ED. NOTE II — Linda Tyer will be the next mayor of Pittsfield. Unofficial results from all precincts show Tyer receiving 6,664 (59.63%) to Dan Bianchi‘s 4,512 (40.37%).
Tyer told THE PLANET: “I am truly humbled by today’s election results,” said Tyer. “This was a significant vote for our city; residents were asked to choose their leadership for four years, not two. I started this campaign with a core group of supporters and very quickly momentum grew into a broad, grassroots coalition representing every neighborhood in Pittsfield. The election is over and tonight I will celebrate this victory with family, friends, and supporters. But, there is much to be done and I’m eager to get started on a collaborative vision and strategic plan for our city. I look forward to the opportunity to develop partnerships and further participate in discussions focused on the many ways we can move Pittsfield forward, together. When I announced my candidacy, I promised our city residents that I would restore their faith in municipal government and, as Pittsfield’s next mayor, that is exactly what I intend to do.”
ED NOTE: At 10:57 a.m. Election Day morning, the campaign of Dan Bianchi issued the following press release. THE PLANET includes it in its entirety as a public service in our commitment to the best, most comprehensive, and most timely E.D. coverage.
Here is the full text:
This morning, Bianchi headquarters was notified that someone has been creating false Facebook pages of Bianchi supporters. This person or people are pulling images of supporters off of their Facebook profile and recreating a fake profile posing as though they are the supporter. They have been then posting negative comments on the official campaign page for Mayor Dan Bianchi and other places impersonating our supporters.
The identity and the profile page of these people have not been compromised. However, followers of the Elect DanBianchi page should check Facebook to make sure someone has not posted as if it were them.
Bianchi consultant, Ryan McCollum stated; “It is disheartening that another campaign would stoop to this level. Being critical of politicians is one thing; but impersonating private citizens who support your opponent and then trolling is both illegal, completely immoral and sadly why many people are turned off by politics. The Tyer campaign should publicly rebuke these actions. We will not be distracted and will continue right through the last ballot is cast letting people know why Mayor Bianchi is clearly the most qualified candidate to lead the City of Pittsfield.”
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, ELECTION DAY, NOV. 3, 2015) — Not all has been said. Not all has been done. But most of it has.
Today, on this final day of the campaign, the most important event takes place. The vote itself kept a lot of campaigns up last night, and the sleeplessness, if all goes well, continues throughout the day today. Until 8 p.m. and the closing of the polls, candidates will be trolling for votes. In any close race, individual votes makes a difference.
Certainly the mayoral campaign has come down to the end, with Team Bianchi and Team Tyer getting out final salvos. As a service to both campaigns, we present, in full, their final press releases. As visitors, Team Tyer bats first:
Tyer Sets the Record Straight
Pittsfield, Mass. – On Saturday, October 31, 2015, Linda Tyer held a press conference at the Tyer for Mayor Headquarters, located at 81 East St. in Pittsfield to set the record straight on her vision and plans for the city.
“In the final weekend before the election, I wanted to have the opportunity to reiterate and clarify my priorities and vision for the City of Pittsfield,” said Tyer in front of more than 30 of campaign supporters that she describes as a broad coalition of support from every neighborhood in Pittsfield.
“I have Gloria Shilling here who has been a supporter of mine since 2003 when I first ran for City Council. Churchill Cotton, who is a dear friend, is here. He and I worked together on restoring the Samuel Harrison House, an important historical asset right here in the city. Gerry Lee and Kevin Sherman, who both formerly served as Presidents of the City Council, are also here. They understand the importance of collaboration and a progressive vison in municipal government. Other change agents like Ty Allan Jackson, who has built a small business in Pittsfield, Jennifer Isenhart, who is a passionate advocate for her neighborhood, and Shirley Edgerton, who is a community activist committed to encouraging the aspirations of young women, support me.”
Tyer emphasized that the issues of crime, blight and early education have been focal points throughout her campaign and remain priorities.
“By establishing these priorities, we will use existing resources within the structure of government and the city budget, to accomplish these critical goals,” said Tyer. “Residents will not be burdened with extraordinary taxation. My strategy is to assess the systems and structures that are in place now to ensure that we are maximizing those resources before we expend more money.”
In regard to law enforcement, Tyer will develop a five-year strategic plan that addresses the personnel needs in our police department. “Not all hiring will happen in year one. That is obviously unrealistic,” Tyer noted.
In regard to blight, Tyer plans to create a systematic, high priority program that fairly and aggressively holds irresponsible property owners accountable to their neighborhoods and their city.
“Combating blight does not require additional tax dollars. It requires a commitment from the mayor to coordinate with the appropriate city agencies.” Tyer outlined. “We cannot expect one new dollar of business development if we do not clean up our neighborhoods. Prospective business owners and developers visiting Pittsfield negatively judge our potential for investment when they see dilapidated buildings and structures.”
Tyer’s plans for the expansion of early education will require a partnership with the state and its efforts to provide grant resources to Gateway Cities, such as Pittsfield. The engagement of educators and existing providers is part of her plan to make early education available to more three-and four-year-olds.
“I want to reiterate that many of the initiatives that I’ve been discussing over the past 7 months can be done within the existing structure of government,” Tyer shared.
“Our campaign speaks to the optimism that is found in every neighborhood throughout Pittsfield. The strong coalition of support built over the course of the Tyer campaign reflects that the people of Pittsfield are ready for change.”
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Team Bianchi sent this out yesterday afternoon:
Our opponent along with the Editorial Staff at the Berkshire Eagle has taken issue with a mailer we sent out to inform voters. Since the Berkshire Eagle and others have not taken the time to watch any of the debates to see exactly what Ms. Tyer has promised the voters, and because Ms. Tyer refuses to put any real dollar amount on those promises, we have elected to do the homework for both her and the Berkshire Eagle.
Please note that our opponent claims she will pay for all the programs she promises with no real revenue stream or specific cuts to existing programs or services. When she has been pressed to explain how she will pay for her expensive promises, she has stated the following:
-Grants (with no specific grant programs mentioned)
-Private Donors (with no specific donors mentioned)
-Re-prioritizing the budget (with no specific information as to what portion of the budget will be cut)
-Draining police overtime to hire new officers
-Increasing taxes to pay for additional police officers
Taxpayer money does not grow on trees. Voters deserve specifics. A responsible Berkshire Eagle should be demanding them, as well.
The following is point by point information on Ms. Tyer’s expensive promises, taken directly from public campaign appearances or debates which we pointed out in our very accurate mailer:
1) Ms. Tyer clearly stated at the BCC debate that a city the size of Pittsfield should have 120 police officers. She has made hiring more officers a focal point in her campaign, time after time. We currently have 86 officers and another 7 in the pipeline, bringing the force up to 93 officers which is the authorized level. If you take the 120 figure that Ms. Tyer says is what the city should have to be at full force, minus the 93 that we will shortly have in the ranks, we arrive at the number of 27 additional officers.
It costs $80,000 annually per officer for salary and benefits. This, multiplied by 27 officers, equals $2.16mil. This does not include training and the additional equipment and cruisers needed for a larger force. In a campaign interview with New England Public Radio and at the Planet Valenti debate, Ms. Tyer said she will help pay for this by tapping into the police department’s overtime budget. In the radio interview, she elaborated on how she will pay for additional officers – by re-allocating existing resources and by expressing her belief that the people of Pittsfield “are willing to invest their taxpayer money in this initiative.”
Cutting the police overtime budget will not achieve the cost-savings that Ms. Tyer would need to partially fund additional police officers because police officers working overtime are not being paid additional benefits. So, even at time and a half, the final cost is less than hiring a new officer who comes with additional costs in benefits and equipment. And also reduces the flexibility of PPD to assign special details when needed.
2) Ms. Tyer said in the West Side debate that she would build the West Side neighborhood a new community center. Just recently, the City of Springfield went out to bid for a new Community Center with the low bid coming back at $8.1mil. Our contention that a new West Side Community Center will cost taxpayers $4-$5mil is conservative.
3) Universal Pre-K is something that Ms. Tyer speaks about in every debate. Currently there are 22 private pre-schools and over 60 licensed day care centers. We estimate that it will cost $3mil to offer free, quality, public pre-K to those who are currently not in it or in private daycare currently. And what will happen to the existing pre-schools and staffs?
4) Ms. Tyer continues to say she will implement the Cure Violence program, which is used in cities like Chicago and New Orleans and in countries like Iraq, South Africa and Syria. This program costs $350,000 a year and requires a three-year commitment. She claims we can fund it through grants, but never cites any specific grant and the program itself offers no grant funding. After speaking with a program director at Cure Violence, we came to an estimate of $1.2mil every three years.
5) The Pittsfield Police Department already has a traffic bureau. Ms. Tyer claims that we do not have enough officers, yet her idea is to either add or shift current responsibilities from officers to work in the traffic bureau which has been in place for over three decades.
6) Just like the PPD “Traffic Bureau” idea, the City already has a Highway Department that performs a comprehensive road management program.
7) Councilor Clairmont; who is front and center in her campaign has promised raises to dozens of current employees. For fear of retribution of the folks who shared the information with us, we will not disclose who they are. With that said; raises have most definitely been promised.
8) Ms. Tyer said in a debate that she would like to hire a Business Recruitment Agency; this duplicates efforts not only being performed at the City level but also on the State level which performs the same task at the Massachusetts Office of Business Development which is under the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. Not to mention the great efforts being performed at the private level by the Chamber of Commerce, One Berkshire, the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority and other economic development agencies.
9) Currently the Mayor has a Vacant Housing Committee. This committee meets and systematically addresses vacant buildings in a smart and efficient manner, which includes demolition, amounting in 55 buildings over the past three years. These costs are covered by Community Development Block Grants through the federal government and by the private building owners. Ms. Tyer is asking to duplicate efforts in demolishing buildings, which costs more money not only in demo costs but in legal costs as there is a legal process to be followed. This is not to mention the staff that would need to be hired to enforce her proposals on mowed lawns and boarded up windows and doors. Considering that we know how much money it takes to take down structures, we conservatively estimated that what she claims she would like to do will cost at least $3mil.
10) Ms. Tyer has said at multiple debates that she would not want the Mayor to sit on the PEDA board to help guide decisions and also would hire a developer to develop some of the last remaining industrially zoned land in our City. We find this to be irresponsible as the Mayor should be representing the will and the trust of the public not transferring that critical responsibility to those who may have their own special interests.
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That does it. Get out and vote. For the sake of a mandate, it’s vital that turnout in Pittsfield be at least 50% + 1.
“REPORTER: Mr. Buckley, what will you do if you win? BUCKLEY: Demand a recount.” — William F. Buckley Jr., during the final phase of his NYC mayoral campaign, (1965).
Remember this:
Every single incumbent wanting your votes to retain their seats denied you a vote on the new high school.
Your opinion did not matter one bit on that project that taxpayers will now have to pay for.
Now suddenly your vote matters. Make it count. Vote them bastards all out. Your new tax bill will have a tax increase because of what they did by shoving this down your throats.
Get them out. Especially Bianchi, Mazzeo and Tully. Let them know that what they did is not acceptable by voting them out. Tell them with the ballet that you no longer want them representing you.
Well said. They didn’t think you could be trusted like adults to vote on the new high school.
“Your opinion did not matter one bit. …Now suddenly your vote matters.”
This well captures why the system has hit the depths in the city of Pittsfield.
Mr. VALENTI- I am a Gaetani supporter and have been continuously blocked, when i write anything positive about him. I have contacted him and he told me you have a history of doing this to him. I must agree with Mr. Gaetani that you are very inconsistent and frequently stretch the truth to make yourself look important. Mr. Gaetani wanted me to express thanks to all of the individuals on this site who dared to use his name, as many who supported him have been prevented from posting on this blog site. You may think you are important but look how few people post on this site. It is the same 20 or so who comment. Most agree with you whether you are right or wrong. I have seen others on this site criticize you and rightfully so. You are just a little fish in a big sea and sooner than later, others will see you as i see you.
Yah, what’s up with that? Losing respect here.
Dan has made it very clear that he would not allow Mr. Gaetani to take over his site as his campaign headquarters.
Dan has been very generous allowing Mr. Gaetani to post. He abused the privilege and so have you.
Geaetani can use his own web-site, facebook, twitter etc. to promote his campaign. Yet, he insists on highjacking this one.
I don’t blame Dan for keeping your comments under control. It amounts to spam and trolling. Gaetani, once he realized he could not overtake this site, went to the Berkshire Eagle badmouthing Planet Valenti. To his downfall.
Gaetani might have been the best candidate but quite frankly we are all sick of the spamming. Enough already.
Gaetani threatened a pubic servant, allegedly, and has zero credibility or evidence of any idea of what is going on in the world based on his diatribes. That said, not allowing Gaetani to post his tirades on the site actually makes him look a little more balanced.
Shakes-You prove my point. Anyone who dares question DV, the few cult followers come to the rescue. Mr. Gaetani is unquestionably very very intelligent. If one took the time to watch his tv show, one would have to conclude that he is definitely a person who is up on everything. It is people like you who will vote for Bianchi or Tyer. Many on this blog were asked why they were voting for the other two candidates and not one individual commented with details. Mr. Gaetani laid out concrete plans. Because of the attitudes of many on this site, it is understandable that people like Bianchi or Tyer continue to be elected time after time because people like Mr. Gaetani won’t even run because they know the pittsfield voters well. I am certain that Mr. Gaetani was the right candidate but he was running for many wrong uninformed voters. Thank you Mr. Gaetani, you did your best but this community is not yet ready for someone of your caliber.
After much thought I just couldn’t vote for either GOB candidate. I voted for Gaetani, he was the only one who had a grasp of what’s going on in this city. If lindan Tyanchi wins.. Well just another nail in Pittsfield’s coffin. Bring on receivership.
You have not been continuously blocked. In fact, you have not been blocked once. Mr. Gaetani was blocked twice from this site for his own good to save him further embarrassment and loss of credibility. First time, I warned him in person in a visit to his home that THE PLANET would not let our site become his “virtual campaign HQ.” He promised not to deluge the site with his exhaustingly long diatribes and screeds. He was OK for about a week or so. When it happened a second time, he was sent out of THE PLANET’s orb. Again, we were up front with him. He violated the terms of usage. Simple as that. It should be of no import, though, since you say it’s the same 20 people or so. We wish Mr. Gaetani the best.
Mr. Valenti, A few weeks back, a poster, eye in the sky had 10 -12 comments which I read on this site, which were all in favor of Mr. Gaetani. Somebody , I assume you, deleted all the positive posts about Mr. Gaetani but negative posts about him were left on the site. Do you consider this as being fair? Mr, Gaetani on his tv show last Friday mentioned that a woman called him and identified herself as Eye In The Sky and told him of your blocking her posts. This is factual. I am convinced by some of the posts I see on this site that many who post here wait for you to say something and then swallow it, hook line and sinker. Mr. Gaetani showed me a cd of one of your tv shows where by you were trying to convince city residents that the raised manholes on Fenn street were the finished project. clearly, Fenn street was under construction. After that show, we looked at the posts on your blog the following day and low and behold most bought it. Mr. Valenti you try to convince your followers that you are the champion of the taxpayer but the real champion is Mr. Gaetani. He threw his hat in the ring and tried to make a difference. You just blab. I assume you will block any posts from me as I disagree with you and those who, do are blocked. I bid you well. try to be honest
You need to get your facts straight. Eye in the Sky is not a woman! So you have that wrong. Eye is a principled, well-intentioned fellow posting only at Mr. Gaetani’s request, more to get him off his back than anything else. I cannot dispute you, of course, when you say this site has influence. It does. I bid you well as well. Honesty? Nothing but!
Gaetani for Mayor!
I look forward to not hearing from internet trolls about this fool.
After weeks of reading I offer the following:
Joe Durwin offers nothing but lies and should not allowed to write anything but little weird ghost stories.
Tyer will be a tax and spend Mayor.
Bianchi is a plodder.
Vote your conscience and God help us all.
Vote Tammy Ives in Ward 1 if you want change!!!
Voting out all possible imcumbents is Pittsfield’s lone shot at striving forward!!!
Remember every vote does matter!!!
I’m neither pro-Bianchi or anti-Tyer…pretty much everything she wants to do, albeit some great concepts, will cost lots and lots of money to bring to fruition…not sure where it will come from
He has done nothing for the Citizens, and has worked hard to keep you in the dark. He is unscrupulous. I would rather vote for one who is honest, forthcoming, and inclusive. His Campaign showed me what I already know. She deserves a chance. 4 more years with him. Hell No!
Google unscrupulous spa – it gives 18 synonyms, you could have field day. It’s all personal.
I am very aware of the definition: Unethical, Unprincipaled, underhanded, deceitful, devious, shameless. What is your point? My opinion!
Please join me in voting today for Taylor DiSantis…an intelligent, energetic, positive and fresh new look for the city!
Taylor is in Bianchi’s pocket. He was handing out Bianchi literature door to door the other day, instead of handing out his own literature.
I thought he might be the answer.
Turns out not.
You will regret voting in Amuso and Tyer.
I’m voting Taylor, did not see any literature Tyer or Bianchi, the kid is fresh and will bring a new perspective to city government.
Time to pull the curtain from the great and powerful Bianchi only to see mazzeo and pummelin pam pulling all the switches. Alot of smoke, mirrors, and deceit. LT is trotting down the yellow brick road to reclaim a suppressed and dormant city. Hip Hip Hooray!!
Maybe it’s about trying someone else.I know what we have isn’t working. There are no rainbows or pipedreams. Money will be spent either way. I am still mad as hell about the City Hall Floors, the Shifty, deceitful move to 100 North Street, Pointing fingers when it goes wrong, taking credit for other people’s accomplishments, And lack of transparancy. Why hasn’t he appointed a Police Chief? Why does he continue to keep the Public in the dark?
Ask Tyer if she will put her office in the basement? The ask the employees of 100 north. Do a little research beyond the eagle spa
It’s hard to get the feel good candidates out, Marchetti (parade) I cannot see what is so great about Kathy Amuso? Someone please explain it to me? Mazzeo is an effective City Councilor going back to the old Mazzeo, Cotton is on the bubble, don’t know who his alliance is for?Do know his wife is in the Tyre camp…..The NO way’s…don’t like Nichols or No energy White…we’re screwed.
Please join me in voting for Linda Tyer. She is without doubt the better choice. Just my opinion.
Why is she the better choice?
Chuck, why would I vote for someone who states “Residents will not be burdened with extraordinary taxation.” when it is clearly untrue?
We will just be burdened with what she considers ordinary taxes. Ordinary = whatever Ruberto tells her.
Keyword extraordinary
Mr. Mense must have $ to burn.
Get out and vote today regardless of who you vote for.
You cannot expect change if you do not vote to change it.
Tammy Ives Ward 1
For Sure!!
I got a personal phone message from the mayor yesterday. He called me by my first name and talked as though he knew me personally and were best of friends. I have never met him. He should get an Oscar for his performance to go along with the one he deserves for portraying a mayor.
you are probably a voter in ward 3 or 4 that votes in every mayoral election. They have the voter lists and they target specific voters.
The Empty Suit fits him to a tee,Dusty. The Health Insurance Benefit he gets for his few hours on the Weekends at his second job tops them all. He’s saving the Taxpayers Money . Awww gee thanks!
Phrases that sicken me…step up to the plate….we need collaboration….progressive government…….initiatives…….a discussion about…move the city forward ( what’s the alternative on that one) backwards? We need a change? ( like giving a stipend to the school committee) if it ain’t broke don’t fix it……Wasn’t it Lothrop who said giving a increase or stipend would attract a better quality candidate? Jonathan, the same people run year after year, they call them retreads and hacks, just like you and Riello.
Well said but you left out economic engine
That’s THE PLANET’s favorite!
Deceptive Dan vs Linda Liar, god help us. Can you say receivership.
Dan, this is a copy of what I delivered to a number of houses in Ward 4. Thanks to all for your support.
Dear Neighbor/voter: I am asking that you write my name, Terry Kinnas, on the ballot for Ward 4 city councilor. Also please fill in the circle next to my name. I live at 14 Cooper Parkway. I support lower taxes and better representation.
Thank you for your consideration.
Terry Kinnas
You really think you have a chance? If you get 75 votes or even break 10% I’ll be impressed. Why didn’t you run a real campaign?
Attending to family matters out of state one to two weeks each month for over a year.
Exercising my Right to Vote Made my Day!
Well said.
spagirl luv ya,but you’ve gone over the top with Tes. Two questions, what did he do to you and why should anyone vote Tyer?
He hasn’t done his job.
Part two spa?
Part two…she is not Bianchi
Speaking of crime and the politicians that vow to eliminate it every election is there any more info on the latest Pittsfield shooting last Saturday near Lincoln street? Maybe the Eagle will be allowed to tell us after all the votes are in.
Anyone remember we had to have a special election, cost taxpayers money, was it for one of the City Councilors? Or was it for City Clerks Office?
Anyone remember the $100,000 shady deal?
There were no shady deals. Not everything can be public discourse – if it were we wouldn’t need a mayor – it’s simple constitutional stuff – shady implies crooked- baloney on that. Vote him out but don’t call him crooked. Your drinking too much Clairmont koolaid !!
It was for our new mayor Linda!! She was appointed by dictator Ruberto to the office of city clerk when Jodi Phillips left for the private sector. Linda was ward 3 then. Hey wait Jodi is back too! Will the circle be unbroken? It lives on after tonight’s results. (well, close, rick needs another bakers dozen) Even the Peter’s are back !! bye and bye Lord, bye and bye!!
Johnny’s Beach Club had a shooting also. Thankfully we have Dana Doyle representing us on the liquor Board or Johnny would have gone unpunished AGAIN!
Concerned: You have made statements that are not true. From day 1 when your guy Gaetani started posting I directly asked him questions about statements he was making. His replies were always the same. Elusive, non responsive or out and out rude. You can go back and you will see that every post I have made about my choice for mayor are very respectful and detailed.
Surprised to see Barrett was defeated.
Discreet: Why? He has always been a bully and people are fed up with his kind.
Um cuz he won the primary?
Mazzeo is in!
Tammy was buried by a stiff.
TES is out.
My man Hollywood Rick Scapin is down 13 votes, it ainmt right.
Congratulations Linda and good luck.
As predicted Linda Tyer is our new mayor. Marchetti,Amuso, Mazzeo and White are our four councillors at large. Congratulations to all those who ran, it takes a lot of guts to expose yourself to intense public scrutiny.
Yeah, and it takes guts to say why the candidate one supports will make a good mayor.
But wait! They haven’t counted the write in voters for Gaetani yet.
Good luck to all the winners. God knows they are going to need it.
They sure will. It’s going to be a rough ride these next four years.
Chuck you jinxed Cotton.
Womder if Tes will leave like Tyer like Ruberto left Tes, a shit sandwich.
I shoulda been a secretary.
All is well. We have rearranged the chairs on the Titanic. All is well.
congratulations on a decisive win Linda Tyer
Pittsfield politics has a new Good Old Boy in a dress! Jimmy Ruberto wins again. Only in Pittsfield!