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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2015) — Time to empty out THE PLANET Mail Bag. These are messages (mostly e-mails) that have come into THE PLANET and that have yet to be published. Here goes:

‘For Crying Out Loud’ (or Softly, for that Matter)


You don’t know where of you speak…. How can potholes be filled in another manner at this point of time?  For crying out loud. Folks complain about any thing. What? Do they want GOLD?  The residents should be glad that these potholes are temporarily fixed during this time of year. And debasing the city employees is just out right wrong. Just saying.Janis A

THE PLANET RESPONDS: Thanks for the criticisms. As for an alternate method of how potholes can be filled, review our post from last week where we listed the process, step-by-step. No, citizens do not want gold. Their gold is being robbed out of their pockets by those who are meant to be “representing” them. All they want is good service for their hard-earned tax dollars. Finally, city employees who fail to provide good service should be called on the shag for it. It’s called accountability.

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Mayor Or Not?


Do you intend to run for mayor of Pittsfield this year as the rumor has it? If so can you win? And will you move to Pittsfield? Incidentally I hope you do give it a go. — RR

THE PLANET RESPONDS: Let us answer your three questions directly, in the order asked. We haven’t made that decision yet. Yes, we can win. Yes, we will have a Pittsfield address. Appreciate the questions and the tacit support.

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Pomeroy Potholes Perplexing


A reader  [on THE PLANET] recently mentioned the bad state of Pomeroy Avenue. I have to fully agree. My family has lived on Pomeroy going back to post-WW II. I have never seen it this bad. Coincidence or not the road has basically deteriorated since Mr. Bianchi took over as mayor. Then I read where [former Ward 4 councilor] Mike Ward posted [on this site] saying the mayor’s costly survey of roads gave Pomeroy a good grade. I was flabbergasted. Why do we even need a consultant to tell us about our roads? How could anyone who knows anything about roads say Pomeroy is well maintained? It doesn’t make sense. Sounds like the consultant told the mayor what the mayor wanted to hear. Terrible. I have twice called the mayor’s office and two times Mr. Collingwood. No response. Not a return call, nothing. I voted for Mr. Bianchi. Never again. This time, anybody else. — Disgusted on Pomeroy

THE PLANET RESPONDS: The letter speaks for itself. We drove down Pomeroy this week. You are right. It’s one of the worst streets in Pittsfield. We also applaud your involvement. Calling city officials is to be recommended, even though the mayor and the director of public services apparently think you are not important enough to call back. We suggest you contact your ward councilor, Chris Connell. He does an excellent job of responding.

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THS: When Was Decision on Regionalization Made?


Let me begin by saying the city cannot afford to build a brand new high school. Even if it could it would be an extravagant waste with not enough high schoolers to fill even PHS. I will be basing my city council vote in this year[‘s] election mainly on how they vote [on the THS proposal]. I’ll vote against any councilor who supports this wasteful spending we can’t afford. I have a question when you brought up the vocational aspect. You asked who made decision to build a new Taconic rather than a regional vo-tech? Did you get an answer? Thanks for all  you do. — Arnold from the Pitts

THE PLANET RESPONDS: We agree. The school should not be built. As to the question about regionalization, we never got an answer. We checked the minutes of relevant meetings (School Building Needs Commission, School Committee, City Council) and did not find that the question ever officially came up. Notice we say “officially.” We have not unearthed a formal vote on this matter. When we asked former school committee member extraordinaire and “Supercitizen” Terry Kinnas, he said that while he served on the committee, then-acting-Supt. Gordon Noseworthy admitted in public session that the matter was decided hush-hush at one of the local superintendents periodic (and highly informal) bull sessions. If that information is correct, it strongly suggests that this basic decision, which the state required the city to make early in the process, was never properly (that is, legally) vetted and decided. It calls to mind the proverbial “smoke-filled back-room” politics. Fact is, the impetus to build a new THS has not passed the smell test almost every step of the way. There’s an old saying in journalism: “Follow the money.” The final cost of between $116 million and $200 million will provide mighty temptations. For all we know, some may have already succumbed. Why else would The Vested Interests so desperately want to avoid a People’s Referendum on this matter? The process on making this key decision has reeked DD from the start: Done Deal.

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Ain’t It a ‘Bitch’?


DV you made me laugh yesterday [post of 3/4] when you wondered if the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC) should be called BITCH. I got the “t” and the “c.” Berkshire Innovation Technolgy Center and Hornswoggle (BITCH). What dya think? — Geo

THE PLANET RESPONDS: Geo, you got a job as one of our writers. Pay is “upper six figures.” Funny stuff.


That pert-near empties out the PV Mail Bag. Keep the cards and letters coming, and we shall publish then again after the pile becomes too cumbersome to ignore.

See you tonight on the television, live, beginning at 7 p.m.


“The day becomes more solemn and serene / When noon is past.” Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty,” Stanza VII, lines 73-74, (1816).



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9 years ago

Speaking of potholes and car damage. Yesterday had a mild thaw and many potholes were hidden under water. I inadvertently bounced through a few myself. It is going to get MUCH worse next week when the temps rise and the snow banks melt into the roadways. Anyone who can clear a storm drain or two near their homes will be glad they did because we are talking lakes in the roads next week. They may be hard to locate but try.

This might be a good job for the incarcerated folk and the sooner the better. Once the lakes form it is harder to find the drains. i hope someone with some clout can get these guys at it today or tomorrow. Else wise an incredible mess is in store for all of us. Keep you cellphone cameras handy as there should be some great photo ops.

And when it is all over there will not be enough cold patch in Palookaville to repair what is left of the roads because what you are seeing now is the tip of the iceberg.

9 years ago

Broadsheet reports a Rat infestation Population on the rise… Pittsfield. Yeah, City Hall…Corner Office.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Better get a consultant out here fast

call Collingwood

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

No no. Call Collingwood, he’ll call a consultant.

Reply to  eddiep
9 years ago

No, call a consultant who will tell you to call Colonwood who will then tell you to call a consultant!

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

ROFL…when I saw that headline this my first thought was, “wonder how long it’ll take one of the Planeteers to cite that with a derisive reference to the mayor or someone else in the administration?” Ding ding ding ding! Even quicker than I thought!

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

I guess we are profiling these people based on their past performance.

I feel so bad now

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

Rats headline begs for comparison to mayor and many of his stooges. If the references are “derisive” then they are deserved derisivie. What I mean is that no one goes out to pick on someone ele for no good reason.

I voted for the mayor and supported him hoping he would be a good one. I thought he would be one of the best. How wrong I was he is one of the worst. If we are being “derisive” its only becauswe of the track record of this administation. It deserves derision.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Just for clarification, the article said the rats were on North Street, so City Hall does not have rats…. no wait, what about 100 North Street ? Does that count?

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

C’mon! We all know the rats are because of the bad winter, there is a shortage of anti-rat salt, and all other towns have a rat problem too. 😉

Rat Consultant
Rat Consultant
Reply to  Dio
9 years ago

We pretreated the city with magic rodent killing dust.
However its ineffective at temperatures under 500°F. Besides, this is a once in 50 year problem.

Reply to  Dio
9 years ago

Yes and there is no place to store the anti-rat salt. Bumsted says the city has an order for anti-rat salt but he couldnt produce any proof or paperwork.
Fail said the anti-rat salt is not as rood as the magic anti-rat salt. Coloinhead said we only see this kind of problem every 500 years. Couldnt be anyone is lying their rumps off could it?

Just saying
Just saying
9 years ago

I suspect Janis is sticking up for her boss ( Kevin Fail) that isgreat , if you really knew what YOU were talking about.We the people don’t have to except not patching pot holes correctly. The guy’s doing the job know how to do it the right way. They have been directed by the foreman to do it WRONG. Doing a halfa** should NEVER be acceptable. If you fill 10 holes correctly that stay in, Or 30 holes that come back out within hours, which one would you want done on your street.

Just raise taxes
Just raise taxes
9 years ago

Its a good thing we bought all new school buses because they will hold up a little better to the battering beating taken from the horrendous craters in the roads.

New shocks, springs, front end parts and such. Of course there will no maintenance done – they’re brand new busses. After they get all banged up from the punishing pavement, we can just buy a whole new fleet.

Taxpayers don’t seem to mind paying and paying because its for “the children”.

Good thing we got the inspectors offices move paid for before the roads became an issue. The all new buget is being prepared right now.

9 years ago

Maybe it would be cheaper for the Mayor and Colonwood to issue free bus tickets to we the people. Then we could leave our cars home.

9 years ago

The “BIC” project isn’t getting much coverage, but essentially it is a $6mm building for which the City will be responsible. It will create no jobs, pad the pockets of the “consultant” with a $135k salary, give a select few millions of dollars of machinery to play with etc. Forget the potholes – this cluster will cost the City millions by the time it’s over –

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

Are we talking about the new building in the PEDA site?

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Guess what
9 years ago

Of course. Who will build and own the building? Who will own the equipment? Who will pay for it? And we are giving them a tax break. Why?

9 years ago

Great pothole on the Linden Street side just off of North, reminds me of an empty swimming pool. Anywho, maybe Bumstead and crew could supply us with a Shovel, chains for our tires and throw in some scuba gear, that way we can prepare for another incredibly cold and snowy winter.,oh, an some mittens LL Bean if you might.

Chris Connell
Chris Connell
9 years ago

Dan, the potholes on Pomeroy Ave. were entered on the e-gov reporting system on March 4th. The tracking number is 8355881044. I did not list an address but simply noted in the comment section that the whole street needs attention from East St. to Holmes Rd. Thanks

Reply to  Chris Connell
9 years ago

needs attention? that is a little vague I think with this highway dept you might need to be a little more specific

Reply to  Chris Connell
9 years ago

Thanks Chris for responding and helping the cause.

Liz Arrington
Liz Arrington
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Chris Connell is the best of the 11, thanks Chris for being a representative of the people. Hope you will do the right thing now on school which is to either push for a citizen vote or with your vote standing up for us little folks with a “no” on Taconic building…

9 years ago

Thanx Chris. Why don’t we just use a blanket on the tracking system, that way every road would be covered, yup!

9 years ago

Valenti gets it. ake a ride in front of the area by St Joes for instance the two path lane throughout North Street become a half lane and dangerous to people exiting vehicles and cars driving by parked cars.

Tempers Flare
Tempers Flare
9 years ago

Not to mention when these snow banks melt and a literal river of water will be waiting for you.

Tempers Flare
Tempers Flare
9 years ago

Looks like Dan was using a ten g bill in his shit? What the heck?

Liz Arrington
Liz Arrington
9 years ago

DV your schtick on the snow removal on TV tonight was the best thing I have ever seen on local has to get an Emmy or a Roady or whatever the heck they give. Brilliant…you are a genius.