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ADD 2 DEC. 23, LATER–There is only one man who has the power to get to the bottom of the Bitchfield sludge:

THE GENERALISSIMO (Photo by The Ruling Junta)

ADD 1 DEC. 23Tonight at 6p.m. the Bitchfield city council will conduct a special meeting in chambers to air (actually, it needs fumigation) community concerns over that abhorrent cesspool–the overfunded, underperforming Socohl Department headed by Jumpin’ Joe (“I Don’t Know Nuttin'”) Curtis. 

Councilor Rhonda Serre-Sucker, in public comments and obediently parroting State Rep. TFB, has told everyone to “calm down.” Actually, if ever there was a time to take a torch to the rafters at city hall and Mercer, that time is NOW.

“Help Me” Rhonda and her fellow women councilors submitted a sloppily-written petition calling for the meeting. Good move, girls. It further emasculates the council “men,” especially president Peter White. It was White’s place to take leadership on this. Instead, he hid behind the skirts. Title it “Voltron Cops a Plea”–yeah, he “knew nuttin'” too. Neither did the tieless mayor.

Villagers, get the torches lit. There is no amount of fire you can dispel that will justly serve the loathsome bums who represent “Official” Pittsfield.

Burn, baby, burn.

Meanwhile and once again, have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 16, 2024) — THE PLANET has gratefully reached the point in 2024 where the winter solstice is upcoming. That’s our cue to begin a well-earned Christmas vacation.

To vacate, to withdraw into silence and solace. To ascend the stairway to matters of PERSONAL importance, the fulfillment of which need not be explained or analyzed, just enjoyed. One merely has to “let it happen,” like the flow from the bottle of Chateau St. Esteph Medoc 1960, gifted by a dear friend from “over there,” with orders to savor and enjoy during our time off.


We leave Official Bitchfield to rot in its self-created filth, to its corruption, to its drugs and thugs, to its prolific pedophilic propensities. With a strong push from the feds, who knows if Vesuvius will finally erupt? It’s been roiling for decades.

Meanwhile, our thoughts and prayers, good wishes and blessings, extend to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the Little Guys, electoral orphans who have no honest representation and who deserve so much more than what they’re being asked to endure.

THE PLANET will keep The Comment Line open.

Merry Christmas to all.


What you are looking for is where you are looking from” — St. Francis of Assisi.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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2 months ago

Professor, I wish and your wife, a peaceful, blessed Christmas season. Thank you for all you do, to allow us Pissfielders to vent our frustrations with the GOBSIG government.

Scott Stapp
Scott Stapp
2 months ago

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
“Rudolph, with your nose so bright…. can you take me higher . . .

But, the coca & pedo's are in Pittsfield though!!!
But, the coca & pedo's are in Pittsfield though!!!
2 months ago

Southern Berkshire Regional School District



Office of Public School Monitoring

For Group A Universal Standards

Dates of Onsite Visit: April 9-11, 2024

Date of Draft Report: June 11, 2024

Date of Final Report: June 24, 2024

Action Plan Due: July 23, 2024

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Onsite Team Members:

Sandra Hanig, Chairperson

Heather Cuthbertson

Russell D. Johnston

Acting Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education



Southern Berkshire Regional School District




Yeah, I don’t see much interest in the ‘parent input’ aspect from Hanig. She’ll do a filtered survey.

2 months ago

Well enjoy your break and try not to think nor smell the stink coming out of the Pitts. Maybe this whole PHS matter and School Department fiasco will finally push the city’s government into listening to the little taxpayers….I doubt it but it is nice thought.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics get 2 lumps of coal in its Christmas stocking in 2024!

Hunter Biden got his pardon.

The fictional Kapanski’s got screwed.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Hey man don’t bother with lumps of coal just stop down to Berkshire Roots and get ready to load and smoke a good bowl.
Spark up some bud and take a deep inhale then we’ll reminisce about your time in county jail.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Randy Nucifloro
2 months ago

I decline to travel to visit Pittsfield’s Pot Drug Dealer “Luciforo”.

Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

You’ll get lumps from lumpy Marchetti and like it!

Bunker Pukeface
Bunker Pukeface
2 months ago

Great picture. A little touch up with the grey beard and your a dead ringer for Sir Connery.

Have a beautiful hospice Dan and Lisa you’ve earned it. When thinking of Bitchfield the song by Marvin Gay always comes to mind .

What’s going on !

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Ill believe that when I see a Wimpy White style photo of the drink,

Chuck Vincelerre
Chuck Vincelerre
2 months ago

Merry Christmas and may 2025 be a more humane year than 2024. Vacations are good for the body, the mind and the soul. Enjoy yours Dan.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Did you know that an attempted murder took place in Bitchfield on Thursday……over 3 days ago?

No, me either.

Two people were injured, one seriously, in a stabbing Thursday morning in Pittsfield | Central Berkshires |

A poster over the weekend mentioned that the Lavante Wiggins drug arrest would disappear from local news. They were correct. You have to actually type in “Lavante Wiggins” into the Eagle’s search icon, to find any stories on the arrest.

As expected, no follow-up story today. Was he dealing or making drug transactions during school hours? Were any teachers or students involved? How does a “dance teacher” with zero teaching experience start off as an $85,000 per year “student dean?”

Just a few thoughts about Lavante and his employment I had.

In the spirit of Christmas, I did find a heartwarming story about the Kultural Kompetency Koach Shirley Edgerton, winning an award for using taxpayer money to fund an all-expense paid family and friends, African vacation.

R.O.P.E. founder Shirley Edgerton will be honored for the program’s ‘life-changing’ and empowering programming for young women | Central Berkshires |

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

To answer your questions- 1 no, 2 don’t know, 3 don’t know, and 4 DEI

2 months ago

Thank you Dan for all you do to help shine light on the bad politics in this area. This past year has seemed especially bad here in Pittsfield from the changes in garbage pickup to the drug dealer working in the school system who continued working even when it was known back in March what he was doing. The rest of the country is backing away from woke and DEI while Pittsfield is doubling down. Pittsfield will follow Boston in not reporting criminal illegal immigrants in our city. I am also hoping that the feds can do something to break up the corruption in this area.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Why aren’t they reporting they put Officer Godfrey on leave yet? MORE COVERUP of course

Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

Is she on leave or are you fishing?

2 months ago


Dan, you will be missed. Already looking forward to your return. To you and your lovely wife, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Dan, I’m hoping you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Christmas season this year.

I appreciate the forum you provide and look forward to 2025.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

The Super Wealthy Pay to Play Pac Man with PAC Man Richie Neal, who only represents K Street Corporate Lobbyist firms in the Swamp, especially big insurance companies, other financial firms, and the healthcare industry.

I signed an online petition supporting an ethics investigation into greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley’s favorite Member of U.S. Congress, Richard Neal.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Hey man instead of sitting at home all alone tugging your bone stop by Berkshire Roots and pickup some pot. It’ll get you super baked and it won’t cost a lot.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

That survey you signed will be promptly filed into a bin by the hacks you support.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

Trumps entire administration would be very comfortable in Pittsfield.I believe the schools have a staff sex problem that is here from the Eberwien days.I want the schools to hire qualified personal and train them that sex does not belong in the school building and sexualality should never be promoted around student.The adults at PHS need sexual discipline.As Bill Belichek would say ,just do your job.The kids know whats going on.Stop it.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

What a true brainwashed liberal looney!! Pittsfield is the swamp of liberal lunacy!! For 70 years they have controlled everything about Pittsfield so I think you should learn to own what you have voted for and espoused your whole life. For the new year my wish for you is to remain quiet and reflect on how your votes and spoken words have screwed over the people in B*tchfield! Maybe you will grow up a little and be able to own it and apologize to the Kapanski’s for screwing them over year after year!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

TSC still gets a rise out of you?! I thought you should be enjoying his absence.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Unfortunately I was brought up in an era when you confronted those who lied and also stand up against thieves. The looney left are really Marxist Communist under a different name. Their “values” or “beliefs” are antithesis to the American way of life which has brought the world up to a better way of life with all the advances and improvements. This is what you get with a free society, unfortunately the Dems/Marxist here want everyone to be sheep and believe in group think.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

And stand up to cowards too, by the way. They are the worst, and most dangerous, of them all.

I agree with that. Just saying that you don’t need to get a rise out of that gibberish. TSC is very well spoken when talking local issues. Best to encourage that.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

That’s how we can tell he’s taking his psych meds

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

You believe Trumps lies.Thats adorable.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

Happy Easter

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

TSC is much better. The lobotomy worked.

Reply to  Herb Pease
2 months ago

Ever see Repo Man? Everyone should get a lobotomy and at least one CT scan every day.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Tin foil hat guy says..

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hell Toupee
2 months ago

That was brilliant.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

If they Gave out awards for TDS, you and “Luigi “ 
Melle would get multi platinum awards!

No wonder you two are favorites at psych wards.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Hey man some call him Melle you call him Luigi. Head on over to Berkshire Roots for some buds that are dank and smelly.
Then spark one up and forgot about Jon Luigi instead rock out to the Bee Gee’s.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
2 months ago

The rot. The horror. The horror. Yes, get away with haste, and cleanse your mind if you can.

With that, Merry Christmas – rectification and redemption to you.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski are struggling to pay for the Holidays, while the career politicians are seeing GREEN, GOLD, SILVER….

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Hey man I see you like to answer Jon Melle instead you should head over to Berkshire Roots and grab some good refer that’s sticky and smelly.
After you smoke a joint you’ll want a roast beef sub at the deli or be like Jon and parade around town wearing a dress and calling himself Shelly.

2 months ago

Have a restful deserved Holiday D And L. Aside…If you recall it was a ten one vote for the d e I director position. The lone descender was Sir Charles. Take a bow!

Kans Citay
Kans Citay
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Dull dull mayor show. Bitchfield doing a show with Puker. Same old complaining host and mayor. Why aren’t they talking about the bloated school budget and the dean drug situation. Stooge is as repetitive as Jonathan. Dull. Not interesting or funny when you’ve heard it a thousand times over. Stooge mocks peoples voices when he does it himself.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Kans Citay
2 months ago

I am repetitive, but my name is NOT re-Pete’s predictable Pittsfield politics pounds people’s purses.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Donald Trump’s lawfare threats and defamation lawsuits against the media:

This comes from a 78-year-old orange buffoon who does nothing but lie to people.

I believe that it will backfire because it will only embolden the media to publish unfavorable news stories and opinions about Donald Trump.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Hey JM , do what we did when your commie hero’s got elected, put on your big boy (or big girl in your case) pants, throw back a shot or two and get on with your life!!!

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

“Trump Sues the Des Moines Register, Escalating Threats Against the Media”
The New York Times, December 17, 2024

The newspaper published a poll before the election that showed Donald Trump trailing Kamala Harris in Iowa.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Faked poll Melle, that is fraud, to influence an election.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Maybe it wasn’t really a poll too.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Melle loves MSLSD

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Planet should have a poll.

Is Melle a fruit? A nut? or both?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Claxton has been calling him for years

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
2 months ago

This holiday season we should make Shepherd’s Pie to official holiday meal of Pittsfield. Bumps on the side

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
2 months ago

Are you talking about Lumpy Matchetti’s speed lumps?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
2 months ago

Didn’t she play Pussy Galore in a Bond movie?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Mr. & Mrs. Planet,
Wishing you all the best during this Christmas season. Enjoy you’re time with each other and family during this well deserved break from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind.

Have a Merry Christmas !

Off The Record
Off The Record
2 months ago

Merry Christmas to the Planets!

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Regarding the PHS etc debacle it seems that Mr Marchetti and White have scrambled into their bunker wide eyed and trembling. It is getting crowded in there with all the school committee members trying to jam in. Will someone please light a candle, but only a small one so that what little remaining oxygen there is is not burned off?

Sara seems more concerned about rumors than the obvious reality. None of them want anything to do with reporters or questions not related to the weather. Marchetti and White have been working hard to put Pittsfield on the map and sure nough they have accomplished that. Now they want to get the genie back in the bottle and it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Funny how these folk never missed an opportunity to grin and pose for the cameras when there was a new toy or project to roll out but now that the going is tough they show their true metal, or lack thereof.

Here is hoping they all have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brings them their well deserved rewards.

Dean of Drugs
Dean of Drugs
Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Sounds like a Sara aberration answer. All the money poured into the schools abyss and you can’t even get closure on anything.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Dean of Drugs
2 months ago

A little less than one decade ago, Sara Hathaway sued the level 5 Pittsfield Public School district for sex and age discrimination, and she won by walking away with an undisclosed financial settlement. Of course, I/we are sorry for her loss in the matter.

2 months ago

What is it with the Berkshire County bike people? First they destroy our streets now they are after the environment with trying to destroy Springside Park and now the beautiful mountains of north county!! I thought we are in a green community and destroying our natural environment goes against all that!! Who are these hooligans??

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Environmentalism and conservation is dead, killed off by green ideology.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

You like that forest, the ‘lovely dark and deep woods’, to a greenie it looks like a site for a concrete forest of wind turbines and solar.

2 months ago

I see more people are being shown the door at PHS and now they are looking at staff in the elementary schools and north county ones. When will the people in Mercer be fired???

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Dan, it seems since you announced you were taking a break during the Christmas holidays, all hell has broken loose at Picklefield High School (PHS).

First, the “dance teacher” turned “Dean of Students,” Lavante Wiggins, (aka-Lady’z Man), was caught by the feds, selling large amounts of cocaine, while cruising around in his 2023 Maserati.

Next up, in a move that would make Epstein and Diddy party goers proud, ASSistant principal, Alison Shepard, has been accused of inappropriate conduct with minors. Shepard allegedly shared photos of herself with minor students. This launched a DCF investigation. DCF could forward any criminal allegations to the Pittsfield Police or MSP, for further investigation and/or prosecution.

*Below is a picture of Shepard with her son at a Westside event. Hopefully the allegations against her are false.

Nothing worse in this world than a pedophile.

Dean of Drugs
Dean of Drugs
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

have a great Christmas my friend and to your wife also. A a big f u to the Massachusetts R M V

Know Clew
Know Clew
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Dan.Boy have you been right about this mayor, school committee, and the hiring by the city.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

He might start smoking the tea leaves

Last edited 2 months ago by Hell Toupee
Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Dean of Drugs
2 months ago

Best regards to the Dean of Martin and Gin of Rummy.

Dean of Drugs
Dean of Drugs
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

If your waiting on the Carousel To come to your neighborhood don’t wait. You can get a great roller coaster ride on Oakhill rd – Partridge Rd extension. And if your really daring take a right or left off South St. to Reid St. and. Springboard right into Firestone you can have your car fixed while you’re there.

Three Runningbax
Three Runningbax
Reply to  Dean of Drugs
2 months ago

Lizzie Warren will not be known as Pocahontas anymore, she will now be called Sacajawea. Merry Holidays.

Reply to  Three Runningbax
2 months ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Three Runningbax
2 months ago

Lieawatha Lizze

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Fear and hiring cowards, lots of them, is how it stays together, I think.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Seems the School Committee wants this all to disappear so they can return to putting their heads in the sand piles. They punted their responsibility by hiring an expensive attorney using Kapanski Kash to come up with a way out. Can everyone say “Cover Up”?? Or “Saving our A$$es”!!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

The “Didn’t Earn It” box checking has morphed into a losing game plan.

Three Runningbax
Three Runningbax
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Imagine interviewing for a hundred g job with the schools and there are tens of candidates and this guy is chosen? Are we missing something here? Who the hell hired him?

Three Runningbax
Three Runningbax
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

The Superintendent of Schools should be fired. And the morning pctv clown who allows with that stupid show to allow these people in charge to be glorified daily particularity on that show should end.

Reply to  Three Runningbax
2 months ago

That show is truly unwatchable

Know Clew
Know Clew
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Charges by the public in school committee session are fair and do not have to be impartial when the media has put out that the individual at P H S 4or individuals, have been and are being investigated by the f b I.

It’s a document when released by the media. Bill Cameron should be worried about the safety of the students and not what the rights the individuals haven going forward.

As far as the Sturgeon Show. He does it from his basement and is not in compliance f c c laws in my opinion How he gets away with it is beyond me.

Know Clew
Know Clew
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Bitchfield highlights over the years….
Child drowns at Onota lake no lifeguard
Councilor dealing with drug dealer
Mayor accused of harrassing a co- worker
Cop shoots a mentally challenged individual
Former Sheriff accused of sexual misconduct
Former city council president debuncted
Sewer plant dumping into river
Water rates skyrocket
Yearly tax increases about national average
Roads in decay as well as opposed traffic patterns
Trash toters currently a failure
Schools scores lowest in state
Crime way up
Media never reports anything on time
D e I is now dead on arrival
North Street is dead
And a Partridge in a pear treeeee…..

Reply to  Know Clew
2 months ago

The cop was the victim of an attempted murder, you jack ass, and he was totally cleared. The mental frame of the perp is totally irrelevant.

i hope if you ever need a cop, you can’t find one.


Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

The Dirty Bird (Eagle) editorial asks what is going on in the Pittsfield Public School district. Answer: For a very long time now, we all know what is going on there.

The answer: If one is able, then move out of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, like many thousands of families have done over the past 50 years!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

You post this, but then you’ll turn around and post about the “Orange Jesus” wanting to get rid of the Department of Education, and how wrong it is.

So, what is it JM?

**And if you knew about all of this “for a very long time,” why would you want it to continue and not abolish it, like Trump wants to do?

The real answer to your question is, it’s all run by democRATS and their hiring (DEI) practices.

2 months ago

Well, Joe Curtis must be taking tums by the handful after the latest lawsuit revelation concerning a 17 year old female student being sexually harassed by a now-retired PHS English teacher.

What a hornets nest!

2 months ago

How many lawsuits has the PPS dealt with over the last ten years?
This level four district is costing the taxpayers a boatload of tax dollars for crappy output.
Makes me sick!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago
2 months ago

Marchetti, we believe you when you say you have no clue.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

I can see why lumpy doesn’t wear a tie. He doesn’t want to look as stupid as Curtis who can’t even center his tie.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Pittsfield School Dept made Ch13 Albany news last night.

The mayor claimed ignorance.

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

MUST SEE…Pittsfield school committee meeting last night

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

From a person who has been involved with city politics his whole adult life. When is his bitchboy trial starting?

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Check this meeting out. Nobody knew nuttin. Marchetti, a long time resident of the city, long time city councilor and council VP and now mayor, never heard a peep about bad things in the schools? He travels in all circles, is on the school committee and should be hearing all the rumors but apparently with all the kids talking about it even to their parents he never got a clue. Sure Pete, we believe ya.

And just who does the buck stop with in this situation? Scohcol committee says they do not do the hiring (except for superintendent) so it is NOT THEIR FAULT! They said there are a bunch of people who get together and discuss applicants before hiring but failed to say who these mysterious people are. Why?

Is it not a fair question to ask who hired the people who are selling drugs and sending pussy pics to the kids? Do the taxpayers of Pittsfield not pay enough taxes to be privy to even this basic information? Will the local paper fill in any of the school committee omissions or will it look like there is some kind of cover up going on?

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Clearly, the Scohol Committee is at the heart of the problem. Their task is to account for the spending and the progress of the Public Schools. You must start with them before you can hope to fix what goes on in the schools.

The fact they admit they made a mistake with the super indicates that they have no stake in what happens at the lower administrative and the teaching level.

Colin O’Scopy
Colin O’Scopy
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Are there official documents on the responsibilities of city councils and school committees in the bay state? What’s the justification for having four at large councilors?

Reply to  Colin O’Scopy
2 months ago

The council is constructed by teh Charter, which currently is reviewed by the decade by friends of hte council chosen by the mayor. The current council review is comprised of toadies on the council and strange acquaintances of city employees and a lawyer. All responsibilities is outlined and ignored by the Chahtar.

Thirtee Bitch
Thirtee Bitch
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

They made cnn also. DEI is nothing more than universal affirmative action on steroids.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

In this case I agree with him.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

The PHS story is on Albany CH13 again noontime today.

Is the Left Winged Parrot covering it? I stopped buying da Bird, when my cat refused to use her litter box, if lined with the Leftist rag… still worked as fire starter in the wood stove.

At PHS drug dealers and perverts abound, with nothing done about it!

A female student has filed a lawsuit against PSD/Administration/English teacher.

PHS AdminsTRAITORS knew about this and had received complaints from several students, but did, NOTHING! The same teacher even tried to get the student inside a closet with him!

Mayor LGBTXYZ and the School Committee claim ignorance.

It’s past time to fire the top PSD AdminisTRAITORS, and recall the School Committee members.

Home school your children if you live in the SHITTSFIELD!.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

WTEN10news led off with the Pittsfield High story. The reporter went to the mayors office for comment. Didn’t get an answer but the cameraman got nice shots of his door. Next the reporter went to Mercer for a comment from Jumpin Joe. They buzzed the reporter in and let him wait in a waiting room then told him Jumpin Joe was out of the office and no comments.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

As a Catholic what has become of my church is disgusting. The current Pope is in league with Lucifer.

That said there are many good men and women left at the Parish level. Go to church and celebrate our Lord.

The fact that the church hierarchy tolerated evil at that level, and within itself at all, testifies to the evil in Rome.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

There was a Englishman in New England who asserted in 1647 that there were many demons in the new world and most of them were ministers. There was another man, same time frame, who went to join the free libertarians of Rhode Island. “there is a thing that is most pleasing to my palette, and that thing is Liberty.” Having enough of libertarian anarchy and tyranny, he soon returned to Boston swearing never to go near liberty again.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  acheshirecat
2 months ago

Those reporter’s looking to get interviews about what’s happening will most likely not get to interview these clowns alone as the clowns need to be on the same “CYA” page and therefore together when doing interviews.

Reply to  acheshirecat
2 months ago

That’s actually funny. Magical men who disappear.

2 months ago

After reading about all the problems at PHS, one thing definitely needs to be done. No more DEI bullshit. Never was a fair process to begin with. All hires should be based on merit and qualifications. Really not that complicated. Also stop giving away my Tax money to businesses based on owners skin color or sex.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

No comments from the local Marxists on this dirty mess of course because white guys are the problem I hope you’re right Joetaxpayer. Who are the Pittsfield Public School staff who failed to report this for so long?Who on the council will get the police chief in for some answers?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

100% agree with you Joe.

If Bitchfield Public Scohols truly have an independent investigation and not one already pre-decided like everything else in Bitchfield, then one suggestion would be to have an independent hiring board, with all resumes posted, except for identifying information, to help them hire the best candidate for the job.

This way it eliminates uncertified “dance teachers,” from becoming highly paid administrators right off the bat.

Speaking of the Lady’z Man, what educational institution “awarded” him this dance certification?

If it’s my old college, say goodbye to my future contributions. Go woke, go broke.

If the certification was awarded by a shell company of Shirley and/or the BBEC, then we are talking criminal fraud and this needs to be fully investigated.

I did my part. I filed a complaint with the MA DoE. Enough is enough.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Good job.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I might be wrong but thought I read….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

^^^^ Dats Wacist!!!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

DEI fails everywhere because you cannot counter discrimination by engaging in discrimination. The only way to end discrimination is to award and reward
merit and only merit.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

Every educator in Pittsfield is a mandated reporter.This goes back to Eberwien and Curtis.They knew and Curtis knows.Every teacher allowed to resign is not the principles decision and goes directly to Curtis and Eberwien. Suspend him now and ask him what he knows about his hiring and his allowing problems to walk.Curtis and Eberwien know everything. The school committee knows why people resign.All fingers point to Curtis.That building on 1st street is the REAL PROBLEM….Curtis was never qualified and everyone in his office is not qualified.Eberwien was loved by all the women he hired and that’s a story in itself.The JRC is another .These people are Pittsfields nightmare and here we are.Fix it now and start at the top.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago


Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

you must be takung your meds

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

Once in while TSC, I can agree with You, thumbs up!

2 months ago

It’s all about sex and drugs at Pittsfield schools. The school committee meeting revealed that many in the schools knew about what was going on with the drugs and sex, but kept quiet. Students had to have been talking among themselves and somebody finally did turn in the VP in the school, but how many students were victims? When school personnel get too involved with the students concerning their gender and sexuality, it never ends well. Traditional teaching should be all that happens in the classrooms. More reasons why woke and DEI do not belong in the school system or anywhere else. They kept mentioning at the meeting how does a person with a background as a musician end up as the Dean of Students.

2 months ago

A third party law firm (as proposed by Cameron) needs to investigate all current administrators and teachers along with their education credentials. How many are appropriately licensed? How many past lawsuits have been filed against district employees?

These three recent allegations against current & recently retired teachers/administrators should cause another major exodus of students out of PPS.

If investigations prove negligence by administrators, how many of them will be fired?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

Fully agree with a third-party law firm doing the investigation. Unfortunately, though this is another added cost for us taxpayers to an already bloated school budget. Also feel that the Pittsfield Police Department should NOT be involved in the investigation, State Police should take over the investigation along with the FBI. I find it totally strange that Officer Godfrey of the PPD working as the Resource Officer at the high school was unaware of ALL these totally unacceptable gross acts from administration. She should be put on desk duty at the station, she is NOT doing her job protecting the children of this school.

So, Mayor Pete stated last night that he is “clueless”. Is Police Captain Dawley also “clueless”? Just drive around the city, Mayor Pete is “clueless” in road work, traffic control, crime, homeless, public intoxication, drugs not just the school issue. We all know the superintendent and the bloated Mercer building has always been “clueless” and after watching the school committee meeting last night the whole committee seems to be completely out in left field. What a bunch of losers, didn’t think anything could out due the city clownsil, but I think they did.

This city is a mess. Everyone I speak to states the same, they are sick to their stomachs about this. What a nice way to celebrate the holidays. Just think of the taxpayer’s monies wasted on these “clueless” people.

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Marchetti and White signed up for the free ride and pension perks. When they say they were “blindsided” they were talking about this ever going public. People sposed ta keep their mouths shut bout stuff like dis.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Still, many will remain silent, terrified to speak up lest they be ostracized or caught up in it. The kids are most important until ya gots ta put your own self out front. Then they get a back seat.

Might be a great time to put forensic eyes on the school budget while people are turning over desks and chairs looking for problems.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 months ago

The state police? The most organized crime family in Massachusetts. 90+ days later and not a peep about the murder of a MSP academy recruit. Too busy looking for nudz on Karen Reads phone.

Safire Wizzdumb
Safire Wizzdumb
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

So the next time when they ask why your kid goes out of district for school just tell him because well the administration deals drugs and I don’t want my kid around it. You can’t make it up.

Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

You don’t need a law firm to investigate, you need trained investigators. No doubt heads will roll and that will include the principal and VP, and likely Curtis, rightly or wrongly.

The city will settle the students’ lawsuit out of court, and there goes some more Kapanski Cash. I say take it all out of the school budget.


Hathaway is an idiot.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

But she actually showed more concern than most of the others. And she did not try to cloak it as rumors and innuendo like a couple of them did.

By the way, we learned that the socohol committee does not hire scholcol personnel but does anyone know who DOES do the hiring? Why is that part being kept such a secret? Are these people self appointed? Do these people just walk into the school and start teaching and administrating?

Reply to  Eyes Wide Shut
2 months ago

Scohol Comm formed a sub committee, a feat in itself for a body of 5, to figure out how to get DEI into their budget. That they do not hire the administrators is false. If Sara is intent on fixing the problem, expect it to get fixed.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

…But if she intends to fix it, then she would have fixed it.

Pandoras Boxes.
Pandoras Boxes.
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

Exodus to where? So many Pittsfield students have left that there is no more room in other county schools. Even the teachers and admin people send there kids out of town. Especially them because we see it up close.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes.
2 months ago

Two places: out of New England. Or homeschool. All regional schools, private, charter, public are identical in curriculum and attitude.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Dan – Happy Holidays to you and your family. So, appreciate your blog, only media place we can get the truth. Sit back, rest, relax this holiday season while enjoying the latest drama show in the “clueless” administration of Bitchfield.

Safire Wizzdumb
Safire Wizzdumb
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

I see more than one employee of the schools and other on Dean of drugs Facebook friends.

2 months ago

Just one word “SCOHOL”. Coincidence that it happens in front of PHS?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all !!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  acheshirecat
2 months ago

Boy, you’re “SCOHOL” just summed the going’s on in a nutshell!

2 months ago

A former Pittsfield resident, Angel Breault, lays out what is going on in the Pittsfield School System with her Facebook “Angel NotAngle” page. She is in a Berkshire Eagle article today. The Eagle has no choice about running these articles now because the problem is so pervasive and the feds are involved. Dan you were right about the feds being called in to clean out this city. Angel says the problems in the Pittsfield schools have been going on for at least a decade and involve grooming of students and drugs. iBerkshires reports a parent saying at last nights meeting that “These horrifying incidents are not isolated. Rumors persist about other staff on similar paths and as a parent and teacher, I am furious. An entire school community has been endangered by unqualified and improperly trained administrators.” This is chilling. Another PHS staff member, Molly West, was put on administrative leave today. I called the schools the “Belly of the Beast” previously on this board, but I didn’t know it was this bad.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Investigated by the NYS Dept. of Child Services! The quarterback is toast!

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Molly is such a nice Irish name. By the way, two deans of students are suspended, so how many do they have, and how many are really needed?

Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

PHS has two deans of students according to the article I read. It sounds like this drug and sex problem is throughout PHS…systemic. Are other schools in Pittsfield involved? The feds have their work cut out for them.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

The FBI will have to monitor school committee meetings in case the people speaking out against this outrageous nonsense are domestic theorists

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
2 months ago

Why does a high school need a “Dean of Students”?

Don’t they have a Superintendent, Vice-super, Assistant Vice-super………Same for the Principals. Fire 3/4 of them and hire some good teachers.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

The Feds aren’t going to clean up this city. They locked up a drug trafficker and his mule, end of story. They aren’t doing anything in regards to the school or otherwise. And you are going to find out the comment from the trafficker about ow ing a cop was bs.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 months ago

Correct. What is totally out of the ordinary is the FBI, versus the DEA, investigating this to begin with. Why did that happen?

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

If Curtis and his hand picked safety officer survive this scandle it only means the coverup survived.Principles do what they are told by the Superintendent of the school system.The school committee and Administration are ready to say it is the mandated reporters fault.Im hoping some on this committee can dig deep and go back in time to the Massimiano Eberwien Curtis culture to understand what that has grown into.The people in charge are Authoritarian and those under them are just extensions of him….if you dont report problems there are no problems.Its great for DATA collection.The DATA is really going to flow now or maybe not.

Cessy Pool
Cessy Pool
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

With administrators like this how could these schools NOT be level five? Heard they might have to create a category 6 just for Pittsfield.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

Very strong, TSC.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Mayor Maypo and Wimpy White, should be getting fully briefed on this entire situation and how much worse it could potentially get. These two worthless politicians look more clownish than they normally do.


Another “Dean of Students,” Molly West was placed on administrative leave, pending a DCF investigation involving inappropriate conduct with a minor.

**I helped the incoming law firm with part of the investigation into Lavonte Wiggin’s “qualifications,” to become “Dean of Students,” right out of the starting block.

It has been stated that Lavonte had his “certification” in “dance studies,” allowing him to teach in MA.

At Endicott College, there is NO DANCE MAJOR. It’s only as a Minor Program. So, the million-dollar question is, what is Lavonte’s degree in? Or does he even have a degree?

**I can see how Bitchfield Public Scohols hired Lavonte directly into a highly paid administrator’s position. With minors in “Ceramics” or “Creative Arts Therapy,” it’s a wonder the rest of us made it as far as we did. You know, when the school administration were all 25+year employees within the district and held position appropriate degrees and not horseh!t like “Dance Studies.”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I have a gut feeling that a “coach” you know who I mean, has had some input (pressure) on the those in charge of the hiring process to hire a couple of those people now front page news. Could be wrong ?

Cessy Pool
Cessy Pool
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Still getting a sizable taxpayer funded paycheck. Still driving a Maserati. Out on NO BAIL.
Sounds like he is a pretty good dancer to me.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Cessy Pool
2 months ago

Dirty Dancing

Reply to  Cessy Pool
2 months ago

My Maserati does 185.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Dan, wishing You, and all, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

And thank you for the year long present, THE PLANET.

Spo Lunka
Spo Lunka
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Thanx Trap. You’re so also.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
2 months ago

Hi ya’ll back from being overseas.. well well well. Pittsfield ! Where do we start? I get right into as that goof ball from Its Pittsfield tonight would say. The tip of the iceberg, on The Pittsfield schools yeah, an outside law firm to look into it? Why we have an inept DA, Mayor, Sheriff and city council right here. Why, well if you think the school is bad and this crap was happening under the nose of the SRO imagine that ten fold in the Previous mentioned offices. Many people know where the dead bodies are so to speak. But as I have mentioned many times it’s one big club in Pittsfield and nobody says a word until they do. This is the most backwards a$$ town / city-in the state or maybe in the North East.

This cat house behavior goes on in the Schools, City Government, Law enforcement etc etc etc.

You want new leadership here? But once you get it the St Joes Dick club will squash it. Why everybody in the club is getting paid. In Either Money, sex or drugs.

What a cesspool of incompetence

Cool Stevie
Cool Stevie
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Media will tell you everything is ok . Until it hits his bunkered fan. Do you know Stooge is one of oldest living vets that inhaled Napalm?

Of course smoking three packs of cigarettes for years isn’t a reason for lung disease.

Spo Lunka
Spo Lunka
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

You got the tank, you got the ladies man, ya got the bearded wonder,and ya got sheppy. Gots to have a cool nickname to be great. And of course there is jumpin joe.

Reply to  Spo Lunka
2 months ago

You mean Shepards Pie?

Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

When will they release the info of the SRO being on leave?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

Is this really true? If so, it wouldn’t surprise me. You won’t convince me in the slightest, that Officer Godfroy didn’t hear the rumors of Lavante’s drug dealing or that the assistant principal, Alison Shepard, was sharing pictures of her “goodie basket” with minor children, who happen to be students she oversees.

Plus, how does a veteran police officer like Officer Godfroy, not see Lavante driving a $90,000 car on a “student dean” salary and not raise red flags? Maybe send a tip to the drug unit and put him on their radar, if he wasn’t already.

This is where a true independent investigation needs to be done. I’m curious if Lavonte was deemed “untouchable” by Bitchfield’s usual race-hustlers?

You know, the ones who take family and friends on an all-expense paid African vacation on taxpayer money, to “explore their roots.”

Hearts of love and violets
Hearts of love and violets
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Question; we have a flurry of NPO’s Smitty Pignatelli knows there’s an NPO orphanage base in Africa. Did they mess wit her discount? Good low don’ tell me child paid full price for that muffler

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

Is she on leave?

2 months ago

So why was Molly West suspended?

Spo Lunka
Spo Lunka
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Speaking of suspension isn’t Kooky Pookie due for another bar violation.

Spo Lunka
Spo Lunka
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

It would be her fifth warning of her first appearance.

2 months ago

And in other news, the former vibrant and dynamic mayor is quoted in The Boring Broadsheet about BCC wanting to rent space in south county to teach English to immigrants, where she uttered this poignant statement; “The vision is to sort of try to capture a space”, at your tax dollars expense, of course.

How about capturing some more illegals and deporting their asses, so they aren’t here to learn English to begin with? The Eagle now has another sob story about the poor immigrant who may get deported for child rape.  Cry me a river!

It is Koald
It is Koald
Reply to  Tax&Spend
2 months ago

Maybe she shouldn’t put herself in the spotlight. Just go softly into the wind with the Cush job you have and enjoy your retirement in a few. And Happy Holy Daze the the numero uno Planet of perfection.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  It is Koald
2 months ago

People like Flat Tyer who live in the Northeast NIMBY liberal-bubble, don’t seem to realize the rest of America resoundingly rejected “illegal aliens learning English,” on our tax money.

If they want to learn English, great. I’m sure there are English classes in Ecuador or Zimbabwe.

If not, there’s your next job Flat, travel to those places and teach them English, on your dime.

Keep a journal too. Pictures even better.

2 months ago

Internal affairs are different than internal affairs.

Judges and Prosecutors are not having an affair.

There was an objection regarding Internal Affairs Records; Hubbardston and Shirley.


You’re on my fax

Dave ain’t no pedophile but who paid him to take the headline.

10 0%
10 0%
2 months ago

Babylon. Nothing is accurate in the news. Sensational though. NETFLIX on the edge.

2 months ago

Ribbed, So they’d know not to touch them in the dark.

Reply to  Poison
2 months ago

Glass bottles.

2 months ago

It’s time.

Powell for School Committee Chair
Powell for School Committee Chair
Reply to  Christmas
2 months ago

So True Christmas…. ‘It’s Time’

Some quotes from Christmas Past to ponder….

School Committee member Dennis Powell resigned following the vote to hire Curtis, saying he was the wrong choice to address issues like a lack of diversity initiatives, retaining teachers, and what Powell calls a “culture of retaliation.”

Ward 7 councilor Anthony Maffuccio added in a statement, “We had the opportunity to think outside the box…Instead, we have played good old Pittsfield politics…keeping us at the same perspective we are used to.”

The Hiring Process…

Curtis was selected from four candidates on a 4-3 vote with Mayor Linda Tyer, Daniel Elias, William Cameron and Chairwoman Katherine Yon voting in his favor. He accepted the position after being contacted immediately following the vote.

In da club, we all fam
In da club, we all fam
Reply to  Powell for School Committee Chair
2 months ago

Curtis Zucco Barnum

Powell for School Committee Chair
Powell for School Committee Chair
Reply to  Christmas
2 months ago

In 2021….Powell said, “I also look at where our schools and our district is, and I have to ask, ‘How did we get here?’ It’s hard for me to believe that individuals who put us here can now take us out of where we’re at.”

And now here we are in 2024….. Words to live by…’Do we really believe that the individuals who put us here can now take us out of where we’re at?