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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, TRUMP INAUGURATION DAY, 2025) — For those who may not have attended mayor Peter Marchetti’s state-of-the-city speech, THE PLANET presents this copy. It has been notarized as “true to form” by the accounting firm that annually examines the city’s books, so you know it must be accurate.

———- ooo ———-

Good evening!  Thank you for joining me for the 2025 State of the City address. I will be providing you with a recap of my first year in office, but before I get started, I must share a few important acknowledgements.

First, to Lavante Wiggins, the Dancin’ Dean. Running his alleged (cough, cough) drug empire while employed by the Socohl Department brought the city wonderful attention from the federal government. I also thank Alison Shepard, Tank Roberson, Maggie West, and the many other as-yet unnamed co-conspirators in our schools. Please know that I appreciate your willingness to pick up the phone when I call and offer your assistance wherever and whenever possible. Ours is important work. It’s for The Children. Know that I share this intense interest in the underaged, especially boys.

Bitchfield mayor Peter Marchetti after delivering his state of the city speech.

Thank you to the members of my administration, city and school staff, and school committee, who have joined us this evening. I appreciate your commitment to keep in tact the utterly dysfunction and corrupt culture we have created in providing the best service possible to drug dealers, pedophiles, cheaters, and the unqualified, at the expense of the hard-working, decent teachers who actually care about kids. Fortunately, we have made great progress during year one to maintain the atmosphere of FEAR that keeps good folks from speaking out about is happening.

All the while, we have fattened our own larders … or what are Insiders for? I applaud this amazing accomplishment.

To the members of the City Council: thank you for being partners in this important work. I know these last few weeks have been challenging for the way they threaten to expose the graft, but I have made a commitment to keep the recent investigations as hidden as possible. I remind all residents to be patient as we work through the investigation. We shall put the “fix” in and hide massive evidence of knowing wrongdoing.  We will make sure that this community will NEVER be entitled to, nor will they be given, the truth.

In the spirit of providing more efficiency, the city will be launching a new municipal website. This transition will help is to hide our nefarious activities and continue the important work of propagandizing from a central location brainwashing attempts to keep Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski in the dark while they continue to pay our freeloading.

As many of you can attest to, I spend a lot of my time downtown. Whether I am there on official business or just stopping in to grab a free lunch, I practically break my legs in staying away from the many downtown shareholders who are currently getting screwed by manner in which downtown has deteriorated in this past year. I am proud to say that public safety has deteriorated. Drug use and dealing are up, shootings and stabbings have become “normal,” and decent citizens stay away from downtown as much as possible.

As I transitioned to Mayor, I have learned that sometimes you must pivot, especially when it comes to the con game we are running at City Hall. During the campaign, I placed a large focus on destroying my opponent through a massive campaign of lies. Of course, I did this work through third parties so I could have “plausible deniability.” To ensure my “victory” I made sure the absentee ballot were escorted to the proper officials in Tupperware containers carried by one of my in-laws. My campaign managers also wrote and placed a false article in the Berkshire Eagle, which obediently printed it as we ordered.

Throughout this past year, I have taken an active role in making sure Public Services makes city roads, byways, sidewalks, and all pubic means of conveyance as annoying, unresponsive, and frustrating as possible. This is an ongoing work in progress, something we can always improve upon.

FY25 Budget

These numbers are a reflection of the work we’ve accomplished both as a city and as a community.
— 12-New Business Openings … 68 businesses closed or left town.

— 39-New Appointments to Boards and Commissions. All cronies.
— 66-Reappointments. Ditto.
–$13,534,542.60-amount of grants/gifts in 2024. $13,534,542.59 unaccounted for.
–$40.6 million-ARPA money used to make Shirley Edgerton happy.

Pittsfield is many things to many people. The one thing that I know about Pittsfield is that you, the Kapanskis, are all fucked, and I hope to keep it that way. In fact, those are the orders from my Masters.

Thank you all for being here this evening as we move forward into this new year of promise, progress and possibilities!


You can fool all of the people all of the time” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I’m not fluent in dumb-azz but Marchetti’s state-of-Bitchfield’s speech roughly traslated:

Is like wanting to be the first to turn in your test in class just to fail. Just proves Pete is dumb & probably should have never been in that
class to begin with.

Deep Wawter
Deep Wawter
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

For the most part the city’s plowing has been stellar except for today trash day. My neighbor who is elderly was unnecessarily plowed into the driveway. Literally went two feet on her front yard and sent it three feet into her driveway. It’s now frozen. Do they do this on purpose? Anyway I’ll have to put her trash into my bin. The totes suck. It’s a good concept but truthfully they are still messy and problematic with the shitty little plastic wheels and too heavy trash. There’s no buoyancy especially with wind and ice.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

January 19, 2025

A few years ago, similar mockeries were written against then Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington. In 2025, Berkshire County District Attorney Tim Shugrue, along with 3-term Berkshire County Sheriff Tom Bowler, and my relative, Mayor Peter Marchetti, have all watched as things have become even worse in Bitchfield. I guess Andrea Harrington should NOT have been scapegoated after all!

Pittsfield is always in an endless downward spiral because the postindustrial small city-fiefdom in the beautiful Berkshires of Western Massachusetts is always ruled by fear, retribution, and the same group of low-gene-pool political insiders.

I was conspiratorially persecuted, bullied, and defamed in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts because the millionaire political brat Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior had a vindictive vendetta against my dad, Bob Melle, since the mid-1990’s. Mad Trapper posted an image of a broken record and wrote that I am beating a dead horse, but what am I supposed to do about Luciforo’s mean-spirited and unusual actions against me: Jon Melle? Should I just bend over for Luciforo so that he can shove it up my….?

It has been the definition of INSANITY in always predictable Pittsfield politics – they constantly do the same things expecting different results, but nothing ever changes for the better in Bitchfield. The state and local politicians lie to get elected, and then they turn around and do nothing but DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield. The 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics number one lie is that they want a UNIFIED Pittsfield with the sitting Mayor’s 2023 campaign tagline: ONE Pittsfield.

The Berkshire Eagle has blacklisted me from publishing my political letters for a little less than 21 years now. The aforementioned Dirty Bird yellow journalism rag defended Alex Morse, published their hit-job against John Krol, and wrote about the framing of the late Bernard Baran by the St. Joseph High School Good Old Boys club of alleged sexual deviants (I.e. camp counselor Carmen whose ghost haunts PHS), but when it comes to me – Jon Melle – I must not exist.

I do exist. Blogger Dan Valenti acknowledges me by allowing me to post my writings on his blog that is mostly about Pittsfield politics (and beyond). The Boston Herald occasionally publishes my letters. The NH Union Leader occasionally publishes my letters, too.

I feel like Pittsfield, Berkshire County, and Massachusetts politics is akin to The Twilight Zone’s episodes with political overtones. I feel like you have to be part of the one (Democratic) party group-think that uses political propaganda to cover-up the truth and reality. For decades now, I have been told it is the same everywhere, but myself, I have lived in the Pittsfield-themed Twilight Zone episode(s).

Over 2 decades ago, Jimmy Ruberto lied when he said that he would not continue Pittsfield’s incestuous-like leadership. Sara Hathaway ended up suing the city around one decade ago, but I/we are sorry for her loss as a wronged Schoolmarm. Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior also sued the city over his past pot permit payments, and his marijuana company took home $341,000 in city FREE CASH loot from Mayor Peter Marchetti and all but 1 no vote on the City Council in 2024.

What I am trying to convey, and to be as clear as possible, the career politicians in Pittsfield are all failed leaders from the late Bar-stool, to the Aberration turned Schoolmarm, to the Rolodex resident of Florida, to the Mayor Montello bust, to the vibrant and dynamic Gated Community school secretary, to the Openly Gay, 90-day Grace Period 300-pound gas bag, to Voltron White-wash the Pork-chop….

Jon Melle

Deep Wawter
Deep Wawter
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Green new deal officially done.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Jonny you are a broken record you keep posting the same thing and people don’t want to read depressing stories like this.
Why don’t you write about happy things in your life like your navy career or when your dad finally accepted you coming out of the closet. We all get it Andy Nucciforo jilted you and you can’t get over it. Was he your first love or crush or something?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Eric Swansin
1 month ago

How many weeks do you think his Navy career was?

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

I believe he served proudly in the Navy for 4-5 months. Unfortunately Johnny never promoted to seamen. He left the navy as a seamen apprentice.

Reply to  Eric Swansin
1 month ago

Probably swallowed seaman

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

About as long as Bill Belichick’s head coaching career with the NY Jets.

Split Decision
Split Decision
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Dan hope this isn’t your new mantra? allowing a bottom feeder to run the same rants because of his copy and paste and Prose? I didn’t think broken records were allowed on here. Talk about a long leash.

ASIDE Please…..why the fuck is gasoline up twenty cents from a week ago?…..Where are our reps and state officials?

Aside…so the President of Bitchfield city council let in a phone call at that Open Mike from jail? Yet they’ll put a former Viet Vet in jail for arguing for being late,in a storm that night and escorted to jail. W T F

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

I understand….all to well. Pittsfield = RETRIBUTION. Pittsfield politics = Propaganda instead of reality. Jon Melle = blacklisted but believed.

Catarina Oleswego Natchez
Catarina Oleswego Natchez
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Maybe he can learn a new word then like stooge guy on pct. Redundancy. It gets old and not even remotely funny. Something going on there with these two.

Reply to  Split Decision
1 month ago

It’s called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I know it’s a strange concept in the “Berkshires” but it is a fundamental right in America. Just scroll down and you don’t have to read his retelling of the same story over and over. Differences of opinions hopefully keeps everyone sharp and with an open mind may help everyone grow and look at things broadly instead of in a myopic view.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

100% Trap was right about you being a broken record! Give it a Andy break for the love of God. I think I can count on one hand who hasn’t heard one of your Andy screed’s. It’s like you don’t want to move on from it purposely.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Be cautious with your posts OP.

Much like Andy, you could draw the wrath of LUIGI MELLE and never hear (or read) the end of it.

Slip Maphony
Slip Maphony
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

No caution needed our anti crime and anti illegal,green new deal,birthright,d e i,Biden crime family President just freed up all speech. If your in the public eye you can say anything you want,Period.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Wholly agree that living in Pittsfield is like living in the Twilight zone

1 month ago

Well said Dan. It sums up Pittsfield politics perfectly. Nobody is looking out for the working class. The garbage mess sums it up perfectly with poor people having to pay to have their garbage taken away because one 48 gallon toter isn’t big enough for the majority of the citizens of this city, but nobody cares.

On the national scene, Democrat Joe Biden does last minute pardons of Dr. Fauci, retired General Mark Milley, members of the staff and the house committee who investigated January 6th and even some police officers who testified before the committee. Despite what Biden says, this is admitting that all of these people have something to hide and want to remain in the shadows. Corruption right to the very end of this Biden administration.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Well said Dan. It sums up Pittsfield politics perfectly. Nobody is looking out for the working class.

Spot on Pat!

The clowns of Bitchfield leadership can’t help themselves from foisting their self inflicted rising debts -costs from their political doings on the working class people. They love spending money they don’t have and taking money from the struggling working class to give to others, It’s their whole point of existence.

1 month ago

Happy MLK day. I would like to congratulate the progressive liberals for squashing MLK’s dream, “Not to be judged by the Color of their skin but by the content of their character “. In Pittsfield we have the Black Economic Council and R.O.P.E both non-profits are for people of color only. Not very inclusive. When will our tax dollars stop going to these racist organization? PS Happy Take Out The Trash Day, too.

Deep Wawter
Deep Wawter
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

No more muffled speech. Bitchfield.

Deep Wawter
Deep Wawter
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

No more trans in sport or bathrooms. No d e i…illegals dreamers. are gone. No tax on ssi . Southern border new deal gone with the moon……

Split Decision
Split Decision
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Yes happy milk day.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Pittsfield’s disproportionately over 55 years old population are paying the city an average of a little over $6,000 per fiscal year in local taxes and fees. Mayor Peter Marchetti will serve one or possibly 2 terms in his current elected office whereby he earns a city public pay of over 6-figures plus public perks, and then he will receive a 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life.

Let us break this down, please. Pittsfield’s senior citizens will end up paying Pittsfield tens of thousands of dollars each for the 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics over a time period of 4 to 8 years, while Mayor Peter Marchetti will receive well over 6-figures per fiscal year in city public pay/pension plus perks for life.

I thought that the government is supposed to serve the people and taxpayers to make life better for us common people, but the opposite is true/reality. The toters are perfect illustration of the 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics!

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Excellent post

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Ever notice how these left wing so called activist and not for profit people always have thousands of dollars? And the left accuses capitalists of
being crooks!

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Start an all white group or white entertainment tv and look out what happens

1 month ago

Spot on Dan!
We should demand ultra transparency in and throughout this investigation. There have always been high levels of corruption in this city, but this is blatant.
Moreover, the Pittsfield School System has always covered up these kinds of things. I can speak to this as someone who experienced some of this and even after asking for help no one dud a thing. It has been going on for many generations and I suppose after so long of getting away with it, they just figure they can keep abusing their power and abusing children with 0 consequences.

1 month ago

I was impressed by the crowd giving Lumpy a squatting ovation. Go Lumpy.

Catarina Oleswego Natchez
Catarina Oleswego Natchez
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Same people at flats state of city were at lumpys.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Catarina Oleswego Natchez
1 month ago

The place was practically empty

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
1 month ago

Pittsfield use to be a working mans town. Now it is a special interest town and the whole government, and I include the city council, school committee and all, if not especially, appointed committees who are the heart and soul of special interest money grabs, reflect that.

Some asshole back in time spoke of a government “of the people and for the people”. If there ever was such a thing it has long since died and it sure as hell is not going to resurrect itself in Pittsfield, Ma. These people are more like the board of directors for a big company making decisions that will effect their bottom line.

Newspaper is still pushing for the 30 million dollar “ballpark” while at the same time speaking of hard times and fiscal responsibility. Wonder what’s in it for them. Or are they also on the board of directors for special interests?

Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

as Dan likes to quote, governments do attract a lot of evil men.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

Some folk in the psycho therapy field think it is the lack of accountability, grafting and ladder climbing access that attracts some people to government, many of them whose psyche suggests a lack of moral character and a deep feeling of superiority.

And some of these folk see halos and crowns when they look into the mirror. And they smile at their reflection and pat themselves on the back as they head out the door each morning.

But when a political group gives large and enduring tax breaks to millionaire owned business s and then turns around and raises taxes ever higher on the elderly community to make of for the lost income, this suggests a deeper cruelness and insensitivity. But maybe that also is just easier than standing up like a real man or woman.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

All true. Yes.

Reply to  Gimmee More
1 month ago

They are just doing the liberal system of brainwashed as Nancy Pelosi was videotaped stating “you lied then your work is done. You just have to keep it in the media every now and then” It’s how liberal politics work!

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Somebody Cares
1 month ago

Proposed no less than by the serial sexual harasser Kenny Warre

KC Neighbor
KC Neighbor
Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

All he did was bring some flowers.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

How much does he owe the city in back taxes? Eagle did a story on it a while back. Has he paid anything?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

That was nonsense.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Sir…..why was that nonsense? Warren has multiple properties with back-due taxes. As a councilor this is unacceptable. How can he make decisions on tax payer money when he owes unpaid taxes?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Shitzfield
1 month ago

That report was a political hatchet job to smear 4 councilors who voted against rate hikes. They introduced it in those terms.

It was not a report on tax scofflaws. There are such people, and they are legit subjects, but that report was crap. In fact, it did not even mention the properties you reference, so it was an incompetent hit job.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

I recommend that you pay your taxes to a different muny. You’re just feeding thieves now, and that is unethical.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

I’m just going by what was reported in the roll call of tax delinquents posted int he eagle. Plain as day…..along with all the other delinquents.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Shitzfield
1 month ago

Sounds like a different report.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Sounds like we are talking about different reports.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

“….we’re trying to address a serious problem of sexual abuse in the schools,” Kenny Warren said.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

A pound of smoke.

Gimme More
Gimme More
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

You are only getting an ounce from the mayor. And that is under one of three shells you see before you. Meaning, you may not even get that ounce.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

As of recently, we also learned you could buy a pound of coke from the Dancin’ Dean on the doorsteps of PHS. Go inside those doors and beware, pedophiles lurk.

The Dancin’ Dean,
His coke was pure and clean,
and not cut or covered in afro-sheen,
He is the Dancin’ Dean……
Students toot up and float the school halls like kings and queens,
He normally couldn’t get a job cleanin’ latrines,
instead, he got a job being the Dancin’ Dean,
His coke is pure and clean……

Knotter Dumb
Knotter Dumb
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Dan It’s GOOD……

1 month ago

If you really want a mind f*** about how much pedophilia happens in American public schools, what is the name of the principal on The Simpsons and what is that slang for?

1 month ago

Trying to figure out what our city leaders mean by “One Pittsfield”, is this a new slang for “Destroy Pittsfield”?
So far they have destroyed our roads, our industrial base, the Kapanski’s savings, our reputation through the country for a nice place to live, our schools, our feeling of safety, our parking spaces, and last our belief in the American Dream!
Good job, I feel like the main character in the book 1984!

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago


Gimme More
Gimme More
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Pittsfield is a bit like a Rave. There are thousands of taxpayers standing around trying to find some enjoyment in life while the Special Interests body surf on top of them waving their arms and sucking all the oxygen out of the peons beneath them.

Reply to  Gimme More
1 month ago

Dan, regarding Gimme and SK – do not their points jive with my comparison to cryonic people?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

Outfox too. They all see it.

1 month ago

I beg to differ on your column today regarding the Mayor.
Snow removal efforts have been stellar.
Trash removal stellar. Only seems to be a problem for 1) large households, and 2) residents who didn’t read/study literature provided on new toter system.
Fail on school transparency. Why hasn’t PHS principal been fired for her Asst. Principal’s behavior and her two Deans of Students behavior? Curtis & Bishop denying knowledge of issues is not believable. Heads need to roll.

Gimme More
Gimme More
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

There are two elderly in my household. Perhaps 2 or 3 out of 4 weeks out of the month the tiny toters are enough. Then they are not. And this is not considering tossing anything like a lawn chair or an old clothes hamper or night stand with a broken leg. Basic trash. This means that under Marcettis finger up the ass, knife in the back to the taxpayer move, I will have to take 12 trips a year to the transfer station that I can ill afford like so many others.

I am not against toters at all. I am against tiny toters.

Probably recycle more than most.

This was nothing more than handing a gift to a special interest. It is what Pittsfield does best. And they do it largely on the backs of senior citizens whose plight they seem oblivious to.

Marchettis is tossing around million upon millions of dollars for things the taxpayers neither need or want. He could have done the next size up toter but he is having too much fun twisting the knife.

Reply to  Gimme More
1 month ago

I give another helpful tip. Rent a chipper from Carr Hardware. All that crap will shred nicely and wash away on Rumpas’s drain system. Use a Carr issue 2 stroke Stihl Power Broom, German capable cleaning device. Neighbors can share the rental.

In sincerity,
Very truly yours,
Sir Chaz, Knight of the Milwaukee 20v Power Drill/Driver and Fiskars 8# Splitting Maul aka Thor’s Hammer.

Last edited 1 month ago by Sir CHAZ
Reply to  Gimme More
1 month ago

Buy a sawsall or a backyard fire pit.

Reply to  Gimme More
1 month ago

The “official” word out of city hall is the toters are loved by all. Well I will let them in an a little secret I work with many people from Pittsfield (over 100) and I have yet to hear anything said positively about the toter program, in fact it has all been negative,

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

Trump has scammed Valenti and MAGA.No normal voter would vot for a felon,rapist traitor.Only a cult would support Trump.You boys are sick men like Eber and the former Sherrif you share the same culture that allowed this at PHS and the administration….This is America 2025

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

The Democrats own the (very large) brain-dead vote and that’s a
powerful asset.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  danvalenti
1 month ago

These must be hard times for School Committee

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

The Leftists cult are fundamentally angry. They envy and detest successful businesspeople and the things they build ,it reminds them what losers they are. “Why should they have all that money? How do I (democrats)get some of that?” Through taxes, political contributions/bribes, overregulation, and lawfare.

And they sure hate

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

Who did you vot for?

Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

TDS,TDS,TDS…it’s back!! Don’t let facts and reality change your brainwashed ideas….keep lying like Nancy tells you, maybe you will get elected/appointed to a position!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

TSC, most of don’t live in a drug or alcohol induced stupor daily like you do. Let me point out a few things to help you better understand this:

*MAGA members vote, not vot.

*MAGA members have an above 5th grade edubacation and no how to spel, unlike you.

*What political affiliation does/did “Eber and the former Sheriff” vote? I’ll give you a hint, the last 3 letters spell RAT

*No female member of President Trump’s family EVER wrote in a diary that he showered with her when they were a juvenile, unlike Xiden’s youngest daughter, Ashley. **PEDOPHILE

*The democRAT party tried to normalize Drag Shows for Kids and Men’s in Women’s bathrooms/sports.

*The democRAT party accelerated the racist DEI program, and we are now bearing witness to the many disasters across the country and here locally.




I hope that clarifies “The Cult,” for you TSC. You happen to be a card carrying, wack-job member, of that cult.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 month ago

TSC, You and D-Rats own the PPS pedo/drug debacle, and the current shitshows in PITTSfield and mASSachusetts.

Trump is a patriot, was never convicted of rape of the fugly demented left wing nutcase, and Merchan will be disbarred or censored for presiding as the head Kangaroo in Trump’s NY “trial”.

That was misdemeanor NY STATE charges, past the statute of limitations, illegally refiled as felonies. Trump was also faced with illegal gag orders and not allowed to present a proper defense. That case should have been dismissed outright.

D-Traitor Joe’s 2025 went out with a bang! Creepy Joe pardoning rapists, murderers, murderers on death row, pedophiles, the entire Biden family Crime Cartel, traitor “General” Millie, The J6 Kangaroos including Schiff/Cheney/Swalwell.

Why did the Biden family, and the J6 Kangaroo’s need PREEMPTIVE PARDONS? What heinous crimes against Americans/America have they committed?

It will come out as they can now be compelled to testify without 5th amendment protections. If they refuse, they will be jailed for contempt until they comply.

Joe forgot to pardon Pelousey and Mayorkas, they should face a tribunal for treason.

Millie should be recalled into the military, busted to a private, and stationed in Nome Alaska

Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

Can’t fire the Principle yet because that is the recommendation from the lawyer we are paying bundles of cash. If she’s gone the fingers would have to point at Mercer.

1 month ago

Inauguration festivities were amazing! Got to stay home & watch the whole thing on CSPAN. May Trump succeed in turning our country around and out of the hole the Globalists have dug for us.
Biden pardoned his whole family on the way out the door, including also Fauci, Cheney & J6 Committee. How can they be pardoned when they haven’t yet been charged? Legality of this to be challenged.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

Those pardons will he all that is left for posterity to remember. But, now with legal jeopardy removed, those pardoned can expect an avalanche of subpoenas.

Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

*be all that is left

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

What a great day to be waking up in the US with a real President in charge and not having a democRAT shadow government (Obama) anymore, who’s sole intent is to destroy the country.

With Trump’s XO’s, he eliminated:

*Federal racist (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t programs.

*Took steps to remove the US from the corrupt World Health Organization-headed up by (not an MD) Dr. Vaccine, Bill Gates.

*Ended the Paris Accord Agreement and the “climate change” hoax.

*Secured the border with military troops.

*Releasing the J6 political prisoners.

*With the pardons Xiden gave the J6 Committee, if you still feel this was an “insurrection,” let me be the first to call you “a dumb a***ole.” Innocent people DON’T need pardons, nor do they destroy evidence exonerating the person they are investigating.

*Ending foolish EV mandate.

*Two sexes: men and women.

*Men in men sports only.

*Women ONLY locker rooms and restrooms.

*Drill baby, drill.

*Suspended all wind energy policies.

These are only a few, but WOW!! It appears we are slowly making our way back to normalcy.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Welcome back Common Sense..oh how we’ve missed you. We promise to never take you for
granted again.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Great toast! And here’s to making Geoege Orwell fiction again.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

What would you call J6 then?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Clementine
1 month ago

How about you answer me from my above statement instead of answering me with a question. It’s a diversionary tactic, but good try.

I’m sure you are smart enough to glean my thoughts and feelings about Pelosi’s staged J6.

She was on her daughter’s video on J6 at the Capitol admitting it was her fault for turning down the troops. Did you miss that one too?

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Clementine is right, though.

NEVER forget J6 and those martyrs. The American Revolution ends with the death of our Liberty and people forgeting that they know how to fight.

Those murdered an wrecked share the blood of Patriots that Jefferson invokes in “The Tree of Liberty must refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and tyrants”

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Sir Chaz
1 month ago

Biden comes into power with a bloodbath, and sneaks out the side door emptying the rails of sex traffickers and murderers. A fitting way for the tyrant to go away.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Oh, right, she “blocked” the troops. Even if that was true it’s still a far cry from staging the siege of the Capitol. Thankfully the damn fools recorded themselves so the world knows what really happened that day.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Clementine
1 month ago

Clem, if you really believe there was a “siege of the Capitol,” with UNARMED, CELL PHONE CARRYING, MAGA MEMBERS, I’ve got some really awesome ocean front property in Oklahoma for you.

It’s cheap, and you’ll be surrounded by other TDS “think tank-types,” like yourself.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Massachusetts liberals are buying ocean front property on Blandford Mountain. They’ll make a killing when global warming floods eastern Massachusetts.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

PMSNBC didn’t cover that story

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Clementine
1 month ago


J6 absolutely is a national tragedy, a reign of terror that shall share the same shudder that still convulses from the Salem witch trials. Corrupt magistrates who discarded common law and judicial objectivity and turned their courtroom and gallows to the mob. Like Salem is J6.

People were shot dead and crushed to death by police in cold blood. Thousands being yanked from their homes, even up to the ebbing days of Garland, and tossed into cells. Dead to rights, no lawyers, no medical care, and no charges. Thank you, Clementine, we shall never forget J6.

Ron Kitteerrman
Ron Kitteerrman
1 month ago

One of the most important take aways from Trump’s inaugural address was the elimination of DEI ( Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) it would wise for Mayor Marchetti to follow suit for Pittsfield as well.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Ron Kitteerrman
1 month ago

Our Bumble Phuck mayor along with the cc won’t follow suit and will probably double down and institute more DEI “destroy everything insight.” All in the name of some can’t qualify under normal circumstances, but because they identify as victim’s hire them anyway diversity.

Reply to  Ron Kitteerrman
1 month ago

Follow suit? I’d be happy if he bought a suit he could button!

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
1 month ago

Mama Cass Costa and Kuckoo Kenny lead the TDS march down North Street Saturday. LOOSERS!

Reply to  Dementia Joe
1 month ago

Did Warren wear his pussy hat?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

No, but he was doing his best to grab pussies while drooling and spitting on everyone as he talked his gibberish

Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 month ago

Ahh, poor Kenny, my fellow of infinite jest.

Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

He was hoping to bang hot liberal chicks after the march.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Biden goes out by pardoning a plethora of crooks, including his whole crime family, the J6 Kangaroo Committee, and treasonous general Millie.

POTUS Trump got off to a good start on day one,

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

The far left media is ignoring Biden’s pardons and focusing on Trump’s J6 pardons because that’s what they do…..protect the Democrats and go after Trump and Republicans. All J6 material has been conveniently destroyed so we can never see the part played by Nancy Pelosi and even some on the FBI. This is why Biden pardoned so many on the J6 committee.

Trump is doing fantastic. The inauguration was so inspirational. Trump did make the mistake of attending a prayer service at an extremely far left Episcopal Church in Washington DC this morning where he was lectured about the poor illegal immigrants and lesbians and trans people who are running scared. So much nonsense since Americans want legal vetted immigrants to enter our country and trans mania has gone out of control with innocent young kids being targeted, but none of that matters to these members of this woke church.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

All those pardoned by Creepy Joe, can now be compelled to testify without 5th amendment protections.

J6 Committee, Hunter and Biden family crime cartel, General Millie.

If they refuse they can be jailed for contempt, until they do. Liz Cheney, Schiff (who has been removed by Sen. Thune from any committee assignments), Swalwell and his Chi-Com spy girlfriend Fang Fang,….et al

Pelousey and Mayorkas did not get pardons.

DEI has DIEed. All federal employees involved with promoting this non-sense have been placed on leave by Trump.

Tom Homan has arrested > 300 CRIMINAL ALIENS, so far this week. They won’t get catch and release.

Wetta Flic
Wetta Flic
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Massachusetts owed the federal Government two billion.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Wetta Flic
1 month ago

Healey, figures it better to owe the feds then cheat them out of it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Is it possible for Lumpy and Wimpy White to put down the Star Wars action figures and show true leadership, like President Trump?

In his latest, President Trump has placed the entire RACIST (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t staff on paid administrative leave, until their federal employment is officially terminated.

He also ordered all RACIST federal DEI websites and other racist DEI propaganda get taken down by 5PM today.

*Lumpy, Wimpy, OB, are you paying attention yet? Federal monies for RACIST DEI programs are GONE!!!! The American people have spoken.

There is a world beyond the liberal, blue, MA bubble, where people are judged on merit and qualifications, and NOT STRICTLY SKIN COLOR.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Good bye DEI that =‘s destroy everything insight.

1 month ago

The far left Berkshire Eagle attacking President Trump for pardoning a J6 man who had 6 months left on his probation. The majority of J6 people have been jailed for years for minor crimes. The left will be milking this issue while ignoring all the violence from the left where their violent protesters were released the next day. Also they ignore all of Biden’s sweeping pardons for family members, the J6 committee, Dr. Fauci, and retired General Mark Milley.

Deep Waterz
Deep Waterz
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Now the health department via Lumpys orders will start going through your garbage if you violate the trash throw policy. And you will be fined if it’s not in compliance. So expect a ton of illegal dumping. Also Casella with go to your three hundred foot driveway and retrieve trash if you have a ailment and note from your doctor. I’m going to do that as I have arthritis in my wrist..

You can get the form for it at City Hall. Lumpy’s Tax and Spend Headquarters.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Deep Waterz
1 month ago

Put some dead rats or skunks in the toter, for the DPH. They are “organic” garbage, and rampant in the city.

Deep Waterz
Deep Waterz
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

And Dan the people I talk to says it’s very difficult to close the kid because toters are to small which forces you to squish the shit down. Then it becomes too heavy. I’ve still see over full toters, dozens, week after week? They won’t pick it up?

Now listening to the mob explain what they’re gonna do and can’t do,you know damn well down the road anything they do extra they’re gonna get paid for, they’re not gonna do it for free. And keep in mind they will have a monopoly by that time in the next contract.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

I posted this on another site after arguing with somebody who thinks print media isn’t biased towards Trump.

If the populace is not in a panic, media will have to report on the good things happening across the country and we can’t have that. A country undivided cannot be easily duped and used to create divisions.

Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Eagle more like the Pigeon. The J-6ers already served too much time. Nobody mentions the entrapment by the Federal Government, Biden pardoning rapists and cop killers. Plus Senator Kaine son storming the MN capitol in an anti Trump riot, setting off explosive devices and tear gas, fighting the police. Arrested, no jail time, because daddy is a democrat. Hypocrites.

Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Did the Eagle write about Antifa out west starting trouble again??? Hopefully Trump will go after them this time instead of holding back as Congress talked him into the last time

1 month ago


Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 month ago

Pete White is no longer in charge of the city council meetings. He’s handed that over to the women.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 month ago

That is because Voltron is busy saving the Universe.

gimmee alot more
gimmee alot more
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 month ago

He is the designated door dasher.

Procter K C
Procter K C
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 month ago

When you don’t have any balls.

Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 month ago

If the women of the city council had IQ’s as high as their weight then we might get somewhere.

Maddie Keez
Maddie Keez
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Yeah it looked like Sterling Hayden rounding up a herd in one of his western flicks. What a joke this Ward 2 councilor is so obvious as is Disco Dina, good ol girls.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

It wasn’t controversial until the left loons made it controversial . Everyone else knows what he was doing.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Your “salute”

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Free Bird
1 month ago

Mistaken use of pandemic $$ for unemployment benefits? Yeah right, the governor and her administration were just hoping not to get caught and go on their way.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

I believe this happened under Charlie Baker’s reign ( alias Charlie Parker, if you listen to Howie Carr).

Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
1 month ago

Stand corrected. I still believe the current gov. still sucks.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Free Bird
1 month ago

I bet everyone who got the fraudulent payments were Democrats

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Free Bird
1 month ago

Tom Homan’s ICE is in town (Boston).

They nabbed CRIMINAL ALIEN MS13 and Haitian gang members and murderers, that D-Gov Healey and D-Mayor Wu have been harboring.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

This is just the beginning. The Dems KNEW that Trump was gonna win if he decided to run again and started their scorched earth destruction of the US. Why else bring in millions of illegals?
They were trying to accelerate it right up to 20 Jan and then once the deportations start, all Hell is gonna break

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Bravo! Springfield also needs a visit, as does the Pitt.

Elpasso Kid
Elpasso Kid
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

What’s the point of illegal gang bangers and murderers coming here. What is the benefit?……Heal?

1 month ago

Read that the kids at Morris School did a name the Snow Plow contest. I was thinking why should they have all the fun. I decided to name my Totters . My trash Totter is Biden, in honor of his trashy family, and 50 years of grifting and bribing. My recycling totter is Marchetti, for his ability to recycle all the same bad ideas and policies that have failed Pittsfield for decades. I get to drag them both to the curb once a week.

Procter K C
Procter K C
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Good one. Or Biden Crime Family. I’ve seen many buses and plows go though Stop signs. Just sayin..

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 month ago

Lumpy has a better bad idea!

G e handshake
G e handshake
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

The bad new deal.

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

The Eagle editorial says Pittsfield is producing 314 less tons of trash and 63 more tons of recyclables each month. So, supposedly this works out to 251 less tons of trash each month. So if 12 x 252 = 3012 tons. Are we to believe that Pittsfield miraculously will be producing 3012 fewer tons of trash in a year’s time? The city has suddenly changed its habits? I’m not buying it. The 3012 tons of trash pulled a Doug Henning? Lumpy, can you shed some light here?

Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

That’s easy “All I do is Lie, Lie, Lie”

Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

It’s a nasty system that this Marchetti administration has created for garbage. It’s a hardship on everyone. Pittsfield people can’t afford an extra toter and they know it so they want to make us suffer that’s for sure.

Maddie Keez
Maddie Keez
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

Well live with it,he’ll eventually say. Oh. And they’ll have a monopoly like cheezy spectrum. Three hundred a month for cable- phone package so I can get fifty robo@ calls a week. An add higher water and property tax along with increase both gas and fuel prices. Not to mention pick pocket and excise tax?

Maddie Keez
Maddie Keez
Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

Trash is like road salt-liquid. If you’re the one keeping track of how much you use,how does the one keeping track of how much you use know how much they put down?

Maddie Keez
Maddie Keez
Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

Maybe their feeding the boiler trash to burn for heat at Crosby? Heads should role over there for this latest situation.

Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

When giving out the toters they found out they had been picking up trash from apartment buildings that should have had dumpsters, that’s a lot of excess due to incompetence. The rest of the difference probably shows the truth of the population decline even in just one year, the illegals, homeless, and drug dealers that they’ve brought into the city are counted for state/federal grants but only taxpayers have their trash under surveillance

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

If Bowtie Kerwood is analyzing and producing the numbers we all know it is a complete lie, verified by Mayor Lumpy. Look at all the lies in Lumpy’s State of the City boring speech. Bottom line the more taxpayers pay, the worse the city gets. Take a drive around and while avoiding the 10 year old potholes, we can view tipped over toters and rows of garbage along the side of peoples homes.

Nice young couple just purchased a home in the neighborhood. Of course they accumulated alot of garbage while moving in. They had no knowledge of Lumpy’s new garbage rules and regulations. Once we all explained, the look on their faces was priceless. Guess the days of bringing a welcoming cake over to a new neighbor are gone. Unfortunately all of our own toters were full so we couldn’t even offer to help them out. Welcome to Shitsfield folks.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 month ago

Wait till they see their tax bill.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
1 month ago

Mayor Bumble Phuck and crew wants everyone to believe their numbers don’t lie, but they are doing their best to spin them like a used car salesman hawking a lemon because the people know the numbers don’t
add up.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Poor fictional Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who lives in Pittsfield, Massachusetts….Governor Maura Healey files a $62 billion state budget for fiscal year 2026 (July 01, 2025 – June 30, 2026).

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Did they show up with weapons drawn and search his house? I can only hope…..

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

I wanted to share a video for The Planet viewers to see the type of illegal alien criminals MA democRATS are trying to hide from Trump’s DHS Agents.

In this first video, this illegal alien eloquently states, “I’m not going back to Haiti. F**k Trump. You feel me? Yo, Biden forever, bro. Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!”

Any chance we could get a comment from Maura Healey? Michelle Wu-Hon-Flu?

Locally, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) or Linda “Flat” Tyer?

Does Flat’s “Community Care Team,” still exist? Did anybody ever hear a final result of this CCT? Cost? Productivity? What the end results were?

I know, foolish me. It was another grifting scheme. This time though, it was using the illegal aliens as the “victims,” to sway the narrative.

Presteriouly Tubby
Presteriouly Tubby
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

If if there are a couple thousand illegals here, buffet should know where 1999 are.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
1 month ago

Both Beer Gut Pete and Clown Shoes Shagrue should be recalled and put out to pasture. Both of these absolute clowns blamed everything on the former mayor and DA.. How’s that working out?

Highest crime rate in the state.Junkies on every street corner. Beggars at every corner. This place is an absolute disgrace!!! I thought they had these big plans? Campaign promises? All lip service

Businesses leaving in record numbers, population decline, high crime rate, dirty streets, abandoned storefronts, the list goes on and on.