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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THANKSGIVING 2024) — One of life’s greatest personal accomplishments is the “simple” act of appreciation, especially of life’s smaller comforts–a sunny day, the smell of baked goods, a resplendent tree. They supply us with our most reliable satisfactions, for they are ubiquitous and quite easy to see if one can look with awareness.

Such gladdening provides better therapy than any drug or psychiatrist. They help us maintain equilibrium and, in the face of mistakes, downturns, and setbacks, keep us in the balance of sanity, happy and fulfilled, even.

Gratitude is a function of Self-awareness. It sharpens the emotional senses and can produce nothing but good. It also does a decent job of securing what THE PLANET treasures as our most precious gift: peace of mind.

THE PLANET extends warm wishes, blessings, and Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers, friend and (faux) foe alike.

Thank you for Y-O-U, everybody.


Do what you can, do it well, and do it gratefully” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Lord of Stars
Lord of Stars
3 months ago

Dan. Is a fine man. It’s the nature of his business to provide us with transparency with inclusion and what he believes to be the truth. That’s his profession. Personalities and popularity aside I believe he’s done that. One thing you can say is Dan will never need ninety days. Happy

Turkey Day to all.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Lord of Stars
3 months ago

I am thankful for the best journalist and blogger in the beautiful Berkshires & beyond: Dan Valenti. I am most thankful for the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who lives and pays taxes in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

We would like to extend our thanks to you by offering great Thanksgiving deals on primo prerolls and weed brownies at Berkshire Roots.

Save a little loot on some brownies and weed, that we gladly offer you for settling and our winning our recent lawsuit.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Actually gave you a thumbs up today but for some reason it added to the negatives. I think AI is just used to that score for you JM you may want to change up what you write about. Maybe explain to the good people how Amherst, NH spends many millions less and has a higher ranking school district and less crime. You should dig into how the republicans do it up there.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

I agree with you. I am fortunate to live in a nice NH town, but I still read about the news and opinions of my native hometown of Pittsfield (Mass.), which is a place I cannot return to because of Luciforo’s 28.5 years of persecuting me. We will see how the new NH Governor Kelly Ayotte will do over the next 2 years. We have to give her the benefit of the doubt. She has always been good to Veterans. As for Donald Trump, I do not have a good feeling about him over the next 4 years.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

There is nothing left of Pittsfield to return to.

3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving, don’t let the turkeys get you down.

3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Lord of Stars
Lord of Stars
3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Guarenteed the Chicag Bears Coach is fired tommorow. You’ve heard it here first.

Reply to  Lord of Stars
3 months ago

With many f-ups but winning by great luck, Detroit managed. His hoary ass fired, the Detroit coach shall find.

Reply to  Yoda
3 months ago

Haha!! Did not like much at someone does.

3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving to all especially the sidewalk plow person driving down the street with his plow up on Thanksgiving , earning double time while there was no snow!! Who is paying for that? Now the Mayor wants to fine elderly people who can’t shovel their sidewalks while when citizens cars breakdown due to poor road conditions they say we didn’t know about those issues so we aren’t paying for the fix your car needs?? I also say a plow truck going up and down the street on Thanksgiving with the plow up earning double time on the Kapanski’s not dime but c notes!! Where are the auditors with the scissors for this cities budget and the leaders with the big boys pants??

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Fines for snow Warren and persip levy. “It’s for the kids!” The cry.

Reply to  Yoda
3 months ago

Keep an eye on free snow removal that won’t go on the books. Don’t forget to plow the stupid speed bump at Reed and south.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  DumpSter
3 months ago

They claim 24 hour window. Don’t count on it. But with a fee scale Labor plus OT, you have a fresh opportunity for extortion. City snowmen may appear at your sidewalk, even as snow is falling. Have a fifty in hand to make them go away.

Poor little city of Bitchfield is becoming its own satire.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  DumpSter
3 months ago

As Bitchfield happily explores its self satire, the Council opens the door for fresh extortion. Fee scale is labor raised to the power of overtime and a window of 24 hours. But but… a snowman can show up at your sidewalk even as the snow is falling. The invoice written next day. You better keep a fifty dollar bill on the fridge door should your house get the service.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

The guys who towed cars during winter parking bans made a fine haul extracting fifties in lieu of dragging cars. Better keep your shoes there too. Once they power up their blowers you’re finished.

Urban policies should be built by those who live downtown. Things work differently there than the distant outskirts.

Last edited 3 months ago by Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  DumpSter
3 months ago

Dumpster: are you old enough to remember when snow fun and kids used to play in it. Now, the broadcast of snow promises fear and trembling. The Snowman approaches.

Deeply buried in the thickening bedrock glacial ice of climate changing Bitchfield is Marchetti’s promise to unleash health inspectors on the uninspected apartments.

3 months ago

Just wondering when Pittsfield will stop the DEI bullshit? BCC is bloated with DIE bullshit too. When will someone step up to stop it?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

If DEI in Pittsfield politics means Level 5 public schools, the city’s violent crime doubling the statewide average since at least 1980, brain damaging and cancer causing industrial chemicals called GE’s PCBs pollution, severe economic inequality with Linda Tyer & Barry Clairmont, along with their disgraced politician neighbor “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)” living in their mansions in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College, Nuciforo receiving a $341,000 pot settlement from the city earlier in 2024, while city fees increased 8 percent each, and property taxes increased by 7.17 percent, and Luciforo’s 28.5 years of persecuting Jon Melle, then I really feel badly for the doormat on a good day, or a toilet for the political insiders to shit on during a bad day, hard-working-class fictional family we all know and love named Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski.

Thirty Yards
Thirty Yards
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Previous city council voted 11-1 All D E I as well as the mayor. That’s why.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Thirty Yards
3 months ago


Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
3 months ago

Remember when doing your Christmas shopping President Porkchop Voltron appreciates kiddie dolls, Voltron Hats and gift certificates to downtown bars and restaurants

3 months ago

Dan, I was away for a couple days and writing day after Thanksgiving. I wish you and yours a happy holiday weekend. Same to all reading this message. Happy holiday weekend to all.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

November 30, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The letter, below, about Pittsfield’s post-WW2 past era criticizes James Shulman for trying to help the now distressed city in the 21st Century. But I agree with the letter writer’s pleading to the 2-Pete’s who run Pittsfield’s city government to spend the tax dollars more wisely.

I do not understand why the Senior Citizens who remember Pittsfield from their youth are often criticized by their younger counterparts. Seniors have often told me and my brother that when they were growing up in Pittsfield, it used to be a nice city back then.

I do not know what happened to Pittsfield over the past 60 years to go from a productive industrial-based economy to a polluted postindustrial, poverty and social services-centered economy, and corrupt city that cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars more per fiscal year than similar small cities, such as Westfield.

Pittsfield has had Jimmy Ruberto as its past Mayor, but he never owned, nor rented, a residence in Pittsfield in his entire life, and he always lived in Florida, and now has a $490,000 condo unit in Lenox. Then there is State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, who sent her children to the Lenox School District. Then there is former State Rep. Peter Larkin, who lived with his Medical Doctor wife in a suburb town near Worcester, while he went on to make millions of dollars as GE’s lobbyist who sold out Pittsfield. Then there is the disgraced former State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who always spends most of his time in Boston, but always had an extraordinary influence in Pittsfield politics. There are many more examples of city and state leaders who represent Pittsfield in state and local government, but they don’t really ever walk the walk in Pittsfield.

I don’t like how it is “All in the Family” when it comes to Pittsfield politics. I am related to Mayor Peter Marchetti, but I see him as a failed leader in Pittsfield who collects his 6-figure city public pay plus perks, will serve one or two mayoral terms, and then he will collect his 6-figure city public pension plus perks, which will be on top of his 35-years bank pension, and his monthly Social Security beneficiary checks. To be clear, the taxpayers lose, while my relative Peter Marchetti gains financially. That is the exact opposite of good governance, but it so Pittsfield politics.

Pittsfield politics is predictable, especially when it comes to its municipal finances. They always increase city spending by at least 5 percent (or higher) per fiscal year; they always have hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal public debts and unfunded liabilities that will never be paid off in our lifetime; they always play the same irrational financial shell games with the state bureaucrats in Boston that most people don’t begin to understand; they always use the city’s level 5 public school system’s tens of millions of dollars in state-administered federal aid, the welfare and social services state-administered federal funds, and generations of poverty in the city as revenue sources instead of using them to invest in the people and community for a hopeful middle-class family structure that would support small businesses and pay taxes; they always play inside baseball to give their already wealthy and connected campaign contributors businesses huge tax breaks, while in 2024, they are now charging the average Senior Citizen tax- and fee-payer over $6,000.00 per fiscal year, while the likes of millionaire Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior recently received a pot settlement from the city in 2024 for $341,000 from the city’s “FREE CASH” account(s).

The city’s voter turnout is around 20 percent in some elections, or around 15 percent in other elections, because the common people know that the city is really a fiefdom instead of a democracy. When someone such as “Jon Melle” questions the likes of someone like “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)” in state and Pittsfield politics with his lucrative marijuana business on Dalton Avenue (& another in east Boston), then I face harsh retribution – even from my residence in Amherst, New Hampshire, over the past 21 years of my 49-year-old life.

I just described Pittsfield in 2024, and I am scared to think of my native hometown in 2034, 2044, 2054, but after that, I will be a memory like the Pittsfield of old that the Seniors of today yearn for from the days of their youth.

Jon Melle


Letter: “Pittsfield can’t afford to look to both the past and the future”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 30, 2024

To the editor: Besides James Shulman (who doesn’t even live here) and those who helped create the Berkshire Carousel who seem only to pine for the days of their youth, the days of General Electric, Thursday nights and diagonal parking, who wanted this to be done? (“Will the Berkshire Carousel horses ride again? That depends on what Pittsfield City Council decides,” Eagle, Nov. 12.)

I enjoyed going to Wahconah Park back in the AA baseball days, but those days are also gone. Is spending millions of dollars to renovate the park for a college summer league wise spending?

Stop trying to bring back a past that can no longer be sustained in contemporary times. I plead to the leaders of Pittsfield to spend our tax dollars more wisely (perhaps on our own infrastructure) or try to create something more useful for the future instead.

Scott Thompson, Pittsfield

Par Doneme
Par Doneme
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Biden said awhile ago concerning Trump….no one is above the law. Except Hunter.

Par Doneme
Par Doneme
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Should we give him another ninety?

3 months ago

Just wondering why the sidewalk in front of the courthouse parking spaces where people park to go to lunch and dinner at Patrick’s Pub— a locally owned small business—- is covered with inch thick ice for all the Black Friday and in fact for the entire weekend.
Is this a joke?
Is this a protest?
Is this a city trying to drive business away from Patrick’s for some weird vendetta reason because Pittsfield would NEVER do something like that to a local small business the biggest shopping day of the year.
Who’s going to take the literal fall that costs the city and other lawsuit at the taxpayers expense!
Inquiring minds want to know.