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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY SEPT. 3, 2024) — THE PLANET has figured it out. The holograph pretending to be “Kamala Harris” isn’t her. It’s an actual person.

The person posing as Kamala Harris is …

… Scatman Crothers from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

Separated at birth. Check it our for yourself in the photos below.


———- ooo ———-

In other campaign news, the wheels are beginning fall off the KamaLite Magic Joy Bus.


The secret Politburo that unceremoniously dumped Joe Biden has presented “Joy” as their puppet’s platform. Not that “Joy” will tame inflation, seal the border, deport illegals, stop wars, or rightsize the Loon Left.

And when she finally dared see her own shadow, KamaLite choked in her debut interview despite

  • It being on CNN
  • With a friendly questioner
  • Featuring only softballs
  • Running 18 minutes
  • Taped and edited
  • and having her emotional support dog, Tampon Tim, with her.

Vapidity, thy name is Kamala.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET, committed to campaign coverage you won’t find elsewhere locally, presents this piece from James Connor and the New York Post:

CONNOR: In the weeks since Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, she’s gotten used to getting her way with the mainstream media. Indeed, the press has been fawning over Harris like it’s their job. They’ve ignored the fact that she has long been one of the least popular vice presidents of all time.

That’s why it had to have come as a massive shock to Harris that ABC News had just handed her a brutal defeat. Harris had tried to convince ABC to change the rules for her upcoming debate against Donald Trump. She was hoping that since she is such a media darling, she could use that pull to effectively have the debate rigged in her favor.

Unfortunately for Harris, however, ABC did not hesitate to shut her down hard.

From The New York Post:
ABC News has declined to adopt Vice President Kamala Harris’ request to have wholly unmuted microphones during her Sept. 10 debate with former President Donald Trump — after days of wrangling over what Republicans viewed as Democratic attempts to lay a trap for the GOP nominee.

A network email reviewed by The Post lays out similar rules as those for Trump’s June 27 CNN debate against President Biden — including no audience, no pre-written notes or props and muted mics when a candidate is not speaking.

Trump and Harris will be standing on stage and will only be allowed to have a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

Harris Is Panicking Over This Debate

Trump wanted the same exact debate rules that were in place during his June debate with the then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. These fair rules completely exposed Biden as a candidate with disturbing cognitive failings, allowing Trump to trounce him in the debate.

After watching this happen, Harris appears to have gone into panic mode. After mocking Trump for not immediately committing to the same debate schedule that he’d agreed to with Biden, Harris attempted to change multiple rules. She demanded to be able to have notes, seemingly because she didn’t know her own positions. Harris asked to have both candidates sitting, perhaps to hide the fact that she’s eleven inches shorter than Trump.

Harris also wanted hot mics, which would allow her to whine that she was being talked over. This is what she infamously did during her debate with Mike Pence in 2020. This gives Harris to play the victim and complain about being talked over by a white man. She’d rather do this than have the focus be on the policies that are actually being debated.

Unfortunately for Harris, however, ABC didn’t have any of this. Each of her demands was completely shut down. Much to her dismay, she’ll be alone on the debate stage with Trump with nothing to help her out except for a pen, a blank pad of paper, and a bottle of water.

These debate rules exposed Biden to the world as a president who is mentally incompetent. Here’s hoping they also expose Harris as the sham of a presidential candidate that she is.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Harris tries to get debate rules changed to favor her.
  • Harris had wanted to sit, have notes, and have the debate mics be hot.
  • ABC News immediately shut Harris down.

———- ooo ———-

Nov. 5 is 63 days away.


Or maybe she’s from the “Dawn of Man” sequence in 2001?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Kamala will visit Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Wednesday, September 04th, 2024.

(Sarcasm): I will let her know that blogger Dan Valenti writes unfavorable posts about her candidacy for U.S. President. She will tell me that if Donald Trump is elected U.S. President in 2024, then he will turn our democracy into an authoritarian regime that will side with other authoritarian economic and military superpowers such as Russia and China in the name of peace, but it will really be a world of terror and fascism.

(NOT sarcasm): Trump, Vance, Project 2025, billionaires and greed, Saudi oil and MBS and their legacy of 09/11/2001, mass arms sales exports for Wall Street’s lucrative profits, cultural conflicts wedge issues, WEIRD moral hypocrisies by a big government full of moral hypocrites, the January 06th, 2021, insurrection on Capitol Hill and Trump’s promised pardons of convicted Felons, and Trump’s daily propaganda that would tell us that it is all for our own good when it will actually put us in a state of fear from being persecuted.

Blogger Dan Valenti has joined Donald Trump in Donald Trump’s lies about Kamala and the Democrats, and Donald Trump’s own life of being the ultimate moral hypocrite. The truth: It is all about MONEY and POWER! It is all a GAME! We do NOT matter in any of this Twilight Zone billion-dollar 2024 presidential campaign season.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Pull your head out of your backside. Stop consuming fake news.

Eric Swanson
Eric Swanson
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

If you want to be sarcastic Jonathan with this MAGA group. you need to start off by saying you went out on a date with a cute girl that you met at the construction site that you work at and you got lucky with her. Then make your post. it’ll be more sarcastic that way.

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Give her a nice hug for me. A big, squishy, wet, undulating hug.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago


Please go to Portsmouth.

Ask Kamala why she treats CRIMINAL ALIENS better than: US Citizens, US Veterans, and the poor and Homeless Americans that really need and deserve help.

Ask her why are these Millions of Criminals are not deported, jailed when they commit crimes, and why are they given free government handouts, paid for with American tax dollars?

Ask her what her plan is to make housing, energy, and food affordable again for Americans?

Ask her who planned and ran ran the coup last month against Mr Biden?

Ask her who is currently running the Executive branch of the Nation?

Americans want answers to these important questions.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Trump’s campaign has written off New Hampshire to Kamala. Trump is focusing on the Midwestern Rust Belt States to swing the vote to his side.

Biden’s campaign money dried up after his dementia debate performance.

The federal government has to stop its deficit spending to lower inflation. Housing is not affordable because the U.S.A. has a huge underclass population due to the GREED of the billionaires.

In the land of governmental financial formulas, please do the math. Over the past 50 years almost all of the income gains have gone to the super wealthy, while the working-class has received a $5 per week pay raise over their grandparent’s weekly pay.

The U.S. middle-class is shrinking. The underclass is growing. Almost all of the income gains are going to the financial, corporate and ruling elites.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Harris bussed in supporters to NH, many from mASachusetts, as apparently she does not have many of her own in NH. They are currently stranded in NH, as the out of state buses have not returned to pick them up.

Why was a demented individual, who the MSM described as competent and in charge of things, flushed like smelly turd following the debate? Kamala received NO VOTES, in the “Democratic primary, but was the only choice that could utilize the campaign funds raised by Biden the last two years.

Things are not affordable due to the Leftist policies of the last 3 1/2 years. Further, money that should be used for America and Americans has been GIVEN BY THE BILLIONS, to CRIMINAL ALIENS imported, and continue to be imported, by the Democrats.

CRIMINAL ALIENS, under the DEMOCRATS, receive more FREE US TAXPAYER MONEY, than elderly AMERICANS on social security.

You vote for Harris John.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

All that Kamala love ?
I can’t imagine if she showed you a little nipple what you would write.

You know, the thing
You know, the thing
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You try to sound intelligent, but you are nothing more than a moron.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  You know, the thing
1 month ago

Don’t insult morons! You BIGOT!!!

Morons , work requiring reasoning and judgement

>imbecile, 1st grade complex manual work, 2nd grade simple manual work, 3 rd simple menial work

> idiot self preservation.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You will definitely tell her about the look a like blow up doll you have of her and how lovely she is while singing with her the praises of Adolf and Stalin!!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

That’s JM’s Kamala emotional support blow up doll.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

So JM will Kamala be speaking PortsMOUTHian to the local underlings during her visit there or will her delivery be more of a Bos/Maineiac accentuation ??

1 month ago

Well our very own hate rag democrat propaganda bird cage protector the Eagle continues to misinform the citizens of Berkshire County with there Trump bad and Commie Kamala good. There are many journalist out writing the truth about how Kamala is planning on taking property over and restricting the freedoms of the citizens of the USA but you will never read about it in the hate rag.
I could go on but I would like the liberals/commies who read this blog to answer 1 question, After 60 years in control of government why are their record numbers of poor and “houseless” people??
Another question that could be considered a “bonus question”. why do all the very wealthy back the democrat/commie ticket??

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutza
1 month ago

“Another question that could be considered a “bonus question”. why do all the very wealthy back the democrat/commie ticket??”

The Cultural War with the ‘Crisis of Academia’ that swarmed throughout liberal arts education in the 1980’s and culminated in complete victory for the academy of skepticism (Derrida, post modern deconstruction, relativism). Dr. Allan Bloom wrote the predictive and rang the last alarm regarding the academy’s plans for this nation. The Closing of the American Mind.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

A very good answer. Another answer is that the wealthy more often back gop-ers, because their investments go further.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Can’t even understand the question nor answer correctly. Buffet, Zuckerburg, Gates, Wall Street, etc all big liberal donors whose wealth continues to grow faster than inflation. Ask your friend TSC if his pension and Soc Sec are keeping up with Biden/Harris Inflation? But the wealthy who back the Commies/Dems continue to get wealthier, almost like the Russian Oligarchs!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

The paving budgets, for example, remain constant with inflation. So, when they come to pave your street and when finished, it is 75% the original width, someone is getting progressively richer.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Someone? I think you meant a few some ones are getting richer off the taxpayer’s backs.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

It always takes two to make a deal.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Now Morales was sold the idea that putting driveway sealer on our roads will make them last longer. Next week he’s buying the Brooklyn bridge and making it a toll road with all proceeds going Pittsfield.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Look it up. There are exceptions, but the rich support the GOP.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The Democrats, support CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Sorry I don’t read the DNC brainwashed Commie magazine. I let you filter the misinformation/lies on this site so you can show everyone what a moron/imbecile you are

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Drive down Tyler Street and talk to folk on Second. There are more than a few who support Trump.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

No doubt. The Berkshires are the reddest part of Massachusetts.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

OX: Now we are talking a real conversation. The Berkshires have very red parts. And parts are very blue. Let’s talk.

Peru, Savoy, Hancock vote 90% red. Pittsfield, Williamstown, North Adams, Gt Baarrington, Stockbridge, Dalton are blue invarying proportions.

Next, break down Pittsfield: 35% are red. How do we explain it?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Seems pretty straightforward. The cities are mostly blue, no? So, e.g., Windsor, Cummington and Florida would be red, and Adams and Lenox would be blue, no?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Blue/red is not a good demographic. What is the median incomes, age, and family status of these regions? You will find income much lower in Cummington, Savoy, Peru, Hancock.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Wrong again, It’s the taxpaying little guy who support conservative causes, not the loophole liberals who don’t want to pay for nything

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Everyone knows the millionaire/billionaire class historically and currently are mostly GOP.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Not really. Goldman Sachs, and many more such firms are firmly aligned with the Democrat Party. Bill Clinton’s Sec of Treasury was a Goldman Sach’s man.

The Fed is led by a Clinton acquaintance. The media, the big names, – all profoundly wealthy and are active Democrats. Your assertion brings us to my statement above regarding Berkshire County. Where do we find the most solid Democrat demographics?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

If you were to simply do the math you’d find that the 1% are red to the tune of 90% or more.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Dick Cheney is a D now too. You’e talking about 1% population, and I doubt you have the demographics to support your statistics.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

I did the research, and it turns out I was indeed wrong. Among the top 1% income earners, political affiliation is split relatively evenly, with a slight tilt toward the Democratic Party. According to Pew Research, 53% of upper-income voters, including the top 1%, lean Democratic, while 46% lean Republican (GOP).

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Now this has been a quality conversation. No need for agreement or insults, just sharing of observations.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Historically, the GOP was the liberal political party. Up through Richard Nixon (. In the 1970’s progressives used ‘liberal’ as a pejorative to describe Republicans. Phil Ochs, ,”Love me, love me, I’m a liberal” He of course did not criticize Democrats because they were off his charts. Civil Rights Act 1964 passed with GOP majority, Southern Democrats opposed.

Your assertion extends your assertion that ‘the ultra rich’ vote their interests. But you have not argued what those interests are, and the defining interests that would result in a billionaire choosing their party.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The sane are not backing Kamala because they want America to continue to exist, as a Constitutional Republic. With a impartial Departments of Justice and Judiciary, both of which adhere to the Constitution and rules of law.

America cannot, under the current policies instituted and implemented by the Leftists.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

You assume that only the ‘rich’s seek ROI?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Don’t discount the influence of Marcuse and his fellow buffoons.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutza
1 month ago

You are describing millions of generational voters. These are those too lazy to investigate issues or candidates and will vote D straight ticket .They would literally vote D for a dead dog. Then there’s the millions of voters who believe government can give you stuff, and it is “free”. As one lady said when asked where Obama was getting the money to give out cellphones, she said, He gets the money from his Obama stash. As long as it comes from someone else’s pocket, its “free” to them.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Ensuring that most americans have digital cell phones was the greatest intelligence gathering operation of all time.

1 month ago

Kamala Harris isn’t coming forward to condemn the ban of Elon Musk’s X platform in Brazil. Brazil is very far left. This is an attack on free speech from the far left.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Biden et al sent the CIA to Brazil to facilitate a “2020 style” Selection of the Leftist of their choice , Lula. Brazilians are NOT very far left, the installed government is.

Any wonder Lula’s henchman on the Brazilian courts are taking away opposing Brazilians rights? Peaceful assemblies during the selection of Lula, were met with mass arrests. Currently any written, broadcast or electronic/internet information/communications are being censored and/or banned, i.e. Musk’s “X”.

Mr Musk also shook up the hegemony and government control of the media in the USA when he purchased Twitter. It/”X” is now a much more open, albeit still censored platform.

Mr Zuckerberg has recently admitted to his role in US government sponsored censorship on his platforms. This merely appears to be an insincere mea culpa, moment for him.

Meanwhile the rest of the MSM in the USA remains thoroughly censored and biased, Printed broadcast and electronic.

New “free” platforms are dealing with “lawfare” instituted by the censoring string pullers.

Ms Harris has been relatively silent, since the DNC coup last month, perpetrated by the DNC/Democrats against Mr Biden. The exception being one censored and scripted 18 minute recording, where Mr Walz acted as her chaperone.

It will be interesting to see what kind of MSM production we will see Sept 10th?

P.S. Who is currently running the Executive Branch now? Biden has been on vacation since his disposal, and Harris is struggling to make coherent public campaign appearances.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Lula is an interesting thing. Brazilians found a folk hero in Judge Sergio Moro (reference The Mechanism by Vladimir Netto) who oversaw the hundreds of trials involving Petrobras (scale: Halliburton) executives, Brazilian criminals, Brazilian congressmen, and the President of Brazil – ‘Lula.’ The political factions squirmed at the trials: ‘conservatives’, communists because they all were engaged in the fraud. The People, in majority, rallied behind the prosecution and lavished love on the Judge. Rather unique for a judge to command a political presence during a trial and for obvious reasons it was awkward for him to present to the public.

So, MT: you are right on that the Brazilians are not a left wing people, but somehow, they got a second dose of President Lula who is a communist engaged in an interesting scheme that includes the heads of states of Cuba and other gangsters. Should be impossible in a democracy.

Where art imitates life, one looks for quality. The Netflix rendition of the book, The Mechanism, though dramatized and simplified for entertainment purposes, provides an entertaining and generally accurate description of the Petrobras scandal and the impact and cost of nationalized corruption to regular people. Its theory applies equally well on large national scales as well as local ones. Pittsfield is looking very much like a casualty of mechanisms.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I’ve got a crisp $100 bill burning a hole in pocket, says Kamala will come down with “covid” before the debate and it will get cancelled.

It got Killary recently, so the groundwork has been set. MSM will gobble it up and the far-left posters on here, will head to the stores for their 8 or 9th covid booster shot to help them fight off the fl….I mean “covid.”

Exclusive | Hillary Clinton drops out of Hamptons fundraiser with COVID (

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Hope the moderator asks the Commie how she wants to pay current blacks reparations for things that happened to them 200 years ago by English citizens and African citizens. She wants current Americans who had nothing to do with the ancient systems to pay current blacks who have more freedoms than any other race.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Should pay them reparations for the last 60 years of LBJ. Under his party, he had finalized the legacy of the Southern Democrat Party, as it definitive for the National party identity at that point in time, and he cemented a lasting victory for the old South and reversed the Northern victory at Gettysburg. Those who know people who lived in the South understand that the war smoldered on post 1865.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

A Reconstruction Act to correct the failure of the welfare state. Funds to support American families and foster the nuclear family – a safety net that lets you out of its grip.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

I believe you meant to write that the reparations were paid over the last 60 years through the welfare state of LBJ. I believe that’s when the genocide started against blacks in the guise of Woman’s Choice

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Dr. Sowell explains (Quest for Cosmic Justice) the social policies from the prior century that transformed the African American demographics (and non Afro-Americans too of course). How did crack cocaine manage to decimate entire populations in the 1990’s? In NYC, in the morning the gutters were full of crack vials piled deep like sand. By afternoon they were swept away.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Whoa, how clever is that!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

The reparations are to make up for the 200 years that blacks endured which left them without legacy capital assets.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

That is argumentatively correct. it is a good argument with many merits, but suffers the fallibility of the equalizing impact of Time. But the most recent opportunity gain wealth was the 1950′ and ’60’s and hence. The legacy of LBJ ensured that they would never get the benefit.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Time may tend to equalize, but our demographics show that the black man has never had sufficient opportunity to catch up.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The other problem with the argument, as you present it for “200 years” is that wealth was beyond anyman’s reach in the Colonies, save for those established by the Crown. The early USA was in fact poor, and we had a long road to travel before we enjoyed the benefits of industry, favorable trade, and development of capital. Those pilgrims who went West for free land were largely led to a life of starvation, exposure, and bitterness. The Great Die Up* of 1886 is a graphic episode of the terror of the land. Try going solo in North Dakato. One would be lucky to survive a season and be perished by Spring.

The Civil War was economically destructive. The loss of opportunity for acquisition of wealth basically starts somewhere in mid 1800’s for African Americans. The door really closes nationally well after the Civil War, and is likely tied directly to Jim Crow. I am not an expert, but I see a lack of distinction in your statement.

comment image

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

I find it interesting that we are 2 months out from “election day”, 2 days from the start of illegal voting by mail and the Commie still has not presented to the American voter what her beliefs and plans are for America. If voters take her actions you can discern she will allow criminals to do what ever they want while letting the law abiding citizens to be charged with fake laws and then put in jail or fined by a kangaroo court. She will take the property of law abiding citizens and give that to criminals. Inflation will race out of control and the shelves of the grocery stores will be empty.
Not someone I would hire to work for Casella

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

ShirleyKnutz, you use too much hyperbole.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

On the contrary, it is Clarabell who will be exposed.

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I predict it will be completely unexpected.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

100 Bucks The Pedo Trump acts like a A$$ clown. He is not debating against the old senile president. She has argued in court many times against convicted sexual predators this will be a walk in the park. Trump of course will start insulting her and veer of course from answering any real questions and might really blow a fuse. Trump will use the his ear to prove how tough he is, but the draft dodger ( bone spurs) that he is will likely surface and will be quickly change course again. She will clean up on him in a debate no question.

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

As usual, Larry Bird provides the correct analysis and the winning shot.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

But what does it mean? It’s all metaphor and hyperbole.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Don’t need to hear about your date at the library after hours

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Kamala got her ass handed to her when she ran in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard mopped the floor with her in the primary debates, and Harris garnered ~1% of the votes in the primaries, forcing her to drop out, early.

Harris’s record as CA DA is one of corruption, how she climbed the political ladder in CA is one of sexual favors.

Harris was a DEI (DIE) choice for VP, she has teats and non-white skin, her qualifications. There are literally MILLIONS women of color in America more qualified than Harris.

Harris record as VP is one one of absenteeism and gross incompetence (Border Czar) . What has she done besides watch the CRIMINAL ALIEN invasion go unchecked?

She cannot put two cognitive sentences or thoughts together, and her outbursts have been described as “word salads”.

But you’ll vote for her.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

What makes Trapper an “ist” is that he says that her qualifications are that she “…has teats and non-white skin…”

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

But I thought that is what her supporters say, she is the ‘first black female Justice”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Did I forget to also mention Kamala’s fellatio skills? Those are renowned and very well vetted by Leftists.

“What makes Trapper an “ist” is that he says that her qualifications are that she “…has teats and non-white skin…” -Oxy

Oxy, it’s irst, as I’m all in , America First!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

I know you are all in, and you always have been.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Let’s see your resume next to hers? Thought so

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I would venture a guess that no one on this blog could list fellating Willie Brown on their resume.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Unlike Kamala’s, no mention of being an experienced concubine, wench, nor bawd/semen dumpster on my resume.

Though there is a list of peer reviewed Journal publications.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

So sorry you never completed your PhD.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I was hoping you were going to post her policies or platform to help us understand why you are voting for her.

Guess not.

Why are you voting for Harris? She’s been VP for 3.5 years. What has she done to help US taxpayers?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

They are trying to sell her like she’s a new car off the show room floor when in fact, she is a used 3.5 year old lemon clunker with all kinds of problems.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

and an EV to boot

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Sorry Bud, not a Kamala fan but given the choice between her and a convicted sexual predator’who also was best buds with Epstein I’ll take her. You probably think it’s ok for him to hook up with kids but I don’t..sorry

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Your last sentence is rich. Especially coming from you.

I can’t remember, which drag queen were you again? Or are you the Drag King?

Drag queen JV Hampton-VanSant reads their book, On… – Drag Story Hour launch – Berkshire Eagle (

I’m not sure what’s worse in that picture Larry.

People of your ilk or the parents that brought their kids there to view your type of entertainment.

Don’t remember Drag Story Hour with Kids being performed during Trump’s time.

Let me guess, you still believe 1/6 was an “insurrection” too?

If the democRATS actually had Trump on a child sex crime, he would have been indicted federally and locked up by now.


Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

He kicked Epstein out of Maralogo ~ it’s slick Willie and crooked Hilary that made Epstein island their second home.

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Read your posts over you are a Commie Kamala lover and follower, You continue to drink the kool aide of the Marxist Communist Democrat Party. She is you just look in the mirror and hope the country saves you by electing Trump as President

Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

He is a draft dodger because he is a narcissistic and wholesale coward who cares about only one person in his life and that is himself. NO way he risks the humiliation Harris would shower upon his mumbling bumbling self.

I will bet $5000 dollars in used tires that he whines about fixes and unfairness and heads for the hills…Maybe he will try to put Rudy in to fill in for him? But NOT HIM. Guaranteed.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Drain the Swamp
1 month ago

Biden holds the record for most deferments by a president/candidate.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

And Trump holds the record for most felony charges against a U.S. president.

(also impeachments)

(also, lawsuits)

(also, sexual offenses)

(also insurrections)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

You forgot fabricated and frivolous, to proceed felony.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

As well as undemocratic executive orders

Reply to  Drain the Swamp
1 month ago

Good explication!! Thank you.

Reply to  Drain the Swamp
1 month ago

Which branch of the armed forces did Dementia Joe serve in? And fighting Corn Pop doesn’t count.

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I hope the cackling commie will be able to last more than 18 minutes, what’s the over/under?

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

You got that from Hannity.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

“Trump Prepares For Debate Against Kamala By Going To Bar And Arguing With Drunks” –

Babylon Bee

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Coming to every blue state and city in America:

Chicago: ‘This aint Colorado’: Venezuelan gang now taking over Chicago apartment? – Times of India (

Chelsea, Snark, Ox, Larry, JM, TSC, is part of Kamala’s platform? Let illegal aliens run Americans out of their own homes?

Your OK with this, because “it’s not Trump?”

JM, Snark, and Chelsea, I believe all of you were in the military at one time or another.

Do you remember swearing into your branch of service and taking the Oath, “to fight against all enemies foreign and domestic….”

Ring any bells.

A vote for Harris/Walz is a vote against Americans.

Proof is in the pudding. Facts don’t lie, unlike Tim Walz. He lies about his military record.

Exclusive | Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology,’ believes VP hopeful is not ‘type of character’ who should make decisions about US’ future (

Trump 2024

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

You mean like this:

Mexico busing asylum-seekers to border appointments | Border Report (

Xiden/Harris are using American tax dollars to fund this, but it’s OK, because it’s “not Trump.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

“not Trump” means everything.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

The Biden/Harris immigration policy allows DOUBLE MURDERERS , to not even be arrested.

“A viral video is going around on social media and has exposed the absurdities of the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies, particularly in sanctuary cities.

This incident, which has ignited outrage across the nation, reveals a police officer’s chilling admission that a double homicide suspect is being allowed to walk free simply because he is an illegal immigrant.”

“The officer, instead of enforcing the law, explains how his hands are tied by sanctuary city rules, stating that even though the suspect is illegal and has committed serious crimes, including a double homicide, he cannot report them to ICE.

“He said that he’s already illegal. He already said that he went to…” a man said before being interrupted by the responding officer.
“Okay, hold on, let’s back up a little bit. First off, we’re a sanctuary city. Even if he’s illegal here, we cannot call ICE on him,” the police said.

“Okay, but you still have to report that, right?” asked the man.

“No, we don’t,” the officer bluntly told the man. “Because it’s a sanctuary city, we do not report illegal, undocumented immigrants.”
The absurdity doesn’t end there. The officer goes on to admit that he has previously arrested a double homicide suspect and let him walk free, all because of the sanctuary city policies that have been championed by the Biden-Harris administration and their Democrat allies.

“So you’re going to let a person who went to prison, who committed a crime in America, and who is illegal right now, go free?” asked the man.

The police responded, stating, “Absolutely, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Because we’re a sanctuary city. I’ve arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before and let him walk out the door because we’re in a sanctuary city. We’re not going to call ICE to come pick up and deport him.”

Tee Afoe
Tee Afoe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Come on. The dog just charged three of six Hamas leaders with the October 7 anniltation. Question here how can they charge three of the six,they’realredy dead?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Tee Afoe
1 month ago

Biden claimed he spoke with one of the dead, hostages.

That is for real.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

You come across as brain dead and have conversations on here all day long. What is the problem?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

I think Dan had quoted this one with You in mind, Snarky.

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead” — Thomas Paine.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

That quote from Paine applies most accurately to Festus, Gobsig, Dan, Trapper, Markus, C. Kronick, Optimus, ShirleyKnutz and Pat.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

He is a supremacist. Can’t hope to meet his explictations.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Just sick

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Some illegals were trying to take kids on school buses hostages yesterday but you won’t read ab out it in the hate rag

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

JM act’s like a real open-minded person, until he gets hit in the head with reality when they take over his condo and screw his pooch to boot.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I believe he is a person who has to learn the hard way. If he gets his wish and Harris/Walz steal the election, he’ll learn.

When his VA benefits are taken away to pay for “an opportunistic economy for all,” (aka-communism) and now he has to pay his unrealized capital gains on the condo he owns, and he’s a pi$$ broke 50+ year-old man having to move into his parents’ basement and post his screeds from there, then it will dawn on him.


Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Marchetti, in anticipation of a Harris/Walz victory, has announced he’s started negotiations with a tampon producer to build a factory on the former GE property. Even Jim Ruburto agrees that this will be a real economic engine. Linda Tyer said it will be vibrant and dynamic.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Wow, this is great. Every boy’s room in every school in the USA will be stocked with Pittsfield tampons. What a great day for the city of Pittsfield.

OutSide Thebox
OutSide Thebox
Reply to  Economic Injun
1 month ago

Is it true that they have designed one that is washable and reusable? Like rerun Pittsfield politicians?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

gotta get that out Dan…..stir up the crazies….maybe have another insurrection

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

They just did another insurrection Snarky.

The crazies were in a full panic, Traitor Joe the “winner” of the DemocRATic primary, got flushed like a smelly turd by Pelousey/DNC et. al. aka “the crazies”.

They installed the woman that could not garner >1% of the vote, in their 2020 primary. She didn’t get any votes this time. “DEMocracy”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Agree 100%. When $, crime, and other policies hit home is when most finally take notice. Most times its to late. Until then they are going along with their merry way.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

A 5-year-old news story?

Not sure if you’ve been living under a rock, but a hell of a lot has happened in the past 5 years.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Draft dodger, convicted Sexual predator, scam artist, his buddy Epstein killed himself.. correct a lot has happened in last 5 years..

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Again Democrat kangaroo court who made up a story a pushed it through. Your comments just reinforce the belief that you are a brainwashed idiot of the communist party of America aka Democrat Party

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Oh and Epstein was murdered in his cell they are investigating his guards

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Slick Willie Clinton?

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

That’s who I think he’s talking about. All fit – predator, buddy of Epstein, draft dodger, and certainly a scam artist extraordinaire. White Water?

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Larry Bird brain. Don’t drink and post.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 month ago

The great horror films we so often watched on a Saturday afternoon, as youngsters at the Palace, Capitol and UnionSquare, though frightening, could never compare with the unending one, we watch daily from the Creatures of the Black Cesspool in DC. And most noteworthy of our subject at hand, none other than the She Devil herself

The She Devil covered up a trafficking operation in California as Attorney General
The She Devil allowed Drug Cartels to import countless child predators( who killed, raped, and murdered) to illegally inflate voter roles
The She Devil allowed Drug gangs to take over entire towns.
The She Devil.prosecuted two journalists who blew the whistle on Planned Parenthood who was guilty of selling body parts of aborted children. Planned Parenthood was never prosecuted for their odious crimes.

These are just a few small examples of The She Devil Kamala, who is bent on ushering in her Communist America. Imagine the real horror show we’ll be forced to watch, if the sheeple populace are foolish enough to vote this feckless, flimflam fraud into office.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

You people – like Festus, Gobsig, Dan, Trapper, Markus, C. Kronick, Optimus, ShirleyKnutz and Pat – need to ask yourselves why, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you vilify the performance of Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson, when objective analysis shows them to be highly intelligent, eloquent, talented individuals.

The rest of us are pretty sure what the answer is.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Trump is smarter than Ketanji Brown Jackson. Got it.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

TSC has a candle made out of Kamala’s ear wax.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Using a tampon string for a wick he got from a boy’s bathroom.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

They remain highly intelligent, talented, eloquent individuals, and that is the point. You don’t perceive that because you don’t want to.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Go right to the “racist” implications, instead of posting Harris’ platform that I’ve repeatedly asked you for. You took that tactic right out of the democRAT playbook. Touché.

No, I have these “weird” expectations that my vice president can verbally address a crowd better than a drunk high school girl can.

Or that my Supreme Court justices know the difference between a man and a woman.

Hope that clarifies my position for you. It’s not because they don’t “look like me” when I look up at the TV

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I do appreciate the explanation, but I don’t agree with the truths you cite. Namely the capabilities of Jackson and Harris. They are both supremely eloquent (they don’t show you that on FOX) and of course they both know the difference between a man and a woman (you confuse her elegant speech with stupidity – hmmm… now why would you do that?).

So you need to ask yourself: gee, why do I feel the way I do about her?

We go for the truth here. If you do that, it is liberating. There is danger in ignoring truths for the sake of making a splash.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Would you agree though Dan, that she is much more eleganter than Trump? Words don’t exactly roll out of his mouth like finely woven silk. More like marbles being poured from a jar into a can most of the time and that is with him reading someone else’s words off a teleprompter. You can tell he has never seen the words he speaks before from the prompter.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

For Dan to say Trump is a more eloquent speaker than Harris shows either that his speech analytical skills are poor or that something is clouding his judgment of Harris.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Her speech patters? We must have different definitions of ‘eloquent.’

Don’t rest on your laurels. The fact that you have listened to her and find her speech patterns wanting is more an indictment of you than her. She is a better speaker than you. Her delivery, rebuttal and insight leave you in the dust. You MAGAs have the negative impression of her speech because that’s all FOX gives you. You can criticize her, but not recognizing her eloquence is a mistake.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

I explained my position.

I guess I can further explain it by saying if you are implying I’m racist, go FU*K YOURSELF!!

Without providing proof of such, the only racist is YOU!

The summer of 2020’s “every disagreement with a POC is racist,” ship sailed.

Do you have Kamala’s platform?

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Oxy, we’ve seen them in action and know their pasts.

Brown-Jackson cannot tell male from female. Can you?

Harris has a solid sting of 3 1/2 years of incompetence and absenteeism. Her speeches would not be described as eloquence, even for a 3rd grader. Her “talents” are the only thing that got her started in politics.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

They cut this clip but when crazy commie kamala was talking to the preschoolers about the wheels on the yellow bus go round and round one asked do they turn clockwise or counter clockwise, all commie could do was Kackle get up and walk out, she couldn’t answer a question posed by a preschooler

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

You silly boy. You are so unable to judge character. Or – more likely – you use the wrong criteria to judge character.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The the judges of the canine porcine and bovine competitions, at the county fair, would not even give Kamala a ribbon.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

A little over the top, wouldn’t you say, Trapper?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

So tell us of Kamala’s qualifications, and where she has excelled at using them?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

ToxicChatter- We the Non-Sheeple citizenry, of this great Republic live in a factual world where truth, discernment and reality guide our pathway and protect us from being duped by that “ Overwhelming Evidence” you speak of, and which is so readily found in your alternate reality where truth-facts are whatever feels good, suits your ideological purposes and is incessantly spewed to you, from those forces of evil( (aka Canard News Networks ,and the Government Goebble Gods. We(your adversaries), given what we know to be truth, take a long view of where our country is heading under this current reckless regime in DC. And as I have said before, we are now moving headlong at an accelerated speed to hell in a hand basket and you and so many others haven’t even got a clue. We love this country and are appalled and greatly grieved as we so angrily watch where this Harris/Walz crowd is intending and elated to take us.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

It is Trump who would take us to hell in a hand basket.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

In your alternate reality of rainbows, unicorns and kumbaya concerts, that would be true. I wonder where you were and what you were doing during Trumps Presidency. Despite covid and all his enemies sabotaging so many good things that Trump attempted to do for the betterment of our country, he was still able to accomplish much but never appreciated by the communist left.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Keep drinking the marxist commie democrat talking points coming out of the Berkshire Brigades

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Leftists/Libererals are using US tax dollars, to pave The Highway, to Hell.

Ricky Rumpus is building an access ramp, for Pittsfield.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

“we…live in a factual world where truth, discernment and reality guide our pathway…”

You have got to be kidding. You MAGAs define truth as whatever Trump says. But, Orange Clarabell says whatever comes into his head independent of its truth value. That’s because he can’t tell what is truth. Trump doesn’t use truth to guide his pathway – he uses whatever conveniently pops into his head.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

They are opening a special TDS wing at Jones for You Oxy.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Good question.

The objective facts of the last four years have been very hard on me financially and morally. I saw a lot of things that I never want to see again.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

How you be liking that stock market Chuck? Did Trump do that?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Grocery cart , is the most expensive thing to drive now.

Trump didn’t do that.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Covid did that.

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

It takes a great deal of wealth to live on interest alone.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

comment image?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=JVr7uedhArIQ7kNvgGXiTAD&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&oh=00_AYCURfv2huM5s_NnHvbNKlS0dZKBZgsdhTPBfWFeQCnRNQ&oe=66DFBF79

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

I think it is this.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zippy the Pin Head
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Nothing to do with color for me. It is based on where someone’s policy and views are. If they don’t align with mine forget it. Oh, now here is a person of color
who I can align with! Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears who has filed paperwork to run for governor in 2025. Give your race bs card back to Sharpie.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

100% spot on Dan.

Take a look at a few of Ox’s posts above.

He’s been asked to provide us with Kamala’s platform numerous times. Instead of providing us with her platform, he immediately goes to the racist card.

When that happens, game over. He has nothing.

I do have a question for Ox, seeing how he’s such a big supporter of the (D)idin’t (E)arn (I)t program and hires.

My question to you Ox, why do you get your panties in a bunch, when we point out DEI hires?

If it’s such a great program, the results should speak for themselves……and they do.

Kamala Harris and Kantanji Brown-Jackson, both underserving DEI hires.

Just because they “look like me,” doesn’t give them a free pass.

You know it Ox and we DEFINITELY KNOW IT.

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Markus, you know shit. Harris and Jackson are supremely qualified candidates. The fact that you can’t see that tells us reams about you.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

So what are they “qualified” for?

Jackson surely not in Biology, can’t tell male from female. What restroom does she choose?

Harris not politics, does not have any platform plan or vision for how to manage America. Perhaps the worst abject failure ever as a VP.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Yeah, you knew that as soon as you saw her.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

With your post Ox, you continue to prove my point.

You attack me, but yet, have NO FACTS to back up that attack.

i stated my position, how about stating yours as yours as to why they are so “deserving,” according to you.

I’m all ears. The floor is yours….

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I’ve explained myself many times…you just keep forgetting.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

The ole Rope-a-Dope tactic, of “I already stated my position.”


Cut and paste it. I don’t believe you.

No effort involved on your end Ox.

I’m sure Larry will now add cooperate CFO onto his ever growing “weird” obsession with my job resume.

Does steady employment “weird” you out Larry?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

It was awhile ago, but I did paste a link to her platform website, and I have fully explained my rationale for voting for her. You just forget.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Facts seem to get in your way, irritate you, then send/set you off on TDS screeds.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Low bar.

Pot HIgh Drivers
Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

With all the other prioritys in Pittsfield, nice visible crosswalks for the school kids on Tyler street are apparently low on the list …as they have been all summer. What if anything does the city council president think of this? Are some children more important than others?

Reply to  Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

It is time for the Petie Twins to explain to hard working taxpayers why it is so friggin difficult to paint the crosswalks in Bitchfield. This lack of maintenance has existed for years now.

Also, there has to be some “hidden reason/secret” that Bike Lane Morales has not been fired from his position. His department has done nothing but screw up every project they touch. Lines and crosswalks not painted, potholes still in need of filling from last winter, bump outs that now cause traffic jams, narrowing of streets with an open lie to taxpayers that they will be adjusted, and the city is littered with orange cones and barrels covering projects not completed. Does Morales have something on Marchetti? Taxpayers will never know!

Reply to  FED UP
1 month ago

He has pictures of Lumpy Marchetti playing with low IQ Pete White’s Voltron collection.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

Pittsfield school kids haven’t been taught what crosswalks are. When PHS gets out in the afternoon, East street resembles a cattle drive.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

It has always been that way.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

So being ignorant/incorrect is your way, because you’ve “always been that way”.

Got it!

Pot HIgh Drivers
Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

In the 13 days since Miami-Dade public schools started the new school year, more than 11,500 drivers have received citations thanks to the district’s new camera system that catches and fines drivers who don’t stop for school buses. At $225 a pop, that could mean about $2.5 million in citations. In July 2023, Florida authorized the installation of cameras on school buses as an effort to increase safety for students exiting and entering school buses. Although the law requiring drivers to stop for stopped buses was already in place, the addition of cameras to buses means that more drivers than ever are being cited for disobeying the law.

Read more at:

Pot HIgh Drivers
Pot HIgh Drivers
Reply to  Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

Over in Ward 4 crosswalks and bike lanes are clearly marked along Williams and Elm street. Does the city council president say OK for clearly marked crosswalks in one ward but NOT OK for another ward? I mean should some kids be better watched over than others? And if so, why? Pete?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

Ricky Rumpus screwed up Elm St in a big way. Just like the rotary at the end of Tyler St.

What will his wondrous new rotary at the intersection of North and First inflict upon drivers?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

When are they fixing the sink holes on Elm St that the company who dug them can’t fix seem to fix??

Reply to  Pot HIgh Drivers
1 month ago

My daughter was in another state and came upon a stop sign at an intersection. She stopped but apparently was three inches over the line in the road. It was on video. You could clearly see she was stopped because her break lights were illuminated for about four seconds. The kicker was, there we’re no cars at the intersection. It was a side street to boot. What happened next was incredible.She received a letter in the mail for a two hundred dollar fine, non contested.

We couldn’t fight because it came in the mail a month after,and she was eight hundred miles away. Anyway,they sent us the video of the alleged violation and we had to pay the fine. Maybe I’ll send Dan the video,he’ll shit his pants.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  GeoGeeay
1 month ago

You shouldn’t have paid it. In most states, a traffic citation has to be served by a certified police officer.

I got one in the past and ignored it. It went away.

Remember, the state has to prove you received it.

Without certified mail or served in hand by an officer, state would not have proof you ever got it.

Case dismissed.

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

OMG! Now you’re a lawyer?

Combat Vet
Seal Team
Police officer

Please don’t listen to a word this quack has to say…Everything he babbles comes from you tube videos.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

Hey Tool, did you read my post?

I got a camera red-light ticket in the past and did this “weird” thing called researching it.

I didn’t want my DL suspended and wasn’t sure if the states had a compact agreement. They didn’t, but it didn’t matter.

I can research things myself, unlike you. I don’t need my information spoon fed to me by MSDNC, The View, or CNN.

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

If we were all as smart as you what a world it would be. Child Please!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

You do realize a$$clown, when you offer no counter argument, other than “child please,” it speaks volumes about you and the response.

How about providing us with FACTS to prove I’m wrong.

I was only trying to help someone. Besides looking like a fool trying to put me down, what is your solution Larry?

I’m all ears…..

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Your info is spoon fed to you by FOX.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

TDS canned response.

The school committee
The school committee
1 month ago

Billionaire lol Trump is leading the white supremist in the 2024 presidential election.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

How far did you get in school? Did you drop out after Romper Room?

Redee Forlady
Redee Forlady
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Last time I heard gas prices were at 170 are for all colors and races? Kamala is the worst.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

That right there seems like hate speech

The school committee
The school committee
1 month ago

Marchetti promised the Suns he would invest tens of millions in the oldest swamp with a grandstand and a baseball field.It might be old but it has almost no interest in it as a historical destination.

Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

There is a designated scanner radio frequency for Waconah Park listed as a “business”. That is interesting and is this business at Waconah Park, whatever it may be, (Goldkang)? getting taxpayer subsidized gravy train and will the taxpayers be building this “business” a new ball park?

Reply to  Drain the Swamp
1 month ago

When Doyle passed away at the reading of the will , he left his brain to Marchetti.

Redee Forlady
Redee Forlady
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

But not his beverage.

Cross Fit Fantasies
Cross Fit Fantasies
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Maybe the beer belly as well

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

I would think, probably wrongly, that Pittsfield, a central city in Berkshire County, would have a stronger negotiating hand than what is shown.

Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

152.975 WRCY987 RM CC 10
TG 1700
SL 1 Taconic HS Taconic High School DMR Schools
151.685 WQIE516 BM 051 DPL Conte School Conte Elementary School FMN Schools
151.685 WQIE516 BM 143 DPL Pittsfd Bus School Busses FMN Schools
151.775 WQIE516 BM 143 DPL Pittsfd Bus School Busses FMN Schools
157.620 WPMC645 BM 151.4 PL PittsfieldHousin Housing Authority FMN Public Works
453.375 WPYM237 RM 413 DPL Pitsfld Park Parks Department FMN Public Works
462.425 BM 103.5 PL WaconahPark Waconah Park – Operations FMN Business

Redee Forlady
Redee Forlady
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Not when your controlled.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

He’s an idiot on this. You could buildTrump tower down there nobody’s gonna go. Maybe he should examine it more in 90 days.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Harris gets elected I officially deem the U S Voters as the biggest idiots on the .planet.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  GeoGeeay
1 month ago

Nah, in that case, the Democrats the best cheaters/fraudsters just like Biden 2020.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Why don’t we just stop talking about the run up to the election and get it through peoples heads that it was all fixed if Trump loses and was not fair or righteous and that he got taken advantage of (again and again). Poor guy never had a chance with all the fixes being in and Venezuelans coming here in long boats to stuff ballot boxes with double votes from people who died during the American Revolution? Everybody knows this is what is happening to the poor fella so why are we even having an election in the first place?

It’s awful and sad and stuff.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

The SAFE ACT, requiring proof of US citizenship to vote, was voted for by EVERY Republican in the House. The 170 representatives who voted AGAINST IT, were ALL Democrats.

Who loves free and fair elections and America/Americans Snarky?

Reply to  GeoGeeay
1 month ago

That is your right and authority.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

They wouldn’t include Jim Bouton any deals years ago why give the Suns any leverage? Their product sucks anyway.

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

According to Dementia Joe, the Molly McGuires used to dump dead bodies there ,

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
1 month ago

The joy about abortion, castration and sterilization-is reminiscent of Lord of the flies.
These commyla worshippers are very immature, children who lack basic intelligence.

The wheels on the abortion bus are falling off, because her running mate murdered 8 children after birth.
No reasonable voter, wants to be tied to supporting, the murder of innocents.

Trump while being prolife, accepts that reasonable people disagree.
6week ban is too short, while 39 weeks or later is murder.
Trump gains reasonable ( many) voters- while losing fanatical pro lifers ( very few)
The IVF stance, if successful, should be funded in same way as planned parenthood.

Trump is framing reproductive rights, in a commonsense framework. 300,000 abortions vs 40,000 fertilirixations , is equal funding.
Democrats are just the party of murder, genocide and bigotry- if the center campaign on only thing commyla leadd on, Trump team brilliantly, let Democrats entrap themselves.

The rest of the nuts- holding the wheels on the aborted campaign bus ;

The press – now experiencing FOMO
( fear of missing out) as commyla ignores them( headphone hoax was historical)
Every time Commyla speaks , she loses thousands of votes- candidates have no 5th amendment right to remain silent!

Lawfare ;
Wan merchinary judge – sentences Trump to jail – its over’- image the sales for prison jumpsuit photos.

He wont be
Flanked by 6 secret service agents- with guns vests and cat team ( counter assault team)
Which cannot leave his side, hardest thing about being president- (is dedicating with several guys next to you)

. Commylas intellect ;
Berkley education left her with a 500 word vocabulary , lacking knowledge of definitions of most words.
Ie gauge vs gouge…

” you came for a battle of wits, but I see you’ve come unarmed ”

It’s over after debate

With her lust of accomplishments border , economic and world peace destruction- she was the last one in the room….

JD will destroy tampon ” stolen valor ” Tim even worse.

Only thing can go wrong is Trump voters get overconfident- and “snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory ”

Posted 9/4/24@11:20

Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

“No reasonable voter, wants to be tied to supporting, the murder of innocents. …”

Your problem is that 75% of the country disagrees with you.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

75% of the North East is not the country, you marxist liberal commies need to explore more of the country. For you I say go to Houston and then the border and see what is really happening

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

You boob. It is 75% of the country.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

So for the record, you support aboortion without restrictions;
Up to partial birth –
After birth – like Tampon Tim ( 8 documented cases)
80% of America disagrees, with the above- and FYI That is Trumps position “ I won’t vote for Florida 6 week abortion ban”

Reasonable people, even in commywealth socialist taxatwoshits- do not support the murder of innocents.

If I send you a crying tampon , when it’s full of your liberal tears

1) Being wan de mercenary, has postponed sentencing until after election- even kommyla fake covid/ won’t save her from debate- Trump will glladly reschedule:)
2) crackhead Jack Smith – will be smacked down by SCOTUS- as he has no authority, to prosecute anyone ( hence his being shipped to the Hague ) stick a fork in Tonya tunkin- that case is over- excepted inevitable prosecution of Garland, Smith and chukin for embezzlement of public funds ( no senate appointment-equal no funding- Iran contra part dux 🙂
3) chunkin will be first federal judge impeached, in 200 years( being a libtard – she will do a Rachel “ road rage “ Rollins ( also a law fare practitioner) and resign and be disbarred:) she should of avoided Robert Royce ( capeless/ Caccaviello scud missile prosecutor just like Jack Smith ) used in 2018 district attorneys office race.
Hatch act fortunately has no statute of limitations ( more on this very soon)
4) lamestream media is already losing patience, with nothing to fill their airtime. FOMO is taking hold- look for the knives to come out- if she bleeds -she leads.
5) it’s the economy stupid ( even crazy Jim Carnell, gets it right twice in a lifetime- drag a 100$ bill through the trailer park and of course Kamala follows….

Figure by May it should be heavy with your liberal tears, when you return it , I’ll wring it into my garden.

Kommyla only a side peice ,
Never main event ready.

Dukakis had Willie Horton baggage unpacked by Bush- wait until Trump unloads Kommyla Willie Brown baggage!
Can see the commercial now, she never been a regular – just a spare- in case we get a flat.

In case you missed it , she replaced the wheel that fell off( Joe Briben) who can now avoid the blame. Pretty clever for a dementia ridden old man ( I think it’s Jill- joes side piece)

Oh the tears will flood liberal land.

8/7/24 @ 7:00

Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

@Thomas Betit
“So for the record, you support aboortion without restrictions”

No, of course not. I do not support partial-birth abortions, and neither do any Dem candidates.

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Thomas Betit
1 month ago

Very impressive. The spare wheel is good!

1 month ago

wa wa wa…I didn’t work hard enough so now minorities have all the good jobs … wa wa wa…MAGAs are in the minority ….wa wa wa…. illegals are going to vote ….wa wa wa…. Democrats are all commies  ….wa wa wa….my groceries are expensive ….wa wa wa….my gas is expensive ….wa wa wa…. immigrants are now all murderers and rapists not like my granpa and granma  ….wa wa wa….Trump’s lawsuits are all phony ….wa wa wa….Harris is drawing larger crowds than Trump ….wa wa wa….the Dems are going to win so the election can’t possibly be fair… wa wa wa …. Trump is a wonderful person so democrats must be demented…wa wa wa….a black woman is about to be elected president ….wa wa wa…. Kamala is vapid…wa wa wa … Kamala is 11 inches shorter than Trump…. wa wa wa … Kamala doesn’t even know her own positions… wa wa wa … Kamala is afraid of the white man … wa wa wa … Kamala could not have been qualified to be a state attorney general and us senator because she’s a black woman … wa wa wa …minorities have been given help finding jobs but not me ….wa wa wa…

Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

Nurse Kratchet someone didn’t get their Haldol enema today better give them a double dose

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

Wawa sells the best milk. Stewarts has better ice cream. I like tabasco sauce with Crumbs Along the Mohawk!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

If Kamala’s IQ hits 80 she should sell

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 month ago

Hello, fellow political enthusiasts and accidental readers! Jonathan Melle here, with another riveting installment of my political ramblings. Today, I tackle an issue of unprecedented importance: the Great Pillowcase Debate of 2024. Buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride through the world of pillowcases and their profound impact on our nation’s future.
It all started when the Senate, in their infinite wisdom, decided to address the urgent matter of pillowcase uniformity in public facilities. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, the color and texture of pillowcases in government offices and public spaces have become a pressing national concern. Some argue that floral patterns are outdated, while others believe that stripes are a gateway to chaos.
At the heart of this debate is the “Pillowcase Equality Act,” a bill proposing that all public pillowcases be standardized to a neutral beige, thereby eliminating the discord caused by excessive pattern diversity. Proponents argue that a unified pillowcase policy will promote harmony and reduce the emotional strain caused by mismatched bedding.
Opponents, however, claim this is a blatant attempt to stifle individual expression and creativity. They argue that pillowcases are a symbol of personal freedom and that government intervention in such matters is a slippery slope toward a dystopian future where even our bed linens are dictated by bureaucratic fiat.
In response to the heated debate, various political figures have weighed in. Senator Bubbles McPillowcase, a staunch advocate for the bill, stated, “A uniform pillowcase policy will restore order to our public spaces and ensure that every citizen can enjoy the serene, beige bliss of impartiality.” Meanwhile, Representative Fluffington Pillowworth decried the bill as a “pillow dictatorship” and warned that it could lead to the erosion of democratic values.
Public opinion is equally divided. Some citizens have rallied behind the movement, organizing “Beige Day” events where they proudly display their beige pillowcases in solidarity. Others have staged dramatic protests, holding up colorful pillowcases and chanting slogans like, “Pattern Power!” and “Freedom for Fabrics!”
In the midst of this chaos, a mysterious third-party candidate has emerged, promising to solve the pillowcase crisis once and for all. The enigmatic figure, known only as The Pillow Whisperer, claims to have the revolutionary solution: a pillowcase that changes color based on the wearer’s mood. Supporters believe this innovation will finally address the emotional needs of every citizen, while critics argue it’s just another gimmick to distract from real issues.
As we navigate this absurd political quagmire, one thing is clear: the Great Pillowcase Debate of 2024 is a testament to the sheer brilliance—or perhaps absurdity—of our political system. Whether you’re a staunch advocate for beige uniformity or a die-hard defender of pillowcase diversity, remember that our nation’s future might very well hinge on the fate of our bedding.
Until next time, stay cozy and keep your pillowcases as colorful as your dreams!
Jonathan Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 month ago

I didn’t post that. WEIRD!

Zippy the Pin Head
Zippy the Pin Head
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

We know, we know. So totally not you.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

We know because that was a brilliant piece of satire

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 month ago

Wow Jonathan after reading that post it’s safe to say you had a great date and some wicked awesome pillow talk with that muscular Latin stud you’re hot for.

Reply to  Jon Melle
1 month ago

MyPillow Guy couldn’t have said it better.

Reply to  Jon Melle
1 month ago

Jonathan, did you write that or scrape it from elsewhere? If you wrote it, congrats on a fine piece of work. You should do it for $$$.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Kamala’s campaign had to bus in buses full of people from Massachusetts for her campaign appearance in NH because she couldn’t get many from NH to attend.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Got the headcount up to 10!

Redee Forlady
Redee Forlady
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Dan.Planites. I’ve got Trump winning easily.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Redee Forlady
1 month ago

If Trump wins, the election was fair and just. If he loses it was all a big fix.

This is the MAGA slogan.

Trump cannot except defeat because he truly believes he is God. The only question left now is what manner of election rejection will he put out there? Will it be another insurrection? Will he involve his hand picked Supreme Court? Will he just lie on the floor and whine for six and a half hours till Melania gives him a cookie?

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

Exactly so, snark.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

There were no short busses sighted so it’s unlikely that Pete White made the trip

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

He was in the food truck that made the trip.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Did he get to compete in the Nathan’s hot dog contest earlier in the day?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

He did and he made Joey Chestnut the reigning champ look like a beginner.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Wow! Some of the people who worked with Kamala throughout each step of her career in CA. describe her as:

Sucking off
Kicking down
Selling out
Failing up

to get to where she is. Yikes!!

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Keep being spoon fed that conservative spoon fed babble. “ some of the people” really!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

I thought there would be more than some people coming forward. The rest just haven’t come forward for whatever reason.

Duh Duhbate
Duh Duhbate
Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

There’s over twenty millio illegals here and more coming. Trump will send them all back.

Reply to  Larry Bird
1 month ago

We have already seen what Kamala has done with this country. She has a track record of approving everything Biden has done. She was the deciding vote on the Inflation Reduction Act a/k/a Green New Deal. She is in charge of the border and is responsible for letting millions of people in our country including terrorists and gangs. Crime is skyrocketing in the country and will get even worse even in the Berkshires. Housing is out of reach for many Americans because they are now competing with millions more in the country and apartment rental and home prices are skyrocketing. Kamala is a disaster as a VP and will be even worse as a president. Americans need to wake up and see our future which is what is happening now in Europe with the far leftists in charge of Brazil, Germany, England, France, and many other countries. Free speech is being attacked by the far leftists and Kamala is a far leftist. She will be another puppet just like Joe Biden has been a puppet for the group of communists and globalists currently running our country into the ground.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Pat: She was the deciding vote on the Inflation Reduction Act
a/k/a Green New Deal.

My vote is for the “Democrat Reduction Act”.

Family time
Family time
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

comment image

Reply to  Family time
1 month ago

Priceless. What, he worry?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Family time
1 month ago

Props! With that I’m signing off. Last word – we should all agree that Mad Magazine is the absolutely the most beautiful, the most generous, the most funny satire. And the artist, I know him well, he’s a great man immensely talented – I’m proud to have him on my side (Stand up Larry!) The other fake humor, not so much, but Mad Magazine is the best!

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Dating gay guys works
For women now and then.
You might end up dating them
Over and over again.
Many are good dancers
And dress in current style.
And while you won’t get laid
You’ll have fun for a while.

After dating all those jerks
You’ll surely wonder why
You never had the idea of
Going out with a gay guy.
You can dress pretty and
Never need to wear a mask.
He won’t make a move on you
No matter how you ask.

Dating gay guys works
For women and gay men.
You might end up dating them
Over and over again.
Many are good dancers
And dress in current style.
And while you won’t get laid
You’ll have fun for a while.

Your girlfriends will see you
With a guy who is lava hot.
And if he isn’t to femmy
They won’t ask whether or not.
They’ll just see you at bars
And dancing the night away.
They’ll never think to ask
If that big hunk is gay.

Dating gay guys works
For women and gay men.
You might end up dating them
Over and over again.
Many are good dancers
And dress in current style.
And while you won’t get laid
You’ll have fun for a while.

And the girl talk you can have
About all the smoking guys
About their gorgeous bodies
Their smiles and their eyes.
If you pick the right guy
You can find out right away
Which other guys in the club
Are actually secretly gay.

Dating gay guys works
For women and gay men.
You might end up dating them
Over and over again.
Many are good dancers
And dress in current style.
And while you won’t get laid
You’ll have fun for a while.
Sincerely, Jon Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Watch out for the Monkey pox.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

A veritable work of art!