(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 10-2, 2025) — Once again, THE PLANET called it, and we have the witnesses to prove it in any kangaroo court.
Prior to Wednesday’s Pittsfield School Committee meeting, we predicted that supt. Jumpin’ Joe Curtis, with his bag lady PHS principal Maggie Esko, would compel at least a couple students to address the dais. You know, The Children for The Children. Sure enough, 10th grader Benjamin Glockner and fellow student Jessmirac Perry touted the Exalted Greatness of the school. Yes, it must be great, given the surplus of allegations against staff members and administrators — running a drug empire and pimping students.
It was an orchestration worthy of Lawrence Welk … or even the Dorsey Brothers.
Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the bedraggled taxpayers on whom “Official” Bitchfield keeps spitting, knew they were in the bonus situation when one of the kids, Perry, was (a) black and (b) female (gender self-identification notwithstanding).
Using kids as human shields to divert the attention away from the serious nature of this growing scandal–great look for the school department, one that we’re sure will bring comfort and closure to the Kapanskis.
Glockner and Perry did a fine job reciting prose poems about their beloved alma mater (and THE PLANET‘s, by the way). The kids obediently memorized and recited the talking points. A little robotized, but overall, not bad.
The chittluns chided the adults for being “negative” about the scandalized school. These are the same adults, mind you, who only pay for the entire freak show, north of $150 million a year, not that we can expect them to understand how taxation works in the shell game known as “public education.”
Truth is, Glocker, Perry, and every other PHS student has been given a fat lie by Curtis and his henchmen and women. What has been passed off to them as “an education” has instead been a fake, a farce, and a transgression, one so bad that it easily has passed from education and politics into the territory of morals. Religion calls it “sin.”
———- ooo ———-
This week, THE PLANET spoke on the record but not for attribution to several “stakeholders.” School committee members we spoke to basically are treading water at this point, kept afloat by the decision to shove the mess off their plates and onto the Springfield law firm of Bulkey et al. Nice move. That way, they can avoid comment on “an ongoing investigation.” Others were equally as bland.
You’ll recall that School committee chair Bill Cameron, in an exclusive interview with THE PLANET, assured citizens that Bulkey had no ties or business with the city. Terrific, but how do we square that with the law firm appointing a retired judge who worked as an attorney in Pittsfield back in the early 1980s. Those with good memory know that was Bernie Baran Time. Nuff ced.
The eye-roll highlight of the meeting was when Perry said PHS was “an amazing school filled with amazing people … I hope it’s not my color you see but my voice you hear.”
THE PLANET to Jessmirc: Honey, by your self-reference to “my color,” you forced people to see … your color.
The remark brought the race card into the room, and it didn’t take The Amazing Kreskin to know that we would hear that Lavante Wiggins was singled out because he’s black.
We get the feeling powerful forces are working overtime behind the scenes to see that the excreta dished out by clueless Pedofield “Officials” will be sanitized and then forgotten, to eventually disappear into the Angelo mists so that the extracurricular fun and games can continue. …
… but only after the “independent investigation,” mind you.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“I’ll be black” — Scatman Crothers, whenever he would leave a room.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Smoke screens and muddying of the water. Using children to help with clouding the issue was probably first thought up by the city’s legal counsel folk. It is classic lawyering 101.
Do not be too surprised if you see these students on the school committee a few years from now because obviously they really care about problems their fellow students are facing. Or not.
The playing of the race card maneuver was the saddest part though, as it pretty much ruined any credibility the speaker may have had.
Bitchfield should resign.
Good words. I worried that children would become the stock of the School Committee and vouched for a minimum age (30?). Accusations of ageism, I kid you not, were lobbed.
If color is not to be an issue of debate, don’t introduce it. Afro Americans suffer as much as non A-A under that leviathan.
Afro Ameticans???
It’s 2025, try to catch up Charles.
Better luck next time at the open mic.
And try not to lose your temper.
“It’s Happening!!” Now we understand what that slogan really meant
So what is the normal course of action when something fails??
The Eagle is working fulltime to try and push the “racist” narrative and take away from the real issues: drug dealing, non-POC students being bullied by POC students, and pedophilia by school administrators.
In their opinion piece today, the Eagle once again rolls out the photo of Jessmirac Perry and mentions her speech again at length and then issues a “subtle reminder” for all of us to not let our personal bias (racist feelings) predetermine the “investigation” results.
The Eagle then ends the opinion piece by reminding us of the “horrible” comments by Debroah Simonetta (2nd link), in which she stated that the Dancin’ Dean’s only qualification for the job is that he, “looked like Earl Persip.” She wasn’t wrong and Earl has stated before he wants to see “people who look like him,” employed in Bitchfield.
Why hasn’t the Eagle done a front-page story about how underqualified people like the Dancin’ Dean was able to land a $90,000 a year job as a school administrator, with a dancing certificate? Are their others like the Dancin’ Dean? I’d certainly like to know.
I’ve also noticed The Eagle has never done a front-page story with Elliott Loverin. Elliott was the white student who was repeatedly BULLIED by students of color and dismissed by the Dancin’ Dean and Maggie Esko.
Why not? Doesn’t quite fit the narrative, does it.
Our Opinion: What a trying moment demands amid Pittsfield High School investigation | Editorials |
Pittsfield City Council united in support for School Committee in PHS investigation, but nerves are frayed | Central Berkshires |
If the paper had a serious investigative team, that’s the net story: How does someone like the Dancin’ Dean get hired in the first place? An expose’ piece is in order, but don’t expect any local legacies to do it.
They should terminate the employment of the Pittsfield Public School administrators who failed to address the alleged illegal actions of the faculty/staff. But first, Hell would have to freeze over in Bitchfield!
On this post, I 100% agree with you JM.
Oughtta Investigate Paperboy.
True dat Dan. The silence has become deafening.
DV:How does someone like the Dancin’ Dean get hired in the first place?
The only requirement is you must pass DEI certification.
He knew a man BoJangles and he’d dance for him
THE DANCIN’ DEAN? He dance too.
Jerry Jeff at The Music Inn!
“If the paper had a serious investigative team, that’s the net story:”
This is how the Eagle investigates a story. Someone in City Hall gives them a sheet of paper with the names of some villains who crossed them. The Eagle takes the info and attaches a allegation to it and calls it an explosive discovery.
Example: Eagle reports that 4 councilors vote against water rate hikes because they personally do not want to pay them.* Their arguments for restraint and applying free cash and ARPA mask a personal contempt for paying bills.
The “investigation” takes place by messages left on answering machines. “Hello, this is Ann from the Berkshire Eagle, I would like to talk to you about your late water bill. Please give me a call in the next hour before I go publish something.”
The scoundrels’ reason for delinquency are as follows: 1 is insolvent, 1 is just a little late and can’t really explain why the bill is late apparently having no motive at all, 1 is tied up in court, trusts, etc… and the financially responsible party is out of touch, and one pays exactly on time, though paying in sum his four bills just once a year.
The paper reports these facts, but nonetheless concludes that it is no coincidence that the villains wound up on a single tip-sheet and therefore are grand conspirators. They print it, bills are paid anyway, and they go back to munching on grasshoppers and dung.
*Fair assumption as there likely very few people enthusiastically celebrating and demanding hikes to their utilities. I can name exactly three who love hikes, but probably the rest are between hate and neutrality.
Yes, and the paper should be ashamed of itself for the hit piece on John Krol it published the day before the primary. The article was all-but written up by certain Powers That Be, placed in the hands of Kevin Moran and Company, and run as fact.
Yeah, they were very busy covering the election, Moran and his cottonmouths.
Krol is a loser. Get over it.
An interesting sidebar to pushing the whole racist, looks like me, DEI mantra is that, that whole manifest cost the democrats at least a couple of million votes in the last election. Apparently there are still those who did not pick up on the fact that it is not selling well.
True. One also has to remember that “Official” Bitchfield (OB) is in its own little, lost, liberal, left fantasy. They apparently haven’t heard of the election results from Nov. 5. To each his/her/them/they own, except for the huge cost this extracts on The Kapanskis. Neither local nor state government gives a puck about “the ordinaries,” not while they are all fat and comfy. That’s why OB is so nervous and hard at work trying to contain the Pedofield School scandal. OB feels pretty confident that can keep the lild on the local stuff. They’re terrified about the Feds probe into the Dancin’ Dean. Harder to control the Feds. The best case scenario for the Kapanskis is that some authority on some level begins to connect the dots that go back to, and even before, Bernie Baran.
It’s a good hope, but generally what happens is that new people bring new ideas, and the corrupted stakeholders cash out and get rich somewhere else.
Lumpy has new better bad ideas
And look who’s in the bullpen next for Bitchfield politics ea….I mean, warming up:
Wimpy White
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, DEI.
Deserve Everything Idiots.
Trap, that fits perfectly with the older, white, liberal, white democRAT’s current mantra.
Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens) and former mayor Linda “Flat” Tyer ooze this mantra, like the slime they are.
NIMBY-dumping illegal alien child molesters and rapists, as well as leaving illegal alien children homeless in POOR NEIGHBORHOODS.
Tricia, Linda, hello? You both reaped the goods with state grant money. Time to take some “bad” with it.
OPEN YOUR HOMES!!! Hypocrites.
Looking like Earl could land you a spot in an ozempic commercial. Come to think of it looking like Lumpy would do the same.
Appeal to emotions (manipulating children) needs to answered with concrete logical argument.
Children by definition are not capable of contracts or self representation.
Sadly that is how poor Judy Garland was taken advantage of by cinematic oligarchs.
Shirley Temple was the worst case¿
Why doesn’t this Congressman Neal get on certain medication coverages for blood thinners for instance? The current warfarin medication is cheap but is made from rat poison with many testing requirements as opposed to Xarelto which cost 1000 times more?
Neal is a close friend of the guy who has the show where he talks about living all over the world
Was he with the Harlem Globetrotters?
Thomas Sowell:
It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.
Dan. They don’t want us to talk prematurely about the current sochol diatribe but they’ll let non taxpayer and what would seem to be a few goated students who represent who ? Yeah who ?
How do we even know the majority of the P H S. Student population endorsed this nonsense. I say it was an effort to bring in the race card as you say,and if they were scripted by a teacher or administrative employee to talk they should be fired immediately.
Next Taconic j v home game is 1-21
Apparently, it is racism to bring attention to an unqualified employee who was only hired because of their race even if they are possibly putting the safety of the students at risk. When did alerting the public to an imminent danger become racist?
Evasince it became attached to grant funds.
“When did alerting the public to an imminent danger become racist?”
When it does not tow the Liberal/Leftist’s aims and mantras.
Then the fake news/MSM starts a shitstorm.
Typical liberal loons. They got to get a new playbook. They love that race card, can’t get enough of it. Those being investigated are black and white, really doesn’t matter. What matters is that we get to the bottom of it. Bad and incompetence have no skin color.
What does Cameron think he is the mentor for Garrity? Can you say Goodwill Hunting.And didn’t a former City Councilor object to this kid even running for school committee as he has had no life experience? Let alone Administrative policy.
Both Cameron and Lumpy need one of those gay fashion makeovers.
I said, letting children determine spending their parents’ money and planning education is a declaration of war on the history of Western Civilization.*
*A nod to Winston Churchill who coined this phrase.
Training a company man?
The inmates are running the asylum.
You got a woman fire Chief a woman mayor who both neglected by cutting monies for the l a fire department. You have a liberal Governor who should have been voted output. Then you have Donald Trump telling California that the preventable practice of forests fire fighting like Canada does,should have been implemented.
This was when he was President. Biden needs to just go.
Even republican governors might have trouble controlling 100 mile per hour winds like the ones that powered the California firestorm. And Canada had fires burning just last year for months and some of that smoke even came over Pittsfield. Look it up.
So what?
Did those republican guvs turn off water to the hydrants? Use funds designated for water management issues for other problems? Ignore common sense forest management? Cut funding for fire fighting? Do nothing when insurance companies cancelled home coverage?
Smokey – just keep making excuses for Newscum’s incompetent “leadership.” I would guess you’re a communist/marxist. Move to Canada big guy.
No fire fighting resources, no forest management, refusing assistance from foreign (NYS) fire fighters is the complaint, not that houses burn or that the wind blows
Not much different from the catastrophe in the Carolina region. “Where did our taxes go??”
D-Newscum ain’t no Ronald Reagan Smokey.
POTUS Trump when campaigning, and other Conservatives, warned of the CA fire dangers earlier this year . They were mocked by both Liberals and MSM.
D-Newscum just slashed $100,000,000 from CA firefighting budget months before the fire, D-LA Mayor $17,000,000 from LA FD. That same DEI run and controlled (3 incompetent black lesbians) LA FD, gave all it’s spare equipment to Ukraine.
LA dismissed ~1000 (mostly white) firemen in 2021-2022, for not getting the Kung Flu Jab.
A 117 million gallon reservoir above the Palisade fire was bone dry. A new D-Leftist POC DIE appointment was in charge of the water. She is paid $750,000/year for her incompetence.
LA has 72 genders, and 0 working fire hydrants.
Other states have offered to come help. CA response is they have to go to Sacramento first, to have their fire trucks inspected by CA DOT. WTF!!!
CA is run by wacky Liberals who were “voted in” by wacky Leftist Californians. They are reaping what they have sown.
I feel sorry for the few sane Californians not living in the cities (shitties). Try walking down the sidewalks of the once beautiful San Francisco, D-Pelousey’s district, and not step in human excrement or on a discarded dirty syringe.
Rant over.
If Ma. doesn’t start spending money on Forest management we could end up with a situation much worse than GB fire. Maybe stop wasting money on Illegals and Bike paths and fund Forest management projects. Of course they won’t, always reactive not proactive. Useless politicians.
You might be happy to hear that in Brazil they are/have been taking down the forests, clear cutting the forests by million of acres for decades now. They are doing it to create pasture land for cattle ranching and soy crops.
Perhaps we could do that in Mass. It does get rid of those pesky deer herds and wildlife in general, as well as places to hike and hunt and camp but better than it all burning up someday huh?
Also it is really quick and cheap to do as you may know if you ever had a tree or two taken down in your yard.
Apparently you don’t understand forest management. Google it.
October Mt State Forest is a mess. The roads long neglected and now impassable.
They have made new footpaths, but blocked/neglected many fireroads/4WD trails.
The road from New Lenox Rd to Woods Pond is a disgrace, as is the extension of New Lenox rd. to 4 corners .
I have to use creeper gear in a truck.
3,000 page report on serious incidents at MA migrant hotels……
Haven’t had a home owners claim ever, insurance went up from1100 to 1700??? No plausible reason.
What do you think the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who lives and pays thousands of dollars in local taxes and fees per fiscal year thinks about the commonwealth’s bloated public payroll?
I also wonder what the workers in the dreaded private sector think?
And dumbass state rep Bouvier who has a cash cow in gambling receipts in front of her face,let the local store owners in on it. We don’t want to travel to Springfield to bet football Anyway.
Ohio State blows Texas out tonight. Get your property tax paid on this game.
We did OK with ND over Penn!
ND is starting out as a 9.5 underdog to Ohio st.
Take ND and the points.
Left Winged Parrot cover this one?
Meanwhile at D-Maura Healey’s CRIMINAL ALIEN shelters…………got a “migrant” shelter near your home in Berkshire county?
“An illegal alien in possession of a semi-automatic rifle and an estimated $1 million worth of fentanyl was busted by police at a Massachusetts homeless shelter, prompting an investigation of shelters across the state.
Leonardo Andujar Sanchez, a 28-year-old illegal alien from the Dominican Republic, was arrested by the Revere Police Department and was in possession of a loaded AR-15 rifle with three magazines and 10 pounds of fentanyl.”…………
“The Democrat Governor said in one November interview that the Massachusetts State Police will “absolutely not” be permitted to assist the federal government in its effort to enforce immigration law against illegal aliens.
ICE agents busted three illegal aliens who are believed to have sexually assaulted children just days after Healy expressed her opposition to the deportation agenda.
One of the three illegal aliens, Guatemalan national Mynor Stiven De Paz-Munoz, was charged with raping a child and arrested by the Great Barrington Police Department. ICE says, however, that the police department did not honor a federal detainer for the illegal alien and failed to deliver him to federal custody.”
Kiwi is now backpedaling and saying she ordered Corey checks to be done on every resident entering
Homeless shelters in Massachusetts which begs the question how do you run background checks on undocumented people and what happens if a person has a criminal background semicolon are they then denied housing in this state that is attracting illegal immigrant because of our right to housing policy,?
Homelessness has increased 50% in Massachusetts in the last year already heelys insistence on these background checks is only going to affect our local friends and neighbors who need access to the shelter due to either the collateral consequences of incarceration or the fact that our safety nets are epic fails and this is just going to put more people out on our streets.
Very good point.
We should not be housing CRIMINAL ALIENS at all. That is aiding and abetting, a FEDERAL FELONY.
Healey et al have released numerous Criminal Alien felons only to have them commit serious crimes in short order.
The US house recently voted on immediate deportation of criminal alien pedophiles and rapists. 158 Democrats voted against the bill.
The Democrats sided with the pedophiles and rapists.
Who voted for Ritche Neal?
Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts
Katherine Clark, Massachusetts
Bill Keating, Massachusetts
James McGovern, Massachusetts
Seth Moulton, Massachusetts
Richard Neal, Massachusetts
Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts
Lori Trahan, Massachusetts
Ayotte unlike our Ma. governor is looking out for the taxpayers.
Listen, now. I was president of the Pittsfield High School class of 1953. I know to most of you this is a century ago. Here is my case. There is a lot of educational phonies working for the Pittsfield school system and that is the problem we have today. How did they get hired? All this shows you the problem we have today. Do we need a new way of hiring school personnel? Is it possible the people we are electing to office are just not up to the job? Nice people for sure, but are they capable of the enormous responsibility of hiring qualified school personnel? Does this crowd of elected officials qualify for educational and business excellence? Before you slam me, take a look at how things are managed in the educational and business areas. If I was younger, I would run for cover.
Marchetti says sometimes good people do bad things but he does NOT want you to know who those good people who do bad things sometimes are. Does he feel that a good person who does bad things should not be held accountable and or if some of these good people who do bad things are exposed they may take the whole system down, him included?
No conscience . Guilty conscience. Been in swamp of no conscience. Worked for bank with no conscience. Needs some real reality therapy . Don’t hold your breathe .
Lumpy has a heavyweight body and an air weight intellect.
I’ve heard some teachers aren’t even licensed and make seventy eight g ? Is this true?
You only have to take dance classes to be a Dean. Mail order degree to be the Super.
Do the teachers even have degrees from accredited Colleges? Masshole licenses are more about towing the line and indoctrination.
Yes, TRAP, and it is a large contributing factor in the substandard “edge-a-muck-ation” the Socohl Department is delivering at MASSIVE cost to taxpayers.
Excellent observation Dan. Rember the administration informed the students to stay silent initially, when the dancing Dean story first broke? The community needed to heal at the time. Now if they read a prepared statement in front of the School Committee all is well.
It seems they told only the students who might have something negative to say about the current issues going on to sit down and shut up.
Someone definitely put all the kids that spoke up to it. They were as sincere as forced participants in a hostage video.
The kids who spoke probably were given extra credit for drama club.
Iberkshires is running a story about 58 homeless students in PPS. Some of the unhoused students are immigrants from the state emergency shelter housed at the Hilton Garden Inn, and 24 are new to the district & have moved to Pittsfield in shelters or as part of an unhoused family.
Jennifer Stokes (wasn’t she involved in the big paraprofessional contract scandal last year?), Asst. Supt. for School Transformation & Accountability was quoted, “so if, let’s say, a family does not have all the required documentation such as medical forms, we bypass that.”
So citizen students are required to show a birth certificate and proof of immunizations.
Immigrants, no forms required? Who’s protecting the school body from contagious diseases??
I heard several students opted out of the Pittsfield sohcol system because they did not want to have to sit next to homeless students who had not bathed in a month. They were also jealous that the homeless kids had better phones and Apple watches. Is this true?
Remember how Behnke “found” 11 students to get $2.4 million in federal money? This is what human trafficking looks like.
According to MassLive 35 Illegal Immigrant families are living in Pittsfield. Some are at the corner of Dewey Ave. and West st. . Hopefully Mr. Holman will help them out and get them home.
America at one time actually was a nation of laws.
I remember when being a US citizen was good enough. Now everyone wants to be associated with all these acronyms, races, and gender related garbage. Wish we could go back to the days when people worked hard and stopped trying to make the world revolve around them. Bunch of narcissistic, brain washed losers.
You are a 1000% right there and the hotel behind Guidos
The time has now come for the MA State Illegal Aliens Rep. Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) and former “diversity and inclusion mayor, Linda “Flat” Tyer, to open their homes to these “houseless.”
They are children, TFCB. You are the “children’s advocate,” correct? Or were those just “campaign sayings” or “promises,” you never intended to keep.
Flat, you could teach ESL in your large-flat. Win/win. I’ll truly think of you as the “diverse and inclusive mayor.”
Otherwise, you’re both FULL OF SH!T!!
Don’t you mean CRIMINAL ALIEN minors, harbored by D-Maura Healey at the Hilton Garden Inn?
PITTSFIELD, Mass. (NEWS10) — At least one local school district is looking into cybersecurity breaches that is impacting a technology company that provides services to schools around the world.
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Pittsfield Public Schools said it was notified on Tuesday about a breach that happened in December involving PowerSchool, a company that serves as the district’s student information system provider. The district’s technology department determined personal information from students and teachers, such as home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, were accessed.
The breach occurred because a hacker used a compromised PowerSchool employee account. That account has now been disabled.
The district said the company has indicated it will provide credit monitoring and screening for those who might be affected.
So the PHS Dean of Students has been indicted, and the Eagle buried the story in the obituary section.
Why wasn’t this guy at the podium saying nice things about his school? He is still getting paid 80,000 dollars per year until maybe forever so seems like he could compliment the system for that at least. How about health insurance? Are they still paying for his health insurance? Being paid for vacation time? Money being put into his pension account? Does the dean get an expense account?
Is he laughing all the way to the bank knowing there are important people trying to wash his sins away for him?
Still on PAID administrative leave.
They’ve been spoken to. The top story is about building a new school.
Even independent schools are infected with the far left agenda. The Berkshire Eagle has run an article on Miss Hall’s Schools “culture” of allowing physical intimacy between students and teachers. The former Dean of Students at the school has been indicted for encouraging faculty and staff to ignore boundaries to create a charged sexual atmosphere. There’s that word “culture” again that was brought up by the Pittsfield City Council saying that the School Committee needed to address the “culture” in the school to solve the problems. The real “culture” problem is the far left agenda because it’s their policies that are destroying our schools by putting the focus on the personal lives of the students.
The “culture” is pedophilia.
Very true Pat.
In our day, the “culture” at school was for the teachers to teach us and the principals to discipline us, if needed. Not to try and get in our pants.
Definitely not the assistant principal. It was always a man in the schools I attended, but I digress.
Back then, DEI was only a misspelled word on a spelling test. The person misspelled die. His thinking was well before its time….
The only thing the assistant principal reached out and touched our pants with was his paddle. That just before he lit you up with it. Not fun from what I remember.
Plus, all the teachers were ancient when I went to school. They must have all seen the writing on the wall and retired many moons ago.
In my day the teachers were often romantically involved with other teachers. All of us in my elementary school class knew that something was definitely going on between our teacher and the teacher down the hall. I had a lot of young teachers in all of the schools I attended and they were very respectful of the students. I never heard about or witnessed any students being sexually harassed by school personnel. Trans mania didn’t exist. There weren’t classrooms where 10 students out of 30 were transitioning. Gender choice was limited to two and teachers and school personnel didn’t agonize over whether some of us were trapped in the wrong body or sexually repressed. Boundaries were maintained between teacher and student. That’s not to say inappropriate interactions never took place, but not like today.
I am beginning to think they changed the actual meaning of DEI because they couldn’t be honest. Dumb. Embarrassing. Inexperienced.
Speaking of the Bernie Baran Berkshire edge has some great reporting about the queer teacher in Great Barrington who had the book genderqueer in her classroom but was by no means the only teacher in that school who had that book available to students and how she was singled out, held alone in her classroom with two police officers one of whom has a history of anti-lgbtq hatred.
It’s really good reporting and definitely worth reading as Great Barrington now has their own version of The Bernie Baran debacle unfolding.
Bullshit buddy
Bernie was sent to prison for life, for crimes that didn’t even happen. This story, even if true, doesn’t even begin to compare.
The Pittsfield St. Joseph High School Good Old Boys club framed Bernard Baran, while the likes of camp counselor Carmen was the career Sherif. Gerry Downing hid the exculpatory evidence of the audio tape recordings of the children who said that Bernie Baran was innocent for around 2 decades while Bernie Baran was raped 4 times & also beaten up in state prison. It took several years for David Capeless to release the evidence that freed Bernie Baran over 2 decades later, but then Bernie Baran passed away less than a decade later at 49. Meanwhile, my enemy #1 Luciforo has been conspiratorially persecuting me – Jon Melle- since I was 20 in the Spring 1996, and over 28.5 years later, I am 49.5. I fear that Luciforo will make me into another tragedy like that of Bernard Baran, but we will stop Luciforo’s EVIL plans to finish his job of totally ruining my life. Pittsfield = RETRIBUTION! It has to change.
Don’t live in fear buddy.
Nice try.
It’s pretty much porn. I would have liked penthouse in school
US Space Force is hiring
Trump might start US Fire Force next.
We have that on the school committee. They do nothing but take up space.
Mayor Peter Marchetti’s old boss is stepping down from his position as CEO of Bitchfield Cooperative Bank.
They should hire Victoria May back as their new bank CEO.
Mike Daly
No, Jay Anderson. When is that “bitchiin event” going to trial? Lumpy Marchetti really won’t be able to sleep then. Imagine businesses looking to build their companies in a new city. One look at Bitchfield latest news and they would immediately look elsewhere.
Pretty sure if my codes accurate the elephant in this pertinent room is BCRHA ….Is that what it is? Hearthway or…I dunno
. . . — I –. . .
And to mention there’s lots of interesting suggestions by Meta.
Tells me who wants to find the fuck out.
California starting to see paper burns.
All structures are unstable.
I’m talking about philosophy not arseinal hall.
Buy the book on AMAZON
Donald Trump promises to do it all, but the Swamp has other ideas.
Should the Massachusetts State Legislature be audited in 2025?
My answer: YES!
It should be a non-issue, but the leaders, along with their bureaucratic minions such as Paul Marx and Tricia Country Buffet, inside of the corrupt and secretive Boston Statehouse are making into political issues because they all hate Sunshine laws and rules reforms that allow for transparency in the state government.
Whatever the *********************** it is, STAY AWAY. DO NOT APPROACH. BACK THE F UP. GO AWAY.
Typical Berkshire Eagle head line. “What will it take to build a new elementary school in Pittsfield”.Instead of the obvious question, Why is Pittsfield building a new elementary school. According to the Ma. Dept. of ED. site we have 2,304 students enrolled at the PK-5 grades. In 2014 we had 2,974 students. That’s 670 student decline. Need to close Crosby and Allendale, renovate Conte putting up permanent walls in between the open classrooms. Amherst just broke ground on an Elementary School for a cool 98 million. North Adams is spending 65 million for grades PK-2 only. A new school will cost over 100 million dollars, that we cannot afford. Hoping the voters in Pittsfield have a say.
I totally agree Joe and I’m tired of the expansion attitude of the school administration. Instead, they should be closing schools, reducing staff and cutting costs with the decreasing population.
Plus, the Eagle keeps distracting viewers from the cocaine selling, pedo actions of staff with all these other articles regarding new school plans, powerschool hacking, etc etc.
Cant afford it don’t need it. Consolidate another school. We don’t need reset teachers either, makes the teachers look like they can’t teach.
“They can’t fire me”
General Michael Flynn – “catastrophic disasters in HI, NC & CA. All 3 states led by Democrat Governors……”
NC voted for Trump in 2024.
That’s right, Jon. Because the democrats let them down big time in response to hurricane Helene.
More DEI crap from Healey……
Not enough women doing man’s work I suppose. Why don’t we mandate 50 percent of cops be female and 50 percent of firefighters and truck drivers, and 50 percent of nurses be men? This effing governor needs to be removed. Most women don’t want to run into burning buildings and wrestle around with gangbangers and drunks or drive big rigs all night, just as most men don’t want to be nurses.
Agree 100%. I’m waiting for her executive order to get more Males in the professions of Child care, Elementary teachers, Dental Hygienists, Executive Secretaries, Estheticians, and Phlebotomist. Only equitable thing to do. She’s make Jane Swift look good.
More nuts crap from Trump. Greenland, Panama Canal, Project 2025, DOGE, another round of huge tax cuts for the billionaires, more deficit spending, etc.
Jonathan instead of posting about sad subjects like Trump why don’t you post happy things about your life. Stuff like your navy career or your dad finally accepting you after coming out of the closet or being the 1994 MA State Champion Pocket Pool Player when you went to PHS. Is your golden fist trophy still displayed in the trophy case at PHS.
More lesbian carpenters. Tongue and groove construction. No studs needed.
Realize you’re off track
Your perception is off
Discernment shan’t be stifled by social conditions