PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
!!BULLETIN!! Linda Tyer, Pittsfield city clerk, is the “mystery” candidate who will announce her candidacy for mayor at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday on the steps of city hall. You got it here first.
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Refer To Arrest: 15-333-AR
Juvenile Arrest
Age: 17
It makes a nice lead-in the our WEEKEND EDITION.
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 27-29, 2015) — Jake is jiving again, big time. This time on the Pittsfield School Department budget and the “need” for a new high school, even though there’s not enough students or community requirement for one. Of course, JIV isn’t the only daydream deceiver, as the city is loaded with skunks blindly (or gladly, which is even worse) doing the work of rats. THE PLANET uses the animal terms figuratively. We love animals, including skunks and rats. Not so with politicians.
Jason “Jake” (JIV) McCandless, the superintendent the Lee schools couldn’t wait to foist upon Pittsfield, makes $157,000 a year+bennies (total yearly compensation, north of $200,000). Under him, to help him carry the “heavy load” of playing to and pleasing The Suits in not rocking the boat, JIV has:
- A Deputy Superintendent, who makes $120,000 a year+bennies
- An Assistant Superintendent, who makes $110,000 a year+bennies
- Not one, not five, not 10, but 11 secretaries, who pull down $443,381 a year+bennies
- 12 Lords a Leapin’, cost: Priceless.
- The bennies add about 30% to the totals.
Of course, you, the bedraggled taxpayer, get the honor and pleasure of funding all this and much more. The Pittsfield School Department hogs more than $100 million of the city’s $143 million budget. Divided by a school year of 181 days, that comes to $552,486.18 each and every day school is in session!
Now that we have your attention, THE PLANET must ask a question.
With All the Dough, JIV is Crying Poor
With this obscene amount of cash flying about, guess what JIV is crying?
He’s crying poor. Not for himself, of course, but for his $100 million department.
THE PLANET finds that quite the merry jest. It’s like the wide body who raids the fridge at midnight then complains the next day there’s no fried chicken left. It’s the porker who sues McDonald‘s for feeding him unhealthy Big Cheese Double King Bacon Mac Burgers. It’s the dude who goes to the track, blows his stack on losers and nags, then smacks his kid when the lad asks for lunch money.
As superintendent, JIV is head cheerleader for The Suits in their determined drive to blow $150 million on a new high school building. Doesn’t matter that the city can’t maintain or adequately populate two campuses, let alone one. The Suits want it done so money can flow in certain pockets. That’s one of the filthy but true reasons why this project is a Done Deal. Don’t be fooled by the pretty pastels showing the Pillow Talk version of the new school. This is about cementing a legacy — in certain bank accounts.
Naturally, They have engineered this from the beginning to assure that Pittsfield taxpayers, the vast majority of whom has no children in the system, will have no direct say in the matter — unlike voters in South County, which twice were given a vote on massive school spending and twice shot it down. They have lied fudged about reimbursements rates and renovation. They have scheduled meetings at unpopular and not-well-pubicized times. They have taken advantage of the hurried, worrisome lives of the general taxpaying public. And They have done it in a way so that they can technically claim that the school building has been “a ten-year process” and that “the public has had plenty of time to weigh in.” If that is so, which it isn’t, then why the fear of letting the public, not bout-and-paid-for politicians, have the final say? They have no answer for that.
Supt. JIV Makes $133.44 an Hour (with Bennies, $173.47 an Hour)
Now you ask, if Pittsfield is broke and JIV is crying poor, how can the city afford this pretty monstronsity? Easy. The city borrows the money, spreads the new indebtedness from the bond market over the next 28 years, and pops the cork on the Dom Perignon. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will pick up the tab and drink the Kool-Aid. The Suits then give you the blah-blah-blah on “what a great day this is for the community, how this will serve as an ‘economic engine,’ and how this will usher in world peace.” Truth is, it will house a failing product in a shiny new package … or didn’t you read the police bulletin at the top of today’s column?
This same JIV — who has vacation, sick time, golf time, recovery time, and “time” time that if added up would exhaust the years of the universe — works for $157,000-plus in a school year that’s measured at 181 days.
“Hey Jethro, what does that come to per day?”
“Uh, gee Uncle Jed, naught into naught goes naught, 157 thousand, 181 days, uh, jeesh. They could afford a see-ment pond and a fancy eating room in that new school they’s a tryin’ ta build.”
It comes to $867.40 a day or an hourly rate $133.44. Add benefits, and JIV pulls down $173.47an hour … but rest assured, taxpayers. He feels your pain.
JIV Has Run the PSD into a Multi-Million Hole
That gigantic salary had better produce a great track record, and it has done that. McCandless (Scottish for “We don’t have candles and we’re running blind as bats”) has run the Pittsfield Public Schools into a multi-million dollar hole.
Check out the facts:
(1) He’s head of a system that in FY’15, courtesy of a pliant school committee and city council, pried out an additional $1.4 million for his 1,200 employees. He wants millions more this year.
(2) JIV OKd the purchase of a brand new bus fleet, even though the old busses had plenty left. He then cites those same new school busses as one of the reasons his department is short of money!
(3) This tiresome bureaucrat is pushing hard for the $150 million new school
(4) And he’s crying poor.
You see, the higher costs and the obligations have added another $4 million to the already outlandish spending of a department that’s run amok. The Berkshire Athenaeum has to beg not to lose funding, while the school department has only to bleat to be given millions upon millions more.
It would be one thing if the system were cracking out Oxford and Nott Scholars (of which we were one) left and right. It’s not. Two out of every three students comes from a family that’s poor, broken, or doesn’t care. The academic product has all but been abandoned in favor of the schools’ new role of baby sitter and broom pusher to clean up the mess other people have chosen to make of their lives.
Man Up? McCandless? Are You Kidding?
Instead of manning up and calling to an end to the spending spree, JIV, proving his Pittsfield stripes, points the finger everywhere else. “Man Up” McCandless blames the heartless state and federal politicians, who, facing with their own gargantuan debts, may reduce the rate of increases of money. Pittsfield school officials calls that a “cut.” “Man Up” blames Gov. Chas. Baker, who’s trying to figure out what to do with the $1.5 billion debt left to him by that other Democrat spendthrift, Deval in the Details.
“Man Up” McCandless cites the local poverty rate, correctly pointing out that more than 65% (two out of every three) of the students fall in the “low-income” category. They receive free lunches or meals that are subsidized by taxpayers, most of whom do not have kids in public school. What JIV doesn’t dare do is blame the local politicians for a generation of economic solipsism and thumb sucking, all of which utterly destroyed the city’s economy.
“Man Up” tells us of statistics on poverty that “many of you won’t believe.”
Correction, kind sir. We do believe that the disintegration of decent society has helped turned the nation’s public school system into a junk yard and Island for Lost Boys and Girls. What we don’t believe are officious bureaucrats who have recklessly spent every penny the taxpayers have been forced to throw Casear’s way.
PARCC It Here and Play the Blame Game
JIV points an accusing digit at the latest soon-to-fail student testing format, an exercise known as the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). Man Up says it will eat up “hundreds of hours” of staff time.
Cry us a river.
This master of “political language” then cites the plummeting enrollment in the Pittsfield public schools, now at 5,854 and falling. In the next breath, he pushes for a ridiculously expensive new school. Logically, those two cannot co-exist.
The Boring Broadsheet, whose brass is under orders from The Suits to “play ball” for the coveted (but dwindling) advertising dollars The Suits control, had this lead to its story on JIV’s cry of “Alms for the poor”:
“While briefing the School Committee this week, Superintendent Jason “Jake” McCandless predicted a severe fiscal 2016 school budget season that likely will result in some layoffs.”
We The People can only hope. The reality is that before JIV or the school committee or the city council or the mayor — those jellyfish who fear the political clout of the teachers’ union — will never let it happen.
They will whip up terror and threaten the End of Life As We Know It before one school job is cut. Conversely, taxpayers, they will slit your throats without a second’s hesitation.
You know how the rest of the drill goes: At budget time, your “representatives” cave to The Special Intersts and you take it again, un-greased, where Ol’ Sol rarely if ever beams his rays.
JIV: Come on the Telly with Us
So thank you Supt. McCandless. If you want to dispute or discuss any of this, you are welcome to have your say, both in this space and on the television. You have been invited before to PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION, even once tentatively accepting before you backed out. Thus, we issue you the invitation and the challenge again: Come on with us, live, with no notes, and let’s have a talk.
When the phone doesn’t ring, THE PLANET will know it’s you not getting back to us.
“We said out goodbyes long ago / never thinking we’d miss each other so. / All the memories we can’t leave behind — / Oh, we must have been out of our minds.” — George Jones and Melba Montgomery, “We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds,” (1963).
I wonder if any school dept employees or construction companies have given $$$$$ to Tricia Farley Bouvier’s campaign war chest? And let’s not forget she’s a cheerleader on the school buildings need committee.
What about Good Old Boy Ben Downing?
At 6000 kids in the district, that’s $92 per kid per day…or $13 per kid per hour. That almost seems…kinda reasonable until you start thinking of economies of scale. When you pay a babysitter to watch, say, 4 kids, you’d certainly pay them more than to watch one kid…but not 4x more. The average class then, at let’s say 20 kids, is costing $260 per hour. So let’s do some more math: If the average teacher makes $40K per year, with a 180 day school year and 7 hours per day, they’re making roughly $31.75 per hour. That leaves 228.25/hour unaccounted for so far, or 88% of the total cost of education going to “overhead.” Do your costs, Dan, include capital expenditures? Like bond payments on the buildings & buses, etc.? In most districts those costs are outside the operating budget. When you think about it like that…about 15% – 20% of the education costs are “for the children.” The rest…is for other people!
Dan I believe Mr McCandless works the entire calendar year not the school year. Yes he does get vacation and holiday time off. You seem to be deliberately trying to mislead the facts.
With all that being said 8811, umbers and all– don’t you think the Superintendent is overpaid?
The Superintendent does work the entire year…so maybe that brings his hourly rate down to, what? $100 an hour? Administrators, including principals are paid on a “full year” basis, but there was a situation in another local district recently where a teacher was being elevated to asst. principal; from 180 to 220 days (or whatever it is…I think that’s right) and he balked at it because although his annual salary would be higher…his hourly compensation would actually be LESS. I kid you not!
I am not the one to judge the value, or relative value of the superintendent. They do put in a lot of hours, and the job is pretty challenging and often thankless. The city of Pittsfield set the market value they’re willing to pay. I have thought for decades now that a district superintendent should NEVER make more than the governor of the state…and they used to too. The ones I resent are the deputy and vice supts. As the district gets smaller…that’s where people should be looking to save some money!
“Challenging”? Maybe like it’s challenging to sleep 20 hours per day. And it certainly wasn’t the “city” that set the pay-scale, it was was the union members and other kleptomaniac officials who want to engorge their own salaries.
Nope…I don’t believe the superintendent is in a union. He’s management. The city screwed itself on the salary, just as it has with the mayor’s.
The superintendent is in a union of administrators. The city, that is citizens, never set the compensation.
According to state figures, average salary for PSD teacher is nearly $60,000 a year. This does not include benefits.
I;ll hazard a guess on behalf of DV. He cites $100 million for total school budget. This would include the $58 cited routinely bu the department but also costs for providing health care, pensions, bus and transportation costs. The latter are not included in the school budget but in city budget. I’ve neve r understoof that. So total for those ‘other’ costs is about $43 million which equals $101 million.
This probably does’nt include capital costs.
(sent from phone sorry for typos..still getting used to this contraption)
The new school is a done deal. Local media, even the BB have publicly announced the sufficient super majority votes of the Pittsfield city council to pursue the alleged 28 year financing bond. The supposed cost to a typical property owner of an assessed $150,000 is an additional $106 per year for 28 years, but this will increase as assessments rise and who does the assessors office report to ? Also this number will be greater if the bond term is shorter as suggested by councilor Lothrop. How this bonding will further impact personal property taxes and commercial properties has not been revealed. This bonding is in addition to all other annual and automatic tax and fee inreases that will occur over the next 28 years. And is the projected building cost going to remain stable or will there be over runs further impacting the bonds and tax increases.
If Pittsfield public schools have a total and decreasing enrollment of 5,840 students, where is the rationale for a new school, when there have been graduating classes at PHS that exceeded 1000 students ? That equates to one years’ class in one school having 20% of the now entire student population, and it was handled with only one high school (PHS).
Maybe the city council’s support stems from their personal lack of educational experience in the Pittsfield public school system and they can’t relate to one class containing what would be 20% of all present enrollment.
This may be the case. Where did the Pittsfield city councilors experience their elementary and secondary education ? Churchill Cotton is from Chicago ?? Melissa Mazzeo (who sends her kids to private Miss Hall’s) is from Dalton ?? Chris Connell is from Bennington, Vt ?? J-Lo is from Worcester ?? Kathy Amuso is from NY ?? Kevin Morandi is from Lee ??
Tony Simonelli is a retired adminiatrator from PPS. John Krol broadcasts his daily talk show on taxpayers’ equipment at the present Taconic HS and he most likely wants a brand new studio for himself.(No conflict of interest, though).
Most of the letters and expressions of support seem to come individuals that have a dog in this fight, ie: a dentist who vacations and socializes with whom ? And TFB, school choice will allow you to continue opt out of Pittsfield.
Many personal motivations and connections are omnipresent in this project, In the future, what skeletons will be found in how many closets /
Just to correct some info: Kathy Amuso was born, raised and, educated in Pittsfield. We went to the same high school but at neither PHS nor THS. Don’t know about the others nor where the NYS info came from.
Let’s also make sure we are aware that when Kathy Amuso was chair of the school committee she took a one time 1.3 million dollar federal stimulus grant and gave it to the teachers union for raises. Which by the way created a long term liability that is burdened by the tax payer’s every year !!!!
The one-time money is a killer. It is taken, used in this case for raises, then goes away. This leads citizens to support higher salaries out of their own pockets.
Let’s not forget Lisa Tully who lives most of the time in her retirement home in Florida.
Question now that well over $100 million will be spent for New Taconic High School, how many years till they come forward with request for new Pittsfield High School?
I’m thinking and hoping that the “New PHS” will be an addition on the new THS, if that is necessary. Consolidation of the high schools will save us a ton of money.Old PHS can be re-purposed as new city hall and HQ for police, fire, schools, perhaps more.
Keeping two schools is an emotional, not a rational or sensible path.
If they were smart people, the new Taconic would be built in a way that a addition would be already designed. Call it phase 2, forward thinking. When PHS and Taconic schools get down to 700 time to put the 1,400 in one school. Taconic will need to be expanded to accept the 400 extra students. Make sure under ground utilities are not run in the area of the addition.
There is design for an add on in case they want to close PHS in the future.
Ok…but isn’t there the same on the current Taconic? If you don’t maintain your assets, all the clever design features on the planet aren’t going to make them permanent.
The state won’t add to the current Taconic. They think it’s a dump. And, YES, we have to maintain the new school or it too will become a dump. We have to maintain all our assets, or they will all fall apart. City hall basement ring a bell?
Thanks for your reply Barry. The other problem I see is the small gym and theater for a school of 1,400 to 1,500.
If they add on in future and go with 1 school. If this thing goes through I hope they keep the southern end of the building with the 6 garages for DPW.
“Pittsfield’s public school district requires a 4.11 percent budget increase just to provide the same school system services as last year, which would cost taxpayers $58,849,399, an increase of $2.32 million over last year’s city appropriation.”
Source: “Pittsfield Schools Ponder Potential Budget Increase”, By Joe Durwin, iBerkshires.com Pittsfield Correspondent, December 13, 2014
Pittsfield School Committee’s meeting schedule:
April 8 [2015]: Committee votes on proposed budget, forwards to City Council.
All meetings begin at 6 p.m. in the Pittsfield High School library.
NOTE: The proposed 4.11 increase in Pittsfield’s public school district budget does NOT include the new Taconic High School building project.
“For the city’s fiscal 2016 budget, Mayor Dan Bianchi expects a three percent increase over the current $141 million spending plan.”
Source: “Pittsfield Eyes Innovation Center And New High School”, By Jim Levulis, WAMC Northeast Radio, March 25, 2015
I ask, how does Mayor Dan Bianchi’s budget forecast of a 3 percent increase compare with the school district’s budget forecast of a 4.11 percent increase?
The Mayor is on one page, while the school district is on a completely other page, when it comes to their budget proposals!
Mayor Dan Bianchi said the new Taconic High School will have annual cost of $2.4 million to the city. He said the new vocational school will cost a total of $121 million. The city would pay roughly $42 million or about 35 percent of the cost of the project. At the projected bond rate, the project would create an estimated annual tax increase of $106 for a $150,000 home.
The Pittsfield City Council is expected to vote on borrowing the money for the new Taconic High School project at the April 14th [2015] meeting.
Source: “Pittsfield Eyes Innovation Center And New High School”, By Jim Levulis, WAMC Northeast Radio, March 25, 2015
The new Taconic High School project is a done deal! 8 city councilors haved confirmed their ‘yes’ votes for new Taconic High School on April 14th, [2015].
Yes votes:
Councilor at large Kathleen Amuso (co-chairwoman of the city School Building Needs Commission)
Ward 5 Councilor Jonathan Lothrop
Council President Melissa Mazzeo
Ward 6 Councilor John Krol
Councilor at large Churchill Cotton
Ward 3 Councilor Nicholas Caccamo
Ward 1 Councilor Lisa Tully
Council Vice President Christopher Connell
“The number eight is key in this instance, since a so-called supermajority of the council — at least 8 of 11 — is required to approve bonding.”
Ward 7 Councilor Anthony Simonelli
Ward 2 Councilor Kevin Morandi
Could not be reached for comment:
Councilor at large Barry Clairmont
Source: “Eight councilors confirm ‘yes’ votes for new Taconic High School”, By Jim Therrien, The Berkshire Eagle, March 26, 2015
Ward 3 Nick Caccamo is a yes man. Zero representation in his Ward, and at the Council. ZERO!!
Look, the cost of this new school is huge. Its sad that this building and needs group comes to the council with a wish list with all kinds of extra un-needed purks in the scope of this project. And the council is all for it.Then we’ll be on the hook for at least $106.00 a year on top of the usual 4-6% tax increases. it will boil down to an average $400-$500 dollars a year.
Also there is waste water treatment plant’s expensive upgrades that we’ll need to pay for. Also there has been talk of a new police station that will probably happen sometime in the future that we’ll be on the long term hook for. These are not a one time expense that we pay once.
On top of it, Tricia Farley Bouvier is the mouth piece for the building & needs that is pushing for all this. She shouldn’t have any say because sends her kids to Lenox schools, and is not attending any pittsfield schools. She is part of the city’s financial problem. with her kids doing school choice out of district to Lenox. The city is on the hook for the cost of her children’s out of district education per student.
The whole scenario is a joke, she’s a joke , and its sad that us tax payers will be on the hook for this whole nightmare without a voice.
I would like to see no school choice with the exception of vocational. As a Lenox resident I don’t mind paying for Lenox students, that’s expected. What I do mind is paying for Pittsfield residents. Sure we get $5,000 for each student but it costs us $15,000 per pupil, multiply that times 220 students per year. THEN multiply that by 13 years that we are STUCK paying and educating non Lenox students. I find it humorous that someone on the committee pushing for Pittsfield schools has been sending her kids outside of Pittsfield. Shoving a new school down taxpayers throats in this economy is horrible. Bring it to a vote by the taxpayers.
The schools in Pittsfield have not been maintained, the roads have not been maintained. Taxes and salaries have gone up. Test scores have gone down, students are choicing out and the school committee wants a salary. For what? If the test scores go up and they retain students then they should get money and that should go for the brass at Mercer.
Why is mismanagement being rewarded??????????
Because in Pittsfield, government, including the puppets who oversee the schools, has nothing to do with actually making life better for its citizens and taxpayers. It does however, have everything to do with dividing up the taxpayer funded pinata. And when you have enough of these people in the power positions, i.e. city council, it can hamstring every facet of real government and render the people helpless.
Don’t expect it to get better any time soon.
Lol…if such a huge percentage of Pittsfield families choice their kids out, a shiny new building is not going to bring them back, especially not one focused on vocational training as those are mostly probably not the people choicing out anyway. There are MUCH deeper problems. And as Carolyn Barry says above, choice is a double edged sword. If Taconic did become a “magnet school” Pittsfield residents are on the hook for that disparity between reimbursement and actual cost. 10 years down the road everyone will be bitching & moaning about that.
Self Interest abounds. I grease your hand..you grease mine. You are right on the heartbeat Carolyn. Corrupt mentality. All on board. No-one is going to Win.
Question for Councilor Barry—-Who are you afraid of more Missy or her Hubby?
Neither. End of story.
Barry Clairmont is his own man…and , honest, and immeasurable. Thankyou for your steadfast watchdog service to the Citizens of Pittsfield, Barry.
Don’t worry city of Pittsfield, councilor Clairmont isn’t running for another term on the council. (thank god) He’s going to continue to cast these type of votes to screw the Pittsfield tax payers until the end of his term. Maybe some of the other corrupt councilors will do the same and not run, like Lothrop, Caccamo and Krol.
Lothrop & Krol are in this together. If you watch, they can’t vote against each other. What ever way one votes the other votes the same, and ditto. Caccamo, just doesn’t have a clue. He’ll just cast his Mr.Magoo.votes. A regular I don’t hear, speak or see no evil.
The entire council is a real joke!!!
Tricia Farley Bouvier represents all that is wrong with Pittsfield. The taxpayers of this city need a voice and Bouvier and all of our councilors aren’t that voice.
TFB got 750.00 from trade unions that stand to gain from the unnessary construction in the latest filling ……the guy who wrote a letter in today’s eagle gave her 75.00
Yon kicked in a few bucks too
Pittsfield politics alway raises taxes by about 5 percent every year. They know that this is unsustainable over the long-term. No matter how much Dan Valenti and his readers complain about Pittsfield’s finances, the annual municipal budgets are always a done deal.
The problem with Pittsfield’s finances is that Pittsfield’s tax base is diminishing. Thousands of people have moved away from Pittsfield over the years. Thousands of jobs have been lost in Pittsfield over the years. Once people and jobs are lost, they are not coming back, Jack (Welch).
Pittsfield politics is very deep in debt. The new Taconic High School project will max out Pittsfield’s municipal credit card. Pittsfield politics’ finances is running out of wiggle room. In time, Pittsfield politics will become financially insolvent. Like it did about 15 years ago, Pittsfield will go back into state government receivership. All local control over Pittsfield’s finances will be gone. If Pittsfield doesn’t recover, Pittsfield will go bankrupt.
Once Pittsfield goes bankrupt, local resident’s homes will go down in value. If thousands more people wish to move away from Pittsfield, they will have to short sale their homes or foreclose to their bank. Pittsfield will go from depressed to “Pottersville”.
Maybe Dan Valenti should tell his readers to get out of Pittsfield while you still have a chance to move away, unless you want your children to grow up with two choices: welfare or jail.
The super is now inadvertantly admitting that the new busses purchace was a bad move. Its sapping money from the school department. Besides he probably received no kickback personally on that huge cash grab.
The school system is Pittsfield’s cash cow for the top connected. Its always done as “its for the children” cloaking. This deeply entrenched system of money funneling has been a long time in the making. No matter how much money is extorted from Pittsfield’s tax payers, it will never be enough.
School drop out rate and the graduation of indoctrinated morons does not speak well for the tremendous amount of money spent on education. This fleecing will continue until the taxpayers have had enough.
The Mayor and every single sitting councilor should be voted out of office this election year. That is one way to get your vote for the new high school, registered, signed sealed & delivered.
iBerkshires has an interesting news article about Pete White’s campaign for Pittsfield Councilor at Large.
Highlights include:
Pete White is going to focus on economic development. He wants to increase the tax base and population in Pittsfield. He supported moving the city’s permitting agencies to 100 North Street. He was disappointed that Waterstone, the company looking to use a parcel for retail, didn’t work out at the PEDA site. He supports financial reforms, including consolidation of city departments. Any municipal tax increases should be coupled with business growth. He opposes privatizing city services. He believes the biggest problem with crime is drug addiction. He wants to build a new police station.
Nomination papers for the Nov. 3 [2015] Pittsfield election are available on Thursday, April 2 [2015].
Is there any one amongst you
Dare to blame it on the kids?
Not a soldier boy was
bleeding when they nailed the
coffin lids!
Is there anyone who can give a perspective as to why accident debris is left on the roadways in Pittsfield?. Some years past, tow drivers were responsible to sweep up the debris. Just another neglect to add to the City of Pittsfield’s disgraceful incompetence..
Hard to tell who is in charge of anything regarding Pittsfield roads anymore. but I sure hope there is a plan because there is an incredible amount of garbage on the roads in the Coltsville areas as per all the time it seems. Besides all the stuff that fall off the trucks on their way to the dump there seems to be an inordinate amount of slobs passing through the area.
This Tuesday at 5:30pm.. on the steps of City Hall, a formidable candidate will announce their run for Mayor. I hope it will be a credible, non-corrupt individual, who is not entrenched in the sewers of Pittsfield. Saw this on Social Media…all welcome to turn out.
South Street by Rite Aid to Lenox and back especially coming into the city, the speeding traffic is dangerous, the city could make a fortune on speeding tickets in that corridor.
Attention Berkshire Eagle: NO ONE is going to pay for your online viewing. People that go to the sight check out obituaries, that’s about it. The Eagle will lose by making viewers pay as they will not go to the site, thus eliminating the advertising displays for the reader.
I’ve been telling them that for a while now. There’s virtually nothing to read in there anyway, except the obits. Warren Dews always just says they’ll take it into consideration. I can’t figure out why anyone would advertise in there any more. The readership has dwindled to a tiny percent of the region and the demographic has to be exceedingly old/fixed income.
Spagirl…it’s Linda Tyer
See above!
disappointing, we need a leader.
Disappointed? We have voted for what we thought were going to be leaders and what we got? Linda Tyer has proven to be a strong woman. She is educate, professional and more. Working for the Lenox School System, City Council and City Clerk has given her the background and experience necessary to be a good leader. That been said now Jody Phillips should run for City Clerk. She too will be a great addition to this team.
Thank you Dan for the great news….
Lothrop will not be running…..
She’s good friends with Clairmont and Ruberto.
Nowadays, it doesn’t matter who you’re friends with as long as you do the right thing and I will give her the benefit of the doubt.
Big mistake if you do!