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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 31-February. 2, 2025) — On the subject of debt, the city of Bitchfield is an expert. THE PLANET has the figures to prove it.

Mayor Lumpy and the Profiles in Courage on the city council have quite a pickle on their hands–not that it will bother them, of course. They will merely kick that can down Allen Street and keep borrowing like maniacs for useless capital projects (another airport runway re-do, perhaps?).

An examination of city and state documents show a massive hole:

Total Debt Service in Pittsfield shows a due bill of 233,315,609.92 in principle and $57,081,523.89 in interest. That adds up to a total liability of $290,397,133.51.

And that’s not all, folks. There’s that little matter of Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), the cost of benefits owed to retired city workers. The latest state figures–not that “latest,” actually, since it’s from December 2021– shows a Bitchfield OPEB liability $419,340,000.

After combining debt service + OPEB, the adding machine shows a city liability of


Yes, 7/10s of a billion dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But hold on thar, as Quick Draw McGraw would say. THE PLANET needs to add:

  • General Fund Debt Service School + Airport (principle plus interest) of $149,361,785.03
  • Water Enterprise Debt (P+I) of $25,424,058.43
  • Sewer Enterprise Debt (P=+I) of $106,975,604

Adding all this muck together, we arrive at a GRAND TOTAL OF (drum roll, please):


That’s the tab Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the children, their children’s children, and their children’s children’s children will have to pay.

Mayor Lumpy and Kufflinks Kerwood then have the rinds to publish the following statement in one of the city’s financial filings (stop THE PLANET if you’ve heard this one before):

The City of Pittseld is committed to safeguarding public funds, protecting local assets, and complying with financial standards and regulations. To that end, this manual of nancial policies provides guidance for local planning and decision making. The policies as a whole are intended to outline objectives, provide formal direction, and dene authority to help ensure sound scal stewardship and management practices. Each policy is a living document that should be reviewed and updated as necessary.Through these policies, the City commits to the following objectives:
— Sustaining a consistent level of service and value for residents.
— Safeguarding financial integrity and minimizing risk through a system of internal controls.
— Ensuring the quality and maintenance of capital assets.
— Conforming to general law, uniform professional standards, and municipal best practices.
–Protecting and enhancing the city’s credit rating.
–Promoting transparency and public disclosure.

Now just that, but to help address the city’s dire debt position, Lumpy, Voltron, and Kufflinks have approved borrowing another $43,430,800 in so-called “Capital Improvement Projects.” Some are needed, granted, but in Bitchfield, wheat and chaff have long begun to look alike.

Yes. They think you are THAT stupid.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


Suck the bastards dry” — Mayor Lumpy, in his cups.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

January 29, 2025

Pittsfield politics is always predictable in its so-called financial management:

1. Always increase municipal/school spending by the magical 5 percent number per fiscal year.

2. Always play financial shell games with the state government bureaucrats in Boston, but most people do NOT comprehend any of it, as it has nothing rational to do with the local taxpayers, which are taken advantage of by the government’s DISSERVICES.

3. Always borrow at an unsustainable level of well over $100 million.

4. Always have hundreds of millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities (DEBT’s), including OPEB.

5. Always have secretive Slush Funds hidden in Kufflink’s cooked books.

6. Always use social services, welfare, public education, infrastructure, etc. to receive tens of millions of dollars per fiscal year in state administered, federal aid.

7. Always disconnect financial reality from the propaganda and outright lies to meet the definition of insanity, which is to do the same thing over an over again, but expect different results for the better, while Pittsfield is in an over 50-year downward spiral of significant population and job loss.

8. Always treat the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family like a doormat, a toilet to shit on, and the career politicians’ ATM.

9. Always hire friendly auditors who will rubber stamp the city’s cooked books.

10. NEVER hire an independent firm to conduct a FORENSIC AUDIT.

Jon Melle

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Fix typos and fix a copy to every door, wall, and post by sturdy means.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

….along with old lottery tickets, used nip bottles, old cig. butts, Monopoly money, wooden nickels, a photo of Ponzi, discarded homeless supplies, and Pigs that have Wings and Fly….

1 month ago

CIGIE – Agriculture.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
1 month ago

Looks like the first draft of an SNL skit.

Bring in the clowns!

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

Get lost, you ass.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Scuse me? U talkin ta me????

Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

Well, I’m the only one here. Who the f*** do you think you’re talking to?

Last edited 1 month ago by Sir CHAZ
Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

Sympathizing here with your hemorrhoid problem Charles. I as well, get irritable when mine act up. Not fun I agree.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

Thank you. That is very nice.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

I’m beating you two to one on this.

Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

Sorry about calling you an ass. Too much, too soon.

Att Home
Att Home
Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

Last nights airplane crash similar to Trump getting shot? The timing. A million to one.

Att Home
Att Home
Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

The other thing. If you watch the video as the plane is descending the helicopter elevates at the last second. Could be the pilot of the helicopter wasn’t paying attention.

Reply to  Att Home
1 month ago

Could be the pilot could have been a deranged jihadist. It appears to be murder.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Att Home
1 month ago

24 hours prior to accident, another plane aborted landing due to helicopter in path……

The school committee
The school committee
1 month ago

Not once has maintenance ever been part of city budget.It is just another reason to not spend 30 million at Wahconah park for a college summer league.Tear down the grand stands and put up bleachers.Our schools are falling apart under another group of leaders.Its time to consolidate our schools.The cape cod league plays on high school fields.The culture of schools comes from Curtis who like Eberwien wants no bad news reported.

The school committee
The school committee
1 month ago

Trump played golf all week after nominating nitwits.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

What were you nominated for?

Reply to  Herb Pease
1 month ago

He counts the dimples on Trump’s balls.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Breaking News…
PDJT is adding to private sector jobs, the maker of “Dr Trumps Butt Hurt Salve “has moved to 24/7 due to increased demand.
CEO Mr Browne Eye said the
future is the brightest ever.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Biden 360 days of vacation out of four years in office. That doesn’t include when in Washington he was on vacation. Woke up at 11am and then called a lid on daily official activities around 2 pm .I’d guess the total non working days off were much higher. Yeah, Trump golfing is an issue.Trump has done more in his short time in office than Sleepy Joe did in four years.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

DNC is electing new officials TSC.

Can You translate this gobbledygook for us? These people are mentally ill.

The Democrats still don’t understand why they lost.

The Democrat Party voted for a new DNC Chairman on Saturday after
Outgoing DNC Chair Jaime Harrison laid out the ground rules for leadership positions and he even confused himself.

“Because of our gender balance provisions on this next ballot, you will be able to vote for two candidates of any gender on the next ballot,” Jaime Harrison said.

“Okay, so on this next ballot, you will be able to vote for two candidates of any gender on the next ballot.”

“The rules specify that when we have a gender non-binary candidate or officer, the non-binary individual is counted as neither male nor female and the remaining six offices must be gender balanced. With the results of the previous four elections, our elected officers are currently two male and two female,” Jaime Harrison said.

He continued, “In order to be gender balanced, we must elect one male, one female and one person of any gender. So again, this is what we have to do for this vice chair race.

To ensure our process accounts for male, female and non-binary candidates, we conferred with our RBC Co-Chair, our LBGT Caucus Co-Chair and others to ensure that the process is inclusive and meets the gender balance requirements in our rules.”

“After a candidate is elected on the first ballot, we’ll have one officer of the three so then we will know which position is filled of the one male, one female, and one Vice Chair of any gender. Our second ballot will also be for any candidate of any gender,” Jaime Harrison said.”


Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

There was a man or a woman who grew up a boy in the 1600’s in the New England Colony. Later he became a woman. Then he became a man. He was challenged by the Puritan magistrates etc…. They determined that he was both a man and a woman and ruled, therefore, that heorshe must wear a man’s suit and a bonnet.

The school committee
The school committee
1 month ago

The level 5 students are future MAGAs.Dont kill your farm system fellas.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

That is the leftist woke jokes and groomed pedophiles of the future TSC. Will you be doing the drag shows again?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

You must have been really high or passed out yesterday when I made the post, with link attached, about how in democRAT run cities (Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, etc) over 50% of 8th graders can’t read or write at their grade level.

in Cleveland it was over 90%.

Nice try wingnut, but stick to what you know best, intoxicating substances and let the adults discuss politics.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

This is the modern version of the Democrats educational system. It is more into pronouns, making excuses for criminals, and making everything about race.
Out country cannot survive with such an agenda because it produces nothing of real value and everything of disintegration…

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Does Pete Wimpy White let you play with his action figures?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Keeping on the subject of debt and Americans having trouble paying for groceries and other items, I wanted to pass on the names of the 3 US democRAT Senators, who posters like JM, repeatedly posts about and tells us he supports because of their “progressive politics” and their “fight for the little guy.”

In this article, 3 democRAT Senators raked in over $8,500,000 from Big Pharma, so they could keep poisoning us and feeding us God only knows what.

But hey, they have “progressive values” and help “fight for the little guy,” right JM?

Here are their “progressive values” and their “fight for the little guy.” The only problem though, it appears “the little guy” just happens to be a few lonely stacks of $50 bills missing the many large stacks of $100 bills.

*Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, raked in $5,200,000 from Big Pharma, since 2020.

*Rapheal Warnock, raked in $1,763,425 from Big Pharma, since 2020.

*Bernie “Make the rich pay their fair share” Sanders, raked in $1,500,000, since 2020.

Humanspective on X: “3 x Senators pocket $8.5 million Even before Robert F Kennedy has started his job as HHS secretary, the Big Pharma financial influence on American senators has already been exposed Senator Elizabeth Warren, Sen Bernie Sanders and Senator Warnock have collectively taken in $8.5” / X

The next time one of these democRAT hypocrites tells you they “are fighting for the American people,” just remember this post. They only fight to increase their bank accounts and power.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I concur with your message(s) about the Oligarchy in the Swamp.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Concur? You vote Blue no matter Who.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I’ve got a crisp $20 bill in my wallet that JM will soon post his love and admiration for (insert liberal female politician’s name) and then end his post by mentioning President Trump being like “Hitler” or something to do with the debunked “Project 2025.”

Just remember what Killary Clinton said about democRAT voters:

“Look, the average democRAT voter is just plain stupid. Their easy to manipulate. That’s the easy part,” Killary, as told to Dick Morris in “Rewriting History,” 2005.

It’s the one time I actually agree with Killary Clinton.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Bernie to RFK : The millions from big pharma are “contributions” to me.

What a weasel ! “Free healthcare for all Bernie” is one of the the many hypocrites who are the reason Big Parma gets away with what they do.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

The sad part is every one of those filthy Communists you mentioned in your post will get probably get
reelected because of those who do vote blue no matter who.

Diss Scushunned
Diss Scushunned
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Speaking of Rat. Warfarin is rat poisoning? Way to go Richie

1 month ago

Debt and Pittsfield go hand and hand.As everyone knows the School Debt is 42% of the budget at around 80 Million. The enrollment in 2005 was 6,496 students. Today it is 4,873. We have 1,627 less students but still maintain 14 schools. Pretty foolish if you ask me. Now they’re trying to reinvent the wheel with there middle school new alternative. Not that complicated, copy the 2 most successful School districts Lenox & Greylock. Put the 8 graders at the High School & 5 graders at Middle School. Close 2-3 Elementary Schools. No new schools needed. The numbers I got came from Dept of Education. site. Encourage people to check it out, you can see the dwelling enrollment for yourself.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Demolish Allendale Elementary School, please. Save the students from the leaky landfills.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 month ago
Att Home
Att Home
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Dan.Why is that unusual? It D vs R at any hearings. It’s called playing with house money.

Tanned Bobby K
Tanned Bobby K
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Yes. Everything will be made organic by law.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

RFK JR had Lieawatha Warren stammering. She kept on harping on his vaccine stance, meanwhile she took in $1,200,000 from BIG PHARMA.

7 other D-Senators doing the same hit jobs, also have taken in high-6 or 7-figure bribes from PHARMA.


The downtown umbrella guy
The downtown umbrella guy
1 month ago

Trump fired the head of the FAA on federal aviation safety on his day one. 10 days later a fatal crash over dc with a commercial plane and a Blackhawk. 60+ dead.

Att Home
Att Home
Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
1 month ago

You heard it first here on the planet the airplane pilot is not at fault. That’s my opinion. God Bless those who perished and prayers for the family’s.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Att Home
1 month ago

The helicopter pilot was a military lesbian DEI hire. Before they named her, several days later, all her social media posts were scrubbed clean.

Nothing to see here, move on…….

Timmy Turmoil
Timmy Turmoil
Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
1 month ago

Military helicopters flying training missions across flight paths of incoming commercial aircraft at one of the country’s busiest airports. Sounds like something Pittsfield would do as we have more car accidents than any other city in America per capita. And you will see how the insurance companies are dealing with that this year. Holeee shit man!

In TheNick
In TheNick
Reply to  Timmy Turmoil
1 month ago

Odds of that much traffic is ten million to one at the Pittsfield Airport. However the odds get lower leaving the airport on Tamarac road

Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
1 month ago

Biden turned down 8,000 qualified Air traffic controllers. Instead went with DEI hires. Not sure firing the head of the FAA has anything to do with this tragedy. They work out of an office, not a control tower.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Also only one air traffic controller was working last night for both towers on an incredibly busy day even for this extremely busy airport. So much was wrong including the military helicopter flying way too low. Are they having trouble hiring people? Sean Duffy, the new transportation secretary, needs to get to the bottom of the issues at this airport and make major changes.

In TheNick
In TheNick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Yes. Our President is blaming it on D E I hired. we have here.

In TheNick
In TheNick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

are ppd dispatchers d e I ? A couple of them can even finish. Sentence.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  In TheNick
1 month ago

Either can you.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Let’s not forget about Biden’s nomination of this dei fellow to head the FAA. Yeah, Trump is right about hiring those qualified and not hiring just based color or gender.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

DEI is built on exclusion in order to achieve its goals.

One thing that Democrat-Socialists excel at is implementing dumb sh*t with no regard for consequences. Examples abound.

Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
1 month ago

Was the head of the FAA scheduled for the shift as aircraft traffic control tower during the time of crash?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

It would be interesting if someone compared Pittsfield to Westfield and other similar small cities. When I read about various samples of small cities, I always see that Pittsfield’s taxes, fees, spending, debts, unfunded liabilities, etc., are excessive.

I don’t like how secretive Pittsfield is with their cooked books. I also disagree with Pittsfield’s Slush Funds. I believe that taxpayer dollars belong in the pockets of the taxpayers instead of hidden away in a municipal stash.

The government is supposed to serve the people and taxpayers, but the opposite is true. The career politicians and their special interests always win, while the rest of us pound sand. It is all propaganda and lies.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You have nothing but free time on your hands, why don’t you make that your project and submit your results to Dan.

Maybe if it’s well written, throughly researched, containing verifiable facts and void of Nuciforo, “cook the books,” or TDS, it might make a Planet “guest column.”

I’d certainly be interested in the differences between the two.

Here’s a start for you JM: city budgets, city services like police/fire/garbage, crime stats, homeless numbers, school budgets, number of administrative positions in each school district, school populations, DEI programs, amount of “state grants” each TAKES, and of course tax rates of each.

Best of luck and I’ll definitely champion you for this project JM, if you stick to the above recommendations.

Gender Conventional
Gender Conventional
Reply to  Gender Conventional
1 month ago

Child Care of the Berkshires Expansion: In September 2024, Child Care of the Berkshires, a North Adams-based nonprofit, received $483,000 in funding for renovations, including new flooring, roofing, and HVAC improvements. The organization plans to use this funding to add 23 child care seats, addressing the growing demand for child care services in the area.

**there has been some rebranding among child and family services organizations in the Berkshire area, which can lead to confusion. In 2019, Berkshire Children and Families updated its name to 18 Degrees to reflect its expanding reach and vision. However, Child Care of the Berkshires has retained its original name and continues to operate under that title.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gender Conventional
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

In a move that would make useless politicians like Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens) and Linda “Flat” Tyer, extremely happy, the FAA turned down many qualified candidates, because they were “too white.”

Remember when TFCB and Flat Tyer, gleefully talked about “diversity being our strength,” or how “outsiders will view Bitchfield as diverse and inclusive?”

**Have you also noticed those two hypocrites, among many other democRATS, haven’t offered their homes to house the “houseless” juvenile students? Why not ladies? You certainly don’t come across as offering a “diverse and inclusive” home?

Are those “houseless” illegal aliens not white enough for you?

NIMBY-the older, white, liberal democRAT, mantra.

Remember this post when you fly the friendly and “diverse” skies…..

Nick Sortor on X: ” WOW! A former Air Traffic Controller just EXPOSED more about the DEI policies that destroyed the FAA and caused critical staging shortages Obama and Biden struck THOUSANDS of well-qualified Air Traffic Control candidates because they were “too white,” he says “This is a” / X

**Has Wimpy White finished his study on the “houseless” that he’s been working on since prior to pandemic? 6 years and counting now…..Must be a masterpiece.

Last edited 1 month ago by Markus Aurelius
Axe Shunfigyoar
Axe Shunfigyoar
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Ordinance and rules meeting faux pas. Concilor Dina meant to say personally and publicly but said personally and politically.

Reply to  Axe Shunfigyoar
1 month ago

She’s one of the dumbest people ever elected to the city council!

Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

She’s got competition now since the last election. If she keeps her mouth shut she’ll shine.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

She should keep her eyes glued that cell phone she keeps there and study those shoes and things.

Pepe Elon
Pepe Elon
Reply to  Axe Shunfigyoar
1 month ago

Did you have wax in your ears? Lampiasi was clear that taking SC compensation as a one off at this time would be political due to current events. Her point was that compensation should not be a reactive discussion.

Axe Shunfigyoar
Axe Shunfigyoar
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Bitchfield will now be run by the state politicians now that they are broke as hell.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Axe Shunfigyoar
1 month ago

Yes, this could easily be solved by returning education to the States. They will become more reasonable when it is their own state money they are spending and
not ours.

Volt Terroff
Volt Terroff
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

He’s chummy with Cameron. Gotta show the peeps who his allegiance is to. Certainly isn’t Joe and Mary.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

DEI hiring included people with mental disorders, seizures, hearing & vision problems, etc – all this started by Barack Hussein Obama.

Little Pieseez
Little Pieseez
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Dan has brought the transparent plague to Bitchfield. D E I is DOA Trumps kickin ass.
Ma. Is dead in the water for smoke and mirror federal funding. The view here will lose they’re heavyweight punch

Little Pieseez
Little Pieseez
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Trump just said D E I Is Dead.

1 month ago

The rag known as the Eagle, seems to be obsessed with ICE. Headlines, like how to keep ICE out of the schools, how to identify and report where ICE officers are. How dare those men & women of ICE go out enforcing the law, who do they think they are? I have already used the ICE hotline reporting law breakers. Only in Pittsfield, we recruit illegals and homeless. Need more effort recruiting businesses.

Little Pieseez
Little Pieseez
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Another plane crash Philly…. med plane…. at least six dead. Full fuselage fuel. Near Mall.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

I would like to see ALL $$ remittances to other countries made ILLEGAL, not just taxed . Can you imagine what the 60 billion injection into the economy will do? People will self deport because many of them are here only to prop up the Mexican economy and to support the cartels which are basically the Mexican economy. Tax ALL non profits, yes I said that. So much of the economy runs off of not paying taxes and this is an abomination to hard working citizens. Tax churches which have really become business which we all have to compete with. End
birthright citizenship.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Taxing a church is a state tithe.

1 month ago

I’m a daily reader and I want to tell you how very much I enjoy daily comments from Jonathon Mele. I know he comes in for a lot of criticism, but his arrows are usually on target. One area I disagree with him is his comments on Matt Kerwood. Matt is a bright guy and a former good city councilor who does a good job representing and commenting on city financial affairs. Even if he represents a donkey of a city leader, he does his job very well. This is no criticism of Jon Mele, just this one issue. At least in Matt Kerwood we have a guy with a brain in city government.

Little Pieseez
Little Pieseez
Reply to  AWAY
1 month ago

You need a. Lobotomy.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Little Pieseez
1 month ago

Could Kufflinks hold his own in the private sector? He only works in the public sector. Pittsfield’s municipal finances have a whole lot of DEBT.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Could you?

Huminuh Huminuh
Huminuh Huminuh
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

He’s great at debt service. His fundamental approach is to raise taxes each and every year. He would have lasted maybe a year in the private sector. Unfortunately for him he was a politician before a numbers guy. Bianchi used him as a doormat during council debates.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Plain and simple Mathew isn’t likeable. And do you really want the greek god and guy n turning over in they’re heavenly graves.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

He could run a lemonade stand

Reply to  Little Pieseez
1 month ago

Possibly already had one.

Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Sometimes they miss? Should aim for the frontal cortex next time.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sir CHAZ
Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  AWAY
1 month ago

So why, if he has a brain, is Matt refusing to recommend a forensic audit? This runaway budget with very little oversight is screaming out in the darkness to be reviewed by totally independent auditors. Could you ask him about this please?

Reply to  AWAY
1 month ago

Sounds like somebody is lining up a run for mayor.

Huminuh Huminuh
Huminuh Huminuh
Reply to  TelllItLikeItIs
1 month ago

There’s nobody that’s worthy of mayor. I don’t think Mike would want it.

Reply to  AWAY
1 month ago

Is that you Kufflinks? Or is this Kufflinks Mom?

Diss Scushunned
Diss Scushunned
Reply to  Crybaby
1 month ago

The committee to elect Kufflinks….

Reply to  AWAY
1 month ago

Kerwood is a walking bag of red flags.

Diss Scushunned
Diss Scushunned
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

Looked Kufflinks him up in dictionary…..humina

Thee Aparence
Thee Aparence
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

Yeah,but he has the same old auditors in his pocket. Quid pro quo. The worst kind of hiring.

Ron Kitteerrman
Ron Kitteerrman
1 month ago

instead of profiles in courage, might recommend profiles in common scene is what is needed.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Half billion in OPEB. What’s one person’s share of that? How many heads are collecting OPEB cash?

Should be a lot of retiree’s out there. That’s ripe for auditing.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

The mayor and city council won’t be happy until they economically exsanguinate senior tax payers .

Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Every dollar of that liability should be accounted for by a breathing head. Are they?

1 month ago

I apologize Dan for changing the subject. I have to share my horror this morning. Father Salatino at St. Marks, compared Quantanamo to Auschwitz. Wow, didn’t know the Catholic Church was that desperate for there 100 million plus, in refugee & immigration loot. Disgusting,30,000 folks going to Guantanamo are Murders, Rapists and Pedo’s. The 1.3 million poor souls at Auschwitz only crime was they were Jews. Unfortunately no one will be executed at Guantanamo. 1.1 million innocent people lost there life’s at Auschwitz. Catholic Church is getting disgusting. Time to home bible.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Agreed Dan . Problem is the Catholic Church gets 1.4 billion from politicians. Slippery slope.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

I don’t hear the churches comparing our regular prisons to Auschwitz. These are criminals and the Democrats had no problem letting all of them enter our country to roam free. Only criminals will go to Guantanamo. Now the Democrats have infiltrated the churches with their agenda and want us to feel sorry that these criminals need to be held accountable. Sadly, St. Marks went far left many years ago. Other churches are not far behind. The Berkshire Eagle runs almost daily articles on illegal immigrants and now wants citizens to be on the lookout for ICE agents. It’s insane. The far left politicians allowed and cheered on the invasion and now want to cast blame on those who have to rid this country of criminals and deport others who entered illegally. Far left policies continue to divide Americans even when they aren’t in power in Washington because they have caused such deep damage.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Organized religion all the houses of worship, are conquered temples bearing the banners and signs of their victors. As predicted in Daniel and Matthew is corrupted by politics and profanity. It is time for a new reformation. Toss the priests, pastors, and rabbis out the door and start a real relationship with G-d.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

It would be insightful to see the balance sheets of all these NGO’s and especially the Catholic NGO run charities and look at their administrative costs. I’ll bet large sums of money that those costs exceed 80%. It takes big salaries to attract the best people to help keep these scams going and fill the pockets of all involved.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

I would love to attend Mass but the priests are either pedos or lunatic left wingers. Is there any Catholic Church in Pittsfield that isn’t full of lunatic leftist priests?

Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Probably not, nor any other faith or denomination.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

That’s because the Catholic church & their charities are making billions off of illegal immigrant relocation. The Pope is a communist. Find a Bible-based church!

Donn Chix
Donn Chix
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

One thing we do know it’s not the Berkshire County Country Club.

1 month ago

Who here knows the story of the crow named ‘Stockbridge’? It is an interesting tale that brings a man, a dead crow, and Paul Caccaviello together with Judge Babalunga.

The poor soul was challenged in court by the officer who stated that he meddled with evidence by releasing the bird when the cop showed up to seize it. Maybe defunding the police should have started a bit earlier for better cause.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sir CHAZ
Thee Aparence
Thee Aparence
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

Parents and friends of most of these politicians are usually well healed to pay taxes here also. And if you look around locally all high end employees who make decisions on taxing elderly who are the most susceptible. Take Dr. Cameron. Imagine taking a stipend on his pension for what he receives for retirement?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Third helicopter pilot (from Wed. night’s air disaster) named after her social media accounts were scrubbed….what are they hiding?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
1 month ago

I want a job with the schools.

Ali Shepard shows Shepards Pie on Snapchat.
Gets a paid leave.
Posta on Facebook she’s got all her and her one parent children in Anguilla. Living her best life.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Is “THE PITT” a sanctuary city?

The new US AG Bondi, has announced the withholding of ALL FEDERAL funds from such cities.