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ADD 1, 11/16 p.m. — During Thursday through Saturday 7:30 p.m., THE PLANET‘s IT people did some work backstage to upgrade certain platforms. If you experienced unusual delays in your posts making to publication (some did, some didn’t) it was due to this “homework.”

We constantly invest to keep the site current with the dizzying speed of today’s new AI internet. “Pretty impressive for a one-man band,” as one our the guys said. He meant caring this much technically but also the phenomenal output, in our 15th year and going strong.

We do it for YOU, We The People, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, The Little Guy. Thanks for your patience, cooperation, and understanding. THE PLANET gives you content of superb quality that you cannot get anywhere else, especially in local la-la media. Our systems are now back fully online.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, NOV. 15-7, 2024) — It’s both fun and sad to see delusional (translation: “woke”) Democrats anguishing over the election they just blew, starting with Queen Bee Nancy Pelosi. The 84-year-old prune was the one who teamed with the Obamas to dump Joe Biden from the ticket. She said Biden was too old.

After Pelosi, take our liberal loon governor, Ms. Healey, and the fake Indian senator, Ms. Warren … please. They have spewed nothing but hatred (translation: “the politics of joy”) toward the incoming Administration, thus securing for the citizens they represent nothing but hostile disregard from the White House. Good job, girls.

While the Dems wail and Ogden gnash their teeth, THE PLANET salutes President Biden for welcoming President-elect Trump to the Oval Office on Wednesday. The two men shook hands, with Biden assuring a smooth transition. Fact is, most Democrats, sagging under the weight of buyer’s remorse, realize Biden couldn’t have done any worse than the humiliation that Kamala Harris brought to ticket and party. Biden would have stood a much stronger chance of defeating Trump.

Biden and Trump don’t see eye to eye, but there isn’t the personal animus that you see from Harris toward Trump. The men in this case “get” the game of dirty national politics. They fight, beat each other up, and move forward. Harris, in contrast, acted like she was in a cat fight–high-pitched screeching, clawing, cackling, pulling hair, and spreading lies. She was in a Man’s Game, but she came into it with tampons and Tim.

And where is Harris lately? Guess the “politics of joy” were too much for this “flawless” candidate born on third, thinking she had hit a triple, only to get picked off by “The View.”

———- ooo ———-

Here in the Bay State, where Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski continue to be held hostage by out-of-touch government at the state and local levels (check the pathetic roster of Berkshire Country “reps”), the Democrats have one crown jewel, a man of courage and common sense. He’s House member Seth Moulton. He had the courage to say what needed to be said about boys competing in girl’s sports. Keep biological males the hell out of girl’s sports. The girls need to compete against their own and feel safe doing so.


This state’s disproportionate attraction for the marginal issue of transgender rights, along with its $billion+ for grifting illegals over hard-working citizens, has pushed Massachusetts out of the national discussion.


This state’s disproportionate attraction for the marginal issue of transgender rights, along with its $billion+ for grifting illegals over hard-working citizens, has pushed Massachusetts out of the national discussion. Trump will see to that. The Bay State Kapanskis will pay for it, just like they will pay for the upcoming 7.17% Bitchfield tax hike approved by an incautious mayor and a suck-up council.

Of course, the ideological idiots who have kidnapped the once-respectable Massachusetts Democrat Party had a collective conniption, demanding that Moulton apologize and resign. They have done everything in their aneurystic power to “cancel” the congressman. Moulton, in reply, not only refused to apologize but doubled down on the notion that boys identifying as girls, aka “transgenders,” should be nowhere near the latter’s playing fields. They also should be kept out of girls’ locker rooms and restrooms. Moulton said if certain snowflakes are “offended,” so be it.


———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET is sure you’ve seen the billboards infecting Bitchfield: “I’m a _______________, and I carry Naloxone.”

  • “I’m a teacher, and I carry Naloxone.”
  • “I’m a doctor, and I carry Naloxone.”
  • “I’m a mother, and I carry Naloxone.”
  • “I’m a drug dealer, and I carry Naloxone.”
  • “I’m an illegal alien, and I carry Naloxone.”
  • “I’m a transgendered woman identifying as black, and I carry Naloxone.”

You get the idea. The marketing campaign suggests everyone should carry the “opioid antagonist.”

The question is, “Why?”

If someone wants to die and willingly takes the action to achieve this outcome, why should we stop them?

THE PLANET has a better idea. We just might take a few thousand from our book royalties and purchase billboards that read, “We believe in freedom and responsibility, and we DON’T carry Naloxone.

Why should we be guilt-tripped into carrying a substance that will bring a person back from the consequences of personal choice, only to keep spreading misery and the dealers in business?

Adults respect the ramifications of free choice.

Everyone owns themselves. We are responsible for the life we are given. The flip side of freedom is acceptance of responsibility. That includes bearing the consequences of choice.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


The choices we make are ultimately our responsibility“–Eleanor Roosevelt.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Liberal marxists believe their totalitarianism is different from Hitler’s, because, unlike der Fuhrer, they are morally right and only mean well for everyone. Their moral superiority justifies any action they believe necessary to implement their system.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

November 14, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I am proud that Governor Maura Healey always stands up to Donald Trump. It is called DEMOCRACY! She has the federal and state constitutional rights to lead Massachusetts, NOT Donald Trump, who will lead the federal government in 2025 – 2028..

I am NOT proud that my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, chose to take over $6,000.00 in fiscal year 2025 from the average property owner city tax and fee payer. I do NOT understand why Pittsfield costs tens of millions of dollars per fiscal year more than similar small postindustrial cities, such as Westfield.

The 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics have demonstrated that they have NOT changed Pittsfield’s predictable pounding of people’s purses. The property tax increase of 7.17 percent, as well as the fees increases of 8 percent, hurt local taxpayers instead of helping them to get ahead.

Please do NOT forget that the Mayor Peter Marchetti settled Nuciforo’s pot fees lawsuit by giving Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior a city FREE CASH check of $341,000.00 earlier in calendar year 2024. Nuciforo is a millionaire who lives in a $950,000.00 mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

Poor exploited city taxpayers who are the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who work hard and pay taxes in Pittsfield, Massachusetts!

Jon Melle

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Maura Healey will do anything to make the world safe for bureaucracy .

3 months ago

Our local government is pathetic and so many of the pathetic ones were voted back in. Massachusetts citizens are out of touch with the rest of the country.

We should also have a giant billboard in Pittsfield congratulating Trump on his comeback win. When lots of AOC voters also voted for Trump, that says a lot about the faith that even many on the left have in Donald Trump.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Mayor Pee Pee 90 grace period of Bitchfield blocked my political email today (Thursday, 11/14). I am honored.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jon Melle
3 months ago

You’ve been blocked more often than a nose tackle

3 months ago

My body my choice, I will not carry Naloxone on my body. Time to get the Recall petition for Moron Healey, she’s out of control with her stupidity. It’s only a matter of time before she bankrupts Massachusetts.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Healey needs to be prosecuted for her immigration crimes.

In federal prison. GITMO .

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

I would be willing to carry Naloxone if it worked on TDS.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Prosecute the witch, for aiding and abetting CRIMINAL ALIENS, AG Gaetz.

3 months ago

Personal responsibility left the American Culture at the turn of this century. Unfortunately everyone has fallen into this trap so they can feel safe and cared for, this is why you hear everyone crying for free tuition, free/paid off loans, free phones, free food,etc… It is obvious no one since 2000 has taken economics where it states there is no such thing as a free lunch, meaning there is a cost that is paid for everything. Hopefully with education and common sense coming from the new administration maybe things can get back to common sense and less government interference. The next generation will be taught how to take care of themselves and to have a sense of community spirit to donate their time to make their community a great place to live. That is my wish for the new year!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

With Trump’s recent landslide win, I’ve noticed The Planet has shed a few liberal-loon posters recently, like a bad case of fleas.

Let’s take a look at a few of those (self) purged:

**Ox-gave one last underhanded comment about Kammy not getting elected because we (MAGA) are racist. Ox could never (or would never) answer when I asked for any success stories from (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t hires, or why he got his thong in a wad when I asked that question.

Of course, when I posted the link from the Sacramento Bee congratulating her on being the “first Indian American woman” elected to congress and asked Ox what race Kammy truly is, he/she/it went radio silent as I expected.

**Snark-is it time to take post Snark’s pic on a milk carton as “Missing?”

**Larry Bird-Snark used to say you “hit the winning shot” with your left-loon posts, what happened? Did you get benched? Cut? Banished to the G-League?

**TSC-possibly locked up in Jones III or rehabbing from a serious alcohol and “fenty” problem. Best of luck getting clean and sober.

**Mr. Worldwide-he could clean up a Cumby’s parking lot of riff raff that his own wife helped bring into Picklefield, but his political advice and posts were as worthy, thought provoking, and needed, as Linda “Flat” Tyer’s current $100k a year job at BCC is.

**Kindergarden-personally my favorite lib-loon poster on here. A former self-proclaimed college professor who was not used to getting push back from others. He also claimed to be a former intelligence officer, who had his “intelligence sources” telling him Trump would get sentenced to Prison. I never asked him if those “sources” were Peter Strzok and/or Lisa Page.

I might have missed a name or two, but these were the most prominent left-loon posters from recently.

JM is the only one left standing. The rest of them left him standing alone in the rain, waiting for the short bus to arrive.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Markus, I’m always amazed at the inaccuracy of your posts about me. Ya just make things up about me over time. I never called you guys racist. You inferred that yourself. My meaning was to imply that you believe what you do about Kamala because Trump said so. I told you that and you forgot…again. I’m glad you like Kindergarden because he and I are the same person.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

In Vietnam, this was known as smoking out the “tunnel rats.”

No, you didn’t “imply” I needed Trump to convince me of anything. I made my point about Kammy abundantly clear, She was an IDIOT Marxist. Period.

You implied we (MAGA) had “racist” undertones.

What I find interesting, is you don’t dispute one thing I said about both of you….smh.

Older, white, liberal, NIMBY-a$$hole is what you are.

How many illegal aliens have you brought into your home hypocrite?

I’ll promise you Trump didn’t inspire or help me write that.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I did not imply you all (MAGA) had racist undertones. You inferred it. I can control what I imply but not what you infer. I meant to imply that your Kamala talent judgements came straight from the mouth of your cohort leader. A fish (or organization) rots from the head down. You and your MAGA friends are deficient in judging talent.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

The key point about Kamala is that she stated expressly “I am a socialist ” in a live interview in 2019 during her primary run.

That’s all the proof you need that she is a self described marxist.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

I’m surprised he didn’t know that.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

I did call him out a while ago because they had the exact same writing style and word usage, but Ox told me he wasn’t Kindergarden.

I took him (Ox) at his word.

Foolish me.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Hold on! Are you also Mad Trapper? If so, I commend you for your discipline. Very impressive!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

No, I’m not MT. I only post only one name-MA.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Then who is Mad Trapper?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

but Ox told me he wasn’t Kindergarden”

That would be correct. He was at that point Oxyhatterboxen. Are you Markus Aurelius if you write under Darth Vader?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Kamala didn’t lose because of her skin color or her gender. She lost because she really did not have anything at all to offer except her love of of celebrity, money, comfort, and power.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

In short, she is a marxist.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

TSC got sick drinking bong water

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Maybe the Guv is wising up since 37% of MA residents voted for Trump…….

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Wow! Incredible, she saw something that wasn’t popular, and she adjusted her position. Kamala should have probably done that. Unfortunately she couldn’t speak articulately, or even have a thought. Ox , that last bit was for you.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Yeah. Yer just wrong.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

She needs the crowbar hotel.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Probably because the state doesn’t have the money for illegals, only part is in next years budget. She needs Trump to send her federal tax money for healthcare and education so she can cut services to citizens and divert it to foreigners.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Healey and leadership shouldn’t continue any more financial policies that support the state’s illegal immigration law breaking population In  2024,  Healey spent millions in taxpayers funds for social services programs along with other kinds of aid for illegals, which makes no financial sense. Her continued support for illegal immigrants at taxpayers expense in Mass is just nuts. Healey needs to put the state’s taxpayers money to better use for legal citizens period. It’s her fault along with local leaders across Mass that we are being overtaxed in every way possible way including every F’N new fee they can think of.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

We’re getting there

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
3 months ago

Beware the ramifications of choice and the fallout of the delusional demonacrats;

There is so much paper shredding going on in DC that its beginning to increase global warming. Even the heavy duty Clintonian Super Shredders are burning themselves out do to overuse. The biggest concern( much like Shillary’s emails) is that by the time the investigations start these miscreants will have destroyed tons of evidence of their corrupt wrongdoings.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Festus Feeney
3 months ago

The Dem’s “Shredding” versus the Republican’s “moral hypocrisies”!

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

What’s a “moral hypocrisy”?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

No, JM, once again you have this all WRONG. Let me explain it to you.

Shredding federal documents without authorization is ILLEGAL.

A “moral hypocrite” is a person who calls another man’s wife “lovely.”

He types it from a computer, while sitting in his basement and is certainly not man enough to say it to the married man’s face because he knows he’d get his a$$ whipped if he did-a “moral hypocrite.”

Early 2000’s, “the lovely” Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens) was married at that time. TFCB was JM’s original “the lovely,” up until she blocked his emails.

Mid 2010’s, “the lovely” Linda “Flat” Tire, is currently married.

Ring a bell JM?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Isn’t moral hypocrisy a bit of an oxymoron ? Moral = Honest
Hypocrisy= Deceit

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Festus Feeney
3 months ago

When people run straight to metaphors or abstractions that sound meaningful, you know that they are spent and don’t really know what it is they think.

3 months ago

Off topic, but why not give the carousel as a gift to the museum and use the profits from the sale of our Rockwell’s to maintain it?
Several years ago there was talk about trying to do some economic development of the blocks between Big y, West Housatonic Street and South Street.
Turn Church Street into a pedestrian Mall, line it with a candy shop, a souvenir shop and a cafe,throw in an ice cream vendor.—- I know this is beginning to sound like that song Saturday in the Park.
Especially because the garage attached to the Holiday inn is now condemned all that parking at TD Bank is now really prime real estate and just like banks out their names on stadiums they could put their name on the parking lot because there’s no parking for families going to the museum and the carousel.
Just another Pittsfield pipe dream without a pipe here…

Reply to  Outfox
3 months ago

Needs a restaurant there so Pete White (Wimpy) can add a new free lunch location.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

I’ll gladly mention you Tuesday for a hamburger today!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Lieawhtha Warren smeared POTUS Trump’s choice of Sec of Defense.

Pete Hegseth, 20 Year Veteran, 3 tours of duty, 2 bronze stars, Harvard and Princeton grad.

I was proud to not vote for the fake Indian.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

P.S. DNA results, show POTUS Trump, has more Native American DNA, than Lieawatha

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Her DNA test confirmed that she is just a boring wasp. She, a lHarvard awyer with an office thirty paces from Dershowitz, should have learned his lesson from the OJ trial. Don’t touch the evidence! “If it doesn’t fit, you must aquit.”

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

RE OJ:: hearing the judge’s ruling that the defendant must try on the glove, granting the prosecutors’ demand, I can see Johnnie Cochran tell him to go to the bathroom and smash his hand until it was a couple sizes larger.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Dan, a lot of people have drank themselves to death too.

Drugs and addiction are evil.

Don’t get started.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

“A barren mare that is too slow to race, too weak too work, too stubborn to train.”


And, she’s 20 MILLION in the hole, after spending 1 BILLLION in three months.

Where did all that $$$ to?

Last edited 3 months ago by Mad Trapper
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Celebrity endorsement is another Democrat form of money laundering. The celebrities write big checks to the campaign and are reimbursed with outrageous appearance fees. It’s a racket.

3 months ago

My moniker must have got crossed up with Oxymoron because it got lost in the “system” or atmosphere of the new Gore created internet. Anyways this morning I am hoping with RFK at the helm he gets rid of government run insurance. Since Obamacare started many hospitals, private practices and nursing homes have gone bankrupt. This in a time when the population in Massachusetts and the country is getting older and in a need for higher level of care. The state should at least take the 1 to 2 billion it is spending on the illegals and their choo choo train dreams and put it into helping the taxpaying population stay healthy and have a place to receive care when needed!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Oxymoron. I like that.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

And, you & Pat never answered my question. What a surprise. Well, that’s why I’m leaving this board because of lack of honest response from you MAGAs, that is, except for the radical inefficiency of the site.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Come back again when You can’t stay so long, if we don’t see You again, swell.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

You’ll be happy.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

You’ll be bored. You’ll miss my little jokes.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Maybe I would if I understood them.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Grab a copy of Asimov’s Tome of 1,000 Really Funny Jokes.

That’ll get you oriented and modeled.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

What was the question?

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

The Q was: whose evaluation of Kamala do you agree with, mine or Joetax/Markus?

My evaluation is that Kamala is an intelligent, well-spoken candidate who has good leadership qualities.

The Joetax/Markus evaluation is that Kamala is a stupid idiot who is the most unqualified, incompetent candidate seen in one’s lifetime.

Are you willing to say which evaluation you feel is closest to the truth?

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Shirley, that’s only part of the story though. The independent living facility where my mom lives can’t get new residents, and now wants to become affordable housing.
These places understand that their value is not in housing the elderly or even housing per se but they do understand that the real value of these places is the land underneath them so they do not do the marketing work to replace their populations and then claim bankruptcy when the census gets too low for their rents to support the services

Reply to  Outfox
3 months ago

Unfortunately the cost of running a senior living center like Sweetwood or Devonshire cost more than people make per month. This is the reason they can not fill the apartments. The marketers are out trying to fill them but this is a poor area and the residents can’t afford the cost.

3 months ago

Pittsfield will soon be giving out fines if you don’t follow the new garbage rules in the city. First a notice then you will be fined. How much? Nobody knows. This is a great example of government out of control right here in Pittsfield, MA. They are so happy people are recycling, but the city and Casella need money and fines are one way to do it. If you don’t close your container all the way and have a tiny bit of garbage peeking out….that will be a fine. If you accidentally throw plastic into paper recyclables…another fine. If you have trouble paying your fee for an extra garbage toter in this inflation ridden economy…..another fine. Give government too much power and this is the result. I didn’t see this article about garbage fines in the Berkshire Eagle.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Sounds like the premise for a Waugh novel. The Casella man will have the opportunity of a lifetime extracting fees for no fines – the funny things people can do to make money.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

All he has to do is slip a Bud can in your trash bin and a pic. What an enviable job just handed to him by a Bitchfield Council!

3 months ago

Anyone else triggered by the attempted dumping of the carousel on the taxpayers of Pittsfield?

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

Carousel in that or any area will become a hang for junkies,homeless indigents,and free ballers. No to that..and waWa Park swamp improvements…..illegals and dreamers will be taken care of by Director Homan. Kufflinks and Bitchfield boss has ruined us financially as has the council with this insidious budget we have. Wait till next year.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
3 months ago

April 1, 2025 – get your nomination papers and run for council. Grab a friend and make it two. You only need 6 to make your majority.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Even better get three on the school uCommittee. There’s one there who is just a placeholder. He was elected by default.

Two others are easy to beat. Watch a few hearings and you will have your campaign platform.that is the engine that runs half the city’s budget and impacts every family and school staff.

Probably more important than the council.

Last edited 3 months ago by Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

I agree especially with their new dream to rip families apart while polluting the city driving school buses all over the city. Instead of using the neighbor school method they want to have schools by grade, This will mean they will have to transport kids all over town depending on what grade they are and where they live. Where does this even make sense?? I can understand closing schools due to a decrease in the student population but not transporting them all over town, just asking for accidents and issues along with making our air dirtier.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Your campaign slogan “Take the ‘ocol’ out the schools”

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Take the ‘cohol’ of of the schools.

Reply to  Sig Natureday
3 months ago

It would have fit perfectly with Bouton’s old time field of dreams! Another missed opportunity.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

If Harris had won we would have moved it to park square and renamed it the …..Joy Ride. Anyway Harris fell into the City Curse as Hillary Clinton, visiting the Colonial.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

The Carousel is unique
And now it’s oblique
It initially had good intentions
But dirt bags ruined it’s conception.
Now it’s a fundamental quagmire
Because cash is gonna be slashed
But that’s what we do here
We fund feel good trash
So let’s take the Carousel
And send it on its way
A playground for the homeless
Is there any other way

Second hat
Second hat
3 months ago

Cruton of the year.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

November 16, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I agree that Matt Kerwood “Kufflinks” and Mayor Peter Marchetti “Pee Pee” and his mini-me Pete White “Voltron the Pork-Chop’s” insidious municipal budget and tax rate and fee increases are a BIG burden to Pittsfield’s taxpayers. Moreover, next year’s Pittsfield politics’ pounding of people’s purses will crush the financial life out of Pittsfield’s working-class and middle-class 50 years diminishing population.

Why does Pittsfield’s fiscal year operating budget cost tens of millions of dollars more per fiscal year than similar small postindustrial cities? Answer: CORRUPTION! See the disgraced Nuciforo’s money-grab:

Why did the 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics settle Nuciforo’s pot permits lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield by giving Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior a city FREE CASH settlement of $341,000 earlier this year in calendar year 2024?

Nuciforo is a millionaire who lives in his $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College, but most of Pittsfield’s otherwise financial fools are struggling to make end’s meat.

Mayor “Pee Pee” will collect his 6-figure city public pension plus perks in his Golden Years, “Kufflinks” will do the same, “Voltron the Pork-Chop” will try to do the same, “Luciforo” will continue to rake in his millions of dollars as Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits), while the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who is stuck living in the PITTS – along with Jon Melle, who lives around 100 miles northeast of Pittsfield – will always and forever be giving “Pee Pee”, “Kufflinks”, “Voltron the Pork-Chop”, and my enemy #1 “Luciforo” not one, but TWO MIDDLE FINGERS!

I am honored that my no-good relative Peter Marchetti blocks my political emails because it shows me that “Pee Pee” is conning Pittsfield’s taxpayers of our CORRUPT native hometown – Pittsfield, Massachusetts – that has a distressed and very unequal economy that I know all too well through years of pain in my adult life.

Jon Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago
The school committee
The school committee
3 months ago

Once you are brainwashed by the 1% you can then demand loyalty to turn against your fellow non FOX watcher so that they can get complete control.Trump is the leader of the hater party.Because you are easily trained you will follow Trump in his passion to be a Putin butt boy.Enjoy all the sex perversion of the Republican party.Let the coup begin. Project 25 is at hand and you snowflakes wont like the result.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

would help you drain your brain of TDS!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

November 17, 2024

Are you writing to us that the Orange Jesus is NOT the real Jesus?

We must be SHOCKED, SHOCKED that the 78-year-old Donald Trump and his spineless Republican Party are really sex perv’s, have a minimum of 3 wives a piece, pay their mistresses hush money, preach their moral hypocrisy to the masses, serve the wealthy and powerful elites with historically huge federal tax cuts, make false promises to help the common people who have been falling behind for over 5 decades now, call us non-believers of the MAGA (equals Nazi) propaganda horrible names, wants to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education, wants Big Oil to run the U.S. Dept. of Energy and EPA, loves authoritarian dictators, especially oil and natural gas rich Saudi Arabia, promises peace around the World by pasting Wings of Pigs to make them fly over the Swamp, and are promising to persecute illegal immigrant families and dish out retribution to their so-called political enemies.

Wait just one minute. The Orange Jesus sounds NOTHING like the real Jesus!

Jon Melle

P.S. Governor Maura Healey for U.S. President in 2028, please!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

What has the U.S. department of education done for us?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Hi Jon,
Well of course President Orange Jesus sounds NOTHING like the real Jesus!

People like Trapper and Trump do not ask WWJD, they just do as they please and then ask for forgiveness afterwards. Pretty easy and simple life!

Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

Did your health insurance pay for your lobotomy or did you pay out of pocket?

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

You are right CC Prez Pete these MAGA fools will regret Project 2025 when Trump gets in office. Why are Mayor Pete and Jonathan fighting is it because Mayor Pete doesn’t like you two guys getting that close?

Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

TSC, I’m inclined to agree with you.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Staging an emergency that would prevent Trump from taking office. If that’s what is unfolding the miliary has a duty to arrest the Democrats in the coming hours and install the elected President.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Wilson
3 months ago

You think Russia would take the bait? They are winning.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

No check China’s increase in their military spending. They now have the biggest navy and army, watch out Taiwan