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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 25, 2024) — The Restoration of Common Sense (ROCS) that began Nov. 5 continues to take shape eight weeks before the once and future president takes the oath. One of the first casualties of idiocy is the dismantling of DEI (Didn’t’t Earn It) initiatives.

What is DEI?

“It is a multibillion-dollar industry that pushes a left-wing, far-left ideological orthodoxy in essentially every area of American life, which is why I’ve begun to call it the DEI enterprise, instead of just DEI, so that people have a sense of what I’m talking about,” Devon Westhill, constitutional and civil rights attorney, said in an interview.

“Enterprise?” How about scam? Grift? Shakedown? Reverse discrimination?

As we’ve seen in Bitchfield and in the country–government, academia, institutions, and companies–“diversity” means “no white males” allowed, since they are de facto “racists.” “Equity” means minorities–particularly female, of color, and gender skewed–receive preference not based on merit but upon skin color, sex, and self-defined orientation. “Inclusion” stands for “Everyone who looks like us, believes in our tenets, and does not ask questions.” Aside: Isn’t Dumpster Earl still looking for “people who look like me?” Ah, but THE PLANET could be wrong.

———- ooo ———-

Why did so many adopt such a policy?

Because it was foisted upon them under duress.

“It wasn’t so much a dollars and cents motivation [for corporations],” Will Hild, executive director of Consumer’s Research, said. “You had it coming from the federal government, where if you wouldn’t go along with under the Biden administration, with the DEI regime, they were threatening to sue you, or to claim that you’re violating civil rights of minorities. So, it was more a combination of the threat of bad press or government action against these corporations.”

The Harvard Business Review surveyed 829 companies. They concluded that DEI initiative “activate bias” and “encourage rebellion” among employees. They conclude that “diversity training, hiring tests, performance ratings, [and] grievance systems tend to make things worse, not better.”

The numbers on productivity bear it out. Companies that hire on the basis of quotas not qualification can expect defines in output, quality, and customer service. We’ve seen it in Bitchfield … or is THE PLANET wrong again? We’re sure many of our critics, who represent some of our most loyal readers, will inform us!

———- ooo ———-

Forbes magazine (4/3/23) lists 10 reasons why DEI efforts fail. Among them:

  • They foster bias
  • There is lack of commitment.
  • Theyencourage a “check box” approach to work.
  • Such programs lack clear goals, where success remains undefined.
  • Too much focus on rules and not enough upon performance.

President-elect Trump has promised to ban DEI in workplaces and educational institutions. ROCS will help to restore true equality, an equity based on merit and ability. The undeserving and unqualified will find their exalted status removed, and if this encourages just one such person to better themselves through more education or job training, it will be worth it. As the Supreme Court put it through Chief Justice Roberts, DEI backers “have wrongly concluded that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin.”

The obvious proof that such policies as Affirmative Action and DEI have failed is the lack of progress made by institutions that adopted them. If they worked, we would have seen an opposite result. Marginalizing merit guarantees mediocrity. ROCS represents the nation’s best chance to achieve equal opportunity for all.


Focusing on outcomes rather than perceived “structural bias” or “systemic racism” is good for all Americans and America itself. THE PLANET knows, as do all clear thinkers, that this is a step forward to be embraced.


“When illogic rewrites history, we are all losers” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Musket Ed
Musket Ed
3 months ago

Some are smarter than others that’s just a fact. But giving a job for instance to an inferior candidate because of inclusiveness sounds a hell lot the affirmative action.

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

Why are so many people being arrested on outstanding warrants.? From out of state infractions? In the police log it doesn’t say for what reason? Could it being drivers license suspensions? Out of state info has been released to authorities concerning thousands of d u I and related infractions and other info that carries over to Massachusetts,which is fine. But many drivers are being told to pay enormous fines along with the added suspension? This is very serious.

Those infractions ( the fine payment especially) have already been adjudicated. Many drivers go back decades with no problems since.

Hasn’t the R M V ever heard of the Fifth Amendment? Double Jeopardy ? Add the suspension to the record but fining massive amounts and holding a license in suspension is cruel and unusual punishment for many.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

Dealing with the RMV is like visiting one of Dante’s lower levels.

They feel above the law, and impose double jeopardy. That should go to the SCOTUS.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

The Orange Jesus is not only a 78-year-old buffoon, but also, Donald Trump is the so-called cultural warrior for white conservative men who mostly worship Jesus and support the Orange Jesus, but the big flaw in the president-elect’s reactionary policies is that Donald Trump is the ultimate moral hypocrite, which means that the income White House administration will be telling us to “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS the 47th U.S. President DOES” in his billionaire life of (questionable) sexual promiscuity, hush money agreements with his mistresses – including a porn star and Playboy Bunny, his 3 wives he cheated on, but had 5 children with, etc.

In my view, cultural conflicts in politics are pointless because it never leads to outcomes whereby people agree to live in a homogeneous society led by a dominant culture (because we are cultural diverse and live in multi-cultural societies – hopefully with tolerance). We have around 300,000 years of human history to study cultural conflicts and violence in societies whereby people have been fighting with each other over cultural conflicts and violence for a very, very long time. In all of this time, cultural conflicts and violence has never had a real resolution (and it never will). How will the next 4 years of Trump’s cultural wars versus women, minorities, immigrants, education, government bureaucracies, etc., be any different?

The oldest tactic in politics is to “Divide and Conquer” people in society for the elites to consolidate their wealth and power. Trump will divide the American People (& beyond) through his culture wars as a planned diversion so that the super-wealthy will be served with ” government efficiency” by the Republican Party in the Swamp. “Government efficiency” = pasting wings on pigs to make them fly over the Swamp!

Meanwhile, the biggest injustice in our country is that for over 50 years now, the middle-class population has been shrinking, and the huge underclass population has been growing larger, while the top 1 percent of super-wealthy people has received almost all of the nation’s gains in net income.

To be clear: We are being distracted by Donald Trump’s cultural wars to make us common people into the financial fools we have been conditioned to be for generations by the elites via the government. That is the exact opposite of the government investing its limited resources into people and the communities we common people live in.

Instead, we should be united in calling out all of Donald Trump’s moral hypocrisies, educating the common people to stop being financial fools, and hopefully putting an end to the growth in our nation’s large underclass population by demanding that the government invest in common people and communities instead of giving always giving huge tax breaks to the super-wealthy elites.

The common people are victims of class warfare. Donald Trump’s culture wars and really class warfare.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

74 million americans disagree

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Two Cents
3 months ago

Culture wars are really PROPAGANDA. Donald Trump is using his morally hypocritical propaganda spreading his version of conservative white Christian nationalism political movement as a weapon that he will wield against the so-called “enemies within”.

The use of “MAGA” propaganda as a weapon is DANGEROUS in politics! It is understood that “MAGA” really means “NAZI”. Donald Trump has appointed a Neo-Nazi named Sebastian Gorka to work in his 2nd presidential administration.

Donald Trump is using Adolf Hitler’s EVIL playbook 100 years after Hitler’s EVIL political movement in Germany took place. The end result of Hitler’s culture wars and propaganda was the tragic Holocaust that claimed the lives of 17 million innocent people and Peoples, including, but not limited to, 6 millions Jews in Europe.

The U.S.A. is on a dangerous and tragic path. We must STOP Donald Trump’s culture wars and propaganda sooner than later. We cannot allow history to repeat itself 100 years apart. Down with Trump!

Lastly, it is easier for political movements to be against something than be for something. But, it is usually politics at its WORST!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Well, Hitler breathed air. Trump breathes air. That clinches it! Trump IS a Nazi!
Not an entire exaggeration of our leftie friends’ reasoning

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

So true!! Thanks for the laugh. The sad part is they don’t realize they are the ones dividing t he country and creating splits between different classes/genders/races Republicans just look at character of the person.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Might I suggest you stop by Berkshire Roots and pickup a preroll and a couple of special brownies.
Then return home to your basement and shut with your special man then turn off the computer and put on a little New Kids on the Block and sit back and spark up that preroll and enjoy a brownie.
You’ll enjoy life better my friend.

Cha ching
Cha ching
Reply to  Randy Nucifloro
3 months ago

I might explore my roots

Faree Loadoor
Faree Loadoor
Reply to  Cha ching
3 months ago

Is that what that’s called?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

What a moron.
Ignore this idiot.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

People like JM and company are a perfect example of why the split in our society is irreconcilable. We can’t live with these people, and if we keep trying then they will end up destroying not just their own communities but ours, too.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Hmmmmmm, A society that rids itself of idiots, many blockheads it shall have.

Last edited 3 months ago by Yoda
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

I have been called worse than “moron” & “idiot”. You have some class, Mr. F-.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago


Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Obviously you have been called worse, and you have earned it. Ever think of going to counseling, writing in a journal or just stop obsessing with a place you don’t live in?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

No, he won’t do that.

He knows the Dr/counselor will tell him he brings most of it on himself.

Plus, hardworking people have a hard time dealing with an able-bodied, male, older than 21, but younger than 65, “professional victim.”

The logic doesn’t compute for normal people.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago


Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Try mixing your anti psychotic meds with a strong laxative!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

How about a full-on Lockean revival instead?

3 months ago

I can’t wait to read all our Marxist contributors to this board comments. It will only solidify how brain damaged(oops) brainwashed they are when they try to defend the indefensible. I agree with the concept skills, merit and character should be the definition of the perfect person to hire for the job, that is how the business will grow and operate better.

3 months ago

Time for the dismantling of The Black Economic Council and R.-O-P-E-S . These grifters are excluding a large portion of the Pittsfield population. Also stop giving away taxpayers money to businesses based on Color, Sex or type of Sex you have. (D) didn’t (E) earn (I) it. I’m sure there even more, but that would be a good start.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Marx said nothing about meritocracy. That’s where DEI gets its marching orders from and will continue to persist. Let’s see how far DJT gets in two years rolling back pure evil.

3 months ago

Colonists got your hospitals

Coi pond
Coi pond
3 months ago

Imagine if the same people who determine if the tree population needs human intervention are the same people who erect a land scape hotel same exact place where the fallen trees lived?

Now do gender, etc.

Who, that we know is selling body parts and hormone replacement that we know of?

Creating a Black market for *****es & *****as.

Sofa king weird

Even weirder than [ ].

You’re welcome I know you love it when people act dumb af

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
3 months ago

Speaking of DEI, absolutely nothing surprises or shocks us anymore, as we have become so desensitized to every new revelation perpetrated daily upon us, by the elitist warriors of wokeness. Latest example:

The University of Maryland is offering an ‘Intro to Fat Studies’ Course in 2025

The course “examines fatness as an area of human difference subject to privilege and discrimination that intersects with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and ability,” the course description said. “Though we will look at fatness as intersectional, this course will particularly highlight the relationship between fatness and Blackness.”

The course will close “with an examination of fat liberation as liberation for all bodies with a particular emphasis on performing arts and activism as a vehicle for liberation and challenging fatmisia.”

And we, the at least “ semi normal” members of our society, get lambasted daily because of our beliefs in such things as God, Honor, citizenship and patriotism etc.

If nothing else we desperately need a much stronger word than gobbledegook to better describe this painful movement. ( constipation par excellence) that has captured the mush minds of the Woke Intelligentsia.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Festus Feeney
3 months ago

In times like these, who needs Monty Python?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Amen brother Chaz

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Festus Feeney
3 months ago

I pull the shades , ring the faucets loud, then quietly insert the VHS copy of Life of Brian. How else to get by?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

*run the taps…

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Under Bill Clinton in the 1990’s, he instituted his “Affirmative Action,” program. The program was designed to help level the playing field for minorities, over white (males) people.

As time played out, we watched medical, and law schools admit completely unqualified or under qualified black men and women, over much more qualified white, Hispanic, and Asian, men and women. Legal action eventually brought an end to these disastrous programs.

Of course, federal incentives (money, tax breaks, etc) were given to companies and municipalities that implemented AA programs. The “racial grift” was born.

Fast forward 30 years later, and we have the AA Program on steroids. This time, it’s been “rebranded” as (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t, or DEI, as it’s known.

Locally in Bitchfield, let’s take a look at some of the DEI programs and I’ll let you judge their effectiveness:

*A “Cultural Competency Coach,” position was created. ‘

Did this position help young black students who historically perform below their counterparts to read, write, or do math, better than before the CCC Coach existed?

No, it INDOCTRINATED young students to learn that being born white made you a racist and if you were white and questioned the CCC Coach on this assertion, then it made you an “uber-racist.”

*DEI position created in the City of Bitchfield.

To date, OB has launched no programs have helped young POC students to achieve success in life. Instead, it’s another INDOCTRINATION that white people are racist based on skin color and trans-people who play make believe are “normal,” and that we are the “abnormal” ones.

*Berkshire Black Economic Council, “company” was created in Bitchfield.

To date, the BBEC has received over $1,000,000 in taxpayer money, to create ZERO jobs for non-family or friends. The functions put on by the BBEC, have sparse attendance by young POC. These are the people the BBEC are supposed to help and why it was formed. The BBEC just got more “grant money” to expand their business from 2500 square feet to 22,500 square feet.

***Reread this whole paragraph again and help me make it make sense how the BBEC keeps getting FREE taxpayer money, and not loans.

*ROPES Course-another abomination created by the City of Bitchfield.

The ROPES Course allowed Shirley Edgerton, also the CCC Coach from above, to take her family and friends on an all-expense paid, African vacation, so Shirley could “explore her roots,” on MY DIME.

*I used to ask Ox for any DEI success stories. Of course, I never got any. Just a typical word salad, followed by a racist implication.

Four Peeple
Four Peeple
3 months ago

I agree. The suspension added alone should be the punishment because the next one would be a severe punishment especially if you have several already. I can’t imagine getting a suspension anyway from an out of state infraction sometime decades ago.

Either you pay the fine and or have a breathalyzer type device in your car ignition which also cost thousands or appeal it. Which means the license is suspended for months until the appeal costing sometimes thousands more if you get a lawyer at the the appeal.

If you’ve had a good driving record or haven’t been a habitual offender since your last infraction, the fine is cruel and unusual punishment because if you don’t pay it you can’t drive while appealing it,and if you get a lawyer it costs more than the fine.

The intent is to keep bad drivers off the road but it seems like the lawyer business just improved business.

R M V I believe are a quasi and now weaponized entity. They can do what they want without any scrutiny. And good drivers without major infractions should be less penalized.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Four Peeple
3 months ago

I’m not really sure what you’re rambling on about Four, but trying to claim the RMV is “weaponized,” because they charge exuberant fines and fees for Habitual Traffic Offenders (HTO) or people convicted of OUI, is a little farfetched, don’t you think.

Habitual Traffic Offender, the name alone tells me all I need to know about a person’s driving habits-they are dangerous.

OUI-if you drink and drive, you’re an idiot. No two ways about it.

I’m a good driver with zero infractions and the RMV has NEVER fined me or penalized me, because of it.

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Maybe I didn’t explain it well but you were off on your assumption of what You thought I said. Let’s try this. You’ve,not you, have never had a suspension for anything in Taxachusetts. Got it? Are you ready? So,you’ve,not you,had suspension out of state,got that. And your sitting in your chair,you get up to get the mail. Got that? You receive a letter from the r m v stating that your license to drive is suspended and you need to pay a 1200 fine and have a breathalyzer ignition in your car for two years. Got that? OR you can Appeal it but your license will still be suspended until a hearing. Got that? So, do you pay the fine and appeal that knowing it’s already been adjudicated? Got that? And because this happened out of state and you’ve,not you,haven’t even had a moving violation in Taxachusetts. Or do you sit on your ass and wait it out on Appeal and spend thousands for a lawyer? Got that? The Muskets point was the fucking thing has already been adjudicated. Got it. Mofo.

Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

I did not get the message from the first post. If it was adjudicated and everything was paid off or taken care of why would the other state ask the MA RMV to go after them? Bring it up with the DA for extortion charges if that’s how you feel. If you did the crime you must do the time

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

Yeah, I got it “Larry Bird.”

So, you’ve “reinvented” your liberal-loon self as, “Musket Ed?”

Same word structure, sentence structure, no breaks for paragraphs, as before. Might want to change that up. It helps to conceal multiple ID postings on here.

What no more Trump is a bad-man? Trump will “take women’s rights away.”

Have you shed enough blue liberal tears?

**Look at his last sentence, only NBA basketball players and a$$holes refer to themselves in the third person.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Four Peeple
3 months ago

The RMV violates the double jeopardy provisions, and the RMV has been doing it for decades.

This goes for court decisions where the RMV ups the ante for the crime/traffic offense convicted of, or defendant plead to. The statue clearly defines the penalties, the court imposes the penalties, and the RMV ignores what the courts have determined. Then they increase the fine and/or increase license suspension length.

If this went to SOCTUS, it would break the RMV as they would be giving back fines collected since the 1970s.

Speaking of RMV. They provide very little for the amounts of loot they extort. You cannot call them and talk to a human being. They moved to AI to interface with the public, they supposedly serve, long ago. I don’t want to have to press 1, for Ingles, or need internet/computer to contact them.

Going to one of their offices? Can hell be any worse? Want a hearing? Good luck. Might have to go to Springfield, on a bus if you’ve been suspended.

Need a road test and you have an older car/truck? I know people who waited 3-4 months for that, and had to go to Springfield. For some reason those cars/trucks were fine for road tests for years, but RMV got a bug up their ass about them.

tom Betit
tom Betit
3 months ago

Prosecution of prosecutors and judiciary, will make America great again.
executive and legislative branches are , well on way to healing, only one left is judiciary.
dan being a victim of persecution by corrupt judiciary, one would think you would be top of the spear- not an apologist.

be 4 impeachments of United States district court judges , with 2 appeals court judges to follow.
look for brown Jackson to be questioned, for her denial and delay of commonwealth litigants
think Micheal Delaney nomination hearing, was embarrassing to democrats- wait till Rachel “ road rage “ Rollins- gets cuffed , dragged and prosecuted.
cutesy time is over.
wonder who will be new special prosecutor to Massachusetts district…
Justice is coming
even to your favorite Sabrina Garcia Vega.
Continued conspiracy’s to violate civil rights, by trial court- coats commonwealth 3 billion in reimbursements – and more in civil settlements.

11/25/24 @1:13.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Donald Trump should (not) know about the military after his 5 draft deferments. J.D. Vance served honorably though.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Donald Trump has NEVER been sentenced to jail; can you say the same thing JM?

You both have felony convictions. Except Trump’s was fabricated, as we all know.

Didn’t you try to run over a cop or was it fighting with the cop? Or both?

Wouldn’t that make you a “moral hypocrite,” besides a convicted felon?

Be glad you didn’t have a “social justice warrior” prosecuting you for your crime. Instead of a few weekends in the joint, you might have had a couple of years rooming with Lonnie Durfee.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I was NEVER convicted of a felony. I was indicted on 2 felonies, but the Jury said “NOT guilty”.

My 2 misdemeanors were annulled over 5 years ago now by the State of New Hampshire. I have NO criminal record.

The Manchester, NH, Police Officer John Cunningham who arrested, charged and indicted me, later hit a pedestrian who is a lawyer named Adam Mackler with his police cruiser many years ago now.

I knocked over a plastic orange traffic cone with my car.

John Cunningham faced zero charges for his traffic incident. While I stood trial in NH Superior Court in Nashua. I did serve 20 weekends in the county jail in 2010.

I received a letter from the Chief of Police in Manchester, NH, apologizing for John Cunningham’s disrespectful behavior and words. John Cunningham screamed at a woman witness, “I don’t care if he (Jon Melle) is disabled”.

I paid for my actions. John Cunningham did not pay for his actions after hitting a man with his police car.

The police are there to “Protect and Serve”, but when it comes to John Cunningham’s police record, he was there to be disrespectful and later hit a pedestrian with his police cruiser, and never faced criminal charges like he made me face for knocking over a traffic cone.

What is wrong with this picture? Answer: EVERYTHING!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

No, JM, sorry not buying it. You don’t go to jail for multiple weekends for “knocking over a traffic cone.”

And if you were found guilty or pled guilty to the charges and were sentenced to jail time, why would the chief send you an apology letter?

This seems fishy too.

Had to have a special hearing to get an honorable discharge from the Army.

Had to go through a court process to get your criminal charges expunged.

But yet, it was your squad members fault. It was Officer Cunningham’s fault. Andy has persecuted you for “28.5 years” now.

Notice a theme JM?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Sounds like once again you used the fake,“I’m Mentality Disabled “ 100% to get out of one of your many troubles once again.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Biden went toe to toe with Corn Pop. Great military experience. On par with your KP.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Didn’t Earn It equal outcomes, will never succeed for one simple reason. The same ineptitude, incompetence, lack of ambition, what have you, that kept some people from being more successful will still be there. It would require a
constant replenishment of wealth.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

Think we need one of those ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ DOGE offices in Pittsfield, it could be funded by the DEI budget.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

Love the DOGE idea. Unfortunately, why would our politicians implement DOGE? They can raise our taxes and fees every year and still get elected. Look at our 40+ school Buses. Parked in the East side of the City, drive back in forth from the West side empty. Pittsfield 42 sg. mi. Why not house the Buses in different quadrants of Pittsfield only going to Merrill rd. for maintenance. Just one example.

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

We need to go to town manager. For one it will erase the state bureaucracy.

Reply to  Musket Ed
3 months ago

No way that would make it easier to get the loot you only have to bribe or have incriminating information on one person. I think we should make the council all volunteer and have 21 councilors

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

You want 5 councilors. I can name 6 councilors who serve no purpose but to vote yes and drool. They are not even as handy as a pawn
Term limits of 2 for elected and commissions, civic boards for reviewing dept public utility oversight and finance restored.No town manager. You’ll just get the guy Adam’s fired.

Last edited 3 months ago by Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Had a great dream last night, Vivek and Elon decided to stop in the Pitts and slash all the slush out of the cities budget cutting our taxes in half, unfortunately I woke up:(

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Must of been a dream Shirley the Pitts is probably on a DNR on Do Not Resuscitate list only the beautiful people like Hillary, Kamala or Liz types are allowed here.

You know, the thing
You know, the thing
3 months ago

The Ballad of Jon and Andy:

The sun had just begun its descent, casting a warm glow over the quaint town of Bitchfield. Jon, his graying hair sticking out in all directions, stood by the window, his eyes narrowed in suspicion as he watched the street below. Years of paranoia had etched fine lines on his forehead, making him appear older than his forty-odd years. He clutched his beloved My Little Pony plush, its once vibrant colors now faded from countless nights of companionship.
A figure caught his attention, striding casually down the sidewalk. “There he is! The harbinger of my misery!” Jon’s breath fogged the glass as he spoke. “Andy, always so nonchalant, as if he hasn’t been the bane of my existence for as long as I can remember.” Jon’s grip tightened on the plushie, his knuckles turning white.
Outside, Andy whistled a merry tune, oblivious to the eyes boring into him from above. He stopped to pat a neighbor’s dog, his easy smile charming the elderly owner who waved from her porch. “Afternoon, Andy! How’s your day been?”
“Fantastic, Mrs. Wilson! Just taking a stroll, enjoying this beautiful town of ours.” His voice carried up to Jon’s window, twisting the knife in his tormented mind.
Jon’s teeth ground together, his eyes narrowing further. “Oh, he’s enjoying himself, is he? Well, I know the truth. The endless pranks, the silent phone calls in the dead of night, the mysterious packages… All him! I’ve had enough, by the gods!”
With a sudden burst of courage, Jon rushed out of his apartment, bounding down the stairs, nearly tripping over his untied laces. “Andy! You’ll not get away with it anymore!”
Andy turned, his smile fading. “Jon? Is something the matter?”
“Don’t play innocent! I know it’s you! The harassment ends today!”
Andy’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open in a silent “Oh.” The peaceful evening air was pierced by Jon’s accusation, and the residents of Bitchfield began to gather, drawn by the commotion.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  You know, the thing
3 months ago

Boy, I sure hope this is a serial…A real page turner so far. Is it a murder mystery?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Two Cents
3 months ago

25 years later (the year 2049), “Luciforo” will be 85-years-old, and he will be relocated from his mansion in Bitchfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College to Hell where “Luciforo” belongs!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

It is amazing that Andy has put up with you’re threat’s, bullying, stalking etc.. for this long.You are clearly a danger who should be dealt with.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

I do NOT rule out suing Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior for his allegedly illegal actions over the many years now against me – Jon Melle.

You know, the thing
You know, the thing
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Crack is a helluva drug. Say no to drugs kids!

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Too late! Your years of written abuse complicates your arg. He’d be forced to countersue, and your lawyer would insist on settling to drop.

Last edited 3 months ago by Sir Chaz
You know, the thing
You know, the thing
Reply to  You know, the thing
3 months ago

Jon stood in the dim light of his cluttered living room, the walls plastered with My Little Pony posters, each one depicting a world that felt far more real than his own. He clutched a half-empty bottle of soda, the fizz hissing like a snake ready to strike. The confrontation had escalated, and now he was facing the very source of his paranoia.
“Why are you always watching me, Andy?” Jon shouted, his voice cracking as he stepped closer, his heart racing. “I know you’re plotting something!”
Andy leaned against the doorframe, a lazy grin on his face, the smell of marijuana wafting from him like a cloud. “Dude, chill. I just came to borrow some video games. You think I’m plotting? I’m way too baked for that.”
Jon’s brow furrowed, and he shook his head. “Stop lying! I saw you lurking outside my window last night. What were you doing? Spying on me?”
“Jon, I was picking up my pizza!” Andy laughed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “You need to lay off the conspiracy theories. Honestly, you’re starting to sound like one of those crazy YouTube channels.”
“Crazy?” Jon echoed, the frustration bubbling over. “You don’t get it! This isn’t just some joke! You’re after me, and I can’t let you win!”
With a heavy sigh, Andy pushed off the wall and stepped into the room. “What’s winning, Jon? Is it making you feel like a hero in your own twisted little story? I’m not your nemesis. I just want to hang out like we used to.”
“Used to? You mean before you turned against me?” Jon shouted, his voice now a mix of anger and desperation. “Before you started hanging out with those losers down the street?”
“Those ‘losers’ are my friends,” Andy replied, crossing his arms. “They’re not trying to break into your life, man. What happened to us just being two guys, talking about ponies and life, chilling out?”
Jon’s shoulders slumped, the fight draining from him. “I was happy then. But now…” He fell silent, the weight of his words settling between them.
“Now what?” Andy prodded gently, his smirk fading into concern. “What are you afraid of? I’m not your enemy, Jon. I’m your friend. You’re not alone in this.”
A shaky breath escaped Jon’s lips. “It feels like everyone’s out to get me. Even you. I don’t know who to trust anymore.”
“Trust me,” Andy said, stepping closer. “Let’s put this to rest. You’ve got to stop thinking everyone’s against you. Look, I’ll even help you with that—uh, what’s it called? Therapy thing?”
Jon blinked, his pulse slowing. “You’d really do that?”
“Of course, man. I’m not going to let you drift away into this paranoia. You matter to me.” Andy’s tone was sincere, his eyes softening. “How about we smoke a little? Chill out, and talk about something that doesn’t involve accusations and shadows?”
The tension in Jon’s chest loosened, the laughter bubbling up as he shook his head. “You and your weed. I can’t believe I’m even considering it.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! Even Rainbow Dash wouldn’t mind,” Andy teased, winking.
Jon chuckled reluctantly, imagining the blue pony rolling her eyes. “Alright, fine. Just this once. But if I see you lurking again, I might just scream.”
Andy laughed, the sound echoing through the tiny apartment. “Deal. Just promise you won’t throw a party for the ponies while I’m gone, alright?”
As the laughter faded, Jon felt a warmth spreading through him, the shadows of his delusions receding. Maybe, just maybe, the world wasn’t as dark as he thought. With Andy by his side, perhaps he could find his way back to the light.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Switching topics for a minute, I found a couple of articles I found interesting. The articles talked about the massive amount of wealth Lyin’ Lizzie “Pocahontas” Warren, has accumulated in her 12+ years in the Senate.

Lyin’ Lizzie “Pocahontas” Warren, beat Scott Brown, in the MA 2012 Senate race. She was a college professor, prior to being elected. Certainly not a $1,000,000 a year salaried position.

For the record. a US Senator makes $285,000 a year salary.

As of this posting, Lyin’ Lizzie “Pocahontas” Warren, has a net worth of $67,000,000.

What I find interesting, I found an article from 2019 (below) that listed Pocahontas’ wealth at a measly $12,000,000.

Call me crazy, but Pocahontas made $55,000,000 in 5 years, on a $285,000 salary. How? The numbers don’t compute.

$285,000 x 5 years= $1,425,000.

Lyin’ Lizzie “Pocahontas” Warren only made $53,575,000, “extra” in those lean years for her.

**It’s time President Trump and his team to assign IRS and FEC (Federal Election Commision) Investigators to start investigating the THEFT OF OUR TAX MONEY BY ELECTED OFFICIALS.

If you want to know where a good chunk of those billions, we sent to Ukraine went, reread what I just posted.

Can you imagine what Chuckie and Lyndsey made off of the Ukraine money-machine?

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

The f n problem with the border is They are crossing illegally has nothing to do with the ratio Of good versus bad coming in with it has to do with is the law they’re coming in illegally now there’s superseding authority by giving them licenses to drive when they’re not that it to drive hello how do we know if any of them haven’t had serious in fractions over in Mexico yet here we crucify the existing drivers in the broken The law years ago? But crucify them in real time with heavy duty fines that right there is a reason not to bring an illegal in. The rats wanna dismiss everything they just like Israel they wanna bomb and kill people and sacrifice good people to get to the bad thing it’s the same thing it’s a reciprocal statement you can’t have it both ways and now that Trump is in office he’s gonna do what he tells you to do otherwise you’re going to jail Healy

Musket Ed
Musket Ed
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

There you go Aurelio start the grammar conversation.

Ersiccio Gomzo
Ersiccio Gomzo
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Could barely move the Toter in the wet. And they left the ducking hood thing open,about two gallons of water in it. Aho
E Bitchfield

Reply to  Ersiccio Gomzo
3 months ago

I’ve already seen a broken hood off of a toter. Will the city replace a toter for free if it is broken? They are not very sturdy

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Bravo Marcus!
The fake indian probably made her millions via insider trading, just like Pelosi, and/or the pay-to-play schemes used by Biden, Clinton, Obama, etc.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Nope. It’s Zelensky’s laundymat.

NONE, of the billions have been accounted for. And some of the weapons are turning up all over the world.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Why would the crooks share the loot with her? I’m thinking it’s insider trading. It’s less work.

Last edited 3 months ago by Sir Chaz
Faree Loadoor
Faree Loadoor
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Chazrico. ASI que Rees la autoridad?

Faree Loadoor
Faree Loadoor
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Zelensky est un escroc? Este vous sorte de pot de crack?

Faree Loadoor
Faree Loadoor
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Mr. Frites. Por que pretended sablero todo. Cuando no sabes una mierda.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

“Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”

—Ronald Reagan

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago
3 months ago

The word on the street is because Lumpy Marchetti is being sued by the woman from Bitch Bank, he’s scared to make any personnel moves on incompetent city employees . Especially DEI hires.

Faree Loadoor
Faree Loadoor
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

He looked like a disinterested spectator the city Council meeting last night, what a dud

Reply to  Faree Loadoor
3 months ago

Mayor Lumpy needs neckties. Please send him one care of city hall.

Thistle Down
Thistle Down
3 months ago

Writ of Replevlin
Habeas corpus

Get creative

Thistle Down
Thistle Down
3 months ago

Jay Bhattacharya

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thistle Down
3 months ago

Good choice for NIH. He was co-author of Gt Barrington accord and against the Covid tyranny.

Thistle Down
Thistle Down
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

It’s about the Declaration. Spin it whatever way.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, an Dan!
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sir Chaz
3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving, Charles. I always enjoy reading your posts. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Thank you Jon. Enjoy the the day, give the world a smile.