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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 10, 2025) — Only in Bitchfield.

How many times have you said or thought that as the city makes another bonehead decision? Truly, what else can Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski expect from the substandard quality of “leadership” they have in so many elective and appointed positions.

Cases in point:


No, THE PLANET doesn’t mean makeup as in Ulta. The School Building Needs Commissions (SBNC) recently debated how many pedophilic angels can dance on the head of a bowling pin when it decided to examine its own composition. And why would it do something so stuffy and stilted? Because it’s a bureaucratic form of justification, a rationale for a useless, make-work board. Commissioner Brendan Sheran said the commission has trouble getting a quorum. In other words, the bums in this group don’t give gluteus Maximus. They just want their name on the letterhead.

Commissions like the SBNC, composed as they typically are of busy-bodies, love to bring up non-issues simply to make it look like they’re doing something. These Gladys Kravitzes, according to Sheran, don’t think the SBNC has the stones to do good work as presently set-up. Solution? Create subcommittees.

City councilor Ken Warren


The SBNC insider Sad Sacks have trouble getting enough members for a quorum at its regular gig. Now it’s looking at creating subcommittees that will create more meetings … and more meetings lacking quorums.

The scary part of all this is that the SBNC eunuchs will be given a boatload of public money to waste on another brainless project: the combined build (translate: collision) of Crosby and Conte schools. A crock in every pot, and it’s going to cost taxpayers a fortune.

———- ooo ———-


City councilor Ken Warren, the drooling Howdy Doody of the Dais of Fools, seems mighty interested in throwing the recent PHS school scandal probe off the scent. THE PLANET and others shouldn’t wonder why. Doody contacted an outfit called Enough Abuse to address the council. Great. Another consultant. These particular actors charge $20 “per learner” and “technical assistance” at $125 an hour. The one word council dumbasses can spell is “Caa-Chinga!”

You have to love the name, “Enough Abuse.” Sounds to us like it would be the perfect name for Taxpayers Anonymous.

So what would “Enough Abuse” do? At $125 an hour, whatever it is, they will do it s-l-o-w-l-y. Jetta Bernier, executive director, made that clear, telling the Fools, “Money will not get in the way of getting this done. I can tell you, we are a nonprofit.”

Yes. She REALLY did say that, so you know this is going to cost the Kapanskis a fortune. It’s a well-known formula among the “players” in Bitchfield: N = SfPM ( Nonprofit = Scamming for Public Money). Bernier (French for “budinsky”) listed five goals for the Bitchfield school district, leaving THE PLANET wondering she became school superintendent.

The five goals:

  • Teaching PPS to recognize pedophilic behavior.
    • Maybe they can have Alison Shepherd lead the seminars
  • Educating students and parents
  • Reviewing school policy
  • Engaging the community.
  • Shake as much $$$ out of the city as possible.

In other words, Enough Abuse is offering a bag of three-dollar bills @ $125/hour.

Council Mensa member Dina Lampiasi welcomed Bernier woman-to-woman. That’s how Dina prefers it.

“I mean, I would give you a standing ovation if I could,” she gushed.

THE PLANET doesn’t doubt that for a second, Dina.

While you give a standing ovation, we will give “Enough Already” the bum’s rush, saying, “Enough, already.”


The corruptness of Bitchfield city government makes one appreciate the value of anarchy” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 days ago

The school that should be demolished is Allendale Elementary School, that abuts the leaky landfill named Hill 78 that is full of industrial chemicals called GE’s PCBs that cause brain damage and cancer in human beings. But that would make too much sense.

Mayor Peter Marchetti is on YouTube talking trash:

The other Pete was busy playing Voltron and eating pork-chops.

Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski are fearing the Mayor’s would-be new budget proposal, while Kufflinks is counting the millions of dollars in his municipal Slush Fund$.

Karl Kapanski
Karl Kapanski
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
11 days ago

Didn’t you and Peter White have a short lived romantic relationship and now you make fun of him.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Karl Kapanski
10 days ago

Pete White and I never played with Voltron toys together; sorry to let you down. But the other Pete is my relative, as we share the same great-grandparents who emigrated to the U.S.A. from Italy over one century ago.

My last name – MELLE – is named after a small town in northwest Italy. You may Google: Melle Piedmont Italy to see where my great-great grandparent came from in the late-19th Century.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
11 days ago


Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
11 days ago

All new school construction will include the following:

  • Large closets to allow special bonding sessions between unqualified administrators and special students
  • Faster and more reliable internet access (unlike today’s PPS internet outage) to allow for Tik Tok video posting
  • 2 way mirrors so Councilor Spittle Warren can view the inappropriate behavior in private while touching himself
  • School store stocking pajamas for mandatory slumber parties
  • Designated parking spots for Maseratis and other luxury vehicles purchased with “discretionary” income
  • Boxing rings so hired thug students can box students disliked by unqualified administrators
  • Schools will have Shepards Pie Fridays which will be featured on the SnapperChat app

Fake diploma Jumpin Joe Curtis is sleeping better know these features are being added.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
11 days ago

The scary part of all this is that the SBNC eunuchs will be given a boatload of public money to waste on another brainless project: the combined build (translate: collision) of Crosby and Conte schools. A crock in every pot, and it’s going to cost taxpayers a fortune.
and why are we even listening to the superintendent talking about building another school with our finances are in such bad shape people who talk about spending more money when we’re in such scrapes for a budget should be removed from office

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Richard Arnold
11 days ago

February 10, 2025

To answer your question(s): Pittsfield’s predictable municipal finances have NOTHING to do with the taxpayers’ needs. Rather, it is all a financial shell game with the state bureaucrats in Boston.

Pittsfield receives tens of millions of dollars per fiscal year in state administered, federal aid, with the Group 11, Level 5 public school district being the largest chunk of the state aid pie.

Pittsfield always increases municipal spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year going back at least over 4 decades. Pittsfield’s tax and fee rates are always around 8 percent per fiscal year – sometimes higher than 8 percent. Pittsfield’s hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts and unfunded liabilities, including OPEB, always increase by millions of dollars per fiscal year.

There is nothing more predictable than Pittsfield politics’ cooked books, which are secretive in nature, and always have millions of dollars in Slush Fund$ (for the special interests, NOT the common taxpayers and people).

Let me be as clear as possible here: Pittsfield loves to piss away taxpayer dollars even more than it likes to receive taxpayer dollars. The public is in the dark. Most people do not comprehend financial management methods, especially in the corrupt City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

The Mayor(s), City Councilors, and School Committee members are all lying – propaganda – to the public during the annual municipal and public school so-called budget deliberations (that started anew last week). It is always the predictable same thing over and over again year after year in Pittsfield politics – the definition of insanity, but also, the definition of GREED.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 days ago

“Pittsfield receives tens of millions of dollars per fiscal year in state administered, federal aid, with the Group 11, Level 5 public school district being the largest chunk of the state aid pie.

Always you bring this up. It’s a very interesting point. But it needs explanation. There is a hypothesis that Boston has an unorthodox relationship with Bitchfield, a money sink or laundromat, but it needs to be supported with evidence.

The Petrolati scandal provides the precedent and mechanism for a global abuse of taxpayer money to entrench thieves in every town government. But why? And how might it be happening there in poor little shithole Bitchbield?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sir CHAZ
10 days ago

Pittsfield’s Public School District is a Cash Cow that brings in tens of millions of dollars in state administered, federal aid. It is a plain fact.

Why, you ask? Because bureaucrats sit behind their desks with their spread-sheets to fill the city’s coffers with many revenue sources for the career politicians to spend, spend, spend….

I believe that Pittsfield – and places similar to Pittsfield – use Perverse Incentives to receive as much state aid as possible. The city bureaucrats play games with the state bureaucrats who administer the federal aid dollars to public education and local government.

The theoretical point of public education is to prepare children for adulthood with the skills and ability to go to college, join the military, work in a living wage job, etc.

The way Pittsfield uses its Level 5 public schools is to fill the classrooms with children of underclass and working-class families to report to the state that over 70-percent of the students are from poverty households to qualify the city for Group 11 state aid funds.

The state lottery SCAM is a perfect illustration of government’s use of Perverse Incentives. They sell the lottery as providing funds for public education and state aid to local governments, but it is nothing more than regressive taxation that greedy lobbyists in Boston, such as Dan Bosley, use to obtain huge state tax breaks for their wealthy big business clients that don’t exist in Western Massachusetts.

The government’s use of many revenue sources dilutes the purpose of using tax dollars for specific means. They shuffle tax dollars around like a deck of cards, create Slush Fund$, grant their tax giveaways to special interests, and pay off public debts.

To be clear, it is all propaganda and lies that go over most people’s heads. The career politicians and the bureaucrats who work for them only do DISSERVICES to the common people and taxpayers because they are playing financial shell games that most people do not understand.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
11 days ago

Speaking of wasteful spending, DEI, and today’s public-school systems across the US, it looks like we, the taxpayers, were on the hook for $1,002,522,304.81 ($1B) spent on DEI hiring, programming, and mental health training, since 2021.

Here is a quick look at the programs the US Department of Education used our tax-money on:

*$489,883,797 was spent on grants for race-based hiring.
*$343,337,286 was spent toward general DEI programming
*$169,301,221 went to DEI-based mental health training and programming.

Now we know how the Dancin’ Dean, the Lady’z Man, Lavante Wiggins, was able to land his admin job with an expired dancing certificate…..DEI MONEY!!


Natalie F Danelishen on X: “The U.S. Department of Education spent at least $1 billion on grants advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in hiring, programming and mental health training in America’s schools since 2021…According to the report, ▪️$489,883,797 was spent on grants for race-based” / X

If you think Pedofield Pubic Scohol’s are bad now, wait until they have to manage their own budget and won’t have the DOE to fall back on for their mismanagement.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
11 days ago

Mayor Lumpy praised himself during the State of the City for the 12 new businesses he supposedly brought into the Pitts. Most of these businesses were given tiffs to open and they also mostly have a theme pertaining to the LBGTQ community. Just reading about the ribbon cutting by Mayor Lumpy at the latest new business called WANDER, made me want to vomit. How many of these attendees to WANDER pay taxes while they spend their days trying to figure out what sex they are?

Mayor Lumpy neglected to talk about all the legitimate business that left the City in 2024. How much tax money will be lost when the car dealerships move to Lenox for a lower tax rate? In 2025 how much tax money will be lost when Big Lots and Joanne Fabrics leave? What about Chili’s and Mildred Elley? There are so many more.

Mayor Lumpy praises himself for sending the Health Inspectors out to ticket taxpayers for overflowing their too small toters. Wouldn’t their services be better used checking many of Pittsfield’s businesses such as eateries, dollar stores and markets that are repulsively filthy.

Never thought the City Administration and City Council could get worse, but it has. Honestly don’t know how these pompous asses live with themselves!

Jose Kapanski
Jose Kapanski
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 days ago

The previous mayor set a very low bar.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Jose Kapanski
10 days ago

Very low. She was actually standing on it.

Reply to  Gimmee More
9 days ago

Love beating a metaphor to death. It was low, then she got on it and it sank lower.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 days ago

You are right. To illustrate: If I went to a casino and gambled $10,000, but then said that I won $2,000….

The only economic growth in Pittsfield is in its large underclass population, which brings in tens of millions of dollars in state administered, federal aid to the city government.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 days ago

The Petes are so proud that they refuse to allow a realistic forensic unbiased audit to confirm they are doing due diligence to the taxpayers. Do not believe or fall for one ounce of their spin, deflection, obfuscation or misinformation as they think all the people who voted for them are dumber than rocks and will treat you accordingly.

It is true. They are laughing at you as we speak here now. We may need to just stop paying taxes in protest.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Gimmee More
10 days ago

Paying the 2-Pete’s Pittsfield politics to manage the city’s cooked books is similar to heating one’s residence by burning stacks of $100 bills. You’d be better off in a casino than receiving a good return on your tax dollars in good old Pittsfield. Even Jimmy Ruberto left town years ago, but that was a good thing for Pittsfield.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Gimmee More
10 days ago

Need to audit ARPA. That would open other audits.

Gimmee's Dad
Gimmee's Dad
Reply to  Gimmee More
10 days ago

Being serious here. What is the process for taking ones home for failure to pay taxes and how long could I drag it out in the courts? If I drag it out as long as the guy that owned the ex car dealership way out in West Pittsfield will I get my taxes forgiven like he did?

Reply to  Gimmee's Dad
9 days ago

You miss one bill, the city can assess fees and interest. They can also file the legal papers to take possession of your title. At that point, if you can settle, you will pay legal costs and interest plus fresh bills. If you cannot, the city will get a rubber stamp from the City Council to take full possession and you lose your home, the equity, you lose everything.

If you choose not to pay your tax bill, you could be out of the house by the next.

10 days ago

Howdy Doody & Sleepy Jim trying to get regular salary increases for the School Committee members as well as for themselves. They will try to sneak in raises unless the general public complains & raises a fuss. Dingbat Dina also involved. They should heed the wise advice of Dr. Cameron, who is against increasing pay.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Lenny
10 days ago

*Sarcasm* But Tricia Country Buffet and her colleagues in Boston received a 11.39-percent state government public pay raise on January 01, 2025.

Gimmee More
Gimmee More
Reply to  Lenny
10 days ago

It is their way of urinating on the taxpayers.

Reply to  Lenny
9 days ago

Kenny has to he is a horrible lawyer

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 days ago

Changing topics for a minute to another one of Bitchfield’s “finer” community activities, DRUG DEALING, various agencies police agencies from Berkshire County and MSP, broke-up a “large scale” drug dealing operation, according to law enforcement officials.

The article is posted in the Eagle, I just cliff noted it above, for those who don’t read the Eagle.

Of note are the names:

Charged in the caseHere are the identities and the defendants who are facing charges including narcotics trafficking, conspiracy, and various weapons counts: Henry Vidal, 42, Orchard Street, Pittsfield; Jose Carrasquillo, 50, Lowell; Richard Colon, 44, and Kahlil Lanphear-Dyer, 26, Quaker Street, Adams; Victor Colon, 45, and Julio Colon-Valentin, 26, Beaver Street, North Adams; and Andy Rivera-Medina, 44, Ismael Beltre, 39, Gerard Mendez-Navarro, 19, and Meagan Oakley, 32, Howland Avenue, Adams. It’s not clear which of the defendants was not among the nine arrested Friday.

I know you’ll be shocked to know that nobody from the Eagle asked the $1,000,000 question, how many of them are ILLEGAL ALIENS?

This “vibrant” and “diverse” crowd was even going as far as, cooking up (preparing) the crack cocaine in a rental storage facility in Bitchfield… know, where CCTV cameras are EVERYWHERE.

Looking for his expertise in drug slingin’; the Lady’z Man, aka-the Dancin’ Dean, Lavonte Wiggins, couldn’t be reached for comment.

Sir Chaz
Sir Chaz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 days ago

I’m thinking illegals would have hard time breaking into the NA scene.

Pepe Le Pew
Pepe Le Pew
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 days ago

Perhaps if someone had given them DEI jobs as school deans they would not have been forced into dealing illicit stuff.

There was a recent case of one of them being convicted of rape and peeps were curious if he would be deported prior to sentencing. If he was deported he could have shaved his mustache and cut his hair and flew back in the next week on a cartel plane and picked up where he left off. Deporting may be like setting him free. What a deal.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 days ago

The next stop for these gentleman is enrollment in the Massachusetts Social Equity Program (SEP) to provide them with a sustainable pathway into the cannabis industry.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 days ago

The over $36 trillion U.S. national debt is increasing by tens of billions of dollars year over year.

Oh yeah. Donald Trump want to pass a huge federal tax cut bill later this year, 2025.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
10 days ago

Mayor of Pittsfield beware
DHS Terminates Four FEMA Employees Over Payments to Luxury Hotels for Migrants in NYC

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
10 days ago

You can’t believe anything that comes from City government school superintendent said he was gonna close copy and Crosby but according to the word five counselor, they’re talking about closing five schools they talk out of both sides of their mouth. You can’t trust anything the one thing you can trust is that they’re gonna raise our taxes to pay for the new school at a time when we can least afford it

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 days ago

The Massachusetts State Legislature hired a Boston Law Firm with our taxpayer dollars to fight the will of the voters in favor of auditing the secretive books in the State House or Representative Chamber and the State Senate Chamber.

The government is supposed to serve the people and taxpayers, but in this case it is evident that the opposite is true. 2 + 2 = 5 in politics.

The school committee
The school committee
9 days ago

We should tear down the grandstands at Wahconah park.Put up bleachers and build lockerrooms and bathrooms