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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 30, 2024) — On Friday in The Weekend Edition, THE PLANET shall post our final column prior to the Nov. 5 election. For today, we turn our whetted attentions to local government–the good, the bad, the ugly, and the meh of Bitchfield.


THE PLANET finds islands and oases of good in the city, safe harbors that prevent citizenry from completely giving up hope.

  • The City Clerk’s office: Michelle Benjamin and staff continue to answer the call with aplomb and efficiency, rightly called “public service” in the best sense of the term. The demands on the office are constant. The response from the office has the highest hit rate in the city. Grade A
  • The Police Department: New chief Tom Dawley has made notable strides after inheriting a mess, from a redesigned website to better patroling. Our department sources say morale is up, corruption down, and while there’s still more cleaning ahead, the outlook is favorable. Grade: B+
  • Engineering: The exception that proves the rule in the department of public utilities. City engineer Tyler Shed knows what he’s doing. Ably assisted by Tim Croce and Ryan Grennan while handicapped by one of the city’s worst department heads, they still manage to Deliver. Grade A-


Where do we start, given that the formalisms of this column only limit it to three?

  • City council: This dreadful unit is the city’s worst. Individually and collectively, these yo-yos have failed citizens and taxpayers the most miserably. You can’t have sycophants and incompetents led by Voltron the Pork Chop, a total light weight, and expect good government.  What an absolute dud. Grade: F-
  • Treasurer: Kufflinks Kerwood knows only two things about public finance: Tax and spend. His “budgets” are unimaginative, consisting of the same yearly spreadsheets updated annually by adding between 5 to 10% more than the year before. He’s the hack’s hack. Grade: D-
  • Public Utilities: Ricky Ricardo Rumpus should have lost his job about 100 potholes ago. He has directed his crew to clog important byways with needless bike lanes, unsafe roundabouts, confusing road markings, poor lighting, and unneeded signs and signals. Strictly Roadkill. Grade: F-


This category exists in a phantom zone. This ever-wandering governmental region finds itself unable to stand for anything resembling a vision of a philosophy. It has the potential to be good but too often flirts with bad.

  • The mayor’s office: THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friend Peter Marchetti closes in on Year One. After a slow start, we’ve seen some signs of life. THE PLANET still has faith in Pete’s potential. Maybe Year Two is when he finally finds himself. Grade: Inc.
  • Community Development: CD has the mission and the staff to make a major positive impact, especially in economic development … but. But it’s led by “them,” Justine Dodds, whose background is housing and insurance. Competent, singular-pronoun leadership would make the difference. Grade: Inc.
  • Arts & Culture: The office makes sense. Too bad it’s led by someone (Jenn Glocker) whose background is advertising, PR, and tourism. Artists should not be forced to be political, but to get support in Bitchfield, that’s what they have to be. So much talent succeeding elsewhere. Grade: Inc.

One other note. THE PLANET shall be glad to sit down with ANY public official, especially those who think we’ve   dealt with them unfairly. We are always ready to be “corrected!” All they have to do is make a request.

Your turn, now. Tell THE PLANET where we’ve scored and where we whiffed.


All government spending is taxation, whether directly or indirectly” — Elon Musk.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Why does Pittsfield’ annual operating budget cost the fictional Kapanski’s between $30 million to $40 million per fiscal year more than similar small postindustrial cities?

Why does Allendale Elementary School abut the capped leaky landfill named Hill 78 when it is a known fact(s) that PCBs cause brain damage and cancer in human beings?

Why does Pittsfield have level 5 public schools (the worst rating), a downtown full of social services agencies, a violent crime that more than doubles the statewide average since at least 1980, etc.?

Why are Pittsfield’s civic leaders better off than the fixed income Senior Citizens who are stuck being Mayor Peter Marchetti’s ATM?

No wonder why Pete White Voltron Pork-chop and company refuse to sit down with blogger Dan Valenti. They don’t want to answer the above questions because they know that the GOBSIG’s ran Bitchfield into the ditch.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

The answer to all your questions is because Pittsfield is run by democrats!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Right on target, Jonathon. How could anyone disagree with this? Our problems in a nutshell., I agree with Dan, too. Hopefully, someone will listen and try to remedy our problems. Wish I had confidence this would happen. I do not.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  AWAY
4 months ago

Give en another ninety Dan.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

They don’t want to sit in the hot seat because, gee, you think maybe they don’t like being called ‘pork chop’ etc.?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Who wants to interview with someone who calls them gratuitous names?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Wow. I don’t know why you can’t admit that the very use of unflattering, gratuitous nicknames is a huge disincentive for a pol wanting to sit down and do an interview with you. If you constantly attack and call them by unflattering names, they aren’t going to want to sit for an interview with you. … Duh!

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

You are being ridiculous, Dan.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

How can you hold a political office and not want the challenge.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Why not? I did it, worked out just fine.

The school committee
The school committee
4 months ago

MAGA loves hearing the hate rally of whinnyTrump…Victory was never there for the insurectist wannbe dictator….always a loser ,Trump the bully punk old man

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

You mean Blunder Woman?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Very nasty people on that side. Deranged by hate. I watched the Kamala show at DC last night. Hate on steroids.

Funny thing, reporter said 40000 people there, but no sign of a single soul on screen. No one behind her even. The cheering was odd too. It came on and cut off abruptly consistently – no fade out. Sounded canned.

Reply to  Just
4 months ago

What a laugh you are, Justintime. Do you actually believe what you just wrote?

Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Verified it last night. The applause is canned.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

‘There’s only one party spewing hate right now, and that’s the party of the Guffaw Girl.’

That is not true.

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

You are floating garbage

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

The fix is proceeding as planned.








Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

TDS virus is a progressive disease that left untreated grows in severity. TSC, over the years has experienced remissions and cycles. Now, I fear he has reached the terminal stage. His verbalizations are like mud – distorted, vague, and impossible to understand.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

The real TDS is believing the content of ‘The Apprentice’.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Is Kimmel going to jail?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Stop posting facts. To the TDS crowd no amount of evidence will steer them off the cliff they want to jump off.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Trapper once again shows himself to be a lazy SOB. No wonder he didn’t make it up life’s escalator. Why paste a bunch of verbose websites when you could tell us yourself in a sentence or 2? It may be because he is unable to tell us himself in a sentence or two.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

How Liberal of You, start right off with slander!

It would have been longer than a Melle post. But would take couple paragraphs for each link.

You are TOO LAZY to go to the links. Each one described current election fraud or irregularities.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

No, it is you, trap, who are too lazy and inarticulate to tell us what you’re thinking.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Dictators cheat during elections.

“MI EARLY VOTE SHOCKER! Election Integrity Data Analysts Claim They Have Proof of 208,075 Ballots Cast By 82,674 Voters… An Excess of 125,428 Votes Cast!”

“BRUTAL: Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison Time Like Tina Peters and Demands to Know If She’ll Resign”

Last edited 4 months ago by Mad Trapper
Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

TSC finished three books this week. Wow that was a lot of coloring.

4 months ago

I do think the teacher has been drinking some pumpkin juice and his mind is a little off kilter. No one in this government of Bitchfield deserves any grade higher than a C. I have been dealing with them my whole life and it just keeps sinking into an abyss with less services for the average taxpaying citizen and more for the grifters. I am wondering when the Big B is going to start slapping everyone to get the city personnel be at the service of the taxpaying citizen. By the way when is the court date for the bitchslap only heard on South?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

I believe you have to start the grading process for Community Development at a “C” at best. I’m thinking more like a D+ or an F.
I cut and paste an article from Iberkshires that talks about how much each town in the Berkshires is getting in “economic state grant money.” As we all know by now, “state grant money,” ALWAYS comes with strings (more illegal aliens from the Boston area) attached.
Let’s take a look at Bitchfield’s “grant money grift” and where/who the coin is going too:
*$1,370,000 to make part of the Wright Building into a pedestrian walking way. (WHY???)*$25,000 Downtown Inc, to create a “public wayfinding plan.” (WHAT????)*$500,000 for PEDA to help develop GE sites 7 and 8. (HOW MUCH $$$ HAS BEEN WASTED ALREADY?)*$626,732 for Phase 2 of underutilized properties develop Wright Building, Phase 2. (SEE ABOVE)
****$315,450 for ELEGANT STITCHES (AJ ENCHILL, ARPA GRIFTER), to expand their business from 2,500 square feet to 22,000 square feet at 15 Commercial Street. ($500,000 ARPA money, not one job created and sparsely attended events by POC, needs expansion and not consolidation????)
****$100,000 for Shirley Edgerton’s ROPES Course. (The same ROPES course she received ARPA for an all-expense paid, family and friends, African vacation.
****$100,000 for the Urban Agenda Grant Program, used for after school programs, clubs, and for visits to (HBCU) historically black colleges or universities. (White kids need not apply. You’ll get into college on your “white privilege).
I guess the racist practice of awarding money simply based on skin color, is alive and well in Bitchfield.
Just remember this waste of money, when more and more homeless and illegal aliens from the Boston area, start showing up on the streets of Bitchfield.

Last edited 4 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

I truly wouldn’t have believed you said these things if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Dan, I tried to edit my post for a few corrections. Unfortunately, it didn’t allow any editing and turned my post into a Kamala Harris-like word salad.

Just an FYI-thank you and I appreciate the Planet!!

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Yeah, Kamala just can’t talk! What’s wrong with her. I can’t believe she actually made it through undergrad then law school and then served as a public defender, state attorney general, us senator and then us Vice President. How could she have done that? It MUST have been affirmative action because she COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE that talented.

Note to censor: please post this complimentary albeit sarcastic comment.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Seeing how you won’t produce her inspiring speeches you claim bring tears to your eyes and inspires our youth, any chance you’ll post the case number of any case she tried in any of those criminal cases?

Much like Big Mike’s pregnancy pics, these court case records, seem to elude people too.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago


Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Markus, again and again I tell you that you can look at ANY OF HER SPEACHES to find the qualities I cite. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Talented, slept her way to where she got.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Talented, indeed! You and Dan are simply unable or unwilling to see it that way. It is so sad that you can’t listen to her words and perceive how enormously talented she is. You two are truly walking around with blinders on.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

why do other towns and cities use their money for the actual public good and Pittsfield is giving it to individuals who are not providing and public good. enhancing a private business?? elegant stitches? you think they need to expand by 19500 sq feet all of a sudden and they aren’t hiring? Shirley? again? next just give more money to warren, why not?

Rocky Road
Rocky Road
4 months ago
Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
4 months ago

In the city of Bitchfield, where shadows loom,
Lived a treasurer named Kufflinks Kerwood, sealing many’s doom.
With a ledger in hand and a heart of stone,
He taxed the people, down to the bone.

From dawn till dusk, his quill would glide,
Imposing levies far and wide.
The streets grew silent, the markets bare,
As poverty spread, a heavy despair.

The townsfolk whispered, in hushed tones,
Of Kerwood’s greed, and their broken homes.
Yet hope flickered, in the darkest night,
For unity and justice, to reclaim their right.

In the end, the people rose, hand in hand,
To challenge the treasurer, and reclaim their land.
For no amount of gold, nor power’s might,
Could dim the spirit, that burns so bright.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Leaping Lanny Poffo
4 months ago

October 30, 2024

Once again, WHY? Pittsfield cost tens of millions of dollars in operating funds per fiscal year more than Westfield and other similar postindustrial small cities.

Pittsfield’s excessive operating budget and other municipal finances add up to big numbers as the years go by. It is the taxpayers who are paying for hundreds of millions of dollars extra per generation to a corrupt city government. How is any of Pittsfield’s troubled municipal financial management excesses sustainable over the long-term?

Matt Kerwood manages Pittsfield’s municipal finances. But for over 40 years now (since Prop. 2.5 in the early-1980’s), predictable Pittsfield politics has increased municipal spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year because it is all an irrational fiscal shell game with the state bureaucrats in Boston – which means it is NOT at all about the fictional Kapanski’s.

Most people do not understand the many levels of financial management and all of the fiscal shell games that the financial, corporate and ruling elites play (with each other) at the expense(s) of the common people. Most people just pay for everything and complain about taxes, inflation, and their (constrained) personal finances.

I will tell you who knows what is going on: PAC Man Richie Neal, Greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley, Openly Gay Peter Marchetti, Kufflinks Matt Kerwood, the elitist and inequitable snobs in Boston, and in the Swamp, and so on.

To be clear: The elites – including the corrupt career politicians, such as Voltron Pork-chop Pete White, who avoid blogger Dan Valenti – are all about enriching themselves at the public trough while we pay for their fiscal shell games with the special interests who donate big buck$ to their campaign coffers. It is an incestuous-like group of political insiders who hate real journalism, blogs and social media outlets who write critical words about them.

It is no mystery to me because I have a Master of Public Administration degree from U Mass Amherst (May 1999), which means that I studied public policy (for years). It is all about MONEY and POWER for the elites, while blogger Dan Valenti fights for the little guy whom he calls the fictional Kapanski’s.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

With your Masters shouldn’t you have a job and be a productive member of the taxpaying public? Idle hands are the devils playground and from your writings you seem to be inflicted

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
4 months ago

Pittsfield would have better served if Gino Marchetti were elected mayor.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Driving past Pontoosuc pond, a voice trebled out from deep withing the firm ice. It was faint, sounded like a radio with static. This is what I heard.

“I do not believe that any public servant, elected or not, can ultimately be fine stewards of their position when their term of service is unconstrained by terms. A private worker generally chooses to change their employment not from dislike or disagreement with their current employer but by the nature of change in their own interests. The average term is between 2-4 years. I am suspicious of directors, councilors, and mayors who stick to their positions like gum to a chair.

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them” – Patrick Henry, the great American orator who first voiced the words “Give me liberty or give me death!” Those words are the defining theme of what it means to be an American.

Pittsfield’s political bodies, the executive and the City Council, combine their power to conceal their reasoning and accounting for public spending. Leading examples: June 27 2023 ’emergency request’ for $1.5 million Free Cash (overtaxation revenue) to underwrite expenses incurred three months prior without a finance hearing nor any documentation. The Council and Mayor had deliberately delayed the request to the last week of the fiscal year to make a forced argument to pass the plunder without debate or deliberation. Second the $50000 bill paid for tree service that also lacked purchase orders and documentation of order place, confirmed, and services rendered.

The residents are compelled to pay exorbitant fees and taxes. Your taxes are arguably in scale with other city’s budgets, but are out of scale with what is provided. Comparable cities have far smaller budgets. Your roads degrade and shrink, sewer and water lines rot away, despite the 41 million ARPA.

Tyranny is oft mentioned, and in practice it takes the form of violence (media slander of reformists both sitting and running) to stealing money from residents to conduct secretive business. The tyranny of theft and the imposition of a government that resists the intrusion of public participation can only mean that all functions of city governance is corrupted. How do you grade such a political body?”

The voice continued, but as I proceed onto the smooth asphalt of Lanesboro I couldn’t hear it anymore.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Dan – maybe, grading that bunch of cats is bad for your grading equipment.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

I think you were hearing the zebra mussels that have lived in the lake for a decade but for some reason they got lost until this year

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

Hard to imagine anything living in the bedrock of the piled ice that now replaces the pond. It was a radio, static but quite audible. The zebra mussels though could once be found washed up on shores.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
4 months ago

Wait Dan , no grades for Clown shoes Shagrue and Beer gut Tommy?/

All promises from those two. The DA’S office is a complete mess. The superior court record is abysmal actually worse. The streets of the city continue to be plagued with junkies and malcontents. Have we ever seen a sheriff patrolling downtown? Doing virtually anything? What a fleece of tax payer money. The mayor and sheriff continue to duel on who can have the biggest gut a virtual tie. The Problem in Pittsfield has and always will be friends and family in those Cush government jobs but nothing changes. We have a city council and State reps that have and continue to bring zero to the city. All promises promises…Puke!

All of the above get a Giant F!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Larry Bird
4 months ago

The 3 stooges: Peter M., Tim S., & Tom B.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 months ago

Dan you must be grading on a curve or something ? The population is dropping yet the pet projects such as the mountain bike trail at Springside and a new multi million dollar Wahconah Park stadium and the Army Corp of engineers remediation to remove the Dam to keep the field dry will bankrupt us for sure.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
4 months ago

The city is all second mortgaged, forget about them. Your best hope is rstate receivership and hope they clean out the crooks. The important question is “how are YOU doing?”

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
4 months ago

Agree Ron.,Not to mention New Crosby Elementary, Slpash pad on the Westside, Pontusuc Lake improvements and New Police station.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
4 months ago

Why a new Crosby Elementary School when Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78? Up is Down -&- Down is Up!

4 months ago

Was trying to grasp the thought that Pittsfield does not have enough housing. How can this be when the city use to have a population over 60,000 and now it’s 40,000. Could it be all the non-profit non-tax paying non profits throughout the city? When will this be capped at 5% of total taxable land? And what about the AirBnB houses are they being taxed as commercial properties and the city getting the tax for every night’s stay? Why are there so many vacant houses can’t the city reclaim them and have Taconic kids and habitat for humanity fix them up? Let’s try to stop the Pitts from being the place for all the “houseless” in the world.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

There’s a dump without a driveway over on Robbins Ave built for months still unoccupied. What’s the wait?

4 months ago

Had some time this morning so I decided to look at facebook. It is amazing how many people are brainwashed and not very smart. I would suggest a mass reading of 1984 followed by reviewing politics since 1940 and see which party has distorted the meanings and definitions of words. Then one should look at the current state of politics and pre Nazi Germany to see which current party are acting like Hitler’s Nazi’s/ For extra points one could then look at the Russian revolution to see which party is acting like the Marxist. One other little note did anyone see the news report out of Canada where they have found at least 7 CCP members in their government spying? How many do you think are in America? Someone should ask Schiff and Waters and Pelosi.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

Trouble with the brainwashed is they think they are Free and that 1984 describes pre- 2001 USA.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

1984 was a book written for Americans when they were Americans.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

George Orwell was British.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Info
4 months ago

Good correction. Thank you.

Reply to  Info
4 months ago

Yet my point still stands. It was a book for Free Americans who at the time lead, as a people, the fight against communism. Our love for liberty had then been matched in philosophical debate by the British who were our primary partner in the Cold War.

Liberty lost is permanent, and no book can restore it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Just
Connect a dot retard
Connect a dot retard
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

If they think they are free… than they are free. Aha!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

Considering the education system and the teaching of history the last 20 years, the students probably think Hitler was the King of England during the American Revolution.

Connect a dot retard
Connect a dot retard
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

No, I meant the part about “the students probably think…” rule 1. No free thought.

Last edited 4 months ago by Connect a dot retard
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

The students are just waiting for who to call a Nazi. There is no time in a Marxist mind.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday

Dan. I was trying to think f who Walzi reminded me of. And then i5 came to me. Got a photo of Soupy Sales anyone?

Larry Bird
Larry Bird

Bud, this story is from 2013. Slow people to the back.

Connect a dot retard
Connect a dot retard
Reply to  Larry Bird
4 months ago

I know it, 11 years is slow as whale shit

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
4 months ago

Bout time these f*ers start helping out around here. Same mfers get every grant under the sun. Nothing ever gets better. All the money you got, what did you do with it. Write it down, Take a picture, idgaf. Where’s The People’s Attorney!

Reply to  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
4 months ago

Do the Kamala and Warren just state you are a minority and go get your due

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 months ago

Dan, you totally hit the spot on giving the Mayor an INCOMPLETE!

I have not written about the complete disaster of the narrowing of California Avenue last year in quite some time.

Last night as the street celebrated trick a treat it was at times nail biting with the lack space for children and parents to walk down the street safely. Thankfully with many neighbors spending their evening doing a detail directing traffic all were safe.

The ironical thing is that just one year ago all the residents received a letter from Morales that this issue would be rectified in the spring of 2024. Residents have also received assurance personally from Mayor Pete, Morales, Council President White, Councilor Persip and our now missing Councilor Noto that the issues would be solved.

The only work that was performed was an attempt to grow grass in some of the yards. Strike One! We were promised the state-of-the-art seeding. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, it did not grow. Strike Two! Then why would it grow with only two inches of lousy soil/sand on top of pavement? Even a senior citizen like me could figure that out. When we complained, the Mayor and Noto showed up unannounced and stated it was too late to reseed this year, strange though they were able to grow grass at the Hess property this summer. They claimed they would be back to repair the other issues such as yards flooding. No shows as of today. Strike Three!

Public works also posted the speed limit at 30mph which is way too fast for this little street,

Well, we all get it now. We have been left behind with the mess and blatantly lied to by many elected officials. The above listed elected officials have turned their backs on us taxpayers. It is a shame as we have a great neighborhood, look out for each other and have all been hard workers who watch our taxes get raised every year. These do-nothing elected officials should be ashamed of themselves. All talk no action.