(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 2015) — Great guns. That’s what Dr. Watson has titled his tale about the loaded-not loaded gun found this week at South Junior High School. Pittsfield, welcome to Gungate.
Herberg Middle School, as we all know, simply doesn’t exist, except as a horribly actualized figment of the ultra-progressive political nightmare that has engulfed the Pittsfield Public School system. Don’t call them liberals or, worse, leftists. Those words aren’t chic enough and way too descriptive.
Herberg? There is no “School” of that name in the southeast. There is a building. In that building, they have what they call “classes.” In those classes, there are two subsets of homo erectus, erroneously called “teachers” and “pupils.” In actuality, they are “baby sitters” and “babies” or if you prefer “keepers” and “inmates.” And we trust you’ve heard the one about the inmates running the asylum?
THE PLANET won’t startle you with them here, but the horror stories abound of out-of-control classrooms, teachers being told to “f*** off, photos of topless Herberg girls circulating during class among the various dumb phones that regularly supplant the alleged lessons of the day, and those of that ilk. Don’t even ask what the students were up to when they were herded into “safe rooms” during the gun incident. Which leads us to the latest, a loaded handgun found in school.
Locked and Loaded
Much was made of the first press release sent out by the mayor’s office and, as it turns out, authored by school supt. Jason “JIV” McCandless. How that happens, you tell us.
The gun incident has peeled back the curtains that characterize the inner workings of an administration where miscommunication rules and sycophants prosper. The highest paid of the latter is JIV, whose total compensation hits $200,000 a year and who has so many paid vacation-sick-personal-I-just-want-to-goof-off-days that time ceases to exist in his world except to tell him that everything cannot happen at once. His new contract, which was recently extended to six years by the dopes on the Pittsfield School Committee, flips work days with vacation days. JIV is considered permanently on paid leave unless the contract defines work where it once gave him time off, and taxpayers, you’re stuck with this progressive clown for a half-dozen annums. He was the guy so talented that the Lee School Committee couldn’t wait to dump him on Pittsfield after JIV screwed up the finances in that quaint, South County berg.
Fifty Shades of JIV
For those generous terms, JIV is required to be on call from his master in the corner office. The chief task of the superintendent, if we are to judge by Gungate, is to vacate any shred of self-worth and dignity that might exist in his well-paid but chinless persona and replace it with a boot-licking performance of such humiliation that a roving mind might think perverse thoughts. Fifty Shades of JIV.
In an abject mea culpa, JIV set a world’s record in the issuance of blame-taking when he tried to quell the firestorm ignited by David Capeless‘ revelation that the handgun was in fact locked and loaded. The D.A. blasted the mayor for releasing bad information. The press release from the mayor’s office said the gun wasn’t loaded. However, even as fast as JIV acted and could fall on his sword like a loyal S.S. chief (S.S. = Slow, Stupid), Mayor Dan Bianchi found himself at another of those pesky mayoral forums, where he said there was no difference between a loaded and an unloaded gun — in the hands (or knapsack) of a 13-year-old boy, no less. Ouch.
Is the mayor trying to hand this election to Linda Tyer? One could see Bianchi’s political consultant Ryan McCollum turning whiter shades of pale. One thing’s for certain: Events of the past week have qualified McCollum for combat pay.
Gasoline for the Bonfire
JIV’s announcement did little to “clarify” the situation. It did, though, make him the well-deserved butt of community-wide derision. How is it, for example, that a school superintendent could write a press release issued from the mayor’s office? That’s the issuance of a license to counterfeit information. How can an administration permit such a thing, which devalues everything we get on the letterhead of two crucial city departments?
FInally, what are we to say of Herberg principal Gina Coleman? School and police department sources disputed the initial press release’s euphemistic description of Coleman’s actions during the gun incident, which made statewide news. The first erroneous press release said Coleman followed “safety protocol to the letter.” Details are only now emerging from sources about what actually happened and how the Herberg staff really handled it. It’s not pretty.
Herberg staffers and Mercer Building sources refer to Coleman as a “two-fer.” When THE PLANET asked what that meant, we learned that her hiring enabled the city to mark two important items on the hiring checklist (in order of importance): Is the person a minority, preferably black? Check. Is the new hire a woman? Check. Sources claim and two former school committee members confirmed that when Coleman was hired she wasn’t certified in Massachusetts. How could someone who wasn’t qualified to teach in any state public school end up as principal of a Pittsfield middle school. Answer, according to sources, “They got her certified.”
Pigs do wear lipstick, apparently. One shudders to think of what would have happened if the still-unidentified 13-year-old, instead of bringing a loaded handgun to school, had brought a drawing of a gun. Our guess is that the school committee would have added another six years and a 50% pay raise to JIV deal.
“One fist of iron, the other of steel — if the right one don’t get you, the left one will.” — Tennessee Ernie Ford, “Sixteen Tons,” (1955).
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I believe “Gungate” goes deeper than this, Dan. If we go back to the July 4th shooting and begin looking at the PPD logs, time and again there are reports of shots fired. Each and every report is found to be “unfounded”. Is this the PPD’s and current administration’s way of gaslighting We the People? Which means goes beyond ” nothing to see here people, keep it moving” to a systemic and calculated undermining of the citizenry.
Even a blind person could see through this Barney Fife escalade. Mr. Mayor thinks he’s the smartest guy on the Planet Dumb ass
I have been listening to the mayoral debate on WBEC.
My conclusion:
Just as Obama blames Bush
Bianchi blames Ruberto and Doyle
I actually agree with Mayor Dan BIanchi about blaming the Ruberto regime and the Doyle debacle!
First, Gerry Doyle’s term saw Pittsfield go financially insolvent with millions of public dollars missing through present day. Like the Wall Street meltdown of 2008, no one was held accountable for Pittsfield’s state government receivership. Gerry Doyle also signed the fraudulent Consent Decree with GE’s Jack Welch. Pittsfield remains a toxic waste chemical dump full of cancer causing PCBs. That means thousands of people will continue to suffer and die from cancer in Pittsfield.
Second, Jimmy Ruberto’s term saw tens of millions of public dollars, including several million from GE’s economic development fund, spent to revitalize a dead downtown full of poverty, violence, crime, and the underclass that most people still avoid, especially after hours. Ruberto’s regime was a continuation of the Doyle debacle, Ruberto did nothing about the fraudulent Consent Decree, even when city petitions were filed. Pittsfield lost thousands of jobs during the Ruberto regime. Jimmy Ruberto said he had a rolodex, but it turned out to be a bunch of blank cards!
Both Doyle and Ruberto represent the worst of Pittsfield politics, which is the notorious Good Old Boys club that ran Pittsfield into the ditch. Even John Barrett III was part of this cartel of insider politics.
The lovely Linda Tyer is using Jimmy Ruberto’s organization to try to oust Dan Bianchi. She is part of the Del Gallo, Doyle, Ruberto political camp that challenges the Wojtkowski, Sara Hathaway, Bianchi camp to run Pittsfield poltiics.
The sad reality is that both the lovely Linda Tyer and Dan Bianchi are both progressive Democrats that believe in high taxes, out of control spending, yearly municipal budgets that increase by 5 percent, and huge municipal debts or liabilities that hover in the one-half billion dollar range.
No matter who wins, the Pittsfield taxpayers lose!
Yep, I agree and Bush blamed Clinton for 9/11 and the economic crash…U stay fair and balanced Spidey
Bianchi said in the debate on Monday he was at the scene within minutes of the incedent and was in control of the process.
I also listened to the debate on the radio today between Tyer and Bianchi. Bianchi kept repeating that Tyer will be unable to pay for everything she wants to do including her idea for pre-school. Both candidates were all for the new Taconic. I’m not happy with Bianchi so I will give my vote for Tyer, but with serious reservations.
I hope she remembers those who are not connected in the city, but who still require a helping hand from the city. They need help with bringing jobs into the city and not jobs for those at the high end of the pay scale. People need jobs in the mid income range. These types of jobs are desperately needed in this city. If Tyer could deliver on this issue and stop giving into the demands of the teacher’s unions, I would be a big fan of hers. Also I want the power given back to the people to decide on major issues that effect taxpayers like the Taconic High School project. This would mean changing the City Charter.
Remember that the free preschool will be for low income people only, you know the ones that don’t work for a living. Hard working middle class folks will still have to pay for it, for their own kids, and also for the kids of the low income non workers.
I agree with you on all accounts, Pat. The City Charter should be amended. Citizens should have a vote on any Major expenditures such as the Taconic High School Project that require Taxpayer money. The attitude of this sitting City Council is unacceptable, toward the Taxpayers that raised this issue. The Charter is protectionism , and not democratic.
Why do we even need a Mayor, the school budget takes up all the dough, now most of the Councilors are affiliated with the schools or have been Amuso, Cotton et al..Why not let the city be run by the school committee, heck they have Kristen Banke over there to dole out the cash and Yon and Taylor and the rest to approve all increases everywhere.
True, since the mayor has no power over the school budget anymore it’s basically a ceremonial position at a cost of 2 or 3 hundred grand
Dan, I sure would like to hear more about “what really happened.”
We need to come to a point in this country where if a (firearm) licensed adult is responsible for someone else(child/anybody) gaining access to the licensed gun then the license holder (parent/anybody) will serve a minimum jail sentence of three months.
This would also include stolen guns that turn up in the possession of anyone other than the license holder.
This would be unconstitutional unless it applied to any object or machine. Not just guns.
I think it has become clear that the administration does not care if children are around or possess guns. But if they are near tobacco products…Call in the national guard, jail their parents and put the community on high alert. I dare anyone to spot the city health director without a large coffee in her hands. I bet there will not be a keep youth away from caffeine campaign anytime soon. I don’t know what’s worse the administration’s dishonesty or hypocrisy
The tobacco comment reminds me of the tri town director and former Pittsfield Health Commisioner Jim Wilusz, telling everyone on the radio a while ago, to give up that third portion of food at the all you can eat’ to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Well, a year or so ago I happen to see Mr. Wilusz, and to be kind, looked like he hadn’t missed to many meals himself.
Maybethe citizens of Pittsfield won’t factor this in, but state aid won’t be as plentiful as years past, so when Tyer doesn’t find monies for increased programs she proposes, don’t be surprised that her excuse will be just that!
I have talked to some astute voters out there and the consensus is a no vote period, on the Mayor’s race, and bullet votes on the council.
Not that it will make a difference, but someone should tell LOw to shave the stubble off the top of his head.
One of the mayoral candidates pontificated her better record on economic and business development than her opponent. I guess she forgot her accolades of and her vote in favor of giving $250,000 of GE economic development funds to the EV Worldwide fradulent scam, while a city councilor. Where is that money anyway ? Wasn’t there a court ordred restitution ? Oh, I forgot $17,000 of it was spent on dinner and entertainment by Arbitage for the local pols. Check the record.
Please check your facts, she wasn’t even on the council when the EVWW vote took place. Seems a lot of posters on this site spread misinformation and nobody checks the facts and responds to it
Olga, she would have voted for it if she was on the council. She never met a Ruberto idea she did not like.
There are three types of voters, the third, is formerly the Numb and Apathetic Voter. The voter who cares, the voter that doesn’t care and the third is, the voter who doesn’t have a choice. About six months from now I’ll be saying to myself?…..We could have had Dr. Wong.
I think with Tyer or Bianchi we will be going the Wong way.
What I heard on the radio debate today was two very masterful bullshitters. Bianchi pointed out that Tyer is in the pockets of Ruberto, Hines and Doyle and others in that cabal. Surprisingly, while she rebutted many other things he said during the debate, she did not challenge that statement even though he said it more than once. So I give her points for not lying and denying it.
That is the whole problem with the lovely Linda Tyer in a nutshell! The lovely Linda Tyer is in the pocket of the bad guys who have run Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch. Why would she ally herself with Jimmy Ruberto’s G.O.B.’s?
Pittsfield politics would be better off with a hot Hooters waitress as its next Mayor than either the lovely Linda Tyer or Dan Bianchi!
Down with the G.O.B.’s! Anybody but the lovely Linda Tyer or Dan Bianchi!
Once again check your facts Doyle made a sizable contribution to Bianchi’s campaign a while back just outside of the reporting period
55% voted for Tyer 39% voted for Bianchi – finding a gun in a middle school, small caliber of course loaded or unloaded spells problems for Bianchi future for sure.
LOw would have made a great mayor ifhe wasn’t such a lousy human being.
Looks like Marchetti Mazzeo Amuso Cotton., not my picks but telling it like it is.
Watched the UEP debate the other night and I now know why our energy bills are so high; the mayor stated he only works 6 hours a month and receives full health benefits from Global Montello. Thank God Dan Bianchi isn’t Pinocchio his growing nose is so long it would take out a plate glass window. His little white lie is more like 50 Shades of Grey.
Gotta go with Bianchi on this one. Tyer is in the pocket of Clairmont, Ruberto, Stracuzzi, Dobele, and the old guard that are all unscrupulous louses. Bianchi isn’t the sexienst guy ever but the City’s finances have never been better and a number of big project needed to move forward have begun. Tough call, but voting against an incumbant just b/c – isn’t prudent sometimes.
I agree with you, completely.
Also, 2 of the louses you listed should be serving time in prison for what they were found guilty of doing.
I could see myself voting for Tyer if she didn’t accept being the chosen one of the GOB’s. I didn’t understand their choice…or her wanting to be the one, until I became aware of the Tyer / Clairmont relationship.
Will Carmen and Angelo have to use the back door at City Hall if Tyer wins?
This statement is completely unfounded. I’m supporting Tyer too. Does that mean she’s in my pocket? How many pockets can she be in?
And you’re suggesting that Dan Bianchi lives in a bubble completely uninfluenced by his associates?
And as for finances, I can’t really applaud the mayor making us taxpayers take on rent at 100 North Street when the city owns a lot of real estate. That was pure waste and he was dead set on doing it no matter how many people disagreed.
Look at the man (???) in the mirror. Outside of a few syphocants, you are the only one who thinks you’re perfect, but you haven’t been canonized yet. Your very political pedigree is well known. Saint Mary, right ?
Kernel, forgot,the righteous, Evan Dobelle.
Wow, the hate is palpable. Have a nice weekend, man.
Good Lord, MW. What horrible thing did you do to Irishman for such dislike?
But you know what they say about celebs…..when they stop talking about you, that’s when you have to worry!
The attack on Mike was unfounded, that being said I have to say I’m concerned about Linda’s ties to those Bosses mentioned (carmen, ruberto, dobelle and to a
lesser xtent angelo).
Right now I’m going with bianchi because of that concern.
How will I decide? Based on what I see from The Planet’s debate next thursday
Mike, you are not high enough in the GOB totem pole for anyone to be in your pockets. You are in their pockets.
I think Tyer is pretty confident.
Back door treatment, uh huh.
What a Shameful Country we have become. My respect for Hillary has tripled.
Hillary and her husband are the most morally bankrupt humans on this planet. Wouldn’t vote for her with a gun pointed at my head.
I did not have sex with that woman.
Look for DiSantis to give Mazzeo a dogfight for that open 4th finish
Hope so Mr.X
DiSantis’ biggest supporter is Gerry Doy Doyle. Lord have mercy.
WOW!!! Really, thought was voting for him, but if that is true, not voting for DiSantis’
So it has to be: bullet vote Mazzeo!
My comment about Tyer is well founded. Dobelle’s wife holds signs for her, she about lives with Clairmont, Ruberto meets with her on a regular basis etc. Open your eyes – hate runs both ways. The Tyer campiagn is one of the lowest most disgusting displays in years. If she wins she better do a good job, because she has alienated most of the credible, respectful people in the community.
The lowest most disgusting in years….is Dan Bianchi hands down. There is not one thing about him that is commendable. 4 more years would be intolerable.
what’s so low UAlbany? LOL
I attended the debates at Conte & BCC. At both of them, Clairmont sat in the front row directly in front of her. Can’t say for sure, but there appeared to be some sort of communication going on between them.
If she wins, don’t be surprised to see Ruberto hired to a position similar to the one Barrett had with him. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see an attempt to rehire Rosanne Frieri to the Veteran Services office. I believe she still lives in Richmond, but, is a big supporter.
Maybe Dobelle is hoping his support will land him a credit card he can use to “promote” the city…:-)
Spagirl and UAlbany are both right. How did Pittsfield end up with these two clowns?
I for Gaetani and will write in accordingly.
My prediction for the councilor-at-large race is: 1)Marchetti, 2) Amuso, 3) Mazzeo and 4) Peter White.
No, Peter White lost my vote when he said he was for increasing the taxes for home owners!
Chuck, if your prediction is correct we are all doomed. Heck, we are all doomed anyways as either GOB mayoral candidate will have plenty of GOBs on the council to support their raping of the Pittsfield taxpayer.
Gaetani just called Mazzeo the H word on his show?
Gaetanis an idiot.
What’s the H word? I know the F word, the B word and even the C word, but H word?
hottie. Lol
Don’t know Chuck, Otton is pretty popular and even Disantis makes more sense than flip flop White. Raising residential taxes and a Distribution Center at the Plastics site? That’s ludicrous!
The carousel is finally under construction. It is going to be the only place in town with more horses asses than city hall during a council meeting.
Herberg is lucky to have Gina Coleman as their principal.
How about some constructive criticism Dan? Someone with your pedigree should offer solutions and not wallow in such ignorant ranting. Politics is a dirty business but please get to know Gina before you put her down. Why don’t you ask her what happened? She is an amazing person who has been a positive influence on many students and people in general.
Stay on your planet
Thank you for your views. We will follow your advice. We will stay on THE PLANET.