(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 3, 2025) — THE PLANET will be carrying out routine platform and security updates this weekend, something our tech guys so pleasantly reminded us about and that we so Fred McMurray-like forgot. Seems we need a little Flubber in our dashboards, a little high-tech dusting and vacuuming.
The good news is that the news happily coincides with THE PLANET‘s mid-winter break, where we shall retreat to hot climes hunting hot dogs while dodging groupies. In our passionate belief in “free speech,” the only local media that does, we shall keep The Comments Line open for everyone. Well, not “we” but our technical Picassos.
In short, ladies and gentlemen, you have the Talking Stick. Monitoring shall be in the hands of THE PLANET‘s AOR.
So sound off like you’ve got a pair, as Gunnery Sgt. Hartman, your senior drill instructor, would say.
Have a great week, everybody.
“The good thing about Flubber is its bounce-back rate” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
So, who owns the Cove?
So who cares?
An example of who cares is; one who follows real estate development, insurance money, grant money, local trends in real estate acquisitions, workforce housing initiatives, Section 8, construct, public water supplies, DEP compliance, property management companies, Carver, BCRHC, ARPA, etc.
Why is it published at all then. If it’s inaccurate or if no one cares anyway, why.
There is conflicting information, for clarification
…Cove Bowling, which Tom Hankey and Juanita Hankey O’Rourke own.
Thank you for letting me know.
Distinguish public spaces & private ownership.
Cobalt Builders & VanSant w/ Allegrone & Africa.
Trump tariffs tank the economy. Maura’s taxes tank the taxpayers. The 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics tank the senior citizens & the fictional Kapanski’s personal finances. Vote: None of the above!
It’s dead beats like you who tank it. I don’t know why Dan doesn’t put a tariff on you.
I cannot respond because my words are edited out twice over. No free speech here.
No free speech here? Yeah, ok. Try going somewhere else to comment and see how much free speech you are allowed to express. You won’t find anywhere that compares to the Planet.
Thanks, OPIE. “Free speech” is this blog’s middle name.
Nuciforo persecuted me. That was my FREE SPEECH that was edited out twice.
Yes. You have said this so many times, though, that it has become un-hearable and un-listenable. That’s the truth of it. That’s why the robots took charge. I have manually intervened on this one. I probably won’t again. My readers don’t want that story. It’s way past its shelf life. You dig?
Actually, I think sometimes his speech is costing him a lot more than he can afford
Fine, but I am NOT the only one who is redundant on this otherwise awesome blog. I am thankful for Planet Valenti. I believe that Dan Valenti is the best journalist in the beautiful Berkshires. Please keep up your good work on behalf of the fictional family we all know and love named Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
JM, let me help you out a bit. When you post about your love for Linda “Flat” Tyer or your hatred of Andy Nuciforo, state the reason(s) why. It will help us better understand your plight, or perhaps your perceived plight.
We are not your parents. We don’t know you or your thought process. You have to help the reader understand your position.
For example, “Andy persecuted me for the past 28.5 years by doing……..(list examples of the alleged persecution).
“I support the Lovely Linda “Flat” Tyer, and her policies because…….(list examples of her policies and why you support them).
Look at your post towards the bottom of the Planet. You talk about supporting Maura Healey and her policies but give NO REASONS WHY.
Why do you support her?
I’m actually surprised you made it into college without learning how to write a paper/report, without ever stating your point and then having to give examples to back it up.
I hope this helps.
It is the broken record replaying a past event, embellished, dramatized, and distorted. A fantasy. The further you replay it, the futher from the truth it becomes when it is framed by irrational thinking. Irrational thinking is the illogical premise that a bad thing happened, and because it was bad – it should not have happened. Like, it is illogical to say WWII should not have happened because it was bad just as it’s silly to say the asteroid of the Permian Age should not have happened because it wrecked millions of years of evolution.
If you find yourself rehashing an argument obsessively, you have the underlying malady of thinking that it should have gone a different direction. This is a common problem for insomniacs.
The only way to regard the past, when you find yourself rehashing it, is to say “What happened SHOULD have happened. Why? Because it did. That’s reality.”
General note: when you rehash a past argument, complaint, insult: note what actually happened in your mind, say, “that is what happened (not what you are thinking should have happened), and say then “That’s the reality. There, I’ve recorded it to myself.”
The decision to edit and block the broken record of disturbed thinking fits editorial contraints of limited bandwidth.
Most perceptive, SIR CHAZ
I 100% concur with you Sir Chaz. I was trying to help JM understand in the most basic terms of report/paper writing.
The 5 W’s.
My guess, JM probably wore his poor PHS teachers down with his “plight,” back in the 90’s.
Just pass him and let the next poor soul deal with him.
JM found out the US military separated the boys from the men when he tried bucking the chain of command with his “plight.”
Under Xiden’s Army, JM would have been a 20-star General. He grew up a bit too early though.
Movie: Number 24.
““I have five drawers. The top three I keep open all the time. The fourth I only open sometimes. The fifth I never open.” – Gunnar Sonsteby
“Flubber” what a good term to put on the GOB of the Pitts, No matter how many times the voters try to vote them out, they bounce right back with a big FU to the Kapanski’s!! When will the city leaders understand they need to lead and help the taxpayers???
I do not believe very many of our city “leaders” ever intended to work for the taxpayers. If it happens accidentally in the course of their diligent work for special interests they are OK with it for the most part. But when the were recruited they understood that their job involved carrying large buckets of water for the local mini oligarchs. And if it happened “accidentally” that some windfall blew across their path they are OK with that as well.
So true now they want to create a committee to see how much more their “voluntary positions” should pay them…..pathetic
It really is stupid. I might get some flack for saying this but I do not care. I have no intention of ever voting again at any level, city, state or Federal. It is a feel good function that changes nothing. The power people will always be running any government and will always cater to the money folk.
In Pittsfield for example, when Ruberto came on the scene taxes went up like never before and since then every new mayor took it all to a new level totally unchecked by the city council who for the most part seem to be working directly for the mayor backing his or her every move. And the media is no longer any check or balance. If we are honest we know that voting is a joke and a gross waste of time.
Morales has several tons of Flubber on order. It’ll come in handy for pothole season.
I hear, too, that the city will be hiring Fred McMurray as a “consultant.” $85K, no-show. Typical Bitchfield deal. No word about William Frawley.
Hang on to your jewelry Da. It’s kleptocracy out there.
More winning….
Not too shabby for a first week on the job.
Wake up Catholics…..
Wake up, little Susie….to:
Trump & Elon’s Techno-fascism/authoritarian politics; Homan’s ICE Age raids of middle & elementary schools; the controversial presidential power grabs & Constitutional CHAOS….
1, 2….Musk, Homan, Trump, J.D. Vance, etc. are coming for you….
3, 4….Executive Orders are flying out the door….
5, 6….The Catholic Church is on MAGA’s pseudo-Crucifix….
7, 8….They want us to HATE
9, 10….History is repeating itself again….
Jonny instead of talking politics how about telling us a funny story about being a Seaman in the Navy. People would love to hear how you learned how to make large tubs of gravy from scratch for the other sailors in the chow hall every day.
Or about his most recent job and how much he personally pays in taxes, especially to Massachusetts
His last job in Pittsfield before his naval career was washing and cleaning the doodoo out of the dog kennels daily at the Pittsfield animal shelter. Jonny didn’t last long it was though the job got to stressful for him.
Could it be that Trump is our modern day Marcus Aurelius?
No man in my lifetime, has done so much for his country and our Republic, while battling the pure evil of the donks, the MSM, the swamp, activists and the deep state with courage, wisdom, and
Yes. True message of HOPE.
Pittsfield’s Public Payroll Patriots’ public pay plus perks pay raises….
Please note that the 2=Pete’s Pittsfield politics is NOT discussing lowering municipal taxes, fees, debts, unfunded liabilities, spending….
Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski work hard to pay for Pittsfield politics!
Is anyone going to run against these deadwood hacks?
They might. But they will be more hand picked rubber stampers just like the ones you would like to replace. Power politics is a self renewing resource. A parasitic entity feeding on the very ones it pretends to protect and benefit. Democracy flipped on its back like a helpless turtle with its legs pawing the air praying for help that seems like it will never come.
Karen Kal will take out one of the DEI at larges. She was the only one working when she was there.
I can’t imagine how she could stand another term with those morons. The median IQ will remain fixed in the low ’80s.
G-d’s eternal plan is let the tyrants pour on insults until the PEOPLE, as a group, can’t take it anymore. That’s the history of Western Judeo-Christian civilization. I say, no more mandy-pandy opposition until you have a body politic ready to rock.
Curious if anyone knows the answer to my question. Since the City administration is still paying the 3 employees that are on leave of absence from PHS, just wondering if they are found guilty, do they have to reimburse the TAXPAYERS for the monies paid out. One of them is cruising around all day in his Maserati, and another one is supposedly on vacation in Anquilla. Don’t know about the rest of you hardworking taxpayers, I know I am certainly not living that life style. It also does not help that I completely lack any trust in the City Administration. They spend more time pondering their decisions , grandstanding at meetings and doing their best to cover-up their screw-ups, on the taxpayers dime
The homeless population of Pittsfield are wondering about why the millionaires are receiving tax breaks, the school staff is making bank, and the 2-Pete’s are plump.
They will not have to pay it back and will also enjoy almost free healthcare along the way. Money is being paid into their pensions. Not sure which ones also have access to city paid vehicles, expense accounts and the city employee workout space. Maybe a clothing allowance?
But if they did not pay them now they would have to pay them back later with interest when they are all found innocent and receive public apologies. Nobody did nuttin and this is a big waste of time and you guys all know it.
From what I hear both Ladies have been found innocent and will be returning to their “positions?”! Unfortunately the Dancin queen/dean is still in federal court
Not supposedly vacationing in Anguilla, it’s true. Shepards pie has been posting lots of smiling pictures of her trip with her family. Is Pittsfield that corrupt that someone can be carrying g on care free while a supposed investigation takes place? I’m personally disgusted by this woman.
99% certain it’s no.
It’s 100% certain they do not have to pay back anything, unless they have been ordered to by a court.
I asked a couple of friends in both units of public safety in Bitchfield. I was told people who were canned or left under suspicion, did not have to pay it back.
Unless it was something like what Jeff Coco did and stole $200k. He had to cough that all back up or go to state prison.
Jeff knew Da Boyz in da joint would want to meet dem some “Coco” and give him a welcoming party. He’d be the guest of “honor.”
They will get paid throughout the process..
We all know LaVante got the job because of Shirley, that man wasn’t qualified to shine a paraprofessionals shoes
She needs to be investigated as well. Ali Shepherd is on a nice long vacation on the tax payers dime because while she isn’t a legit POC, she acts and looks like one.
If these were all white people their asses would have been fired long ago. Watch them all end up back at work too.
Musk and his NAZI salute just took over the fed aid building and payment systems.The MAGA movement lost but so stupid they dont know it.You guys are so fn lost even FOX cant dumb you down .FOX is worried you dont know how to use the pediactric products they sell. Trump can afford his diaper changer ,but,you cant….
TSC, now you’ve got EDS , to go with your TDS!
Of course I didn’t read about this in the “Hate Rag of the Berkshires”, but I guess our Gov. Healey decided that us hardworking taxpayers do not pay enough to the state or local governments. I guess she is pushing a Municipal Empowerment Act which will allow local governments to increase excise taxes by up to 5%!! Isn’t that special, These Democrats just love to stick it to the hardworking taxpayers so they can interact with “the beautiful people” and live in their exclusive residences! Way to keep screwing the little guy Democrats!
As we see all of the illegal immigrant criminals being arrested by ICE across the country, there is silence from the media and the Democrats about how reckless and horrible they were to allow these dangerous people to just walk into our country and pose a threat everyday to Americans. The media like our own Berkshire Eagle wants everyone to focus on the illegal immigrant children in the schools and how locals must be on watch for ICE agents to save the children. The Democrats intentionally created this situation with their open borders policy and want everyone to forget that fact. They knew that many of the people they were pouring in for their own political reasons were dangerous people, but they didn’t care. Instead we heard that the illegal immigrants just want to do work that Americans don’t want to do which was insulting to everyone. We do need immigrants, but we need them to enter the country the way they always have which is legally so they can be vetted and we know their intentions and their health status. It’s not 100% guarantee they will be good citizens, but it’s better than the chaos that we have now.
Most of our elected city councilors and the mayor want pay increases per today’s iberkshires article. This issue was started by Councilors Warren & Conant who petitioned the council for school committee member salary increases. Can you believe this? The city per Dan’s column is almost a billion in debt, & there is little to no oversight of PPS, and these 2 bozos want to feather the nests of elected officials.
I could see if they actually did there jobs, and sought out ways to streamline the Major Departments. They haven’t tried to make any substantial cuts in decades. If anything they should get a pay reduction. Maybe base it on Merit, give them a commission on budget cuts.
And sounds like insurance is going up by several million. It’s how they always do it, get the teacher contract signed, hand out raises more generous than Oprah handing out cars, then reveal the cost later, everything is “contractually obligated”, no objections are allowed, only additions to the budget can be discussed
It’s part of the “legal” racket that was set up years ago. When all folks realize: There is no participatory, citizen-owned government in Bitchfield. There is Scam Government.
Bottom of barrel education, yet money per student funding the highest. So reward the city council for the same behavior? NO. Frankly the school committee should not be paid.
Look, there is no plausible theory that says pay increase brings out better candidates,that’ is nonsense.
Wasnt that one of the reasons J Lo got beat his suggestion to increase pay for quality of a candidate? Then his cellphone allegedly was on fire for him to run and muff head beat him?
Conant wants to get paid more to sleep and vote to help his wife’s employed… PPS
His wife works in the Pittsfield schools? Conflict of interest?
His wife doesn’t work in the schools. His wife is a nurse
Anesthetist. His daughter works at Taconic.
Kenny could use some more hair gel.
How about Elon wants to layoff and terminate swamp employee, and employees media are they’re screaming they want due process? Is that the same Due Process the Masschushits RMV has pulled lately? Suspending Licences of good drivers and fining them again twenty times more. Does Double Jeopardy ring a bell?
R M V has been weaponized and makes Musk and Trump look like choir boys. Stop complaining d rats the people have spoken.
Speaking of Flubber, I bet most on the Planet weren’t aware that under the China Joe Xiden administration, US Taxpayers were paying $600,000,000 every 2-3 months to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), to FACILITATE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
The democRATS let Americans in Hawaii, North Carolina, East Palestine OH, suffer, while they sent over $1,200,000,000 ($1.2 Billion) of US tax dollars to fund ILLEGAL ALIENS FLOODING OUR BORDERS!!!
**Flubber or blubber, both words are synonymous with Lumpy Marchetti and/or Wimpy White.
Two nasty bastards
Mr. President.I’m not interested in obtaining the Gaza Strip? And that would certainly include military presence.I’d be more in favor of eggs and inflation and gasoline being lowered. Maybe he’s going to build Trump Tower over in that region?
I’m sure you don’t want peace in the Gaza Strip. Most war-mongering democRATS thrive on war and killings.
Bathhouse Barry showed the world how dangerous he was with drones.
And as far as eggs and gas prices go, STFU already!!
President Trump has been in office about 6 weeks and has gotten more done than anyone of recent memory.
China Joe Xiden had 4 years to destroy the economy. I only remember reading your TDS posts during that time, under one of your many aliases here on The Planet.
Are you nuts. Trump never said he was going to take over the strip?Way off.No,we shouldn’t be supporting someone who murdered ten of thousands of innocent people. You stfu.
This is from the BBC. But you can find it almost anywhere.
US President Donald Trump has restated a vision in which the US would take over Gaza, after officials in his administration appeared to contradict his earlier comments.
“The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting,” Trump said on Thursday. He reiterated that the idea would mean resettling Palestinians, and that no US soldiers would be needed.
I see three options: You let Europe and their friends bleed everyone dry and rebuild Gaa. They install a strongman government consisting of new thugs and gangsters Hamas shifts to the background, rearms, and eventually kick out those corrupt usurping installed thieves and take over and recommence murder and gangsterism.
2) Israel reoccupies. That won’t work much better than #1. Less gangsterism, but the war will continue.
3) Someone new shows up in the neighborhood and says, “Move on. We’re taking over. You all (Europe, PA, etc…) had your three strikes and you’re out.”
It is the path to peace, prosperity, and Liberty.
Plus: it would save lives, and be cheaper for the USA than continuing to provide arms to the region. Less war = less spending.
Trump was doing great. Until crazy B B arrived today.
People tend to believe anything written in our print rags from our locals must be true or the writer would not have gone to all the
Trump Jared Hotels in Gaz paid for with the 2 billion the Saudis gave Jared and Ivanka Trump….that is so ridiculous you will think Trumps a genius for invading Gaza
LOL…We have lost our democracy and this board is in a fog.You fellas should entertain each other for years to come
Why are you so upset about, taking the government waste out of Washington? You worried some of your idols might be dirty? You should be happy. PS, We are a Republic.
FOX makes you think
MSNBC makes you stink
No, TSC, most MAGA members are just regular, heterosexuals, who enjoy an average life.
We let degenerates like you dress up and play make believe. It was when people of your ilk started trying to normalize that mental illness, with “drag time, story time, with kids.”
TSC-I do have a question for you. Why do you tranny’s always target children? Why not read to the elderly? Long term hospital patients? Better yet, try doing this at your local VFW.
FOX at 5
Your posts are good for someone who’s had a lobotomy
The Guv wants another $425 million to fund the emergency shelter system, vote is scheduled for Thursday. Contact the Guv and your loser Rep TFB to register your objection.
Story on
D-rat Healey already spent 1.2 BILLION on CRIMINAL ALIENS.
How you gonna contact t f b when she’s at the buffet?…..
Hold a doughnut out in front of her.
Hold a dozen doughnuts out in front of her, one isn’t enough.
Wrapped in twenty dollar bills.
I think all of the Pittsfield financial scams began with the Mayor Ruberto administration in 2004. That’s when the schools and city government began their scam to get more money and power each year in exchange for votes. Generous yearly pay raises for the schools and permanent power for government officials of the Democratic party.
You mean the mayor that campaigned on tax relief and was going to use his executive skills to bring in jobs? That mayor.
Jim Ruberto might not have brought jobs, industry, or anything else to help the working taxpayer; however, he did bring this to NON:
Sheep are the perfect animal considering all the aberrant sexual activity ascribed to certain GOBSIGs over the years.
Good one Pat. How about the Beacon former owner. The Bitchfield Clowncil didn’t even know the former owner bought the seats to his theater from his own company? And renovations,where is the transparency numbers for that ? In Diana head? Remember the night the attorney for Stanley notified the Council that the seats were purchased by the owner. They all looked dumbfounded.
And Mr. Cinema skipped town after the council let him off the hook for $2.3 million of public money. That’s classic Bitchfield Economics..
Wow. Good catch on that Dan !
So Trump ordered the feds back to the office, and Ohio governor just did also, 5 freaking years after the scamdemic started, and years after it ended. Why is Her Royal Highness Healy still letting state workers eff the duck from home ????
I didn’t know they were still working from home. How many, what agencies?
Looks like Fing the Duck is here to stay.
So many companies really like work from hame because its a money maker.Realestate owners like Trump want them back in the office
Name one employer who wants their employees to work remote? Upwork doesn’t count.
Trumps press secretary just said that the American military is woefully understaffed and that it has become a national security risk. Pete Hegseth, new secretary of defense will be coming out addressing that problem soon.
If you have draft age children or grand children Pete might be getting in touch with them. And by the way, they think Iran needs to be taught a lesson soon.
It has been several years since America was not fighting a forever war in the mid-east and the defense industry is getting restless.
Luckily Joe (full diaper) Biden left all the Military equipment and weapons behind so at least they will have a fighting chance. Not sure how we would fare without our cross dressing, mental ill soldiers though. Pet your therapy dog and watch CNN.
Biden is a war criminal and provided all the weapons used to mass murder people in Gaza. But no American soldiers were in combat then. Will that be changing? You may not care but some people may.
President Trump has already served 4 years as President. No wars, Biden 2 wars. I trust President Trump. If you actually listened, he said no US troops on the ground, no US money to rebuild. I know you’re upset about the boys on the Pentagon losing their 600 million in sushi.
So Slurpy Kenny brought in a conspiracy theorist gunslinger talking more about child pedophila that the drug dealing dancing Deans behavior. She states Bitchfield isn’t the only problem with teacher student bad behavior.
Your not talking about other cities, your talking about a situation here with a ton of gravity concerning the hiree of a d e I and non qualified Dean who also is charged with a serious drug crime.
Kudos to Sarah Hathaway for stating the limitations on due process and the non relevant diatribe that is not occurring currently at the school-schools.
Heres the bottom line on the Dancing Dean. If he’s found guilty let the drug courts decide punishment. He automatically loses his job either way.
Come & get Healey, Pam!
More winning!
Slippery tommorrow and watch out for the mofo pothole by Salvation Army west st
Big one developing under the Hubbard ave bridge as well. Let’s wait till some truck breaks an axle and jams up traffic there for a few hours. No point getting out in front of it.
If Bitchfield is having property tax sticker tax shock. Then cut the budget buffoon.
We’re not winning here in Bitchfield. We’re losing. Same old budget and tax payer increase. Mayor must cut,not add taxes.
Holy crap Costa plenty stated property tax goes up because the city needs more money. Mayor says it’s a game?….
February 5, 2025
Re: Rinaldo is a disgrace for embracing far right HATE
Rinaldo Del Gallo III has been publishing letters criticizing the Democratic Party’s so-called failed leadership on economic justice for the common people (who have been losing ground for the past over 50 years under both Democrat and Republican presidential administrations and Congressional terms).
Last month, Rinaldo published a letter explaining in his conservative view, why Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump in the 2024 election, which also saw a small Republican Party majority in the U.S. Senate, which previously had a slight Democratic Party majority, and the U.S. House of Representatives retained a very small Republican Party majority in 2025.
This month, Rinaldo published a letter defending most of the insurrection on Capitol Hill, including in the Capitol Building, on January 06th, 2001. Rinaldo criticized the work of the bipartisan committee in U.S. Congress that held hearings and spoke to the American people about the political events of January 06th, 2001. Rinaldo compares the Black Lives Matters protests to the events of January 06th, 2001, but with a broad brush that infers that the black protesters are above law enforcement measures, while the white protesters, who were all pardoned by Trump, are the victims of law enforcement measures and the federal criminal justice system.
I believe that Rinaldo is a disgrace for embracing far right HATE. Rinaldo has a history of attending so-called FREE SPEECH far right political gatherings and marches that are similar to the political activities of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party over one century ago. Furthermore, Rinaldo has been criticized by the court system in Massachusetts for his non-effective and unproductive legal representation of neo-Nazis in court.
Just because Rinaldo writes that he is a conservative-oriented, disillusioned Democrat himself doesn’t make him right on his ongoing criticisms of the Democratic Party that opposes Donald Trump’s far right agenda.
Jonathan A. Melle
“Letter: I’m glad Trump pardoned Jan. 6 offenders”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 5, 2025
To the editor: I had represented a “Jan. 6er,” an individual by the name of Mark Sahady, in the Massachusetts Federal District Court.
Looking back, it was a much greater victory than appeared at the time. It became a historical fact that many Jan. 6ers were rotting in jail awaiting trial. I put in many hours, I stayed up nights writing briefs and I was able to get Mr. Sahady out on bail. Had I not been successful, he would have been rotting in a D.C. jail for four years.
I am glad Trump pardoned the Jan. 6ers. As a Democrat, I watched a party stray far from economic progressivism to watch month after month of hearings on Jan. 6, wasting precious time not legislating for change when they occupied a majority of both houses. And then there was the selective enforcement. The Black Lives Matter riots were objectively worse by orders of magnitude (more than $1 billion in damages, 19 deaths), yet slight was law enforcement’s efforts to bring killers and looters to justice.
And then there were the lies and exaggerations. It has been claimed that three police officers died on Jan. 6, 2021, sometimes more. In fact, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes the day after the riot. Four Capitol Police officers who actually committed suicide were relegated into the category of victims of Jan. 6. There is simply no Jan. 6 equivalent to retired police officer David Dorn being killed in the BLM riots.
I believe the D.C. juries in the Jan. 6 trials were as partisan as the jurors that convicted witches here in Massachusetts. While there was obviously deplorable riotous and violent behavior by some (I couldn’t stand the video of police officers being squeezed), the hyperbole was off the charts: people were describing this riot as a literal coup d’etat. Evidence that suggested this was a “mostly peaceful protest” — a common description of BLM riots used by legacy media — was finally released by Tucker Carlson, exposing what I believe to be the mother of all Brady violations. Later, released video evidence showed that some “rioters” had simply walked in the Capitol doors and then taken selfies with police.
Rinaldo Del Gallo III, Pittsfield
Spot on Rinaldo. John as usual, literally out in left field. Deep breaths, going to be a long 4 years for you.
Are you off your meds again?
Your blind loyalty to the demoncrat party, is very concerning.
While Rinaldo points out the facts of the j6 hoax, your diatribe is void of any facts.
Typical silly demonrat, bet your mad Elon is pointing out the waste and corruption at USAID, instead of the Democrats unhinged ranting about thier slush fund being defunded
Funny how they also tried to discredit RFKJ, while accepting millions $ from Pfizer.
Hopefully they keep up the hysterical defense of the undefendable. Midterms will be an even bigger landslide.
Keep up the good work jon, we couldn’t do it without you!
Jonny instead of posting about controversial topics like far right hate speech or Luciforo or Hitler why don’t you post about guys who are heroes to you guys like Robert Mapplethorpe or his lover Jack Fritscher. Topics people don’t know about and you know like the back of your hand it would be a change of pace for you and others on here.
Melle, thanks for posting this letter as many of us won’t read that liberal rag. Ronaldo is spot on, and has deftly stated the truth. The democrats have left the reservation.
Speaking of Liberal rags, why can’t are homeless shelter, opps I mean library have some diversity in there newspapers. Tax payers are paying for an echo chamber of liberal news. We deserve another point of view Boston Herald & NY Post would be a welcomed addition. We could ditch the Eagle and Boston Globe there barely cage worthy.
Petition it at CC. Watch the hens go wild.
The “hens” – great name for the way-too-many female dingbats on the CC.
*Cluck Cluck!
Right again Jon
There is no individual with more hats. Than you Melle.
All PInk Pussy hat’s.
Mr. Morales, pendejo! Don’t play with your phone during meetings-especially when you’re on tv jack wagon.
So Chucky Schumer, who couldn’t care less about high prices under Basement Biden, has a presser to show how my Super Bowl party will get more expensive under Trumps tariffs, and Chucky shows a can of Corona and an alvocado, and says my cheese pizza cost is going up, News flash Chucky – real men don’t drink Mexican piss, alvocados are also grown in The United States, and the Mexicans don’t have the cheese market corned either you despicable schmuck.
Looks like we got some moldy cannabis here in Pittsfield,…….Lawsuit anyone?
Sawed off schmuck, you mean. D’amato pegged him perfectly.
So, are you going to tell us what the score will be? I hope Dan makes a Nostrodanus like prediction, what do you say, Danno?
Don’t know the score but I predict game will come down to kick by KS kicker.
Winning number: 7/0 first quarter.
Knight of the 18V Milwaulkee Hammer Drill Driver delivers the goods.
I have a question for the two most prominent liberal posters on here, JM and TSC, about why you democRATS are so concerned with your LGBTQ agenda.
Not having ever met JM, but from reading the posts/comments on here, I get that a gay man like JM will side with the LGB side of it. I have no issue with this. I’m not gay, but to each his own if he/she is happy.
TSC, being a tranny and a huge supporter of that lifestyle, will side with the TQ+-*&^%$ part of the equation. This lifestyle, I don’t understand. Then again, I don’t suffer from mental health and substance abuse issues either, like TSC appears too.
My question to both of you, is how you explain my tax money from USAID going to bullspit like this:
*$3,900,000 for “LGBTQ causes” in the Western Balkans.
*$5,500,000 for LGBTQ activism in Uganda.
*$6,000,000 for LGBTQ issues in “priority countries in the world.”
*$6,300,000 for men who have sex with other men in South Africa.
$21,700,000 of our tax money goes to LGBTQ causes around the world. Paid by USAID.
Meanwhile, people in North Carolina and Hawaii got $700 checks……
JM, TSC, and any other democRAT poster, care to even try to explain this fraud, waste, and abuse, of MY TAX MONEY!!!!
L. G. B. T. Q. = Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump, and Quit pissing our tax dollars away.
MAGA all the way baby. So fun to watch the effing liberals melting down.
That’s a good one, right there!
USAID can be likened to a bunker hidden far away, beneath the rocky mountains of Afghanistan. And here comes the Determined Deliverers of DOGE the new “Bunker Busters” to root out and destroy these mendacious anti American miscreants and their money laundering operations within the bowels of USAID. And we are just in the beginning stages of our patriotic leaders using their laser like tenacity to expose and destroy these enemies of our great Republic. What a great day it is, to be alive in America.
Marchetti has so much overage in the beleaguered Pittsfield taxpayer account that he is going to do fireworks in February. He could not even cut this stupid frilly waste out of respect for those who are down and out with all kinds of rising expenses. The guy is a joke and so is White who has not once stood up for the taxpayers.
President Trump signed the “No Men in Women’s Sports” executive order so women aren’t getting beat up by men in sports. Women have suffered brain trauma and other serious injuries from men who identify as women. This executive order should be made the law, but most Democrats still refuse to protect women. Nobody knows why. All we hear around Pittsfield is how horrible Trump’s tariffs will be for Americans and how stupid people are for voting for Trump. What happens with the tariffs remains to be seen, but Canada and Mexico sure are responding positively. The Dems will never give any credit to Trump for any of his accomplishments. Everyone, especially women, should cheer this executive order by President Trump. Tennis legend Martina Navratilova is applauding Trump’s executive order and criticizing Democrats for not supporting keeping men out of women’s sports.
As far as all we hear in Pittsfield goes,
most readers of various outlets tend to believe anything written in our media rags from our locals must be true or the writers would not have gone to all the trouble.
Bitchfield continually elects special interest candidates. That’s not optional or you don’t get elected. Yes,during the Gee Eee and Conte era we had all kinds of cash coming out our ass.
But times changed and we continued to spend tax and borrow money like drunken sailors that we now don’t have and haven’t had unless taxes we’re raised. Which is where our poor community is now.
Lumpy needs to cut hard this time around. Schools in particular. Did anyone see Kuffkinks last night? Still doing his lounge act. He must have adjusted the buttons on his jacket ten times.,adjusting the microphone, adjusting his watch and pretty much sounding like an unfunny comedian.
It is time for a City Manager. That might not work either, but must be given a try. And hire someone that knows what they’re doing, not the current retreads in Bitchfield.
Not sure how many local millionaires are getting TIFFs tax breaks as of today but they are among the special interests who back and fund the revolving door candidates that they can count on to keep the breaks coming.
Kerwood should do a public review at some council meeting and go over these in detail covering the last 20 years. Elderly on fixed incomes should be exempt from having to pay these wealthy businessmen s taxes for them. But if Kerwood even suggested doing such a public review he would be out on his ass in a heartbeat. He was hired for the job specifically because they knew they could count on him NOT to do such things.
A R P A money was misappropriated in my opinion. Several red flags.
Completely. Primary rules by the Treasury were “Transparency and Accountability”. The first step they took was to create a secret society to think out how to spend it. Then the reporting was all about what projects happened, but concealed who exactly received the money. First went transparency, second went accountability: dollars cannot be traced to recipients.
Not even red flag, just a broad daylight theft of $41,000,000. That was your money, your taxes, paid for by double digit inflation.
Like I’ve discussed many times on here, Shirley Edgerton taking her family and friends on an all-expense (US taxpayer) paid African trip, so Shirl could “explore her roots,” is FRAUD.
Now matter how they try and package it up neatly with a shiny golden bow, under the guise of doing this for the ROPES course, it’s THEFT OF OUR TAXMONEY AND I WANT IT BACK!!!!!
I’m curious as to how many trips were taken prior to all the Covid $ coming along?
Probably the same as Blutarsky’s GPA.
Zero, point, zero.
I’m curious about what bank on the African continent saw a new bank account. Sounds like business trips.
The schools haven’t been teaching critical thinking for so many years that people believe what they are fed by the media. They don’t question it. They don’t think at all. Individual thought seems to be dead in Berkshire County. It’s all about group think. They can’t even admit something that is very basic which is that women shouldn’t be literally beaten up by men in sports. If they did they would have to admit that saying you are a woman doesn’t make you a woman because if you are a biological man, you are going to have the strength of a man.
Pat, these morons think a man can get pregnant. There is no hope for some of them.
Barry had a shit eating grin reaching from ear to ear when he got his check. Still chuckles about it even today.
Only in Pittsfield: A satanist storefront funded by the police department hosting drag queen shows for kids
Take a walk in her shoes, was just soft opening for closet crossdressing pedos.
Mostly cops lawyers and politicians, who traffic children.
Problem is they ran out of demorats, wait till Bondi & Patel open up Epstein files.
Cliff? Really?
Details please
Holy Phuck! Despicable. Thanks for the link. And how is police department funding this bs?
Wandering on Depot Street Pittsfield, having Drag show and story time to groom children. Of course it’s in honor of Black History Month. WTF is this world coming to. Nothing shouts out Black History month more than a dude dancing around with his twigs and berries hanging out. Wandering do what you want, but stay the Fuck away from the children. DSS should be there to get the abusive parents names and addresses.
I agree Joe!
Where’s the City Council? Drag shows for children should be outlawed!
Right, “Witch Slapped” says enough, it’s inappropriate and they’re too fucking stupid to discern.
Hey teachers, leave them kids alone.
Lemme sign precious gift right up for that one
They were insinuating themselves into Council business during my last year on that dias. I found it sickening.
I know one business and probably ten more that wasn’t even doing any business. They 100 of thousands agiven to them and have been closed right after they received it and weren’t doing any business to begin with.
I’m so glad my taxes went up this year so that I can’t make it up my street and into my driveway, even though the exact border of the next town over (and every town after) was pure black top, as if it just rained on a summers day. It’s not like this was an enormous storm. I’m sick thinking about how neglected Pittsfield is and how nobody, especially the “mayor” and his little white toast sidekick, gives a shit about it and about the people in it. Another 4 years of this shit. It’s sickening.
Marchetti can’t afford fireworks on the common in February if he has to make roads too safe. He is also setting aside money for his 30 million dollar special interest make believe baseball emporium and special event arena and other mega projects the taxpayers could care less about.
Hit a pot hole yesterday felt like I hit a tank. Damage for sure. How do I get compensated or try to ?
You can’t on the first hit. Must first report the pothole, then hit it again. Or, report the pothole first, then wait a few days, if not fixed then report it.
Over one hundred city vehicles hitting these same potholes each day and taxpayers are paying for the repairs on all those vehicles as well. Its early February, can you just imagine by April fools day what Marchettis and Tyers roads will look like?
Im hearing that all administrators on 1st street Curtis, Lamoureuox Benke wont survive the investigation.Curtis and lamoureoux are attached at the hip.Who knew what is about not wanting mandated reporting because you would need to act.Been going on since Eberwien jr….some 15 years….we will see.
Is Bitchfield considered a sanctuary city?
For those who missed this story yesterday: AG Bondi has ordered a freeze on federal funding to sanctuary cities after being sworn in to office the same day (Feb 5, 2025).
The exact number of cities affected has not been specified, but the directive appears to be comprehensive.
There are more than 560 sanctuary cities in the USA.
What is your best estimate on how many U.S. cities will still claim that status in six months from now?
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There will many other cuts including education. And since education is a ginormous part of a city budget and taxpayer load, how will this be made up? Can they double or triple our taxes or will mayors have to cut funding from some of the ludicrous waste embedded in school spending budgets?
They could start by eliminating the DEI offices & officials on the city and school sides. The mayor could also ask that ALL city officials (including city councilors, commissioners & board members) take a 10% pay cut. They could close 1 or 2 elementary schools. A hiring freeze should be put in place. Eliminate Shirley Edgerton’s “job.”
Readers? Please add to my list!
Agree. Also move out of Hibbard and Mercer schools into one of the closed schools. Sell those 2 schools. Close a fire station buy a couple suvs so the firemen can take them to emergency medical calls instead of a fire truck. Cut the staff at the library, park buses in different quadrants of the City where they are picking up and dropping off students. Cut DPW budget, take some City vehicles off the road. Do not build a new ballpark or an elementary school.
And change the health insurance ratio, currently at 85%(taxpayer pays)-15%(public employees pay). 60-40 is still a good deal and saves taxpayers millions.
Agree. Also look into other insurance companies, and maybe down grade the insurance a little. I know my insurance is not as good as it was 20 years ago. Can’t always afford the Cadillac.
Regarding the school buses. When you have a chance, park by any Pittsfield school and watch the buses leaving at the end of the day. They are EMPTY. I have seen this constantly sitting at the light in front of our now famous PHS. Also, live near Allendale School and the buses are also EMPTY.
When is the last time the City Administration investigated the usage of buses? The whole bus system needs to be adjusted. Besides a driver these buses also have a city employee monitor riding along. Two salaries for an empty bus. Meanwhile streets around schools are blocked as parents wait for their kids. Has the city ever asked why kids don’t ride the buses?
If Mayor Lumpy doesn’t have the balls to cut waste in the city budget, then he needs to find a “Elon Musk of Pittsfield ” that has a set to do it.
Have everyone kick in more $$ for their health insurance.
Eliminate all bonus pay – CC can do that.
Reduce Health INspector salary by 2 inspectors. They raised it from two to four in ’23. Hired two new inspectors who then quit. They keep the salary.
Make the PU dept sell off half its Ford Explorer fleet. Insuring and maintaining them is costly. (The warranty repair scam will fight that one.)
Fire all accounting/business personnel not working in the Finance Department.
Eliminate the DEI (repeat)
Reduce the Health INsurance budget by 30%. Make the unions lower their bargaining power.
cut the budget for the marketing, advertising, and other cats responsible for the horrible push marketing efforts and TIFFs.
Best strategy: take it all apart, and rebuild it to exacting standards. Not too hard to do. Get all the line items into an excel table, pivot table the crap and rebuild the entire thing. Just filter out the debris.
Trump seems to be the only leader who can resolve issues. He has earned the peace prize ten times over.
Come to MA Mr. Homan!
The sooner the better! I can’t comprehend how elected officials and others in certain communities are willing to protect the worst of the worst of criminals from being deported.
Your MA Demonrats continue to fund illegal alien shelters……
Come on down Tom Homan!
Roll on Elon! Audits revealing gross negligence/corruption in federal agencies….
This is awesome……
Now there’s MDS afflicting Demonrats – Musk Derangement Syndrome after Elon’s unearthed billions in Medicaid fraud…..
“Sunlight is the best disinfectant”……
Pocahontas, the pharma ho…..
Once a Ho always a Ho.
It’s been a long cold winter and nothing in the news about the houseless. Is service net still at St. Joe? No reports from Camp Springside? Mums the word.
Ever notice how when it’s colder outside than a witches tit in Nebraska, the houseless suddenly have a place to go? Just sayin!
I am a proud supporter of Governor Maura Healey’s 2026 reelection. I had pizza dinner with my mom and dad 2 nights ago. I said to my mom that I support Maura Healey in politics, and that I hope that she may run for U.S. President in 2028. My mom replied to me that she supports Maura Healey in politics, too.
Democrats grabbing her by the meow and throwing her through the glass ceiling is the only way she becomes president.
Too much information!
Do you still have all of your gay white guys 4 Harris GWG4H shirts, hats, thongs, and bumper stickers left Jonny? Just black out Harris and write in Healey and it’s still wicked great merch. It’s good that you support Governor Maura Healey because unlike Kamala HarrIs, Governor Healey is just as gay and full of gay pride as you are Jonny.
You sir are are a complete idiot.
It seems that the Middle East is so anxious to not have Trump and the United States as their new neighbors, they are now scrambling to find a solution for the Gaza Strip. Before the Middle East countries would barely talk to each other. Score another win for President Trump. Trump threatening to have the United States take over the Gaza Strip, that was motivation. President Trump really knows psychology.
Migrant charged in Boston murder areaigned Thursday.
February 07, 2025
I do not understand why there are pseudo-deliberations over Pittsfield’s annual operating budget when it is always the same thing every year going back over 4 decades (and possibly longer). Pittsfield politics is predictable by always increasing city spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year. The Mayor and his Finance Director always have Slush Funds in the millions of dollars (that belong in taxpayers’ pockets). Everyone cries that services will be cut if they don’t raise local taxes and fees by around 8 percent per fiscal year. A few senior citizens and other financially constrained citizens speak at open mic to say that they cannot afford their municipal tax and fee bills.
Jon Melle
“As Pittsfield gears up for budgeting, it learns health insurance premiums are poised for a significant hike”
By Greg Sukiennik, The Berkshire Eagle Greg Sukiennik, February 7, 2025
PITTSFIELD — Easy come, easy go.
A few weeks ago, the Pittsfield Public Schools learned its share of Chapter 70 state aid to schools was expected to increase by more than $4 million, owed to its large percentage of students from lower-income households.
But that windfall felt distant on Wednesday night when Mayor Peter Marchetti and Finance Director Matthew Kerwood informed City Council and School Committee members that Pittsfield is facing an increase of nearly 15 percent in its health premiums for fiscal 2026.
“That increase is worth [$4.5] million — the exact amount of money [the city’s Chapter 70 funding] was increasing,” Marchetti said. “So we win some, we lose some.”
Health premiums hike
Kerwood said the city learned at the recent Massachusetts Municipal Association conference that premiums were likely to increase between 9 and 19 percent, with an average increase of 14.8 percent.
The city obtains its Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance through the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association, which represents more than 400 municipal government entities.
Kerwood said Thursday it’s the biggest premium increase he’s seen in years, and that it’s being driven by the cost of health care, particularly prescription drugs.
Pittsfield is not alone in facing higher health premiums. Earlier this week, Berkshire Health Group, which serves a number of communities, including Lenox, announced its premiums are jumping 16 percent for fiscal 2026, which begins July 1.
Pittsfield saw its premiums increase about 5.5 percent in fiscal 2025, Kerwood said.
Budget season begins
Marchetti and Kerwood presented a budget outlook to the City Council-School Committee joint session as a kickoff to the city budget season. They provided members with a snapshot of city finances, comparisons of its tax rate with other county cities and towns and comparable Massachusetts communities, and a reminder that the city provides more services than most of its neighbors — such as full-time police and fire protection and maintaining 450 lane miles of roads.
Marchetti noted that the city’s change in providing one of those services, curbside trash and recycling, is on track to save $367,000 by the end of the fiscal year (June 30) if its improved recycling performance holds true. He said the city’s recycling rate rose to 20 percent in January — double where it stood a year ago — and at that rate, the city would save $500,000 in a full year.
The presentation showed that, as Pittsfield’s tax rate has decreased over the past five years, its property values have continued to appreciate, leading to an average annual tax bill increase of $275.
The value of the average single-family home in Pittsfield has increased 44.8 percent over the past five years, from $203,901 in 2021 to $295,292, according to the data Marchetti and Kerwood presented. That’s why, despite the tax rate decreasing 6.8 percent over the same time period, the average single-family home tax bill has risen to $5,298. It was $3,925 in 2021.
By state law, property assessments are based on home sales from the two prior years. This year, values will be determined based on sales during 2023 and 2024, and with assessments based on values as of Jan. 1.
Marchetti reminded City Council and School Committee members that he’s not immune to those dynamics: The assessed value of his home has nearly doubled in five years, and his most recent tax bill increased by 24.5 percent.
“When I get my tax bill, it’s still sticker shock,” he said.
When it comes to writing the fiscal 2026 spending plan, Marchetti said there won’t be a repeat of last year’s process, in which he asked department heads to come up with multiple spending plans for a variety of scenarios — a level-service budget, a level-funded budget requiring cuts in service, and a budget with a 5 percent reduction.
City Councilor Earl Persip III echoed that message, warning that there’s no room to cut before employees and services are affected. “There’s no flashy stuff in this budget,” he said.
Limited levy capacity
While Pittsfield has $5,832,724 in its stabilization fund and $8,178,625 in free cash, Kerwood noted the city’s excess levy capacity — the difference between what the city raises in taxes and what it can raise under Proposition 2 ½ taxation restraints — sits at about $285,000. He called that “precariously low” and listed several reasons why it concerns him.
Bond rating agencies, such as Standard & Poor’s, which rates Pittsfield’s bonds at “AA+,” see cash reserves and excess levy capacity as indicators that there’s funding available in case of emergency.
The second part? “If you get to a point [where] you cannot make the numbers work within the levy, you’re potentially looking at the possibility that if you don’t reduce expenses dramatically, you’re looking at a Proposition 2 ½ override,” Kerwood said.
On Thursday, he added that’s what makes generating new growth through construction and improvements an important goal. “It’s activity that’s increasing the value of real estate. That’s the only way you can expand your levy capacity in any given year.”
Kerwood also noted that the city’s share of cannabis excise taxes sits at $239,427 — 34 percent of what he had projected for the fiscal year. He’s not expecting to reach the estimated revenue due to lower cannabis prices, thanks to oversupply, and a reduction in out-of-state business now that more neighboring states are legalizing cannabis possession and sales.
Other revenue sources are on track, Kerwood said, with hotel and meal excise taxes among the strongest performers. The city’s hotel tax revenue of $638,033 is 70 percent of its expected return, while meals tax revenue of $506,238 represents 55 percent of what the city anticipated — with about five months remaining in fiscal 2025.
Motor vehicle excise tax revenue is very low, at $904,441 or 16.4 percent of estimated returns, but Kerwood expects much stronger performance in March.
This is good. Facts, Jon. Facts.
It’s all bullshit from Marchetti and kerwood. When property values rise, a fiscally responsible administration would just lower the valuation instead of fucking us Kapanskis, again. Instead, they raise the taxes hundreds per year and blame it on rising values.
While Tyer was on her uncontrollable mid life Kardashian spending spree, Marchetti, as city council president and supposed tax payer representative, sat on his ample cheeks and let her go wild. Her eight years of unchecked, mind boggling spending sent the budget higher into the stratosphere and added hugely to the borrowing cost future generations will have to pay. Sadly, she shifted road maintenance down the road and Marchetti is now scrambling to try to save them, further adding to unsustainable taxation policies.
So now, Marchetti has the top position he has craved for years and the shit is truly hitting the fan as the city is even more upside down financially. He pretends to be totally blind to any waste that is floating all around him but the truth is he lacks any modicum of courage to stand up to the many special interests that represent much of that waste. And a whole lot of that federal funding that fueled past administrations careless and reckless spending is going to disappear as well as much coming from the state. Marchetti and White, rather than lopping off the corpulent fat in the budget, seem destined to drop the problem, once more on the taxpayers. Kerwood, well Kerwood, is Kerwood and not expected by anyone to be of any help in aiding taxpayers with any reckless spending issues. Check the history of the last eight years for example.
The fat cats will still be getting their tax breaks. People will lose there homes. Landlords will be increasing rents in an environment that is already adding to the homeless population every day.
And a sad irony is that, not very long ago the City of Pittsfield had what, around 41 million dollars of free standing around money (ARPA) and not a dime of it went to reduce taxes. It was doled out recklessly, much of it to people who did not need or deserve it. But here we are today, in a time of high inflation, everything costing so much more and we have people who were elected to take care of us and watch out for us, making things so much worse. Not for themselves, but for those they begged for votes.
How sad is that?
This is a very poingiant dictorial,excellent . Lumpy asked for 90 days and he was probably talking to Dan when he said it,and now he’s had his 90 days he’s just gonna be standby for the next three years and not do anything for the taxpayer.
Lipstick on a pig ensemble, beer soaked liver and dead eye look gives it away.
They cant lower the valuation they are required to use market values. But, they can play with the sampling.
The only way to lower a budget is to spend less. There is no law you must tax to the extreme.
Sir, you are correct – I used “valuation” but should have stated “rate” – the city should just lower the rate to keep taxes steady.
The most fundamental situation with the property tax being raised whenever they feel like it is most people don’t wanna sell their homes we love .The most important thing is they can raise property taxes. And you ask yourself why.Because they can.
They mustn’t love their houses. Selling now, moving, is the only way to escape and restore. Sell, dump everything in those walls and leave. A move equals two fires. You can make it just one fire if you dump the contents of the house and make a new home elsewhere. Moving is when you discover how much crap you accumulate that you neither want or need.
Nice to see the School Committee gave the Administrators hefty raises in there new contract. Being that Pittsfield is the poster child for under performing schools. Corruption is alive and well.
The city council is incapable of cutting anything in the budget. Decades of proposing minimal cuts and they never go through. This Kathy Amuso is the biggest piece of garbage that’s ever been on the council. She always wants to cut something and it never happens, and it’s very little to begin with. Oh people keep telling me they can’t afford tax increases she’ll say. Don’t run for Clowncil if you can’t deliver of what the supposed taxpayer wants you to do.
Time for a City Manager. Forensic Audit.
Exactly – right back at you.
The machine will have no problem awarding a 50 year contact, like they did with the City Financial auditor, to a manager with just one string attached. “Do the right thing always”.
It would save them a lot of campaign money.
Amuso has always been the pretend cut something serious from the budget gal, but never does and it is just for her wanting the people she rep’s in her area to think about it election time.
Amuso still on the council?
She’s a relic and a fraud. Her kids were the worst.
Recycled. Green councilors.
Can someone tell Marticia Lumpylousy that there is a pothole by the Salvation Army bridge that needs addressing. It’s been there two weeks already.
Tell her someone died there and she’ll fight for a roundabout.
Well, our kids may not be able to read, write, and do math, but the administrators, teachers are doing a great job teaching them about the 168 Genders that nobody knew existed until 2020. And our kids might not be able to identify an American flag but they will have no problem identifying the LGBTQ flag. I’m sure the Chinese are terrified that these kids will be running the country and businesses in a few years. They would never dare attack us now with
this ace up our sleeve.
Not to mention that so many think that men should play in women’s sports. No concern for females whatsoever, but the young people are supposed to be so caring and kind. The left is teaching them to be callous and cold-hearted toward females.
Excellent read! Site is safe to go to.
My SB prediction:
Eagles 34 Chief’s 28
I wonder what NostroDanus predicts.
There is absolutely no way on earth you can take a stab at a final number. 3-four hours of play, overtime? and the chaos makes it simply luck or coincidence that you get close.
Bet the first quarter.
I’ll admit I’m no Jimmy the Greek.
Pray to whatever god you pray for that the Eagles win. Now is the time.
I’m betting Eagles. It’s the last and only hope for us, our towns, our cities, our temples, our supermarkets that they prevail over the monstrous horde. The monster Mahomes must fall tonight or its 10000 years of dark cold winter.
There are 300,000 of them. With you and I, we are 100,000. We shall prevail and see the dawn.
Actually, that is remarkably close. Luck, coincidence, we need two more games to know.
A friend sent this and I had to share.
Trump pulled Joe’s
security clearance.
Here is how his daily briefings went when he was squatting in the white house:
Joe, close the door, sit down and sign the paperwork we put on your desk.
Joe: Do I have to?
Corruptors: you ask this question every single day. You KNOW you don’t have a choice. It would really be a shame if the press got some information that is unfavorable to your family and you specifically. Wouldn’t it.
joe: but I don’t know what I am signing here.
Corruptors: and that is EXACTLY WHY WE DEFRAUDED THE ELECTION AND PUT YOU HERE> Smarten up, old codger. Besides, we are all going to have ice cream afterwards…like we all do.
security clearance…that’s rich
God Bless America!
That would be typical conversation between Joe and Jill.
Great point about Jill.Hunter was sitting in meetings also.
You know Joe is too dumb to have managed all that on his own.
You did not know him, but I did. His name is Art Fox, Jr. and he was a 1945 graduate of Adams High School. His obituary was in today’s paper. He was the son of former Pittsfield High School and Adams High School’ s great leader. coach Art Fox, Sr.
Art, Jr. died this week, and his obit was in the Feb. 8 Eagle. He was a fabulous athlete from Adams High and Colgate University. One of the reasons I attended Colgate University was because Art was there, and I respected him very much. Time flies and you lose loved ones. Can’t deny that, but memories remain, and they can hurt.
Tip: Remembering pothole and road crater locations is a survival skill, when driving through THE PITT.
I appreciate the feedback this past week. I wish everyone well. The government is what it is. I am just a pawn in the system of MONEY and POWER. I feel bad for the taxpayer who live in Pittsfield (& beyond).
Do you even pay taxes?
No pawns, you’re not even on the chessboard.
Elon never called me to work for him, but I wouldn’t work for a weird billionaire man who looks like he saluted Adolf Hitler on the evening of January 20, 2025.
Didn’t look at all like a salute. Go watch some Woody Allen and grow a sense of humour.
I love reading how stupid people teach others about how to make America great.It always starts with all the transexuals you all seem to know about.Interesting talk for the big tough men of MAGA.FOX viewng means transexual TV is popular.Time to turn on transexual TV for men with anger issues.Hows your angry today boys? Go get s scratch ticket.
How’d Kufflinks get the black eye? Certainly wasn’t fighting for the taxpayer.
He’d rather switch than fight.
This guy must be drunk all of the time. He very rarely makes any sense.
One significant stat on the Super Bowl. Saquon Barkley and his team had seven rushing touchdowns against the Washington Commanders. The New York Giants had six rushing touchdowns the whole year.
Not predicting a winner because it’s a fifty fifty prop and and don’t care who wins.
Dan. Something freaky happens during the game and Kansas City wins.I have literally picked the last 14 Super Bowls. Sorry Philadelphia fans.
Yeah right.
No you haven’t picked the last 14.
Sorry Chiefs fans, and all you Nostradamus fools. Philly kicked their asses all the way to Kansas!