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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 6-8, 2015) — Given that the low-wattage Pittsfield mayor loves to spend YOUR money, it comes as no surprise that the city has installed “Video Conferencing!” at 100 North St. and now in Room 203 at city hall.

How George Jetson! How cutting edge. How … um, 90s.

These are the days of Skyping on a Smart phone or tab, texting, and the “speaker” option on just about every telephone. Video conferencing, which looked like it would be The Next Big Thing in 1990, never did catch on in the Dreaded Private Sector and for good reason. Given, though, that Dan Bianchi probably doesn’t know that groceries are now laser-scanned, he can be forgiven for this latest waste of your hard-earned dollars that he steals from you each year in the form of grossly excessive taxes.

No word out on how much the tin-cans-connected-by-string cost Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, but at any price its way too much — which is likely was the city overpaid a sainted (connected?) contractor to do the job. There’s also no word on who wanted this, who approved it, or how the money was allocated. Perhaps that’s because you, the Dumb Taxpayer (that’s how they see you) weren’t supposed to know about it.

Don’t tell anyone you read it in THE PLANET!


Phonies Speaking with Phorked Tongues 

The great George Orwell wrote some of the most enlightening (and damning) prose on the dangers of “political language.” For example, at the end of his famous essay “Politics and the English Language,” he advised caution whenever  authority figures and officials speak or write, for they all too often make murder seem sanguine and give “solidity to pure wind.” Indeed, that abuse of official language runs as the subtext to his classic novel, 1984.

A more recent example of this comes to us from the business wires. Sony Corp. announced the firing of the company’s co-chair, a move widely expected in the wake of the hacking scandal, the most serious cyberattack ever launched against a U.S. form or agency. The culprits still have not been caught.

On Thursday, Sony announced the exit of co-chair Amy Pascal (not to be confused with 17th century philosopher Blaise “Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary” Pascal). Sony didn’t fire her. She apparently knows where too many of the remaining skeletons are buried. They shipped her off to the entertainment division to head a new production unit. THE PLANET isn’t sure what’s worse, getting fired or suffering a demotion that Corporate tried to mask as a promotion? Actually, we are sure. It’s getting fired.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Suck Your Sputtering Engines

In a statement, instead of owning up to the scandal that occurred on her watch, Pascal exhaled helium about how “energized” she was with the new “opportunity.” That’s like Joan of Arc saying she was excited about the “opportunity” of getting roasted “well done” or a serial fabulist like Dan Bianchi using the word “prudent.” Pascal then added that she and Sony Entertainment‘s CEO Michael Lynton “have been talking about this transition for quite some time.” Yeah, THE PLANET bets you were, beginning about three seconds after the news of the Sony hack hit the fan. As a superfluous modifier — what William Strunk and E. B. White call the leeches that lurk in the pond of prose — the “quite” in “quite some time” gives it away.

What she is actually saying is that ever since the hacking scandal released an avalanche of embarrassing e-mails and documents and almost sunk the company, her days were numbered. She soiled the bed. Lynton, making sure to gild the rotten cabbage head, talked up Pascal’s “extraordinary talents.”

Right. She was so talented that she lost the company’s its reputation and countless dollars.

This meandering route takes us to the use of language The Suits in Pittsfield have employed from the go-get in trying to foist on the public the whopping expense of a needless school construction project. The most egregious example of this kind of purposeful lie is the mayor’s claim that the project will be an economic engine —

— like EV (“1,000 jobs”) Worldwide was an economic engine.

— like Workshop Dead! was an economic engine.

— like Spiced restaurant was an economic engine.

— like the Beaconjob Cinema is an economic engine.

— like Nucleacid is an economic engine.

Shall we stop there? We could mention many more such projects that are bound by a common denominator: Eah has sucked up more public money than a pregnant 17-year-old welfare cheat with three kids by three different dads. The common element? Each of these sputtering “economic engines, to varying degrees, have used We The People as their financiers. Unable to get sufficient private-sector capital, the backers of such projects employ any means — wining, whining, dining, threatening, schmoozing, and even darker means — to milk the public moo cows.

The way backers speak of the school project is telling.

Here are but a few examples:

“All of these programmatic ideas have been developed in concert with the administration and teachers. These aren’t just our suggestions being imposed from elsewhere. We have met with the music teacher, the drama teacher and the librarians in reviewing all of these spaces to date.”Carl Francheschi, DRA Architects, lead designer of the project.

“Programmatic ideas?” What does that mean? And they’ve “been developed in concert with the administration and teachers.” Yeah, Carl, but not “in concert with We Da People” pal. Francheschi is president of the architectural firm that stands to get a pretty penny from the THS project. What? You’re expecting him to give us an objective view?

“We’ve built schools in Springfield … we’ve built schools everywhere, taxpayers in Pittsfield are building those schools. It’s about time that the taxpayers of those towns build a school right here in Pittsfield.” — Pittsfield state rep Tricia Farley-Bouvier.

Trish, hon, argumentative rhetoric is one thing. THE PLANET respects competence in a good debate, even (especially) when it comes from the other side, because it forces us to “up our game.” But the blather you offer, as we can see here from your statement, is to reasoning and logic what pepper sauce is to a car seat. Babe, it’s about time that you support giving “the taxpayers” to whom you refer a friggin’ vote on this project.

“I, uh, (cough) I, um… $$$ It’s prudent that we, er, spend this money. It will $$ mean, like, um, so much to Teresa $$$$ and me come, er, Christmas time for, um, years $$$ to, you know, come.” — Pittsfield mayor Dan Bianchi. Forget his forgettable utterances. We read his thoughts.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in which shade they know they’ll never sit in.” — Michael Boc, Taconic High School senior class vice president.

Ah, yes, we heard from The Children at the council meeting Tuesday night. Nice to see that this lad can cut-and-paste from Bartlett’s quotations. Just a side observation: When you steal either the words or ideas of others, you’ve committed intellectual theft, what we in the businesses call plagiarism. As for old men planting trees, hey, ya gotta do something after the prostate goes.

“If we don’t approve this, then we’ll put ourselves 10 years behind.” — Ward 6 city councilor John Krol.

Krol, president of the Pittsfield School Department cheerleading team, is all rah-rah, sis-boom-bah for spending $150 million of your tax dollars on this project. But, and here’s the big question, does he trust you enough to let YOU have a say? Will he support bringing this to a binding, city-wide referendum? As for “being 10 years behind,” he couldn’t have been referring to the proposed new school. He must have been talking about the city’s new videoconferencing system.

Finally, we hear from One of Us. He holds the highest office in the land, that of Private Citizen. His name is Robert O’Conner. He supports a citywide vote by the people, up or down, on the school building project. And we quote: “Homes being foreclosed on? Why? Because people can’t afford to pay their taxes.”

——– 000 ——–

We ask you now, dear readers. Of the six people we quoted, six from The Suits and one from We The People, who spoke the truth? Who spoke the most plainly, forcefully, and directly.




“It’s safe in the city to make love in the doorway. … I’ll make you a deal, like every other candidate”David Bowie, “Candidate,” from the Diamond Dogs album, (1974).



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9 years ago

By the looks of a recent Eagle editorial the downtrodden taxpayers of Pittsfield are not going to get any help from the local newspaper on the new school issue. The piece looks like it might have been written in the corner office and passed on to their partners in propaganda in the clock tower.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

It’s been a consistent message from the editor that Pittsfield residents don’t pay enough taxes, that taxes can never be too high. I have no idea why anyone who doesn’t work for the city pays to read that crap

Dont trust em
Dont trust em
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

You can tell that the backers of the school are nervous when they start dictating to the Eagle to run propaganda like this.
Just when you hope the bb might do its job and start covering and uncovering the news and the b.s. it embarrases itself.

9 years ago

How many Taxpayers would be willing to put their Tax Money in an escrow account? This Administration, and City Councilors refuse to give Taxpayers their right to a say and a vote. No taxes..until you recognize the rights of the people who pay taxes.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Why has PCTV dropped the last city council meeting, which was a Q&A session regarding the new high school (notice not proposed new h.s.; but a done deal), from its show schedule ? The usual 10;30 am Weds. spot was also mysteriously deleted. Tech. difficulty, maybe ?

Dont trust em
Dont trust em
Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Wow. Thats odd but no coincidence. Theyre getting scared! Good!!

9 years ago

I think you may be a little misinformed on technology. Video conferencing via services like GoToMeeting are very in vogue at the moment. There are many cost savings associated in using this service rather than everyone driving to meet together for meetings that take less than the traveling time. Much more productive.

Reply to  FloggingMolly
9 years ago

While videoconferences are indeed still a popular alternative to “being there,” the devil is in the details. One can use a service like GoTo Meeting, WebEx or others and spend $50-100 per month, and one can also bring in all sorts of really expensive directional mikes, screens and other playtoys that could make videoconferencing quite expensive. OR one could simply use Google Video Hangouts and a laptop (or a larger screen if you want) for FREE! I don’t claim to know which route the city chose, but I’d be willing to bet it’s not the free one!

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

I wonder which one they use over at the Global office.

9 years ago

Dan you’re on fire today. You delivered today’s blog with a snazzy tone and an aggressive comedic and matter of fact delivery worthy of some kind of journalistic award. Take old El Rushbo’s line “people don’t like Dan Valenti because he gets too close to the truth!”

9 years ago

Just came down North street and I am happy to say that at least one centimeter of snow has evaporated off the snow banks lining the street. So hang in there pedestrians…

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics has seen thousands of people fleeing the area, thousands of lost jobs, thousands of people receiving welfare assistance benefits, very high taxes that are raised above the rate of inflation every single year, excessive public spending, a dead multi-million dollar downtown, political corruption, done deals, insider politics, the Good Old Boy network, toxic waste cancer causing PCBs, violent crime committed by young adults, drugs, gangs, poorly performing public schools with hundreds of students choicing out to neighboring public schools,….
Dan Valenti laments all the sad realities that face Pittsfield, while the Eagle and Mayor Dan Bianchi deploy predictable propaganda to advance the same agenda that has driven Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch.

Put it to a vote
Put it to a vote
9 years ago

“Ten years behind” … behind what?

Its a shame all those who graduated at such an inferior Taconic High School. Perhaps if they had new brick and morter they’d all be 10 years ahead.

“And then one day you find, ten years have gone behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun”

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.
Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines

– Pink Floyd / Time / 1973 / Dark side of the moon

Are We Dreaming?
Are We Dreaming?
9 years ago

DV please put councilors on the spot. Poll them–are they in favor of giving us the citizens a voite on the school project?

Reply to  Are We Dreaming?
9 years ago

John Krol answered me on the Berkshire Eagle facebook page the other day. He said Taxpayers had their chance in the Voting booth when they voted for the City Charter. The City Council makes the decisions on Bond issues. He told me off in no uncertain terms. I said Taxpayers opinions have been shut out in Pittsfield, whether you have attended meetings or not. Taxpayers have a right to a say and a vote regarding such an expenditure.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

John Krol said Taxpayers had their chance last fall when they voted for their councilors…..Not City Charter. That was a mistake speak. The City Charter takes Taxpayers out of the decision and puts it in the hands of the Council.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago


Please elaborate. I cannot find his reply on the Eagle FB page and would like to see this response. Also, how many on the City Council and School Committee are receiving pensions from the City of Pittsfield. I know of at least four and their respective spouses as well. Along with that how many of their spouses are working for the the city, therefore getting a city pay check each week along with the benefits. And don’t forget these retires are also collecting a “stipend” for their work as councilors or school committee members. These new benefits for the school committee came with the new Bianchi entitlement city charter, and Bianchi will get pension benefits for ten years as a city councilor is he is reelected. Oh and by the way some of these retirees live outside the city limits!

Reply to  DowagerHat
9 years ago

It was in a Berkshire Eagle story on their Facebook Page. titled Taconic High School Residents and City Councilors discuss in 3 hour meeting.
I responded that in a Berkshire Eagle Poll 80 percent responded that the Taxpayers wanted a vote, and 20 percent didnt.
John Krol had a very long response.
I then responded that it did not matter what the Taxpayers want…they are being shut out and it’s their right to have a vote.
John Krol responded again and said the Voters had their chance last Fall when they voted for their Councilors. The City Council decides on the State Bonding. The Berkshire Eagle apparantly took it off their page.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago


I did check out the Berkshire Eagle FB page. There were only 4 responses under disqus and there was no response from John Krol. So, apparently the Berkshire Eagle deleted his comment. Great Journalism and open discussion by the Boring Broadsheet.

Luxor Rex
Luxor Rex
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

the only place for “great journalism” and open discussion in the media is on the Planet. As for Krol how arrogant.
The vote for the council was not a vote for the school as he implies. I hope Ward 6 gets a strong challenger

9 years ago

Arrogance in Pittsfield Politics needs to be taken down. Every single one of them need to be voted out… the Pittsfield Taxpayer in the re-election.

Big Brother
Big Brother
9 years ago

The new city charter gives us full control over the people peons.
10 years behind – forget about it – we will tax you back into the stone age.

You had your chance, now we’re in charge.
The peons have no say and could not care less what you think.
You chose to live in Pittsfield and we will tax you until you bleed.

Vote us out? Go ahead. We will school the new city council with the good old boy stick. Sure the names may change but we will still find many ways to bend you over.

You can’t fight city hall!

9 years ago

Anyone notice the players on the Council, seems to be a lot of school related individuals and former school committee members and workers, hmm, wonder why they would be against a citizens vote?

Reply to  nota
9 years ago

Great point but I am sure it was not by design. Almost sure. Just a coincidence. Nothing to see here.

There is not now nor has there ever been misguided politicians in Pittsfield. We invented baseball for Christ sake and possibly apple pie as well. It is just not in the Pittsfield gene pool to be greedy and willing to walk all over our fellow citizens to get our hands on their stuff.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Dusty you haven’t moved yet?

Reply to  Fred Janson
9 years ago

Yes Fred. I now live in Tibet. It is very peaceful here and the birds sing all day long. The life of a monk is being good to me.

9 years ago

Going to a meeting and stating your concerns, desires etc. at the Open Mic, does what for a Citizen? John Krol states thus is your venue. So why Piss in an open sewer?

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

We need to remember this when inevitably Krol puts his hat in the ring for mayor. Citizens just get in they way of the smart people who know everything about everything.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago


Yonick Kapanski
Yonick Kapanski
9 years ago

Every time there’s an election, the candidates promise to the people the sun, moon and stars. Then when in office they do as they please or what the special interests want. Always, without fail.

Two emails is not opening the consent decree. Yet, she made it to be President by buddying up with Bianchi and doing his bidding. She got elected by promising to reopen the decree because she knows the people got a raw deal and it resonated with the people. Once in office it becomes a non-issue.

Bianchi promised transparency yet has done anything but that.

The entire city council and this Mayor should all be voted out this year – yes indeed. However something needs to be addressed about candidates who make promises to the people then fail miserably to live up to them.

Apathy, moving out of Pittsfield and feeling helpless is the way the people choose to handle it.

Denying the people a vote on spending $150-200+ million dollars of their money is not accepable. The arrogance of the mayor and city council and school committee is way over the line.
They are all counting on low voter turnout to keep their positions.

This is just a scam to make a few connected people a ton of money. Plain and simple.

Reply to  Yonick Kapanski
9 years ago

It is UNACCEPTABLE and violating Taxpayer Rights. Then for Krol to tell me Taxpayers had their chance last Fall when they voted for their Councilors. The arrogance of this Mayor and City Council is obscene.

Inside Crowells Brain
Inside Crowells Brain
9 years ago

The thought is spend taxpayers money on a new school because the state will match the costs and we getter newer stuff. Yup,that’s the thought.

9 years ago

New Charter Is the same as Civic Authority, think about it!,

GEE Whiz
GEE Whiz
9 years ago

Krol posted on Facebook about how he should have the vote as a rep and not we the people directly. That would assure on his FB “friends” would gush about how great he is.