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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, AUG. 18, 2015) — In addition to the $146 million municipal budget, Mayor Lockdown requested and our Right Honorable Good Friends on the City Council approved $11 million in borrowing for capital projects.

Debt is an aspect of Pittsfield’s financial situation virtually no one wishes to acknowledge. If the overspending for decreasing city services and poorer quality doesn’t convince you the city is in trouble, the debt picture will. It will tell you that for any contended office in the upcoming election, returning an incumbent is to hasten a fast-approaching Day of Reckoning for the city.

Debt Is a Silent Killer

Debt represents the acquisition and spending of money you don’t own. A city, just like a business or  home owner, borrows money from someone who owns it, typically a bank or some other financial center or issuing group. The bank charges a fee, making money a commodity used to make more money rather than as a real asset to measure work. This has a distasteful, predatorial aspect to it.

Lenders typically have no problem lending to cities because municipalities have the power to tax. When government sees you — the private business and citizen — as a limitless resource that eventually will get stuck with the bills, you end up with the precarious situation in which Pittsfield finds itself.

The “Bonded Debt Summary” of the FY16 budget is an eye opener. You will find unpaid debt going back to FY’97 — the previous millennium. For example, as of July 1, 2015, Pittsfield still owed $835,000 for FY’97 “Landfill” and $2,115,100 from the capital projects from 19 years ago.

For “School Reconstruction” from 2002, the city still owes $19,699,300. Capital projects from FYs 05, 06, 07, and 08 add up to $9,125,000. In all, debt from the general fund totaled $57,650,712 as of July 1.

But Wait. It’s just getting good.

To that total, you must add FY16 “Water Enterprise Fund” debt of $11,165,869 and the “Sewer Enterprise Fund” of $12,137,976.

This amounts to a total debt service of $80,954,557.

But wait. We’re still not done yet, taxpayers. THE PLANET finds $21,980,643 in Bond Anticiptation Notes (BANs). A BAN is a short-term debt assumed in anticipation of later taking on a much larger debt that will include the BAN. Think of it as a debt addict’s initial fix to satisfy the craving.

The city has taken out BANs for airport construction, garage renovations, lights for Wahconah Park, fire alarm systems, water storage, portable radios, a “high school feasibility study,” street improvements, asbestos abatement, city hall floor refinishing, Streetscape, and a crime-scene vehicle among other projects.

THE PLANET’s favorite is city hall floor refinishing. Mayor Lockdown’s banshee wife, Lady McBeth, ordered the floors bared and refinished so she could see herself in the reflection. Stone does’t crack as easily as a mirror.

Billion, with a “B”

Total debt service plus BANs equals $102,935,200. Finally, tack on $5,037,000 taxpayers lost last year because of school choice. Here’s what you don’t know about that figure. Parents pull children out of Pittsfield schools because those schools stink, but did you know that even though the direct loss of more than $5 million is directly the fault of the PSD, that amount gets city side pays the bill. That loss is as good as debt, which brings us to $107,972,200. Chip in the $11 million in capital borrowing in the FY16 budget, and you arrive at $118,972,200.

Now add the $121 million in new borrowing for THS. Total debt = $239,972,200. That amount of debt debt is 162% of the total FY’16 budget. Any debt ratio over 60% is considered “Red Alert,” as we have seen many times nationwide in cities that refused to control spending. Pittsfield is heading there.

Finally, to grasp the desperation of the city’s finances, add to the $240 million the $400,000,000 in obligations taxpayers owe city retirees for pension and health care costs. We’re looking at more than $640,000,000 in long-term obligations — almost two-thirds of a billion dollars, with a “B” — for a city with a buffoon in the corner office, a disappearing population, and a shrinking tax base.

Let’s see who chooses to say a peep about debt prior to the preliminary election Sept. 22. And of those that do, an even more important question: Who has a plan?


“Old father, old artificer, stand me now and ever in good stead.” — James Joyce, closing line from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, (1904, 1914).



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plan B
plan B
9 years ago

Here is my proposal:

Stop here, no new debt. Period.
Pay off all existing debt at $1 per year.
640,000,000 years from now, Pittsfield will be debt free.
Problem solved.

Shelly liver
Shelly liver
9 years ago

Just the practice of purchasing new Buses before the old ones are paid for? What does that tell you?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

Every city of Pittsfield’s size uses a combination of short and long term debts to manage cash flow year to year and over longer periods of time. Taxes are collected periodically so there are only a few times a year when the City gets an infusion of cash to pay salaries, bills, debt service, etc. This opinion piece glosses over how things actually work and ignores the reality of cash flow. While I agree that maybe the City should more carefully navigate spending decisions, to say the City is insolvent is irresponsible.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics increases its annual fiscal year budget by about 5 percent each and every year. The average working class local resident is lucky to receive a one to two percent pay raise each and every year. Pittsfield politics has hundreds of millions of dollars in debts, which the municipality will never be able to pay off in our lifetimes. Pittsfield’s tax base is shrinking, while Pittsfield’s taxes are increasing. Thousands of people have moved away from Pittsfield over the past 4 decades. Thousands of jobs have been lost in Pittsfield. Once a job is lost in our country, it is never coming back from China and other foreign nations. Mayor Gerry Doyle already sent Pittsfield into state government receivership with millions of dollars unaccounted for through present day. If it was me or another average person who sent Pittsfield into financial insolvency with millions of taxpayer dollars lost forever with no answer as to where all the money went, I would end up in state prison. But it was Gerry Doyle, who is one of the Good Old Boys who ran Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch. Mayor Jimmy Ruberto is another Good Old Boy who spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on downtown revitalization, while thousands of people continued to flee the area and jobs were lost at a staggeringly high rate. Mayor Dan Bianchi bet it all on a new Taconic High School that will increase local taxes in Pittsfield to all time high levels. Pittsfield politics’ finances are unsustainable and Pittsfield is on the path to insolvency and future bankruptcy.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

jonathan– i have missed you because you provide a wealth of info on this site. now back to jerry doyle jr-everything you said about him is the truth. however you missed one key point. gov patrick thought doyle did such a superb job of almost completely destroying the city– that he gave him a hefty paying job as an advisor to the governor in his administration and doyle still has this cushy job under baker. i guess that doyle advises the governor how to ruin a city and be given a big fat salary to boot if this isn’t clearly a case of the gob picking your pocket before and after the crime what else can you call it? oh!! ok jerry is a good old boy and of course he did nothing wrong no problem . the sheep out there will do nothing abouit it so lets just forget it—–ok—————————————craig

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

SHH, you are forgetting the daily cash influx from fees for permits, birth certificates, citations and the like. Those are all taxes too. And water/sewer and property taxes are collected quarterly so I don’t see why it should be so difficult to manage finances better than what is currently being done. If this trend continues the city will eventually become insolvent – the tax base is shrinking and these fools just keep on spending like there is no tomorrow.

Santanio Valdez
Santanio Valdez
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Shakes. Spot on! I owe $100 grand on my house. Using Dans theory I have $100 grand of unfunded liability. I think it’s safe to say 95% of all home owners start with most of their cost of their home with unfunded liability. Eventually we pay off the loan even sometimes making extra payments to lower the principal.

9 years ago

Gaetani, focused on what counts, the people.

Reply to  pemetina
9 years ago

thanks cat–i have many of the ingredients in my house. i will try one of your suggestions in a few minutes—-craig

Reply to  pemetina
9 years ago

pemetina– remember there are people out there who do not want a mayor who focuses on the people as i do. just take a look on this site alone and of course throughout the city. many are satisfied with the status quo as long as they themselves are satisfied. also remember what i said many times on this site.—when i am mayor everybody will have to sacrifice–big big time– as there is absolutely no other way out. let me say that again–there is no other way out—when you are spending more money than you are bringing into your house hold– the only responsible thing to do is start sacrificing–plain and simple but there are many out there who would also crucify me for saying this and it is the absolute truth. i am begining to think that the city is not willing or prepared to do what i am proposing because the word sacrifice isnt in their game plan. they may win in the short term but in the long they will definitely lose. now do you think this makes sense? watch the nuts come out of the woodwork and say i am wrong. we can never win everybody over to our point of view but when intelligent people see that there is someone out there telling the truth as to what has to be done and decides that because they dont like the medicine that they are going to have to take to survive and the medicine is being flushed down the toilet– sooner than latter– that patient is going to be in serious trouble. does this make sense?—craig thanks for your continuing support pemetina

9 years ago

Gaetani, focused on what counts, the people.

9 years ago

If all your figures were accurate I am sure the city council, especially the ones with fiscal expertise, would be up in arms about it. They are not. And the guy who does the audit seems to think the city is on level ground and he should know cuz he been looking at the books for many years now. And lastly you have Mayor Bianchi who is no novice when it comes to city finances. Surely these dedicated servants of the people would not let the city slide into a fiscally scary place.

But just in case they have, people might want to get the hell out because if this were all true they maybe going to suffer serious financial damage to their own assets.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

All one has to do is drive around and through Pittsfield. That’s a pretty good denominator as to where taxes are not going. The very reason why business and others are not coming. Clear as day. Thriving towns and Cities have perfect Vanity, Roads and Landscape, as well as brightly lit roadways at night. Construction indicates a healthy City. Pittsfield greedy leaders started the downhill spiral all the way back to Urban Renewal. They kept the Mall out, when taxpayers voted for it. They tore down historic buildings and never replaced anything. They greased each others palms and handed each other positions. The ugly truth is…this is what’s left and on a fast track of more of the same.

9 years ago

With that amount of debt its easy now to name the new high school. It should be called Titanic High School.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Doesn’t sound like the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

9 years ago

Hey Bill Sturgeon,
I hope you are paying attention. Dan just made your job as mayoral debate moderator a whole lot easier. Here’s your number one question to ask the candidates – “How would you tackle the city’s debt problem?” Don’t waste time on Ms. Tyer’s platform of urban blight and preschool!

9 years ago

And a question for Mr Bianchi. Will he help the new mayor, in good faith, with the transition? Will he let his replacement know where he keeps his hidden pot of money? He should be thinking about this now because there is not a bats chance in hell of him needing that office after Jan 3rd.

9 years ago

And a question for Linda Tyer. Will you appoint a permanent police chief? And if she says yes how can the people know she will follow through. Bianchi said he would but apparently misspoke. Or forgot. Or never had any real intentions of doing so from the get go like so many of his other promises.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

dusty– iwill be appointing a permanent police chief. not the present one. ms. teared will be appointing a permanent police chief– the present one any other questions?—craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago

I hear that the current police chief and Linda Tyer’s campaign communications girl are an item. I had it confirmed today. Conflict of interest?

9 years ago

I just can’t understand why Bill Sturgeon is going to be the moderator for the debates. He isn’t going to be serious enough. He will be cracking jokes. We can’t have that. This needs to be a serious debate. Is this why he was chosen? To have a circus like atmosphere and keep everything light? This city can’t afford, quite literally, to do “light” right now. We need a serious debate with “put their feet to the fire” questions. The issues facing the city, especially the financial and crime issues, are very serious indeed and the debate needs to reflect the weight of these issues.

How about the questions; What is your vision for the future of the city and how do you plan to pay for it? Do you intend, in true progressive style, to continually raise taxes? What do you intend to do about Pittsfield’s spending and debt problems?

Tyer and Bianchi especially have never been exposed to questions like this. They are used to “light and fluffy” questions. I’m afraid that with a moderator like Sturgeon the debate will have the completely wrong tone which is exactly what the suits want. Let’s all chill out. There aren’t any major problems to discuss here. This has been Pittsfield’s way of doing things for years and its why we are in the situation we are in today. The attitude from the politicians is that the public needs to sit down and shut up. This is when your government is taken away from you and becomes your boss and not the other way around.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Tottally agree. I like Bill but he’s what you say “light and fluffy”. He wants to be liked by the politicians and will never ask a tough question or press with followups when candidates answer in generalities or worse dont answer.

Only Valenti can run the type of tough debate the people want to see and need to see. Only he isnt afraid of getting in close in the clenches.What about it Dan? (Valenti not Bianchi)? We need you.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

pat—my name is craig–do you remember me? these arent debates they are popularity contests. i want real debates– how do you think i would do in a real debate? if you or anyone on the planet thinks that the scheduled event at bcc on sept.14 is a debate—better look up the word debate in the dictionary. i called the scheduled event a circus act at best and a crime at the least or maybe the other way around. what do you think? thanks for your support pat—craig

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I’m certain that Bill will ask tough questions to all the candidates. No bs will be allowed!

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

Hope you are right Chuck. I have been listening to him on the Taconic station and the questions he asked Tyer and Bianchi weren’t that great and really didn’t say anything about moving the city forward.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I like Bill S. I listen to his radio show from time to time, but I don’t think he is the appropriate person for moderating a political debate. He does arts programs usually and he does them very well, but I think a political debate should have a much more serious tone.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

chuck– certainties are qualifying and quantifying facts in science which yield the same results every time without exception. they then become scientific law. this process is the scientific method. your stated certainty re; bill is not even close to a certainty. however– i will say that bill is a nice guy –i know him and he knows me. the scheduled debate is clearly not a debate in any way shape or form. one only need look up the word debate in the dictionary and you will see that the charade scheduled at bcc is closer to a charade than a debate. if not—my opinion of the event is a charade—-craig

9 years ago

Agree with Pat. It’s time for a showdown anyway with Byankees and the Planet. No Corny JOKES and no FLUFF.

Reply to  Nota
9 years ago

nota i couldnt agree with you more we have had enough of this bs and the planets posters need to also come front and center. it is time for seriousness and no more jokes and fluff as you said–thanks for your ongoing suppor—–craigt

9 years ago

And a question that should be asked of Craig Gaetani:

If you don’t become our next mayor, how do you plan to rid the city of all the “bad guys” you have mentioned in past posts?

You have said you would get them either way.

Reply to  Spider
9 years ago

spider you have seen plenty from me on this post and other media and my tv show–but honestly– you havent heard anything yet–i am like a turtle slow and methodical and have you noticed how long the turtle –has been on the planet? he was at the feet of the dinosaurs and he and i will still be alive and kicking when i get rid of the city of pittsfield’s dinosaurs. i do have a game plan and it has been unfolding for all to see continuously for the past 3 months. those who know my game plan have been paying very close attention–and they can tell you my game plan but let me do it again right now—return the city to it’s rightful owners the taxpayers with no bs no ifs ands and buts about it. got it? how will i do it? go see metcalff and eddy engineers—who were goliath and i was david—–do you remember the results?—they will tell you how i did it and i am going to do it again— at the sewer plant and the other sewer plant at city hall—-any questions? got it?–craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago

Craig – If you are not in office, how are you going to get rid of all those city officials you have been naming?

You have made it very clear that they had to be gone. Forget the other issues……as I asked before…..what is your game plan to remove them from their positions?

Reply to  Spider
9 years ago

spider– stealth

do the math
do the math
9 years ago

$640,000,000 ÷ 40,000 (Pittsfield residents) = $16,000.00

So, each any every citizen of Pittsfield, man woman and child, would have to cough up a one time fee of $16,000.00 each to make Pittsfield solvent.

“Could we have kippers for breakfast
Mummy dear, Mummy dear
They got to have ’em in (Pittsfield)
‘Cos everyone’s a millionaire”

do the math II
do the math II
9 years ago

OK so you owe $16,000.00 to Pittsfield

National Debt sits at $18 trillion USD
Population of USA is 321,543,757
18T ÷ 321,543,757 = 56,000.00 (approx) per man woman and child.

YOU owe Pittsfield $16,000.00
YOU owe The Feds $56,000.00

Local & Federal = $72,000.00 per man, woman & child

Add in the State of Massachusetts debt and it probably kicks it up to around $100,000.00

Remember, governments get money from only one source.

“I owe, I owe, so off to work I go”.
– 7 Dwarfs

“Ask not what your country can do for you but how much you owe your country”

Reply to  do the math II
9 years ago

mathman— your figures are way on the low side but suffice it to say you are correct. those of us on the planet get what you are saying but what are we going to do about the ones who dont get it?therin lies the real problem thee are the ones who have sunk this country and we have to deal with them daily . how long is this nation going to go on living like every thing is hunky dory? believe me the day of reconning is coming and it might arrive much sooner than most believe. we have do do something anything– thats how serious things are in this country. all i can say is that i tried i cant say anything else————–craig

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Craig gets it.Most definitely scorned by this Administration, Bianchi, Collingwood et al.He can sell his ideas on his new show and basically become another Planet Satellite version against the ESTABLISHMENT?This is why Craig is GREAT and is one of my all time FAVORITES!

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

cat–i can see that you definitely got it–however i have my doubts about many on this site—they will all definitely get it if i dont become the mayor–do you think they get this? i certainly hope so because when i am living on the french riviera- there wont be anyone here to protect their rights. do you think they get this? cat wang and i cant make a penny more on the sandfloat as its patent has run out but we have no money worries what so ever. we relish in the fact that every new drinking water plant in this country and in the world is using flotation technology —co invented co designed and co built by dr’s krofta and wang and of course me—-do you see how important that meeting that wang and i missed to address the wolds scientists and engineers in april due to the two a——s bianchi and collingwood? do you think the posters on this site get that? poor pittsfield –the greatest break the city would have ever had was squandered by the two nuts mentioned above—-the monetary loss?–try between a half a billion to a billion dollars. do you get it pv posters??? no more talk —you need to act if you want to save this city. do you get this pv posters? you better or soon you will be standing in soup line kitchens like the residents of detroit who didn’t heed the advise of people like dan valenti and myself—what we are talking about is not pie in the sky—you must use your heads in the upcoming city elections or you may not have a head left to use. you see– running the city is not rocket science it requires good understanding of what doesnt work and i have it figured out. now i need only to be elected by you people out there. i hope you see the clear choice and if you dont see it– i doubt you will ever see clearly again in your life time– ready to start dismantling on day one—-craig

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago


Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago


Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

dusty– come on its time for the meat we have eaten enough vegetables—craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago


9 years ago

They are going to borrow a lot more than we can afford for THS, but I don’t think it will be $121 million

Reply to  Wilson
9 years ago

They are going to borrow $121 million. Yes, in full. Yes the Pittsfield taxpayers are on the hook for every penny of it. Its already a done deal. Its already approved by the Pittsfield city council with no vote from taxpayers.

However, they “expect” some reinbursement from the state. What pecentage remains to be seen. As any funds come back in, Bianchi or Tyer or other mayor will use for whatever they damn well please (give to Monteroso, Scarafoni or others).

Still, the full $121 million dollars is on the backs of Pittsfield taxpayers whether they like it or not. Its been forced on them. Quite litterally shoved down their throats. Plus any cost overruns like PCB cleanup of the site, removal of the old Taconic, etc.

Reply to  poorboy
9 years ago

poor boy—- right on– you even use my own words. have you seen my tv show?–i assure you that you will like it–fridays10am 1;30pm-5pm and 8;30pm. i have been told it is the most watched show of all time on pctv. i certainly hope it is . always enjoy your posts—craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago


I’ve been observing what goes on here daily and am impressed with you. I think that Linda Tyer does an excellent job for the city and would carry that over as a mayor.

However, she is not what Pittsfield needs at this time. A tax and spend progressive liberal agenda has gotten Pittsfield to where it is today. Pittsfield needs a radical change and from someone who is not afraid to do it. You fit that bill nicely. You taking time on here to answer people’s questions and comments is refreshing to see.

The poster on here always attacking you is indeed worried you might get elected. I fully trust you will do what you say you will do. Thats rare to trust a poltician. However, you are not a politician. I would trust you with my money.

Who wouldn’t want to see Collingwood, DeAngelo, and Sabourin gone? Pittsfield has so much to gain and nothing to lose by voting you in as mayor. People should be grateful you are in the race and willing to serve as mayor. I think you will do a fine job.

Reply to  poorboy
9 years ago

POORBOY–thank you for your nice post—watch my tv show friday–i mentioned your earlier posts on the show. if the general public could hear and see me i would be a landslide winner in the election, nobody could even get close to me but remember this is gobpittsfield and that is who i am running against but i think more and more people are coming over to my side as many people called me and s–aid we saw your show and we are going to vote for you for mayor. lets hope there is many more out there that feel the same way–i am working every day to protect your rights as a tax payer. it is the one and only thing i care about–there is nothing in this for me but there is plenty in this for you–thanks again—sincerely –craig

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Wilson
9 years ago

….with cost overruns, it may be a lot more!

9 years ago

Every Candidate should address all the issues in Pittsfield. The debt, crime, (blight, it is an important issue. Codes need to be re enforced). School Department, PEDA, Bringing Business, and Jobs. Where Pittsfield should be 5 years from now. DPW. It is unacceptable for taxpayers to go through what went on this past winter. Period. New Candidates should be asked about the City Charter that was slicked through. They should be asked about Melissa Mazzeo and why the Mayor feels that Citizens have no right to know about major issues in their town. Crime and Safety are Citizens business.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

spagirl i have done the things that you are asking in your posts i will scold you like i have in the past– it is now time for action and less time for posting. believe me –me and others get it. what you are posting are the problems we get it but it is time for action. you have a good grip on what is wrong in this city and if you act–you can accomplish a lot. never once on this site have you ever mentioned my name yet all the questions you ask– i am the one trying to get you answers. with(action)—please– lets see more action and less posting. posting alone can not get me elected. i know you will be voting for me because you have made it clear that you are not a banchi or teared supporter. do you know what your other choices are?please act act act—craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago

I said all Candidates, Craig

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

spagirl–you did but what chance is there that any of them will give detailed info on their plans for saving pittsfield? i know the answer and so do you but just post it so every can see—-i like your posts—craig

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

I agree. The Melissa Mazzeo question should be included. The City Charter needs to be changed. That the Berkshire Eagle was all for it should have been a warning to all voters to not vote for it. It took away voter rights. This winter is supposed to be brutally cold and snowy again. Do we all want to go through the same horrible winter as last year with roads in terrible shape?

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

pat— dont worry will be on board- i guarantee you safe roads every day —-you see i am starting to cover positions. after i fire the ones who need to be fired. i am not one to take pleasure in having to fire anyone. i have had to fire many who worked for me and it was the hardest part of my job. sometimes– however– you have no choice but the ones i am going to take pleasure in firing will be the police and fire chief as they feel they are above the taxpayer and certainly dont know who is buttering their toast but they will learn that lesson well on jan3 2016. and of course the one that i am going to take the greatest pleasure in firing will be milk toast collingwood. he has so severly damaged the taxpayer that he must go 1 minute after my swearing in. like i have said many times here– craig gaetanti thinks of the taxpayer first– case closed—–craig

9 years ago

I’d like to know how many millions of debt Collingwood is responsible for. Three mayors have yet to figure out how incompetent he is, let’s hope whoever the next mayor is does. One of his favorite answers, “I didn’t know you where going to ask me that question, I didn’t bring that information with me”

Reply to  AV
9 years ago

av i do and believe me if i am elected you wont have to worry about him anymore— that is a promise——craig

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

The debates mean little to nothing from my experience. The establishment feels safe with someone like Bill Sturgeon he’ll do as good a job anyone. It’s sort of like watching a Nascar race the cars go around the track but deep down we’re waiting for one of them to hit the wall and crash just not the driver we’re rooting for. Don’t expect a knock out punch or gotcha question or anyone to even watch it from what I can tell. 24 million watched the Fox debate and the real winner was Megyn Kelly and Fox News.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

ron i agree. how can they even be called debates? debates are when the candidates question each other. there isnt going to be anything even remotely like that . i am not going to be given the chance to dismantle these light weights– the way i would in a real debate. i already gave the two gob candidates an opportunity to pledge and if they did– they– could join me in real debates every friday on one of my shows. of course they didn’t take the pledge. the gob said– no debates with gaetani–he will destroy you and that was the only time i can ever recall them telling the truth.if there were real debates i would be the only one standing after they were over. this charade scheduled at bcc is a joke-who or what would the winner look like? hell– i may just sit there and say nothing with the exception — to say– when it is my turn to speak-i wll say– tune into my tv show on fridays for real info– not this for the camera event bs. city elections in pittsfield have turned into a circus show with the usual clowns taking center stage– bozo banchi and little miss muffet or muffin– i really dont know but you get the picture. boy do ineed to be elected mayor– our city has become a laughing stock and i must put an end to it on day one when i am elected mayor——craig

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Go Joe Gibbs Racing, Ron…Lol

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Here’s three questions: Will there be any future tax relief…Will the Pension obligations ruin our CITY and what are you doing or going to do about it….Will or why isn’t the taxpayers voice heard on the NEW SCHOOL funding???

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Has Danny Lockdown even confirmed that he will be leaving his bunker that day?

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I think the answers are:

1.No – taxes always go up, from Calis Maine to Long Beach California.

2.No – not anymore than any other City. OPEB Liabilities are a fairly new requirement to be estimated. The cumulative value of this is in the tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars when you add up all of the governmental and agency groups out there that promise pensions, health benefits, etc. to retirees. Pittsfield is not only not alone in this, but may not be any worse off per retiree. This will require a legislative fix from statehouses and Congress. Until a large City that matters collapses (I mean Detroit is collapsing from the weight of all its ills, not just retiree liabilities) we will see no action. The amount being asked to set aside is up to each community., Pittsfield puts in a token amount – as do most others – and it won’t even cover the first five years after we contribute for thirty.

3.We were not consulted because the Charter allowed them to make the decision. Now should they have asked, based on the cost to the Community? Absolutely. But they did not – and we should hold incumbents responsible just based on that alone. We also should demand the first Charter amendment: all bonding in excess of $10,000,000 goes to the voters in the next election.

Small towns have direct democracy (mostly). I don’t want to vote on everything – but at some level, I need to be asked.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Incorrect. Taxes do not always go up:

Now if a city the size if Miami can reduce its tax rate and improve city services, then there is no excuse for Pittsfield not to do the same. But that would require real effort, and ya ain’t gonna see that here.

Reply to  SOL
9 years ago

partially true. the lions share of taxes in that area are paid to the county – and my mom’s small condo taxes went up every year for Miami-Dade, and never did the services get better. hell, most government workers didn’t even speak English. A pretty guaranteed 7-10% per year, and after year 5 the tax bill on a small condo worth about $30K had a tax bill greater than her house on elm st on 4/10 of an acre. we sold it last year and the taxes were $3300. her taxes here, 2900.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

You are incorrect. Taxes don’t always go up. Opeb + pension costs sunk not only Detroit. The were the major factor in bankruptcies of San Bernardino calif, Stockton, Calif, Harrisburg, Penn, Boise Idaho, and Central FAlls, R.I.
Closer to home E Greenbush NY is $2 million in the hole from financial mismanagement.

Reply to  SOL
9 years ago

sol–oh yes you are– if i am elected you can bet everything you own that you will see it–i-guarantee it—craig

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
Reply to  craig
9 years ago

I don’t believe anything CG says since he promised he wouldn’t be posting on this site again.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

cat –i will answer your questions–with banchi or teared answers to questions 123–no-yes- no—– with me yes no yes –cant be any further apart than that. i can tell you that the scheduled event on sept.14th will be a farce but after the farce i will break it down for the taxpayer on my shows. do you think i have a good game plan cat?—–sincerely –craig

Reply to  craig
9 years ago

shaking–i fooled you—what can you tell us about your candidate?–i assure you everyone on the planet is waiting for you to respond including me lets hear it!!!—-craig

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
Reply to  craig
9 years ago

You didn’t fool me. You flat out lied. I guess your really are like all politicians that say one thing and do another. By the way I haven’t chosen a candidate yet. I continue to give you opportunities to show me how you handle those that have a perfectly valid position that disagrees with yours and all you do is attack. I am looking for a candidate that is open minded and willing to admit that a compromise is in order. I I’ll keep paying attention and probably make my decision when I step in the booth. You keep blowing every challenge that’s thrown at you. I know enough about your lack of control to likely eliminate you as a good candidate.

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

shaking–i am the only candidate who can save you—craig

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Craig, Sorry to hear about the kidney stones, an UNCLE had the problem, it’s what to consume that can make all the difference. Mixture of Lemmon juice and olive oil. He used to take kidney beans and ground turkey for a meal. You speak of tea a lot. Horsetail tea is a good remedy drink, don’t like the sugary ice tea, plain is o k with a lemon flavor garnish,if you will. Basil and Organic Celery, by themselves or in a soup are great for cleansing. Just a few…Mr. Mayor!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Breaking News

J.H. Maxymillian’s bid of $4,261,384.75 for the final phase of the streetscape project won for the third phase of the North Street reconstruction project that will begin in April 2016.

silence dogood
silence dogood
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Makesamillion does very well in this city

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

I liked this letter to the editor – typical local mentality – an eye for an eye instead of cooperation –

“Pittsfield should pass a residential light law”
The Berkshire Eagle, Letters, August 18, 2015

To the editor:

Please, can Pittsfield enact a residential light ordinance? That would protect us from inconsiderate neighbors who shine spotlights on neighboring property. This act is intrusive, annoying and can be vindictive.

I have contacted my ward councilor, City Hall and the police. All gave me the same response, and that was because there is no such law my only resource is to shine a light back at them. Really?

Nancy M. Smith, Pittsfield

No plan Dan
No plan Dan
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Yeah, typical local mentality…I guess the more mature approach would be to try to run them over. How’d did that one work for you Jonathan.

9 years ago

Questions to consider, Cig butt littering needs better enforcement and new laws,smoking in public. More enforcement with speeding violators, cars passing on double lines, better enforcement,street crossing violators and pedestrian jay walking. Speeding checks at areas like South Street, Merrill Rd and Dalton Ave. and others. Red light violations are out of control. Propose curfew for high crime areas, utilizing the new ppd statistic position for data. Better animal control enforcement, way to many stray cats and unleashed dogs running around, pet owners ot picking up after the pet,it’s real.

eye in the sky
eye in the sky
9 years ago

Sports fans, it’s up to you to post questions here that you want Mr. Sturgeon to ask the candidates…..Be tough but fair and respectful to Sturgeon. He knows we are watching and he won’t be able to ignore your comments. The last thing we want is a lollypop and unicorn debate……..Mr. Sturgeon the very future of Pittsfield could hinge on the upcoming elections. Please put these candidates through their paces.

9 years ago

Nota has very good points! My wife and I quit going to Burbank park at Onota lake. We have been attacked three times by dogs that are not leashed and owners that are totally irresponsible. Calling animal control is a waste of time in this city. We should do away with that job and hire another police officer. At least we would get some return for our tax money.

9 years ago

I cannot comprehend the stupidity in the Pittsfield DPW Dept. They are raising all the Manholes on Fenn Street. What a Cluster. This should be filmed.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

I asked a guy from LB why the work is being done this way, they told me that the leveling course needed to be done and they needed to get other streets done. so they put the leveling course down (leaving the sides without blacktop helps establish a crown later in the process). the sub comes in, raises the structure above the first coat so it will meet the second and they will be done.

the amount of work is the same according to them – so rather than micromanage a process for which we only care about the finished product, we should just be worrying that it is proceeding on schedule and will last the number of years projected (10).

the dpw doesn’t tell them the means and methods, they set timelines, material specs, and rules of engagement (road closures, etc.).

the explainer was one of their more experienced crew members and he commented that it is funny that everyone’s an engineer when it comes to roadwork. he called it the hazard of working under the public microscope and laughed it off. I guess they are on time and will be done on time.

silence dogood
silence dogood
Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

If the half wits that ran the city understood this they would communicate this information to the public. How difficult is that?

9 years ago

The last thing we need is a politically correct moderator. We want real questions and real answers. If seventy percent of the Budget goes to the Schools, then where is the most appropriate area to cut. THIS isn’t ROCKET SCIENCE?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

And no Fanto.please!!

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Totally agree with you Spagirl Lenox, Lee, Great Barrington, Williamstown, Cheshire completed paving during a week stretch Pittsfield a total embarrassment. Oh I know it will be nice in a couple of years when they figure out how to complete the work.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Pittsfield Babe Ruth 4 Sarasota 5 The Planet delivers first Again!