
Lots of people are saying it was “unavoidable and that he fully intended to be there”.
Aww shucks
Snark, put down the bong. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Yeah, right!
Staying away from politics today and the moral hypocrite Donald Trump everyday, I wanted to share a few thoughts from a book I read about parents not accepting there child being homosexual.
”My parents believe that being homosexual is a “sin” that someone struggles with similar to alcoholism or drug addictions and that gay guys should repent and seek Jesus.”
”My parents know my current boyfriend is gay and they treat him like he’s going to reinfect me with his “gay-ness.”
”Because my parents caught me making love to my boyfriend, they are now making me go to spiritual counseling to undo my gayness”
Very powerful messages. It’s why I’ll never support Donald Trump. He’ll end gay marriages and destroy the progress of LGBTQ communities has made under President Biden.
I did not write that. My mom and dad are still alive. My mom and dad are tolerant people. My mom and dad would never believe in those hateful words about homosexuality. I am NOT a homosexual. I myself love ALL people and creatures of the Earth (and possibly beyond). Thank you.
I thought you wrote a really good post Jonathan and you really should come out of the closet yourself. I’m wicked sure many on here don’t see you as a ladies man or even straight and their is nothing wrong with self love you won’t go blind doing that.
Do you really think anyone cares about you or your parents views on being gay? And who are you kidding, you wrote the damn thing in the first person but no one bit.
We have two JM’s now and one says one is fake. I like them both but I want the real one.
Test question! JM: what can you not put Tabasco sauce on?
So you are bisexual???
At least blogger Dan Valenti is consistent (unlike old wealth Sherwood Guernsey) because (like Sherwood), blogger Dan Valenti did not like Andrea Harrington, (but unlike Sherwood), blogger Dan Valenti does not like Kamala Harris – as both women are progressive prosecutors and liberal politicians.
Donald Trump’s Republican Party agenda is based on Project 2025, which would screw over the common people, give all of the power to the financial, corporate and ruling elites – who already have most of the power anyway (de facto fascism) – and turn the U.S.A. from a so-called democracy to an authoritarian state (de jure fascism).
If you support Donald Trump: Do you want to abolish the U.S. Department of Education? Do you want to either abolish or privatize the VA? Do you want to see the end of social insurance federal programs such as Medicare and Social Security? Are you that heartless of a human being to throw everyone off of the proverbial cliff?
Donald Trump and J.D. Vance lost the women’s vote by a large margin to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. No one in modern history has ever won the White House without receiving somewhere around 50 percent or more of the women’s vote.
Donald Trump said that he likes to grab women by their genitals, he cheated on all 3 of his wives, he paid hush money to a porn star and a Playboy Bunny model, and he probably has even more scandals too boot. When one looks up the illustrative definition of the ultimate moral hypocrite, one sees a large image of Donald Trump!
J.D. Vance calls childless women miserable cat ladies. J.D. Vance has a history of being involved with far right politics that stands for hate of minorities and women. When one looks up the illustrative definition of a WEIRD middle-aged man, one sees a large image of J.D. Vance!
Kamala Harris has her own personal history of past scandals, but at least she will stop Project 2025, stand up to the Republican Party’s long and WEIRD history of MORAL HYPOCRISY, and she will represent all of the American People in the White House instead of only the billionaires.
John, I won’t bother to rebuke every/all false points you tried to make with facts, as you ignore fact and reality.
I’ll ask You why homeless veterans are kicked out of shelters to make room for CRIMINAL ALIENS?
Why do these CRIMINAL ALIENS, receive more US taxpayer benefits, than Senior US Citizens on social security that they paid for?
These are the same CRIMINAL ALIENS, that Kamala Harris has imported the last 3 1/2 years, and continues to import today.
You vote Harris John.
When your hatred for one man is greater than your love for our country, you might be part of the problem!
My dream ticket would have been Kamala Harris & Andrea Harrington for U.S. President and V.P. in 2024, but Tim Walz is also a great choice for V.P. The only one worse than J.D. Vance would be Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior. Donald Trump has an ego even larger than that of Smitty Pignatellii’s huge ego. I know, it is all so WEIRD!
Stop lying Jonathan and saying that is your dream ticket. You always said your dream ticket come true would be a concert sandwich of Boy George and Adam Lambert.
Kamala will spend yous SS/VA monies on CRIMINAL ALIENS she supports, but thanks to Walz, you’ll be able to get your tampons in the boys/mens room.
JM doesn’t do a lot of thinking, he has someone else do the thinking. He does a lot of “feeling”.
Coming soon for Jonathan Walz , cough, Cough the 100% disabled connected …… this from the type of clowns he supports.
Excellent Fritz!! I’m sending that off to a few who have that problem.
Dude, the man is not qualified to be president!
You’ve got it backwards, Fritz.
Project 2025, which would screw over the common people, give all of the power to the financial, corporate and ruling elites – who already have most of the power anyway (de facto fascism) – and turn the U.S.A. from a so-called democracy to an authoritarian state (de jure fascism).
X post:
The disconnect with people calling Trump “authoritarian” is insane to me. He wants to dismantle unelected bureaucracies, shrink the government, and give that power back to the people. If successful, it would make him one of the least authoritarian presidents in history.
Dan Valenti did not like Andrea Harrington, (but unlike Sherwood), blogger Dan Valenti does not like Kamala Harris – as both women are progressive prosecutors and liberal politicians.
I don’t remember Dan saying he didn’t like Harrington, just her policies. Same with Heels Up. There’s a big difference in your wording.
You are correct, OPIE. I have known countless politicians over the years, from presidents and presidential candidates to dog catchers. I have never had an issue with them as “people.” It’s with their politics and policies as public officials that I have had in my judgmental sights. That’s true with Harrington and Harris. Love ’em as people, not as politicians.
Yes, politics and policies drive our judgements of individuals.
I agree. Blogger Dan Valenti LOVES them as people, NOT as politicians. Good point.
But is it really love ? Would you put a Harris figurehead ornament on your hood?
Maybe a Harris bobble head next to a phallus?
It’s almost like our president is just a figurehead now. Joe Biden was unable to run the country for the last 4 years, but a group of communists and globalists seems to be in control. With Kamala as president, this shadowy group will continue to run the country into the ground. The presidential election is now in a dead heat so voter integrity has never been more important. Chuck Schumer is saying he refuses to sign a bill that would require voter ID. So much for Democrats caring about fair elections. The globalist media is saying this voter ID bill is ridiculous because noncitizen voting is extremely rare. Well, maybe it used to be. If it’s so rare then Chuck Schumer shouldn’t be refusing to sign the bill.
Just reading the hate rag this morning for kicks and noticed they have yet to warn the citizens of a wave of crime that increased in correlation to when the illegals were dumped into our County by our eastern run government.
They did tell us in the paper to lock all our doors because there is a wave of people going in cars.
They neglected to warn people of the missing kids and the attempted abductions of others. In Lanesboro there have been 3 such attempts yet there are no articles or warnings to parents or the citizens of these locals.
There is a BIG ISSUE out there that is being swept under the rug. My question is WHY? This should be shouted from the roof tops and it should be being discussed in our government meeting halls. What is our government doing to keep us and our children safe? It seems their policies have actually made it more unsafe to live here.
No mention either of the real reason for the housing crisis in this country. The far left is always going on about root causes except when the root cause is their own policies. Out of control illegal immigration has skyrocketed the cost of apartment rentals and home ownership. The hate rag keeps running article after article about the lack of affordable housing. They are now promoting ADUs more commonly known as in-law suites or apartments over a garage. Before that they were pushing tiny homes. Maybe they should give Kamala the job of finding the root causes of our current housing crisis just like they did with having her try to find the root cause of illegal immigration. Joe and Kamala’s open borders are the root of the problems, but Kamala will never admit that fact.
Indeed. Nearly all of today’s problems are the “unexpected” consequences of past Democrat policies. The reason is that Democrats are driven by emotion. When you start asking about consequences, you are
a conservative.
Tyer would brag about high property valuations, higher valuations = higher taxes, making housing unaffordable is a Democrat goal. Now they claim they always fought against it. But they just want more units, tax every studio, shack, shed, and carboard box like it’s Malibu beachfront property. Just redefine the word “affordable” and the problem is solved.
The fact is the problems Harris claims she will solve, is Biden’s and her own policies the last 3 1/2 years.
She going to fix herself? Why is she waiting and letting out of control policies only get worse?
Don’t worry though the hat rag did write an article about some illegal Venezuelans stealing from a GB store and then let go for a bribe of $2.000.00 cash even though no one caught by Police had any identification to say who they were, why wasn’t ICE called?? I wonder how many more illegals are in town? is that why cars are being broken into? Next step will be car jackings and house burglaries? Isn’t our current government doing a great job? Let’s give them 4 more years
I love CNN. I watch it every day to keep me safe. If I see a CNN crew at my door or at my rally, I know there’s either a secret swat team coming or a hitman.
…and they might use your bathrooms without your permission….oh yeah, they do seem the type don”t they?
I keep it running 24/7. I’m always prepared!
Coming soon to Bitchfield, Great Barrington, and the surrounding Berkshires, the illegal alien Haitians being dumped in the US, are making a delicacy of our pets. Plus, the ducks and geese in the local ponds and lakes.
The Harris/Walz team dumped 20,000 illegal alien Haitians in Springfield, and this is the result:
“Can’t Take It Anymore”: Residents Of Small US Community Beg For Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife – Gulf Insider | Gulf Insider (
*Ox, is this what you meant when you said, they “look like me,” when you see the picture of the illegal alien walking down the road with a headless goose? It certainly doesn’t “look like me” or anybody or anything I’ve ever grown up around.
*Larry, Snark, TSC, Mr. Worldwide?
*JM-don’t you have an emotional support dog? Do you want to see him BBQed? No, either do the people in Springfield. WAKE UP!!
**And we must certainly not forget to thank the MA illegal aliens rep, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens) and Linda “Flat” Tyer-Clairmont.
Always keep in mind if your pets start turning up missing, people outside of Bitchfield (Picklefield at the time) will be “proud of our diversity and inclusiveness.”
“Ox, is this what you meant when you said, they “look like me,”
I never said that.
It starts at 9 PM with cackling Kamala……..
“Time, and the passage of time, at nine, will be the time at nine that we will all pass through, together. And that passage, together, will be a part of both time and nine, just as nine is a part of time…………
How many of the 20 Million CRIMINAL ALIENS has the Biden/Harris Junta let invade are cannibals? They have no idea how many or where they are.
Children, not cats and puppies, are what people should be worried about.
That is besides the unvetted, pedophiles rapists and murderers, of which there are many, whom they have purposely distributed throughout America.
My son in law is a nurse practitioner who works at a clinic in Springfield, Ohio. Their patient load is astronomical and most of the patients he sees are Haitians with innumerable diseases/maladies. Very challenging work and am very concerned with what he is being exposed to and bringing hom to his family. He himself currently is struggling with a shortness if breath issue which is very concerning.
Absolutely horrifying to hear. I wish your son-in-law and all the people he works around the best for their health and safety.
It sure would be nice to hear any of the Harris/Walz supporters defend and explain this to me/us.
You know, “the little guy.” The working, American, taxpayer funding this horsesh!t.
He saved my cat!!
Why is Trump putting that poor little cat so high up in a tree? Looks like he is not old enough to have claws to get back down. I am going to notify all appropriate animal rights groups right now.
(at least he is not eating it)
I hope JFK jr does not come around the corner…
A chocolate lab was among the first to disappear and
Haitian’s are adopting animals from the animal shelter’s around the country. I’m also wondering what CATegory do felines fall into on the
food pyramid?
Hello Governor Maura Healey,
I proudly support Joyce Craig for Governor of New Hampshire, and I am a strong supporter of you as the first elected woman Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I believe that both of you would make a great team together, along with U.S. President Kamala Harris.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
I can see why you like Maura Healey, Joyce Craig, and their illegal aliens first and American’s last policies.
Here are a few examples of the “leadership” of Healey that you so adamantly support.
**Any chance you can post some links that show Healey is remotely trying to help Americans? I cannot find one.
The only thing Craig and Maura Healey have in common with each other is their ability to say the things people like you want to hear. They fail at everything or at best are mediocre at their jobs. And sure enough, given a few terms at the public trough, they also will become
Since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has not held formal news conferences or interviews where she could face tough questions. And the news media hasn’t put any pressure on her to do so.
The less interviews and press conferences Kamala and Walz give, the less people learn how bad their policies are for country.
I was talking about the 2024 VP race with my uncles husband Richey, and how Tim Walz is a much better candidate than J.D. Vance is.
Tim Walz is an honorable man who served his country faithfully. J.D. Vance calls childless, beautiful women like Oprah Winfrey “”weird cat ladies.” That’s disgusting and hurtful to women everywhere.
I will cast my vote for Tim Walz.
Ha ha another sucker!
Mexico in San Diego on September 6, 2024. CNN —
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance acknowledged Tuesday that it’s possible the false claim that Haitian immigrants are abducting the pets of Springfield, Ohio, residents might not be true, but he encouraged his followers to continue posting “cat memes.”
“In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who’ve said their neighbors’ pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false,” Vance posted on X
Once again, I did NOT write the above post.
Which JM are you ? The Real one or the one who says he is the real one?
It’s up to Dan’s bots to stop that identity theft.
I am always fighting identity theft. Study carefully brandmarks and pay close attention to detail. I am certain Big Lots(R) Heintz(tm) ketchup isn’t what you get at Market32!!!
POTUS Trump was asked by AOC why he does not support socialism like in Venezuela?
He replied that Americans want to love their pets, not eat them.
Tim Walz is a Nazi follower who loved the smell of BLM burning Minn. That is who you endorse???? Go back to your therapist and ask for stronger medications or maybe you should be cut off from all government support so you can earn your keep as grandpa use to say
JM drove his therapist to seek therapy after just a few visits with dealing with him.
Better do some more maintenance on your site Dan I believe that Big Brother is watching. Yesterday sent 2 posts and not 1 made it through. Although you could do the Great Barrington and neglect your town own bridge so it rots and then the state and feds pick up the tab even though it spans a town road
The Chinese would replaced that whole bridge, pave it, light it and have it open for traffic in three days. And that includes the design work.
America is set up to fail. It has tied itself in knots with its legal issues, politics and union control to the point that when a project is finally designed and permitted and approved there is no money left for materials to do the job. And if there is it takes forever. China is building high speed rail systems, wind farms, tunnels, dams, irrigation systems and manufacturing facilitate all over the world. Because they do it so well . Enlightened countries all over the world are getting in line for their expertise and incredible ability to get things done.
America sits back and disparages them while China slowly becomes the major player in the world. By far. In ten years they will be making 80 percent of all the vehicles driven on earth and they will be better made as well as cheaper. America is putting huge tariffs on them to keep them out of the USA but they will be everywhere else and America will look foolish. (more foolish)
Nooooooo!!!! This can’t be true. You mean no more BMW’s? Toyota’s? Not even Kia’s???
Actually the Mexican cartels or Palestinians would make tunnels which would be cheaper and faster
They are getting $2000 plus a month for some of those upper level condos on North street. No wonder developers are begging for tax breaks to build even more. Joey Paycheck is subsidizing high rent landlords with city officials help.
They are not your friend nor are they serving the general population no matter how much they smile to your face.
Get out if you can.
Mr Persip has been chosen as one of the faces of a super expensive Waconah Park rebuild. He realizes that it puts taxpayers into an even deeper ditch but says he still is going to push for it cuz even people who cannot afford to pay their mortgage or food bills shoud be able to look at the new park even if they cannot afford to go to any of the events held there. (kinda like the Colonial theater which was going to affordable to pretty much everyone.)
Persip is not in favor of discussing the quarter million dollars per year it will cost to maintain the place but feels that the taxpayers can give up the new bike for the kid or contributions to his college fund.
get the hell out if you can!!!!
Wake up sheeple ! And in light of the Harris/Trump debate my message is simple and elementary. Time to put away your hatred toward Trump( fabricated by those communist news outlets and those reprobate government con artists) and start thinking about the good of and survival of our nation. If you hired a contractor to build your house, it would not be a demolition expert. Kamala Harris is the demolition expert, par excellence, that (though you have been blinded to truth/facts) if elected will quickly dismantle and turn to rubble, our great nation. Do not let this happen. You have been diabolically duped by propaganda. This is your clarion call to reverse course and help save our Republic.
Marxists never stop and ideology comes first and foremost.
You guys – Festus, Gobsig, Dan, Trapper, Markus, Sir Chaz, Optimus, ShirleyKnutz and Pat – are going to have to come up with new excuses for why you have trashed Kamala’s eloquence once you – and the world – see her speaking performance at tonite’s debate, especially when we see her verbal performance in stark comparison to Orange Clarabell’s.
Let’s see…I think your best excuse – because it is true – will be that FOX never showed clips of her at her verbal best. How could you see her as verbally eloquent when FOX never shows her that way?
Dan, can you please save this post from Ox. Just the statement alone, “Kamala’s eloquence…” is worth its weight in gold.
I would rank “Kamala’s eloquence,” right up there with “Jeffrey Dahmer’s table manners.”
“Kamala’s eloquence….” WOW
TRUMP 2024
You see Kamala as uneloquent. Since this flies in the face of her actual strong spoken language ability, your demeaning of her language tells us all about how you perceive her.
And what will you say, Marcus, when her debate speech is observed to be very good?
Ha ha you have really been brainwashed, sucker!
Whenever I come down with icantstandinitis, I take Bayers Aspirin. It comes in a tasty chewable pill and it reminds me of my mother.
My dear Impresario, ToxinChatter- You accidentally misspelled that sterling attribute of your esteemed heroine, Kamala DeVille, That is to say, she really is an abhorrent speaker, having well established herself as a fraudster, par excellence. There is nothing credible or understandable that ever passes through her loquacious lips. And the sad thing is you have been so programmed, to believe otherwise, by the Canard News Networks, that she is everything you could hope for in a Presidential candidate, there is no one, no truth or fact that will change your mind. I can promise you this, that if for some reason she would ever become President, all of your hopes and dreams you had of her great future accomplishments will assuredly come crashing down, soon after her taking office. And you, will be totally befuddled saying, “ Gee what happened”.
Harris’s performance at the debate will be a comedy for Conservatives, and another tragedy on the scale Biden’s performance last June, for Leftists
buy a dictionary, Kamala is eloquent ?
Perhaps you jest?
She has a 500 word vocabulary ( that’s half way through the a’s in a dictionary.
thats why she makes tabouli
remember the school bus , has school bus tires, who doesn’t like a yellow school bus ….
Do you dislike Fox because they use grown up grammar? and fully formed sentences?
Im sensing you are a victim of Americas failed public education system.
Not your fault, it’s the unions and tenure- poor teachers are protected at the students expense.
Dan I second Markus suggestion, to save ox’s post.
ever think about a contest?
best posts , most delusional , funniest and expose
see our federal prosecutor Josh Levy making headlines “ men of influence accused of buying sex are already getting special treatment”
reminds me of a certain fraudulent probable cause hearing , the planet exposed in 2012.
told you that story got a lot more legs in it. Lol
Levy going to be next prosecutor, fired and soon prosecuted- going to be very busy spring 2025.
another imaginary ladder truck, disgraced fire chief and missing $$$$$$$$$$ at Dalton fire district.
lol- told you that too
Tim Shagrue comments?
my thoughts on DB8-
Trump in 15 minutes- Kamala stage fright and cramming- wrecks her evening.
9/10/24@ 18:50
Eloquent verbal word salad’s and attacks will be her process during the debate tonight.Kamala will talk very little on policies and how she will specifically implement them.
She was indeed eloquent, Optimus.
Why can’t you guys admit that? What is it that you all feel when you hear Kamala speak?
Ok ok, I admit she was so eloquent In saying nothing policy wise. She didn’t dazzle people with brilliance , but she sure baffled people with her bull sh!t answers
Brace yourself, the U.S. is up to its eyeballs in debt…..
The Obama regime behind Kamala is the real threat to our Republic!
Aside. So An old man is dying his last request was he asked his wife if she’d ever been unfaithful in their 50 years of marriage. The wife said yes,I must confess, three times,but for good reason. He said I knew it.
The wife says remember the time we couldn’t pay our mortgage and I went to see the banker and he let us off the hook. The second time was when you needed heart surgery and we couldn’t pay for it,I went and saw the doctor and he did the surgery for nothing.
And the third time, remember when you were running for golf president and you needed 73 votes?
This isn’t even satire from a site
that is known best for it.
“Harris assures voters that any communism will be transitory.”
-Babylon Bee
Harris won the debate but had a lot of help. Trump will be ok.
I’m off to PriceChopper Market 32. Merlina is playing golf with cousins Pinheads Earl, Jim, Ken, Pete, Mat, and Pat. The pinhead girls are going to Moonlight Diner and then skinny dipping. I’m looking at the shrimps in the famous seafood aisle, but what popcorn are you eating for the debates? Does the flavor matter to you if Trump squooshes Kamala?
That debate was priceless! Just as I called it. It’s over the Orange man is cooked. He is a laughing stock even Hanity was shaking his head. Old angry man good bye
Trumps campaign is now beginning to release an avalanche of wacko mis and dis information. (i.e. immigrants eating your pets, your children going to school one day and coming home with sex change operations)
This is deep desperation but also quite effective when dealing with a MAGA slanted brain.
Applications for citizenship in foreign countries is at an all time high. Don’t wait till the last minute.
She so kicked his ass. Even Fox news admitted it. Trump spoke for 42 minutes and Harris for 37. They turned Trumps mic up whenever he talked (against the rules). He can’t, but will, complain that the debate was rigged.
Watch your pets, they are being eaten.
I agree with you Larry, the debate was priceless. Trump was taking on Harris and the two moderators.
Don’t you remember when Trump had to correct Lindsey Davis from ABC News, when she tried to fact-check him on full term abortions in VA. Davis was wrong. Trump was correct.
I didn’t hear the moderator’s fact-check Harris on her repeated lies: Project 2025, flip-flopping on fracking, or that she did help bail people out in MN when they burned that city down.
**BTW-I was waiting for the moderators to ask her how she plans to implement and pay for these programs she keeps mentioning, but never talks in detail about.
We will have to start printing yuans.
Even you know Trump morphed into Biden last night. Now blame it on the moderators lol. first it was she needed the VP then it was she needed a desk, then she never does interviews blah blah blah..if I were the Republican’s I would seek to replace him in the next two weeks. 100 $ he comes down with Covid sound Familiar? Eating cats and dogs that was a Biden moment. True a debate doesn’t make an election but this one will have a devastating effect on his campaign.
Taking a time out to day in observance of the somber occasion of when radicalized islamic terrorists invaded and killed innocent American lives. May all rest in peace and my prayers are with all that have had their lives changed because of the unprovoked attack.
Kamalite decides to show up at 911 memorial despite calling J6 the “worst attack on U.S. soil,” – an event where Ashley Babbitt was the only victim, killed by a Capitol Police officer. 911 – thousands died. Does she not know American history?! Pathetic!
Harris knockout.Trump needs to get out of the race and let Nikki save MAGA if she can.
This is hysterrical……
gotta love the memes…….
Kamala’s debate performance: she did just fine. I rest my case.
Quick, turn the page Dan!
I have to agree with you Ox, you should turn the page. Harris was scripted and full of sh!t. She offered no way she plans on executing any of her plans and as Trump stated in his closing remarks, “She’s had 3.5 years to get all of this (her platform) done but hasn’t done anything. Why not?”
Trump was debating Harris and the ABC moderators. They fact checked Trump, incorrectly I might add, but they fact checked him.
Did you remember the ABC moderator’s fact-checking Harris on any of these topics that she repeatedly lied about:
*Late term abortion
*Very fine people
*Crime Data
*Border Security
*Border Czar appointed by Xiden
*Project 2025
I don’t remember them fact-checking Harris on any of this.
TRUMP 2024
Well, Markus, was Harris uneloquent as claimed by you and the rest of the MAGA cohort?
Of course not. Harris was quite eloquent, as she always is.
No winners in last evenings DB8.
ABC has sunk to a new low, the dishonesty, propaganda and unfairness of that 3 on 1 attack was disgusting.
ABC has embarrassed not only themselves, but America with that farce.
1) even a fool could see the bias in question as
2) obviously kommyla has prior knowledge of questions ( Hillary/ donna Brazil 2016)
3) fact checking only trump, was obvious.
Trump did lose his composure a bit, he understood it would be 3 on 1- he should of had a reply prepared.would you like to join your client at her tiny lecturn? That way fake news camera man can get both teams one frame…. he knew the odds
Should of attached her to bidenomics ? Were you last one in the room? You were the deciding vote…
Kamala partial birth abortion is still performed in 6 states and Washington DC – will you ban such a disgusting procedure?
Trump missed calling her a liar- for claiming to be in capital hill January 6
She was at the DNC – then asked her why she denies being there despite volumes of evidence- and why keep pipe bomb assasination attempt concealed?
Trying to distance yourself from the fedsuurection? Did you help nancy plan it? Many leftist who watch fake news- are clueless to the facts.
He missed most likely the only opportunity, to inform them.
Trump should of been better prepared
Start pressing for second debate before early voting- kamala pulled defeat out of jaws of victory- typical hubris of a cheater.
He got a few trumpesq zinger soundbites
1)quiet I’m talking please sound familiar?
2) wake up your boss 4;30;in the afternoon
3) why haven’t you done anything yet
4) boarder czar – hammering over and over immigration
5) pounding late term abortion question- which she failed to answer- he should of exploited that more.
Any one claiming that was a debate is delusional.
Bring on second debate.
Kamala and co used up all talking points
Let’s now see a debate about records of accomplishments and failures.
Results matter
Still waiting for the answer If she ever met Putin. She danced around that one pretty good. She was never pressed by Muir to answer that question like he pressed Trump if he didn’t specifically answer the question asked. Another good zinger was when Trump said she is flipping some of her stances on issues to mirror his so he thought he would send her a Maga hat. Lastly look out for the October Surprise! President Biden steps aside and 47th President of the United States Kamala Harris is crowned, er, sworn in.
Exactly. She didn’t want to go near that one. The moderators let her skate. Same as how she didn’t want to go near Joe Biden until Trump forced her hand.
Question? Did Donald Trump ever invite and receive Putin right into the sacred OVAL OFFICE during his tenure?
Why yes he certainly did and Putin laughed all the way back to Moscow while going over film footage his body guards took during their visit.
Susan B. Glasser is POLITICO’s chief international affairs columnist. Her new podcast, The Global Politico, comes out Mondays. Subscribe here. Follow her on Twitter @sbg1.
When President Donald Trump hosted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office on Wednesday just hours after firing the FBI director who was overseeing an investigation into whether Trump’s team colluded with the Russians, he was breaking with recent precedent at the specific request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The chummy White House visit—photos of the president yukking it up with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak were released by the Russian Foreign Ministry since no U.S. press was allowed to cover the visit—had been one of Putin’s asks in his recent phone call with Trump, and indeed the White House acknowledged this to me later Wednesday. “He chose to receive him because Putin asked him to,” a White House spokesman said of Trump’s Lavrov meeting. “Putin did specifically ask on the call when they last talked.”
Thanks, SNARK. THE PLANET appreciates your contributions to this board.
Did Putin invade the Ukraine?
Profit from pipeline?
Seems Trump wasn’t as chummy as briben.
Facts matter.
Bulls+£€tico is left wing nut propaganda.
“ I can’t recall” is legalistic- if I answer I’ll incriminate myself.
Dave “ we have a lot to get to Mr president “ was hecklers veto.
Happens everyday in courts – judge or prosecutors- violate rules of decorum- to silence those who bring up inconvenient facts.
Dan been the victim of Sabrina Garcia Vega – a robed rouge- pretending to be a neutral judge.
2012 -Luckily dan found an attorney- willing to stand up to trial court- Renaldo still suffering courts petty vindictive wrath today.
Joe answered every question- kinda
Kamala plead the fifth- remaining silent- evasive and dishonest.
Not like moderators were going to challenge her.
Please avoid Springfield Ohio, the way Venezuelans invading great barington , you could end up dinner.
Praying they follow birds south.
Got plenty of them living under bridges, bathing and dedicating in housatonic river up here in Dalton.
Thanks Maura
It was like Biden 2019. Biden won and Trump lost. Biden trots along for 3 years then swapped out for kamala. Kamala will be trotted for 3 years, then swapped for Waltz. USA is a zombie brand. It was once a good solid company, then sold off to foreign interests who keep the name but outsource it to cheaper factories.
Good thing that people will always pay for the USA brandmark, but expect prices to be cheaper and expectations to be lower.
Tariffs will raise prices- I feel minimally
Resulting in employment ( or untaxed overtime) keeping $ local
( in America) our neighbors employed. I’ll pay 5% more for that.
Results do matter, and if they debate again, Kamala will relish it and the result will be the same, because she is a supremely qualified, magnificently eloquent candidate – unlike the false picture painted by Watters, Trump, Hannity, Sir Chaz, Dan, Trapper, Gobsig, Pat, Markus, Optimus, Thomas Betit, ShirleyKnutz, Mr Fritz and Festus.
So tell us: why did/do you all believe Harris has poor oratory skills, when in fact she is obviously so verbally talented? Is is just because FOX/Trump say so?
I shall be glad to educate you. Here are her oratory skills: Memorization, reliance on stump speech, reliance on Trump speech when she slates his ideas, non-answers, speaking in generalities, promising this, that, and the other thing. Let’s put it more simply: She outed herself as the “unicorns and show ponies” candidate. And this is what you think is “eloquence.”
Harris is, quite simply, a very talented speaker. All media outlets tell us she did a marvelous job. Her verbal performance is in the eyes of the beholder, and your view of her tells us all we need to know.
I own a beautiful walnut veneer dresser. Looks great and impressive on the outside but underneath the veneer, is the substance which is made up of cheap particle board that has no real or lasting value. Voters must look beyond the demonstrated thin veneer of Kamala Harris( as viewed during the debate) and consider the real substance of her personage. She is a bonafide lying fraud that will do anything to satisfy her lust for power and money no matter what the cost entails to our citizenry and nation.
Willie found that out the hard way! She will do anything for power and money.
but you omitted- lacks creativity, originality and humility.
I can defend myself- pretty well.
Is Ox under a Dr care?
His delusions , might give some reason for concern.
On level field of play, she would leave in tears.
Do you possess a degree in advanced basket weaving?
Or teaching degree?
Forward the address for crying towel- in case it’s a dry summer.
It would be nice if you would allow me to reply to critics, without the moderator delay.
Especially Larry Bird
He’s like a monkey throwing poop, hoping it sticks.
Feeling a bit like Trump,
Don’t feel I’m being overly sensitive, just want fairness.
I’ve been very patient, awaiting your updates.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
New York CNN —
Wall Street sure is acting like Donald Trump lost the debate Tuesday night.
Investors swiftly penalized Trump’s social media business following the former president’s widely panned debate performance. Other so-called Trump trades, including bitcoin and Coinbase, went into reverse Wednesday, while bonds and Asian currencies rallied. And some funds that own solar and other clean energy stocks rose sharply.
Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group plunged 17% on Wednesday morning to the lowest level since the Truth Social owner went public in late March.
The sharp selloff represents an immediate reaction to the ABC presidential debate, where Vice President Kamala Harris successfully threw Trump off his game.
It’s the exact opposite of the reaction in Trump Media’s share price on June 28 after President Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in the CNN debate. Trump Media initially spiked 10% that day, before fizzling and ending in the red.
Perhaps investors see Elon Musk , allowing Trump back on Twitter, as a threat to Truth Social?
Trump will pay more attention to that project, after he leaves office 2029. Pretty good business sense to regain majority ownership/ control- prior to further development and investment.
Like Kamala your word salad, is devoid of substance, reason and foresight.
Kamala wasn’t given any challenging questions during the debate. She wasn’t fact-checked in real time by the moderators, she wouldn’t give details on any of her policies, and she kept making faces when Trump was speaking. I liked all of Trump’s answers and he did well despite the hostile moderators and a hostile Kamala Harris. I liked it when Trump kept saying to the moderators, “Why don’t you ask her that?” after they had grilled Trump on abortion and they wouldn’t challenge Harris about her late term abortion support. Kamala was coddled by the extremely biased moderators. Trump was the only one who mentioned the inflation that is crushing working Americans.
We knew ahead of time that it would be rigged if Trump got his ass handed to him didn’t we Pat? Now Fox news will probably help fix the election as well. It is all rigged…every bit of it if Trump loses I tell ya. Get out in front with that….if Trump loses it was all rigged rigged rigged. And more rigged and unfair and stuff like that.
It’s just awful too! And not fair!
The mod’s didn’t ask Kamala why it was O.K. to contest elections in 2004, 2008, and 2016, protests which included
some violent riots because they claimed elections were rigged. Democrats and Lamesteam media are a one way street when it comes to debates and elections.
Here’s your chance to explain to us right-wingers how Kamala plans to execute her platform, but more importantly, how she plans TO PAY FOR IT?
Gracias, Comrade.
One can never be sure what any politician will do. Most of them are mere figureheads being controlled by puppet strings from the outside.
The only reason I will be voting for her is because I feel she is 100 percent less likely than Trump to run an authoritarian government and doing away with all future democratic principals like free and fair elections.
Pretty simple equation for me.
Snark hits the mail on the head; he’s right on the money.
Dan, Chaz, Pat, Optimus, Markus, ShirleyKnutz, Festus, Thomas Betit etc. now must all come up with excuses for Kamala’s good performance, because, in their minds, Kamala can’t possibly have done it with her own natural ability.
Kamala doesn’t have any natural leadership ability. Her candidacy is manufactured for her with the help of the bought and paid for moderators and the major news networks.
Shame on you Pat. I would expect at least you to know a talented woman when you see one.
You might look for Kamala using her talents on Porn hub.
Can’t even show that on late night television.
That’s why she has never attempted to run for executive office. Prosecutors are lead by law enforcement and judiciary- no need to plan ahead , only react.
Trump will pound that fact soon enough, and tampons leadership is nothing America wants.
Trump gang did a quick fact check after the debate. Illegals were heard questioning the local supermarkets what condiments to put on chihuahuas and cats.
Donald Trump:
I cheated on all 3 of my wives. I have 5 children from 3 women. I paid hush money to a porn star and a Playboy Bunny model. I was caught on a hot mic saying that I like to grab women by their genitals.
Kamala Harris:
The states that banned abortion have seen women’s health and related medical crises. As president, I will defend women’s rights. Trump and Project 2025 will go back in time when women did not have the rights that we have today. I am a woman, and I will fight for women who are 50 percent of the U.S. population that the Republican Party is harming with their right wing policies.
Donald Trump lost the women’s vote. No modern candidate for U.S. President has ever won the White House without around 50 percent or higher of the women’s vote. Kamala Harris will receive somewhere around 65 percent of the women’s vote. Kamala Harris will win the 2024 election.
Half the women out there crying they can’t get pregnant, the other half crying they can’t get unpregnant.
Pat, you need excuses, because Harris performed excellently, as we knew she would.
So what’s her plan to bring us back from 4 years of Harris/Biden screw ups?
Lookie, lookie, here. This article from the Eagle shows how the Berkshires are no longer insulated from the illegal alien crime wave.
A lookout, getaway car and no known addresses for the suspects: Here’s how the alleged Great Barrington Tractor Supply heist worked … almost | Crime |
“Out of the four Venezuelan men who allegedly participated in the Aug. 28 incident at the store in Barrington Plaza, two are now facing multiple charges in Southern Berkshire District Court. The arraignments for Keiver D. Gomez Garcia and Nixon Alberto Cardozo Mendez, who told police they live in New York City, are set for Thursday.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if our local news held the illegal aliens state-rep, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens), feet to the fire?
Call me crazy, but I’ll take a plain, boring life, of days past, rather than the excitement and crime being brought to us by all of this “diversity and inclusiveness” being dumped on us.
Venezuelan illegals now raiding Tractor Supply stores, the nearest in Great Barrington.
Are these perps in jail or released? Thanks to Biden/Harris the border remains open to any & all.
A vote for Harris will continue the open border policies which are bringing increased crime to the nation as well as the Berkshires.
All illegals under 900 heists get two mulligans and a get outta jail free card.
Out on 2,000 bail paid by unknown person.
Guess they’ve hightailed it out of the state by now! Their hearing was scheduled for today.
It’s the owner of the getaway car, think cops checked their ID?
I’m leaning to no.
I expected no more than what we got in last nights debate. Trump as far as I’m concerned won alone on having the nuts to go into a ABC debate. I will admit that Kamala was a smooth artful dodger on not actually answering policy questions, which the mod’s didn’t push back on. The mod’s spent to much time on debunked issues. Voters are sick and tired of debates that mod’s make it more about them and act as they aren’t for one candidate or another. Anyway, the voters out there will have to go shopping, fill up their gas tanks, pay their utility bills etc..
and feel the pain of doing so. That’s where people need to decide on the issues and who best to handle them. A 90 minute debate shouldn’t be a substitute for 4 years of being in office and seeing and feeling those results.
Why are you bringing up Trumps insurrection? Not helpful to him right now so soon after this latest humiliating take down.
Megan Kelly put it best:
“The worst part of all of this is the obvious tactic by ABC News, which was as follows: “Mr. Trump, you said something incredibly controversial and terrible. Let me remind you of what it was. Do you have any regrets or thoughts on how terrible you were?” Trump answers. “Vice President Harris, how bad is Trump?” And then she’d answer. It happened over and over again. That was the format. “Mr. Trump, you’re a piece of shit. Kamala Harris, isn’t he a shit?” Thank you. It was incredible. And then anything Trump said, fact-check, fact-check, fact-check, and their fact-checks were full of shit.”
That is is an accurate summation of the spectacle.
While I agree with her remarks yesterday – let us not forget her TDS as moderator during the 2016 debates.
All of a sudden she seems to be reborn as a “conservative” voice. I trust her as far as I can throw her.
I haven’t forgot that.
No wonder JM loves her!
Brace yourself for New Green Deal to trigger electricity prices! Already being implemented in S.C. as of 9/24……
Better hope Trump wins the election & resumes drilling…..
In-brief analysis
March 11, 2024United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics
The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d.
The crude oil production record in the United States in 2023 is unlikely to be broken in any other country in the near term because no other country has reached production capacity of 13.0 million b/d. Saudi Arabia’s state-owned Saudi Aramco recently scrapped plans to increase production capacity to 13.0 million b/d by 2027.
Together, the United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia accounted for 40% (32.8 million b/d) of global oil production in 2023. These three countries have produced more oil than any others since 1971 (counting production in the Russian Federation of the Soviet Union prior to 1991), although the top spot has shifted among them over the past five decades. By comparison, the next three largest producing countries—Canada, Iraq, and China—combined produced 13.1 million b/d in 2023, only slightly more than what was produced in the United States alone.
Imagine where we’d be if they didn’t slow down the oil production and went full bore after Biden and Harris took office? We’d be sitting even better.
OK I really loved how Kamala made me think of cheese danishes. That is really neat!!! She does love and adores me and I want her to be my master. She looked right out from the tube and saw right into my soul.
I can envision her doing eclairs
Last night’s so-called debate left me totally nauseous.
First of all, the ABC moderators were terrible. They both looked totally bored. Both candidates were guilty of avoiding and downright not even attempting to answer the question asked. Moderators never pursued either candidate to get them to answer the actual question. ABC really concentrated on Kamela’s practiced facial expressions.
Actually, today I feel disgusted with both parties. Find it very hard to believe that both parties could not find better candidates for the American people to choose from. We should not have to be choosing the lesser of two evils.
Since Biden is basically AWOL now, I question does the USA even need a President? Who is running our country? We must be the laughingstock of the world.
3 on 1 easily proved by
Lady moderators;
No he was not a man, ar best a Capon.
Chicken without testicles.
His Go to line
“We have alot to get to…mr president ”
1 track fact checking- circle back pesuckit style – kameltoe died hair to match- along with every Massachusetts feminine in appearance police chief.
Hecklers veto 101
By light on swimmers moderator.
Let’s be honest
Dan throttles input, from conservative
Just like fake media
9/11/24 @ 15:00 hr
FBI profiler would easily peg you
Hates women
lives in a basement or dark room
hates women
chunky to obese
video game player
rides a bike as an adult (no car)
possibly unemployed.
Nice attempt to disparage,
Let’s unpack your drivel
Our last Famous but incompetent profiler Julia Cowley claim to fame was “ golden state killer “ a cop serial killer , who caught himself after a 20 year career.
She is a cop gtoupey like yourself, wonder how killer evaded capture?
Went on to ignore parkland school shooters aunts pleading to stop the shooter months before tragedy.
In case you missed last Georgia school shooter- was on Famous But incompetent watch list.
You still waiting for Santa ?
Easter bunny?
If you’re not already in law enforcement, your low intelligence, lack of credibility and worship of government- puts you front of line.
Now if you molest women and children, it’s a lock.
You obviously have the requisite cowardice, posting anonymously., so no disqualifying traits.
A few questions, with your theory
How did I father 2 high Achieving sons? build a 1/2 million dollar home ?and run successful businesses?
Facts are stubborn things…
Kamala likes to be on her knees, however, you know what really grinds my gears? Genital warts! Yes, you heard me right! It’s 2024, and we’re still dealing with this ridiculous issue that could be prevented with a little education and awareness. I mean, come on! How is it that in this day and age, people are still embarrassed to talk about something so common?
Let’s break it down: genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and it’s one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections out there. Yet, people act like it’s some sort of plague! Why? Because of the stigma! It’s time to stop the shame and start the conversation.
We need to educate ourselves and others! If you’re sexually active, you need to know the risks and how to protect yourself. The HPV vaccine is available, and it’s safe! But no, people would rather ignore the facts and let fear dictate their lives. It’s infuriating!
And let’s not forget the impact on mental health. The anxiety and shame that come with a diagnosis can be overwhelming. We need to create a culture where people feel safe discussing their health without fear of judgment. It’s about time we normalize these conversations!
So, let’s stop the silence and start talking about genital warts! Let’s empower ourselves and each other with knowledge and support. Because at the end of the day, we’re all human, and we all deserve to feel comfortable in our own skin—warts and all!
Jon Melle
Once again, I did NOT write that post.
Can we keep it anyway? Please??
Didn’t the warts help you get your honorable discharge from the navy? Deep in the bowels of the ship you navy guys love handling as many torpedoes as you can get your hands on.
@Eric Swansin
You dipshit. The only thing you know how to do is rag on Jonathan. Your mind is constantly filled with phallic symbols and male-on-male sex. You impute it to Jonathan but it’s your brain that’s spewing it out.
Get a life.
You must be a fellow seaman like Jonathan and I apologize for stirring up raw emotions in you of back in your naval days and all the blanket parties and decks you musta swabbed below deck. Carry on and don’t forget to push in his stool sailor.
You make a good point. Now I’m confused.
Humm, I know this isn’t the Real JM, but I am really all onboard with this.there are so many exciting parts of Walgreens I feel embarrassed to be seen in and I hate that. Maybe we could do this JM during the week and have the other one on weekend.
“Donald showed substance. Kamala showed surface. One is depth. The other is Formica.”
Your characterization is correct. It is the agents you got backwards.
Give her ninety more days,she’ll be better.
90 days rings a bell. Peter Marchetti publicly stated that he wanted a 90 day grace period free from criticisms of his then new mayoral administration. Peter Marchetti also publicly stated that he is not a fan of social media and blog posts.
If Trump loses the election, his team plans to tie up the results in court for a long time. Problem is that Biden will probably soon step down due to health problems and Harris will automatically become president.
Situs penyedia video orang bocil saat ini bokep jepang
Go back to your own country.
But leave us the curry, Thai curry rules!
Dan your bots should recognize this bot.
After the debate many independent voters are voting for Trump. They are not impressed with Kamala’s debate performance because it was short on details of her plans for the country and they saw how the moderators were propping her up. Independents were thinking like Republicans during the debate when you watched the response lines on the screen especially when Trump was talking about our open borders and the invasion of illegal immigrants which independent voters know Kamala has no intention of stopping.
Looks like the debate did nothing to change anyone’s mind. And that makes sense. The only ones who don’t know who they are voting for are the millions of illegal aliens. That’s because democrats will fill out their ballots for them .This after they are bribed, promised a down payment on a house, a driver’s license and free stuff for those ballots.
Illegal immigrants cannot vote.
But they do it anyway. Even one illegal voting is one to many and it can cost someone an election. I guess democrats don’t have issues with it as long as the vote is for a D candidate.
He’s right – they cannot vote but they do it anyway just like dead people do.
Pat, that is just not true whatsoever!! Stop for one minute and read or research something besides Fox News ..Trump had his Orange A$$ handed to him. He was a total disgrace on that stage much like Biden was on the first debate. Normally debates don’t really move the needle but this one did. Few care about those pesky details of plans and interviews they do nothing expect dig a bigger hole. The large swath of Americans vote on emotion and feeling sad but true. Nobody can seem to rein Trump in or it would and should be a cakewalk. The Border is a mess the economy is not great, but yet in every Poll it shows a tight race.. that will be his downfall.
Marchetti painted my street black now it looks like new. We like the cans too.
All I ever wanted was a brand new Casella can! Do they give us polishing compounds to keep them shiny? I’m using my old bins for laundry and composting.
When I get my second one, I will have one on each side of my driveway and wash them twice a day. But my friend at Jos A Bank says ‘blue and black’ make bruises so I want a yellow stripe down the middle of my lane. Better if he painted astroturf on streets that begin with ‘D’.
Has anyone seen any article or a town/city facebook report on all the attempted (and probably successful) abductions of Berkshire County kids? Has any started a campaign to tell kids to carry pepper spray and walk in groups? How about an article stating to lock all doors and windows because the eastern/foreign invaders who don’t have a home keep trying to fine valuables that you and I have purchased for our need/enjoyment?
Yeah I haven’t seen anything from our government nor paper telling us that we need to live safer by changing how we have to view things and live
I carry a Byrna® gun, and tabasco.
The tabasco’s for me. The five foot cloud of mace hitting at 300 fps is his.
Vote Trump to save the country from Marxism…..
I have posted a link to the video of Donald Trump’s closing statement during his debate against Kamala Harris, Lindsey Davis, and David Muir of ABC News, this past Tuesday night.
I want to ask the same question that Trump asked Harris to our far-left posters during this statement, WHY HASN’T SHE DONE ANYTHING IN THREE AND A HALF YEARS?
*Ox-care to answer, or is it not “eloquent” enough for you?
*Snark-I know “it’s not Trump,” but do you have a non-TDS answer?
*JM-you are the resident “Project 2025,” poster. Do you have an answer? **hint** It’s not in Project 2025.
*TSC-I don’t speak Smirnoff and blues (fentanyl pills), so I don’t know how to pose this question to you?
Terrible News! I don’t know how to deal with this. Please help me!!!!
The debate was rigged afterall. Katz reports the following statement from Mark Penn, a Clinton advisor,
“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn said, according to Just the News. “I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign.”
Full article below here. How could ABC, one of my most important friends between 3-5pm, lie to me???
Mark Katz:
A former adviser to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton has called on ABC to launch an internal investigation about whether there was an effort from its news division to rig Tuesday’s presidential debate in favor of Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris.
Mark Penn, a pollster and senior adviser for the Clintons from 1995-2008 and co-chair of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, told the “John Solomon Reports” podcast Thursday that “suspicion is really quite high” and a review of internal texts and emails should be done by an independent party to find out whether there was an effort to rig the debate’s outcome.
“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn said, according to Just the News. “I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign.
“I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that.”
In an editorial Penn wrote with Andrew Stein, a former Democrat New York City Council president, which was published Thursday in The Wall Street Journal, it appeared to them that ABC News’ debate moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, “had decided in advance” they were going to fact check Trump but not Harris.
“[Harris] enlisted every charge ever leveled against Mr. Trump, regardless of the truth,” they wrote. “That included, to name a few, the false claims that he favors a national abortion ban and opposes in vitro fertilization, that he called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., ‘very fine people,’ and that he threatened a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses the election. Each is untrue: Mr. Trump has made clear he opposes a national abortion ban. He favors IVF and has even said the government should pay for it. He condemned the Charlottesville neo-Nazis. And he predicted a financial ‘bloodbath’ for the auto industry if he loses and the Biden-Harris electric-vehicle mandates progress.
“Had the moderators turned to Ms. Harris after her lies and said, ‘That has been debunked,’ we might be having a totally different conversation about the debate, given how she tends to react when challenged. We would be saying she was having a good night until she couldn’t help herself and went too far. Mr. Trump would have been freed from having to spend so much time defending himself against false charges, and the country would have gotten to hear more of his plans for America.”
Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group marketing firm, suggested on the podcast that the Trump campaign mail to every voter the ACLU questionnaire that Harris, when she was a Democrat senator from California, filled out and indicated she supported gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“It’s a 50-50 race,” Penn said on the podcast, according to Just the News. “He’s [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it’s harder to, you know, break through, and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable.”
An ABC spokesperson reached by Newsmax declined to comment.
Thanks for sharing, ZIP.
Whaaa? Did I say that?? I must be possessed!