PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015) — Last night at the city council meeting, our Right Honorable Good Friends, and particularly the council president, got taken to school by the redoubtable Craig Gaetani. That’s better than being taken to the woodshed, although, judging from last night, that too may be coming.
Gaetani — a scientist, physicist, expert in hydraulics, designer and engineer of water treatment systems, veteran, and most of all Concerned Citizen (what THE PLANET likes to call Supercitizen) — appeared at the meeting with a couple of huge surprises.
Surprise 1 — After his riveting first three minutes were up at the open mic, Gaetani announced he would also be speaking on behalf of three other people (one in the room, two at home but who had asked him to speak in their name). In doing so, he used president Melissa Mazzeo‘s own ruling against one of Gaetani’s previous petitions — against her! It was a brilliant parliamentary maneuver. Madame president got so flustered, she called a recess. It seems her own medicine went down a little bitterly.
When councilors came back from the break, Gaetani got more minutes on the basis of speaking at the request for others, a version of “Madame President, I yield back the balance of my time to Mr. Gaetani.” She and many on the dais were flummoxed. It’s like Bill Belichick knowing the NFL rulebook better than the opposing coach and using the “eligible-ineligible” entry to rip of 15-yard gains at will. You could just about hear all the Little Guys, the Mary Jane and Joe Kapanskis, on their feet and cheering.
Second Surprise — After enduring many months of ridicule over his claimed relationship with the world renowned Dr. Lawrence K. Wang, including many who doubted Gaetani even knew him, Dr. Wang accompanied Gaetani to the meeting. Dr. Wang even addressed the council, sharing his impeccable credentials as one of the world’s pre-eminent experts in water treatment technology and endorsing Gaetani as his partner. In doing so, Dr. Wang, — in his gentle, compelling way, Sino way —gave Mazzeo and certain other councilors a fresh slice of humble pie.
Any other city would beg to have these two men willing to advise them on water treatment. Just like any other city would love to have the old train station on West Street. Pittsfield, being Pittsfield, tears them down. That’s plain stupid, of course. Come November, though, voters may have a chance to override The Suits on this point.
When Mazzeo tried to gavel Gaetani down for talking about his interest in running for mayor, Gaetani said she couldn’t. He was speaking not on his behalf but on that of another citizen. It was as refreshing a moment that we’ve seen this entire term. And make no mistake about it. If Gaetani decides to run for office, he will be a serious candidate. He’s independently wealthy, relentless, and is perhaps the only person in town who’s not afraid to tug on Superman‘s cape. And tell the Man of Steel to “go f*** himself to boot” in the bargain.
We love that kind of rough and tumble. That’s our style of “politician,” a complete outsider who, even if he had to turn it down to 33 1/3 rpm, would still be faster than anyone in the room. He’s “gruff?” “Out of control?” “Unstable?” Who says? and Who cares? He’s the real deal, edges and all. And at this point, he appears to be We The People’s only hope for a candidate to come to the financial rescue of a city now heading for economic doom.
Is The Boring Broadsheet Soon to Have a New Owner?
Has an agreement-in-principle been reached in the sale of The Berkshire Eagle? That’s what a high-level newsroom source is telling THE PLANET. The news comes with a caveat of contingency. If the agreement has not been reach, it is in the process and “nearing close to completion.”
Of course, “agreements-in-principle” are like oral contracts. You remember what studio mogul Louis B. Mayer said of oral agreements: “They’re not worth the paper they’re printed on.”
THE PLANET first heard of the deal on March 20 from another newspaper colleague, who wrote:
“The Denver Post is reporting that Apollo Global Management, which acquired General Electric Co.’s advanced materials division, including GE Silicones in Waterford, for $3.8 billion in 2006, is the lead bidder for Digital First Media, the company that owns the Troy Record, Saratogian, Kingston Freeman, Bennington Banner, North Adams Transcript, and Berkshire Eagle, among others.
“The private equity fund, with $160 billion under management, is in “advanced talks” to buy Digital First for $400 million, according to a Reuters report.“Digital First properties include 76 daily newspapers and 160 weeklies.”
Profits, But at What Cost?
Circulation is plummeting just about everywhere in the newspaper business, no question about that, but many of the properties are still turning profits. That’s because Digital First, like Media News Group before it, continued to reduce content, slash local coverage, and jettison staff at The BB. Understaffed newsrooms and composing rooms may continually fall flat in terms of aggressive local content, but with a reasonable amount of ad sales will still generate a profit. Once with a circulation approaching 40,000, The BB is probably lucky to top 10,000.
As we said yesterday, the Big Box economic model, while it made be good for out-of-state ownership, rarely works out well locally. And make no mistake about it, under Media News, Digital First, and soon-to-be Apollo Global Management, The Berkshire Eagle is just another Big Box paper practicing inconsequential work that barely qualified as “journalism.”
It drives good talent away, hires young low-pay beginners, counts on veteran staff, who because of age and family commitments are tied to the area, to accept insulting compensation for fear of losing employment, and puts the muzzle on competency. Driven off: Jack Dew, Conor Berry, and Andrew Amelinckx to name three good ones. The staff who choose to stay or who have no other choice because of age or personal circumstances live in fear of the ax and the greenhorn just out of J school that’s willing to work like an ox for peanuts.
That kind of newspaper will never generate relevant coverage.
Boys Club Story: PLANET vs. BB Wasn’t (Isn’t) Even Close
Case in point is how The Eagle has handled the Boys and Girls Club story. It essentially ignored it. True, it reported on the surface dealings, such as the firing of the executive director in December 2013, but it left alone the causes, the story underneath the story. In doing so, it refused to do what newspapers do best, and that is to get behind the PR and fluff dig to the core. The Eagle has for almost a generation now covered local politics the same way, with the disastrous result of creating politicians with no accountability to We The People and a government run economically amok.
THE PLANET came along in October 2010 to help rectify the situation and fill the gaping would that had been done to the community fabric. A town or city without an aggressive Fourth Estate is a place that will be run over and ultimately ruined by The Special Interests and The Suits. Our brand of journalism, which others have labeled “hard hitting” and muckraking,” attempts to give the community at least some cover and at least the semblance of an even playing field.
THE PLANET alone has driven the coverage of the Club situation. On this and other stories, we have lost track of the number of times we have forced other media, particularly The Eagle, to play “me too” and “catch-up.” Even then, they too often go for the “Pillow Talk” version of stories hand-fed by The Establishment, failing to look behind the propaganda.
One reason we can do this and they can’t is money. THE PLANET has chosen and designed a non-commercial model of operation. Yet we are profitable. We pledged not to accept advertising, and we have stuck to that pledge. This, despite numerous attempts by agencies wanting us to rent them space for their clients. We have even had an offer to sell. To be honest, we listened. We always listen. We didn’t get an offer we couldn’t refuse and thus were content to carry on, unbought and unbossed.
Prior to starting THE PLANET, our stint in media has included work, full-time and free-lance, for daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, and radio. All of these have been commercial outlets, and at each stop, we have witnessed first-hand how the precious ad dollars influence and dictate editorial coverage. Since we began our professional media career 40 years ago, we have seen the simultaneous decline of editorial independence and the rise of commercial domination.
We vowed that one day, when we owned a press, we would do it differently.
He have and we will.
“And you know I’m so wired up / don’t need no coffee in my cup.” — Van Morrison, “Jackie Wilson Said,” from the St. Dominick’s Preview album, (1972).
New Campaign slogan for this year’s election:
Dan thank you for your efforts in trying to make Pittsfield a better place. It is very important that the people have a place to share thoughts and frustrations without fear of reprisal. Gerry Lee and Melissa Mazzeo have made the city council open mike a venue only the strong of heart can endure. And Topix has a resident nutcase that completely renders that venue useless. I personally think he is paid to destroy it, probably by the gob folk who do not want the people to get together and share ideas and expose corruption
Campaign slogan for this election year:
Its time for a change! ooh I shudder to thing if the people can handle such a big word
You’re right and you should try again.
This is so funny but true, good for you.
Either this is your April 1st column or Gaetani duped you with the “Wong” guy… I couldn’t stop laughing last night. He never said the gentleman was Dr. Lawrence K. Wang, instead he called him Mr. Wong.
Wang is a common Chinese/Mandarian surname and in English it is pronounced Wong, in Chinese/Mandarian there is no a (like cat) sound. Mr. Gaetani addressed the gentleman correctly, sans academic title of “Dr.”.
All correct. That WAS Dr. Wang.
Lenny, did you leave the room when Mr. Wong spoke to the council. He listed his credentials including a PhD. Some people are not so egotistical that they always have to be called at “Dr”. I work with a man like that as well. I hope that helps.
Mazzeo was so shaken she pee’d herself. Another idiot is Collingwood. The Corner Office has taught him the procedure. Take it to the Mayor, and my DPW Supervisor ..Kevin Swail. . Why are the Streets that are on the list to be repaired in the Southeast quadrant…and the Mayor decides. Collingwood is being paid a huge salary, and everyone else decides. The Street Painting is my pet peeve. Merrill Road in Pittsfield is dangerous in the dark. I have stated this last summer and will re emphasize now. There are no lanes, and cars are speeding, and all over the place. The Councilors are absolutely right, Barry Clairmont abd Connell regarding the waste of time and money on cold patch for potholes. Collingwood just does not measure up for competency to this salary, and is quite Condescending like Mayor idiot. Two peas in a pod. The inequity toward ward disbursement is glaring. Lists were forwarded, and waiting over multiple years,..and in reality are non-existing. Stumble bum tells the Councilors to resubmit them. This crap is unacceptable. Just like the systemic fail regarding snowplowing.
Again, the Planet is hardly ever Wong.
Touche, DC!
The mismanagement of the city funds concerning the winter upkeep of roads and snow plowing after the fact has to be enormously. The city had an all out assault on snowbanks these past few weeks because of public outcry. It was a little to late and very costly.
The Clapp Park dump will be costly…and ..silenced.
Anyone who has anything more on this, let me know. We’ve started to look around.
Collingwood is dreaming if he thinks the streets will be swept up by June, my street last year wasn’t done until late July and they did a terrible job to boot. I’ll do my own Cousin Brucey.
The Dumb and Dumber Camp… The Citizens need to do a sweep of this Government.
you couldn’t be more right a change is coming.
Your friend is a little slow getting info to you. Story was in the Eagle on March 17.
My “friend” actually advanced the story, saying that there has been an agreement in principle. That’s a lot different than the 3/17 report. I have a source also at Digital First (or WAS at DF until recently). He says that’s correct but the deal is “far from completed.” If it was just The Eagle involved, no problem, but The Eagle is a tiny part of this deal. When your talking pennies on the dollar on on deals like this, even a penny adds up. In the end, The Eagle will go at a “fire sale” price. This doesn’t bode well at all for whatever is left of journalism there. They do have a bit of talent. The best is Phil Demers, who did their piece on the Boys Club. If they had any sense, the editors would tell the business department to butt out, stop giving Demers stories like “Rotary Pancake Breakfast Slated,” and turn him loose. He’s hungry, capable, and isn’t afraid to poke around.
Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt. All they do in Pittsfield is raise taxes by about 5 percent every fiscal year. Thousands of people have moved out of Pittsfield over the past couple of decades. Pittsfield’s tax base is shrinking, while its spending is increasing. Pittsfield is going to max out its credit card on a new Taconic High School. Meanwhile, over 6 hundred students are choicing out of Pittsfield’s public school system. Over 60 percent of Pittsfield’s students qualify for welfare assistance programs. Pittsfield’s underclass is growing, while Pittsfield’s middle class is disappearing.
Johnathan I couldn’t agree more this school system is so bad that I home school my child. I feel much against the two schools into one.
I talked to the wife of a teacher at Crosby. Couldn’t believe the shocking stories of pupils misbhaving, F bombs left and right (in class), kids who won’t sit down in class (walk around and disturb everyone). This teacher has no support from the administration. He feels like he’s in shock therapy doing a baby sitting job for hopeless cases and parents who don’t give a —- about their kids. Cmon lets tell the truth about the PPS. Last thing we need is the build a new school. Don’t these idiots GET IT???!!??
So far I like what I see of Mr Gaetani as a mayoral candidate. He seem like someone who is not afraid to buck the establishment and that is a rare quality in a Pittsfield politician. I am sure his enemies will come out with both barrels blazing to try to preempt his running but until I get a really good legitimate reason NOT to vote for him he is my leading candidate by far.
Pittsfield TV is the best. When the council walked out all the action was on the floor around Mr. Gaetani so what did PCTV do? Turned off the cameras,
More “good news” from Pittsfield:
“700 jobs were lost in the Pittsfield metropolitan area last month (February 2015), according to state figures released on Tuesday (March 24, 2015). However, over the last 12 months, the Pittsfield metro area has added 300 jobs, an increase of 0.8 percent.”
Source: “Pittsfield area job loss likely caused by seasonal employment” By Tony Dobrowolski, The Berkshire Eagle, March 24, 2015.
Pittsfield’s jobs and population are shrinking, while its spending and taxes are increasing.
According to the Boring Broadsheet there was only one person who spoke out against the new Taconic High School during the meeting last night and that person said they didn’t want the school at this time. That is not what I heard from people who were there. They said that many citizens came forward to protest the new school. The city brought out people like the Mr. Butler from the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce among other so-called self-important people who were all for the project. They are big salaried people too if you notice. The higher tax rate will not effect them in the least if they even live in Pittsfield that is which more than likely they do not. Supposedly the average homeowner will only pay $105.00 per year for the project which I think is very underestimated.
My Ward councilor, Lisa Tully, has already sent out emails to everyone in her ward saying that she has every intention of voting for the new school. She feels bad for the taxpayers, but not bad enough that she won’t vote for the “Big Dig” of the Berkshires. Unbelievable!!
Councilor Tully has always supported the Mayor Bianchi. We all know how/why she became a city councilor. Christine Yon would you please run again!
thank you for stating the truth! We need Christine back
So true. I will not be voting for Lisa in my ward in the next election as she is too influenced by Bianchi.
Tully has been a huge disappointment, however why is everyone so surprised. She was elected to be the puppet and a vote for whatever Bianchi, & Mazzeo want. She has now sat thru two very important City Council meting and has not offered one sentence of debate or opinion.
Wait until the people of Waldon Lane find out there street is getting chipped sealed.
I live in Ward 1 and have tried to discuss items with Tully only to find that I have been removed from her email list or she does no return my calls.
Points well taken, especially sitting through two vital meetings without adding a syllable of dialog. Representative democracy is not a spectator sport — except as it is played by Mayor Bumstead. He wants stooges, not contributors. This is the sign of a man who lacks confidence and core beliefs. Gasp! Could he be … a politician??
Tully has proven to be a dimwit then. I had specifically contacted her telling her of my opposition. She never returned the call. Utterly useless and needs to be put out to pasture which she will come fall. This school will kill us Mr Gaetani made a good point, if we were rolling in dough yes fine build a school but were not. We are broke and in debt with ordinary taxpyers hanging on by a thread..
Funny good ole girl Tully didn’t send me an e mail lol must of gotten lost the same place her self respect did
Pat the assessment might be right, but that is only for the one pet project. Doesn’t include more tax adjustment for 3% to 5% increase in school budget (annually), new parking deck, new DPW garage, new police station, rent for numerous reasons, renovations for PHS and whatever else Diamond Dan feels he needs to spend. Not to mention increases in water and sewer bill for much needed repairs.
And don’t forget a presently unfunded liability taxpayers face for pensions and health care for city workers and retirees. Right now, the total is about $400 million, or roughly $10,000 for every man, woman, and child living in Pittsfield.
TES has gone on record that city spending is increasing and the state funding can’t keep up? So, what do you do Tes? That’s right, you have to start cutting. snd don’t give the schools any more money either.
LOw said on Consider It’ that each generation has a generational responsibility for providing education for… The Children'”…..THAT….has to be the quote of the decade.
Amanda are facing retarded?
Another dimwit like we havent been doing that each year. 100 million dollars for school last year. Not enough for them.
Read this news article about Mayor Dan Bianchi’s rosy assessment of Pittsfield’s finances.
It is a whopper!
well it’s the rump kissing wamc, jonathan, what do you expect.
Beyond a whopper. How about a set of lies?
Reply to Tammy Ives:
Tammy, I live on your street. You run a junk yard from your house. We complained and then you painted FU on your fence.
Find out who you are. Then personally attack.
Just like on Topix.
People like Sal cause real problems in a person’s real life.
Any and every way they can.
The method employed here is to try and silence the poster from saying things this attacker does not like.
Sal, your mixing up the Yon’s. Your talking about Christine’s sister-in-law Katherine Yon who is chair of the School Committee.
Sal, people have a right to do what they like behind their fence as long as you don’t hurt others, that it’s call privacy. I don’t know Tammy Ives but I can assure you that if you were my neighbor minding my business I would do the same.
“that’s” called privacy.
without a doubt freedom of speech look it up. Lisa didn’t stop me and why r u looking in my fence. Plus r u one of my numbers. I am a scrapper and I donate stuff. 1st amendment rights all the way “Sal”
don’t be scared what your real name. I have a right to freedom just like you. I have a right to provide for my family just like you so don’t judge me because I am sure you are far from an innocent bystander ed Im not afraid to stand up for myself so what does it matter to you I mind my business you should mind yours. It is behind a stockade fence. I will defend myself anytime you want to throw stuff at me anytime.
I did right FU because one my than 12 year old son was threatened by a number to be shot in the head. Second number asked to be put on and the third has done everything from harassing my kids to us setting my garage on fire! what would you do nosy neighbor
Anybody take note that The Left Winged Parrot (akaBB) neglected to report that Bergdahl has finally been charged with desertion, that directly resulted in 6 deaths of loyal servicemen?
And Obama traded 5 general for the traitor?
is anyone on here from ward 1