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THE PLANET will host a TV debate between the mayoral candidates beginning at 7 p.m. Oct. 29 as an episode of PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION. It shall be the campaign’s most highly anticipated event, and with it being so close to Election Day (the following Tuesday) in a race the wise guys expect to continue the even splits of 2009 and 2011, the showdown will go a long way to determining the winner on Nov. 3.

Both opposing camps contacted THE PLANET independently but in close time proximity. Ryan McCollum,  Dan Bianchi’s Springfield-based political consultant, and Tom Sakshaug, Linda Tyer’s campaign manager, had been talking about a PLANET-moderated affair among themselves. After those discussions, they separately contacted us.

Thus, the candidates have done their part. We’ll do ours. We can’t promise exactly what will happen, since we like to run improvisation live without a net, but we will be sure to toast up “the hot seat” equally for each candidate.

Working It Out

As you likely know, three days after coming in second to Tyer in the prelim (55-39%), Bianchi issued an unexpected challenge: One debate a week, each on a different topic. Tyer immediately accepted with a calculated “Bring it on.” Her forceful reply was seen as an attempt to match the mayor’s surprising challenge, which scored points simply by being so out of character for a two-term incumbent.

Fast forward to last week.

THE PLANET received emails from McCollum. He wanted to meet and also determine if THE PLANET would be willing to host a debate. Last week we met and talked general terms over coffee (he bought). Then THE PLANET laid out the only format under which we would work — spontaneous, free of the time clock, with plenty of time (and room) for the candidates to confront each other. Gotchas? Probably. Those who have seen us referee other TV debates know the drill.

Over the weekend, both camps formally asked if we would moderate a debate. We agreed based upon the proviso that we alone would control the format. About an hour after sending our terms, McCollum and Sakshaug accepted on behalf of their respective campaigns. A lot will happen between now and Oct. 29, but, barring an act of Zeus, nothing be be as important as the hoedown-showdown that night from the PC-TV studios.

A Willingness to Play for High Stakes

THE PLANET commends both candidates for their willingness to walk the high wire with us in a high-stakes affair with everything on the line. What can they and the viewers expect? We pledge a format that allows for maximum exposure of these standard bearers for two warring factions. Just who are Dan Bianchi and Linda Tyer? What do they believe? How are they different from each other, since both label themselves as progressive Democrats?

Are their differences only in degree or also in kind? What does it all mean for The Little Guy? More taxes? A dwindling tax base? Reduced services? Four more years of political infighting as the two local machines alternate control of the corner office, as they have done for a generation?

What do you want from an event like this? Tell us. THE PLANET invites anyone with questions they would like to ask to send them to us. We can’t guarantee your question will be used on the air, but they will certainly be present — if even as a trace or a whisper — as you watch the event unfold on live TV.


[W]hy should continents of misapprehension have to be accounted for by the / fact? Does it follow that because there are poisonous toadstools / which resemble mushrooms, both are dangerous?”Marianne Moore, from her poem, “England,” (1921).



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Russell Moody
Russell Moody
9 years ago


9 years ago

I would like to see mayor Bianchi answer questions about all the lock downs to the city in the last four years. Why nothing was done when they found out about the stolen money at city hall. I would want him to answer a lot all the questions that he never would while he was mayor. Does he really know what the word transparency actually means and how he used transparency in the corner office in the last four years.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Three days and four debates before the election.
Numb Apathetic voters will have heard everything by then and minds already made up. Write in the W A S candidate? for Mayor!

9 years ago

One question; asked many times with no answer:

From where did Mayor Bianchi take the money from for the move to 100 North Street?

Reply to  Question
9 years ago

Yes. He should be confronted on this issue.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Re: Clarence Fanto’s omission!

Dear Clarence Fanto,

Once again, your news article today, 10/5/2015, concerning the EPA’s so called clean up of toxic waste chemicals called PCBs in central to southern Berkshire County omits a critical fact!

The caps, which are used on a majority of so called clean up sites, are finite. That means the caps do not last forever! Most of Pittsfield’s PCBs are capped. Once the caps expire, the PCBs will pollute Pittsfield and the Housatonic River just like prior to the so called clean up.

I have written this fact to you, which you continue to omit in your news articles that seem to favor both the EPA and GE.

The Consent Decree, the EPA, and GE are all wrong and these proceedings are fraudulent!

Yours Truly,
Jonathan Melle

9 years ago

I hope both the questions and answers are concise and to the point. Please tell both candidates (especially Bianchi) that no rambling, evasive answers will be tolerated. They need to answer the question asked without wandering off into the wild blue yonder about their grand children or lengthy details about things they have done. In other words, cut the bullshit Mr Bianchi because we can see right through it.

Mr. X
Mr. X
9 years ago

Bianchi claimed transparency would be a main stay for him when he first got elected…Tyer has claimed the same thing…definitely a hot debate topic…lay it on em DV

Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

I feel like Bianchi made a complete fool out of me the last time. I fell for his “say anything to get elected” bullshit. Now I can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Why would I?

and this is no endorsement of Tyer either.

9 years ago

This debate will be far superior to the one at BCC. Congratulations to the Planet. I thought there was going to be a debate per week but as far as I know there hasn’t been one yet and the election was weeks ago.

Since both admit to being progressive Democrats there should be many questions about what that means for how they will govern. The Berkshires have problems unique to our location and the fact that we have extremes of wealth and poverty in this area and a real lack of jobs in the middle income range. There are many jobs for either retail or at the other end of the pay scale for engineers and high level managers. How do they propose to bring in jobs to the area for the workers who do not fit into either of those categories?

9 years ago

The debt ratio to tax income ratio is a very serious reality. With aging population, and no jobs stimulation, how can Pittsfield Government pay down this debt, and still maintain services to the City?
Dan Bianchi needs to face the people and give them an explanation to the unacceptable lack of transparency .
He has tied the hands of every Department under him. He has shut out the Citizens as well. Hell will freeze over before he should be given 4 more years.

9 years ago

I believe Pittsfield deserves a full time mayor. Plain and simple. Is that too much to ask? Will Ms. tyer have a second job/ongoing career if elected?

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

I believe that subject came up when they put together the new politician friendly charter. And if memory serves me correctly it allows for the mayor to work outside the office of mayor because obviously who the hell could live on a mayors salary, right?

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

Amazing! I have put in my calendar as a must watch. You moderated the debate when my son ran for selectman in Lenox. It was informative and entertaining.
The most important thing to me is that they answer the question asked. If they don’t know say “I don’t know”. Being truthful never hurt anyone.

9 years ago

I agree. To the candidates: Just answer the quetion asked. No BS this time. To DV: Hold them to answering the question. Tolerate no BS.

9 years ago


9 years ago

A politically sensitive question that should be posed is; How do you propose to deal on a realistic basis with the out of control municipal unions ?
How many unions is there in acomparatively small 89 member police dept. ? Is it 5 when civilian employees are counted. ? The public perception is that the sworn officers unions (2 of them, supervisors and patrolmen ?) are more concerned with lining their pockets than enhancing public safety.
I’m not anti union, having been a member of IUE, UE, and IBC., but the best interests of the city and taxpayers should be primary in policy and negotiations.
Candidates need to address this concern.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

The Numb and Apathetic voter will here only what they want you to hear and that will have already be said at nausium before the a planet gets his hands on them. Bianchi will tie together the Innovation Center with the New High School, by that time he’ll be long gone and Mop Head (Tyer) will talk about blight and pre school funding while being able to trash Bianchi on a few things he has done or not done.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I don’t know why everyone thinks that by the time DV does his debate that everything will have already been said a thousand times. I haven’t heard a peep out of anyone (mayoral or otherwise) since the Bill Sturgeon Variety Show at BCC.

PC 31
PC 31
Reply to  Dave
9 years ago

calm before the storm

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Sorry about the spelling, but what do you want from me? ima Cat!

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Kitten, but everyone loves a kitten.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I guess discreet cat won’t be tuning in for the debate.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Are there any real microscopic difficult questions, the Planet could ask?

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

I think you’ll get more answers out of the Gaetani lawns signs.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago


Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I guess dilly dally won’t be watching either.

9 years ago

My question would be a simple one.
Why should I vote for you?

Reply to  RobEM
9 years ago

MY question for Mr Bianchi. “What in the hell was I thinking when I voted for you the last time?”

9 years ago

Please ask this question: Do you as a Democrat Mayor plan on heading The presidents call to help SURGE Syrian refugees into the city of Pittsfield? If so do you have a plan in place to shelter/feed them? Will you ask neighboring communities such as Lenox, Richmond, Stockbridge etc. to help with this burden ?

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
9 years ago

I think it would be incredulous to vote for any candidate that talks to a lawn sign. Sign me up for Gaetani. Haven’t seen this kind of a show since the man in the bathtub years ago. Now that was original!!!!

9 years ago

They could pitch tents over at PEDA fast Eddie. The head stooge over there could bring them coffee in the mornings.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

My Questions for Dan Bianchi:
* How many city employees are suing you? Police Officers Mark Lenihan and Chris Kennedy. Terminated Veterans Service Representative Rosanne Frieri. Is there anyone else suing you?
* How come you gave William Monterosso a severance package worth a lot of taxpayer’s money after he served only a couple of months as the head of Berkshire-Works? How come Rosanne Frieri did not receive the same deal?
* How high will municipal taxes be once the financing for the new Taconic High School kicks in? Will municipal taxes be at an all time record high? How will you finance any cost overruns?
* How come PEDA is still a failure on economic development? Is PEDA more of a liability than an asset due to the PCBs chemical contamination?
* How come over 650 students per year choice out of Pittsfield’s public schools?
* How will you take on the vested interests or stakeholders, such as the labor unions and politically connected suits, in favor of the little guy?

Questions for the lovely Linda Tyer:
* How come you are using your connections to Jimmy Ruberto to run for Mayor of Pittsfield? Aren’t you your own person?
* Do you believe Jimmy Ruberto was a good Mayor of Pittsfield? Why?
* Are you going to own Jimmy Ruberto’s organization any special favors?
* How can you be a better Mayor of Pittsfield than your opponent? What will be your main goals or initiatives?
* Have you ever ran a business or government entity? How will you learn the job of Mayor of Pittsfield without adequate experience?
* How will you take on the vested interests and politically connected suits in favor of the little guy?

9 years ago

And are you related to Jimmy Ruberto in any way?

9 years ago

Will Barry play the Bill Clinton roll in the relationship while Mayor? Will you help guide her and stand beside her? Will LOw play any roll in your Administration if elected? Will Tom be the City’s Dentist? Will Hollywood come out of retirement and take over the DPW, ( actually am for that) And will Chief Lee advise any any Police negotiations?

9 years ago

This blog is turning into foolishness. Dan should put a stop to it. It’s like reading high school children’s notes.

9 years ago

Attention Bianchi Camp, something hit a nerve.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

“Mayoral candidates to debate Thursday”
Berkshire Eagle Staff, 10/06/2015

PITTSFIELD – Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi and his election challenger City Clerk Linda M. Tyer are scheduled to participate in a debate on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Conte Community School at 200 West Union St.

The event is open to the public and sponsored by the West Side Initiative. Chairwoman Vicki Kane said the moderator will be Jim Levulis of WAMC-FM public radio, and the questions for the candidates were submitted by initiative members and the public.

Pittsfield Community Television will air the debate and record it to be rebroadcast.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

It’s the Numb and pathetic lazy voter.