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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 18, 2024) — You’ve heard the bromide “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Good advice, that.

In Two-Pete Bitchfield, however, officials know better than that. In fact, they know better than you do. They believe that “if it ain’t broke, then break it.” And if it’s broke, destroy it even further.

THE PLANET can apply this to any number of developments in the city, which has just lost one of its star downtown restaurants. Ask the owners of Bistro 413 the true reason they playing Aloha on the steel guitar. We leave that aside. Today, we refer to the new toter system for garbage collection. The first sign of trouble came from city officials when they gushed how well the new automatic trash system was performing.

All well and good, except they followed with a euphemistic lecture: “Additional education” will be needed for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski and the rest of the bedraggled citizens now suffering under PP (Peter-Peter … Pee-Pee … PP … “Pittsfield Proud”) government. Translation: The rollout has thus far been a flop.

When the corpulent mayor and the challenged Voltron the Porkchop were scheming to inflict this carny on taxpayers, Ricky Rumpus, Bitchfield’s Wizard of Works and Pee-Pee front man, declared “The way we’re doing things [now] is not working. We are generating too much trash as a community.”

So said he. Of course, Ricky did not back up the thin-air claim with sufficient data. You were supposed to take his word for it.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch, free toters, or free anything in Bitchfield, at least if you aren’t part of the In Crowd or one of the privileged demographics.


“[T]here are ways to reduce how much money we spend on trash,” Rumpus said. Yes, and the way our “Proud” leaders chose was to soak you MORE for trash pickup. Remember, in Bitchfield, less is more.

In short, the early going has been a series of tipped toters, misaligned toters, bagged garbage not picked up, and a littered assortment of glitches. Moreover, the 48-gallon receptacles have proven inadequate for many addresses. Too small. This was part of the deal, however. To get a second toter, you will have to fork over $40–each quarter. That adds up to an additional $160 clams annually. Peanuts.

In announcing the garbage scheme, the city boasted that the “compatible 48-gallon carts (toters) for waste and recyclables that will be provided by Casella Waste Management … at no additional cost to the city.”


That’s because the multimillion contract for which taxpayers are on the hook had built-in the cost of the containers … and then some.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, free toters, or free anything in Bitchfield, at least if you aren’t part of the In Crowd or one of the privileged demographics.

The city, on a more ominous note, promises that after the “reindoctrination” of the populace on how to conform to the new rules, the fines will begin. That’s right. Pee Pee and Pee Pee will start hitting noncompliant users in the wallet. The Pride Twins.apparently feel that they haven’t gouged homeowners and taxpayers enough.

THE PLANET guesses that their recently passed 7.17% tax hike won’t do enough to feed the Special Interest Porkers sucking up the $lop the public trough. The SIPS, you see, have ravenous, growing appetites.

There are 17,312 residential trash customers in the city. In the eyes of the mayor and the city council, each one is the “trash” that the recently humiliated Harris campaign boasted about. Pee Pee and mini-Pee Pee agree.

They think you are trash.


The city loves talking trash about its citizens, but its “leaders” are garbage for the job they’re doing” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.



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3 months ago

I would love to know how much was paid in backroom deals to get to this current system. It has been continually turned down by the taxpayers. Everyone loved the city picking up all the trash and burning it for fuel, through steam and electricity. Even after giving $500,000.00 for upgrades for the incinerator for some reason 2 years later the city was having it torn down. They continually talk about getting energy from other sources besides oil well if you keep tearing things down that will help. like the incinerator and dams, where will the alternatives come from? China’s solar panels that will tur to trash in 30 which will pollute the landfills? This city has no vision and hence no future.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Unfortunately the vision that the city has is not one that anyone wants. Forcing people to pay a lot of money if they want to rent a 2nd garbage tote is outrageous. Imagine paying year after year to rent this 2nd tote. It’s probably only worth $50.00. I like the idea of the garbage trucks picking up and dumping the totes into the truck. It does literally save the backs of the sanitation workers, but anyone living in a two person or more household should receive a 2nd tote at NO CHARGE. Also the citations and fees for breaking garbage rules is crazy. With a 2nd tote there wouldn’t be so many violations since people could easily put out all of their trash and close the lid, but they don’t want to make it easy for people. Icy weather will be a problem too. I always kept my garbage bags on my porch during the cold weather and just threw them into the front yard for pickup. Now I’ll have to navigate a sometimes very icy driveway to put the bags into the totes for pickup.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

They should two options: totes as much as you can cram (with lid shut) or pay as you go bags (in your own hard garbage bin.) Saves a lot of muny money – no new trucks!

Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Has the ordnance on trash been updated? If not are we still operating under the old rules? If it hasn’t been changed why do we have to follow made up rules that haven’t been through due process?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  DB
3 months ago

There are no rules. You thought that, I have appeared to say that it is so.

There are no rules, there is no law.

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Again on the icy driveway. Many driveways have no room to push the Toter if cars are parked. In the winter you have to shovel before cars can be moved. Also we’ve seen several toters knocked over and garbage all over the place.Who

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Burn the grease from Wimpy White’s free meals. Keep Pittsfield Warm.

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Especially Kuffkinks then White who continually pursued the idea after several times voted down. Just like the bike lanes on north st.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
3 months ago

Casella is now the Spectrum in Bitchfield. Or should I say Monopoly.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Sig Natureday
3 months ago

Save money my ass

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I almost had an interview with Clowncil Prez Pete “Wimpy” White, about the new toter plan; but unfortunately, “Wimpy” White had more pressing matters to tend to. Here, I caught it all on video:

[RetroActive Ads] Carl’s Jr: The Guacamole Bacon Chicken Sandwich (featuring Wimpy)

BTW Dan, I know Voltron Porkchop is Pete’s current name, but I can’t remember which poster over the weekend came up with the name for PW as “wimpy,” but that name fits him like a glove. Any chance he can have an alternate name?

**I mean, after watching the above video of “Wimpy” White taking care of “city business,” and then actually looking at the real “Wimpy” White run a CC meeting, I honestly cannot tell the difference. Can you?

Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

Maybe planet posters can by Wimpy a derby

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

They dont make that size.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

I’ll gladly mention your restaurant Tuesday for a hamburger today

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Wimpy is like an assembly line shoveling the food into his mouth.

When the bill comes due, Wimpy develops a case of “alligator armitis.”

His arms just don’t stretch far enough backwards to reach his wallet.

Correct me if I’m wrong, did Flat Tyer spend a lot of taxpayer money to put a gym on the basement level of CH?

Or, were those “consulting fees,” she spent.

Nobody seems to use that gym.

3 months ago

What these far left politicians here in Pittsfield are really trying to do is to have people consume less of food and everything else. That’s the ultimate goal. They say it’s about recycling, but their ultimate goal is to make it so expensive, so annoying, and so time-consuming to organize your garbage that you throw your hands in the air and say “we have to live very simply because I can’t afford the fees and the hassle. The far left wants people to downsize on so many levels including where you live (smaller houses and apartments) to what you consume to lessen your carbon footprints. It’s all about government control for you while the government officials and the wealthy live by different rules. The higher income households can afford the outrageous price of renting the same toter each year and own larger vehicles to bring their larger items to Casella. Even though Republicans have made big gains across the country, this area remains committed to the Communist/Globalist agenda.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Traitor Joe/His handlers/deep state, are trying to get us into WWIII, in their last days of destroying America.

They just poked the Russian Bear in the eye, by authorizing Zelensky, to use medium/long range missiles we/NATO provided, inside of Russia.

Putin already said this would be an act of war by NATO.

“Until now, the Regime refused to allow Ukraine to fire these ATACMS into Russian territory, correctly warning that the move could lead Vladimir Putin to retaliate in an even more severe manner.

In fact, Putin has warned for months that Russia would be “at war” with the United States and its NATO allies if they allowed Ukraine to use of long-range Western weapons like ATACMS. He added that all options would be on the table in response to such an attack, including nuclear weapons.”


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Leftist/Democrats war directly with Russia has begun. MSM covering this?

“Russia’s Defence Ministry:

At 3.25 am Ukrainian forces fired 6 US-produced ATACMS missiles at Russia’s Bryansk region.

Five missiles were shot down by S-400 & Pantsir AA systems, one was damaged, its fragments fell in the technical zone of a military facility, causing a fire”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

O’Biden doing his best to prevent Trump from taking office with a world war and possible martial law……

Concerned onlooker
Concerned onlooker
3 months ago

What do you mean about the restuarant? Bistro 413 is in North Adams. The version that was open in Pittsfield closed almost a year ago.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
3 months ago

It’d be funny if it wasn’t true.

President Voltron the Porkchop just posted another example of his failure to do research of any kind. Today he posted on Facebook that GZA of Wu Tang Clan is a scientist of quantum physics and has lectured at MIT & Harvard.
The only speck of truth is that GZA is interested in stars and the planets.
Has never gone to college.
Has never lectured at Harvard and MIT on quantum physics. Actual Rolling Stone quote from him, ” I mean, I never went to a university and linked up with, you know, quantum and astrophysicists and things of that nature.”
But it was posted by African American – Black Heritage Facebook page so it must be true right???

President Porkchop Voltron is a stooge.

He also posted about getting coffee soda but surprisingly didn’t mention he got it while attending the Trans Day of Remembrance Service and Candlelight Vigil he attended with Alicia Costa and Smelly Stalker Kenny Warren. Of course, Wander is the same place hosting VOGUE & VIBE YOUTH DRAG CLASS & DANCE today in case you want to see kids learn to drag today.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Flogging Molly
3 months ago

Case in point to my post about bonobos and government.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

November 18, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics predictably pounds people’s purses!

Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski work hard for their money only for their city tax dollars to sucked into a black hole of corruption.

Earlier this calendar year 2024, Mayor Peter Marchetti settled the disgraced Luciforo’s lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield by giving Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits) a settlement check of $341,000.00 from the city’s excessive FREE CASH account(s).

While Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski are paying for the 2-Pete’s fiscal year 2025 8-percent fees increases, 7.17-percent property tax increase, and the new fee(s) for trash pickup, the disgraced Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior is a millionaire who lives in his $950,000.00 mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College. In 2023, disgraced Luciforo gave Peter Marchetti $1,000.00 towards Peter Marchetti’s mayoral campaign; disgraced Luciforo’s net profit = $340,000.00; the fictional Kapanski’s net loss: “priceless”. WHAT A CORRUPT CITY!!!!

Mayor Peter Marchetti worked at a Pittsfield bank for 35 years, he is serving a 4-year term running City Hall with a possible 2nd 4-year term from 2028 – 2032, and then he will collect 3 pensions: 1. his bank pension; 2. his city public pension plus perks; &, 3. his Social Security monthly beneficiary check.

Instead of the municipal government investing in people and the community to help the fictional Kapanski family to get ahead financially, Mayor Peter Marchetti is charging city taxpayers tens of millions of dollars more per fiscal year than similar small postindustrial cities, such as Westfield. Moreover, the likes of the disgraced Luciforo and Mayor Peter Marchetti are the only one’s who are getting ahead in Pittsfield politics by winning at any cost, to which I – Jon Melle – on behalf of the fictional Kapanski’s, give both of them 2 MIDDLE FINGERS!

Don’t you see what is happening here in Pittsfield politics?

Jonathan A. Melle

P.S. For me to call Luciforo “trash” is to lenient; rather, Luciforo is EVIL!!!!

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Why did you and your cuz Mayor Pete have a falling out was it because you and CC President Pete are getting really close and dining together.

3 months ago

Lumpy Marchetti and Wimpy White. What a pair.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Bitchfield needs to stop people from going into the toters for cans and bottles.

3 months ago

Saw a couple of interesting thing in the papers today. In one a longtime Massachusetts congressman stated “it troubles me that the American people voted for the party they fear the least”.????? Does anyone see an issue with this? He basically admitted his party (the Democrats) is the party citizens fear the most voting Democrat. Seems to be another example of the Democrats becoming a Marxist party of America.
Another issue was the Northern Berkshire Marxist got together to try and get the state to support the Chinese in building a useless choo choo train to North County. How often must we scream just widen the roads. The MBTA is 1/2 billion dollars in the red and they have the envious position of being in a high concentration market.
Now a question. I heard that Maxymillian sold and is closing their administrative offices on East St. Is this true? Another longtime company jumping ship,,,,who’s next?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

Where the hell was Bistro 413? Never heard of the joint.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

If Wimpy White didn’t get a free meal there who cares?

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Who’s the biggest free loader Pee Pee or Stooge? With two. You get egg roll….

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago


Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

It’s bad enough with rates going up andtaxes but these stupid toters have no buoyancy. A slight wind knocks them over. There was-is much more strewn trash from this dumb idea. With dumpted garbage in the road and the other thing is steering is impossible if you have to alter a straight line like your car in the driveway.

The other thing is we’ve had to check it three times already to see if it was empty because the lid is closed. One more thing is indigents going through the Toter for bottles and cans. Keep out of the damn toters.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

Sounds like they are too buoyant. Idea! Pittsfield Toter Party. The Mayor and Council prez wake up one morning to see a long procession of toters floating down the Housy. Then run candidates under the Pittsfield Toter Party. Will have traction for at least a generation and a warning to future admins: “just don’t!”

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

JB Weld bags of mercury under the lid so it closes tight.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Obama has ruined the Demonrat party…….

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Nah, it was Bill Clinton. Watch House of Cards with Spacey. That’s the tale of Bill and Hillary. “No where is it written that there are only those Founding Fathers. Say hello to your new daddy”

Bill said that it was an authentic screenplay of the White House.

Wild Fire
Wild Fire
3 months ago

Development vs. Conservation:

There may be significant private or corporate interests in developing state or municipal lands for economic gain, such as real estate, tourism, or other industries. This can lead to conflicts between the goal of protecting natural resources and the push for profitable development.

Funding and Resources: Parks and recreation commissions, along with the DCR, often face budget constraints. Wildfires, droughts, and other emergencies can strain already limited resources. Development interests might leverage funding shortfalls to propose privatization or increased commercialization of public lands.

Environmental Oversight: While agencies like the DCR aim to protect lands, there can be loopholes or insufficient oversight. For example, allowing controlled development in parklands can lead to long-term environmental degradation if not monitored strictly.

Hidden Motives in Development: Some entities with development interests might lobby for changes to public land use under the guise of improving recreational access or safety (e.g., wildfire prevention). However, the end goal could involve repurposing these lands for private gain.

Public Access vs. Restricted Use: In times of crisis, such as wildfires, certain areas might be closed for safety reasons, but this can also pave the way for re-zoning or alternative uses that limit public access permanently.

Lack of Transparency: Decision-making regarding parks and recreational lands often involves multiple stakeholders, including developers, environmentalists, and local governments. Without clear communication and public involvement, agreements might favor private over public interests.

Identifying these potential “catches” involves closely scrutinizing policies, public statements, and the entities involved in decision-making about parklands and recreation spaces.

~ chop wood carry on ladies

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Wild Fire
3 months ago

I would think girls,women would be a little uncomfortable with a trans in their locker room? Aside
I was watching pctv interview with this Rep.Smitty, and he must’ve said this guy was a great representative at least 10 times. Yet Jon on here says Smitty was no good? So which is it ?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

Make insane asylums great again!

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Wild Fire
3 months ago

This is good.