ADD 1 WEDNESDAY JAN 8 — THE PLANET has received this from the office of Tim Shugrue, Berkshire County District Attorney:
On Tuesday, January 7th, Alex Kemp (19 years old: New Jersey) was pronounced deceased at Baystate Medical Center following a ski accident.
The incident occurred on Monday, January 6th, at Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort in Hancock, Massachusetts. At approximately 2:39 p.m., 911 dispatch received a call reporting an individual who had sustained injuries while skiing down the mountain. The accident took place on the left side of Cutter Trail (when descending the mountain). The caller indicated that Mr. Kemp had gone over an embankment and appeared to have suffered significant head trauma.
Jiminy Peak Ski Patrol were immediately dispatched to the scene. Northern Berkshire EMS arrived shortly thereafter to administer life-saving measures. The victim was transported to Berkshire Medical Center before being transferred to Baystate Medical Center for further care.
There is no indication that drugs or alcohol were involved in the incident. The victim was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.
Alex Kemp was a student at Williams College.
Emergency response included the Jiminy Peak Ski Patrol and Northern Berkshire EMS. The Berkshire State Police Detective Unit assigned to the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is overseeing the investigation. Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort has cooperated throughout the investigation.
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 6, 2025) — Reaction of citizens and students interviewed by THE PLANET regarding the recent drug/pedo situation at Pittsfield High School and the Berkshire Family YMCA ranges from cynicism to satire, disgust to disapprobation, aversion to abhorrence.
We have spoken to parents, students, Y members, school administrators and staff, and maybe the most important of all, the everyday, blessedly ordinary Kapanskis, Mary Jane and Joe, many of whom don’t even have kids in school yet who pay the bulk for the entire shell game.
Repeatedly, we have heard scoffing at the laughable assertion by every city “Official” who has publicly addressed the mess that they “knew nothing” of the goings on.
Right. These “Official” fakers get all “Sgt. Schultz” on us.
Our semi-representative sampling doesn’t believe them. Not a drop. Moreover, they view with suspicion the hiring of the Springfield law firm Bulkley Richardson Gelinas to conduct an “independent investigation.”
THE PLANET‘s jury will remain out on the probe until a final report is filed and resultant actions are or are not taken. We KNOW there have been nefarious dealings, and until it’s shown otherwise, we shall expect the probe to discover it and bring it up from the depths and onto the surface. Think Raising the Titanic.
Citizens, however, have been burned too many times for them to trust all will be on the up-and-up, with easily the majority feeling that somehow this hiring by the school committee is part of a long-game strategy to see that the budding scandal dies down and is forgotten–along with yet another lost opportunity for official fumigation and house cleaning. We fully understand their distrust.
What? They’re gonna trust Curtis? Marchetti? Esko?
———- ooo ———-
When asked about the scandal, students we spoke to openly laughed about authorities “not knowing.” The other thing that impressed us was that they think this is a big joke. That’s how far the PSD’s insane policies have taken our youth into woke Neverland. They have become thoroughly desensitized to anything concerning that four-letter word “sex.”
THE PLANET fully understands the Kapanski attitude. Just look at what we’ve seen so far:
- Shortly after the scandal broke, Supt. Jumpin’ Joe Curtis sends a memo, warning parents against speaking publicly about what they hear or know.
- PHS principal Maggie Elko tells students to keep their mouths shut, too, especially to the press.
- The school committee meets by Zoom and executive session and unilaterally hires a Springfield law firm to investigate, not daring to ask the state or Feds to do it.
- The city council meekly endorses the school committee’s actions.
- The continued silence of Curtis, Elko, and Marchetti.
Meanwhile, social media’s alight with “dynamic, vibrant” discussions to fill in the yawning gap left by silent and recalcitrant “Officials.” How much of the scandalous banter is true and how much is piling on? How will we ever know? The level of farce in this “nobody-knew-nuttin'” melodrama have taken L’affaire Pedodopa well beyond confirmable veracity.
Dems the condition and the context that Bulkley et. al. will be conducting its “independent investigation.”
Just sayin’.
“Nobody knows nuttin‘” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
It is hard for me to believe that the employees in Administration for the PPS didn’t know the background of the “Dancin Dean”, he was problematic as a child in the Pitts. Rumors abound which I tend not to put too much thought on but in this case I’m thinking where there is smoke there is probably some fire, One rumor was the “Dancin Dean” was having similar kids as he is to bully and beat up kids that didn’t look like him. After hearing the person speak of this at the Scohol Committee meeting I believe it gives it merit. This leads me to wonder if he was using these kids to do other things for him….is anyone investigating this?
“The Dancin’ Dean” … Perfect!!
Dan, i use my real name even on here. I would just like to comment on the whole mess. It should have come to light years ago. We all knew there were issues, but maybe not to this extent, and certainly not to the magnatude. Fact, our kids are getting a bad deal, the standards are being lowered, so they get less of an education, fact, the budget for the PPS district has increased by millions over the years, why, ok, some of the budget, and i have seen most all of them, have contractual agreements that must be met i get that, but a growing part of that has been for “administrative costs”. that to me, and to most folks means it cost more, to give bad education and a higher cost. Teachers are underpaid, without question, the supported staff is underpaid without question. The transportation, building needs are paid by the City Council, not truely reflexed in the Schools yearly budget, so when the City Council gets the budget for say 100 million, the actual cost is 150 million. We have seen students and parents that choose to send their children elsewhere, we in Pittsfield still have to pay for that education, so we are paying lenox to educate our children. in a perfect world, kids and families would want to keep the kids in our schools. Why is this not happening, because and no way to say it, we are not doing the job needed for them. Why, because in my opinion, our management can’t provide the needed leadership to make the tough calls to make it happen. So, what does this mean…..Management has to be let go, and those that can do it put in place. That takes voters ousting those that will not make the tough choices. Dan, Pols make touch choices all the time, the smart ones, explain why these are needed, the bad ones blame someone else for their failures…In short, The Pittsfield school committee and district administration needs an cleansing, enima if you would, that happens only if parents stand up, ask for and get answers, and are willing to stand up on election day and “pull the trigger” for new folks to lead, or at least ones that tell the truth to them openly.
Problem is “the fix” is always in the cards on voting day. There have been people who run to fix the broken system but they seem to get the votes
Didn’t ABBA have a song called the dancing Dean?
It is a foregone conclusion that the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who lives in Pittsfield will end up paying for this mess. They have to pay for a lot of shit sandwiches in Pittsfield politics. This one will be a big and super stinky one!
Aww; ain’t that artsy
Put a picture of stooge beside him then ask the question.
Curtis, Marchetti, Esko AND Bishop. Bishop was principal at both high schools until recently elevated to Asst Super. Another know-nuttin? These four amigos have some splainin’ to do.
Bishop is useless and feeble. His knees are scabbed from working his way up the ladder
A pawn.
Has anyone asked former corner office seat holder Tyer if she knew or heard anything, since much of this was happening in real time on her very own watch? She may have something to contribute but is just waiting for someone to interview her. She had eight full years so surely she saw or heard something right? The mayor does hear stuff? I am sure she wants to do the right thing for the students so they will no longer be taken advantage of because that would be just so sad if someone could help but was reluctant.
She is too busy busy bragging about tax payer funded free English lessons for illegals along with teaching them how to get free benefits, while she collects big taxpayer funded paycheck.
Tyers in a Kennedy cubicle raking in a no show cash job until retirement.
We can also point out misconduct in the Judiciary if we must. Right.
Mc Namara trafficked more than one minor to their death, on young boy , ran down in crosswalk, by court appointed foster parents.
see Josh Levy , resigned yesterday?
the us attorney’s office is shredding documents, as fast as they can.
lawyer up Josh:)
Think you missed the target with your Sgt Shults Hogan’s hero analogy especially with the gen x y or z’s They know as much about him as our generation would know about the Wicked movie. Think the biggest take away is the woke generation doesn’t see anything wrong. We have to remember these are not our kids under the new rules they are the administration’s. We’ll spend a pile of money only to find out all we need is to listen to the investigators on the correct way to hire administrators in the future.
“He has a right to criticize who has a heart to help.” —Abraham Lincoln
The School Committee meets Wednesday at 6:00. Bring your suggestions for how to help.
How about complain? OK if people complain or – heavens – object?
My suggestion, which is help: fire everyone in that pest-house of liars.
I suggest we vote this collection of clowns out.
You do Abe proud with that kind and courteous help.
“We voted them in, so good luck
Did we really????
5 seats, 5 candidates, one just a fresh out of high school child with no educational/life credentials.
What could go wrong?
And man boobs
People don’t even know what the school committee does. Maybe they’ll pay attention now
What if you are just a student who has a story to tell because no one else would listen to you? Or they listened and had a good chuckle? What if you had a good person do bad things to you? Can you speak out at this meeting or have your lawyer speak on your behalf if you try to keep withing the time limits so as not to say too much?
More than likely framed bribed or intimidated into silence.
the Daniel Ford protecal.
D fo a manager jock strap collector in 66
How about hiring competent adults to run the schools and the Mercer building. Curtis is a joke.
Lots of students were complaining to the school about sexual harassment, bullying, and drug use, but nobody listened. The powers that be do want to make these serious issues in the schools go away fast. Putting a silencing order on parents and students that have been victimized is unbelievable, but typical of Pittsfield. Parents and students should ignore that order and speak out.
No they want to victimize the children
That is a question to ask, “Why do we accept that the Administration that gets paid a lot of money did not know what was going on in what they are in charge of, Isn’t that their responsibility?”
You’re spot on target. It was and is their very responsibility to know what’s going on. What total incompetence.
All the Administration/officials who knew but did nothing, should be named as defendants on the big fat lawsuits that should be filed ASAP. That said why has the DA not filed any criminal charges ? Against the principals, pun intended.
Not a peep from PPD either.
Because capeless , Caccaviello and predecessors were in massmiano god boys club.
tell em Angelo sent you…
Wiggins v. Town of Egremont Police Department et al
The case Wiggins v. Town of Egremont Police Department et al. involves plaintiff Kipp M. Wiggins filing a civil rights lawsuit against the Town of Egremont Police Department, Officer Mathew O’Sullivan, unnamed supporting officers (“Does”), and Watson’s Automotive. The lawsuit, filed on August 14, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, alleges violations under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which addresses civil rights infringements.
Look for 18 usc 1512 lawsuits from Williams college sexual assault scandal- capeless and caccaviello covered up for perpetrator pals.
DOJ prior to Trump 2, all looked other way– professional courticy and campaign cash –
DOJ got busy after election, what were they doing for other 7 and a half years?
I Google’d: did trump cause trudeau’s resignation
Trump is a conservative, while Trudeau is a liberal. Canada’s national government will soon have to deal with Trump’s tariff threats, along with….
In Trump’s 1st 4-year term as U.S. President from 2017 – 2021, he increased the U.S. National Debt by a little less than $8 trillion with a global pandemic in 2020. Trumponomics favors the wealthy. Workers lost legal rights and faced lower pay. It did away with the U.S. Government’s joining of the Paris Climate Agreement, which Biden later rejoined, and which Trump will pull out of, once again. It is designed for a 20th Century industrial-based economy, but not for the 21st Century knowledge-based and technological postindustrial economy. He renegotiated trade deals with foreign nations. It is a shift away from globalization in politics and the economy.
My view of today’s news is that Canada, along with China, Japan, and other foreign nations, should all reject Trumponomics because the environment needs global partnerships, and the economy is too complex for the bygone industrial age of manufacturing’s heyday.
I believe that Trumponomics will cause Canada, China and Japan, and other foreign nations, to form their own modern trade deals, which would leave the U.S. economy in a bygone era, and be detrimental to the environment.
Jon Melle
Tredeau was afraid that Trump would expose Canadian bacon as just ham.
I wondered what was wrong with it.
Trump told him he would eliminate the rouge from the Canadian Football League
Good riddens to Justin Trudeau, another far leftist like Joe Biden who allowed open borders in his country and has created a lot of damage by doing the bidding of George Soros.
Marcon is next
I watched Trudeau getting smushed up in debate in his Oarliament a few days ago. It’s not tariffs. They are cheesed off by his lies. And now, he has simply run out of things to say, so he’s quitting.
Bucket of fraanchhh fries, bucket of cheese curds, bucket-o-gravy. Ay.
sounds like wimpy white’s lunch
Pardon the spelling of some words.
Even Paul Krugman isn’t stupid enough to believe your theory
TDS as usual your “facts” are inaccurate. Please look at other sources besides the DNC playbook for you information before you type.
Joe’s letting that online University of Phoenix degree really shine! It’s almost as bright as LaVante’s expired “dance teacher” licensure that qualified him as an administrator at the ripe age of 26.
Nothing to see here folks. At least Earl finally found a teacher that represents him, huh?
January 06, 2025
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
In the email below my name, Governor Maura Healey thanked me for my online messages to her regarding Pittsfield. She told me that my concern(s) about Pittsfield politics falls under local government’s authority.
I hope that the Governor of Massachusetts is concerned about Pittsfield’s crises in the public school district and elsewhere, such as the Pittsfield YMCA. Adults who work for Pittsfield and/or the YMCA should not have been having alleged sexual relations with minors. The Dean of Students at Pittsfield High School should not be alleged to have been trafficking cocaine. The now retired Pittsfield High School man English Teacher should not have been alleged to have sexually harassed a former young woman student.
While I live in Amherst, NH, Pittsfield, MA, is my native hometown. It is disturbing to read about these alleged controversial and scandalous events in Pittsfield. If I were the Governor of Massachusetts, I would meet with local officials in Pittsfield to provide state government assistance in resolving these legal matters.
Pittsfield’s officials have failed in their leadership. Why would I contact them instead of the Governor of Massachusetts when they are part of the problem(s) in Pittsfield?
The other thing here is that when I write to Governor Maura Healey and tell her how I feel about her own leadership, it is out of respect for her so that she may hear from a non-bureaucrat who doesn’t have to be a “kiss up” or “Yes man” to her in fear of losing their state government job or not being promoted due to their views of her public record as the state’s chief executive officer. My hope here is that I am helping her to see a different point of view than her own otherwise misguided public policies, such as cutting $400 million in the calendar year 2024 to state funding to social services, increasing state funding for gambling (regressive taxation; youth gambling addiction), and giving state lawmakers and other top state officials 11.39-percent pay raises when the Social Security cost of living adjustment in 2025 was 2.5-percent.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
From: Governor Healey’s Office
To: Jonathan A. Melle
Date: Monday, January 06, 2025 at 4:19 pm
Re: Governor Healey responding to your message
Dear Jonathan,
On behalf of Governor Maura Healey, thank you for your recent correspondence regarding Pittsfield. Your concern falls under your local government’s authority. We recommend that you contact your town or city hall for assistance. You can find contact information for your local city or town hall office on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website .
Again, thank you for contacting Governor Healey’s office and please feel free to contact our office in the future with any further questions or concerns.
Constituent Services Aide
Office of Governor Maura T. Healey
(617) 725-4005
Maura Healey “is concerned about Pittsfield crises,” states JM.
Did you not read the article about Maura Healey is demanding $425,000,000 from MA taxpayers to keep illegal alien shelters open beyond 1/31/25.
Seems Maura “misused” the COVID money on illegal aliens, rather than Americans, on who it was intended for.
On a good note, though, your home state of NH has done right in trying to rid the state of illegal aliens.
It certainly won’t make snowflakes like you JM, or the MA Illegal Aliens State Rep Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) upset, now made it a class B misdemeanor (crime) for illegal aliens to drive on MA licenses, unless they can prove citizen to validate that DL.
The Gov is also going to withhold taxpayer money from schools that house illegal aliens.
See now JM, that’s a governor you should be writing to and thanking him for making your state safe.
Ever thought about moving back to MA? Seeing how you fawn and gush over all the liberal women and their Marxist-like policies. I think it’d be a no-brainer for a whatever you ID as these days.
You should look into joining Tricia. Leigh and Paul Marx for the upcoming march in Washington, D.C.
Please tell them to RESIST the Trump administration on my behalf.
Thank you.
Yes he should do that and then present the expense report. That is a high maintenance crew going the distance to RESIST.
Image: Facncy cuts of pork with local persona and names on pretty tags boarding a bus.
Berkshire’s finest pork going forth to the country fair to RESIST
Can we pay the bus driver to leave them there?
Shoot, it’s your cartoon. You have the driver do anything you want.
Exactly Sir Chaz. HELLO TRICIA!!!!
At one time Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), touted herself as the “school children’s advocate.”
I guess marching with other liberal wingnuts suffering from TDS, takes priority over “school children,” being exposed to drug dealing, pedophiles in positions of authority trusted with the kids safety and welfare, and POC bullying white school children and others not in “the group,” takes PRIORITY over issues in the schools.
She never gets called out on this.
Representative Richie “Chinese Choo Choo” Neal just voted against a bill that would allow the government to export illegal criminals back to their country. Seems he doesn’t mind all the raping and killing
Why would I join them?
You’re the one who supports their Marxist agenda. You post about it nonstop.
JM, think about this for a minute. You deemed Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), the original “the lovely,” pre-Linda Flat Tyer and supported her policies, until she blocked your nonstop emails.
You two could make amends and march and talk about subjects near and dear to both of your hearts, like:
*Illegal Aliens First, Americans Last agenda
*Illegal Aliens take priority for housing in MA, over US Veterans
*Toxic White Male Masculinity
*Drag Queen Story Hour for Children
Should we book your plane ticket?
And you’re the boneheaded supporter of Biden, who is 1) busy releasing convicts and terrorists from prison in order to create more chaos for the incoming administration, and 2) issuing executive orders to stifle oil & gas production/energy independence.
Why do you hate America so much? It has provided a comfy living for you.
So Johnny, you don’t want POTUS Trump to fix the VA and give Veterans the benefits they deserve?
But you want those benefits to go to CRIMINAL ALIENS!
Your Goddess Maura Healey kicked out homeless Veterans, to house CRIMINAL ALIENS.
Then stole money allotted to the poor CITIZENS of mASSachusetts , to give the invaders free: housing, food/catering, medical care, transportation, and things she won’t admit to!!!
You should go to DC and advocate that YOUR VA BENEFITS go to CRIMINAL ALIENS!!!!
“Trump’s making a list, he’s checking it twice.
Gonna make sure they’re deported by I.C.E.
Tom Homan is coming to town…………
He sees them where they’re stealing, and hiding in Section 8.
When Maura Healey harbors them, she’ll be locked in jail, that’s great!!!
Melle better not cry, he better not pout, the CRIMINAL ALIENS are getting him kicked out.
Tom Homan is coming to town……”
She also cut the funding for the sick and elderly
JM should allow Maura to financially manage his VA benefits.
I bet he’d be singing a different tune about Maura when he checked his bank account for his monthly taxpayer gift, and it wasn’t there and never would return.
Instead, it went towards fighting Trump’s ICE and keeping child rapist/pedophile illegal aliens out of their custody. Or making sure they make it as difficult as possible to find them: a few of TFCB’s illegal MA DL’s under different names/DOBs, moved around the state in POOR NEIGHBORHOODS.
NIMBY-the older white, liberal, mantra.
Only in this ass backward town do we see so much incompetence , waste , and poor results . Take for example , Sherman , is on licensing board and also works for local establishment ? Sound ethical ? On top of it , he can’t run his own house , ask his wife . He is also paid under the table ( no tax , etc ) but works for the city ?? Tell me why we can’t ever get anything done , combined with waste , fraud , and complete disregard for ethical practices . Result . Look at High Schools .
Maybe KEV can get into the Way Back Machine with Mr. Peabody and go back to the Pleistocene Age, before the invention of Letters to the Editor.
You cant make it up , who does these things with no oversight?
Think its fair to other bars. How about bar across street from where he works .. How about the others on licensing board ? On top of it he s paid under the table ?taxes ? alimony?fraud? But writes letters to public and works for city?WTF
SHHHHH he’s working undercover, he has bartended at many establishments he is getting the goods!
Yea, and ye dog can take his letters with him!
Joe Curtis is making Jack Bailey principal at PHS. They’ll be a new program implemented called “would you like to be Dean for a day?”
Feel the beat from the tambourine… you can dance,you can jive, having the time of your life, $ee that girl,watch that $cene,digging the Dancing Dean.
With an IQ of 17
Janis Ian?
See that girl, watch the scene they’re under 17
As a service to the taxpayers perhaps Marchetti and White could pass out applications to opt out of the Pittsfield school system at this meeting. It would show good faith in trying to solve the problem they are not really trying to solve.
Casella needs to hire a hop man to pick up the strewn toters falling down from the wind. At least twenty five I’ve seen today.
The Cassella MOB has moved in on most trash collection in New England.
They are doing that already.
Morales looked it up in his big book off better bad ideas and declared it a non problem
Morales needs to put in a better ski jump on Holmes rd. The hill by Dawes Ave is too small!
I nominate Northbound on Holmes, at the bottom of the hill before the railroad bridge.
When Ricky’s minions neglect to plow, they can have contests to see if skiers can clear the railroad bridge and reach Shetland Dr.
Don’t drive Partridge or Oak Hill Ricky Rumpasses maze of molasses for the masses put up 8 speed bumps, Cars are already driving down the front lawns of the houses that are there
True true and true.
WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – A new report shows Massachusetts is one of the least popular states for people to move to.
Based on data from U-Haul, Massachusetts ranks 49th out of all states for growth and this ranking has remained the same since 2023. Last year, U-Haul customers coming to Massachusetts only accounted for 48% of one-way traffic with 52% leaving the state.
Some expressed concerns about the state’s healthcare, high cost of living coupled with relatively higher taxes, all playing a factor. For Nicky Santiago, the price of housing led him to move to
The only people willing to stay here are gangs,politicians,the Stoogeon and illegals.
You’re still here correct?
Is that artsy wrinkled up actress at the phonyonial still driving a comp car?
She’s a Stoogeon regular like Lumpy..
To rehabilitate yourself for this sort of thing in Pittsfield is simple: You open a restaurant and serve free food to the public. People will eventually forget your transgressions, they will even give you some votes for City Council, and it will empower you to be a complete asshole to your customers that dare challenge the quality of your service/food!
Wimpy White will review it
Original reply here???
He’ll come back Tuesday, for another free burger like today.
Yes. G,Daly.
Yes. Gladly
The 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics pounds people’s purses, but the city road remain pounded with potholes.
Where does the well over $200 million city and level 5 public school budget go to when Pittsfield’s potholes pound people’s vehicles, the school district is beset by controversy, and the 2-Pete’s are purging public participation at a time when the people and taxpayers want to speak?
Letter: “Time for another reality check on Pittsfield’s roads”
The Berkshire Eagle, January 7, 2025
To the editor: I am concerned about the condition of some of our roads.
I know pothole season has started early. East Street has numerous potholes all the way to the Dalton line. There are several large potholes in the middle of the road. It is challenging to avoid them, especially in the dark. Calls to the city pothole line haven’t resulted in any repairs. We had a few nice days; why weren’t they filled then?
Another area of serious concern is the Hubbard Avenue underpass. Repairs were made a couple of weeks ago in the center of the road only. It was a quick fix. Holes and broken pavement already have reappeared. Most of the time, only one car can go through at a time; nighttime is even worse. This road carries heavy delivery trucks, cement trucks and buses that break up the repairs. A more long-lasting repair is needed.
I am concerned that this is an accident waiting to happen. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I know I am not the only one worried about this.
Bill Hart, Dalton
Wait until you see what moonscape the unpaved portion of Holmes Rd will become by March.
File claims against the city/DPW.
Get a new set of ball joints/front end for free.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
How can I be the one to do the feasibility study for $1.5 million dollars for a new public school on the West Side of Pittsfield?
What about me getting my hands on Kufflink’s secret stashes and slush funds of Kapanski Ka$h?
How about me getting a cut of the loot from the recently replenished GE settlement fund for so-called economic development?
I could do it all with the same or similar past results in Pittsfield politics!
Jon Melle
P.S. Are there any Biden Buck$ left over for me to spend?
Looking at the Eagle’s front page today – it’s easy to see why students are school choicing out to Lenox!!
School safety a priority in Lenox. Supt. Collins implementing new procedures & training.
Teacher contract talks under negotiation in Pitt. Administrators under investigation.
Lenox is the bully Capital of the entire county.
Justice Rup worked . From 1980 through 1983, she served as a staff attorney with the Berkshire County office of the Massachusetts Defenders Committee !!! (taken off the Firm’s Website)
HOW INDEPENDANT CAN THIS BE WITH TIES BACK TO HERE !!!!! And the Board chair doing the Hiring !! Please we are not Stupid, and we will not sit back when we have a chance to clean house and get a fresh start!
Good point. We are told the law firm has no ties locally, and yet the lead investigator worked in the local system during the period you mention.
Rup is a pup when Dans transparency team is yup.
From what I heard students aren’t happy like the speakers at the school committee tonight.I personally know four students that say Taconic and PHS aren’t great at all? Why would they lie?
Trump is a genius…..
Below is the case for purchasing Greenland….
Coincidentally, just as an investigation is starting into the Pittsfield sochol system, the city is giving more into the demands of the teachers union in their new contract demands. Things were plodding along right up until many of these same teachers might be asked to give their opinions as to how well they thought the system was working. Will these teachers, who were right in the middle of the whole mess, interacting daily with the students, be less likely to bite the hand that feeds them, or will the welfare of their students bring out the mandated reporter in them as decent human beings?
Marchetti gave this long
kumbayah speech and got Zero applause.
Follow the money. Same old same old.
What’s happening in L A is not something that should happen. Blame the politicians.
Well, they spent the last decade swearing at you, me, and G-d. Now they are seeing some unusual things.
They are mandatory reporters by law, so “ those educators” better be cautious about playing the short game.
Jumpin’ Joe, Lumpy, and Wimpy White, will make sure the findings favor Bitchfield, in lieu of a “few bad apples.”
The problem will be the civil lawsuits from the aggrieved juveniles who had to look at, touch, or sample, their principals “goodie basket,” against their better judgement.
If any of those juveniles have ties to a certain coach in Bitchfield, as the late great Keith Jackson, used to say during college football games, “Whoa Nellie.”
Anyone know which pronouns the coach uses?
RIP Coach Markham.
Yes God Bless Sweet Lew.
At the Sochol Committee meeting tonight A woman just called Stooge look a like Curtis a liar.
Who’s representing the Disco Dean?
Mayor of L A cut the fire department budget by millions and is currently in Ghana celebrating somebody’s appointment while LA burns.
Everybody see the article today about another psycho Tobin getting shitcanned as Dalton Fire Chief? Chip off the old block carrying on the family tradition of getting fired from fire departments around the country. Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the crazy tree. Daddy got run out of Pittsfield, Florida and New Mexico and kid gets run out of Florida and Dalton. Guess it’s not the kids fault when it’s in the DNA.
Anyone remember when the crazy old man Tobin came speeding into one of the White Terrace fires running over one of his own departments hoses causing it to burst and flail around busting the leg of one of his own firefighters? Good times with that crazy bastard.
Reflections on Justice: My Experience with the Berkshire Legal System
Recently, I’ve found myself at the crossroads of several high-profile legal cases in Berkshire County, and the timing is striking. My personal encounter with the Egremont Police, where I faced excessive force and dismissed charges, coincided with the discovery of a federal civil rights lawsuit, Wiggins v. Town of Egremont Police Department. At the same time, the Pittsfield Dean of Students, Lavante Wiggins, was charged in a federal drug conspiracy case. These events, overlapping so closely, have forced me to reflect on the broader systemic issues within Berkshire County’s law enforcement and judicial systems.
Patterns of Police Misconduct
My case, where the Egremont Police used excessive force, is not unique. The federal lawsuit against the Egremont Police Department, particularly Officer Mathew O’Sullivan (who is on the Brady List for credibility issues), highlights a pattern of misconduct. The allegations in Wiggins v. Egremont mirror my own experience and suggest a troubling culture of overreach, lack of accountability, and possible profiling. These patterns demand scrutiny, yet they seem to persist without meaningful reform.
A Question of Priorities
While my charges were dismissed, it’s hard to ignore how the DA’s office chooses to focus its resources. On one hand, they dismissed three of my charges, possibly due to weak evidence or police credibility issues. On the other, they’ve launched a federal case against Lavante Wiggins, the Pittsfield Dean of Students, for drug distribution—a case that dominates headlines. It feels like high-profile cases are prioritized to distract from systemic failures, leaving individuals like me to grapple with the aftermath of their overreach.
Overlapping Cases and Systemic Failures
The timing of these cases is peculiar. My experience with excessive force aligns with the federal lawsuit against the Egremont Police. Simultaneously, the Pittsfield Wiggins case raises questions about community trust and law enforcement focus. These overlapping cases paint a picture of a system that struggles with internal accountability, prioritizing optics and prosecution rates over fairness and reform.
The Bigger Picture
Looking deeper, Berkshire County’s legal system has long struggled with systemic issues:
Police misconduct goes unchecked, as evidenced by repeated allegations against Egremont officers.
Judicial and prosecutorial practices often seem more focused on optics than on justice, as seen during David F. Capeless’s tenure as DA.
Vulnerable individuals—like myself, a TBI survivor—are disproportionately targeted or profiled.
These patterns demand attention, not just for the sake of those directly affected but for the integrity of the system as a whole.
A Call for Accountability
My experience, combined with the revelations in Wiggins v. Egremont, has reinforced my belief that systemic reform is urgently needed. We need transparency in how police and prosecutors operate. We need oversight to prevent abuses of power. And most importantly, we need a justice system that prioritizes fairness and accountability over appearances.
As I navigate this process, I hope that sharing my story sheds light on these issues and inspires others to demand change. The legal system should protect us, not work against us. It’s time to hold it accountable.
Kipp M. Wiggins has been involved in multiple legal proceedings, including civil rights lawsuits and criminal cases, primarily in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
1. Civil Rights Lawsuits:
Wiggins v. Town of Egremont Police Department et al. (2024): Filed on August 14, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, this lawsuit alleges civil rights violations under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the Town of Egremont Police Department, Officer Mathew O’Sullivan, unnamed supporting officers, and Watson’s Automotive.
Wiggins v. O’Sullivan et al. (2022): Initiated on November 28, 2022, in the same court, this case involves similar allegations against Officer Mathew O’Sullivan and the Town of Egremont Police Department.
2. Criminal Proceedings:
State v. Wiggins (2015):
Protective Order Violation (2010):
3. Alleged Stalking Incident (2008):
These cases indicate a history of legal challenges involving Kipp M. Wiggins, encompassing both civil rights claims and criminal allegations.
Not yours they are my own; you broke both of my hands you fucking assholes.
Vicky Smith is a snowflake. Please take your seat
On second thought she’s bringing up some good points
Dumpy Lumpy don’t need no donuts.
Lumpy was in the band? Tuba player I’m guessing.
That time in band camp.
Wonder if the PHS band had uniforms back in Lumpy’s day? Find it totally shameful and embarrassed for the PHS Band when they are marching in the parades. To think that taxpayers are paying for a totally bloated school budget, and they can’t afford to provide uniforms. They would rather add more useless positions in their screwed up nonproducing administration.
As far as the Scohol Committee, never seen so many people so out of touch. What have they done since being voted in, they basically just like to hear themselves expel hot air, especially Mayor Lumpy.
Health care is expensive these days but if you join the city council you and your family get a 90 percent free ride and all you need to do is vote as instructed on any given issue.
Benhke is pushing for electric school busses. Great if you want to incinerate innocent children
Fly them to sochol. Parachutes also.
She’d want electric helicopters
They will run 30 minutes on one charge. 15 if loaded.
They are also very heavy and will beat roads to a pulp
That’s the thing about the electric trucks. The weight plus their load give them a 20-30 run time. They can only be used on warehouse sites.
She knows that the taxpayers do not care how high their taxes are or if they have to eat cat food or lose their homes. She is one of those upper class snobs that only cares about her own class success. Man others like her on the school and city councils.
Also incinerate the taxpayers. Electric buses cost twice as much as traditional buses. Stop the Green bullshit, I can’t afford it. Climate change is real, humans have no bearing on it. Climate was changing before humans and will continue long after.
Tell the kids to walk….now that’s a novel idea
I’m done listening to people bitch about Pittsfield…I always ask did you vote and if so who for? They either don’t vote or they vote for the same liberal democrats.
Can we still bitch about the boring broadsheet?
Are you suggesting that there are choices Joe? Choices not to vote for liberal democrats in Pittsfield? Do you believe the bloated money bag special interests are going to allow Joe regular guy to get over five percent of any votes?
I vote every election, have run for office and it seems I never pick a winner
At tonight’s school committee meeting a woman in the public session alleged that she had email proof that Curtis was a liar. Later on in the meeting Cameron defended Curtis. Since when is the chairman of the school committee there to defend the administration. The fix is in.
Yeah saw that,Cameron’s shelf life has expired.
As well as his haircut
And none of those kids who spoke up saying how nice their school was were coerced into doing so. They just thought it all up by themselves and there was no extra credit involved at all.
Well, you knew it wouldn’t take long before Bitchfield and the Pedofield Pubic Scohols, would roll out the tried and true, “It’s racist,” comments, to divert attention away from the real issues of drug dealing, bullying of non-POC students, and pedophilia.
The Eagle, placed on the front page a photo of a 15 y/o black female student, from PHS, who claims “racist passive aggressive behavior have emerged,” ever since the Dancin’ Dean got arrested.
Jessmirac Perry, stated she overheard the comment, “Of course Mr. Wiggins dealing drugs; he’s a black man with a Maserati.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but what part of that statement is false? The Dancin’ Dean is black (check), deals drugs (check), and drives a Maserati (check).
I’ll be nice to her, seeing as Jessmirac is only a kid, but she and others better start realizing very soon, 2020 is over. Tossing out the “racist” comments only work with the liberal-loons. The rest of us witnessed what has occurred over the last 4+ years with “social justice experiments” and the end result. WE ARE WATCHING IT PLAY OUT LIVE IN FRONT OF US NOW!!!!
If you click the link, you’ll see DISGRACED PHS principal Maggie Esko, in the background. How is she still employed, or not on administrative leave herself?
This conduct by her subordinates ALL occurred UNDER HER WATCH!!!!
Mr. Valenti. My neighbor has a student at phs p,she says the place is a zoo. I’ve known this person like a sister,she wouldn’t lie to me?
As humanitarians both Carters were the best. As President Jimmy was one of the worst ever.
So I’m listening to the police scanner and the only one pulling drivers over is a woman with an accent?
Perhaps she is the only one assigned to traffic control?
Did she mention who her own supplier is?
The powers that be in the school actually had two students come forward at last nights school committee meeting to say that their school is a good school despite the problems. Nobody is saying the students at Pittsfield High School are at fault and there are good people in the school. Unfortunately it is the adults at the top and the political agenda of the adults in the school that is the problem. This situation has to be political because the Democrats have made everything political by pushing their agenda into all of our institutions. We’ve seen it in every area of our lives so Bill Sturgeon coming forward to say “Don’t make this political” is a joke because the Democrats have made everything political.
It’s about elected people, therefore it has to be political.
Sounds like all the PHS kids who spoke last night were coached by the administration
Dan. I’d like to send a platter of meat and biscuits to stooge and cost a plenty, can you help with that?
Exactly. Two kids and Lumpy cheering them on? That’s not a mandate.
Two for 12 maybe. My own knowledge is from two parents who’s own/ students tell them Taconic and Bitchfield high aren’t great at all.
Dan just saw a commercial with the great Broadway Joe Namath. He states he wears cheap hearing aids just for you.
Superintendent, School safety officer,and business Superintendent all need to be removed for the secret deals and the culture of do not report any problems.Those 3 must go.If they are not fired then the culture of the school system continues forever.Mrs.Archey was on the school committee when they had to let that secret Superintendent resign to.
Check with Lumpy. He has better bad ideas.
Naw.They wouldn’t do dat.
Condolences. Very tragic. May Peace be his.
Does dumbo Behnke realize this?
AI Overview
Electric school buses are heavier than diesel school buses because of the weight of their batteries. The weight of an electric school bus depends on the type of bus.
Diesel school bus: A typical 72-passenger diesel school bus weighs around 24,300 pounds.
Electric school bus: A 72-passenger electric school bus weighs around 36,000 pounds.
Types of electric school buses
Type A: These small buses weigh less than 10,000 pounds and can carry up to 30 passengers.
Type C and D: These buses weigh more than 10,000 pounds and can carry up to 72 people.
Impact on infrastructure
The increased weight of electric school buses can cause more wear and tear on roads.
The increased weight can also require infrastructure upgrades, such as bridges and maintenance lifts.