PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 2014) — We are a nation of laws, so we have been taught.
If we are a nation of laws, we have to accept the grand jury’s verdict in Ferguson, Mo., not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown. THE PLANET didn’t hear the evidence, painstakingly presented in a high profile case for as long as it took, and neither did you. No one did except the 12 citizens — nine white and three black — who formed the panel. Accept the decision: There is no other civically responsible position.
What in the name of Al Sharpton is Going On?
The mindless and incendiary reaction of violence, rampage, and destruction in response to the decision stands as a telescoping indictment of the meatheads who rioted, the media that fanned the flames, the politicization of race (think Al Sharpton), and the racial divide that still haunts America.
A police officer discharging a weapon is not the same as a thug doing the same on the street. Police have spent much time in training on the responsible use of the weapon. They are given the right to use lethal force when they reasonably conclude they are in a situation where their life has been haphazardly put in danger. They often have to make split-second decisions on pulling and firing a weapon. Given that there are about 125,000 law enforcement officers in America, the rarity of an event such as the shooting in Ferguson shows you that the system largely works.
The same can be said of the criminal justice system. It isn’t perfect. There is corruption and injustice. But on the whole, given the 319 million people in America, the percentage of law abidance, and the handling of law breaking, we have a workable societal procedure for handling bad apples.
There is Rule of Law, or There is Nothing
Sadly, an uncertain number of lunkheads have decided to use Ferguson as their excuse to ruin the lives and livings of too many innocent citizens — the shop and store owners whose businesses were ruined, the offices that were damaged or won’t open, the schools that had to shut down, the commuters unable to get to work or other destinations, the private property destroyed. It goes on and on. Rudy Guiliani called them “racial arsonists.”
The “look at me” demonstrators, fed by 24/7 media attention and fueled by troublemaking opportunists like Sharpton, have succeeded only in indicting themselves. They have underscored what the rest of us know: In Ferguson, although no one will ever know beyond a doubt what occurred when Officer Wilson met Brown, justice was served.
Do you have faith in that? Imperfect as it is, do you accept the mechanism by which a mature society decides matters of justice? Do you accept that we are a “nation of laws?”
Citizen Petitions Must be Honored, Not Dissed
Citizen petitions originate in a radical, beautiful idea. They begin the moment an “ordinary” member of the community (a private citizen) decides to participate directly in the government he or she owns.
Recently, Pittsfield resident Craig Gaetani has sent a number petitions to the city council. The response of council president Melissa Mazzeo and other councilors has been disappointing. Mazzeo has referred petitions Under Rule 27 to oblivion. Some were filed. Council subcommittees have sent a message of “How dare you?”
Not good.
One of Gaetani’s petitions had to do with the arbitrary three-minute limit set on the open mic period at the start of each council meeting. Mazzeo referred it to Ordinance and Rules. The petition reads:
“When a speaker goes over their three minutes allotted time, any councilor who wants to hear more from the citizen speaker can request additional time to allow the speaker to continue. When all the councilors are through asking information of the citizen speaker, then they can announce that the speaker’s time is up. This is a very democratic way to ensure that decisions are made by the council and not just the Council President.”
It’s an excellent idea. Sure, councilors represent citizens. However, citizens are the boss. They should be allowed more than three minutes based on the discretion of the chair or any other councilor. This would keep obvious “nuisance speakers” contained while letting more serious and engaged citizens to exceed three minutes.
“It’s not a debating society,” harumphed councilor Jonathan Lothrop.
THE PLANET disagrees. The city council meeting is precisely that. It is a debating society, and it should include private citizens. This is the citizens‘ council. Representatives are there to sit in for the boss. Mazzeo “wholeheartedly agree[d]” with Lothrop, proving she too has much to learn about the role of citizens in government.
Kevin Morandi: “We could be here all night. These meetings run long enough as it is.” The obvious response is: “So what?” This isn’t the NFL. There’s no time clock on deliberations. If the price of added debate and citizen participation is more meeting time, so be it. It’s a small price to pay for a better working, more responsive government.
Finally, THE PLANET presents this excellent recourse citizens have to government action they don’t like and want to change, presented by one of our commentators:
There are many options… before or after the vote.,petition,citizen#27967518I like option 9.2 the best, below:SECTION 9-2 CITIZEN REFERENDUM PROCEDURES. (a) Petition, Effect on Final Vote – If, within 21 days following the date on which the city council or the school committee has voted finally to approve any measure, a petition signed by a number of voters equal to at least 15% of the total number of voters as of the date of the most recent regular city election and addressed to the city council or to the school committee, protesting against the measure or any part of it is filed with the secretary of the school committee or city clerk, the effective date of that measure shall be temporarily suspended. The school committee or the city council shall immediately reconsider its vote on the measure or part of it and, if the measure is not rescinded, the city council shall provide for the submission of the question for a determination by the voters either at a special election, which it may call at its convenience, within such time as may be requested by the school committee or at the next regular city election; provided, however, that pending this submission and determination, the effect of the measure shall continue to be suspended. |
Petitions end in ideas meeting. They should be encouraged, not discouraged.
“It doesn’t matter what I say, so long as I sing with inflection that makes you feel I’ll convey some inner truth of vast reflection.” — Blues Traveler, “The Hook,” (1994).
There is a very good article posted on written by Matt Walsh that sums up the Ferguson situation.
Unusual action, I thought by Ms. Mazzeo at last night’s council. There was an announced communication from Mr. Gaetani, which was to be read” verbatim”. Ms. Mazzeo succinctly stated it can’t be read verbatim, and she literally tossed it aside and discarded it.
Wonder what it said ? Also, another one of Gaetani’s petitions ( regarding city employees) which had been referred to John DeAngelo, City Personnel Director under rule 27 at the prior meeting was reported on and responded to by Kathy Degnan. It was then “filed” by the council.
What is the protocol and procedure for responses under rule 27.? Can a dept. head of other body continue forwarding a matter elsewhere under this rule. Where is the accountability under rule 27 ?
Or in this particular petition was it a simple matter of logistical convenience as she was planning on attending the meeting and John DeAngelo to whom it was originally referred to would have to travel from Sheffield to report on his rule 27 referral ?
You know just listening to the media spin, it sounded like a an officer shot an unarmed man who was saying don’t shoot with his hands up. They tried to spin it into race riots.
However, when you go back and read the facts on what happened, its a very different story. He punched the officer in the face twice and threatened at least to do it a third time. He resisted arrest. When the officer drew his weapon and pointed it he also yelled repeatedly to “get down on the ground”.
I don’t know about you but when a police officer tries to arrest me, I would never punch him in the face twice and when he draws a gun and points it at me yelling “get down on the ground”, I would comply.
Any police officer is trained never to draw his weapon unless he intends to use it.
Should he have only wounded the suspect? Yes, I would say so. Only, I was not there. Perhaps when the youngster finally did throw his hands up and say “don’t shoot”, the officer was already discharging his weapon. If the suspect would have only complied, he would be alive today to tell his story.
It was NOT a public execution by a police officer as the media reported it and the whole race thing…….. It appears the media tried real hard to turn this whole thing into a race war.
In Pittsfield MA people will only be able to speak for 3 mins of their15 mins of fame.
The business of Ferguson is media business, with CNN reporters filming themselves in a hail of rocks. As for police use of firearms, the prosecutor outlined the various circumstances the Grand Jury was obligated to consider. Those included police officer’s unique authority to use deadly force, eg. hostage situations as well the universal citizen’s right to use deadly force for self-protection. The entire body of evidence did not support the media’s story that Brown was hounded or assaulted by the officer. Further, it appears that the actual use of deadly force was an separate incident on the pavement where the two faced off.
But, the facts of the case are of no political use to the President, no rhetorical use to malicious provocateurs, and no business use to yellow journalists who seem to define the profession today.
I hope the Ferguson Police Department and officer Wilson, following the revelations of the Grand Jury, sue their collective arses for defamation and libel.
After his antics, it doesn’t surprise me that Gaetani’s petitions were not hot items.
Who is Mr. Gaetani anyway? I keep seeing a guy in a loud t-shirt. I suggest he reintroduce himself and start fresh.
Craig Gaetani along with Dr Lawrene Wang designed engineered and supervised installation of Krofta technology at Cleveland facility in Hinsadale source of city’s drinking water. Mr. Gaetani taught physics are area schools. He is a Vietnam veteran. He should be considered am asset to the city.
Sorry for typos sent from phone just learning how
I’m I missing something here ? I think a large part of the aftermath of Ferguson is people want to be heard. If the likes of Al Sharpton had a voice with the President of the United States than it should be logical that Craig Gaetaini be afforded 3 minutes of speech every other week from the Pittsfield City Council.
1’st Amendment Constitution The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
I find it troublesome that the likes of A. Sharpton have an inside track to the White House. By the time he wraps up this story, the town of Ferguson will have reached its levy ceiling.
Otherwise, can’t anyone sign up for public comment at any or all public meetings? What’s wrong with time limits? Three minutes is enough to deliver a fact rich point driven complaint.
I back rapid turnover for all representatives including councilmen and suggest Mr. Gaetani see them as disposable diapers, not as statues. He should run for a seat and be wise to change himself.
Perhaps he could get someone to read his petition for him. Is Mazzeo disrespecting him of her own volition or is she acting on strict orders from Bianchi who quite obviously does not want the man to tell his story.
If Mazzeo thinks his time at the podium is a waste of her time she should let him talk and prove it so that the rest of us do not think she is denying him free speech, not to mention her being a reincarnation of Gerry (civic authority) Lee.
I’ve never been an Al Sharpton fan… mostly because I lived through the Tawana Brawley fiasco way back when. I have always viewed the Reverend with skepticism, feeling uneasy about the ‘Reverend’ part– Missing for me is the integrity and measured wisdom rooted in faith of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in my humble opinion.
“Judge not, less ye be judged”– yeah, I get that.
Trying to put my personal bias aside, I listened to “his press conference” as he described it. In spite of the layers of mistrust, I thought he had some valid points. It is too bad his thoughts will be dismissed; that is what happens with opportunistic voices. –A word of reflection for those voices.
I find the “We’re going to be here all night!” comments from the council irritating. Yes meeting run long, but the debate and conversations that happen in council meetings shape our city. The agenda items deserve fully invested councilors debating the details, citizens having their full say, and focused thoughtful votes. If you want to get out of there early, don’t run for office. On the other hand there are some serious whackos out there that would hold the entire city hostage if the 3 minute rule were done away with. I like Mr. Gaetani’s idea, if the council had questions they should be able to ask them. When the food truck ordinance was up for debate I found the rules very frustrating, as the only food truck in town the proposed ordinance would have applied to only my business, and my only allowed interaction was the 3 minute comment session. While I wouldn’t suggest changing city rules to suit only me, I do believe there may be a compromise solution in here.
Unfortunately Mr. Gaetani has shown his frustration with the council in a manner which now leaves him shut out of their hearing. It’s too bad, as everyone deserves a voice but as a human being I also know that when someone has resorted to shouting at me I find it very difficult to take them seriously.
I tend listen to shouting as a form of jazz which isfit for background music. If someone wants to be listened to, they need to pare it down and speak in a slow conversational manner. I agree with your post.
I agree also. I enjoy your posts Charles.
Kathy Lloyd I am sorry you ran against Pittsfields regressive politices.
Mr gaetani has some great ideas. Now if he can learn to package them better…
sent from phone. I’ll get better at it
Unfortunately, Mr. Gaetano has met the dirty politics in Pittsfield. Mayor Bianchi’s henchmen. Mr. Gaetani’s ship has been sunk.
Thanks, Gene – Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Happy Thanksgiving all! 🙂
Thanks, but the city and the councilors were pretty great during the whole food truck conversation. It was a couple of restaurants that took the issue to the head of Downtown Pittsfield Inc and decided that the publicly funded entity should act in a protectionist and unconstitutional manner towards a new business. Thankfully the council has voted to file the petition and Pam Tobin has since left DPI. I continue to run my truck in Pittsfield and life is good. 🙂
Many blacks aren’t really integrated into society because there no jobs at the low end, welfare has destroyed the family structure, and drug prohibition is just kicking a brother when he is down. Society’s laws mean as little to those at the bottom as they do to those at the top. Cops spray bullets when they feel like it, the underclass smash stuff when they feel like it.
Isn’t the tendency to exaggerate part of the problem?
I disagree. There are plenty of jobs at the low end. Thats all there is in fact. Low pay, low skills work. Theres work there for those that want it. I agree with DV if we arent a nation of laws what are we then? Are we the violent riots we saw in Ferguson?
We are the 26 year old white men that shoot 12 year old children in city parks.
Yes, the media is a huge part of this problem. Funny, where was the media frenzy when, a few months ago, the off duty Kansas City Police officer shot and killed a firefighter on his wedding night because he was getting his ass kicked in a fight he started? Oh right, that firefighter is not a minority.
There is a guy who has a one hour TV show on Thursday nights. Perhaps he could have Gaetani and a couple of other interested parties discuss current issues.
I found it humorous the eagle scoffed at blame directed at mainstream and social media. Another article claimed someone is killed by a firearm every 16 minutes in America. I think the best thing to do when confronted by a police officer is to comply. Sure you may have your civil rights violated a case you can make later while you’re still alive. But yes I believe in that system it’s much better than the alternative.
If the newspapers and broadcast news find they can’t pin down people to get themselves shot for a soundbite, they’ll just offer up their own personnel to get the job done. How much would you wager that CNN reporter who boasted of getting stoned had it lobbed at her by a cameraman?
Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in two minutes so three minutes is more than enough time to make your point.
Are you serious Mike Ward? If thats the best red herring you have better throw the stinking fish basket overboard. Mr getani worries you because of his ideas not his manner.
I hope he runs for office and I hope you stay put where you are.You had your turn on the council and failed drove the city deeper into the hole by approving disaster budgets the city can’t afford
true its a lot worse now but I wonder what the city would be like if you had had the guts to vote for fiscal reform.
My objectivity worries you so you respond with anonymous attacks. And you say *my* argument is lacking?
I agree with Mr. Ward. Two minutes is an eternity when it comes to making a point. Thanks for the Gettysburg Address reference, Mr. Ward.
Last point for me, “if not the rule of Law, What?”
Answer: “The rule of the Media.”
Welcome to The Planet – you’re welcome to comment as long as you agree!
Super fun times at the Planet, Happy Thanksgiving Mike!! 🙂
From Kathy Lloyd (yes, that’s my real name!!)
Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy Lloyd!
We love real names!
Mr. Ward,
Your comments always fall on the side of the good old boys. Status Quo. Your record on the city council speaks for itself.
I for one am glad you no longer represent the good citizens of Pittsfield as you always vote against them. I hope you never even consider running again.
That being said, I am sure Dan Valenti welcomes your comments here and would be the first one to tell you so. You are entitled to your opinion and people are entitled to disagree with you. Dan has never censored your comments here.
Lazy taking points and Planet Jargon, Mr. Thornton. My record on the council does speak for itself, and apparently you can’t remember any specifics of it. Another shrill Planet sycophant. Bring it on!
Just got in from shoveling. THE PLANET welcomes all viewpoints, and we thank you from yours. It is a qualified pov based on your former service asa councilor — a good stint at that, in THE PLANET’s humble view. As for criticism, you responded pretty good the QT, so let’s declare a draw.
Mike to bad councillors can’t seem to get there points across in 2 minutes.
Thanks, Dan. And good point, JT.
Onthe second week of November two men carjacked an automobile then preceded to arm rob a 7-11 gas station in Fla. They held a gun to the clerks head,while giving them the money, told to open the safe, which only the manager of the store had, then left with about 600 dollars worth of cigarettes.Minutes later the thugs went down the street to another store, robbed the store, the left. The clerk went outside to get the license plate of the car and the thugs shot him for dead. It is very dangerous out there, we should support our own men in blue as well as firefighters, the incident in Ferguson should remind us these incidents happen and we ourselves, here in Palookvaille can learn from it.
Is posting on the Planet anonymously the same as protesting with a Guy Fawkes mask in Ferguson ? I’m not crazy about Mike Wards comparison with the Gettysburg address, but would agree that 3 minutes should be enough time for the open microphone.
If it’s three minutes as a limit, then the limit should be equally enforced. When Mrs. Mayor orchestrated the show of support for her husband at the open mic, the council president allowed much more than four minutes. What’s good for the goose is good for the Gaetani.
I thought mike made a valid point with the Gettysburg address comparison. I also agree local govt is hostile to te public.
Thanks, Scott! One of the finest speeches ever delivered. I’m trying to memorize it.
Since the City Council doesn’t give a crap about the 3 minute dispNothin anyway, maybe they could start the 3 minute dispatch at 6:30 or so.
We like Mike, keep commenting! if memory serves me right, I believe, Mike won the Planet’s first award, right Dan?
Thanks, Nota.
Nato,Wasn’t it called the Orbit?
I still have it!
Good memory. It was the Orbit Award. Mike won the first one. Peter White won the second. Perhaps we should dust it off and award a third. In fact we will. Nominees, please? Award is given for service above and beyond in the name of We the People.
We did an awards show style presentation photo with a photoshopped background. I’ll have try to find that photo.
Dan, I would like to nominate the person who puts a stop to the 115 million dollar colossal waste of tax payers money.
Craig (Water Wizard) Gaetani should be an Orbit’s winner!
Wish I had an Orbit award.
The news just showed what it would take to burn off a Thanksgiving Dinner. A couple of them were..Skiing for 15 straight hours, another was, running for seven straight hours. I’ll take my chances and die with a full tummy, cuz the other two options are not going to happen.
Obama is as bad as Sharpton. He should hold his tongue until he knows what the true facts are. I would not doubt if he was behind the holding back of the national guard troops. Sounds like Benghazi.
It is kind of ironic that the council limits the public it represents to 3 minutes yet you used to be left with your tongue hanging out listening to Mazzeo blather on and on and on. Sometimes I just wanted to bang my head on the wall. Lothrop likes to pretend he is reciting the Gettysburg address every once in a while as well. and let us not forget the infamous Matt Kerwood who was a one man filibuster not so long ago.Councilman Jim Massery could rant for twenty minutes and not say anything tangible. These are all council persons who think Joe Q Public should spit it out and get out of the way. Ain’t democracy grand? Isn’t that why we send our men and woman to war so that they can have 3 effing minutes in front of their city councils?
I agree dusty. Don’t you just hate people who hog the show?hehehe.
Dusty, no one could pontificate like councillor Bianchi, that man made my ears bleed.
JOE…HOW ABOUT mayor Bianchi?
As councilor windbag. As Mayor man of few words, who bully’s anyone in his way, side stepping any checks and balance’s like Fred Astaire.
Mike, while I do understand your thoughts regarding the Gettysburg address a speech I have memorized and have recited at times since the sixth grade. We must remember that Lincoln was the president and was addressing the citizens of the country those who he was elected to represent not a citizen addressing the elected leadership.
We can not lose fact that the redress of grievance is a GOD given right not one bestowed upon us by a City Council or any other body elected or appointed by the citizens.
Think of those citizens who heard the address all that they had seen heard and experienced what could Lincoln or any other person say to qualify quantify and most importantly acknowledge the sacrifices any clearer and the stakes involved.
While a limit of some sort and decorum must be maintained it can be done fairly with class and dignified.
While I will openly admit I did not agree with all of your votes and positions I do admire the sacrifice both you and your family endured for your service to the City.
It is a profound speech, but I think it was humbly delivered to those on the battlefield with little expectation of a national or historic audience. That the land that stands is consecrated by those who had perished is deeper than anything any poet I can think of had uttered in our time.
If I recall it was delivered about this time of year after the bodies had been reburied in the now national cemetery and yes no poet could utter more profound words. The sacrifice of life for country for freedom for an ideal such as self governance is something that no poet or politician could ever put into words as powerful as the experience actually is. Sadly then as now the press was divided by party lines. Amazingly if 6th grade history taught by Mr Sprauge serves the Springfield mass newspaper of the time followed the Republican line and wrote about it being a great speech as it is. My my how the times have changed and what would the local press think of it today? But it was and shall always be a speech delivered from the president about those who sacrafised everything to those who witnessed it.
The point I was thinking in regards to the entire speech was how it did not fit the discussion because the sacrifices made and the ground consecrated was in hopes that Government of the people by the people shall not perish from this earth. And what I ask is more important to that than a citizens right to address its government ?
Fine words, sir.
Once again, you nailed it. I wonder: Has “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” perished from this earth? Methinks it has.
Do ideas ever perish?
We are supposed to be a nation of laws, but this week Obama is for our laws, but last week with his immigration declaration, he was not following the law. You can’t have it both ways.
Also I agree that Al Sharpton should not be hanging around the White House as he likes stirring things up rather than creating actual solutions to problems.
Thanks for your perspective, Joe. Agreed that any limit must be enforced in a respectful manner, and I can say from experience it’s not always an easy task.
The Gettysburg Address is one of four documents I read at least once a year. The others: The Declaration of Independence, The Preamble to the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. They are all brief, even if you count the full length of the Declaration. I sometimes include the Declaration when I teach Argumentation and Persuasion to my Comp students. To make it even briefer, you can read the Declaration up to (and including) the sentence, “To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.” After that, you get all the particulars against King George III.
I still get cheesed off when I think of George III.
You’re too funny. How are these politicians these days any better? We’re reverting back to royalty and a wealth class and they’re doing everything they can to disarm people just like the British tried in concord. And don’t get me started with the IRS. I’m trying to think how the founding fathers could have been more clear because apparently there’s a lot of questioning and confusion going on with lawmakers these days.
I have concluded, Scott, that we have finally returned to our roots in this Nation. There is a struggle, poorly defined but getting more clear, between those who favor individual and State rights and those who favor centralized power in Federal Branches and their agencies. King George III is back in town and all those old complaints are looking pretty current to me.
I find it interesting that a lot of African Americans (not all) are very quick to decry whites for slavery and have this sort of aggressive entitlement but I never hear them utter a word about the whites who gave thier life so that African Americans could be free. It’s not a black or white issue anymore it’s govt against the people in general. I’m pretty sure if I robbed a store and walked in the middle of the st and then when I was stopped and questioned by the police if I were to become violent, assault the responding officer and go for his gun I’d be shot. Anyone wanna take the orange tip off my ak 47 air soft gun and wave it around downtown to test this theory?