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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 13-5, 2024) — The great city of Two-Pete Bitchfield has not one but two–yes, two (like Doublemint gum)–types of DEI policy. THE PLANET knew this going back to the spring.

City side has Didn’t Earn It. This is for persons hired simply because of skin pigmentation and/or genital arrangement.

Turns out that the school department has a different version,  Drug Enterprises, Inc. At least that’s what the Feds allege in stunning charges that the “dean of students” at Pittsfield High School is a big-time drug dealer.

Study the picture  you see here. It’s a photo of that “Dean of Students.” My, how times have changed!

It’s the mug of Bitchfield resident Levante “Lady’z Man” Wiggins, 30 (his Facebook page nickname). Via the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Feds nabbed Wiggins on a charge of running a drug empire, allegedly moving “large quantities of cocaine” throughout Western Mass. while employed at six figures per by the City of Bitchfield.

All of a sudden the school word “lines,” as in get in “line,” has taken on a new meaning within the Dome’s hallowed halls.

———- ooo ———-

Supt. Jumpin’ Joe Curtis has remained silent despite a million news organizations wanting comment on this preposterous development, placed his prized DEI hire on “administrative leave.” With pay because … Black Lives Matter.

Along with Wiggins, the Feds arrested one of his alleged mules, Theodore “Monty” Warren, 42, also of Bitchfield. For the record, THE PLANET‘s money is on Francis, The Talking Mule.

The judicial website, one of the countless media broadcasting this great news for the city across the country, including the NY Times and the Washington Post, included these two sentences to close their piece: “The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.” THE PLANET agrees. The vaudeville team of Wiggins and Warren are “innocent until proven guilty.” That is the cornerstone of the judicial system.

Cuz sometimes if it look like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, you know, it’s probably a hippopotamus …  right?

That’s why the following taxpayer-funded agencies have been involved in this case since March: United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy and Jodi Cohen, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Division made the announcement today. Valuable assistance was provided by the Holyoke, Springfield, Chicopee, West Springfield, Easthampton and Pittsfield Police Departments; Berkshire, Hampden and Franklin County Sherriff’s Offices; Massachusetts State Police; and the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office. Assistant U.S. Attorney Neil L. Desroches, Chief of the Springfield Branch Unit, is prosecuting the case, according to And the meter’s just begun ticking. It’s got to be at a $1 million plus, all in public funds.

———- ooo ———-

You might be wondering: What in the universe does a high school “dean of students” do?

Who knows? That’s never been explained. Who hired Wiggins? Maybe start with Ann Marie Carpenter, “Director of HR, Diversity, and Inclusion” for PSD at a six-figure salary. Or was it Curtiss? Or perhaps the warts on the Bitchfield School Committee? Maybe the load known as Sara Hathaway? What do the members think of this latest development? How about The Two Petes? Anybody hear from Marchetti or White about the Wiggins bust? Any councilors? Has anyone heard of any public statement from any city official?

Nobody knowns nuttin’. As the wise guys say it, “Omertà.” All criminal enterprises treasure silence.

Curtiss issued a brief statement: “Please know that we remain committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for our students and staff. We have no other information at this time.”

Says it all, does it not?

Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who are only paying for the shell game Curtiss and the rest are running, are not appeased by Jumpin Joe’s reassurances.

“No other information?”

The Feds says Wiggins was running a drug empire under your snot-dripping schnoz, Joe. And you had no inkling? No reason to suspect something might be amiss? Nothing?

Speaking of money, Bitchfield schools eat about $150 million, 3/4 of the $216 million muni budget, including cost of benefits, transportation, and maintenance.

You’d think The Kapanskis would get a little better for the money.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Don’t drug yourself down” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Local media will be INSTRUCTED to lay low on this subject. And of course they will. Is it possible no one else working for the city knew anything about this? If so, this guy is really good at what he does.

The local paper would do a super deep dive into this story if it were Joe regular guy I assure you. But this story is probably a “personnel issue” and cannot be talked about. How convenient is that?

But there will be stories in other media sites outside the protected Pittsfield area and perhaps we can get some of them re-posted here.

And one of them two years from now will be that the case was dismissed and the guy will be getting a large settlement for defamation of character.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

I don’t think so. The Eagle is actually covering this. Knocking on the defendant’s door. Front page treatment. The most interesting revelation was the dirty cop, and the chief’s Sgt. Schultz response did not inspire confidence.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Northway
2 months ago

The Eagle is a scavenger. It chances upon a carcass, takes a few bites, and then departs.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir Chaz
Man About Town
Man About Town
2 months ago

Pittsfield High. Says it all.

Reply to  Man About Town
2 months ago

Both of my adult children graduated from PHS 15 years ago. They had a great experience. They did not have any problems. DEI, and lower the standards of the students did not help the cause

Man About Town
Man About Town
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

I could not agree more. We now live in the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) society. We will not strive to raise the lowest performers but instead will hold back and attempt to lower the achievements of the best and brightest. What a shame.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Whoever has his fingerprints on his hiring should be fired. A total fail in stewardship of taxpayer money and public education.

There is no need for proof of incompetence, the failure is the cause of separation.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

From the details it seems like everyone at the school and police department knew he was a drug dealer. He was throwing around money, and driving a Maserati SUV with a suspended license. This is why it had to be an FBI investigation, there is no one clean in Pittsfield government.

Reply to  Wilson
2 months ago

Where are the calls from the school committee and Bill Cameron to fully investigate how Wiggins- a dance teacher with an expired license under Superintendent Joe Curtis, has Wiggins as part of his team of administrators as a Dean of Students with an $80,000 salary?

What a racket! Superintendent Joe and his gang should go down with Wiggins and his gang. Fire superintendent Joe Curtis!

Maybe it’s time for the FBI to come and investigate the secrets in the halls of Pittsfield Public Schools that go back decades when Cameron was the director of personnel and Curtis claimed the ranks from a tech assistant?

Nice hire for Superintendent School committee!! I am sure, like Wiggins there was no one more qualified than Joe who applied for the job!

Begs the question- Does superintendent Joe Curtis- have an education license in Dance, too?

Reply to  Seriously?
2 months ago

I’m guessing he’s proficient in the Curly Shuffle.

Reply to  Wilson
2 months ago

It seems the ripples from the rock falling in the water is extending out to others. Unfortunately our hat rag newspaper is unable to keep up or publish to the taxpayers what is going on!

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

or at least suspended with pay Sir Chaz ! LOL The progressive elites that hired Mr. Wiggins find it ” Shocking and distressing ” according to Mr. Cameron per state law can only be suspended with pay.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
2 months ago

If they cannot be fired, then there is no remedy.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

so true behavior modification can be positive or negative. If they keep paying Wiggins, it’s like the song says money for nothing and your chicks for free.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
2 months ago

People need to get their children out of that scohol enterprise. Choice out or homeschool. You guys need a new charter school. A big one. It’s your only hope. The scohol committee answers to the mob and the teachers union. The super and finance are strictly focused on money and not student education which to a prior generation meant the democratization of skills in humanities , trade, and science.

Charter schools are free of the city gov and of the unions.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
2 months ago

Some needs to ask about all the young under age girls they had around. Also the Asst Principal sending out pics of her twat that went out to students.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
2 months ago

Gaetani was right. This city is run by boot licking buffoons.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Great line from a brilliant man.

8 Ball McGhee
8 Ball McGhee
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago


Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Well said Chaz. The public school system is traveling at an accelerated speed on the dinosaur expressway to Extinction

2 months ago

The big question that should be investigated is how many students did he use to sell/distribute his drugs? He is a locally grown “thug” who while in high school tried to create his own “gang” and would bully multiple people. My understanding is he was kicked out of public schools and ended up at St. Joe. He was probably “working” back then as well. Another question is who hired this person and what are his credentials? I would love to see them next to the other candidates for the position. From what I hear PHS has been full of fights(mostly the girls) which have been increasing in numbers and violence. I don’t think their system at the Pittsfield public schools works and I don’t have faith in the ability of the current administration nor school committee to fix it. They should be worrying about the students who are there to learn and be productive citizens not the “thugs”!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I included the Eagle article in a link below. I cliff noted the main points of the article, for those who can’t open it.

Lavonte Wiggins

*Is on paid leave, pending the investigation. According to Jumpin’ Joe, this is by state law, since the criminal conduct did not occur during school hours.

*Is the Dean of Students at Bitchfield High School (read next line)

*Drives a white 2023 Maserati (Most BASIC models start at $85,000) Not bad for a public-school employee.

*Has multiple arrests/court summons for Driving on a Suspended License.

***Professional (Teaching) License as a DANCE TEACHER. It expired in 08/2024.

* “Lady’z man”-You would think one of the many “Deans” or administrators in the Bitchfield Public Scohol’s would have asked the Lady’z Man, to act professionally and remove the name from a public social media forum, seeing how he’s in a prominent role to mentor youth.

Tell me this doesn’t scream a (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t hire, without telling me Lavante Wiggins, is an undeserving DEI hire.

The arrest of Lavante Wiggins, the Pittsfield High School dean of students, has the community looking for answers | Crime |

Last edited 2 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

How do we know that criminal conduct didn’t occur during working hours? The feds must have his cell phone? Any calls to Monty (Kenny’s cousin?) should be presumed to be related to his criminal enterprise. Let’s hope the feds raided his home in search of burner phones etc.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

The FBI is too busy raiding Melania’s underwear drawer and sniffing her panties to investigate Lavante.

Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

They cut the crotch right out of her underwear and left it on the floor.

Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

Careful there. We don’t want Melle getting over excited!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

Looking for top secrets your guy stole.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

cuckoo is calling…needs the medicine…he may be cheeking them,,,,tds is still strong in this looney

Fhonni Kawls
Fhonni Kawls
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago


Erry buddy kno
Erry buddy kno
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Cocaine is an after-school activity

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

The current whispers in the city of b*tches is that Curtis was warned before the hiring of the drug kingpin of the pitts about his criminal behavior but Curtis hired him anyway, Whispers are saying the power brokers of the pedo lane pushed him through. This city now is shown nationally to be a place to run away from. How do the 2 petes like that? do they need another 90 days of no comments?

2 months ago

How about starting at square one – eliminating the city & schools’ DEI programs/departments? There have been way too many DEI hiring failures over the last ten years. I could name names but anyone involved with the PPS & city know who they were! Some are still collecting fat paychecks for doing nothing.
Charles Kronick initiated a proposal to get rid of the DEI depts. a year ago when he was on the city council. He knew what a crock they were! Racist!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

I saw a post on X (Twitter) that describes today’s state of “racism.”

“Racism is on life-support, only kept alive by politicians trying to divide, race hustlers, race grifters, and those who get a sense of superiority calling others racist.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Are you crazy? Everyone is racist towards the white people even the white privileged crowd! Crazy times we are in.

Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

Honestly, it was not an initiative. I just voted no. In 2023 it was heralded by by the Council that would cost a pittance, $100,000, a conceit painting that as a cost fixed on the Budget like the North Star in sky. There is a crock indeed. I argued it is a crock, a controlled delusion, and that the budget for the dept. would grow geometrically.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

And yes. the concept and department it formed was malevolent.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Case in point, while institutions elsewhere are trending their DEI departments down, you’re getting another mouth to feed:

Join our team: Administrative Coordinator (DEI)
Ready to make an impact? The City of Pittsfield’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is hiring an Administrative Coordinator to help drive initiatives that celebrate diversity and foster inclusion. Bring your organizational skills, creativity, and passion for social justice to this dynamic role!comment image

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Arlos Files
Arlos Files
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

Not defending DEI but the cadre running the Pittsfield burg has hired a lot of losers without that special handling stamp, many of which were hired as a result of infectious nepotism. Some of these were pretty much otherwise unemployable and were carried until they had to be quietly let out the back door. I remember one who actually received a $50,000 gift upon his leaving.

Accordingly he did not spill any beans on his way out the door or at any time afterwards as far as I know.

2 months ago

Snow Day

2 months ago

Feeling some kinda way

2 months ago

did they hire the best qualified person for the job? who were the others who didn’t get hired and why?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Dan! Not everyone can run a major drug operation and hold down a full time job. Wiggy is amazing.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

I’m hearing the school resource officer knew what was happening when kids would report and she would “laugh in their faces.” If you go to Ali, Jessica, Molly, etc fb pages, you see they are very close and hung out in and outside of the school.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  pothole
2 months ago

I’d like to see the list of candidates and Wiggins’ resume.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

I agree AA. I know in my public school days, the administration were older, worked many years climbing the EDUCATIONAL ladder, and held graduate degrees at the minimum.

They certainly didn’t hold “Dance Teacher,” certifications either.

That nonsense didn’t even exist in those days.

Well, maybe the volunteer who helped coach the girls cheerleading team. But she certainly wasn’t an “administrator” in that same school.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I learned, when I argued that children should not be allowed to serve upon the School Committee, (min age 30?), that I was being ‘ageist.’ It is ageist to have minimum ages for mature positions. Hoo nuu?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I believe it was Hathaway that accused me of ageism. “Surely not, you pompous brick” I said to myself.

Reply to  pothole
2 months ago

Oh hell color of skin matters more now days

2 months ago

He’s a decoy

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

He should have sold marijuana instead of allegedly cocaine. If he instead chose pot, he could have purchased himself a $950,000 mansion that is 0.3 miles from the former mayor and her 3rd husband’s mansion in Pittsfield elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

If he were a lawyer, he could also have a law office in Boston’s Financial District like Pittsfield’s Pot King does.

If he were a former Pittsfield State Senator from 1997 – 2006, he could have allegedly illegally double-dipped as the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee in Boston’s corrupt Statehouse, while at the same time, he could have served as private legal counsel for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies from 1999 – 2006.

If he were a disgraced Pittsfield State Senator in 2006, he could have strong-armed 2 women named Sharon Henault and Sara Hathaway out of the 2006 state government election for Pittsfield Registrar of Deeds from 2007 – 2012.

If he were to run for U.S. Congress in 2012, he could have lost to PAC Man Richie Neal by 40 percentage points back then.

But, he did not go down the EVIL path that Luciforo took. Instead, he is the disgraced Dean of Students at my alma mater, Pittsfield High School (class of 1993), drives a fancy car, and he will face a federal trial for the alleged illegal drug trafficking of cocaine. His name is Levante “Lady’z Man” Wiggins, 30-years-old, NOT Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, 60-years-old.

Randy Nucifloro
Randy Nucifloro
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Hey man get out of your folks basement and quit whacking your pud.
Stop down to Berkshire Roots and pickup some wicked good bud.
Take a few tokes and go from feeling like a dud to the ultimate man chasing stud.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Boy, oh boy! I hope Andy has private security. Jonathan “Luigi” Melle’s
continued references to Andy in every post he makes regardless of the subject has become
beyond concerning.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

He’ll be sharing a cell with the United Healthcare assassin someday

Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

He was doing that in HS, moved up to other things after

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

I am a good person. I don’t hurt people (like Nuciforo) who are mean-spirited. Instead, I write about them to tell my story of being a persecuted person. I am NOT all about money and power. Life is too short to win at any and all costs. I am a survivor. I will turn 50 next Summer 2025. In around 30 years, Jon Melle will be a memory.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Congratulations to hitting 50. That is the milestone separating adolescence and maturity. Your best years are ahead of you – don’t waste any more on the demonic past.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

JM you are right. Life is short enjoy every minute. Sometimes to do that you have to forgive those who you feel wronged you and get that person out of your head. A sense of peace will follow! Good Luck!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Even better than forgiving is forgetting.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
2 months ago

Yes Stan, that’s what I would like to know who heard this man that begin with and who did a background check and the superintendent says that he’s interested in keeping the students and faculty history then why don’t we have a police officer on the campus?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Richard Arnold
2 months ago

Yes, they now have an irrefutable argument for cops patrolling the schools. They should have at least one in every classroom and office.

Fhonni Kawls
Fhonni Kawls
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

I see he played football the super at the jail was his coach..Maybe he should plead guilty then get a pardon from The Big Guy or get a job at the jail.

Reply to  Fhonni Kawls
2 months ago

Brings back memories of Frank Scago

Fhonni Kawls
Fhonni Kawls
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Pitts hired a former criminal he seems to be doing fine but when you have programs like d a r e and kids around,I don’t think so.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

No they need to fire everyone in Mercer and take away their pensions. Bring in the state and national guard for 2 years

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Why not just a SWAT team? Keep it parked in front of the big tree on East.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sir CHAZ
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

They need order inside the ranks not outside. I wonder if any of the students know the poem written about the big elm on the front lawn

Reply to  Richard Arnold
2 months ago

There is an sro at phs

Pandoras Box Collection
Pandoras Box Collection
Reply to  Tt2
2 months ago

Really? If so this individual needs to be interviewed by the fbi and also perhaps an ophthalmologist.

Reply to  Pandoras Box Collection
2 months ago


Reply to  Tt2
2 months ago

Who seems to part of the current issue

Reply to  Tt2
2 months ago

who has chosen to look the other way, laughs in student’s faces when these allegations have been reported to her and protects the staff like her best friend Ali (long standing relationship) and Vante.

2 months ago

Outside of school hours is moot in the grand scheme.

And then
And then
2 months ago

“ring” = missing details.

We know the shape of a ring. So far we got two dots..

Reply to  And then
2 months ago

There are rings (a small group of insiders), houses (cards) (a structure that can swap principals), and rivers flowing through gates (a combined concept that has features of both. Lots of expendibles, a few distinct permanent principals, and a ton of resources) . Which it may be is the question. I doubt it is a ring.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

If it is a ring, then breaking up the principals solves the problem. If it is a gatehouse, then it’s a systemic problem that is designed to grind up reform and sweep it downstream.

Reply to  And then
2 months ago

House of Cards points to a foundation that supports the enterprise. Further up you build, the less crucial to the enterprise.

2 months ago

Mayor Pete. I don’t want to pay for a drug dealer’s salary. Signed Normal Fucking People!

Around The Town
Around The Town
2 months ago

How many people and local government officials will be caught in this web of crime, lies and videotape?

Allegations are flying and Facebook is on fire with stories of drug dealing, pedophilia and cover-ups by local law enforcement. Just another day in Bitchfield?

The source of the claims, an apparently unhinged young woman whose screen name is Angel NotAngle says she wants to tell the truth. Apparently Angel, legal name Angel Samantha Breault, relocated to the Boston area after being driven out of Pittsfield. The reasons are unclear why she fled but she is no stranger to local police. It is alleged that she went into witness protection but her very public life on social media defies that logic. Now, she has something to say.

Breault’s name appears in almost every shooting investigation and murder in the city in the last decade. Keenan Pellot, Ronald Pinel, Joseph Brown, and James Dominguez. Her videotaped fights with other women have become viral sensations among young social media users. In her infamous Facebook Live posts, she makes outrageous accusations and slanderous claims. Is she a truth seeker or a disgruntled rabble rouser? You be the judge.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Around The Town
2 months ago

Actually she has gotten her shit together and left Pittsfield to remove herself from the trash. She isnt a model citizen but after she almost was beaten to death by one of Wiggys associates she decided that life wasnt for her any longer
She knows all the associates very well. She has screenshots and saved messages to prove her allegations. The YMCA put a staff member on leave after receiving some of her info.
Some administrators at PHS should be shaking in their boots because she’s got the goods on many of them.

Jumping Joe Curtis should go back to doing IT for PPS cause he isn’t qualified to be super.

Reply to  Around The Town
2 months ago

She brought to light the crap at the ymca. Did you catch that in the paper.

2 months ago

I worked on a few construction jobs on Berkshire Schools and had to get drug tested. Time to drug test ALL School employees , no exceptions.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

They tested Curtis and Behnke. Both came back positive for preparation H.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
2 months ago

I emailed Pete White for a comment on this situation and he sent me a picture of his lunch.

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

Almost every city employee in Pittsfield has a taxpayer funded car, truck or van. Do either of these guys and if so do they have valid drivers licenses? Hopefully city vehicles were not being used to deliver goods.

Often times a well placed brown bag with the proper amount of federal currency in it can make investigations fade away. So I have heard.

Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

That’s mostly true , but Morales still has a Byrd scooter

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Acute Angina
2 months ago

Would you expect anything less from Wimpy White?

I’ll passively aggressively strong arm a restaurant owner for “a free meal today, for a positive social media review tomorrow,” Wimpy White

Kleptocracy in action
Kleptocracy in action
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

It is called “transactional politics”. And he does it well. Prolly gets fuel assistance as well.

2 months ago

Dan. Check out Angelnotangle on FB. She has a video a couple days ago that is pretty eye opening. Entertaining at the same
Time. Raw honest and brave with what she says. I’ll bet she would be a good interview and informative. This person has been through a lot and is strong and ready to

Around The Town
Around The Town
Reply to  Pothole
2 months ago

Angel Breault is best friends with Harmony Persip Edwards, sister of City Councilman Earl Persip. Tread lightly with that whack job. Her can of worms might be hitting way below a dive in the dumpster.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Around The Town
2 months ago

Wasn’t Harmony going to open a weed spa in south county?

The place she posted “for sale,” wasn’t even zoned for business.

I agree with Around. I’d take a pass on that can of worms.

Reply to  Around The Town
2 months ago

Might just be the truth too

Dam itt
Dam itt
Reply to  pothole
2 months ago

‘zones’ don’t matter the same way black lives do though, nobody be paying no attention to no dang zoning laws.

Reply to  Around The Town
2 months ago

Theres a black life, not sure what matters anymore but;

Up there at the ol uhh, DCmfF Office

explain that away

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Seem to recall a few years back a movement to get school resource officers OUT OF THE SCHOOLS. Kinda all makes sense now and wondering who the folks were that wanted the oversight removed. Who were these fine folk and were they friends of the suspect?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

You would be correct. I believe it was led by Dennis Powell and Helen “Handgun” Moon.

Handgun even posted a fictitious story about getting locked up by the Boston Cops, simply for being an Asian female. Two white male, cops, too. Shocker-I know. She wanted to get in the racial-grift, shortly after the “mostly peaceful” riots of the Summer of Love 2020.

She wasn’t smart enough to realize all arrests are documented with a police department report/arrest number.

She got called out as a liar and faded away from the Bitchfield political scene, faster than Dirty Barry Clairmont used to clear out a parking lot full of riff-raff.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  DEI, just give it away, its easy.
2 months ago

From the article:

Sheerece Adams: contends racial bias is evident in how Wiggins has been treated since the news of his arrest broke Wednesday.


Adams: I just feel if it was a white man in his position and this happened, none of this would be happening. It would have got swept under the carpet. We might have read an article or two, and that’s it.”

Invoking “racism” is their default setting. Anything
or anyone that challenges their view must be racist. It’s their defense mechanism to help some avoid discussing the issue and means they don’t have to acknowledge real solutions to what he’s
accused of.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

You get a eight ball, you get a eight ball, you get a eight ball

Curious Cindy
Curious Cindy
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

also lots of love from his customer base who now need to find a backup plan right away…(or will they)? Who will step up and take the challenge? Will there be introductory low prices? Will there be more turf disputes? Will more customers want $34,000 credit lines for opening an account?

will the mayor, whomever he or she is, need to hire a new dean of students right away and if so will anyone from the socol dept show a modicum of interest in who the person is or was this time?

are there other city employees working with children who skirted a cori check and were rubber stamped into the mix?

Reply to  Curious Cindy
2 months ago

CORI checks do not reveal drug kingpins.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

When these people see Shirley, OB, and AJ, get handed great jobs and FREE taxpayer money without having to pay it back or keep records of expenditures, it empowers them to want to join the free money handout for being a black male or female.

2020 is thankfully in the rearview mirror. The racial grift, climate change scam, and tranny’s for kids, horse$hit is OVER.

We VOTED it. Funny how that works, huh Lib’s?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Also on late night with Seth Myers

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Another reason to eliminate the Dept. of Education – for their failed DEI policies and grants……

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Money laundering operation to the unions and activists. In turn the votes come rolling in.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Are the drone swarms over the U.S. an attempt by the current admin. to bring on martial law & prevent Trump from being inaugurated? It’s an idea tried by other countries….

SaNJoe Pissfield
SaNJoe Pissfield
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

It’s f
Go fork yerself, keep on subject. Buffoon

Bivyll Zepp
Bivyll Zepp
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

You could be right. After all there is imperative evidence that some people throw their own candidates lawn sings into dumpsters.

General Sledgehamner
General Sledgehamner
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

It’s a woke thing. What does it mean. It’s future prose and intent by the cultural-political left. It’s what you call making something out of nothing and let your mind wander. It’s Fake news to stir up the conservative mindset to get them off their ( R ) game, a distraction if you will to prevent making America great again.

Compare it to Kamala’s failed attempt as a candidate,nothing there to begin with. We will be seeing these kind of incidents b the future…. thank you for your input. Oh, and dirty looks will be a signal toward the R discontent the next four years.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

OR, it might be Chris Christie’s MickeyD orders! Gotta see this meme……

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Trump tried it 4 years ago and thank God for VP Pence

Tyers Legacy
Tyers Legacy
2 months ago

The mayor and his ingrown toenail White had an elaborate press conference when they opened the Clapp Park splash pad. So I am sure he is just itching to do his effing job and address the taxpayers as to this issue. It might even be part of his job for all we know.

And did you see where the city plans to build another new school? Dan, do you remember the figure of the cities debt about ten years ago and has it gone down since then? OR, is it well over a billion dollars now?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Tyers Legacy
2 months ago

Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78, which is GE’s capped leaky landfill full of industrial chemicals called PCBs that cause brain damage and cancer in human beings. One would think that Bill Cameron and his level 5 Pittsfield public school district cohorts would want to tear down Allendale Elementary School for public health reasons, but instead, they want to tear down other school buildings to build a new school building.

Pittsfield politics is an irrational system of state and local government that costs way too much taxpayer-dollars in return for the likes of the 90-day grace period Openly Gay Mayor Peter Marchetti, Voltron the Pork-Chop Pete White, and the like.

2 months ago

This situation has Pete White so upset that he couldn’t photograph his lunch

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

When he starts pointing again I pray he doesn’t order crabs

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

December 15, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Someone posted on the comments section of your blog named Planet Valenti that: “[Jon Melle will] be sharing a cell with the United Healthcare assassin someday”.

My enemies who live in our native hometown of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) must think a lot of me to write that I will end up incarcerated and sharing a prison cell with Luigi Mangione, who allegedly murdered United-Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

For the record, I have no criminal record. I was arrested one time in my 49-year-old life for knocking over a plastic traffic cone with my car 2007; the police officer who arrested me hit a man with his police cruiser in Manchester, NH, but he faced no criminal charges. I served 20 weekends in the county jail in Manchester, NH, in 2010. My 2 misdemeanors were annulled by the State of New Hampshire in 2019.

For the record, I served our country honorably in the U.S. Army; my separation date was in mid-2001. The U.S. President (GWB) sent me his regards and ordered me a hearing in mid-2004 at the VA Central Office near The White House. I am a permanent and total 100 percent service connected disabled Veteran who lives in Amherst, New Hampshire, closely nearby my mom and dad, Bob, who is a former elected Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 – mid-2000, as well as a former Pittsfield School Committee member many years prior.

I was conspiratorially persecuted by Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and his network of bullies since unfortunately first met “Luciforo” when I was 20-years-old during the Spring 1996 when my dad and he campaigned for Berkshire County Commissioner and Berkshire-based State Senator back then. Nuciforo has been persecuting me for over the past 28.5-years of my adult life, and I am afraid to return to Pittsfield due to “Luciforo’s” many years of abuses against me.

Nuciforo filed multiple state “ethics” complaints against my dad from the Fall 1997 – Spring 1998 to multiple Massachusetts state agencies to try to get my dad fired from his state government job in the Probation Department at the Pittsfield District Courthouse. On May 20th, 1998, Nuciforo made false complaints against me – Jon Melle – to the Pittsfield Police Department by falsely alleging that I was making “veiled threats” against him, and that he or his state legislative aides would immediately call the police on me if I entered his district office in the Onota Building on North Street. But it was “Luciforo” who was threatening, bullying and persecuting me, not the other way around.

Nuciforo ended up being a disgraced State Senator. In early-2007, The Boston Globe published a news story that stated that Nuciforo chaired the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee, while at the same time he was listed as legal counsel at a Boston Law Firm as an Attorney serving Boston’s big banks and insurance companies from 1999 – 2006. The irony of Nuciforo’s previous state “ethics” complaints against my dad, Bob, years prior, when it ended up with Nuciforo disgracing himself in elected office.

Nuciforo co-founded his marijuana company “Berkshire Roots” in March 2017. The Boston Globe wrote news stories and editorials that said that Nuciforo was one of the 1st ones to received pot permits due to his political connections and deep pockets of investors. The follow-up lead of journalists and bloggers would be to ask who Nuciforo’s deep pockets of investors were, and are they connected to his past allegedly illegal double dipping when he was a Pittsfield State Senator in Boston over one decade prior.

Earlier in 2024, Mayor Peter Marchetti settled Nuciforo’s pot permit lawsuit by “Berkshire Roots” receiving a city check of $341,000 from the City of Pittsfield’s FREE CASH account(s), but then the 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics pounded people’s purses in fiscal year 2025 by raising municipal property taxes by 7.17 percent and city fees by 8 percent, whereby the average Pittsfield taxpayer is liable of over $6,000.00 per fiscal year to City Hall.

Nuciforo is a millionaire. He is an Attorney with a law office in Boston’s Financial District. He is a landlord with valuable buildings in Pittsfield and Boston. He is a co-owner of “Berkshire Roots” marijuana company whereby he has made millions of dollars in net profit off of Massachusetts relatively new pot industry. Over one year ago in 2023, Nuciforo purchased for himself a $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

I live in a one-bedroom condo unit with my Emotional Support Animal (ESA) dog named Chocolate, who will be 16.5-years old on New Year’s Day 2025, in Amherst, NH. I just get by when it comes to my personal finances. If I have a $100 or more at the end of the month, it is a victory for a Have-NOT like me. I am nothing like my enemy #1 “Luciforo”. I live a simple life, I don’t win at any cost, I am NOT mean-spirited, conspiratorial, persecuting, bullying, and I do NOT win at any cost like “Luciforo” does. Life is too short for me to waste my time being a mean-spirited son of a BITCH-field like “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King (of lawsuits)!

Happy Holidays!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Pittsfield real-estate tax burden is 100% more than Lenox,Ma.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Letter: “Pittsfield’s teacher’s arrest demands a duty to inform and protect”
The Berkshire Eagle, December 14, 2024

To the editor: It is with great concern that I send this letter in regards to Pittsfield High School’s dean of students being charged with drug trafficking. (“Dean of students at Pittsfield High School arrested by feds for allegedly running a cocaine distribution operation,” Eagle, Dec. 12.)

My concern stems from the information that this dean has been under investigation since March due to activity involving drug sales, yet this dean remained in his position, having direct involvement with students, parents, teachers and administrators without any notification being made to the school district about this activity by the investigative individuals who just made the arrest this week.

This means that this dean was in his position for more than eight months during school time, all the while allegedly making drug sales and working at the high school. While it is noted that this is an investigation to gather information, should there not be a process to inform the school about the suspicious activity and investigation that is happening? It is incredible that this dean remained in his position and continued to be around high school students, teachers, administrators and parents/guardians.

In situations like this, it seems that the confidentiality of an investigation needs to be trumped to protect our youth and inform relevant public school officials so that decisions can be made to address what is happening. A duty to inform should be in place when vulnerable populations are involved and may be at risk.

A duty to protect students from this type of situation ever happening again needs to be explored with the end result being a duty to inform, even while an investigation is ongoing.

Paul F. Gregory, Pittsfield

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

In response to Paul F. Gregory’s Letter….

Perhaps in a normal town and school district this would make sense, but Seriously Paul… Do you really think that could be done in Pittsfield?

Who would you suggest should have been notified of the investigation?

Joe Curtis? Superintendent of schools who had Wiggins as part of his administration team working at an administrative level with an alleged expired teacher’s license in Dance, an alleged suspended driving license, and other alleged charges. Oh! and let’s not forget the 90,000 dollar car that Wiggins allegedly owned, that didn’t raise any red flags.


The Pittsfield Police Dept? who allegedly tipped off Wiggins that he was being investigated.


The School Committee ? who hired Joe Curtis, a good olde home town product of Pittsfield Public Schools when far more qualified candidates applied.

Seriously Paul …Can you tell me… Who could be trusted in Pittsfield to be notified?

Perhaps the fact that the FBI thought it best not to notify anyone in town says all that needs to be said.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

In a corrupt system, only the crooks and the cowards survive. You won’t find any friends amongst either.

Reply to  Seriously?
2 months ago

I knew there was a serious logical flaw in the letter, even though the author is right on the money. You got it right, Pandora.

2 months ago

Did you see the crap going down at the ymca also

Pandoras Box Collection
Pandoras Box Collection
Reply to  Tt2
2 months ago

Did all this stuff start since Marchetti and his crew took over or was this guy hired on Linda Tyers watch?

Has she commented as to whether she signed off on this position and its hire or was it the school committee chairman’s responsibility and if so what is he now saying about it if anyone can even find him for a comment? Have all the people who have raised the school committee budget to over 200 million dollars suddenly gone into hiding?

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

Getting hired in Pittsfield is exactly like a Trump hire,swear loyalty to the Superintendent and be incompetent and it will turn into chaos.There is much more to this than drugs.They also hire incompetent white people Dan.Curtis swore loyalty to Eberwien until his problems were swept under the rug and was let go.The FBI will no longer do investigations under Trump.Trump is the Joe Curtis of the United States of America. Swear loyalty and look the other way.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

TDS/TSC again you are completely wrong. Trump and the Republicans want the highest qualified candidate. The Democrats and the Pittsfield section of it only want ones that bend over and follow the leader like sheep to slaughter.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

Joe Curtis is the head of the snake,he must go.Every school committee person should be telling taxpayer the thisvwill never ever happen again.No hiring of unqualified people.