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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary


CAUTION: The following article contains generalizations. They are valid ones and not hasty, but THE PLANET realizes that in this age of political correctness, words can incapacitate the ability of a small but loud minority to entertain thoughts deeper than Kim Kardashian. We do not apologize for any hurt feelings.

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3, 2014) — They all have smartphones. However, they themselves aren’t so. Smart, that is, if we define intelligence as the capacity to see things as they are.

You’ve seen him, that 30-year-old self-obsessed under-achiever who thinks he has the work ethic of a prisoner in a labor camp but who spends most of his time in the cubicle texting, net-surfing, and taking credit for work he didn’t do. You’ve seen her, too, the 27-year-old precious princess who malingers through her day on latte mocha lazy-ola. She got the job because her daddy pulled strings. She loves herself.

They are the millennials, young people defined demographically as those between the ages of 19 and 34, also known as Generation Y. A “Life Style Study” released by DDB U.S., a marketing firm, confirmed what the mounting mass of evidence shows: Millennials are the laziest generation and yet the one most likely to see work as a source of great personal fulfillment. The study explains this apparent contradiction by pointing out that compared to Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers, millennials haven’t had enough adult experiences to discover that for most of us, the greatest satisfaction comes in intimate personal relations.

Perpetual Adolescence, but Armed and Dangerous

It is a generation locked into the strangest form of adolescence anyone has ever seen: emotionally immature yet endowed by “smart” technology with frightening (although virtual) power. Gen Y doesn’t know it, but they have already been bought and sold by Big Data, making them the first so-captured captive.

CNBC, in a report on the study, put it bluntly: “That millennial you’re working with may be a jerk.”

They are the ones who have always been told they were great. Their kindergarten finger paintings rivaled Picasso. Their finger jabbing at the piano, they were told, would make the world forget about Mozart. They were the first generation where everyone made the team, everyone played, and at the awards banquet, everyone received a trophy.

Now they are hitting the workplace. Unfortunately for America’s global competitiveness, Gen Y has brought its slacking entitlement into Job 1. “Y”s are digital natives raised on bits and bytes and programmed to be reactive about life. They wait for instructions. They have no attention spans. They need “adults” to organize for them. They push buttons and expect instant change.

For all the facile pop sociology and psychology written by Gen Y about how Gen Y is shaping the workplace, the reality is that these slackers are forcing employers into “some of the biggest management challenges they’ve ever encountered” ( That’s a polite way of saying that the millennial in the cubicle next to you will not give loyalty to anyone but himself — that’s what a lifetime of coddling spoiled brats will do. The brats lack people skills and possess a positively toxic combination of being unable to grasp strategic thinking (where short-term gains are often sacrificed for long-term advantages) while at the same time thinking every idea they have is akin the squaring the circle.

Losing the Global Economic Competition

Pew Research notes that Gen Y and its inhabitants are “unmoored from institutions”  ( That’s a polite way to say they don’t give a crud about anything but themselves. They will find, however, that most enlightened companies won’t ]give a squat about such facile navel-gazing. Those companies will either alienate its Gen Y workers by failing to adapt its management techniques or, some say, even worse,  some will adapt. Then it’s “kiss it goodbye” for the simple reason that America will lose the productivity battle, the current gold standard for world-market success.

Competing and winning in the global marketplace is about three things:

1.) Improve quality

2.) Increase productivity

3.) Do it at a lower cost.

There is, after all, a reason why on many key metrics, China has replaced the U.S. as the world’s #1 economy.

The end result will be the continuing fall of America in the global marketplace. If you want to know who will rule the present-started future, look east. Three of every four doctorates in science, engineering, high tech, or other “hard” fields last year were earned in the Pacific Rim.

The dismal performances worldwide of the broken U.S. public school system has finally hit the marketplace with Gen Y, and the results will be catastrophic.

Given the inverse relationship between how much money we as a society have poured into public education since Ed Reform came to the state in 1993 and the concomitant and continuing decline of the product of those same schools, this is as local an issue as you can get. This is especially true considering that The Suits in Pittsfield have made up their minds to destroy the last remnants of the middle class in the city by building a $130 million new high school when neither enrollment nor performance warrants that investment. Only one of 17 members of the School Building Needs Commission had the combination of intelligence and intestinal fortitude to tell the truth about this ruinous project. Chuck Vincelette, The Man from Mensa, was the lone conscientious objector in this declared war on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the bedraggled Pittsfield taxpayers.

Chuck, are you interested in running for mayor?

THE PLANET is not worried, however, since our generation will use up all that’s left of Social Security and Medicare. We timed it right. Gen Y will have a lot of growing up to do and right quick. It won’t happen, of course, and it pleases us. We are set. As Plan B, we heartily recommend a careful reading of Jonathan Swift‘s “A Modest Proposal.”

We understand that baby flesh is delicious, mild and succulent, out-vealing veal.


“Be not sad because all men / Prefer a lying clamor before you: / Sweetheart, be at peace again — / Can they dishonor you? // They are sadder than all tears; / Their lives ascend as a continual sigh. / Proudly answer to their tears: / As they deny, deny.”James Joyce, poem “Be Not Sad,” from the collection Chamber Music, (1905).



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10 years ago

Our generation – those of the 1950s and 1960s ran the world, business, human service, government, military.. occupied the seats of power, money and influcence.

We screwed it up! The greed of the rich is voracious sucking the lifeblood from the poor and powerless; industrialsts rape the earth and leave it devoid of hope or a healthy future, military and others whose roles allow them to purvey power oppress the poor, minorities, and lost of the country and the world. We gorged on the world’s resources and created the problems of the Middle East, sacrifced an entire continent in Africa for tis lack of strategic signicance to our greed, and sentenced the powerless around the world in our support of the venial and power brokers who talked democracy but gave their people dictatorships.

And our biggest screw up of all is the milennial generation WE CREATED in our selfish overcompensation for the strict upbringing we received fromour parents as children of the Depression.

We got the world we deserved. We got the children we deserved, and we got a dying world we doomed.

Please read to “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 years ago

In total agreement with Dan and Luke We boomers sure screwed it up sure for the millennial and x’s and y’s. From our selfish, strict upbringings we received from our parents as children of the depression, we couldn’t wait to give them all a trophy just for showing up…

10 years ago

I point of disagreement with Luke; with a few exceptions, the REAL power in this country is still being held onto for Grim Death by PRE-boomers. Look at the average age of the senate. Look at the wealth and the relative ages of those in control there. I often wonder what ever happened to the “peace, love & understanding” we sought as hippies. In many cases we still haven’t been able to implement our ideals.

Also, there are examples of good, hard-working, ambitious millennials not connected somehow who are working hard to achieve…but those are more of a minority than ever!

Foxy Lady
Foxy Lady
10 years ago

The “peace love and understanding” of the 60s turned out to be nothing more than a flash. Most were into sex, drugs, and rock n roll. Boomers created the monsters of Gen Y.

10 years ago

yeah the y generation is left cleaning up the mess of 50 60 70’s. The GE pollution in rivers lakes! the unions abused the companys and lazy workers of 60 70’s had walkouts everyother week. I heard all the storys of GE workers, so no wonder buisness went overseas! There party left the country how it is today! But next world war will get country out of depression just like ww11 did back then!

10 years ago

It’s an interesting take not far from truth. Although some good points have been made by previous commenters. I will add that the stupidity and slavery to “smartphones” and other devices is bridging generations of people and every time some ahole cuts me off in traffic I totally expect to see a young person behind the wheel but the majority of the time it’s some wrinkled grey haired scmuck who should be old enough to know better. Some guy on a bike when I was downtown by the library pointed at an older woman and loudly inquired “hey is that lady a prostitute” while him and his sidekick cackled I fantasizes about knocking them off thier bikes and smashing thier heads into pieces. Realistically though I told the woman they were immature jerks and not to pay it any mind. The problem with society is a lack of consideration for others and minds occupied by social media garbage in general it can’t all be so easily blamed on one generation or group of people. We’re decaying as a whole.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Does anybody remember which country Adolf Hitler most admired in the 1920’s before he took over Germany in the 1930’s? The answer may shock you. I am sorry to say that the country Hitler modeled Nazi Germany after is the United States of America. After all, the USA practiced eugenics, where people deemed inferior were killed, sterilized, and put in institutions. The USA had Jim Crow laws, where minorities were not allowed equal rights in the South. The USA had racist immigration laws, where lighter skinned Europeans were encouraged to emigrate to our country, while darker skinned people were barred. The USA had industrial power, wealth, a strong military that helped the Allies defeat the Axis in World War I.
When people pick on my generation and future generations because we feel “entitled” (like that is a bad word to begin with), let us not forget the history of previous generations where there was slavery, genocides, wars, racism, and other injustices.

10 years ago

“When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint”.

–Hesiod, 8th century BC

“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?”

–Plato, 4th Century BC

“The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint… As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress.”

–Attributed to Peter the Hermit, AD 12743

Thomas More
Thomas More
10 years ago

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”


10 years ago

This must be the subject of the day. WWLP ch. 22 had this millenium story on the 12 o’clock news today.

Craig Swinson
Craig Swinson
Reply to  eddiep
10 years ago

I think it was an AP story that a bunch of news outlets jumped on. The original AP story was based on a recent study done.

10 years ago

Rotten GD kids…Get outta my yard!! Long hair, listening to that loud, terrible rock and roll, disrespectful to their elders…and all they wanna do is sit around all day and smoke that dope!

It really is ever thus, ain’t it? And yet, there is a certain non charming, non productive narcissism in the younger workers, as well as often a disregard for customer service, basic manners and propriety. Maybe it’s just bad training tho.

Reply to  MrG1188
10 years ago

Not really I had some kids working with me and I discusses many topics from work ethic(showing up on time, being polite, having pride in your work.) as well as substance abuse and respect for woman but it goes in one eat and out the other. You know that awkward moment when you realize you’ve become the authority figure and example you always despised.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

*One ear and out the other see my phone is actually pretty dumb, never rely on technology.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

I read that Mayor Dan Bianchi is reinstating retired Pittsfield Veterans’ Director Larry Caprari with limited hours as the interim Veterans’ Agent while he searches for Rosanne Frieri’s replacement. I strongly support Larry Caprari because he helped me win my Veterans’ benefits, even after I moved from Pittsfield to Southern New Hampshire. Larry Caprari is a good man. I am sorry for Rosanne Frieri. She did not deserve to be fired.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Is he searching for some has been political hack who is looking for a cushy job with great pay and benefits? There must be a pile of them out there. But probably need to check with Boston first to see who is on this waiting list.

Jow Blow
Jow Blow
10 years ago

Alleged crook Buffis pleaded not guilty to 12 charges in Federal Court yesterday. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. It seems he used his power and authority to fund Moto-X training and racing.

10 years ago

Did they do a drug test on Tony Stewart after he mowed down a fellow driver.