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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 8-10, 2024) — Today THE PLANET presents one of the most succinct columns ever in our 14-year history.


TR i UMP h

Obamanation and insane woke politics were given a good ol’ fashioned wood shampoo. Voters repudiated the Loon Left agenda and embraced common sense.

America now has a fighting chance.

On Monday, THE PLANET will present a more in-depth analysis and commentary.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


You can’t lead America if you don’t love America” — President-Elect Donald J. Trump.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
4 months ago

2026 is the 250 anniversary of the igniting the flame of our Republic. It is a good year to celebrate it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

For the past few months, I’ve read left-loon posters like Ox, TSC, Snark, Jonathan Melle-Goebbels, and others, talk about how Trump was “going to destroy democracy,” is the “moral hypocrite,” and will take “away women’s rights,” if he gets elected.

Sound familiar, with whatever you identify yourself as these days, guys/gals/it/thing?

Explain this then:

Donald Trump’s new chief of staff Susie Wiles is Pat Summerall’s daughter

**The incoming Chief of Staff for President Trump is a WOMAN!!**


*Another interesting fact about Susie Wiles, she the daughter of former broadcasting legend Pat Summerall.

Who doesn’t miss a late Sunday afternoon NFL game being broadcast by Pat Summerall and John Madden? The good ole days.

Last edited 4 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

The name you attach to my surname is a horrible one that stands for everything that I oppose in politics. Rather, please attach it to Steve Bannon.

Donald Trump is a moral hypocrite. He uses cultural conflicts for his political gain. He is a bully in politics who many people fear. He will hurt a lot of good people out there (much worse than Luciforo has hurt me – Jon Melle – over the past 28.5 years now).

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

When push comes to shove, most people will not accept responsibility for their circumstances. It is easier to think of yourself as a victim. “My circumstance in life is the fault of someone
else, not anything I did”.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

You have a certain length of time on this earth. Up to you, spend it as a victim or spend it unburdened by what has been. Wait——-where have I heard that?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

Johnny, better get yourself outside, and out of the basement a few days. Your blue tears might drown You down there..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

Well then, go up to the “gated community”, and crawl up back under, “Lovely Linda Tyler’s” dress.

Watch out for Barry….

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

I respect the marital relationship between (the lovely) Linda & Barry. I wish them a wonderful life together. I do NOT respect the other politician who lives in their elitist Gated Community in far west Pittsfield who is also known as Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Have you NOT figured out yet, that Linda Flat-Tire, Dirty Barry Clairmont, and Andy Nuciforo, are ALL PROGRESSIVE democRATS….

The voting-base, YOU SUPPORT.

It’s not too late to join the winning MAGA team and dump the NAZI-democRATS.

A platform based on identity politics and killing babies…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago


They are both from the same D-kettle.

Just like D-Rat Maura Healey. Who vows to resist, deporting CRIMINAL ALIENS, in spite of POTUS 47 TRUMP; his pledge I will DEPORT THE CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Now Maura, deported ALL the criminal aliens, from Migrants Vineyard ( courtesy of Gov R-FL DeSantis), er Marthas Vineyard. Even sent in mASSachusetts National Guard!

Why was that? And where did D-Healey put the criminal? Not in her neighborhood. Berkshires? Who knows?

How much has Healey spent on criminal aliens, vs needy CITIZENS of mASSachusetts?

Federal teat for CRIMINAL ALIENS, is going to get shut off Jan 2025. Is Healey ready, to deal with the crime that will follow? Maybe she has a few spare rooms to take in her problem children…..

Impeach and jail Healey!!! On federal charges, POTUS Trump!

Last edited 4 months ago by Mad Trapper
4 months ago

President Trump needs to give a complete overhaul to our educational system in this country. Randi Weingarten is on “X” spreading more lies and conspiracy theories and NEVER spoke up once about what is being done in the schools with the transitioning of very young children. Randi Weingarten is a big part of the problem of the “woke agenda” in the school system. Young girls especially are being misled into thinking they are getting a good education in our school system when in fact they are being extremely indoctrinated to believe in the “woke culture”.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

Trump will make states fund they’re own nonsense woke initiatives now.
States will exclusively have to pay their own way on many programs also. Like…..Breakfast Lunch Dinner for students……No more Alien Money….Ssi Disability Cut….those two will strengthen SSI and Veterans benefits for those who’ve paid in and served… discretionary low income programs will be cut….snap program cut….

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

“Sig” – will you be apologizing for all the nasty crap you said about Trump? How you railed against him for the past 8 years even as you ran for public office?

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Maybe you didn’t see my post. I asked for mercy and Penance been paid on this.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

I know the feeling SN. Been there too.

Earlier a different day, different fight.

Last edited 4 months ago by Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

Aww, can’t we at least toss you in the stockades? One night maybe? I’m sure Dan has one buried here somewhere.

Could we agree to that first and then do the mercy thing.

Last edited 4 months ago by Sir Chaz
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

I didn’t see an apology to the Planet posters.
You’ve berated us for years.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

The DOE is a money laundering operation. It takes tax dollars and then promotes policies that the democrat party wants. It along with the teachers unions have hurt the education of children in America. Just ask any teacher or school administrator what the DOE does, you hear crickets.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

118$ million in the hole

“Thats alot of putting head down, and getting to work”
Tampon tim walz

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 months ago

It’s all about the envelopes, Kamala raised $ 1.2 Billion and still needs $ 2 Million more to balance her account. That was twice as much as 45 -47. Winning the popular vote and the elector college its fun to watch the Democrats and the media melt down. The picture of Kamala is a keeper Dan!!

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Upward failure, only happens in taxatwoshits now- even commyfornia voting red.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Flood Watch Berkshire County!

Heavy blue downpours of Leftist tears through the weekend. May be accompanied by thunderous cursing, sobbing, and ranting.

Indigo and turquoise showers lasting until Thanksgiving.

Lingering Liberal, Prussian and violet hued drizzle, thru New Years.

Expect a stormy start to the New Year, especially in Metropolitan and Washington DC area. Red Flag Warnings!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

I’m on a hill, with a D-blue moat around me right now! Harris sign still up across the road!

Stay safe Dan, and watch out for BLUE rushing water driving next few days.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Arrogant libtard prof gloating about “Madame President”…..
Oxy, is that you in the video?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Nope, that’s not me. I place wsj, 1400, semaphor, cnn, msnbc, nyt, cbs, abc, tangle, nbc and newsmax into roughly the same category and read them all with the same grain of salt. 

Fox, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit are different animals entirely. Those outlets have a strong and obvious mission, one which has nothing to do with reporting the truth. 

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

“Fox, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit are different animals entirely. Those outlets have a strong and obvious mission, one which has nothing to do with reporting the truth. ”

– Oxy

So why are they right/correct all the time? And cnn, msnbc, nyt, cbs, abc, tangle, nbc , LYING?

Tell us.

Watch out for the blue floods of tears……..

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Well since you were so sure Harris would win – you must’ve been listening to the wrong sources!

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
4 months ago

Thank goodness that we still have the great Governor Maura Healey! And other wonderful progressive politicians like her who will RESIST Donald Trump and his MAGA (Nazi-like) administration that will spend (waste) our money on mass deportations, and other far right (Project 2025) agenda policies and programs that will take us backwards 100 years in time.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

Healey belongs in FEDERAL PRISON, for aiding and abetting, CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Trump DOJ might put her there, hopefully soon next year.

Trump might take care of VA nutcases like You better, think about that.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

As I posted in the last thread Jonathan Melle-Goebbels, Maura and all the other “progressive” governors will be singing a much different tune when Trump starts cutting their federal funding.

Take a trip down memory lane and see what happened to WY and SD, when they held out on making 21 the legal age to purchase/consume alcohol, in the US. See how that worked out for those two states.

Military installations and the like, not included.

At this juncture, I’m hoping Trump does cut your VA benefits to a “get off your a$$ and out of the basement and WORK, level.” You could round up shopping carts, stock shelves, clean floors/toilets. I’m sure you were “latrine queen” many times in your Army days. You know how to scrub a sh!tter clean.

You, like the democRAT Gov’s would be singing a much different tune about “progressives.”

You never answered me Mr. Melle-Goebbels, from a previous post. Are you paid by the DNC to spread lies and bullspit?

As Dandy Don used to sing at the end of MNF games JM-G, “Turn out the lights, the parties over.”

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

You don’t even make sense. It’s currently costing us court wise safety wise and moneywise keeping these illegals. Come to the United States but do it the right way.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

John Q walks into a book store and asks the clerk if they have the new ‘Trump Policy on Illegal Aliens’ book.

Clerk :

John Q :
yeah that’s the one!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

Except I think Jonathan Melle-Goebbels, would somehow spin that into “Luciforo did that to me,” or something similar.

JM-G should grab a book about a hard days work and read about it and learn what the rest of us have to go through. Without th blood, sweat, and tears, of course.

That would mean actually WORKING.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

MA: the Goebbels thing is really over the top. please… It’s thoroughly dark.

Last edited 4 months ago by Sir Chaz
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

JM ‘s Luciforo spin in just about every post is how he justifies to himself and to others for his victim of life shtick.

Eye roll
Eye roll
Reply to  Jon Melle
4 months ago

Get help

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Eye roll
4 months ago

November 08, 2024

Hello Governor Maura Healey,

I would rather have Prez Donald Trump cut my VA benefits, as posted by two MAGA (Nazi-like) authors on the blog named Planet Valenti, than me having to support this 78-year-old buffoon who wants to remake our democracy into an authoritarian state that marginalizes and hurts many people the governments is supposed to be serving. If Prez Donald Trump wants to hurt people, then please, by all means, hurt me – Jon Melle – first!

I would rather have Prez Donald Trump cut my VA benefits, as posted by the aforementioned Trump supporters, than me not being able to write about my support for your administration leading the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by being a state that stands for Human Rights for All Peoples and people for dignity, compassion and justice – what the U.S.A. should stand for in our otherwise cruel world.

If I weren’t a disabled man, I would proudly ask you if I could work for your administration in Boston, Massachusetts. Also, I proudly voted for Joyce Craig for Governor of New Hampshire, but she was vastly outspent by Kelly Ayotte, who used the underclass population of the City of Manchester, NH, as a weapon against her when she was not attacking you and the great state that you lead.

If Prez Donald Trump wants to cut my VA benefits, then the more power to him. I will find a way to survive his would-be persecution(s) and retribution(s). I hate bullies, and I live at my own level of dignity rather than going down to their level(s) of abuse(s). Please note, I have been surviving Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s conspiratorial abuses and persecutions for 28.5 years now.

I served our nation honorably as a Soldier and for over 23 years now, I am a 100 percent totally and permanently service-connected disabled Veteran because I love my country, but I will always speak my good conscience as long as I live when it comes to the government. Unlike Trump and other corrupt politicians, I do NOT win at any cost because I am a good person first and foremost in my life.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

MA Jobline
MA Jobline
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Thank you for reaching out to Governor Healey’s jobline. Upon reviewing your pictures and social media profile we would like to offer you a job as the First Lady of Provincetown. The job doesn’t pay well but the fringe benefits we think you will love it’s raining men.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
4 months ago

Back to reality.
First few weeks itineraries
1) take out the institutional rot , aka trash
2) close the borders
3) drill baby , drill
4) deport, deport and deport some more
Chase illegals to ” sanctuary states” defund any support for non citizens.
Eric Adam’s has already started – eliminating food subsidies for aliens.
5) crush Iran
6)explain reality to zelinski- 1000 to 1 odds , arms and combatants , you lose
Should of negotiatjated sooner- ( industrial war machine – wont be happy)
7) impeach corrupt federal judges
8) prosecution of corrupt judges, prosecutors and law enforcement
9) apply first step act- as written and passed
10) pardon j6ers – reimburse as justice demands.
11) education reform- American history mandatory, more trade schools,
Bring back JFK’s presidents fitness challenge.
12) get woke out of military

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 months ago

Taxless ssi

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Russia not abandoning the dollar? Putin knows Trump will tariff the daylights out of his country!

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Do we import from Russia? News to me.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

$4.9B in 2023 includes fertilizers, chemicals/compounds, pearls/precious stones, iron & steel, etc.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 months ago

Tariffs on Mosin Nagants? MAMNCA! (Make MN’s Cheap Again)

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Predictable Pittsfield politics will increase municipal taxes, on top of the increased city fees, on Tuesday night, November 12th, 2024; please read all about the 2-Pete’s tax and spend proposal:

I will break it down for you, please. The 2-Pete’s financial management proposal is the same old one that levies local taxes and fees on the city’s senior citizen fixed income residents, along with the fictional Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Johnny, they are ALL, THE DEMOCRATS, YOU VOTE FOR!!!!


How high is the blue water/tears in your basement, er apartment?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Pittsfield is run by progressive nit wits. Your kind of people.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
4 months ago

Melle just crapped his pants, TRUMP will be in charge of his VA benefits….

But, Melle will do better!

Wipe yourself Johnny…..

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Gobsig
4 months ago

Yes. Trump D Syndrome is in full affect right here in Massachusetts now. It’ll be a daily grind. Maura said no deportations here.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

So the illegals flood to MA and those scant blue states on the Northeast. What happens next is those become red in ’26. Next presidential election may see an electoral map like Mondale’s 1.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

I’ve already applied as an overseer at polling stations.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

Maura, needs Federal prison time. GITMO would be too nice of a place.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
4 months ago

comment image?tl=1&ve=1

Kamala and Nancy both could use a bath.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

To much Sun.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

They both need federal prison, with Traitor Joe and family.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Is Martha Stewart’s cell free?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

That prison cell should have the stock trading wiz, Nancy Pelosi’s, name written all over it.

Staging an “ insurrection” to cover up voter fraud. 81M votes for Xiden my a$$.

Plus, insider trading to boot-seize ALL of her assets. Use those ill gotten proceeds to fund the deportation issue Nancy and Co. caused.

WE, the taxpayers have paid ENOUGH for democRATS wasteful spending.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

It is interesting that the 2020 election had 30 million more votes counted as the 2024, 2016, 2012, etc. elections. Now why do people think it was crooked?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Bathhouse Barry Obama is #1 on that list.

Illegally spying on an incoming president and his party (Crossfire Hurricane).

A few countries are now investigating COVID and its origins-releasing a biological weapon of mass destruction on people. Barry’s hands are soaked in blood on that one too.

Plus, Epstein Island and definitely Diddy “freak offs” lists will be released soon.

His chef “drowning” in 8-feet of water, even though the chef was an excellent swimmer. Oh yeah, plus found NUDE paddle boarding with Barry.

Yeah, Bathhouse is in a whole lot of trouble here and abroad. He knows it too.

Maybe the fear of a Trump retaliation has halted any attacks on US soil….to date. World leaders know it too.

Barry’s power is GONE!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Spot on Marcus!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 months ago
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
4 months ago

This was passed along to me.

“It’s about time men help next time to tear down the glass ceiling.”

Low-T Tampon Tim

“Do we have to do everything
around here?”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Where did the 1 BILLION go?

Harris stole Traitor Joe’s war chest when she was installed like a toilet, 1 BILLION DOLLARS.

Now the Harris campaign claims to be 20 MILLION IN DEBT.

Was the installation of Harris just means to loot the campaign funds?

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

One mil to Oprah.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

She claimed to have spent $6K on decorating a small room for a campaign podcast. She used the room just one time. It was looking very sparse and simple. Maybe, maybe,,,

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Six figures, not 6k

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

DAN the MAN. Question…What ever happened to the Scooters?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sig Natureday
4 months ago

Most were at the bottom of the rivers, strewn like litter across the poor neighborhoods, and dumped on the outer edges of Springside Park.

That Byrd flew south and never returned……much like the coin a few insiders got to pocket and enjoy.

Nothing to see here, move along son.

4 months ago

The school system in this country is the “Belly of the Beast” of spreading the woke culture and messing up the youth of this country. Young men were big Trump supporters in this election so they have been able to think their way out of the indoctrination, but young women were crying and needed to be coddled after the defeat of Kamala Harris. It just shows how they really believed the narrative being spread by the schools and the media about Trump. Young men don’t want to have to live with their parents for the rest of their lives and realized that is what would happen with rising housing prices if Kamala was elected.

Hollywood has it own role in spreading the woke culture. Sell-outs like Bruce Springsteen who used to write songs about the struggles of the working man is now somebody who doesn’t care what is happening to the working people of our country. He is a very wealthy man who lives in the “bubble”. That describes all of the Hollywood stars. Kamala spent over a billion dollars to try to win this race, but working class people have had the final say and Trump will make the next four years and beyond a “golden age” for the working class. The far left is throwing the misogynist label at Hispanic men for voting for Trump, but we have moved beyond name calling in this country and want common sense to rule the day.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

I do have to say one thing positive about Xiden’s “Build Back Better” program, are those newly minted 87,000 IRS Agents.

Nationally-the deep state, neocons, and corrupt actors, in on the Ukraine money laundering scam, better get the books in order.

Locally-Shirley, better have kept those receipts from your Africa trip on my/our dime.

AJ-you too my man. $750,000 given to you in my/our tax money, for zero jobs created with minimal (if any) young POC turnout, deserves some explanation as to where the money went.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
4 months ago

Democrats :
Trump “shouldn’t be President: He’s a misogynist, rapist, felon, impeached twice, bigot, etc.. and his “hateful plans for retribution and dictatorship.”

Yet somehow the Democrat Party as a whole can have and do have the same characteristics (except for impeachment) , and it’s all Ok.

If they went after many of the actual democrat criminals on the left with the same self-righteousness fervor as they do for fake crimes and hoaxes perpetuated on the right, this would very likely be a different country – for the better.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

I see Ricky Rumpus has been hard at work. 1/2 of Crane is still unpaved, I’ll give him a break on 1/2 Holmes, if paved before snow flies due to telephone pole work.

So WTF is the JUMP Rumpis, installed on the north end of Holmes rd? You can launch at ~ 30 MPH!!! All 4 wheels!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

November 09, 2024

Hello, again, Governor Maura Healey,

I am being bullied on the blog named Planet Valenti for defending your great leadership in Massachusetts. I am also being bullied because I always write how disgraced Pittsfield (Massachusetts) State Senator (1997 – 2006) Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior has conspiratorially persecuted me – Jon Melle – for the past 28.5 years of my adult life of 49 years.

First, I support you because you are a good person and politician who treats everyone with dignity, compassion and justice. I believe that you represent the ideals of what the U.S.A. should be, while I see Donald Trump as a bully that many people fear.

Second, Nuciforo has hurt me on many levels for a very long time now. Nuciforo has:

1. Nuciforo had people in “the Nuciforo network” conspiratorially bully me since I was 20 years old when I unfortunately first met him during the Spring 1996 when my dad, Bob, campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 – mid-2000).

2. Nuciforo filed multiple state “ethics” complaints to several Massachusetts state agencies against my dad, Bob, from the Fall 1997 – Spring 1998 to try to get my dad fired from his then state job at the Pittsfield District Courthouse and make his resign his elected office, but Nuciforo’s vindictive actions did not succeed against my father back then. (Please note, then North Adams Mayor and sitting State Representative John Barrett III spoke up in defense of my dad, Bob, back then – Thank You!).

3. Nuciforo filed secretive criminal complaints against me – Jon Melle – in the Spring 1998 to the Pittsfield Police Department falsely alleging that I was making “veiled threats” against him, but it was Nuciforo who was threatening me for 2 years back then, and Nuciforo’s vindictive actions did not succeed against me – Jon Melle – back then.

4. Nuciforo blacklisted me from employment in the beautiful Berkshires when I was a young man in the late-1990’s and early-2000’s. For over one year of my adult life (Spring 2002 – Spring 2003), I walked around my native hometown of Pittsfield job seeking without any success.

5. Nuciforo and “the Nuciforo Network” spread vicious and half-truths rumors against me – Jon Melle – even after I relocated to Southern New Hampshire around 21.5 years ago now.

Nuciforo’s corrupt history as a politician, Attorney, and pot King include:

1. In January 2007, The Boston Globe published a news story that explained that from 1999 – 2006, then State Senator Nuciforo was allegedly illegally double dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee and at the same time, he was a private Attorney for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies. In 2006, Nuciforo had to step down as a disgraced State Senator because he was a corrupt politician and Attorney. To this present day in late-2024, Nuciforo still has a law office in Boston’s Financial District. Nuciforo got away with enriching himself via corruption.

2. During the 2006 state election for Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds, there were two women running for the elected seat, who are named Sharon Henault, who worked at the Pittsfield Registry of Deeds, and Sara Hathaway, who is a former one-term Pittsfield Mayor (2002 – 2003). Nuciforo strong-armed the two women candidates out of the election to anoint himself to the no-show sinecure (2007 – 2012). In 2012, Nuciforo campaigned for U.S. Congress, but lost to PAC Man Richie Neal by 40 points back then. Thank God (especially for me – Jon Melle), Nuciforo’s corrupt and mean-spirited political career came to an end back then.

3. In March 2017, Nuciforo co-founded his marijuana business that he named “Berkshire Roots”. Nuciforo was one of the first people to receive a pot permit(s) in Pittsfield back then. Later, Nuciforo opened a second marijuana dispensary in east Boston whereby, once again, he used his political connections and deep pockets to be one of the first people to receive a pot permit back then. Earlier this year 2024, Nuciforo settled his pot lawsuit with the City of Pittsfield, and Nuciforo walked away with $341,000 from the city’s coffers. Nuciforo knew full well what he was doing when he paid for his pot permits, but he became greedy and won $341,000 from the very city government his once corruptly served in Boston.

4. In August 2023, Nuciforo purchased a $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College. Also, Nuciforo is a landlord who owns properties in Boston and Pittsfield alike. Nuciforo is a millionaire who worships money and power, and he hurts anyone – especially me: Jon Melle – who stand in his way of winning at any cost.

5. Lastly, Nuciforo had/has a lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court whereby he is trying to make it illegal for workers to join and belong to unions in the marijuana industry in Massachusetts. While Nuciforo has always said that he is a Democrat, even his hometown daily newspaper named The Berkshire Eagle once wrote that he is a fiscal conservative.

In closing, while I believe that I am persecuted person on this otherwise cruel world, I see you as a warm light of decency and democracy, Maura Healey, and as the Governor of Massachusetts, you have my full support, especially when it comes to your resistance of Donald Trump’s cruel plans to hurt innocent Peoples and people who the government is supposed to be serving with dignity and respect.

Best regards,

Jonathan A. Melle

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Bernie was on C N N today with Donna? That’s what he called day-na Bash? He’s says elections cannot be bought anymore by money? Trump bought the election? K Ha just spent a billion dollars?……And what is Oprah doing with her cash from the campaign? Aside,Healy cannot stop deportation. She says she’ll use every tool in the tool box to fight it. Why didn’t she let that first wave of illegals stay at Obama’s playground by the seashore?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Healey is aiding and abetting CRIMINAL ALIENS, a federal felony.

Let’s hope POTUS Trump’s new DOJ prosecutes her.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Hopefully we shan’t see images like this again:

(From a FEMA worker’s device during October events)

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“[FEMA] Workers told the Daily Wire they ultimately skipped about 20 homes displaying Trump signs or flags between late October and early November due to Washington’s edict, denying those residents the chance to sign up for federal relief aid in the wake of the harrowing Category 3 storm that caused an estimated $50 billion in damage across the state.” – NYPost

““Trump sign no entry per leadership,” one worker wrote in FEMA’s tracking system when explaining a skipped home, according to a screenshot obtained by the outlet.”

My thoughts: when a manager violates a policy (serious one), everyone in the room with her when it happens is often fired. The only excuse is “I was not present when it happened or immediately at the very moment it is happening notify higher management. So, why are the workers still employed?

Last edited 4 months ago by Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

So disgusting. While giving millions to illegal immigrants, the far left wanted to deny Americans much needed help because of their support of Trump. It shows how toxic Washington politics has become. How sick. When Trump deports criminal illegal immigrants, AOC and probably our own local politicians here in Berkshire County, will chain themselves to something while screaming about the “inhumanity”. No such concern for American citizens whether it’s for disaster relief, the rotten economy for working America, and the housing shortage while they pile millions into the country. The Democrats only care about certain working class people in the country, government and schools, while ignoring the majority of the working class to focus on identity politics. Read the excellent letter in the Berkshire Eagle by Rinaldo Del Gallo.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Yes, and Tricia Bouvier just ran unopposed in our local election and she is a big illegal immigration supporter. Lizzie Warren won AGAIN. Why, nobody knows. So yeah it doesn’t look good for Massachusetts. We will continue to have serious housing problems with skyrocketing prices. Until enough people rise up against this craziness, it will never end. Trump can only help those states that want to help themselves. Our only solution is to move if it gets really bad here.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

November 10, 2024

Hello Blogger Dan Valenti,

I support Governor Maura Healey’s “open hostility” towards Donald Trump’s inequitable and inhumane policies, especially when it comes to illegal immigrants. I oppose Rinaldo Del Gallo III in politics because he is a DISGRACE for pretending to be a Bernie Sanders brand Democrat when he writes far right letters that support Trump’s talking points that attack identity politics. Rinaldo attends so-called “FREE SPEECH” far right political gatherings, as well as unsuccessfully defends far right political activists in court. Rinaldo’s politics supporting so-called “FREE SPEECH” politics and people are similar to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in the 1920’s and early-1930’s. Rinaldo is a DISGRACE!

Governor Maura Healey should propose financial management policies for paying for the billion(s) dollar programs that support the state’s large underclass population, including illegal immigration. Moreover, in the calendar year 2024, Governor Maura Healey cut around $400 million in state funding for social services programs and other kinds of local aid, which makes no financial sense given her support for illegal immigrants in Massachusetts. Governor Maura Healey needs to put the state’s money where her mouth is when it comes to helping the marginalized masses in Massachusetts.

However, it is not all her fault, as her critics suggest. The do-nothing (but DISSERVICES) inequitable State Legislature in Boston are the ones who control the state’s purse strings, not the executive branch. It is impossible for Governor Maura Healey to back up her support for the underclass, especially illegal immigrants, with state funds when state lawmakers don’t do their job(s).

Do you, blogger Dan Valenti, realize that Donald Trump’s mass deportation programs will cost large sums of federal funds? Will the U.S. Congress pass legislation to pay for his costly policies? Will there be due process of law in the state and federal court system for the illegal immigrants? These are unanswered questions?

I agree with you that Massachusetts is a one-party state, but with the caveat that there are a lot of corrupt politicians, greedy lobbyists, pot kings and queens, vested interests, and special interests in Massachusetts who only say that they are Democrats to stay in the favor of the ruling elites in Boston. In Pittsfield politics, GE lobbyist Peter Larkin and Pittsfield’s Pot King Luciforo are two illustrations of Republicans in Democratic clothing; Greed-ball lobbyist Dan Bosley long has been and is Boston’s big businesses’ best friend, as well as the state lottery SCAM’s biggest booster. Please do not get me started on PAC Man Richie Neal (D – Insurance companies and K Street lobbyist firms in the Swamp).

You, blogger Dan Valenti, by calling Governor Maura Healey and her supporters “The Leftist Loons”, are supporting the far right politics of not only Rinaldo Del Gallo, but also, Donald Trump. “Common Sense Politics” would be a government that worked together to find common ground to serve the American People instead of the career politicians, greedy lobbyists, and so on. Donald Trump stands for CONFLICT, while Maura Healey stands for RESISTANCE. I proudly support Governor Maura Healey!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

November 09, 2024

Re: Rinaldo’s Republican letter

Rinaldo Del Gallo III’s letter is a study of Republican Party talking points. FDR’s New Deal programs helped the common people 8 to 9 decades ago, but it was WW2 that brought the U.S. economy out of the Great Depression. How Rinaldo omits this crucial fact shows that his understanding of history is limited.

Joe Biden’s presidential term saw 40-year high U.S. inflation that caused economic pain to the common people. Biden printed somewhere around 15 trillion dollars out of thin air and onto government computer screens, as well as borrowed trillions of dollars; the U.S. National Debt is around $36 trillion . Biden and the Democrats in the Swamp never adjusted federal spending back to pre-pandemic levels.

The Democratic Party and its wealthy financial backers understood that Biden would lose to Donald Trump in 2024. So they forced Biden to drop-out, and replaced him with his Vice President, Kamala Harris. From the beginning of her 2024 presidential campaign, Harris said that she was the underdog and it would take a lot of hard work for her to defeat Trump.

Despite what Rinaldo wrote, Donald Trump is a fascist who admires the EVIL Adolf Hitler. It is understood that MAGA really stands for Nazi. Project 2025 is a road-map to authoritarianism that will destroy our U.S.A.’s democracy.

Rinaldo wrote about identity politics, but it is Donald Trump that is the one who uses cultural conflict and violence for his own gain. Does Rinaldo think that someone such as myself – Jon Melle – is supposed to give up my identity as a person who lives in the disability community at the VA and in society alike?

Rinaldo wrote that the Democratic Party stands for censorship, but he did not give us examples of how we are the victims of censorship by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

Rinaldo wrote that the Democratic Party was once for peace and anti-Vietnam War. In 1968 alone when LBJ was the U.S. President, over 1 million Vietnamese People were killed by the U.S. Armed Forces. Protesters marched by The White House back then chanting, “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many more did you kill today?”. Did Rinaldo forget that LBJ was a Democrat?

Rinaldo Del Gallo III is wrong on the Democratic Party – past and present. I have questioned Rinaldo’s involvement with so-called “Free Speech” political movements and his failed legal defense of far right political activists. I am happy that he likes Bernie Sanders of Vermont, but there is more to Rinaldo’s politics than his support for the old-man Socialist U.S. Senator who owns 3 homes.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: “Of course the Democrats lost”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 9, 2024

To the editor: For years, I have been lamenting the shift of the Democratic Party from economic progressivism to identity politics.

Worse, there has been a decadelong focus — with a few brief and fleeting exceptions — on how rotten and evil the political opposition was. “Lawfare” became a term in the American lexicon. It resulted in lawn signs saying “I’m voting for the felon.” Jan. 6, 2021, was sold not merely as a riot by some but a full-blown effort to have a literal coup d’etat.

As America’s economy was reeling from the ravages of COVID, we were barraged with hearings and news stories about Jan. 6. We Democrats stopped being the party that said “it’s the economy, stupid” of the Clinton era to become the “the Republicans are fascist” of the Biden era. The legislative accomplishments were few, while big corporate donors enabled Vice President Kamala Harris to vastly outspend Trump. I remember going to Bernie Sanders’ rallies; they weren’t long laments about identity politics, they were about economic progressivism.

What made the modern Democratic Party was the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt. It turned the party from the party of slavery to the party of economic progressivism. The New Deal saved people from the Great Depression. The famous economist John Maynard Keynes is often recognized as the intellect behind the New Deal. He had such an influence on American political economic policy, decades later conservative economist Milton Freedman, adviser to Richard Nixon, said “We are all Keynesians now.” Joe Biden did have his “Build Back Better,” but it never really happened.

The party once against censorship became one of its staunchest defenders. The party of peace and anti-Vietnam War sentiment has become the party of jingoism and multibillion-dollar interventionism. We Democrats made it nearly impossible to appear on the ballot in the Democratic Primary (as Robert F. Kennedy showed us), lied about Biden being competent, were caught when he miserably failed in a debate and then literally presented a candidate that had not garnered a single primary vote. Harris literally campaigned on a platform that Trump was going to be a fascist dictator, as if the American public had the memory of a goldfish. When asked softball, predictable questions about how she planned to differ from Biden (who has low favorability ratings), she whiffed. Of course we lost.

Rinaldo Del Gallo, Pittsfield
The writer has been a delegate to numerous Democratic state conventions.

Sig Natureday
Sig Natureday
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

This sounds like something Hinckley would write.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

I’m surprised The Left Winged Parrot published Del Gallo’s letter.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 months ago
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 months ago
Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Prices Thanksgiving 2019. How much have we lost.

comment image

Reply to  Sir Chaz
4 months ago

Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika on Good Morning Joe just discovered that the price of butter has gone up. Mika seemed bored with the whole topic since when has she had to care about the prices at the supermarket.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

This guy should be next Sec of Defense.

General Mike Flynn:

Democrats, if you’re wondering why America voted for Trump, allow me to explain:​
The truth is, the American People are sick of your ****.You ruined our nation and our culture.​
You openly mocked, belittled, and discriminated us, then called us racist, misogynist, Nazis when we started noticing.​

You defiled and corrupted all of our great institutions, to include the media, social media, tech, academia, intelligence, health, pharma, Hollywood, entertainment, sports, EVERYTHING!​
You weaponized every aspect of American life, and used it to push your insane far-Left agenda down our throats.​

You told us Trump was a Russian asset that was going to start WW3 and would be worse than Hitler. Then you used that as an excuse to justify hatred towards Trump supporters and to riot in the streets.​
You used it as an excuse to obstruct and ruin Trump’s entire first term, and it turned out it was all a lie.​
Then during Covid, you demanded we all be forced to take medical experimentation without testing. You wanted dissenters locked in prison. You wanted children taken from their anti-vax parents. You wanted the anti-vax in camps. You were rooting for our deaths.​

Then it turned out you were wrong about everything from the man-made origin, to masks, to vaccines, to social distancing, to ivermectin, to HCQ, to natural immunity, and everything in between.​
Then during Ukraine, you told us that Ukraine was a bastion of Democracy, and that they desperately needed all of our tax dollars.​

Then it turned out that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world, with literal Nazi military forces, and it was actually just a money laundering operation to steal from the American taxpayer.​
You want to defend Ukraine’s borders more than our own. You sent hundreds of billions of dollars on the other side of the planet, while Americans are suffering, all based on more lies.​

Then there’s the whole Epstein, Diddy, human-trafficking element. You all told us VEHEMENTLY that human-trafficking was a myth, you told us the border was secure, and you told us that anyone who questioned it was an irredeemable & deplorable conspiracy theorist (and a piece of garbage).​

You said anyone who watched “Sound of Freedom” was a QAnon extremist and threat to democracy. Then it turned out to be true, and the elites really are engaged in unspeakable crimes against children.​
After you all told us for decades this was not true. You covered up the most heinous crimes imaginable, for political gain.​

I could do this for days, but I think you get the point. The American People are awake to the scam and the true evil going on around us, and we are not going to stand for it anymore.​

So we hired Donald J. Trump and his team of Patriots to rectify the situation, and bring America back to her greatness.This is the reality of the situation.​

You are the bad guys, and you have been deceived.​

The sooner you wake up to it, the sooner you can join us in repairing this nation.​

Or you can choose to deny reality, and spend the rest of your lives consumed by hate, based on lies.​

The choice is yours.Signed: A True American Patriot​

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

“In an unprecedented move, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in alliance with former President Donald Trump, launched the “Nominees for the People” website.

This initiative calls upon everyday Americans to nominate individuals for more than 4,000 potential roles in a future Trump administration.

Two days before the election, RFK Jr. invited voters to submit their picks for key positions and propose policies, all with the promise of draining the swamp and putting an end to “corporate capture” in Washington.”

“Nominees for the People

President Donald J Trump, Robert F Kennedy Jr, and their unity coalition need *your* help nominating people of integrity and courage for over 4,000 appointments across the future Trump Administration. Unlike the backroom deals of past presidents, the MAGA/MAHA transition team will draw directly from the input of we, the people, via the new Nominees for the People site.”

“After all, our broader Make America Healthy Again movement isn’t just about keeping our bodies healthy and getting toxins out of our food, water, air, soil, clothing and homes. It’s also about restoring the health of our Republic by draining the swamp and ending corporate capture once and for all.

To do that, we can’t just pull from the same old pool of rotating Beltway bandits. We need to find the very best public servants our country has to offer. And we’re certain you know who they are.
We invite you to nominate those you would most like to see in Washington and to weigh in on those nominated by others. We ask only that you approach this sacred work with a spirit of patriotism, collaboration, selflessness and mutual respect.”

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Love it. The talent of the people is the capital of the state. Our gold standard. Should have it for Pittsfield boards and public committees.