(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 4-6, 2024) — Relative to the presidential cycle, Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate presented America with a model of decorum, how to handle the contentious affair with urbanity and without hostility.
The affair delineated the stark differences between Republican J. D. Vance and Democrat Tim Walz. THE PLANET watched and learned.
Vance ran Walz into a ditch.
Vance proved ready for Prime Time, emerging as the next GOP star and justifying Donald Trump’s decision to elevate the telegenic 40-year-old newcomer to national politics’ second biggest stage. Vance was steady, confident, measured, articulate, and authentic, displaying a command of both the issues and himself.
Vance handled “trap” questions with aplomb, pivoting smoothly and showing great instincts. He took the “gotcha” questions and turned them into aspects of the issues HE wanted to address. That’s the difference between a sophisticated debate pivot and a flustered fleeing from a tough query.
More importantly, Vance did a solid job of tying Kamala Harris to the failed term of Joe Biden. He focused on their track records, contrasting the Democrats’ damaging deeds with their empty rhetoric on immigration, technology, economics, and a host of other matters. Harris and Biden: Birds of a feather.
Walz, on the other hand, came off as jittery and bug-eyed. His nervousness came through in his facial expression and rapidity of speech. The trap questions rattled him, producing his most embarrassing moments. The first was on gun violence in schools when he said “I’ve become friends with school shooters.” Say what?
It’s the worst debate line since Gerald Ford said in 1976 during his debate with Jimmy Carter, “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration.” Carter won the election that night. Of course, Ford played football without a helmet.
Walz again fell in the tar pit when asked about the discrepancy in his claims about being in Tianamen Square during the 1989 freedom protests.
Here’s the exchange:
Q: We want to ask you about your leadership qualities, Governor Walz. You said you were in Hong Kong during the deadly Tiananmen Square protest in the spring of 1989. But Minnesota Public Radio and other media outlets are reporting that you actually didn’t travel to Asia until August of that year. Can you explain that discrepancy? You have two minutes.
WALZ: Yeah. Well, and to the folks out there who didn’t get at the top of this, look, I grew up in small, rural Nebraska, town of 400. Town that you rode your bike with your buddies till the streetlights come on, and I’m proud of that service. I joined the National Guard at 17, worked on family farms, and then I used the GI bill to become a teacher. Passionate about it, a young teacher. My first year out, I got the opportunity in the summer of 89 to travel to China, 35 years ago, be able to do that. I came back home and then started a program to take young people there. We would take basketball teams, we would take baseball teams, we would take dancers, and we would go back and forth to China. The issue for that was, was to try and learn. Now, look, my community knows who I am. They saw where I was at. They, look, I will be the first to tell you I have poured my heart into my community. I’ve tried to do the best I can, but I’ve not been perfect. And I’m a knucklehead at times, but it’s always been about that. Those same people elected me to Congress for twelve years. And in Congress I was one of the most bipartisan people. Working on things like farm bills that we got done, working on veterans benefits. And then the people of Minnesota were able to elect me to governor twice. So look, my commitment has been from the beginning, to make sure that I’m there for the people, to make sure that I get this right. I will say more than anything, many times, I will talk a lot. I will get caught up in the rhetoric. But being there, the impact it made, the difference it made in my life. I learned a lot about China. I hear the critiques of this. I would make the case that Donald Trump should have come on one of those trips with us. I guarantee you he wouldn’t be praising Xi Jinping about COVID. And I guarantee you he wouldn’t start a trade war that he ends up losing. So this is about trying to understand the world. It’s about trying to do the best you can for your community, and then it’s putting yourself out there and letting your folks understand what it is. My commitment, whether it be through teaching, which I was good at, or whether it was being a good soldier or was being a good member of Congress, those are the things that I think are the values that people care about.
Q: Governor, just to follow up on that, the question was, can you explain the discrepancy?
TW: No. All I said on this was, is, I got there that summer and misspoke on this, so I will just, that’s what I’ve said. So I was in Hong Kong and China during the democracy protest, went in, and from that, I learned a lot of what needed to be in governance.
You have to see it to believe how badly Walz stumbled. Nonetheless, he’s light years ahead of Kamala Harris in maturity and moral capacity. That’s how bad the Democrat ticket is. Give Coach Tim the funniest line of the night, although it was inadvertent, and at least the “knucklehead” comment might have picked up votes from fans of The Three Stooges, those musclebound porcupines from Goslow.
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THE PLANET now presents a sampling of other reactions to the debate
- New York Times columnist Ross Douthat posted: “I would rate that the most successful Republican debate performance of this century, eclipsing Romney in the first debate with Obama in 2012.”
- Mark Halperin in the Wide World of News newsletter wrote: “One can pretend, as most of the Dominant Media does, that Tim Walz was not ‘clobbered’ by JD Vance, but, as honest Joe Klein (fully credentialed as second-to-none in contempt for Donald Trump and Vance) told the world, Walz was indeed clobbered, so badly that it ‘wasn’t as bad as Biden’s debilitated performance in June, but it was close.’ Remember: Biden’s perf[ormance] was so bad it ended his candidacy and career.”
- Finally, from Jonathan Turley, “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, ” USA Today:
In the vice presidential debate, Walz showed that he and other Democratic leaders most certainly do need a class in First Amendment law.
As I have said, the Biden-Harris administration has proved to be the most anti-free speech administration in two centuries. You have to go back to John Adams’ administration to find the equal of this administration.
Harris has been an outspoken champion of censorship in an administration that supports targeting disinformation, misinformation and “malinformation.” That last category was defined by the Biden administration as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.”
In the debate, Walz also returned to his favorite dismissal of censorship objections by saying that it is all just inflammatory rhetoric.
Recently, Walz went on MSNBC to support censoring disinformation and declared, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”
That is entirely untrue and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the right called “indispensable” by the Supreme Court. Even after some of us condemned his claim as ironically dangerous disinformation, Walz continues to repeat it.
This is why, for the free speech community, the prospect of a Harris-Walz administration is chilling. Where President Joe Biden was viewed as supporting censorship out of political opportunism, Harris and Walz are viewed as true believers.
We are living through the most dangerous anti-free speech movement in American history. We have never before faced the current alliance of government, corporate, academic and media forces aligned against free speech. A Harris-Walz administration with a supportive Congress could make this right entirely dispensable.
Others are laying the groundwork for precisely that moment. University of Michigan Law School professor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade has said that free speech “can also be our Achilles’ heel.”
Columbia law professor Tim Wu, a former Biden White House aide, wrote a New York Times op-ed with the headline, “The First Amendment Is Out of Control.” He told readers that free speech “now mostly protects corporate interests” and threatens “essential jobs of the state, such as protecting national security and the safety and privacy of its citizens.”
Walz said in the debate that Vice President Harris is promoting the “politics of joy,” but in reality, Harris and Walz are the dream team for the anti-free speech movement.
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THE PLANET invites your views.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Grief does not change you. It reveals you” — John Green.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
This is a forum to promote your support of project 2025 and its fascist leader, the elderly DonJuan Trump.Fear is in the air and the American voter hates fascist running for president. He will lose in a landslide in every state in America
Well, he will lose in a landslide, but obviously not in every state.
Is this a republic if a president wins 70% states but loses the election due to the electoral weight of 4 or 5 ekectorally heavy ones?
You raise the question of the electoral college. Some say it’s as outdated at the Bay State’s Governor’s Council. Others staunchly defend it. Trump beat Hillary in 2016 in electors, not in the popular vote. Once again, that’s his strategy.
Mister Planet,
Remove the Electoral College and replace with ‘popular vote’ will result in the solidification of power for the dominant national party. All interests not represented by the interest of the Party or its demagogues, even those swallowed in the jaws of their party, are subsumed and cast off.
The EC was built into the structures of checks and balances of government because the Founders observed the volatility of their contemporaries. Men were just as hot headed and provokable then as today. Madison and Jefferson, as most of the Founders, came from elite backgrounds highly educated and well read. They, like today’s elites (who are well endowed with degrees but poorly read and not very broadly educated) ;were not confident in the reliability of the citizen. Reactive behavior was the bane of colonial power structures and discipline was a challenge that the first generation of national leaders struggled against.
The Founders identified a tendency towards mob behavior that unrestrained, would result in politicians aggregating power by mobilizing ever growing mass of people around polarizing political speech. The result of mob behavior is the artificial manufacture of minority groups – what is otherwise called the ‘silent majority.’ They may not be minority within their local regions or even states, but overpowered electorally become effectively minority and become a conquered people robbed of self determination. “Don’t blame me, I’m from Massachusetts.” Doesn’t matter how you vote in MA because your vote counts only one way.
The Electoral College therefore returned power back to an independent with the power to veto the will of the mobs in defense of the minorities formed from the mobs. Dismantle the Electoral College and you no longer have a republic of free people. You have something that looks like self-determination but is in fact the tyranny of democracy. Something that may even look like a City Council in a city not far from here.
Yes. The EC also tends to compensate for the fact that large population centers tend to vote Democratic.
the EC was more about restricting the capacity of demagogues from sweeping state lines, it has relevance in preventing states which monopolize trade and capital such as then NY from exploiting those which were barred from both. We see today secession movements growing nationwide. That reflects the intolerable domination of urban demand upon less wealthy and remote country populations.
Urban leaders, such as Governor Healy (she represents the interests of Boston & Eastern MA), artificially attempt to bridge the gap by shipping their populations who are unable to succeed in her region to Berkshire County. Then, she provides cash to house and care for them. It is a conceit, pretending to share local tax dollars to provide social benefit which in fact really benefits Eastern MA. It would be interesting to look at the employment of City Councilors statewide. How many work for Boston government agencies and social services that directly connect to them? Their presence may not be coincidental.
The urban populations, their leaders that is, of states tend to exploit and abuse the rural ones. The abuse is not simply economic but through excesses in law, such as banning all firearms and requiring hunters with single shot black powder (never used in crime and by ATF not defined as a controlled firearm) to obtain licenses.
Electoral College reform would be best seen as states implementing domestic versions to return balance between the urban populations and the rural.
“The urban populations, their leaders that is, of states tend to exploit and abuse the rural ones”
Bingo. That was the raison d’être for the Electoral College system.
Not really the reason though. Thats just a background of tension.
They saw a need for a body that could void illegitimacy and perversion of the democratic processes. Fraid, insidious sedition carried out by the polls, manipulation of ballots.
Big concern too was today’s idea if Manchurian Candidate. Presidents must be born on US soil, but even then can be employed by foreign enemies.
*returned power back to an independent >> returned power back to an independent governing body
Balance of power is wanted to prevent the aggregation of power. The balance is both of deliberative and executive office and of popular and regional bodies (legislature vs senate).
Power can be aggregated in political bodies (eg. president, congress, courts, military, non government entities) and it can also be aggregated in majority blocks. Both forms of accumulated power are assumed to be fatal to the citizens’ pursuit of liberty and happiness and therefore poisonous to governance.
I got news for you MAGAs – the Dems won the popular vote in 2020 and they’ll win it in 2024 as well…by a landslide.
The difference between you MAGAs and we Dems is that if Harris were to lose the 2024 election we would accept that result. We all know that Trump will accept the result of the 2024 election only if he wins.
Who cares about the popular vote? Only people stuffed like sardines into their little cans.
I assure you that a guy living in Savoy MA does not care about the multitude of people crammed into Boston.
That’s it in a nutshell! They don’t want everyone to have an equal say and the founders knew better.
Thank you for the compliment,
Your putting the plough before the Ox, Ox. The real difference is that you are supporting a corrupt regime that is a complete anti-American fraud. You have bought the lie of this reprobate regime and have no clue that you have done so.. We are faced with the truth and the lie. Whichever one is chosen for the office of President will bring blessings or curses into our great nation for many years to come. So before you submit that ballot make sure that you know the facts/truth, to be sure to reject the lie.
Oxmatter is probably an employee of the CCP. He certainly doesn’t enjoy his wealth by teaching english to rich Chinese kids. Those fools are spat out like pits from cherries. He does more.
The CCP just ships their kids to be educated in American language and thinking here to study at elite private schools that have nice meals and opportunity to network with rich families worldwide. He gave plenty of evidence. Ask for his resume -it’s all there. His writing is suspect. He likely has one of those cigarette lighters that is red, has a portrait of Mao, and plays the CCP anthem when you use it to light a smoke.
Looks like ya got me pegged.
Hand me a nail and a hammer.
Festus, I’ve been an astute observer of the political scene for a goodly number of years, and have had no trouble sorting wheat from chaff and truths from non-truths. Trump is a liar and a fraud, and is interested in nothing more than his own personal aggrandizement. Why you, Dan and the rest of your crew can’t see that I haven’t a clue. I suspect that some of you do see the truth and are just riding the golden calf. Shame on those of you who are simply grifters, as to the rest of you who have fallen for the pitch of the snake oil salesman, I’m sure you’ll live out the rest of your lives in unblissful ignorance.
Sure Oxy.
Vote/Select. Harris/Walz.
Americans/America LAST!!!
ToxinChatter- As an astute observer of the communist news outlets for many years, I am truly amazed at the continual success they have achieved in brain washing the multitude of foolish sheeple into believing their disingenuous dribble. Speaking of snake oil, the inordinate amount now flowing through the Harris pipeline would put the keystone pipeline( if it hadn’t been shut down by her regime) to utter shame. Basically Ox, it comes down to one simple truth, you are wrong and one of these days my hope is that this truth will finally open your eyes and you will see the proverbial light.
Sorry, but it is you, Festus, who are wrong.
If you are as astute as you say about politics, why haven’t you listed the accomplishments of Marxist/Commie Kamala? I know Marcus has asked multiple times. Also how many votes has Kamala received to be the Democrat Nominee?
Maybe I’m not as astute as I think – but regardless I’m not going to take the time to compile a list that you and Markus will reject a priori.
Did Hillary Clinton ever concede the 2016 election? Just asking.
Yes, she conceded the night of the election.
Hillary Clinton conceded defeat, by implication, in the 2016 presidential election on the morning following the election, calling on her supporters to give Donald Trump “an open mind and the chance to lead.”
She said these words implying a concession however has made many comments since then that indicates in her heart of hearts( if she has one) that she never really did concede.
Hillary conceded the usual way. “Congratulations, you won (this round.) Instead of contesting the result legally with recounts, court complaints, and the like she ran an underground smear, slander, and fake court cases to destroy her victor.
“Well, he will lose in a landslide, but obviously not in every states.”
What state will he win and by what percentage (landslide or narrow)?
If you want detailed analysis, look elsewhere.
Maybe he’ll win most states then.
May be!
I’ve not seen any support by The Planet of project 2025. That is a figment of your imagination, just as your trying to associate POTUS Trump with it.
But it is your right to express such delusional opinions, which you do often and with vigor.
Can you cite anything, Harris or Walz has done, that is good for Americans and America?
Harris has no accomplishments of merit during the last 4 years, and her handling of the criminal alien invasion has been a road to ruin for America.
Currently it is not even clear who is running the country. Biden is incapable and certainly not making important decisions. It’s unclear if he even knows what he has done.
Correct, TRAP, with respect to my alleged “support” of Project 2025. TSC floating in faerie land again.
You guys are absurd. To say DJT is not related to project 2025 is like saying Boston is not related to Massachusetts.
You want to talk “absurd.” How about a failed presidential candidate (2020) who was the first to drop out after failing to win one delegate being selected by the winner, a man she called a racist, simply because she’s female and black (at least claims to be. This same opportunist and blackmailer then is propped up as a marionette after they let her boss win all the delegates. She doesn’t win one vote, let alone one delegate, and yet, the Cabal, in a silent coup, “offs” her boss and hands her the throne. How ’bout that? Dare to answer, OX?
Boot leather Poxbathers munches, I see.
The decision to oust Biden and install Harris was made with the full knowledge and complicity of the majority of democrats to avoid a general election loss. It was a dynamic and nimble electorate move that showed the responsiveness of the Democratic Party to its constituents. You don’t like it not because it isn’t democratic but because it’s a losing proposition for you and your MAGA ilk. We did it because we could. Kind of like Mitch McConnell denying Obama the right to appoint a Supreme Court justice not because it was right but because he could.
Senate gets to determine the rules, time, and even the “if” of confirming a supreme justice. The President shall nominate, the Senate decides what they shall do with it. Again, it is a check to prevent a president from structuring a Supreme Court which also ends with the accumulation of power.
Yes, exactly.
“The decision to oust Biden and install Harris was made with the full knowledge and complicity of the majority of democrats to avoid a general election loss.” – OXY
Reminiscent, of Nov 2020.
Calling Jones, get the white coats and shots out we have found one of your lost really lost and confused patients
Dr Howard, Dr Fein, Dr Howard….
She’s a winner “simply because she’s female and black” ?
You clowns can’t tell that Harris is eloquent and eminently qualified because you are viewing her through blinders. If you remove the blinders it’s easy to see what a smart, eloquent, exceptionally qualified canidate she is.
If and when Harris is illegally installed as Resident of the White House( possible only via election fraud) And the destructive devolution of our Republic quickly occurs, and the life you assumed you’d be so lavishly living, under the Harris regime, goes up in smoke along with all the great things you love and take for granted as a citizen of this great Republic, The light will finally be turned on, with the realization of the catastrophic blunder you so foolishly made in supporting this feckless fraud from the felonious hinterland of Commiefornia.
Let’s see…Festus says that Harris is not qualified to be president, that cheating is the only way Harris could win the election, and that if Harris becomes President our Republic will collapse.
Now where do you suppose Festus got those 3 ideas?
those 3 ideas are all FALSE.
Yes the yellow bus that fell out of the coconut tree my mother always told me
Did YOU watch her on 60 Minutes? You know, that Leftist/Liberal news show.
“Border Czar Kamala Harris Stumbles Under Pressure as 60 Minutes Grills Her on Exploding Illegal Immigration – Evades the Question Three Times with Nonsensical Answers”
Get your favorite Liberal dressing Oxy, so you can enjoy the Harris “word salads”!
I should only be able to speak as well as Kamala Harris does.
When I asked Ox that same question, his response to me was, “she was my first choice.”
When I asked him if he voted for his “first choice,” Ox never replied back.
What I meant, Markus, was that when the dem candidates first emerged, Harris was my #1 choice because she was in my view the most talented. Therefore, when Biden ceded and recommended her I was very happy.
“I was very happy.”
Of course you were. You and yours always liked KH, even when back in 2020 no one in the party could stand her.
Yes I always liked KH because she was in my view the most talented.
Dan, who do suppose is running the country?
Biden has Alzheimer’s/dementia as an excuse, Harris is just an imbecile.
Mayorkas has done lots of damaged at :DHS, SS, FAA and now FEMA.
He is housing (2 years FREE) and relocating CRIMINAL ALIENS using US taxpayer FEMA funds, but claims FEMA has no money to help hurricane Helene victims.
In fact FEMA is directly blocking private relief efforts by US citizens. There already are calls for the FEMA director,Deanne Criswell to resign. And will have to appear before the House Oversight Committee, just like the SSs Cheatie who resigned in disgrace.
“FEMA Director Deanne Criswell will be coming before the Oversight Committee and will receive the full Kimberly Cheatle treatment.
Probably worse. FEMA is confiscating supplies, blocking help to Helene survivors, and using disaster relief funds to house illegals.
Resign Deanne. https://t.co/v9s7h85s5T pic.twitter.com/1YF2Px9yVm— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) October 4, 2024”
They should have already impeached Mayorkas, and thus cut the head off ONE of the Serpents. Let’s not forget Mayorkas answers to VP Harris, Biden’s subordinate.
Trapper, you say Harris is an imbecile. That imbecile could hogtie you verbally in a debate – you wouldn’t have a clue how to compete with her in a verbal battle.
So who’s the imbecile?
Harris can’t string two sentences together, at one of her own campaign events.
Calling her an imbecile was being too generous of me.
“Harris can’t string two sentences together”
Gee, how did she make it past high school, never mind law school?
Trapper, can’t you get anything right?
Ask Willie Brown, I mean she’s an accomplished prostitutor (NOT a typo!) !!!
P.S. She flunked the CA bar exam on first try.
How does that compare with JD Vance, who got a full ride scholarship, at Yale Law School?
Obviously you weren’t watching Kamala when her teleprompter short circuited in MI during her speech yesterday. She went full word salad when it went down. The only ones who knew what she was saying were those who speak word salad.
And who picked that episode out so you could see it?
It was live on tv for everyone to see. I see what you are trying to do though with the, “who showed the episode to me.”
Right, you wouldn’t be watching Harris unless it was a selected negative editorial cut shown on a network that doesn’t like her.
That may be fair.
Crooks working in Beacon Hill think mASSachusetts western border is RT 128.
You vote for them Oxy.
Delusional post of the day will be hard to name the winner, You and TSC are running neck and neck.
The only fear in the air is how many illegal votes will be counted that will prevent the duly elected Trump from taking the Oval Office once again.
If Trump doesn’t return to the Oval Office it will be because he wasn’t duly elected.
The Leftists are running Selections, not Elections.
How many do you dumb asses have to be told by Trump he has nothing to do with project 25. You people are stupid. So you spend some time watching the Trump town halls.
Trump’s word means nothing.
What is “project 25”?, TSC.
Must be Article 25, the one they activated to keep Biden on the rails.
It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to post and remove all doubt of it
TSC removed all doubts long ago about being a fool.
Free speech: the thin blue line is, and has always been, as Tim Walz points out in the debate, yelling fire in a crowded theatre.
…and what I mean by that is that everyone has their own criteria for abrogation of the free speech tenet. For Dan, it is ‘the integrity of the website.’ For others, it is something else. There is no one who can successfully argue that freedom of speech is absolute.
Free speech does not apply to editorial staff unless it is taking money in from the government. I reserve my right to tell you to stuff a sock down your throat. Read the First Amendment at least.
You should know better than to act like that. Using a specific example of illegal behavior (not speech) to serve as a metaphor makes a silly conceit. Following your logic, the response is to ban the use of the word “fire” and speaking in movie theatres.
Maybe the Feds should ban movie theaters.
Yes, absolutely. Movie theatres are where hooligans yell ‘fire!’ and are dangers to the people.
Hollywood is doing it’s best to make that unnecessary by pumping out crappy movies
Too bad, you miss the point.
The ‘point’ is too silly to miss, OX.
Are you really that ignorant Ox? Or just trying to “dumb it up,” so that you can see life through TSC’s eyes.
Yelling, “fire” in a crowded theatre is a criminal offense, not free speech. It’s no different than these kids across the country getting arrested every other day for calling in fake school threats. It’s a criminal offense.
Yelling, “I hate Kamala Harris’ policies” in Park Square, is free speech. Or driving alone in your vehicle while still wearing a face-diaper in 2024 like you do Ox, is your right to free speech. The rest of us will laugh at you, but you do you.
The difference being, one could potentially place people in harm’s way (getting stampeded), while the other is voicing your opinion.
I hope that helped you out a bit.
Yes, quite simple, really.
As I said, everyone has their own standards for why free speech doesn’t apply. No one says that freedom of speech is absolute.
First Amendment is concrete and clear. People who seek religious oppression and expression that influence government to obfuscate its meaning.
A lot of screaming “FIRE!!!”waltz does. To jail waltz should go.
Walz loves fires. Summer of 2020 he let Minneapolis burn for days.
There’s a good point in that. He didn’t mind that mob yelling “fire!!”
Then correct afterall about context maybe Boxbather the commie is.
They also did overtime with looting and pillaging, er “shopping”….during the “peaceful protests”.
The few that were arrested, were promptly bailed out by a Harris organization.
The crazy part of all of the looting, was that none of the work clothes or work boots were stolen during the entire Summer of Love 2020.
Go figure…
Yeah. Say his name, “George Floyd.”
Shame on you.
Why? I’m curious.
You seem to be ridiculing the behavior of the protesters who were mourning the loss of their compatriot.
Thanks for clarifying.
‘loss of their compatriot’ – Ah – a martyr!
“You seem to be ridiculing the behavior of the protesters who were mourning the loss of their compatriot.”
Scriptures according to Walz I read that your employers at the CCP are rewriting the Bible.
Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who burn down black-owned businesses for racial justice, for they shall be bailed out.”
Also this: Exodus 22:2 “If a thief is found breaking in, he is not guilty of sin, for he is only peacefully protesting.”
Will any of you left-leaning posters explain this to me and how you can still vote for Harris/Walz, after this?
The Harris administration has spent $640,900,000 on illegal aliens.
*$200,000,000 more to Ukraine
*$2500 per month for ILLEGAL ALIENS
*$750 for American Citizens harmed by Hurrican Helene.
And now they are saying non citizens will be getting assistance with what little money is available. A disgrace!
They should get assisted back across the border where they came from. That is all the assistance they deserve.
Traitor Joe sent loads of electrical equipment to Ukraine. Equipment that could used to restore and/or generate power that is urgently needed by Americans devastated by hurricane Helene.
Biden’s FEMA and FAA are also obstructing private relief efforts. Not allowing private planes and helicopters to deliver supplies.
Trapper & Company: you isolationists need to realize that the US cannot thrive in this world unless we pay attention to and participate in the global order. We parcel out funds to both global and local recipients to increase our standing in the world. We ignore and withdraw from the global order at our own peril.
NWO does not have Americans best interests in mind.
Neither does the installed Biden/Harris Junta. But they LOVE, CRIMINAL ALIENS, much more than America or it’s citizens.
Just ask the millions devastated by hurricane Helene, and both abandoned and ignored by the corrupt Executive branch. FEMA has went as far as to block private/citizen relief efforts.
Somehow they have looted the FEMA budget to pay for TWO YEARS of free housing, for the MILLIONS of CRIMINAL ALIENS, they have imported. They even used FEMA funds to transport them here. That would be treason by traitors.
It has been debunked, fake news , by Republican governors even some on Fox News..just because Hannity and Jesse( in the Closet) Waters keeps spinning it doesn’t make it true. It’s Trumps last ditch hope sucks getting beat by the 2nd team.
What about the question posed to J.D. Vance: “How do you answer for the fact that you once called Donald Trump “America’s HITLER?”
So what?
We are on the brink of WWIII and that’s what concerns you JM?
BTW-Did you see what J.D. Vance said about that, “I bought into the lies being told to me by mainstream media, I’ve sensed realized they were wrong.”
It’s time to pull your head out of your a$$ and see the big picture. It’d carry a lot of pull with the serious posters on here.
I’m afraid those serious posters you speak of are largely incorrect, with highly flawed judgment. If Jon impresses the MAGA posters on this site, then he knows he’s headed down the wrong path.
Melle’s postings/rhetoric, reminds us all of the failed PPS system.
Like a sensible grownup Vance answered.
What about Vance’s answer? He said he got the idea from the media, but dropped it when he got to know Trump. Where do you get your ideas, JM? The person or the gossiper?
I hear he called Trump the national Nuciforo
October 04, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Mayor Peter Marchetti’s quote(s), below, do(es) not address the allegation(s) by Victoria May that when he was a bank manager, he called her “a BITCH”. He is named in Victoria May’s federal sex discrimination lawsuit as one of three bank managers who allegedly illegally mistreated her at the bank she worked at whereby they terminated her employment there.
I wrote more about this matter, but it was edited out.
Good editing good writing makes. Not just for killing commies but for writing good lightsabers work.
After the debate the rest of Tampon Tim’s family have said they’re not voting to him joining the other family members who have already endorsed Trump and Vance.
Waltz will win the knucklehead vote.
Haccamo in the running for the Lenox Town Manager.
Maybe he’ll lure Morales away
Lenox was a nicer town to live in, before it had a Town Mis-Manager.
Noncitizens will get FEMA assistance, but citizens get only $750!
How can anyone in their right mind vote for Harris?!
Half of Harris voters are crazy as the other half.
Just in – Biden warns the election may be violent if Trump loses. That translates that he is planning another false flag outrage to discredit his opponent. Yes, the fix is in.
The lunatics will come out if Trump wins. They’ll try to burn cities down.
No, no, you misunderstand. The lunatics will be happy if Trump wins.
It seems you are overthinking this, Mr Just. Biden only means that Trump acolytes will riot, that’s all.
Rioting? You mean like those trying to burn down, literally, government buildings with occupants barricaded and locked inside by leftwing fascists natiowide by ANTIFA branded mobs? Or congressmen pulling firealarms to cease voting? You mean those riots. All Democrat, I assure you.
Or those “peaceful protests” in Minnesota, to which Gov. Walz gave his blessings.
Harris bailed out the looters, arsonists, and rioters the Liberal “Summer of Love”, 2020.
I see you are literally Just in time rather than Just in case.
Just an adverb.
Kamala’s campaign strategy is to tell everyone she is going to skyrocket the amount of taxes they will pay and unbelievably half of the country think that’s just great especially school personnel who know they will get big pay increases each year to cover the tax increases. Most working Americans will be destroyed by a Kamala Harris presidency with all of the increased illegal immigration and Equity and Diversity. Housing will continue to be a huge issue as more and more illegal immigrants pour into our cities and town across the country and the huge demand will drive up prices for apartment rentals and buying a home. This is already happening and will only get worse with Kamala Harris. JD Vance really pushed this point during the debate and said this is about common sense. Sadly, this is something that many Americans no longer care about as they spin fantasies about the success of the Biden/Harris agenda.
And the ones who vote for her will be the first across the country protesting all the jacked up old and
new taxes. They will be holding up signs stating they can’t afford homes rent, food, medical care, gas, food, utilities etc.. and asking for more money from the government (taxpayers). I don’t feel one bit sorry for those who voted for their own troubles and demise.
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie (middle class) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
The Kamala Marxist Democrat Party is following this plan perfectly!
What are you doing reading Lennin, Optimus?
Spelling: Lenin.
Looks like OP stepped on Oxenfatter’s Lenin toes.
Good work, Dan.
Why can’t you get it right, Pat? You are misrepresenting Harris’s view. She does not ‘tell everyone she is going to skyrocket the amount of taxes they will pay’, she says she will raise taxes on the very wealthy, and leave the middle class alone.
The very wealthy especially if they are business owners will pass their increases in taxes right on to we the consumers which means more inflation for everyone.
Good point. Well, would you rather they pay less taxes than you do instead, Pat? That way they can’t pass their tax increase on to you.
Me, I’m going to choose high taxes for them, low taxes for me.
“Me, I’m going to choose high taxes for them, low taxes for me.” – OXY
And no taxes for CRIMINAL ALIENS, just free US tax money and benefits, by the crooks who imported them, BIDEN/HARRIS
I would rather they spend less of my money on things that I don’t want. Like benefits for illegal aliens, wars against Russia, weird government jobs like DEI which are quite expensive, and trying to imprison opposing politicians and spying upon and charging regular people.
That is what I would choose.
The Democrat party, the party of chaos…..
If Donald Trump were a contestent on Jeopardy and lost, he’d claim that the other contestents cheated.
How many votes/delegates, did Harris receive in the “Democratic” primaries, 2020 and 2024?
The proper Jeopardy question/answer is “Kamala did not even get zero?”
You must answer in the form of a question!
“What is, Harris did not get any Delegates 2020, and NO VOTES 2024! She was installed by Democrats like a toilet.”
I’ll take Kamala Harris for $500
“She got 0 votes in 2020 and was the first to quit,”
Question (answer): “What is Kamala Harris’ greatest accomplishment?”
Ding! You are ready to proceed to round 2!
JD like Don is a natural born lying billionaire.The coup was very violent and almost succeeded and MAGA cult will be the first victims of Trumps 2025 project.They don’t have the luxury of time.It will be a go on day one.
You’re back in the running for most delusional post of the day with that one!!!
Might need a tiebreaker between you and Oxy.
Your taxpayer dollars are keeping the lights on in Ukraine while Americans in the hurricane damage zone are without power…….
Vote Trump/Vance 2024
They should turn off the lights in the White House because nobody is home. The savings from them off could be diverted to the hurricane victims. Same with the surrounding building’s in Washington that our supposed leadership isn’t leading from.
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
-Ronald Reagan (said before he even knew how true that is.)
And this…..$157 million to Lebanon, but FEMA has no funds to help Americans in North Carolina……
The globalist goons from ScareWood Forest once again out stealing and spreading our wealth around to the poor, helpless and disenfranchised( so-called).
Brunswick, Maine providing illegals with 2 years free furnished apartments, all utilities paid…..
How many units are being provided to illegals in YOUR town at taxpayer expense??
These apartments are gorgeous. Huge flat screen tv and beautiful furniture. Meanwhile working Americans are struggling to pay rent or raise the money to buy a home that is extremely overpriced. When will Americans wake up to what is happening in this country? FEMA says the funding is gone to help Americans after Hurricane Helene, but we have plenty of money for wars and illegal immigrants. Samaritan’s Purse and Mercury One have done so much of the aid to areas destroyed by the hurricane. Mercury One is run by Glenn Beck and his viewers who have given millions of dollars to help. Mercury One has rescued people and brought them to hospitals and dropped off tons of food, water, generators, and medical supplies. FEMA and even the Red Cross were nowhere to be found and some government officials were even blocking people from going in to help these disaster areas, but Elon Musk complained about this and now all rescuers are able to get into these areas to help. Unbelievable.
And free money for murder types in prison for sex changes.
When you MAGAs push a person who tried to cheat when he didn’t win the 2020 election it makes you cheaters as well.
“Is that what you commies think?”
what if he’s the best qualified for the position? would you still not vote for him? genuinely curious
Great question, not only for JM but for everyone. Its subtext asks if people can limit their emotions and evaluate objectively and rationally.
Hard that is to do, but fun also it is.
If he were the best qualified, then yes, I’d vote for him.
But my judgement is that Trump is not the best qualified. What damages his qualifications is that he does not put the best interests of the US at heart.
Also, he does not respect women and he wants to remove a woman’s right to choose.
Also, a fish (or organization) rots from the head down: I do not want my family, friends and all US citizens to have Trump as their behavioral role model.
You missed/ omitted JD bringing walz abortion in 9th month savagery, to the forefront.
Which caused tampon to deny, lie and further embarrass the democrats evil murder of innocent children.
Only the truly depraved, could support such legislation.
Tom, If we were to list every evil thought that pair said or defended, it would be like a Yom Kippur service and we’d all need to take a bath afterwards.
Appalachia is underwater, and our ineffective disinterested government, having spent all the money on newcomers ( they invited, welcomed and pampered) offers the victims of Helena $750 . Obtained only by Internet access? Then prohibited musk from donating starlink ?
Seems the water is providing the lords cleansing.
America needs an
Enema, to purge the uniparty industrial war complex.
Which believes working class is just cannon fodder, to support their defense contractor investments.
Profit before people- needs to be punished as treason.
It’s modern slavery – better to kill them off than pay them.
Democrats just pivoted to war/ to profit from the poor.
America knows well how to win wars , diplomacy and industrially , yet we are failing?
Layered incompetence is intentional.
Lord hardens the hearts of oppressors.
SSI is welfare for those who refuse to work but demand free shite from gubmit coffers. In truth if that program were to weed out the miscreants, lay-a-bouts and con artists 80% would be sent packing. of course I suppose we could say that about most all gubmit programs that tout their interest in helping the downtrodden and helpless. ebt cards, section 8 housing, public sector unions, w.i.c….it’s a long list.
“…compassion for the needy is not the same as
enabling the lazy.”
Instead of 86000 irs agents- 10000
Investigators to verify disability- pay for tips on cheaters.
How many lawyers friends, family and exs are suffering fibromyalgia, and racing barrel horses , having welfare babies and living large – while on mass health, welfare and free college?
Yet legal immigrants pay 8-10000$ yearly , for legal expertise?
Do some research- ever notice government is full of lawyers?
Sometimes you worry about something long enough it happens.
And we have a strong 3rd contestant in the running for delusional post of the day!
Will this verbal scree vault Melle, past TSC and Oxy?
Once again, I did NOT write the above post people assumed it was the real Jon Melle. Anyway, Trump and Project 2025 alike are NOT going to win in 2024.
Sorry about that, JON. It shall be deleted.
Your website is really messed up, Dan.
I am not allowed to vote thumbs up or down on certain comments, while other comments show that I have already voted on them when I haven’t!
I really want to see it before you do that. Sometimes those are also good.
If that is true, mea culpa.
Trump is a psychologically deeply flawed human being. When he lost the 2020 election he promoted several schemes to try to change the election results. Alternate electors, shaking down GOP Georgia election officials for vote padding, and finally inciting his followers in a last-ditch effort to disrupt the electoral count by his own Vice President, all this to maintain power that he didn’t deserve – the first time in the history of our country that the loser tried to change the presidential election results because he couldn’t accept the fact that he lost that election.
You MAGAs can’t accept these facts and so you make up stories to rationalize away the truth. And yet you somehow believe that it is we non-MAGAs who are making it up when the facts are out there for the world to see.
You must have forgot about democrats not accepting the outcomes of elections?
Optimus, Donald Trump is the first losing presidential candidate to not accept and try to change the election result in order to stay in power. Period.
Not shocking when you realize all the tricks Democrats are playing to win elections. Now 14 states are saying no ID required when you vote. What’s to stop people from voting more than once under these circumstances? You can make up a name and vote under that name and vote again under another name. This is insanity. I completely understand why there is so much mistrust about election results when people are doing these kinds of tricks. Donald Trump is living in a time like no other in which we are fighting evil from within this country. Elon Musk said on Saturday that this will be the last election in America if Trump doesn’t win. He is right. Elections will be meaningless if we continue going down this road of political corruption.
Pat, of course, the non-MAGAs feel the same way about you and the rest of the MAGAs.
He had legal right to challenge State’s electors, as provided by the US Constitution.
The staged J6 “insurrection”, prevented that from happening.
Silly Trapper: the time to challenge electors is BEFORE the congress certification stage.
IF Trump was guilty, WHY did the J6 Committee, …. Liz Cheney included, et al ,…
What they hide/destroy, Oxy?
Why did the J6 Committee, Liz, Bug eyes Schiff, Pelosesy minions, ….. DESTROY ALL THE “EVIDENCE” , AS REQUESTED BY CONGRESS.
Tell us OXY?
All of the J6 committee evidence is right there for you and the world to see.
J6 Traitors/”Committee” , deleted everything they had, and EVERYTHING, was requested by Congress.
Traitors committing treason, is A HANGING/CAPITOL OFFENSE. They ALL deserve a military tribunal, then a tree and short piece of hemp, and not that cheap shit imported from China.
Hillary Clinton 2016!
H-Beast, thought she had the fix in 2016.
Leftist/Liberals made sure of the fix 2020.
Clear difference between political parties……
Project 2025 and Donald Trump wants to privatize Medicare and the VA because it would be hundreds of billions of dollars per fiscal year in revenues for greedy for-profit insurance companies that would most likely cut our earned benefits.
Medicare’s annual budget is around $850 billion; the VA’s annual budget is around $325 billion per fiscal year; combined, that financial figure is around $1.175 trillion per fiscal year.
Biden/Harris et al, already gave away the Medicare and VA monies, along with FEMA’s disaster monies and elderly Americans Social Security to their favorites; CRIMINAL ALIENS!
FEMA claims they are broke and cannot help Americans with disaster relief from the most devastating Hurricane in half a century.
Yet FEMA is giving free housing and benefits to the Criminals for two years, they also used FEMA monies to import the invaders, at the direction of Biden/Harris.
Is FEMA really broke?
Exactly Trap,
The government is putting American citizens last. And the organizations helping illegals should be ashamed of themselves!
Nope, they are aiding and abetting CRIMINAL ALIENS, a FEDERAL FELONY.
They all should be prosecuted. But the current DOJ is part of the same corrupt organization.
(F)unneling (E)mergency (M)oney to (A)liens
The quote of the day from a poster on X.
Trump rally with Elon Musk = 17 children with six different women
the Party of family values.
You’re just very jealous.
I’m carrying his child too! We’re naming him Donald after his godfather.
Sure great, that takes a load off of me.
If I had my druthers, every woman would have a child with Elon just to hedge her bets.
If he was a POC you’d be giving him an award
Ask Doug Emhoff about his nanny infatuation.
Did he rape her, knock her up, or both?
In this clip on the Clinton News Network (CNN), Killary states that social media companies need to do a better job of stopping “right-wing conspiracy theories,” or the democRATS will “lost total control of the message.”
Hillary Clinton says ‘the quiet part out loud’ during CNN interview, sending news appearance into viral frenzy | Daily Mail Online
**My questions to Snark, Ox, JM, TSC, Mr. WW, and Larry Bird:
**Why are democRATS continuing to try and limit free speech?
**Who determined that democRATS would the party to decide what “disinformation” is for the rest of us?
Nina Jankowicz, Disinformation Czar, Is Back in Action (reason.com)
**What other rights are you will to give up, besides free speech?
October 7, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I love how the news article, below, states that the average home price in the Berkshires is $475,598, and properties below the average home price are difficult to buy due to lower inventory and higher demand than the higher inventory and higher priced homes, without explaining that there are little to no living wage jobs for the working-class residents in Pittsfield to finance a mortgage in the first place.
To illustrate, if the underclass “Jon Melle” resident of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) wanted to purchase a home in my aforementioned native hometown, I would have better odds winning the state lottery jackpot than working in a living wage job. Those are terrible odds! Pittsfield is described as a distressed city with an over reliance on social services, along with acute economic inequality (with the likes of former Mayor Linda Tyer and her nearby neighbor Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior living in their respective mansions in the city’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College), while the city’s large underclass population lives in “the Ring of Poverty” inner-city neighborhoods that surrounds North Street’s Social Services Alley downtown.
I wish that people understood that Pittsfield is ran on Perverse Incentives because all of the above inequality produces a high level of state administered federal aid dollars for Pittsfield, while the city’s public schools are rated Level 5 (the bottom rating), violent crime in the city more than doubles the statewide average since (at least) 1980, GE’s capped leaky landfills left the city polluted with PCBs, the annual municipal operating budget costs up to $40 million more than similar small postindustrial cities, and so on.
The state is playing inequitable financial shell games with Pittsfield. The perfect illustration is the state lottery SCAM, which is really regressive taxation. The lottery systemically mocks Pittsfield and the underclass residents who live there and places like it because they do NOT understand that almost all of the benefits from the lottery go to the greedy elites in Boston, which use the money to giveaway huge state tax breaks to their wealthy big business campaign donors who do no live in places such as Pittsfield.
So what is my point here? The answer is that the reason why the average working family cannot own a roof over their heads – a home – in Pittsfield is because the elites see them as a means to their Perverse Incentives ends instead of as taxpayers who matter. To illustrate, the “Jon Melle” of Pittsfield is unable to find a living wage job, wants to play the lottery, ends up on social services, points out that Linda Tyer and her nearby neighbor Nuciforo live in their respective mansions in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community, writes about the city’s inner-city distressed neighborhoods, says that the annual municipal budget costs up to $40 million more than places such as Westfield (Massachusetts), explains that in return, the taxpayers receive….I won’t write it because it is all already stated above, the city takes in as much state aid as possible in return for substandard services, the state doles out the aid dollars, but ensures it is as inequitable as possible, and the financial, corporate and ruling elites in Boston enrich themselves at the public trough while mocking people like the “Jon Melle” of Pittsfield.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
“Driven by lax inventory, the average price of homes in the Berkshires continues to climb”
By Claire O’Callahan, The Berkshire Eagle Claire O’Callahan, October 6, 2024
Demand continues to outstrip supply in the Berkshires, making it challenging for prospective homebuyers to break into the market.
Small shifts this year could point to a softening market as the county continues to slowly retract from its COVID highs, said Sandra J. Carroll, CEO of the Berkshire County Board of Realtors. But historically low inventory persists across property types and the average price of homes continues to climb.
“There is still more demand than there are homes available in the marketplaces in the ranges that drive much of our market, what we call the workforce housing range,” said Carroll.
The average sale price in the Berkshires is continuing its slow march upwards, according to the Berkshire County Board of Realtors’ latest market report. It rose to $475,598 this year, up 3 percent from last year.
Inventory also rose slightly, but remains very low with an absorption rate of 3.44 months.
“We consider anything under 7 months to be a seller’s market and low,” said Carroll. “We did move up this quarter so there are more properties on the market, but it is still historically low.”
Combined, the high prices and low inventory have created a challenging puzzle to crack.
Pending transactions rose slightly last month, particularly for houses listed in the $250,000 to $400,000 price range.
That range captures what Carroll calls the “workforce housing” bracket (roughly between $200,000 and $400,000) and it is where she sees the most demand from prospective homebuyers.
But properties priced in that range, especially the lower end, can be difficult to come by.
In affordable housing terminology, “workforce housing” — also known as middle income housing or the missing middle housing — often refers to housing that is affordable for people earning between 60 and 100 (sometimes 120) percent of the area median income.
In Pittsfield, a “workforce housing” qualifying individual would make a yearly income between $47,280 and $78,750. A family of four would make an annual income between $67,500 and $112,500.
North and Central County have a market that can meet this demand, said Carroll. The average home price in North County is $321,803, well within the “workforce housing” range. In Central County, the average price is slightly outside the range at $430,326.
In South County, the average price, although slightly down from last year, is still far out of range at $846,173.
This mismatch between the average home price and the home prices that are in demand could explain why the properties listed are spending longer on the market — 105 days compared to 95 last year — despite the low inventory.
“Where the inventory is being held right now is in price points where there is not as much buyer demand,” said Carroll.
The highest number of listings this year have been within the $1 to $2 million range, up 23.6 percent from last year. In September alone, 82 residential properties listed in that range. In comparison, 41 are listed in the $400,000 to $499,000 range, which captures the county’s median home price.
Looking into the next quarter, Carroll said the rise in pending transactions could indicate a stronger market and lower mortgage rates may ease the market.
“We’re looking at an interest rate market that might be easing up and might be helping buyers have a bigger opportunity to afford brackets of housing,” said Carroll. “But I do think that, just in general, inventory continues to be a challenge.”
I’ve come to the conclusion that even if things were wonderful you still won’t and don’t want to work. You are 49 and are still bottom feeding after all these years from your own lack of trying to have what others have worked to attain through hard work. Some have worked 1,2 and even 3 jobs to have what they have and maintain. You can’t reach the top rung of a ladder without using the bottom rung first.
UM…..if Melle’s VA benefits don’t dry up, because of failed Democrat policies, he won’t give a RAT’S ASS!!!
Work that is hard never does Jon do. Jobs are like self pride missing they both are. About people blog posts can be mean from parents basement clad in his pajamas he does sit.
Interesting this is.
Yodas only one can there be. A Fight you want, a fight you shall get.
Jon Melle Yoda trash talk, have ever you heard? Lies this imposter tells.
Yoda has trouble speaking because his thinking is sdrawkcab.
Shorter than you I may be, but fix that with a lightsaber I can.
Thanks for the non-supportive words and harsh criticisms of me.
Give me a post I can support from you and I will. Don’t take it as harsh criticism(s)when I respond to you! Take it as giving you something to think about when you post.
If support you seek a girdle you shall wear. Harsh can be criticism but harder is the truth.
Optimus, why don’t you go out and pick on someone your own size?
Johnny doesn’t need you for a bodyguard. He’s capable to defend himself from posts.Give him some credit Knucklehead.
A nose one must pick avoiding a fight assures one of a nose to pick.
Dan, careful you must be. Not the real Yoda this Yoda is not.
Whoops, Yoda, in other words, this Yoda is not not the real Yoda.
You have to get your Yoda grammar correct or people will think your not the real Yoda.
JM do you ever stop and think to yourself, if there is a housing shortage, why the fu*k doesn’t Kamala close down the border down and stop the flow of illegal aliens? Or does TDS consume, like internet porn does?
To simplify for you, you and I have a dozen apples (12) between the two of us. The goal is to make the apples last for 3 days.
Using basic math, that would give us each, 2 apples a day to eat and have enough to last for all 3 days.
Now, if I invite 50 illegal aliens to join us in our apple feast, suddenly we have a “food shortage.”
Does that make sense to you? It’s simple supply and demand JM.
I summed up the current “housing shortage,” caused by today’s democRATS.
Don’t confuse Johnny, he learned his math in PPS system.
Millions of people taking blood thinners in the u s Price 10 dollars for three month supply . Downside,you will-bleed and it’s made of rat poison. The other alternative is Xarelto. Cost with Medicare only 2000 dollars,yes two thousand dollars,no real side affects. And you can eat certain foods like greens unlike warfarin and you don’t have to get tested. Yet,they want to give prisoners,some murderers sex change money
MSM is passing off all the reports of the evil deeds, FEMA/Biden/Harris are perpetrating, by abandoning hurricane Helene victims and hampering private relief efforts, as DISINFORMATION!!!
Just like Hunter’s laptop, Biden’s dementia, the flow of CRIMINAL ALIENS unchecked/encouraged,…….
But you haven’t seen anything yet.
Another major hurricane due in Florida tomorrow. The Biden Junta hates DeSantis/Floridians as much as they do Trump.
God help Florida, FEMA and the crooked Federal Government won’t!
The ‘video’ graphics are not videos, just still pics. Could be completely made up. Article lacks credibility. Needs evidence. Shocking if true, but not accepted as presented.
Why post what appear to be videos that do not play?
Ok, confirmed that the videos do exist. Disturbing.
The only thing you should remember before you pull the lever bring your screw driver to remind yourself. YOU’RE SCREWED. And to the City Council Rep for Ward 1 and Ward 4..the bump- out at Reid and South is Dangerous and the new Bumpouts at Partridge Road are incredibly dangerous. If you don’t believe me go to Partridge From Oak Hill half the speed limit and give us your opinion. Is Pittsfield Nuts ?
Yes Pittsfield is very much nuts. All of Pittsfield, from corner to corner, north to south, West to east is all nuts. The roads, the signs, the lights, the weeds, the sky, the ground is all nuts. And the politicians are nuts, and the people are nuts too.
Ricky Rumpus is batshit crazy.
North st, Tyler rotary, rotary at North/1St, bike lanes, bumpouts, paving 1/5 of Holes rd and none of Crater ave,……..
A nasty, untrue allegation. How do I know? Because it originated from the mouth of one Donald J. Trump.
Except it is probably true. Democrats tend to punish those who do not provide votes. Remember Mura Healy cutting storm remediation funds for coastal towns that did not agree to take her illegals? Andrew Cuomo liquidated a conservative voting block – those living in certain nursing homes by deliberately infecting them with covid. (Shipped covid infected patients into their facilities and then banned families from visiting their perishing parents.)
They do it everywhere. You may be right, but, I don’t think so.
If Harris wins will she be called Whore President or President Whore?
Neither. It would be ident-hor-pres.