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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, DEC. 9, 2014) — As the recent national events has shown, America is still incapable of having an intelligent discussion on race. Too many people are unwilling or unable to drop the pretexts and prejudices that preclude the neutral approach to interpersonal relations that justice demands.

Locally, the city of Pittsfield struggles with this same question. We note from this week’s city council agenda (the meeting is tonight at 7 p.m., council chambers, city hall) assistant city attorney Darren Lee’s submission to Mayor Dan Bianchi of the amended and adopted Affirmative Action Plan Policy. The city’s Affirmative Action Committee adopted the amended version on Aug. 20. Lee, on behalf of the AAC, asks that the mayor accept the new plan and that the city council place it on file.

“File” in this case does not mean “throw out,” “destroy,” or “bury,” as it does when the council doesn’t like petition, especially one submitted by a private citizen. Here, “file” means essentially to activate.

The Pieces of Paper That Can’t Touch Real Life

The policy contains the usual boilerplate about how the city of Pittsfield does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. As always, however, you know and THE PLANET knows that discrimination happens on a regular basis. You can legislate morality on a piece of paper, but you can’t touch the human heart in that way. Therein lies the problem.

Despite the honorable intentions of the new policy with respect to the city’s “moral commitment to … promote, as well as respect and accommodate, diversity in its workforce,” does the new policy contain an internal consistency? In other words, isn’t the stated intention to “promote diversity” the same thing as saying the city will not treat everyone the same with respect to employment? Promotion on the basis of preferences related to skin color, gender, or ethnic origin, for example, means to favor one group over another and commit the very act the policy is meant to curb.

The policy commits the city to hiring “without regard” to the categories noted above. Nonetheless, the stated aim is to increase in city employment the presence of “under-utilized and under-represented groups within the population.” In other words, the policy requires the city to favor in its hiring and practices groups found to be “under-represented.” Is that not a reverse way of saying it will discriminate against other classes that do not fit the prejudicial preference?

The point is that when one attempts to advance justice through artificial social engineering, one often ends up perpetuating rather than quelling a resident evil. If there are few blacks or minorities presently at work for the city of Pittsfield, why? Could it be because of outright prejudice in the city’s offices? That’s what the policy would suggest. However, could it also be that members of such minorities have made disproportionately poor decisions in life with respect to education, employment, and other key indicators of personal and professional success and therefore cannot compete for positions without unfair handicapping?

Fair Shot at the Start? Yes. Fixed Finishes? Uh, No

THE PLANET wants everyone to have a fair shot at success. That is the American Dream. We want people to be able to line up at the start as equals. That is not only reasonable but also required for a society to function at its best. We shouldn’t, however, tilt the pitch to guarantee that certain favored and otherwise unrepresented entrants will win. If, though, whole categories of people decide to build homes out of straw and not brick, is it society’s obligation to build domiciles with bricks and mortar FOR them?

As a piece of writing, Affirmative Action policies typically fall victim to the worst tendency of rhetorical idealism, which is to ignore the realities that drive one into flights of fancy in the first place. As such, the verbiage in these policies tend to read more as dogmatic tenets of faith or as sociopolitical propaganda rather than as practical guides for helping cure the human heart of hatred. No matter how noble the intention, it just isn’t going to happen.

Pittsfield’s new policy calls for a blanket approach to hiring practices, for example:

  • Measurable results (fancy talk for quotas)
  • Goals and timetables (forcing arbitrariness into urgency’s breach)
  • Massive publicity
  • Reach-out to “protected groups”
  • “an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion among city workers with diverse backgrounds”
  • steps “to ensure a diverse mix of applicants for consideration in selection and hiring.”

Again it’s all well and good to draw up on the blackboard how the ideal should operate and look, but as Affirmative Action history shows, idylls cannot be expected to be mainlined into actual working human systems and expect to produce magic. In fact, often, Affirmative Action produces regression.

This is seen, for example, in the classroom when it herds and fast-tracks “underperforming students” into more elite schools. Too many students are set-up to fail, cannot compete fairly, and can only pass if they are graded on a steep curve.

How Does Discrimination Help End Discrimination?

Affirmative Action is too often code for racial, gender, and other “lifestyle” preference done in the name of “anti-discrimination.” Historically, because humans aren’t machines and thus hold on to irrational hatreds, far too many Affirmative Action initiatives have simply replaced one form of discrimination with another.

“The single biggest problem in this system — a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research — is the tendency of large [and generous] preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. … [This] largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out”Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor Jr., “The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action,” The Atlantic, Oct. 2, 2012

In sum, Affirmative Action as social engineering will more often than not produce higher failure rate, more drop outs, lower performance, and the exacerbation of the problem it was intended to solve.

Why should we expect Pittsfield to be any different?


“And me, I’m still standing with my thumb out in the rain.”Charley Ainsley, “City Boy.”



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Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 years ago

I don’t really think an honest discussion is the desired goal, a political correct discussion would be more accurate.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 years ago

Right Ron otherwise you’re called a

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Speaking of action adfirmativus, tonight’s announced appearance at the city council by Craig Gaetani and his patner,Dr. Wang should provide some.

10 years ago

Wow, Dan….What you said is so accurate…..I couldn’t agree more!

Too often “affirmative action” for blacks end up causing “reverse discrimination” for whites. History has proven that it doesn’t solve the problem.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Spider
10 years ago

Look at the new requirement for the mayor of NYC’s new police sergeant. I’m disgusted by all of these so called progressives, they’re on a mission to destroy this country.

10 years ago

Dan, come on now. This is a straw man argument that has been made since the very start of affirmative action. I agree that the flowery language of non discrimination, etcetera, etcetera, is politically correct, hokey and self serving. But the fact is, affirmative action programs are meant to address decades of disproportionate practices the other way. They also bring minority workers (regardless of which minority we’re talking about) into actual contact with people who’ve never worked with them before, thereby getting to the “heart” of where racism lies.

Basically, if there is a terribly disproportionate ratio relative to total population, the scales and criteria SHOULD be tipped in the other direction to address the problem. You may end up with a couple of bad hires, but you probably…OBVIOUSLY from recent past hires, would’ve ended up with a couple of bad hires from a NON minority population anyway. Then, once progress is made, slowly level the playing field and follow the earnest dogma of the first couple of paragraph of the proclamation.

As I said, increasing the percentage of minority workers, putting each and every non-minority into personal day to day contact with another qualified, hard-working minority person will go a very long way toward ending the stereotypes and actual discrimination in their hearts. Your statement about minorities and their disproportionately poor decision making may be the most racist statement I’ve read from anyone in a very long time, even couched as it is in subjunctive.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 years ago

Dan aren’t you sick of being called racist? Like Chris Rock saying white people need to own what thier ancestor did before we can move on in this country. I think that’s a crock of shit as most of our families came over from other countries and faced the same kind of racism and descrimination long after the civil war and slavery was abolished. It’s utter stupidity and absurdity. African Americans owe great civil rights leaders like MLk and many before them not the someone owe ing them something. They can repay the debt by being a productive member of society an taking advantage of opportunities that do exist in education and the work force. Dealing drugs and destroying your own communities with violence needs to stop being blamed on white people.

Reply to  MrG88
10 years ago

Me g sometimes the truth hurts. You can’t argue with reality. I’m a white male who made poor choices and recieed a negative outcome. I’ve since made good choices with a positive outcome and crated opportunity for myself through my own hard work. How’s that offensive or racist if it objectively states the truth? Are you saying this accomishments wouldn’t be possible had I been African American? What’s interesting is its real easy say something anonymously in a righteous tone and another to get personal and be real. I mean how much would one dare share to make a point.

Reply to  MrG88
10 years ago

Except they lie about the ratio. For example comparing the percentage of black teachers the percentage of black students, as if kids could be hired as teachers. Thus the city needs to import blacks from other areas of country to teach. Ridiculous. It’s a scam that fools like you fall for because it makes you feel like a good person for free

10 years ago

Do you really think people like Al Sharptin want fairness and equality? No he and his followers think the white man owes him. Do you ever hear them talk about the over 700 thousand mostly whites that died in the civil war for African Americans to be free? Or the courageous men who went alone with limited supply deep into the wilderness of the south to fight the rebel insurgency that followed the war? Yeah let’s keep those stories out of the hearts minds of black America.

10 years ago

Correction according to internet data 620 thousand union soldiers gave thier life for equality and freedom.

Bill Sturgeon
Bill Sturgeon
10 years ago

I had the honor of working in South Africa when Mr. Nelson Mandela was President. I would suggest that anyone who is truly interested in equality for all people read his speeches, look at videos of him and read about his life and leadership style. He brought people together to build a nation. He united people he did not divide people.

There are too many “leaders” who are in the movement for their own personal gain and personal power, that’s just my opinion!!

Reply to  Bill Sturgeon
10 years ago

Good point Ed you’re spot on. Don’t forget the rich history that is right here in the berkshires. You can start out in Sheffield at Co Ashley’s house. I promise you won’t be disappointed it’s worth the drive. There’s also public access to the grounds for hiking.

10 years ago

Al Sharpton is as much of an outlier as David Duke. Neither has anything to do with the discussion at hand. And for you to imply that all the colored folk should just be grateful to the courageous white people who set them free and take what they get is just inane. We are talking about ending racism here, not propagating division. Bill does have it right.

Reply to  MrG88
10 years ago

I didn’t say take what they get. There is room for change. Personally I don’t owe anyone shit. We all owe these people who effected change and gave thier lives for others to be free and to live in equality and peace. People are thier own worst enemies. Look for my letter to the editor in a few days.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

When I was in the U.S. Army, my 2 supervisors were black, and they treated me like shit! My fellow black soldiers were treated a lot better than me. Other black Seargents told me they thought my black Staff Sergeant was racist against white people. I endured so much stress in the military from my black supervisors that I am now a 100 percent rated service connected disabled Veteran for mental health who served our country with Honor. That’s how government works sometimes. I also want to note that I was bullied at other points in my life, mostly by white people. I have learned not to go down to other people’s level of bullying even if it hurts to not react or retaliate. Once I engage a bully, I usually lose the conflict because I gave him or her ammunition to use against me.
In terms of today’s news propaganda about the CIA breaking the law by using torture against Muslim extremists, I don’t think the Bush II White House, U.S. Congress, and the rest of our federal government was “lied to” by the CIA. I believe in conspiracy theories. I believe the Bush II White House and U.S. Congress knew full well that we were torturing Muslim extremists. Over one decade ago, we knew about “renditions” and torture. Movies were made about our war against Muslim extremists.
We should support peace for the State of Israel. We should ensure political stability in the Middle East. We should work with most Muslims by promoting Human Rights and Justice with them.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

What do you think they do to our Americans. I have no issue with this subject. Right now, Americans are being beheaded. An eye for an eye.

10 years ago

Planet? Will you have a Live Show thursday night? I would like to know as I will buy some sardines and scallops and have a fiesta while watching my favorite show on P C T V. I have seen all the re runs, so if it is a Live Show, more the better, Thanx. Oh, have you heard the latest, Krol has named LOW, the Dean of the City Council. What a gas, man.

10 years ago

Jonathan, thought you were originally bullied by Luciforo, as you call him. Don’t blame the Staff Sargeant, all Sargeants are supposed to be pricks, haven’t you ever watched Gomer Pyle. C’mon Man!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

As I have written many times since I was 20 years old in the Spring of 1996, I will state for the record once again: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. and his political network has been bullying me for the past 18-plus years and counting without apology. Nuciforo conspiratorially had people associated with him threaten me and try to do harm to my family. I am supposed to be very angry at all of the abuse I took from Nuciforo’s network of bullying henchmen. I am supposed to do something so that Nuciforo’s network of bullies can call the police on me and have me arrested. I will not respond to Nuciforo’s tactics in a way that will place me in trouble with the law. That would give Nuciforo power and legitimacy over what he has done to me. I am not being irrational. Nuciforo is evil and he deserves the name Luciforo!

10 years ago

The more I hear and see of ouncil or Amuso, the more convinced she was put on the C C for one reason.

10 years ago

Bea, listening and watching the current presentation, the mouthpiece for the new school is talking about a ‘leak happening. This guy is selling us a megabucks school, what the heck is a leak happening, Mr. Rogers?

10 years ago

Thank the heavens for the Planet. We have a great forum for sunshine, transparency and good old fashion truth.

10 years ago

The quality of flat roof vs sloped installation will cost more down the road because of the money to maintain it will be constant. ouncil or Simonelli gets an A tonight. LOw asked a question concerning his concern of a flat roof. The Architect said some bullshit and LOw said he was good for now or something to that effect? NO SCHOOL. The monies to renovate the old Taconic cannot be the same as the added money to the states contribution. Renovate Taconic, simple as that, this is an Albatross, and in my opinion has an inflated cost for the project.

10 years ago

Council Grades: Krol A
Cack A
Cotton A
Amuso A
Simonelli A
Mazzeo A
Connell. A
Lothrop. C
Tully A
Barry. A
Morandi. A

10 years ago