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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 3-5, 2025) — On Dec. 27, 2024, THE PLANET contacted Bill Cameron, chairman of the Pittsfield School Committee with questions pertaining to the hiring of the Springfield law firm of Bulkley Richardson Gelinas to conduct an “independent investigation” into the sensational allegations of drug trafficking and sexual child abuse involving current and past administrators and staff of Pittsfield High School.

Cameron got back to us on Jan. 1, 2025.

THE PLANET presents, full and unedited, our questions and his responses.

We will be interested in any comments, reactions, or feedback from our readers.

———- ooo ———-

Dear Mr. Valenti,
Please find below answers that I provide, to the best of my ability, to the questions you posed to me on December 27, 2024.  I’ve highlighted my answers in boldface type.  I’ve also used a different font than you used in the message you sent me.
My answers are those of a member of the School Committee who happens at this time to be its chairperson.  The Committee has not voted on adopting these answers, save by whatever took place at the Committee’s special meeting on Monday, Dec. 30, 2025.
~~ William Cameron, Chair., Pittsfield School Committee
* Why was this particular firm hired?
Bulkley Richardson Gingras (BRG) is a well-known and long-established law firm in Springfield, Mass.  Specific to the matters at hand, the firm was selected for three reasons.   (1) BRG does not now and, according to the firm’s records, has not ever had an attorney-client relationship with the City of Pittsfield, the Pittsfield School Committee, a current member of the School Committee, or any of those identified in certain news outlets as accused of wrongdoing during their employment by the Pittsfield Public Schools.  (2) BRG has conducted investigations of employee wrongdoing for other school districts, albeit not in Berkshire County.  And (3) of counsel with BRG is retired Superior Court Judge Mary-Lou Rup, who will be the lead investigator of the  accusations and facts pertaining to the matters at hand.  Judge Rup served on the Superior Court bench for 26 years.  Since retiring she has been the lead investigator in other districts’ independent investigations of allegations against their employees.
* What was the criteria?
The criteria for selection were: (1) the independence of the investigator and the firm in which she serves of counsel from any connection with the City, the School Committee, or other parties noted above; (2) the professional reputation of BRG in the legal  community; (3) experience in conducting investigations regarding allegations of wrongdoing by school district employees elsewhere in Massachusetts; and (4) the legal credentials and experience of the lead investigator.
* When will the probe begin?
We anticipate the investigation’s beginning as soon as practicable on or after Jan. 2. 2025.
* What will be the methodology?
The methodology will be straightforward.  The firm will conduct a limited series of interviews of key witnesses, in particular of each of the individuals named herein, and anyone else who has or purports to have actual knowledge of what has been alleged against current or former Pittsfield High School administrators or educators against whom allegations of wrongdoing have been made; to seek out such other credible sources of information related to the various allegations that have been made as might be found in the course of the interviews; to form a professional judgment of what, based on whatever can be learned, substantiates or fails to substantiate the allegations that have been made; to make such recommendations to the School Committee as the investigator deems warranted as a result of what has been learned; and to provide the School Committee with a report of its findings. 
More detailed information about Judge Rup’s investigative methodology would have to be obtained from Judge Rup herself. 
* How long is it expected to take?
In discussions with BRG, and in the agreement the School Committee approved on Dec. 30, the retainer agreement would commence Dec. 31, 2024,  and run not longer than March 31, 2025.  The three-month length of the agreement is precautionary.  At this time we have no reason to believe that the investigation will take as long as the agreement permits.
* How much will it cost?
The total cost is indeterminate at the outset.  I will not venture to estimate how many hours it will take to conduct a thorough investigation, i.e., one that makes no presuppositions about culpability or credibility, and that will go wherever the evidence found will take it. 
* Who will be paying for it?
It has been suggested, I believe by a City Councilor at that body’s Dec. 23 meeting, that the cost or some portion thereof may be borne by the City’s liability insurer.  If that is not to be the case then the cost will be borne with public funds.
* Will there be public progress reports?
We do not anticipate providing public updates on the progress of the investigations as they proceed.  
* Will the final report be made public?
There are two points to be made in response to this question.
1./  The outcome of the BRG investigations will be made public to the extent permitted by law.  The School Committee will receive the investigator’s final report.  What of that report’s contents may be released thereafter, and what may not be released because of parties’ legal rights to privacy, will have to be determined in consultation with legal counsel when  the report is received.  The School Committee does not intend to withhold information or conclusions that it may legally publicize.

2./  The report prepared and delivered by Judge Rup is meant to be the first of two documents occasioned by recent allegations of employee wrongdoing.  The second investigative project will not seek the factual basis of those allegations.  Rather, it will be a process audit, performed by a different law firm.  It will look into three broad areas that, given what’s alleged, warrant careful scrutiny.  They are: (1) the employment process of the Pittsfield Public Schools, including advertisements, interviews, reference checks, CORI and fingerprint checks, and hiring decisions;  (2) the school system’s investigatory efforts prior to the allegations now being looked into in matters related to reports of employee misconduct; and (3) areas where specific improvements in regard to these matters are recommended, including, but by no means limited to, training for building-level administrators in vetting candidates for employment, and the adequacy of the district’s staffing for human resources management in an organization employing over 1,100 people.

The law firm which I’ve contacted to discuss performing this service is Mirick O’Connell.  Mirick O’Connell serves as  legal counsel to a number of school districts in eastern Massachusetts.   Importantly, it is also without ties to the City of Pittsfield, the School Committee, or any other party noted in response to your first question.  (Of note is that at the City Council’s Dec. 23 meeting, a Councilor recommended a specifically named partner in that firm as someone well-qualified to perform such an audit.  That attorney  happens to be the one whom I reached out to on Dec. 17 to discuss the conduct of such an audit.)   

To avoid confusion of roles, the process audit will commence upon completion of Judge Rup’s investigations.  The School Committee intends to make the final report received from the process audit available to the public.           

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks Dr. Cameron for his response. We also contacted mayor Peter Marchetti and BRG. Both did not respond or even acknowledge our inquiries.

We invite your comments.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.” – Mao Zedong



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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2 months ago

NO ties is a loose term. Many dimensions to explore. Start with: How about ties to school unions?

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

The biggest lie since the city is paying them.

Reply to  Wilson
2 months ago

That and the fact that the School Committee hired a firm to review its practices. That is a red flag and an ethical violation.

Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

They should have hired Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.

Soaked Nonwalker
Soaked Nonwalker
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Martin Harding and Manslaughter.

2 months ago

Before hiring a firm to investigate, I would insist on reviewing past reports. Did the School Committee present any reports from the firm prior to voting?

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Previous reports, are result of predetermined outcome” fonds no fault, with hiring, retention and disciplinary practices or policies.

Rup will end interviews, that indicate wrongdoing, guilt and knowledge.

Typical fraud by commonwealth, cities and towns.
Much cheaper to properly hire and manage staff.

But patronage, nepotism and family, would end up unemployed or guilty would be held accountable.

06:00 1/3/25

Reply to  Thomas Betit
2 months ago

What is not reported reveals itself in its absences.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

And if TSC viewed any of those reports previously completed by this law firm, what is the percentage (or breakdown) on what side this law firm sided with.

How many cases did this law firm’s investigations find their clients were the “at-fault” with the matter being investigated and not the other party?

If I’m a betting man, my money is on the client who paid the law firm and retained them and conduct the “investigation,” are usually the ones found out to the least culpable in matters.

Keep in mind, law firms generally have “mitigation specialists,” attached to a firm. They play a big role in mitigating legal responsibility and/or civil liability for their client(s).

Last edited 2 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Yes, excellent

Lisa Ostellino
Lisa Ostellino
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
1 month ago

There was no discussion or open meeting just a vote in the firm that Dr. Cameron hired

Long Gone
Long Gone
2 months ago

As stated before this is nothing but a conduit outfit that will stifle any positive outcome for Kapanski.Former judge my ass why is she even working at her age.

Reply to  Long Gone
2 months ago

All of the judges are connected with the abrupt resignation. He left a hell of a mess.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Long Gone
2 months ago

I agree Long. Plus, a judge is not a trained investigator, nor more than a police detective is a trained judge.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Exactly. And neither are the other lawyers.

The Firm
The Firm
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Pomeroy Associates

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

Good for Dr. Bill Cameron for providing answers, but they were bureaucratic in tone. He did NOT take responsibility for the legal liabilities and alleged events in question as the Chairman of the (level 5) Pittsfield School Committee. It is a foregone conclusion that taxpayers will pay for this mess. I believe that Dr. Bill Cameron is one of the most intelligent people whom I have met in my life. It is ashame that this happened to a good and decent man like Bill Cameron.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

His answer is same as his other public statements. Only thing that sticks out is whether a judge with 30 years on the Pittsfield bench has more than just an appearance of conflict.

Gullock Nher
Gullock Nher
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

And these type jobs are reciprocal the judge gets paid by whom? By the people in charge of running the state.What outcome after the investigating team warrants outside interference? They already ready have the guy dead to right? It’s all about Apperance. Hang in there Trumps A Comin…..

Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Rumor is she gave her old gavel to lumpy when he was council president

Prudent Layers
Prudent Layers
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Looks like he ate it.

Heard of this judge
Heard of this judge
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

She was in Hampshire County Superior Court. That being said, she has definitely sat on the Bench in Berkshire Superior Court a time or two!

Reply to  Heard of this judge
2 months ago

Thanks for the correction

Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Two opposing letters about Pittsfield’s failed leaders. The first letter points out that the Superintendent is unqualified, and that a new, qualified Superintendent from another area should replace him. The second letter criticizes the City Councilors, taxpayers and people for being outraged over the alleged school scandals by defending the students, coaches, teachers and staff who are being impacted by the crises in the Pittsfield Public School District. Kevin Sherman and his family (the Del Gallo’s) have a long history in Pittsfield politics, and I believe that he means well by the community.


Letter: “The buck stops with the superintendent”
The Berkshire Eagle, January 1, 2025

To the editor: Former President Harry S. Truman was well-known for a plaque he kept on his desk that read “The buck stops here.”

The person at the top takes responsibility for all that happens on his watch, good or bad.

The qualification for a school superintendent in most cities and towns is a doctoral degree. I find it amazing that no one has taken note of the fact that, allegedly, our superintendent in Pittsfield has a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix, a mail-order degree mill whose degrees are not recognized by almost all higher institutions of learning. I find it hard to believe that no one on the School Committee was aware of this red flag. I am sure the superintendent is a very nice person, but I don’t think I can be faulted for feeling that he may be in over his head.

The circus that has become Pittsfield High School is not going to be resolved by the same players under whose watch it has happened.

Restoring confidence in our public schools requires the superintendent to do the honorable thing and resign, followed by a thorough house-cleaning at Pittsfield High School. The present players in this tragedy are now too much a part of the problem to solve it.

A new superintendent should be chosen after a nationwide search and not be the result of moving up someone already in the dysfunctional administration. The new superintendent should be someone from out of the area with experience in problem-solving. A new set of eyes is required. Our school system is a laughingstock on the national level and requires new leadership in order to restore confidence and respect. 

I am not bashing educators. My whole family was involved in education as teachers and a principal. I have always had the highest respect for teachers. However, this problem is not about teachers; it is about administrators. The buck stops on the superintendent’s desk.

Terrence O’Brien, Pittsfield


Letter: “Students of Pittsfield need support right now”
The Berkshire Eagle, January 1, 2025

To the editor: Lost in the headlines, jokes and wise cracks from the knights of the keyboard on social media regarding the allegations at Pittsfield High School is the wellness of current students and educators. (“Pittsfield City Council united in support for School Committee in PHS investigation, but nerves are frayed,” Eagle, Dec. 24.)

While city leaders express their outrage, I would encourage them stop meeting with each other and start meeting with the students, teachers and coaches who are working hard and doing right. Many students love their school and their classmates. They’re grateful for the opportunities and education they’ve received from teachers and coaches. One senior at PHS I spoke with described the situation as “heavy,” “unfair” and a level of “uncertainty.” These students should not have their years of hard work and dedication defined by the allegations. The stories and reports do not encapsulate them, yet those on the outside continue to broad brush the situation putting a stain on those who don’t deserve it.

While investigations are conducted, accountability assigned and processes improved — and rightfully so — my ask of those in city leadership positions is to concurrently communicate with the students. Don’t assume their mindset. You’re not them. Ask them how they are doing. How are their sports, arts and clubs doing? How are college searches going? What community service are they involved in? Assure them that the situation is not their fault. Encourage them to be proud of all that they do and all that they are. Without communication, they’re left with the perception of strangers calling them and their school a joke. It’s heavy and unfair for anyone.

A friend reminded me of a line from the movie “The American President” recently: “They want leadership. They’re so thirsty for it they’ll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there’s no water, they’ll drink the sand.” That’s the situation we have when we choose to ignore those affected and are content to pound our fists in outrage feeding our ego and news cycles without direct communication to those affected. That outrage may make us feel better, but it doesn’t help our students stuck under the cloud of uncertainty left to assume the broad accusations are their legacy. It’s not. The legacy of this senior class is of very smart, diverse, respectful, community-minded, simply great people who have shown up for years for each other. Let’s support them and empower them with active listening and empathy rather than platitudes and sound bites.

Kevin Sherman, Pittsfield

The writer is a former Pittsfield city councilor.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Sturgeon (freshly inked) and Sherman’s responses both assume that taxpayers and (in this case) parents have no public right or interest when elected people violate their primary responsibilty of accountability.

When those responsibilities are sunk, what Sturgeon dismisses as “chatter” will bury those who grow excessively high.

Where were they when the berk media slandered good men last election and mercilessly subjected them to their mob’s hate?

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

But Sturgeon has travelled the world and lived all over it. His letter must have been inspired by his time in Germany before the wall came down.

Reply to  Economic Injun
2 months ago

One thing he may have learned all over the world is that opinions are like colons—- everyone has one.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Just wait until the civil attorneys begin their fleecing of the Bitchfield/Pedofield coffers.

Those “juveniles” will have suffered irreparable harm from “allegedly” viewing, touching, and/or penetrating, those adult women’s “goodies,” that only a big, fat, check, will cure.


The sharks are circling. I’ve “alleged” heard from outside the area law firms too. But what do I know?

It’s not going away, whether you hire Mary Lou Rup or F. Lee Bailey, in case you were wondering Lumpy, Wimpy White, and the Pedofield Pubic Scohol Comitee.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

More like F Lee Granny Clampet

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

You and I both and respectively were the subjects of slander by the scoundrels who pound, punish and purge the (good) people in Pittsfield politics.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

I’m talking about landes’ behavior during the ’23 election. And then you had the Eagle all hands on deck too. Relentless pursuit of oppositional to GOBSIG candidates.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Sturgeon and Sherman , buffoons and cloying company men types

Activashun Koach
Activashun Koach
Reply to  Economic Injun
2 months ago

Stugeob been on his 49th year of dying for the last fifty years. Sherman is in his sixth tenure, now on the license board retired going on his Senenth. Two assclowns as far as what comes from their brains.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Both these fellers probably think OJ was setup

Kansas Sister
Kansas Sister
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

Sturgeon has zero validity. When he was over at w brk his first statement was he wanted it to be a non-political show,

Then he wiggled his way into the former Krol format at the expense of the students to do just what he’s doing now…a political and biased hour long show with very few listeners for sure.

Then they build him,yes him, a studio and he decides the trip every morning is to much and makes them do it at his house….unbelievable.First of all he’s in the wrong time slot and secondly morning news hours are more popular ten fold than anything pctv has to offer in that time slot.

The point is he’s irrelevant now anyway on any issue.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Kansas Sister
2 months ago

Sturgeon who? I don’t believe I ever met him or heard his broadcast.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Nice letter by Kevin .But i take nothing from it seeing he is in violation of sitting on a licensing board and works at local bar? Regardless of who is family is related to, what he used to do in politics , or what he will do in future, he is in violation of basic ethics regarding over seeing licensing issues while working for establishment he votes on regulating ? Typical Pittsfield swamp , we wonder why taxes go up , nothing gets done , and we repeat the cycle of waste . also sure he could not provide W2as well. how s that for corruption and conflict. Been going on forever in this city and we wonder why schools , taxes , nepotism, thrive here . . Its very discouraging seeing these things go on , if cant do the small things correct how do you get the larger more pertinent items right?

2 months ago

Mao Zedong? I read Cameron’s responses . Now I laughing MAO!

2 months ago

Many of those who will be interviewed are mandated reporters who will lawyer up so as not to incriminate themselves.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  DB
2 months ago

Lawyer up clam up.

Long Gone
Long Gone
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
2 months ago

Te mayor should be held accountable for any information concerning what costs and who pays these costs,he is on the school committee? Probably to busy worrying about his own problems.

Reply to  Long Gone
2 months ago

He’s too busy planning more speed lumps

Roger Redactor
Roger Redactor
Reply to  DB
2 months ago

The whole investigation seems purposely set up to fail. There is a reason Pittsfield schools are rated at a dismal level five and this charade shines a light on one of the biggest reasons.

Opt out now.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  DB
2 months ago

Hits the nail right on the thumb.

Rupa specialty is denial, delay and destruction of evidence- in education sector malfeasance.

Look at how she silenced , sexual assault victims at UMass as a judge.

Just like caccaviello and capeless did at Williams college.

It’s a historic problem, in public education, child protection and judiciary.
Many work those jobs , for access to child victims.

Think Daniel Ford framed Bernard Barron for headlines?

Predators project thier crimes on others, to difflect attention from themselves.

2 months ago

Can everyone say Coverup Cameron with the Kapanski’s ca$h? I have very little faith in the outcome of this so called investigation. Everyone knows it will stop with the people who have already been named. They will then say the system works it was just a couple of bad characters that snuck through so no need to reorganize the whole school system. Of course the School Department will not pay for any of this instead making the city pay. This whole thing stinks and I do not believe this law firm they hired will have the Kapanski’s and the Kapanski’s kids in their mind while they are doing this cover up!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Waterfront property
2 months ago

Just scanning that article from 8.5 years ago, I have to ask, how long has the “Cultural Renaissance” of Bitchfield been going on for now? Ruberto, Hathaway….

And what’s the shelf-life of this “Bitchfield Renaissance?”

I even remember the sheep all up and down NON a couple of decades ago. I know that was a part of the renaissance.

It replaced, “It’s Happening.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Bad wall art represents the High Bitchfield Renaissance.

Chief Lungerwater
Chief Lungerwater
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

What’s Happning.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Waterfront property
2 months ago

‘We must honestly acknowledge the challenges facing our city: Gang and gun violence is real,” Tyer said at a press conference last week at City Hall, where she was joined by Pittsfield Police Chief Michael J. Wynn, District Attorney David Capeless and Sheriff Thomas N. Bowler, among other local and state officials.”

2 months ago

Will the SRO J.Rowe be investigated? She was very close with all involved and has allegations she knew of incidents and was also at a party where drinking with students took place and she did nothing.

Sick Them
Sick Them
Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

The R M V ought to be investigate. Double Jeopardy on fines for one.

Sick Them
Sick Them
Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

Dan. The R M V is adding suspensions with no warning up to Fifty years in some cases and fineing those after paying the infraction in court decades ago with no problems since? In other words if you had a infraction and paid the costs you get fined again. The fine in The seventies and eighties was sixty dollars., they refine you 1200 and up in some cases? This is dead wrong.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

That investigation should be conducted by the MA State Police, if it’s true.

Too many family ties wrapped up in this deal to allow PPD to police their own.

At least if they want to appear impartial and professional that is.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

You mean the MSP that over 3 months later haven’t revealed who killed a recruit in their academy

Prudent Layers
Prudent Layers
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

No they get enough overtime

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Interesting take, I notice you didn’t say the state police linked to the DA’s office. As you said too many family ties to police their own. Why has Clown shoes Shagrue been so quiet on this? I think you just answered that question. As a whole the entire city is and has been run by inept and inexperienced people at the top who have a majority of family and friends in positions of power that work with immunity and zero accountability, this goes for ALL government and city employees.

Pittsfield continues to be business as usual when it comes to hiring practices in all aspects of city jobs. This practice of hiring family and friends in key lucrative positions has gone on for generations in the city..Get to work at 9 and be out the door at 4:55 and better have my check on Friday. It’s a me me work force. When you do have candidates that want to call this good ole boy / St Joes network they get smeared and targeted for pointing out the waste and corruption. Good people who want to rock the establishment with new ideas and foresight on how to turn this cesspool around. Hopefully the skin will be torn off on this one but highly doubtful. I hate to say it but it’s going to be business as usual and this city will continue to decline to Holyoke status until if and when people wake up.

Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

When you do have candidates that want to call this good ole boy / St Joes network they get smeared and targeted for pointing out the waste and corruption.”

And the worst of it is that people behave as though they do not have these candidates’ backs. Those already in office speak to empty chairs off the stage. They are completely unsupported in all issues from the Budget to trash. Public comment is generally a biweekly symposium on the ghastly perils of cell phone towers replete with nose bleeds and puke buckets delivered to cynical councilors who pretend they believe the petitioners and take them seriously.

During campaigns, should even a single non-conforming candidate step out, he will discover that City Hall has been tracking his every movement, often for years, each visit to City Hall, whom he spoke with, and deliver stories from whole cloth about him to ravenous locusts in the press. Then, the councilors and media work together to destroy the candidate in social media. Observers write it off as “you get into politics, you need a thick skin.” However, if you are a GOBSIG, you need not be so well armed.

I would pray for Pittsfield’s deliverance from the menace, but for that to work, you need people who are willing to fight for it. They first need to publicly support their neighbors who sticks his hide in the race.

Reply to  itstrue
2 months ago

Is she still the PHS SRO?

2 months ago

(3) experience in conducting investigations regarding allegations of wrongdoing by school district employees elsewhere in Massachusetts;

based on this statement I’d like to know how common this behavior is in Massachusetts public education and why it’s allowed to continue? Perhaps Chairman Cameron can comment.

Seren Foball
Seren Foball
Reply to  DB
2 months ago

Everything is f uped. The mail now comes at 8:00 at night.

Pandoras Boxes
Pandoras Boxes
2 months ago

Perhaps a good place to start this investigation is with the kids and parents of those who opted to seek schooling away from Pittsfield. They obviously had serious concerns. AND as it turns out, many of them are related to Pittsfield school administrators and their associates. UH OH! Somebody DID know something was not well in paradise.

Did these parents who choiced out know there were good people doing bad things in the Pittsfield sochols? It would seem so huh?

2 months ago

Jefferson County Schools, Colorado, dealing with similar issues. Parents are upset and suspicious after being kept in dark regarding pornography and sexual abuse issues committed by school staff.

In Pittsfield, parents need to stay engaged and demand information from the school board and school administration.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

I wonder if similar things are going on at Taconic HS?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

When Jake Eberwien was Superintendent he closed the Alternate school to open the jail as a school for suspended kids and help spend a 10 million dollar Grant given to then Sherrif Carmon Masimiano.Young Eberwien immediately hire his father to run it after having been demoted by Pittsfield because of sex harrassment lawsuit.There is tremendous information available as this culture has been ingrained in Pittsfield coverups for at least 20 years.Start bg interviewing from the top down.Mrs Amuso knows plenty about hires and resignations to hide secrets.Look at anyone in the past 20 years and they will know

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

I agree, TSC. Sounds like you’ve worked for the schools for a number of years. Let the light shine on all the hidden and not so hidden lawsuits!

Prudent Layers
Prudent Layers
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Cant Wait to see these governors defy Trumps illegals ouster.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Prudent Layers
2 months ago

Mayor Wu of Boston too.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Mayor Wuhan-Flu would be in nirvana, if she were put in jail. She’d be surrounded by a large majority of POC and not a bunch of YT’s.

She could save up enough commissary and have all the “Holiday parties for people of color only,” and she’d be a hit at the jail.

In between snacking on jail goodies, they could all chat about, “social justice, police reform, and TDS,” and have a grand old time without YT around.

Last edited 2 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

The ghost of camp counselor Carmen haunts PHS. The mysterious Beserk-shires. Where the men are unaware, not legally liable, and takes no responsibility for the alleged cocaine trafficking & alleged sex with minors & alleged sexual harassment of a young woman former student at Pittsfield High School. It would have been better if the men were men & the sheep were afraid of them by saying bayyyddd!

Drony Phony
Drony Phony
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Check on this; did a student get impregnated in 2008/9 by her mentor from RRSYP.

Did she drop out of Culinary Institute of America. Hyde Park, NY.

Why did this happen?


Ghost of Sheriff Carmen
Ghost of Sheriff Carmen
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Jonathan you were always my favorite camper you volunteered for all the extra credit work when others wouldn’t. Did you fulfill your adulthood dream of being the first gay adult film star from the Berkshires don’t tell me now I’ll wait until you get down here years from now.

Sammy Storm
Sammy Storm
Reply to  Ghost of Sheriff Carmen
2 months ago

Jim Mooney used to tell his story about the Green Hand,Maine to it to another level.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

“Are the Berkshires delegation to the Statehouse taking the new 11 percent pay raise? We asked all four”
By Heather Bellow, The Berkshire Eagle, January 3, 2025
Members of the Massachusetts Legislature are about to get a raise.

All four members of the Berkshire delegation say they will not refuse the 11.39-percent salary bump for lawmakers ordered by Gov. Maura Healey effective Jan. 1 [2025].

The raises will increase their $73,655 base pay from last year up to $82,044 in 2025.

State Sen. Paul Mark, as well as state Reps. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, John Barrett III and newly elected Leigh Davis told The Eagle that they will accept the raise and the boost to the expense and travel stipends that are part of it.

Stipends will rise between $1,900 to $2,600 depending on lawmakers’ distance to the Statehouse, according to The Boston Globe.

“By contrast,” as State House News Service noted on Jan. 1 [2025], “those earning the $15 an hour minimum wage did not get a pay bump Wednesday for the second year in a row.”

The pay hikes are nearly 10 percent more than the increases for residents of Greater Boston as of the fiscal year ending in Sept. 2024, according to the Globe. And the lawmaker raises are nearly triple the pay hikes of workers nationwide.

Every two years, the state Constitution requires the governor to decide whether to adjust lawmakers’ base salaries, according to the Globe. The adjustment is tied to changes in citizens’ wages statewide and based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data for the median household income in Massachusetts in 2023.

Many lawmakers will get an even bigger wage hike. This will be the second raise received this week for leaders of both legislative bodies as well as committee heads. They will receive extra pay that for some “leading Democrats will all top $200,000 for the first time,” the Globe reported.

Healey and others in the administration will also receive significant pay hikes.

While the median household income in Massachusetts was the second highest in the country at $101,000, the Globe noted, “for many workers, their wages did not increase nearly as much as lawmakers’ base pay will, according to other data sources.”

Lawmakers can decide to reject their pay raise, like former Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito did in 2019 and 2021.

Veteran Berkshire lawmakers like Farley-Bouvier and Barrett say that their previous base pay and stipends do not cover expenses. Farley-Bouvier noted she has also had to take a pay cut of a couple percentage points during previous adjustments.

Both noted also that taxpayers do not foot the bill for a place to stay in Boston for what is typically two nights per week. Barrett recalls having to drive back to the Berkshires after a marathon day because hotel rooms were a minimum of $1,000 a night.

It can be an expensive job, he said, and one that sometimes requires them to dip into campaign funds.

“When we go into Boston,” Mark said, “we’re paying Boston prices for everything.”

But Mark, a longtime union member, said he understands that this is the very same struggle of many of his constituents, and that, “every job is expensive.”

He believes, however, that decent pay for lawmakers like himself who are not independently wealthy is a way to avoid the influence of lobbyists and others.

Mark noted that he took a pay cut during two separate sessions as part of previous adjustments, and “I did not have an option to refuse that.”

“It swings both ways,” Barrett said of the pay shifts based on wages statewide.

When asked how accepting the pay raise is justified when the minimum wage is stagnant at $15 — and $8 for farmworkers and $6.75 for tipped workers — Farley-Bouvier said that the state was one of the first to raise the minimum wage thanks in part to the efforts of lawmakers.

“It was not popular,” she said, “but we did it because we thought it was the right thing to do.”

Barrett said he believes that minimum wage issue is unrelated to boosting lawmaker pay.

Davis, whose first day on the job was on Wednesday [01/01/2025], said she is accepting the raised pay as her starting salary. She said the pay is close to her salary at her previous job at affordable housing nonprofit Construct Inc. She thinks it is a fair wage given the challenges of the work. Like her colleagues, she said she’ll also probably have to dip into campaign money.

But Davis also understands that her constituents aren’t so lucky. She said she’d do the job whatever the wages. Her goal, she said, is to be “an effective leader.”

Davis already has gotten a taste of the “wear and tear” on the car from lots of meetings in Boston while she was a member of the Great Barrington Select Board. But there are things she isn’t sure about, like “a new wardrobe” and “who’s going to look after my cats.”

Then there is the question of where Davis will sleep on those two or three nights a week in Boston. It may be on her son’s futon — he just got a job nearby — or she might “find someone that might have a spare couch.”

Captions: Gov. Maura Healey has to decide every two years whether to change the salaries of lawmakers based on the state’s median household income. Healey also received a raise based on the 11.39-percent increase as of Jan. 1 [2025]. Her salary rose to $243,493, for a total of $308,493 including her annual housing stipend, The Boston Globe reported. Leading Democrats Senate President Karen Spilka and House Speaker Ronald Mariano, as leaders, both received two raises effective Jan. 1 that brought their current pay to $224,107 annually. State Rep. John Barrett III said that his previous base pay and stipends do not cover expenses. “When we go into Boston,” state Sen. Paul Mark said, “we’re paying Boston prices for everything.” Newly elected state Rep. Leigh Davis said she is accepting the increased base salary for her new job as her starting pay. She says she is “grateful” to have the job, and understands that not all her constituents are receiving such robust pay hikes.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Time to change the State Constitution regarding the House of Representatives. We should eliminate half of them. We have 133 Democrats, 25 Republicans, 1 Unenrolled and 1 vacant. They vote along party lines on everything. Eliminating 80 would change nothing. Instead of 133-25 votes, would be 66-12. Useless bunch.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

100% agree. The Commowealth’s gov is immense. Mass should have half the nation’s population to warrant that many critters.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

Many of the Republican legislators are go along to get along Rinos

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Remember, the entire delegation of Berkshire reps and our state senator took travel money during the Covid scamdemic. Not one of these people left Berkshire County the entire time.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 months ago

Don’t they get a huge travel allowance?

Sammy Storm
Sammy Storm
Reply to  Sir Chaz
2 months ago

With the salary they get they should pay it themselves.

Reply to  Sammy Storm
2 months ago

I think they get tens of thousands of dollars just to cover commutes. In other words, they are lying about their expenses.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
2 months ago

Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) lie?

No way.

Next you’ll tell me TFCB wants you to “adopt” an unvetted illegal alien “family” into my your homes, but he!! would freeze over before she ever would .

The fact she collects her paycheck from US-THE TAXPAYERS, means squat to her.

From reading that story, they all pretty much tell us “we owe it to them,” for all their “hard work.”

**Notice how NONE of them mention any legislation THEY authored to help us. Why not? There isn’t any…..

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Davis thinks she earns it because that is what she is used to getting. She comes to Bacon Hill with quite an appetite.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

You can get an Airbnb or marriot $100- $200 at 495 ring. That is Boston’s bedroom.

2 months ago

What shouldn’t be dismissed is the fact that the far left agenda in the school system has made it so much easier for people with deviant tendencies to take advantage of students. Encouraging teachers to worry about the gender of students and getting involved in hiding it from their parents so they form a secret little club is very dangerous. This is too much familiarity and destroys the normal teacher-student relationship. I’m not saying Pittsfield schools didn’t have people taking sexual advantage of kids for many years before the Trans mania, but the far left agenda has made it so much easier for these sexual predators.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

100% agree with you Pat. When I went to school, I knew very little, if anything, about any of my teachers personal lives.

There were established boundaries nobody crossed.

Look at The Eagle, for example. They ran a front page feature story about transvestites reading to children. They celebrate the grooming of children, by deviants with mental health problems.

Adult men, dressing up and thinking they are women, reading to children.

Do you ever stop and wonder why women don’t dress up as men and do this to children.

Or why it’s always children and not the elderly, hospitalized parties, or any other ADULT GROUP?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

There has to be a reckoning and all the people from top to bottom responsible in the school system need to be shown the door.
Strongly worded reports ,letters etc..and puffed up rhetoric from some phony in house investigation won’t cut it.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

January 04, 2024

Is anyone surprised that State Senator Paul Marxism, State Representatives Tricia Country-Buffet, John Barrett the career politician, and the newly elected Leigh Davis all accepted the 11.39-percent state government public pay raise on 01/01/2025?

Boston is an expensive place, of course, but it still costs a good sum of money to live in Western Massachusetts, which has the most severe need for social services state funding due to its distressed regional economy, while many greedy lobbyists in Boston make 6-figures – some of the greed-balls even make 7-figures – salaries per year.

Governor Maura Healey cut around $400 million in state funding for social services in 2024. Are Marx, Country-Buffet, the career politician from North Adams, and Leigh Davis going to ask Healey to restore the state funding cuts for the people in need of social services in their respective Berkshire County state legislative districts?

What good is state funding for public education when the state under-funds social services that families, especially children, need to live stable lives in a tough economy? What good are Healey, Marx, Country-Buffet, Barrett, & Davis? Answer: They are all NO GOOD!

Jon Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

January 04, 2025

Letter writer Valerie Andersen rebutted former Pittsfield City Councilor Kevin Sherman’s letter criticizing elected city officials, citizens, and so on, for being outraged about the alleged scandals in the Pittsfield Public School District. In my opinion, I find it hard to believe that nobody was aware of the allegations. Nobody has taken any responsibility for the failed leadership. Nobody is explaining to the public the city/school district’s legal liabilities to the probable victims. It is a foregone conclusion that the taxpayers will be the ones who will end up paying for this mess. There is still NO leadership in Pittsfield politics, which has been in a downward spiral for over the past 50 years. Pittsfield will never change for the better. The best thing to do is to move away and never look back at the corrupt city fun by provincial insiders who treat the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hard-working-class family who lives in “the Pitts” like a doormat, a toilet they shit on, and their ATM with no regard for “Kapanski Ka$h”.

Jon Melle


Letter: “In defense of pounding our fists over PHS scandal”
The Berkshire Eagle, January 4, 2025

To the editor: A Jan. 1 letter to the editor (“Letter: Students of Pittsfield need support right now”) calls on city leaders to listen to students at Pittsfield High School in light of five current and former administrators and teachers being investigated. 

The letter-writer chastises elected city leaders for being “content to pound [their] fists in outrage, feeding [their] ego and news cycles,” hinting that expression of outrage and calls for needed systemic change should be silenced. However, the writer ignores the other party who has apparently not done its job in listening to students: the school administration. The current scandals demonstrate that the PHS administration has not been listening to students for a long time.

School administrators apparently did not listen to the young man who eloquently spoke at the Dec. 23 City Council meeting about being bullied relentlessly at PHS while administrators allegedly did nothing. Perhaps PHS administrators should have listened to the student who complained of alleged severe and pervasive sexual harassment by her PHS English teacher, forcing her to seek redress in the court.

I applaud the officials, especially City Councilors Earl Persip III and Patrick Kavey and School Committee member Sara Hathaway, who have boldly taken a stand and who called for a full investigation into the culture of alleged bullying, harassment, alleged drug dealing and inappropriate sexual conduct. They and others have called for an inquiry into hiring practices that allowed improperly licensed personnel to become top administrators.

No one is blaming students at PHS. We are calling for systemic change and accountability so that PHS can remain strong and proud. Yes, listen to the students. It appears the administration didn’t. Taxpayers, alumni, students and parents should be pounding their fists in outrage and calling for change.

Valerie Andersen, Pittsfield

Sammy Storm
Sammy Storm
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Dan. You had to laugh at Help Me Rhonda’s petition,talk about creating a divisive atimosphere. First she brings a petition that she wants the Council to support the sochol committee on any decision makings which is fine. Accept a couple few things. The petition was brought forward by five woman councilors only? And when one Councilor stated some examples that there might be a few things that could prevent that she, (H M R) stated we just want support,no preamble. That’s when Councilor Persip gave his uninterrupted non Kumbaya statement. And he was correct. So if Persip and the other men said no to this petition then it would look like they don’t give a crap about our Sochol Committee or students,which isn’t true. Look at the money we give them.

Wasn’t it Sochol Committee member Garrity that exposed a statement that the City Council was more or less clueless one night about something on their agenda? I know that didn’t sit well with a couple male Council Councilors.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

“I applaud the officials, especially City Councilors Earl Persip III and Patrick Kavey and School Committee member Sara Hathaway, who have boldly taken a stand and who called for a full investigation into the culture of alleged bullying, harassment, alleged drug dealing and inappropriate sexual conduct. ”

And look what they give you, an investigation.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

“who have boldly taken a stand ”

They took a stand alright, fully equipped with fall harness, ropes and tethered by sturdy means. BAck to back, Kavey looks for risk to the right, and Persip looking out to the left.

Pandoras Rabbitt Hole
Pandoras Rabbitt Hole
2 months ago

DEI structure would appear to be close if not at the very center of most of these allegations. And yet, not one city administration official has suggested anyone look in that direction.

What this suggests to me, is that that is exactly where the focus of any and all investigations begin. Look where tey do not want you to look. This whole problem may be hiding in plain sight. Does Earl have the moxy to call it out cuz nobody else dares touch this powder keg lest they be labeled racist and bad people not doing good things.

Reply to  Pandoras Rabbitt Hole
2 months ago

Lumpy is the perfect example of a stupid mayor saying stupid things!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

Lumpy plays the VICTIM, doesn’t want to admit the taxpayers are actually the victims that end up paying for all his half ass decisions. He was incapable of taking the reins all the years he was President of the Clownsil, yet people still voted him in. We have only 4 more years of his ineptness, that’s if we survive. Wonder if he able to sleep yet? Maybe he can ride shot gun with the city plow driver that constantly plows my completely bare road at 3 a.m. driving up and down 6 times on my short street, another department Lumpy is incapable of running.

Reply to  Pandoras Rabbitt Hole
2 months ago

Accusations of racism bigotry etc… no longer stick. It was always about political power threatening cowards. A few people challenged them and poof they don’t work anymore. The days of politicians resigning and fleeing appear to be over.

Your Dad, not mine.
Your Dad, not mine.
2 months ago

Let’s literally give the pedophile a drone license.

He can see whatever the fuck part of you he likes the most.

Let’s invite him in.

He loavhes to spy on a locker room.

2 months ago

Private Inurement:

Nonprofits cannot allow their net earnings to inure to the benefit of any private individual or shareholder.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

January 05, 2025

The Boston Globe’s editorial about rules reforms in the corrupt and secretive Boston Statehouse was frustrating for me to read because the minimum state public pay for a Member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives and the State Senate is at least $104,000.00 per fiscal year, while the state lawmakers do nothing but DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers they are supposed to be serving in the government.

There have been many news articles and commentaries about why the Democratic Party lost the working-class vote to Donald Trump and the Republican Party in the Swamp in 2024. Governor Maura Healey’s public record is a perfect illustration of why the limousine latte liberals are disconnected from the economic realities that the common people face on a daily basis.

Healey cut around $400 million from state funding for social services in 2024, but says she is for public education. What good is public education when the children in need of social services that she cut state funding for in 2024 do not allow for families to have the needed economic stability for their children to learn? Answer: Children cannot learn without social services state funding because they end up in economically unstable homes, communities, and public schools.

Healey put forth additional state funding for gambling in Massachusetts, but it is well understood that the state lottery with its net profits of over $1 billion per fiscal year, the commonwealth’s 3 casinos, and online sports betting, are all regressive taxation schemes for the state to cash in on the working-class. Moreover, the youth are having record levels of gambling addiction rates that will cost society a lot more taxpayer dollars than the billions of dollars per fiscal year in the regressive gambling revenues that greedy lobbyists, such as Dan Bosley, love because it allows them to receive and cash in on huge state tax breaks for their big business clients that do not exist in entire regions of Massachusetts, especially Western Massachusetts.

Healey just gave state lawmakers and top state constitutional officials such as herself a huge state public pay raise of 11.39-percent, while the Social Security cost of living adjustment is 2.5-percent in 2025. Healey is the second highest paid Governor in the 50 states second only to New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. I think Healey symbolizes the “If there is no bread, let them eat cake” historic quote that has never been proven to be historically true.

The reason why rules reforms in the Boston Statehouse are a pipe-dream is because state lawmakers giveaway billions of dollars in state tax breaks per fiscal year to their wealthy campaign donors. Some registered lobbyists in Boston report 7-figure incomes of over $1,000,000.00 per year. It is said that once a State Representative or State Senator retires from the Boston Statehouse, they never really leave because they become greedy lobbyists, or use their political connections to own marijuana dispensaries, and the like.

The government is supposed to serve the people and taxpayers, but the opposite is true. There is nobody representing the common people in Boston and beyond. Moreover, in the Swamp, K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms write federal legislation such as Obamacare, Trump’s 2017 single largest in U.S. history tax cut bill, and so on.

In the early- to mid-2020’s, the Swamp has spent a record amount of federal money with K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms reporting record earnings in the tens of millions of dollars each. How does that help the “Rust Belt”, the Farmers, the working-class, and so on? Answer: It does NOT help the common people one bit, who have been paying 40-year-high U.S. inflation while their net income has lost ground to Bidenomics.

Do I believe that Donald Trump will change the system of government? My answer: Not really; Trump is misguided. He will be favorable to the billionaires, the elite corporations, and so on, while saying that he is for the common people and citizens of the U.S.A. Also, I believe that a lot of otherwise good people fear Donald Trump’s upcoming second administration. I hate it when bureaucracies remove government officials from being compassionate and human in their official duties. I fear that Donald Trump’s leadership will be be more machine-like than humane over the next 4-years.

Jonathan A. Melle


“Massachusetts legislative reform requires more than lip service”
The Boston Globe, Editorial, January 05, 2025

On Beacon Hill the Legislature ended the year in much the same way it operated throughout the 2023-24 session. Only a handful of lawmakers were in their seats to witness the final passage of two major health care bills and nearly 100 pieces of legislation, enacted during a marathon 14-hour session.

There were no roll-call votes. And odds are that few lawmakers other than those in leadership and the half-dozen members of the conference committees that drafted the health care bills behind closed doors knew what was actually in them before the pro forma voice votes were taken.

Welcome to the Massachusetts Legislature — a body with a propensity to work in secret and to draft rules that guarantee each and every member is beholden primarily not to the voters who sent them there but to the House speaker and Senate president from whom all power and most perks are derived.

It is a body that remains exempt from public records and open meeting laws — thus allowing most of its real work, including drafting a state budget, to be done in secret. Legislative leaders have been so adamant about maintaining that way of life, including shielding its inner workings from the scrutiny of the state auditor, that Auditor Diana DiZoglio opted to go to the voters last fall to win the right to audit the Legislature’s books.

And voters spoke loudly — with 72 percent voting their approval of the measure. But that overwhelming vote is no guarantee of success.

“We’ll be solely focused on following that law,” DiZoglio told the editorial board, “even as legislative leaders remain focused on stymieing transparency, not supporting it.”

When lawmakers convened on New Year’s Day for their swearing-in ceremonies for the new session, House Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka certainly paid a good deal of lip service to the idea of rules reform. But calling something a “reform” doesn’t make it so.

“It’s great to say that you are interested in rules reform after 72 percent of the voters say they want more transparency in the General Court,” DiZoglio said. “But the reality is there has to be a cultural shift for any new rules to work. And right now the real power lies in the hands of just a few.”

Spilka and Mariano both indicated in their opening day speeches that revisiting the July 31 deadline to end formal sessions in election years — a practice abandoned this year and in 2022 — would be among those “reforms.” Spending more time in formal session would at least provide more opportunities for roll-call votes, which require more members to actually be in the chamber and publicly indicate whether they support the legislation being voted on. Spilka also suggested moving up committee reporting deadlines for bills — which would help address the leisurely pace of legislative activity that causes some of those end-of-session logjams.

“I would hope in the new session we will redouble our efforts to make sure that substantive, complex matters are taken up in formal sessions with the predictability, the accountability, and the full consideration that they deserve,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr, during a speech on the Senate floor Monday.

DiZoglio, a former legislator, agrees, suggesting that at minimum rules reform should include more recorded roll-call votes and a requirement giving lawmakers at least 72 hours to read a bill before having to vote on it.

“The real problem is they’re constantly suspending their own rules,” she added.

But structural reform, the kind that might provide transparency throughout the legislative process and the all-important budgeting process, is still far off.

The process of co-opting the 22 new lawmakers joining the Legislature this year — and keeping the old ones in line — begins almost immediately as the speaker and Senate president announce their leadership teams and new committee chairs and vice chairs. Each of those jobs brings extra pay — and as a Globe analysis last year showed, some of those committees have little or no reason to exist other than to provide financial rewards for soldiers who stay loyal to leadership.

Globe reporters Emma Platoff and Laura Crimaldi found that at least a dozen committees had not held a single hearing during the period of the analysis nor considered a piece of legislation. With this year’s 11 percent hike in base pay (to $82,044) and travel stipend (an additional $22,431 and $29,908) no one will make under $104,000. Committee chairs will now get at minimum $22,000 to $44,000 extra tacked on to their salary. In the Senate with 40 members and 42 standing committees, eight leadership posts for Democrats and another three for Republicans, everyone gets something extra — and then some.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Congress, for all its own flaws, provides extra pay only to the House speaker, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and the House and Senate majority and minority leaders. And yet somehow members of Congress are still eager to vie for committee chairmanships.

The California Legislature follows the congressional model.

Modest reform in Massachusetts could certainly start by jettisoning those committees that no longer seem to be needed — as demonstrated by their workload. DiZoglio suggests adding a modicum of democracy, encouraging members to campaign for chairmanships among their colleagues and allowing the “full body” to participate in the process.

But extra pay isn’t the only way leaders buy loyalty. There’s also the tried and true method of allowing lawmakers to “bring home the bacon,” by spreading around taxpayers’ dollars for local earmarks in the state budget — a dog park here, a game room at the local senior center there. Last year the Massachusetts Taxpayers Association put the number of House earmarks alone at 748, adding more than $80 million in new spending to the then $58 billion budget.

But the not so well-kept secret of closed-door budgeting is that those with the power — Mariano, Spilka, House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz — are those whose districts benefit the most. Shocker, right. And then there are the so-called “stealth earmarks” — the ones adopted at the last minute in the legislative process as “consolidated amendments” — whose contents are pretty much a mystery to the rank and file until they’re passed.

Again, Congress provides a model for at least a modest reform — a requirement that every such amendment must carry the name of its congressional sponsor.

And let’s not forget this is allegedly a full-time Legislature, with nearly all lawmakers making well into six-figure salaries — and yet at least half reporting outside jobs or business interests. How much those outside interests actually represent isn’t known in many cases because the state’s financial disclosure law is so outdated — its top bracket indicating only if the job brought in $100,000 or more.

The Massachusetts Legislature, among the least transparent in the nation, is ripe for reform. The protestations of its leaders notwithstanding, it’s only the vigilance and pressure from voters that can make that happen. Now there’s a New Year’s resolution worth taking on.

Editorials represent the views of the Boston Globe Editorial Board. Follow us @GlobeOpinion.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Well written.

It Is Thyme
It Is Thyme
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Is this Molly chick the same person on flukebook that’s friends with a former city clowncilor?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

I think it would also be interesting to see the names of those who were used as references for those hired who are now facing allegations in the current situation at PHS.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

“No one knows nuttin’!” – Sir Donald Turpentine of the Bath

It's Brittany Bissh
It's Brittany Bissh
2 months ago

Good morning Ms. Lady,
Please be aware that these are not City of Pittsfield matters and that the Mayor is not tryin to hear that.

Thank you

informed blog
informed blog
1 month ago

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