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ADD 2 DEC. 23, LATER–There is only one man who has the power to get to the bottom of the Bitchfield sludge:

THE GENERALISSIMO (Photo by The Ruling Junta)

ADD 1 DEC. 23Tonight at 6p.m. the Bitchfield city council will conduct a special meeting in chambers to air (actually, it needs fumigation) community concerns over that abhorrent cesspool–the overfunded, underperforming Socohl Department headed by Jumpin’ Joe (“I Don’t Know Nuttin'”) Curtis. 

Councilor Rhonda Serre-Sucker, in public comments and obediently parroting State Rep. TFB, has told everyone to “calm down.” Actually, if ever there was a time to take a torch to the rafters at city hall and Mercer, that time is NOW.

“Help Me” Rhonda and her fellow women councilors submitted a sloppily-written petition calling for the meeting. Good move, girls. It further emasculates the council “men,” especially president Peter White. It was White’s place to take leadership on this. Instead, he hid behind the skirts. Title it “Voltron Cops a Plea”–yeah, he “knew nuttin'” too. Neither did the tieless mayor.

Villagers, get the torches lit. There is no amount of fire you can dispel that will justly serve the loathsome bums who represent “Official” Pittsfield.

Burn, baby, burn.

Meanwhile and once again, have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 16, 2024) — THE PLANET has gratefully reached the point in 2024 where the winter solstice is upcoming. That’s our cue to begin a well-earned Christmas vacation.

To vacate, to withdraw into silence and solace. To ascend the stairway to matters of PERSONAL importance, the fulfillment of which need not be explained or analyzed, just enjoyed. One merely has to “let it happen,” like the flow from the bottle of Chateau St. Esteph Medoc 1960, gifted by a dear friend from “over there,” with orders to savor and enjoy during our time off.


We leave Official Bitchfield to rot in its self-created filth, to its corruption, to its drugs and thugs, to its prolific pedophilic propensities. With a strong push from the feds, who knows if Vesuvius will finally erupt? It’s been roiling for decades.

Meanwhile, our thoughts and prayers, good wishes and blessings, extend to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the Little Guys, electoral orphans who have no honest representation and who deserve so much more than what they’re being asked to endure.

THE PLANET will keep The Comment Line open.

Merry Christmas to all.


What you are looking for is where you are looking from” — St. Francis of Assisi.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Letter: “American voters chose poorly”
The Berkshire Eagle, December 21, 2024

To the editor: American voters installed a treasonous insurrectionist, racist, molester, habitual liar and convicted criminal assaulting the timeless principles of truth, morality and the common good.

Their blind choice will deny specific programs meant to help people: a woman’s freedom, voting rights, increasing Social Security, universal health care with paid family/medical leave and elderly home care, assault weapons elimination, ending the genocide in Gaza, strengthening unions, making home-buying affordable and free higher education in return for national service. Instead of an astute leader in this time of global crisis, we now have a buffoon running a sandbox of transactional bribery.

The decision removes any pretense of humane values in this floating garage sale called a country. Our hemisphere has been inhabited by first peoples since at least 23,000 BCE. Europeans came in 1492, initiating a genocide lasting to the present, occupying lands and people for free labor in the profit-driven plantations and industries developed over centuries. When natives could not serve as fodder, enslaved African peoples filled the role in a holocaust begun in 1532 in Brazil and 1619 in what is now the U.S. Succeeding waves of immigrants — Chinese, Mexicans, Vietnamese — were cast as the “other,” tortured and killed yet used as integral parts of the labor pool to benefit successive actors in the 1 percent snake-oil medicine show. That has included agricultural and factory operations, with its current offspring, the prison-industrial complex; overseers of immigrant labor; robber barons old and new; and now a new means of production/control via information and virtual reality — all serving the updated radical individual, stealing fortunes for ego and power, diametrically opposed to the idea of communal responsibility.

The American circus is retreating to further extremes in lockstep against the world’s peoples with violence, puppet leaders, oppression and media suppression — a metastasis of domestic and planetary inhumanity. Our moral vacuum is historically and currently drenched in atrocity, denial of justice justice, rejection of laws and the Constitution, all part of the global scene’s last refuge for extractive monopoly capitalism.

Headline news states Kamala Harris lost the election. Yet the people of the U.S. Inc. and the world have lost things that cannot be regained on our path to extinction: democracy, truth, honesty, responsibility and community as one human family. As George Orwell stated at the end of his novel “Animal Farm”: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Royal Hartigan, Pittsfield

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

A stinking rant.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Melle suffers from verbal incontinence

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

RH suffers from stink. What an embarrassing string of crap.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Royal Lunatic

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Maybe it’s time to bring Mental Institutions back. Except they would be overrun with people infected with TDS alone.

Orphan Farm
Orphan Farm
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

You have not a clue as to how offensive that is. Worse than the enn word.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Orphan Farm
2 months ago

This is the wrong place to be if you get offended easily.

Maybe try hanging out with Wimpy White. You two gals can play with his Star Trek action figures in a “safe space.”

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Royal, please tell us how Harris would have saved us? You just have a bad case of TDS.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

December 21, 2024

Re: The horrible legacy of Mayor Peter Marchetti’s first-year in City Hall

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The letter, below, describes the city’s sidewalk fines that will punish elderly and disabled tax-paying citizens during and after winter storms.

Here is a list of the horrible legacy of Mayor Peter Marchetti’s first-year in City Hall.

1. Asked for a 90-day grace period free from “FREE SPEECH” criticisms.

2. Said he is not a fan of social media and blogs “FREE SPEECH” commentary of government.

3. He is named in a federal civil lawsuit as one of three Pittsfield Co-operative Bank male managers who allegedly sexually harassed and sex-discriminated against the terminated bank employee named Victoria May, who then bank manager Peter Marchetti allegedly called “a BITCH”.

4. Gave the disgraced politician and millionaire Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior $341,000.00 from the city’s FREE CASH account(s) to settle “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)” pot permit case that he filed against the City of Pittsfield in Berkshire Superior Court.

5. Passed a record-setting all-time-high municipal budget that increased property taxes by an average of 7.17-percent, and city fees by 8-percent each.

6. Is collecting his mayoral 6-figure city public pay plus perks, which he will someday turn into a 6-figure city public pension plus perks for himself, while the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family pounds sand.

7. Said he was unaware of the controversial events and legal actions in the troubled Pittsfield Public School system, which is rated “Level 5” – the worst rating – by the state government in Boston.

8. Hitting good people with controversial new city fees with his new toter garbage collection scheme, as well as the aforementioned sidewalk fines that will cause pain and suffering to the elderly and disabled citizens of Pittsfield.

9. Wants to demolish two city school buildings to build a new one in their place, while Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78, which is full of GE’s brain-damaging and cancer-causing industrial chemicals called PCBs.

10. Wants to renovate Wahconah Park, which had no baseball in 2024, and which will have no baseball in 2025, but it is said to be a flawed project that would turn into a “Big Dig”-like boondoggle.

I cannot believe that Governor Maura Healey, State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Former Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway, and others in state and local politics support my family relative Peter Marchetti, who is yet another failed leader of Pittsfield politics.

What else would one expect, of course?

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: “My perspective on Pittsfield’s sidewalk-clearing paradigm”
The Berkshire Eagle, December 20, 2024

To the editor: I would like to put a personal observation into the sidewalk dilemma story covered in Mitchell Chapman’s Dec. 16 column.

Upfront, I have maintained my sidewalk for more than 35 years. This year, my circumstances have temporarily changed dramatically. I am a 77-year-old who has had recent eye and heart surgeries. I have a section of sidewalk along a high traffic section of West Street. This street is a major thoroughfare for schools, a nursing home and a hospital. My section of sidewalk is situated no more than two feet away from the road, and the walk starts at an intersection. On a snowy day, West Street is plowed multiple times day and night. A shoveled sidewalk is very often buried under repeated street plowing. The safety of drivers requires no less attention.

Simultaneously, city plows pile snow against the intersection curb as the pass down the adjoining street. A few inches of road snow becomes a few feet of hard-packed snow at the corner. Clearing and maintaining this stretch of sidewalk is difficult for an able-bodied person.

I have contacted my councilor, the mayor’s office and the Public Works Department about this dilemma for several years. I believe the promising “snow angel” initiative by the city has been sparked by stories like mine. I have requested a paid volunteer who can provide the shoveling service. To date, none have been available in my area.

Issuing fines for citizens in my situation is a most unproductive exercise. I would clear the way if I were physically able. The city will collect a little money, but the funds don’t go to sidewalk services and the sidewalks remain snow bound. I am willing to pay for assistance, and such funds would both employ someone and get the sidewalk cleared.

I appreciate how large a problem the city faces when you consider the miles of major roadways to be cleared. I want to be a citizen working on a solution and not a scofflaw with fines that fail to clear the sidewalks.

William Travis, Pittsfield

Lance Blumenstein
Lance Blumenstein
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Having your mom answer your phone to tell me you are washing your hair five different times today when I called is really harsh Jon. Answer your phone you’re not pregnant quit playing with me.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Like you and TSC, you are all a bunch of DEMTARDS!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

MAGA misfit,turn on Hannity

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

30 Million for a swamp college field is so nuts at this point in time it is irresponsible…..Where are we getting all this cash from?…Allendale school in a poison swamp,cell phone tower making people sick should be job 1 after the house cleaning at adminisration….They know why people resign…The public demands who knew at the top and on the school committee…we know a Curtis coverup now….just resign….get inside the decisions to tell the schools who resigned and the payoffs….settlements will tell the story.Principle knows what Curtis told them.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

Call Curtis and tell him you want every hire and departed by resignation for the last 15 years.Allowing them to walk away might be about sex accusations.They could also be legitimate resignations….Now find out how many settlements were settled out of court to walk away.The business person has been there for many years and will know those settled lawsuits.The public needs to know how many and why they were settled.Behnke has handled the cash for many years.As long as we are digging we should dig deep on the finances.Get to the bottom of everything.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

This is what happens when you leave democrats unsupervised

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Republicans1989 1998 2008 and 2020

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago


Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

This is what happens when teachers and all other school personnel feel they can cross the line of personal involvement with students. Getting involved with gender and sexuality as in Great Barrington where the teacher was leaving sexual books around the classrooms for very young children to see and so many thought there was nothing wrong with it. School personnel should have a strictly professional relationship with students otherwise sex and drugs overtakes these schools and here in Pittsfield, everything is covered up. Get woke, DEI, drugs, gender and sex grooming out of the school systems across the country. Pittsfield is so far left that it really got out of hand here. The Berkshire Eagle is supposedly trying to investigate this issue, but their comments section has been shut down for years to prevent people from talking about local issues.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

The cop in Great Barrington was a MAGA radical

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

I’m extremely glad he was MAGA, an American Patriot, TSC.

Much like JM, I’m betting you don’t have any children; therefore, see no harm in a book like “Gender Queer” being in an elementary school classroom.

To people like me and others, who have successfully raised children, don’t feel books that graphically depict two 15/16 yr-old boys engaged in oral sex in the “69” position or a 12/13 yr-old girl “wishing she had cancer” to “rid her of her boobs,” because “she identifies as a boy,” have any educational or redeeming value for children.

In fact, it’s material I’d expect to come out of a pedophile group like NAMBLA.

The stage is now yours TSC, defend “Gender Queer,” from us “MAGA radicals.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Not to mention that book would be especially traumatic for children who suffer from sexual abuse at home and happen to see it there.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Great point Sir Chaz. Something I have never given thought to but certainly will include it in my future rants against books like “Gender Queer.”


Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Certainly. An abused child sees that book, and it brings the abuse right to his nose, and it is presented as ‘normal.’ That means, the child does not feel that the teachers are there for him. It is a repeat and reinforcement of the abuse.

False Claim
False Claim
2 months ago

I’m saying Dave Guidi is no pedophile. That’s a fucking lie.

Basketball Jones
Basketball Jones
2 months ago

Hoping it’s merely obstruction of justice and not an actual crime

Get off my neck
Get off my neck
2 months ago

In 1991 the chief of egremont police was this person.

Now employed at CPCS – think about it.

Egremont Police Chief [next] Reena Bucknell.


On Monday for the filing; Prosecutor Shugrue dismissed the May 1st charges against a disabled woman of disorderly, a&b, resisting arrest.

Excessive Force was used.

All the evidence was destroyed. The cops can’t prove a criminal act occurred

The two police officers couldn’t pass the Brady test.

Two broken hands and they kidnapped my beloved son.

I have a house for sale in Egremont I’ll give you a good deal cops busted the doors off

I have to continue to flee from my home because the police violate my rights consistently since 2003.

What’s different about me?

I reported childhood rape. I provided solid facts timelines and evidence.

The officials like the rapist so much that they have welcomed him onto school boards, parks and recreation, electricians board.

Commonwealth employs him Smitty loves the dude, they’re friends on FACEBOOK

Meanwhile I’ve been in court 86 times this year reporting to crimes that have 0 paperwork 0 Merit.

The discovery request for INTERNAL AFFAIRS was objected to & over ruled by Judge.

The officer was supposedly previously removed from active duty but he was there beating the fuck outta me because they can

You broke my hands nagger and you kidnapped my child.

They said bipolar disorder substance abuse.

I have a SCRAM on my ankle 0 alcohol is present

I have a TBI from when Reena Bucksnort took me to the wrong hospital with head trauma

We will see what happens next I already lost everything I love.

Good Luck making me and my family disappear youre thE scum of the earth I hope you die in the line of duty.

Merry fucking Christmas everybody


NICK FREDSALL Parks and recreation

His ex wife is dead, his dad is dead.. on his 4th wife now.

Keep yourself and your agents far away from me.

The builder at Prospect Lake Illegal Landscape Hotel is Karl Fredsall. Employed by Alander, & what’s the connection to 18 degrees and Hannon Lerner





Liberty or Death – no shit

Reply to  Get off my neck
2 months ago

Get some help!

Get off my neck
Get off my neck
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

If you meant emotional support, healing resources, seek mental health and trauma recovery resources, …your thoughtfulness is extremely helpful.

Thank you for reaching out today with warming well wishes.
Especially, & specifically for your acknowledgement of the importance of thoroughly investigating the emotional toll of my experiences, I thank you.

You know what, oppression causes long lasting impact.
Support networks, connecting with groups for survivors of violence and systemic oppression shirley does provide solidarity.

I got help. No, thank you. I insist! You think I should be silent. Read the NY Post.

Reply to  Get off my neck
2 months ago

How about writing help so your diatribe makes sense.

Keep your weight offa me
Keep your weight offa me
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

From who – try to keep up.

Reply to  Get off my neck
2 months ago

“I’ve a TBI from when Reena Bucksnort took me to the wrong hospital with head trauma”

Now this I have heard happening. A lawyer of mine, who took a cop abuse case, was hounded by Bostons finest. They stop her on the road (speeding.) Next line in the transcrip, she is quoted saying, “I will not go to that hospital! I will only go to this one.” There is a hospital/police activity nexus thing there.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Nexus – right, the destruction of evidence and refusal to submit IA, a literal objection in a criminal case.

Bull Chit
an then ?

We want AI records & we want discovery.

All papers and evidence noted on the record, were DESTROYED?
Police Department OBJECTS
case dismissed


The only nexus is the thin blue line and the codependent backs they have.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

In other words, those cops smashed in her head at the stop and tried to get her to go to a friendly hospital.

There was a kidnapping by the police
There was a kidnapping by the police
2 months ago

Illegal removal of Children by DCF from their home.

Mandated reporter called DCF filed 51a Report(s).

Mandated reporter is NOT A CREDIBLE WITNESS

Tim Shugrue if your reading this


Jessica Byrne-York- DCF Attorney resigned or not ?

The 51a reports are invalid

Thy Will be done.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius

Have you ever considered starting your own blog?

No offense, but I really don’t care to read any more about your trials and tribulations with DCF.

If they were actually credible, you would have an attorney telling you to STFU and quit posting!!

But because you are on here ranting nonstop about topics nobody knows or cares about, I’m thinking it’s safe to say you belong in that same system you rail against.

Best of luck, but please stop posting your DCF screeds.

The Planet already has a couple of wingnut screed posters. It needs another one, like Wimpy White needs another triple meat cheeseburger with bacon from Five Guys.

There was a kidnapping by the police
There was a kidnapping by the police
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I have an attorney. Tells me constantly to STFU. Removed her. What do you stand for? Is this your blog? If it is that’s one thing. I’ll see you at the meeting. Cashmeousside. Its not about me. There’s children being stolen and trafficked you follow. You ain’t got time for that ? So pardon me.

You’re following a generic story.

Have a merry merry all y’all.


The Generalissimo is on sabbatical and Markus is a repected lieutenant doing his best to police the log, and I agree with him. You hardly make any sense to begin with.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago
Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Call for Action
I am seeking justice, transparency, and accountability.

My goal is to:

– **Expose Systemic Issues:** Through your platform, I want to highlight these patterns of abuse and call for meaningful reform in law enforcement and child welfare systems.

– **Advocate for Victims:** I hope my story can help others who have been similarly mistreated find the courage to speak out and demand justice.

– **Hold Authorities Accountable:** The misconduct I have faced must not be allowed to continue unchecked.

Fie Knance
Fie Knance
Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Happy Holidays Dan..Everyone.The Superintendent don’t seem to no much until the disaster is over. Remember the gymnasium stench years ago. Had no clue there either.

Reply to  Fie Knance
2 months ago

Ya, the finance committee

Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Go work for Kamala!

Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

I want a safe place to live free from illegal police invasion.

Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Thers another invasion it’s called the registry of motor vehicles they can suspend your license for no reason and you don’t get it back unless you hire a lawyer and fight it yourself.If you appeal its three months minimal wait.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

December 22, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I went on the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s web-site on this chilly 1st-full-day of Winter, Sunday afternoon, and I saw a big advertisement on my laptop computer screen by Pittsfield’s Gated Community resident and greedy millionaire Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s marijuana company named “Berkshire Roots”. Then I thought to myself, hmm, earlier this year 2024, “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)” received his pot permit civil settlement of $341,000.00 from the City of Pittsfield’s FREE CASH account(s) with the approval of Mayor Peter Marchetti and 10-out-of-the-11 City Councilors; now I know where the money went to: into The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s account(s).

I always wondered why the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) has NOT published all but a limited number of unfavorable news articles and editorials about the disgraced politician, corrupt Attorney, and millionaire marijuana mogul Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. Moreover, it has been a little less than 20 years since the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) published my many letters I have written and sent to them, including about Nuciforo’s mean-spirited and abusive actions against me (and others) from Pittsfield to Boston. I now see what is going on here. The City of Pittsfield and Nuciforo alike enrich the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) with city taxpayer dollars, while “Jon Melle the Have NOT” writes about the financial struggles of Pittsfield’s taxpayers that the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) is part of for their own financial benefit.

What is WRONG with Pay to Play Pittsfield politics (and beyond)? Answer: Please re-read the above two paragraphs. PAC Man Richie Neal, Luciforo, and so on, Pay to Play politics, while the taxpayers and “Jon Melle’s the Have NOT’s” are struggling to get by and SILENCED by the likes of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) editors, who recently and predictably endorsed Congressman RIchie Neal’s 19th 2-year term in the Swamp (the K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially big insurance companies), and runs Pittsfield’s Pot King’s large marijuana advertisements on their news media publications.

It is always in distressed places like Pittsfield or Springfield where the likes of Luciforo and PAC Man Neal get to Pay to Play politics, and the likes of “Jon Melle the Have NOT” struggles financially and is silenced by the media in Western Massachusetts (and beyond), except for the blog named Planet Valenti, sometimes The Boston Herald, and sometimes The New Hampshire Union Leader, which are all conservative media outlets (while I – Jonathan A. Melle – supported Joyce Craig for NH Governor, who lost to Kelly Ayotte in 2024; and Kamala Harris for U.S. President, who lost to Donald Trump in 2024; it means that no one is representing me in Concord, NH, nor in the Swamp, in 2025; What else is new?).

Best wishes,

Jon Melle the Have NOT

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
2 months ago

Come on Eagle you pathetic Rag…..investigate follow the breadcrumbs and start with that SRO

Last edited 2 months ago by Larry Bird
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Did she get put on administrative leave?

Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Listen buddy, for all you know, the school cop left several reports on the suspected drug dealing. If you have something to say, based on truth, let’s hear it. Otherwise, I suggested you stop with the innuendo. The school cop is a fine officer, and a well respected school cop.

Reply to  BlueTruth
2 months ago

But did she get suspended?

Peel da Onion
Peel da Onion
Reply to  BlueTruth
2 months ago

and who would have read the reports and what action did they take or not take? Should have gone right to the school committee and beyond so why was everyone “blindsided?”

Eight Shevin
Eight Shevin
Reply to  BlueTruth
2 months ago

I heard she was a bar fly in new lebanon

Reply to  Eight Shevin
2 months ago

Last time there were bar fly’s in New Lebanon was the 70’s, when the drinking age was like 1980 or so when the drinking age was 21 In Taxachusetts and 18 there, the ole Valley Pub was rocking, and there was The Sand Piper and a couple others.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  BlueTruth
2 months ago

Geez, just think if they started getting into all the overtime guarding the construction holes in Pittsfield, All cat house antics at the Court house, you have Tony Montana operating under your nose and in appropriate behavior happening at the school “Allegedly “ and the ones in the know just look the other way “Allegedly “. Sounds like Pittsfield in a nutshell

Eight Shevin
Eight Shevin
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Where the hell is the state rep on these things goings on?

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Eight Shevin
2 months ago

Do we have one?

Reply to  Eight Shevin
2 months ago

Out to lunch!

Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

The breadcrumbs, ironically, lead to the publisher, the publisher caused and perpetuated this harm. Purposefully. The fruits of the doctrine etc. Anyone recall his prior career choice? He already knows. Abrupt resignations have happened.

The perpetrator got me when I had just “graduated” eight grade @ just before my 14th birthday about to start 9th grade.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Councilor Rhonda Serre filed a petition regarding the clusterfluck in the School Department regarding PHS, stating it was supported by the “females” of the Clownsil. Wondering if she asked the “males” of the Clownsil if they wanted to be a part of the petition? If she did, why did the “males” not join in? If she didn’t ask, why not? Is this just another “separation” of the local messed up Pittsfield administration?

Peel da Onion
Peel da Onion
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

or maybe just phony concern?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Thanks Dan, we all know that loudmouth Rhonda loves to hear herself talk. Porkschop Pete is eating at every restaurant in town writing his wish list for Santa for some more toys to post on his Facebook. Wait until the grandstanding tonight!!!! The City Clownsil has not cared about anything this year also has not accomplished anything. Honestly don’t know why we even have these elected officials. Very odd time to hold a special meeting, it couldn’t wait until after the holidays. The Mayor Peter’s “cluelessness” is spreading.

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Heard they are limiting public comments to 8 seconds each and if you go over that they will duct tape your mouth and write SNITCH on your tax bill with an eight percent surcharge on top of the usual 5 percent increase for the schools.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Hysterical petition?

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Can’t hurt to drag the faces out before the taxpayers. Might make the next batch of candidates that are running only for their own self aggrandizement to think twice about it. Seriously, when was the last time the press said anything negative about a Pittsfield politician and who was that person? Are they all really that perfect? A large part of the problem in Pittsfield is that management gets a free ride on accountability. The media spreads a wide cloak more often than not.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

“Seriously, when was the last time the press said anything negative about a Pittsfield politician and who was that person?”

That would have to be me. A great delight and honor is was to be slandered by those youngsters. I always knew when I was right when they were wrong. They were never positive towards me. And those who intend to run without permission are demolished by the power of the Press. Through Giant wheels of power they run you.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

There are no stadium grandstands in the entire Cape Cod college blue chip league.Pittsfields CC and Marchetti are building the stadium…..take down the grandstand and put bleachers up like The Cape League

Kleptocracy Rules
Kleptocracy Rules
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

Marchetti can find money to upgrade Pontusooc lake for the elites and build ball parks for special interest events but refused a decent size trash toter for his electorate. Casella is taking us all to the cleaners and Marchetti and White paved the path for them.

By the way, where does Marchetti want everyone to put all the extra Christmas trash this week and next? Does Styrofoam packing go into the recycling?

Equal Protection
Equal Protection
2 months ago

I don’t want a lot for Christmas,
there is just one thing I need.
I don’t care about the presents
underneath the Christmas tree.
I just want you for my own,
more than you will ever know.
Make my wish come true!

All I want for Christmas is you.

I don’t want a lot for Christmas,
there is just one thing I need.
Don’t care about those presents underneath the Christmas tree.
I don’t need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace.
Santa Claus won’t make me happy with a toy on Christmas day,
I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.
Make my wish come true,

all I want for Christmas is you!
Ooh, baby.

I won’t ask for much this Christmas, I won’t even wish for snow.
I’m just gonna keep on waiting
underneath the mistletoe.
I won’t make a list and send it to the North Pole for St. Nick.
I won’t even stay up late to hear those magical reindeers click.
I just want you here tonight, holdin’ on to me so tight!
What more can I do?

All I want for Christmas is you!

Wow, all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere,
and the sound of children’s laughter fills the air,
and everyone is singing!
I hear those sleigh bells ringing…
Santa won’t you bring me the one I really need, won’t you please bring my baby to me?

Oh, I don’t want a lot for Christmas,
this is all I’m askin’ for.
I just wanna see my baby standin’ right outside my door.
I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.
Make my wish come true,

all I want for Christmas…

is you!
Oh, oh, oh-oh oh-oh-oh.
Wow-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh.
Ooh-ooh, oh…

Frasier Crane, I'm listening
Frasier Crane, I'm listening
2 months ago

What’s the casual connection between Alice-Byrne Tortoriello and Jessica Byrne-York and possibly an unnamed dog officer.

Is there a nexus, Lexus?

Aey Chain
Aey Chain
Reply to  Frasier Crane, I'm listening
2 months ago

Amused so is so full of it.

Still Time
Still Time
2 months ago

Re: Nexus, I was speaking about emergency Medical Services Policy and Triage. Reena Bucknell and Ed McCormick. Head trauma BMC is not the correct answer. That will be explained in chapter 6. There was something with the road. I digress. I laid there for at least a week before the cerebrospinal fluid leak was realized. Told me to stand up. Read about it.

Reply to  Still Time
2 months ago

Twas the night before Christmas and Bitchfields a wreck…how to live in the city that’s politically correct? City employees no longer answer the call,there was even drug dealing right down the hall. Labor conditions were alleged by the union to stifle the soul but the Super was steadfast safety is still protocol.

Four.reindeer had vanished without much propriety, released to the wild by the Humane Society, and equal employment has made it quite clear that DEI wasn’t working andwasn’t that clear.So Dancer and Donner,Comet and Cupid,Were replaced with pigs,and you know that looked stupid!

The runners had been removed from his beautiful sleigh, because the ruts in the roads were deemed dangerous in Bitchfield that day. Bitchfields citizens were calling the cops, when they heard sled noises on many rooftops. Second hand smoke from his pipe smelled like pot, and many little kids got high there’s no doubt.

To show you the strangeness of today’s ebbs and flows Rudolph was suing over unauthorized use of his nose. So half of the reindeer were gone,and his wife who suddenly said she had enough of this life Joined a self-help group packed and left in a whiz…demanding from now on that her title was Ms.

Reply to  PostronPio
2 months ago

Marchetti the brown nosed reindeer makes excuses for good miscreants who do naughty stuff

Oliver Spielburg
Oliver Spielburg
Reply to  PostronPio
2 months ago

This is excellent material and a great foundation for an epic movie. Would you be willing to sign over the rights so that my company can begin the theme expansion, set building and the legalities of copyrighting ASAP?

Probably would be hiring many of the writers and actors locally especially if they are ex embedded politicos or municipal employees.
Charles if you are available you can skip the audition.

We hope to be able to screen out drug dealers and sexual predators from our employ but make no guarantees as apparently they can hide right out in the open in Pittsfield and may sneak by. (it is also a story line and may help with the promotion and roll out. Sorry ahead of time.

And we here at Arlos/Bouton Cinematic Productions wish each and every one of you a safe and somewhat joyous holiday and that you will not need narcan or get hit by someone driving while using a cell phone as happens in your area on a daily basis even though you may not always hear anyone speak out loud about it.

Aey Chain
Aey Chain
Reply to  Still Time
2 months ago
  • Councilor Serre put- in a position by all woman councilor’s only to bring people together on the dean of druggs debacle……Shes already divided people by the all woman petition! What is that Rhonda? Help me Rhonda…..with the answer ?
Reply to  Aey Chain
2 months ago

It was a hysterical petition by her account.

Reply to  Aey Chain
2 months ago

Rhonda- a wind bag who loves the sound of her own voice.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Why does she wear such gaudy jewelry? And those glasses! Are they ski goggles or swim goggles?

Reply to  Aey Chain
2 months ago

She’s just pissed that Kenny Warren never puts down the golden toilet seat in the council potty room.

Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Help Make Levi’s 9th Birthday Unforgettable

This Christmas Day, my little boy Levi turns 9. It’s a special milestone, and I want to honor his resilience and strength by making this birthday truly memorable. To do that, I’m offering 9 exclusive Thistle Down membership certificates—one for each year of Levi’s incredible journey.

These embossed, hand-signed (by broken hands) certificates are a gift of hope, freedom, and empowerment. Each contribution directly supports Thistle Down’s mission to uplift survivors and create lasting change.

Let’s celebrate Levi’s 9th year by coming together to bring joy and purpose into his life and into the lives of others. Your support means everything.

Get your limited edish, numbered certificate today! Together, we can make this birthday one to remember.

Thank you for being part of our story.
#ThistleDown #LevisBirthday #ResilienceAndFreedom

Support Thistle Down
Help us bring resilience and freedom to survivors. Every contribution fuels change and empowers healing. Send your support to VENMO Thistle Down@Bethefoundation today. Together, we can make a difference!

Aey Chain
Aey Chain
Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
2 months ago

Looks like Bitchfield wants another ninety on the investigation on the school situation. This coming from someone who has his own investigation from Ms. May

Inna Bunker
Inna Bunker
2 months ago

Tonight’s meeting
There will be no participation by the public.
The sole item on the agenda is to vote to authorize the Chair of the School Committee to negotiate a retainer agreement with Bulkley Richardson Gelinas, of Springfield, Massachusetts, for the conduct of independent and impartial investigations of certain Pittsfield Public Schools employees. This law firm has no prior relationship with the Pittsfield Public Schools. This was based on the recommendation our chair Dr. Cameron made at our last School Committee Meeting

2 months ago


Merry Christmas. You could have had one of your lieutenants do a background check on the PHS former English teacher, and they would have turned this up in 20 seconds on Google, yet Pissfield hired him:

2 months ago

Lumpy Marchetti has been part of the problem for 20 years. Vote him out in 27. Get rid of most of the council. Send the current school committee on a space ship to Uranus.

Bri Floores
Bri Floores
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

My anus Uranus.

Bri Floores
Bri Floores
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Lumpy needs a treadmill fast.

Bri Floores
Bri Floores
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Stooge needs a complete makeover with dental also.

2 months ago

So well said Dan. The situation in the schools is pathetic that’s for sure. We have the useless school committee trying to sound like they actually are doing something about all the problems at PHS while at the same time saying, “We will move beyond this” which seems to be their true goal. Kick it under the rug and let’s move on to what is really important like the school budget. The Pittsfield politicians and school personnel intentionally “know nuttin” so they can hide their heads in the sand, ignore the victims, and assure everyone that everything is back to normal at PHS.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Pittsfield politics hit rock bottom!

News Article:

“City Council united in support for School Committee in PHS investigation, but nerves are frayed”
By Greg Sukiennik, The Berkshire Eagle, December 23, 2024

PITTSFIELD — The City Council vote Monday night to support a School Committee investigation into staff hiring and behavior at Pittsfield High School was unanimous. But it would be a stretch to say its members are united. 

The council, in a special meeting on the unfolding crisis at Pittsfield High School, voted 11-0 to support a petition brought by five members supporting the School Committee-chartered investigation into hiring, behavior and oversight.

But though some members called for unity and patience, others expressed their frustration at the School Committee and the school administration. 

The committee is poised to authorize the hiring of Springfield-based law firm Bulkley Richardson at a special meeting set for Dec. 30

Some councilors said they stood shoulder to shoulder with the School Committee and called for solidarity, so that the city could work through the unsettling allegations and emerge stronger.

“It is not gonna be pleasant but that’s the only way we’re going to heal. We’re going to learn together and figure out what to do together,” Alisa Costa said. “The point for me was not be silent — to speak on behalf of those coming to me and ensure this process is transparent and justice is served.”

But some members questioned whether the School Committee has the independence from the superintendent it employs, Joseph Curtis, to question policy decisions. And commenters said they were outraged to learn, after school officials said they didn’t know about allegations at PHS, that a student had sued the district in September over sexual harassment allegations. 

“I think the School Committee needs to step up to the plate and stop being so cozy with the administration and do their job,” Councilor Earl Persip III said. “It’s your job to oversee the administration … that’s why you were elected. So yes, I am going to call them out.”

The council also heard an allegation from a former Pittsfield High student who alleged the administration failed to address his being bullied as a student. 

Elliott Loverin, of Dalton, a PHS student from 2018 to 2020, said the bullying got so bad that when the COVID pandemic sent students home, he was relieved he’d never have to return.

“One of the individuals implicated in these cases, who was at that time, the dean of students, was placed in charge of my situation,” Loverin said without identifying that person. “I was victim blamed and intimidated into silence about the abuse I was facing by this administrator in meetings where they presented me with the threat of getting in more trouble if I continued to speak up about how I was being targeted.”

Several council members thanked Loverin for coming forward. 

After 90 minutes of councilor and public comment, the council voted to support the petition brought by members Costa, Rhonda Serre, Kathy Amuso, Brittany Noto, and Dina Lampiasi “requesting the City Council to join the School Committee in its call for an investigation into allegations against city employees.”

As the meeting started, council President Pete White reminded the body and the audience that the School Committee, through Curtis, hires and fires school employees — and that the council has no jurisdiction there. 

Serre, speaking first, was echoed by several other councilors when she said the city, and particularly teachers and students, are “hurting.”

“I think it’s important for the City Council to publicly state that we stand alongside the other elected officials in the city, and we’re all going to face this problem head on,” she said. “No matter how justified our anger is, right now, it is not what it takes to rebuild a healthy PHS community.”  

Persip, however, was not in a mood to “sing Kumbaya.” He questioned why a department full of “mandated reporters” under state law did not spot and report allegations of improper relationships between teachers and students.

“Everyone in that school department is a mandated reporter, so who actually didn’t do their job? That’s what I want to know,” he said.

“My immediate feeling was rage and I’ve been working through that. I’m trying not to overreact,” said Patrick Kavey, reminding his colleagues that he opposed hiring Curtis. “This is the type of situation where it’s OK to feel that way and OK to be upset.”

“But now we need to take that fire within us and turn it into something productive,” he said. “We must change the system that allowed this to happen.”

Persip also echoed public commenter Valerie Andersen of Pittsfield in asserting the schools have a culture problem — something he said the council told the School Committee before, to no avail. 

Lampiasi called the allegations “deeply troubling” and said she had misgivings about sending her young children to city schools. 

“I think this has shaken Pittsfield to its core,” Kathy Amuso added. 

Paul Gregory of Pittsfield spoke to diversity, equity and inclusion — also known as DEI — in the schools, and how the district was achieving it. Several have pointed out that Lavante Wiggins, the PHS dean of students charged with cocaine distribution, was working on an expired dance teaching license. Having educators who reflect the student body is “needed, it is necessary, ” he said, but questioned whether that means waiving credentials, licensure, relevant work experience and education. 

Things got ugly when Deborah Simonetta of Pittsfield claimed that Wiggins’ only qualification was that “he looks like Earl Persip” — referring to the skin color both men share.

“That’s not acceptable,” Amuso replied. 

But as White hammered the gavel to remind Amuso that the council can’t edit public comments, Simonetta shouted “What? What the f—?”

Any chance she’d be allowed to finish, however, disappeared when she said Mayor Peter Marchetti, who is gay, “ran on being queer.” The meeting was halted for five minutes as Simonetta shouted at the council on her way out.

Reach Greg Sukiennik at or at 413-496-6249.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

I wanted to know a little more about the Bulkley Richardson Law Firm, and how “independent” of an investigation Bitchfield was going to pay for.

I believe this is the answer:

Diversity – Bulkley Richardson

Here is their pledge:

Our Pledge – Bulkley Richardson

Their pledge is to “identify and work to eradicate systematic racism.”

For those like me who were looking for a complete overhaul of the Picklefield Public Scohol system and the dismantling of (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t programs, ain’t gonna happen.

I’m sure “white privilege,” or “police targeting POC,” will somehow fit into the “final investigation,” as the reason certain individual(s) were “targeted.”

Not the real reason though. That being hiring unqualified, mentally unstable, and sexual deviants, as candidates for managerial positions.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Scohol Comm should not be choosing their auditor. Same problem for the Council: the Finance Department chooses his auditor.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Marcus A gave, bow to Arlo, the most simple and therefore the best answer.

School Comm chose their bitch, the Council pretends to be outraged, the public thinks (they hope) the lawyer will explore the Council’s Rage.

The only rage I saw was Debora S. Never a friendly person to me, often very insulting to the core, but what moxie, man. And hats off to her. She stood up to the ridiculous with a tiger’s glare not letting an insulting prey to go home.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

And how much per hour?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

My guess is that anyone that Cameron recommends would be about as effective as inspector Clouseau

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Can I recommend Cameron visit a barber?

Reply to  Herb Pease
2 months ago

And a fresh pair of jeans would be a better look.

Diss Rigaurd
Diss Rigaurd
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Jon.According to homely Stooge everything is great?

Diss Blesses
Diss Blesses
Reply to  Diss Rigaurd
2 months ago

Is that the clown who’s been all over the world ? And if so why hasn’t he taken advantage of his dental plan?

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

This meeting is a must watch. Earl Persip was absolutely mayoral. (well not by Pittsfield standards I guess) Earl stood up against the machine and spoke like a real man. Ken Warren was also a star performer. The chair, a guy named White seemed very concerned that Mr Warren was taking the matter seriously and tried to steer him off the sensitive parts of it. If I had to pick one who might be running cover for folk it would be him. His type might be a large part of the problem.

Marchetti, who came in late upon request, tried to say all the right things but unfortunately, also included that he did not care about the past, or who knew what but did not speak up, he was concerned for the future. How in the hell can you do an investigation if you don’t care who knew what?

If you watch this you can skip right to Mr Persip and then watch the rest to get the worthy content.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

The Prez of the Council can be seen defending CP distributer Marion in his posts defending why its good to be an asshole to your customers.

Last edited 2 months ago by RaymondNorman
Reply to  RaymondNorman
2 months ago

As lumpy would say sometimes good people do bad things. I guess this includes trashing your customers

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Virtue signaling, all of it. Dina even broke a few tears.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Pete White was fair to DS. He did try to diffuse and give the floor back to her.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

but at least Amuso picked out the paint color for the new THS

Diss Rigaurd
Diss Rigaurd
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Amused So caused the trouble opening her big mouth while Deborah was speaking which violates Massachusetts Law.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Diss Rigaurd
2 months ago

Law? Democrats don’t need no stinkin laws.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

The purpose of DIE was 
to cause confusion and chaos by limiting human ability so that nothing works, nothing can be planned beyond the next day or so, and fear dominates. In such an environment, the sh!t we have been seeing has taking root from “ Didn’t Earn It”.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

As I recall the only who made an issue out of being gay is lumpy himself.

2 months ago

So the city will hire lawyers, not investigators, to investigate PHS, and us Kapansis will pay with A Royal Screwing, No Lube, in thousands upon thousands of dollars of Kapanski cash, and at the end of the day, we will learn mistakes were made, they will do better going forward, blah, blah, blah. What disciplinary action taken if any, won’t be disclosed, nor will the salient details, as the city will claim “it’s a personnel matter”. Case Effing Closed.

Diss Blesses
Diss Blesses
Reply to  Tax&Spend
2 months ago

And the alleged villain will turn his life around overnight and become a deputy over at the jail.

2 months ago

Hats off to councilor Persip for telling it like it is, at the meeting.

Bri Floores
Bri Floores
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

yeah go Earl. Isn’t fond of 1 Pittsfield and Kumbaya either. Hate to say this but Deb was in the right last night. Amused-So should be censored.

Reply to  Bri Floores
2 months ago

Is the council member going to do anything about blabber mouth Amuso’s verbal in countenance?

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago


Verr Bidge
Verr Bidge
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Hell non. Like they blogger said,they don’t need no stinking badges. Everyone in the history of the city council knows the council or the Open Mike speakers cannot engage in banter. That’s why it’s called OPEN. Cocerning Amuso why is she on the Licence Board. That’s @ direct conflict of interest.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

Anytime Earl speaks it’s a good time to take your hat and jacket off.

Chief Smokinstump
Chief Smokinstump
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
2 months ago

One Bitchfield under Gawd……with zero Liberty at open Mike and no justice for all.

Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
2 months ago

No doubt Persip gave a good passionate speech, but will he actually do anything?

2 months ago

At the City Council meeting last night the councilors blamed the school committee for ignoring the culture that is happening in the schools and say the school committee has done nothing about the “culture” despite being warned repeatedly. What exactly is the “culture” they are talking about? The councilors don’t think it’s their own woke and DEI policies that are causing the problems because they bragged at the meeting about how they are doing so great with bringing DEI into the school system, but questioned whether they should be waiving credentials, licensure, relevant work experience and education to achieve DEI. It turns out that the Vice-President of the school under investigation for sending inappropriate pictures to students may not even have the proper license to be in that position. Let that sink in. It was a lot of passing the buck last night. The city council was blaming the school committee for problems created by all of them with their woke far left agenda and disguising it by calling it “culture”. School personnel getting too close to the students by siding with them against their parents over gender issues isn’t a healthy situation for anyone and leads to inappropriate interactions. School personnel shouldn’t be doing drugs with the students after class and worried about their sexual choices. That is the “culture” in the schools that needs to be destroyed.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Pat – you see the kaleidescope mirage that the Council painted that meeting. Your post is the strongest observation that accounts for everyone’s behavior. Everyone gets to look good and the target keeps moving to confuse you. And it looks like the school committee is really hiring a lawyer to protect their asses in the guise of investigation. It should have been rejected by the council. The Council should have petitioned an investigation of the educational system by filing a complaint with state regulatory and investigative bodies.

There is zero chance that those who are responsible for incompetence and abuse will cause the Truth to be revealed.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

“Council should have brought in the state auditor, state AG, and the appropriate investigative body”

And maybe also the Office of the Inspector General.

Yes, Dan that is the only power that the people have which is that from the State. Instead of swearing allegiance to the Constitution of the US, the Council should swear to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, which has its flag appropriately on the podium.

Paul Gregory asked an important question: What power does the Council have other than rubber stamping funds? [my words, not his] The answer is the power to reveal Truth, speak the Truth, and to mobilize higher authorities to defend it.

Some very good points raise on this, and I leave it with Pat to bind them into a thesis.

Enough profanity. Merry Christmas to all and I wish the residents of that city goodwill and better days.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

A moving target is much harder to hit and that’s why they are moving around.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Obfuscation is devils’ business.

Diss Blesses
Diss Blesses
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Well at least frozen turd Coif threw Curtis and his admin under the bus. That had to be rough on pee peePz ears.

shoutout to Deb S. And you were correct on everything.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

“You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing.”

Thomas Sowell, 

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Great man. You must, if you haven’t, read “Marxism.” It is the dream of any master: to complete his youngest ambition.

Wea Gottcha
Wea Gottcha
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Was a couple nights before Christmas and all through the City Hall Chambers Pok Chop was screaming, Amused So was angered.

Deb was a talking snipit’s at open Mike to bare, a point of order was screamed out but no one would care.

So a petition was given by only the woman, but wanted the men to support. That did seem a little odd because they all are cohorts.

So Bitchfield was present and let it be known,that One Bitchfield is alive and going to pay for this petition no matter the cost.

Even if the school committee seems to be lost.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Pat, this is what happens when democrats are left unsupervised.

2 months ago

Memo to lumpy Marchetti! Try putting your brain into gear before putting your mouth into motion.

Wea Gottcha
Wea Gottcha
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Cant talk when your guzzling a couple six packs

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

The Pittsfield’s School Committee is holding a SPECIAL meeting on Monday, December 30th, 2024. If it is true that the investigation is insincere because it will be by a stacked law firm who would serve to cover the city’s legal liabilities, then please plan on attending the aforementioned public meeting and speaking at the public mic portion.

Dennis Powell was right a few years ago. Blogger Dan Valenti was right for many years. The “Level 5” ratings are right for a long time. We all know who is WRONG here: The failed administrators from the Superintendent, to the School Committee, to the Mayor(s).

Get Real Already
Get Real Already
2 months ago

The hidden elephant in the room is WHO ACTUALLY DID HIRE THESE PEOPLE? What was the process and who specifically was involved? Without this information how can you really address the problem? Because that is where it lies.
For me, these are the core people of the problem and for some reason their names and positions are being withheld. The fact that no one on the school committee or council wants to openly discuss who’s job it was to hire these people tells me they are high level and people may be afraid to name them.

Where is all this “mandated reporter” stuff? What good is mandated reporting if teachers and administrators have been so intimidated that they are afraid for their jobs if they speak up? Who is intimidating them?

Perhaps a group of like minded teachers etc. could band together for moral support and pull back the cover a bit. If, in the end, all of this is glossed over these “mandated reporters” are going to have to live with themselves.

The mayor keeps saying that, “sometimes good people do bad things”. Sounds like he knows more than he is saying out loud.

And let us not forget that Linda Tyer was mayor when some of these people were brought on board.

Reply to  Get Real Already
2 months ago

What happens to a teacher is this: they are reassigned to a class and grade for which they lack experience and credentials. Then they get fired. Remember the theft of ipads by a principal under McCandless?

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Example: a kindergarten teacher is immediately transferred to teach 8 grade algebra.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Get Real Already
2 months ago

And lumpy didn’t change anything

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Get Real Already
2 months ago

Lumpy is proof that sometimes stupid people say stupid things

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Get Real Already
2 months ago

Like you said, we should know the names of who does the hiring and what do they base the hires on.
Generalissimo is the only one around here in the media market that has a big enough dangling man
unit to report on what is really going on in the school system. He’s not afraid to swing it around when it comes to getting more than just the headlines and talking points of those issues. Bet he digs in on the behind the scenes nonsense going on in Bitchfield’s education system that the rest of media and our leaders offer to the
citizens of Bitchfield.

2 months ago

Merry Christmas! We even have a white Christmas.

Wea Gottcha
Wea Gottcha
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

At phs it’s always a white Xmas.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
2 months ago

Dump the Lump in 27

Fess Dharker
Fess Dharker
Reply to  Herb Pease
2 months ago

No Re-Pete’s. Merry Christmas.

Fess Dharker
Fess Dharker
Reply to  Herb Pease
2 months ago

Why do they keep putting that Amuso on committees and boards? Is Bitchfield that hard up?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Merry Trumpmas to all

Chief Smokinstump
Chief Smokinstump
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

The world is NOT a better place without Anthony Bourdain.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

A 3rd party probe by a stacked law firm to shield the City of Pittsfield from legal liabilities?

Please attend and speak at the open mic portion of the Pittsfield School Committee’s SPECIAL meeting on Monday, December 30th, 2024. Please ask about the true purpose of the 3rd party probe.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Tell em you don’t want Cameron’s the fix is in law firm.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago
2 months ago

The state should audit PHS. Past & present PHS principals should be under scrutiny for hirings & promotions within the last five years. A complete analysis should be undertaken by state ed. officials of each teacher at PHS, their teaching credentials & assigned classes.

Expand the audit to THS to make sure these situations never happen again.

How many lawsuits have been leveled at the PPS over the last five years?

The School Committee and City Councilors need to wake from their slumber and pay more attention to school operations & budgets.

Not a fan of Supt. Curtis. His role in these recent personnel issues also needs to be thoroughly examined.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

The SC ,CC and Mayor are beholden to protect each other. It’s a circle jerk.
All sides benefit nicely from that circle jerk arrangement covering their azz’s from any exposure to responsibility
and to keep their jobs.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

The lump is useless

Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

They all need to stop the mutual ass kidding and start representing residents . It’s a huge swamp.