(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, APRIL 8-10, 2016) — THE PLANET, like just about everyone else, is still trying to get the wraps around the incredible story about the new Pittsfield soap opera, The Lost Data of the Pittsfield Police Department. We will be posting much more later in the day, including comments from various Pittsfield officials.
For now, we share this from yesterday. This is link to the full story, originally published April 6 in digBoston. The story has much more more information on this story.
Here’s the link to the full story from DigBoston.
Meanwhile, THE PLANET continues to harvest information and views. Add yours today. Suffice it to say, there are some extremely odd things about this case, with many questions still unanswered, even after the police chief’s official explanation.
Official Weigh In, Some More Than Others
With the story still breaking, it’s understandable that city officials would be cautious in their comments. That being said, how can one read the digBoston story and not be outraged or at least nonplussed? Here are the various responses, unedited, as we received them. THE PLANET shall reserve comment until later.
Thank you for bringing this article in Dig Boston to my attention. The subject matter is very concerning. I have asked the Mayor for a comment from her or Chief Winn. This article does not portray our police department in a good light and we need to have an explanation from them.
On a positive note, I have a different perspective on our police department. Last night, after I finished my shift at the hospital, I rode along with a police officer until midnight. I wanted to understand the needs of our police department as budget time comes closer and also to observe the safety of Ward 1 at night. I met a group of men who take pride in their work and act professionally. The lucky young officer who spent the evening with me really knows his beat I also felt that under his watch, my Ward is well protected.
I am confident that a statement from the Mayor will be forthcoming.
I received an email along with my colleagues from Mayor Tyer at 1:43pm today that said she was in the process of gathering information through Chief Wynn, police dept. command staff and City Attorney Dohoney. This was the first I had heard of this. We all received another email back from the mayor at 5:45pm today with what she found out. A copy of the PPD statement was attached and has been released to the press. Until I have conversations with the mayor, police chief and city attorney and have my questions answered I will not comment any further.
The article in question has a lot of missing, important variables. My first question would be just how much data was lost. There’s a huge difference between 50 megabytes of data and 500 gigabytes of data. At the time of this email a press release has been released regarding the article and its clear the Pittsfield police department understands the value of maintaining a backup of electronic records which require modern technology. With that comes a significant cost that is underscored by the importance of protecting citizen’s personal information. I believe the PPD will handle this matter appropriately and make the necessary adjustments to prevent something along these lines from happening again.
I don’t have any information at this moment concerning this issue due to lack of time today to do some research. I just received an email from the mayor indicating that this was the result of an equipment failure but other than this piece of information, I haven’t had time today to investigate further.
I am just becoming aware of this situation and believe I have the responsibility to secure more information before I can comment.
My first response was one of great concern and I am looking forward to receiving a complete report of the exact nature of the situation.
Thank you for reaching out
I have not had an opportunity to examine this further after seeing the stories that appeared online. I intend on answering your questions as soon as I possibly can, but I need to understand this further before commenting.
Later on Friday, Krol sent the following update:
There is certainly some strangeness in this case, and I do not have a comprehensive understanding of the entire situation, as I am catching up on the DigBoston story and today’s Eagle story like most others. However, I have seen the mayor’s statement on this and have no reason to believe that a mechanical malfunction was not the primary cause. I believe this because of the lengths the department went to retrieve the video records and because it was not just one case that this impacted.
Sorry, I don’t have enough information to answer your questions. I would suggest you contact the Police Chief or the Mayor’s office.
****For Immediate Release****
Subject: Informational Request
Authored By: Lieutenant Gary Traversa
Authorized By: Chief Michael Wynn
Released At: April 8, 2016 11:57 AM
The following information is being provided in response to media inquiries regarding a booking video equipment failure at the Pittsfield Police Department in June 2015.
The Pittsfield Police Department has a long standing internal policy to video and audio record the initial booking of subjects brought to our facility under arrest. Booking videos are not statutorily required records. The Pittsfield Police Department records bookings when subjects are initially in police custody as a mechanism to show:
- The condition of the subject
- That we afforded the individual their basic rights to a phone call and medical attention
- That the subject was advised of the charges against them, and their Miranda Rights
- To assess their condition regarding injuries, sobriety, mental health, and suicidal tendencies
- To document the date and time
This Digital Video Recording system is separate from the required internal department record keeping functions, and is a stand-alone system.
On June 22, 2015 one of our Crime Scene Investigators reported, internally, difficulty in retrieving booking videos that had been requested by the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office.
On July 9, 2015 the DVR system failed entirely. A new hard drive was installed that day by an outside vendor. At that time, it was undetermined if data from the failed hard drive was recoverable.
The DA’s office was initially informed of the DVR system issues by one of our Crime Scene Investigators on July 13, 2015. No other records or data were impacted by this equipment failure.
In October 2015, due to a request from the DA’s office for the booking video of an arrest made on May 24, 2015, the faulty hard drive was sent to a California firm in an attempt to recover data, at a cost of approximately $1300. The booking video of this arrest was determined to be unrecoverable, and is believed to be within a small percentage of corrupted data.
The DVR component of the current system is approximately 8 years old. Camera and control components are significantly older. We have not replaced the DVR system due to budget constraints in the current fiscal year.
Last month, we were provided with an estimate for replacement of the DVR system, in excess of $30,000. This upgrade does not include any backup or redundancy. This will be submitted as a Capital Budget Request for fiscal year 2017.
As with any organization requiring an increased dependence on technology, we do experience periodic equipment failures. Unfortunately, as this failure demonstrates, our breakdowns sometimes result in high profile exposure.
I have had a thorough and complete briefing from Chief Wynn on this matter. I am confident that this was an equipment failure. Not only was there absolutely no intent to destroy video evidence but there was an effort made to restore a lost video for another case that occurred during the same time period as the incident in question. A copy of the Pittsfield Police Department statement is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have had a thorough and complete briefing from Chief Wynn on this matter. I am confident that this was an equipment failure. Not only was there absolutely no intent to destroy video evidence but there was an effort made to restore a lost video for another case that occurred during the same time period as the incident in question. A copy of the Pittsfield Police Department statement is attached. It has been released to the press. Chief Wynn and I are available if you have any questions.
——– 000 ——–
We did indeed follow up with more questions for the mayor. It’s deja vu all over again, as Yogi once observed.
THE PLANET is not finished with this story, since the official responses raise more questions than answers.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“When cops are on the job they love lawyers like lions love hyenas, only minus the mutual respect.” — Reed Farrel Coleman, The James Deans. One might also substitute “journalists” for “lawyers” in this quote.
Backup HDD cost $200.00
Cloud auto backup $200.00 per year.
Can be paid for out of Police Department petty cash.
Here is how its done in Pittsfield:
Consulting fees (to see if we even need a backup) $48,000.00.
Backup server hardware $50,000.00.
Kickbacks to a few connected elites $500,000.00.
Electricity to run backup hardware $45,000.00 per year.
New police station to house the new backup hardware $85 million dollars.
New booking room cameras $75,000.00
More kickbacks and graft $750,000.00
Miscellaneous expenses $950.000.00
Should cover it.
Yeah sad but true. Does the corruption never stop? And Mayor Tyer why should we believe you given your closeness to Chief Wynn? And why all the stonewalling? What else don’t we know?
After following the link to the ‘full story’ yesterday and subsequently following the links in the Boston Dig article, what strikes me over and over is that it seems like no one was working! These two reporters are repeatedly calling and striking out (their youtube video was quite telling!). The inter-departmental emails are consistent in referencing time off, out of the office, etc. Hmmm. Long holiday week I guess. The man who realizes the drive is failing decides to ‘let it go’ for the weekend. Nobody was working! Gee, not expecting much in the way of crime that week folks?
How quickly everyone becomes dumb, deaf and blind. If the Shoe were on another foot, we’d have arraignments, and charges. Just saying. It’s a dirty little town. You best believe it. It is not acceptable!!
On Amazon there is a Professional quality 8 channel HD Color DVR camera system, WITH cameras and back-up for $899. Say the police needed one 10x better than that. That’s still under $9000. A portable 1 terabyte hard drive at Staples MAY cost you 80 bucks. They need $30K for a new video camera system with MORE $$ for back up storage? My ass. And “Oops, equipment failure” is an excuse, not an explanation, and a poor one at that.
Keep going Dan!
“Booking videos are not statutorily required records.” You can’t bring charges over something that is not required.
They should publicly post all mug shots and arrest recordings on PCTV. It would be more informational than the new they show currently.
Having equipment fail is not as important as it being kept quite and not letting the voting public know what was going on. If it had not been for those two reporters it might
have never seen the light of day.
As for ward 1 councilor going for a ride with a patrol officer is nice but you better believe he or she was on there best behavior with you in the car.
Hard drives fry all the time. Non- issue
She didn’t have a frying pan but as luck would have it the old did
Exactly the point Henry. They do fry all the time. Why no backup? Does the city have an IT team? This is basic stuff.
Good to see Tully back from her home in Florida. Just in time to vote for another tax increase.
I can’t wait until Mr. Gaetani weighs in on this. He told everybody
about missing records when he was runing for Mayor. No one on this
site- other than two or three believed him. He even went to the Eagle
with tape recordings detailing the corruption at the PPD- BUT THEY DID
NOTHING EITHER. I bet everyone is waiting to hear from the WIZ now. I
understand that Mr. Gaetani is awaiting a return call from Kevin
Moran- the head a55 at the Eagle.
I’m too cheap to pay to see anyone but I’ll be watching him either at 5pm or 10pm tonight.
Love The Wizards new rug! When did he buy it? 1984?
Red , I remember you from the boy’s club
Donna just saw the show not sure about the new doo. It gives you that MAD Scientist look which you so greatly deserve!!
Did anyone focus on what he said?
And thank God he dictates these messages to you and others. For all his bluster he hasn’t done a thing. Big wind no action.
More like breaking wind and personal gain.
Show Down at the O K corral.
The cover up is always worse than the crime
But only if you get caught. And my guess is that they rarely do..
Way to have your brothers back Ron!
I agree Ron
This isn’t Denmark but something smells rotten.
and it is worth it to try because there is seldom any consequences. all bases covered
My 9yr old grandson knows how to back up my files in the cloud. Pittsfield tech is a joke! Oh wow they got a CA company to try and retrieve the data. What? There is nobody in the entire state of MA that is up to the task? No worries, as soon as the new Taconic is built all our underperforming kids will become brilliant and the PD can hire them to teach them how to use a mouse.
Where to start with this one, if memory serves we have a shady history at best with videotaped evidence here in the fine city on the hill. I recall we sent an innocent man to suffer at the hands of the criminal justice system. After 20 years and with the forced involvement of DA Capless Bernard Baran was released due in part to video evidence that was suppressed and poorly handled by any number of Officials that remain in office elected and appointed today. Have they learned nothing or is it Citizens and Justice be damned as “we are the authorities around here and our law is what will be followed”
Please see:
No. 18042-51;
You may recall this case and the motion for a new trial. Well as you know it centered on video evidence that appeared about 20 years after the case and the defendant had been convicted. DA Capless found this video evidence both unedited and edited versions after being pressed for years and essentially running out of legal options and or hiding places read the case you decide.
If that isn’t interesting enough please read the appeals court decision linked below however relevant portion ….The post-conviction discovery process yielded, among other things, certain documents and
materials that trial counsel had never seen as well as information and documents, not part of the
trial record, that were known to but not used by trial counsel. By way of example, among the
materials not seen by trial counsel were five lengthy unedited videotapes of interviews conducted
by the district attorney’s office in October and November, 1984, of children A, B, C, D, and F(3);
the district attorney ultimately turned these videotapes over to motion counsel in September,
2004. Also among the materials unknown to trial counsel were documents generated by police and
the Department of Social Services (DSS) concerning contemporaneous accusations made by Boy A
and Girl E that they had each been molested by their respective mother’s boyfriends; these
documents, never produced by the district attorney, were discovered by motion
Capless finally “finds” the unedited tapes after DA Downing passes away supposedly filed away with DUI tapes. Don’t take my word for it read it yourself
It only gets better though folks If that isn’t enough wasn’t there some scuttlebutt about the documents in the Meredith Nilan case?
And now they want me to believe the tape of the 88 year old woman went poof in the DVR? Really?
If that isn’t enough am I supposed to believe a Police Department does not use a RAID type of hard drive arrangement? More on those later and to a previous posters point I can find a 32Terabyte drive for video capture/editing/storage for about $3000.00
Just sayin
THE PLANET remembers this case well. Seems that when there’s hot evidence that implicates the Powers That Be, funny things happen. Must be the Pittsfield water. Thanks for the post.
It’s Simply the Hard Truth. Atrocity. Egos and Power do terrible things. Once opened up….I can NEVER believe again in our Local Establishment. That’s just the way it is. It is corrupt… and they are divided among themselves. Who the hell can trust any of them?
I lost all respect for the DA on that one. All respect.
So the exorbitant cost of this new system is expected to be overlooked because it will be paid for by the usual suckers? No bids? Wynn just decides where and who to buy this equipment from?
The PPD could get a top-notch back up for no more than $900 call it a thousand for padding. One can be had as inexpensively as $200 but $800-900 gets you all the backup you need.
Wait til the bill comes in for this. Taxpayers will be soaked I’m hearing at least $30,000.
Guess that’s OK with the mayor. She believes everything is fine anddandy at the PPD.
Yes, Wynn says 30K *without* backup. I want to ask how they get away with it but I think the answer is — they always have.
Most towns have a limit…i.e. anything over 10K requires a minimum of three bids (on file), option to drop lowest bid.
Taxpayers must be funding a fancy vacation.
The city could likely use forfeiture funding to pay for it. Besides, didn’t the Bamboozler, mean the Whizzer, in favor of all this?
Actually, Gaetani’s issue was recording phone calls; he wants all lines to all city offices recorded. I didn’t see his show but I’m guessing ol’ David might try to spin this to get out of his charges. One has nothing to do with the other.
I had to shut it off, I think he was huffing the marker before he colored in his hairpiece. One thing about the the old Guzzard, once he sets his sights on someone, there will be hell toupee!
I popped the corn, got ready for the spin, hit the link you provided the other day and enjoyed the circus. Lol…thanks Shakes. Hell toupee? Your wit cannot be denied!
New topic: I just learned that the City Council, at their next mtg. will be considering a petition submitted by a citizen that calls for all members of boards and commissions LIVE IN PITTSFIELD.
I certainly hope they will support this petition. Too many decisions that have not benefited our city have been made by those who live elsewhere. The infamous BOH is just one!
No chance in hell. Forgettaboutit!
That’s a petition I can support, unless there is an advisory position for a business owner.
All day long yesterday the local radio ran this story and they kept repeating every hour that by law videotaped evidence isn’t even required in criminal cases, but its something that Pittsfield has been doing on its own.
Videotaping may not be required by law but it is a damn good idea. If you are going to do it you have an absolute responsibility to protect the data its integrity and to have a chain of custody. Look at the case in Texas where the lady killed herself I bet they are glad they went beyond the minimum and recorded the information.
The Chief went on to elaborate on the reasons why they tape a few of the reasons are for medical / Suicidal if so is this information now part of not only booking but medical records? If and I say if it is or could be considered “a demonstrative medical record showing or pointing to mental health issues” then it is to be protected and safeguarded with all the weight a medical record has under the HIPPA guidelines.
Statue has nothing to do with the fact the information no longer exists the fact is it once did and once collected the collectors of that information are statutorily mandated to protect, maintain and control that information in accordance with law.
Just sayin
I agree. They were just saying that to justify losing the videotapes. That it’s not required by law anyway so we shouldn’t worry about it. I think that once the videotape exists it is evidence and should be protected as such.
Yes. If you are going to tape you much protect the info and provide a chain of custody. This entire episode is fishier than Guido’s seafood dept.
I heard that they have found alot more ledge than anticipated at Taconic…how much will this boost up the total cost?
My guess is that they built between 40 and 60 million into the overruns for ledges, graft, finders fees, bad weather, unanticipated bee stings and Ebola virus protection kits and testing.
And I sure hope the people who bent over backwards to promote this thing are shown due appreciation.
I gave a heads up on this before they broke the ground.
Interesting…why were there no typical photo ops of the ground breaking ceremony? I didn’t realize they were that far along, or had even chosen all the contractors yet.
I received word from some of the contractors, and there’s apparently a huge problem hitting ledge … as well as buried PCBs. More as this develops. People got on me for calling this a $200 million project. We’ll see how close THE PLANET is on the figure.
more importantly, why did the project not start with borings that could have identified these issues ahead of time? It is not as if buildings aren’t built on sites that need environmental remediation or hit rocky soils. There is USUALLY testing before hand to determine the potential for the issues. I doubt this is as much corruption as it is stupidity.
Enough where they will have to blast…instead of hoe ram
Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt! Vote the bums out! The G.O.B.’s tanked Pittsfield’s local economy! Dan Valenti for Mayor in 2019!
This is a good letter!
Letter: “This time, Pittsfield must heed the market”
The Berkshire Eagle, 4/9/2016
To the editor:
Fifty years ago, the market spoke to Pittsfield. It said loud and clear that manufacturing as we know it in America was packing up and heading out of town. The message was broadcast to every city in this country. Some, like New York, Fort Collins, and Asheville, heeded the warning; many, like Detroit, Akron, and Pittsfield, did not.
Today the market speaks again. It is telling us that young people, seniors, entrepreneurs and investors are flocking to cities at the fastest rate in history. They want access to quality schools, health services, restaurants and entertainment. They want to walk outside and see streets and sidewalks full of people. They want the energy of a booming vibrant community. We can be that city.
Our downtown, (Tyler Street included) can be a vibrant city center like Burlington or Boulder, but we can’t get there just doing what we’ve been doing. In the past two weeks alone we have seen front page articles on the rise in foreclosures, stagnant property values, and a plea from the mall for lower taxes.
While many see these signals as troubling, and understandably so, they also present an opportunity. The opportunity for our city and state officials to rethink our historical approach to economic development; the opportunity, to show our legislative support to the people and businesses who are investing in a strong, sustainable future.
A strong city starts at its center. This isn’t just a feeling, it’s a fact. The denser the city, the less we need to spend on roads and cars and the more we can spend on people and programs. Right now, the Greystone building (Mission and Dotties) pays taxes on a valuation of $130 per square foot of of its downtown footprint. The Allendale plaza — $16 per square foot.
This disparity has made downtown development unsustainable for many businesses and the result is a growth in big-box stores that pay low wages, require a car to reach, and which destroy vast plots of grass and trees to build their cheap, temporary structures. This issue is just one of many resulting from an old way of thinking that needs to be addressed in order to be a growing, strong, sustainable city.
Now is the time to think outside the box, look at the facts, and make use of 21st century technology. Now is the time to build partnerships with other cities around the state, country and world. Now is the time that we stop focusing on the city we once were, and start focusing on what we can be.
Mike Bloomberg, Pittsfield
Mike Bloomberg is a Democratic candidate for state representative, 3rd Berkshire District. (Pittsfield.)
So he wants to shift taxes from millionaire real estate investors onto middle class families…nothing new there. And he follows the same brain-dead logic that the appearance of the downtown will create a growing community with lots of jobs, when of course it is the other way around.
At least we have the Mayor’s Fitness Challenge
Yup we are all about to lose some weight, our wallets will be lighter.
Just sayin
Jonathan Melle, we can only wish. Mike has my vote and my wifes.
Does anyone know when the next fitness challenge is? Cannot wait.
Five laps around silver lake Tuesday and then we read stories to kids.
Right now the center is banks and arts and a baron wasteland polluted by g e to the east, going nowhere fast. The only thing that has progressed is crime, period. We have a mayor who so far has done nothing. The next Budget should tell us where we are headed and what kind of leadership lies ahead.
Before making any vote for you Mr. Bloonberg, most would want to know whom you are aligned with? And what are a couple of solutions can you give us to keep some of us from leaving.
Some would say Silver Lake is full of solution.
The new nickname for woman should be Atta Girl’s. As opposed to the Good Old Boy’s.
As I watched Gaetani’s show. I burst out laughing when he was
talking about Warren Dews -who holds the title of VP of Audience Development at the Berkshire Eagle. Gaetani was trying to figure out what that that title meant and without realizing it– He had a great one liner in describing Dew’s role– was to come to someone’s house and hold a sledge hammer over their head and force them to read the Berkshire Eagle — I am still laughing and so is my husband. But I still wouldn’t buy the BB How many of you out there caught that? The Wiz never fails to amaze and amuse.
Wonder is a degree is required for that position?
Yeah a degree in toilet paper use. This is a highly in demand degree in the GOBSIG bunch
April 9, 2016
Re: Boston Globe’s myopic coverage of public/private finance
This past week, the Boston Globe published a news article and an editorial about the Obama administration’s new regulations for financial retirement accounts that moves broker pay from commissions to fees based on the performance of the client’s investments.
I wondered why the Boston Globe doesn’t explain the crux of deferring one’s income into a retirement account. The central rational for investing is compounding interest, which is commonly understood by the “rule of 72”. Over the career and investment span of around 30 to 40 years, your deferred income is compounding in tax-free retirement accounts. The problem with investment products is that they carry fees that not only lower one’s annual growth yield, but also has the double whammy of costing the average consumer thousands of dollars over their decades of work.
The Obama administration believes that if brokers receive their payments in the form of fees instead of commissions, the brokers will earn more money with higher performing retirement accounts. The consumer will know more from fiduciary disclosures, including any incentives and bonuses their broker gets, such as a free family vacation to the Caribbean.
Critics of these regulatory reforms of the contributory retirement system say that the working class won’t receive first-rate financial advice anymore, there will not be enough of an incentive for a broker to work for a low to middle income investor, that a lot of working class contributory retirement accounts won’t fully fund their retirements anyway, and that the government wins while the private sector loses because more people will begin to invest in state government contributory retirement programs.
I also read a financial study that explained that the purposes of state lotteries and casino gambling are regressive taxation (as more working class consumers gamble instead of invest their money) and that the state lottery and local casino makes about $250,000 per gambling household over the span of a person’s decades long career(s). The state collects thousands of these dollars, while the social benefits goes to the rich, who, in turn, pay less in taxes.
Then there is Social Security, which is projected to go financially insolvent in 2 decades. Medicare is projected to go financially insolvent sooner than Social Security. The Obama administration’s only proposal to reform Social Security was to cut the annual cost of living adjustment, which is called the Chained CPI. This would have had the same impact as broker fees in retirement investment accounts, which would substantially lower the compounding payments over the time of a recipient’s monthly Social Security check.
In conclusion, neither the private sector, nor the government that regulates it, are good fiduciaries of working people’s money. The private sector is selling retirement products that are too expensive for working people. Moreover, the average retirement account won’t begin to cover most people’s costs in their retirements. What is more, the government is always expanding lottery and casino gambling, which is nothing more than regressive taxation that also costs the average working family about $250,000 per gambling household over a person’s working life. The worst news is that the Obama administration did not reform Social Security and Medicare, which are both projected to become insolvent over the next two decades. Lastly, Obama’s only proposal to reform Social Security was the Chained CPI, which has the same impact of broker fees that cut into compounding interest or Social Security beneficiary payments.
– Jonathan Melle
must be some kind of new stuff.
We have a Hero among us, his name is Cr@ig G@et@ni!
I also watched MR. GAETANI’S tv show. It is the best show on PCTV. He
mentioned– missing records from the police department- that could
have exonerated him from charges he had leveled against him by a fire
dept. employee. Mr. GAETANI was the best candidate for mayor and he
would have been a landslide winner, if he didn’t have these trumped up
charges hanging over his head. MS.Tyer is and has been, very friendly
with the Police Chief and FIRE CHIEF and it is starting to look like –
she may have been implicit in these trumped up charges against Mr.
Gaetani. All I can say- is that I wouldn’t want to have to do battle
with Mr. Gaetani. I do not know him, but just listening to him leads
me to believe, that he is a brilliant person. His role in bringing the
Krofta technology to the city and having one of the country’s top
engineering companies METCALFF and EDDY fired– so that he could build
a facility using his companies technology- is a very well known story
in the Engineering community. This is a man -who when he
speaks–everyone should listen. I WONDER WHAT HE WILL HAVE TO SAY AT
THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY. He is a very interesting person and
I will make it a point to meet him in the future.
It’s. scary out there Wiz’ watch your back.
Shakes-Red-Romen -Sonny-Jaxuar.—— INITIALS=SRRSJ=
Stupid-Resident-Redundant-Senile- Jackfools. Where do these people come from?
Donna M, how about you man up, or woman up, and use your full name.
Robert Del Halitoso ^^^
This is the first time Mr. Gaetani “told everybody about missing records.” It was the day the BB published the City’s allegations against him. This was back when he was still allowed to post as himself although he occasionally used a ghostwriter like Donna M. back then as well.
Fun weekend reading!
Romen–You tried to scam the Wiz when you were a tenant at his condo
complex. He saw through you quickly and brought you to court and fried
you. The Wiz knows you and your four friends by name. Planet posters
–Romen is a renter scofflaw- who lives off poor unsuspecting land
lords. If you are a landlord and you suspect you are dealing with this
scum ball, Call MR. G. and he will tell you if you are dealing with
this rental scammer. Mr G. lives on West Street and his phone is
listed in the phone book.
gatos– I will take the bet— I will bet 750,000 dollars that I get over 300 votes. lets both put up the money tomorrow cash and deposit it into a bank account that will be available to the winner. its time to put up or shut up moron, where do I meet you tomorrow. how about at a bank of your choice? post back—-you probably haven’t got a pot to piss in. my challenge stands–now lets see what you are made of?—-all planet posters are witness–now put up or shut up
CG should put up or STFU.
CG has that high quality rental property over on Indian? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Old School baby,go Cr@ig !
I was watching the Masters and saw quite possibly the greatest single shot in the history of sports. You guys gotta see it..
Master Update……Jordan Spieth can’t swim.
Just read a report by STOOGE COLLINGWOOD AND METCALF and EDDY ENGINEERS. Hold your hat-they are proposing 165 million dollars plus– for capital improvement work at the sewer and water plants. Put this figure on top of the 130-160 million dollars for the un-necessary THS PROJECT, and you have the equation to sink this city. Gaetani has been predicting this right along. HE IS RIGHT ON THE MARK. It is becoming more and more evident that the only way that the taxpayer can save the city
Donna,where is this article.
city council agenda
SORRY-hit wrong key———–is to build a gigantic NON-GOBSIG NETWORK. THIS administration is as bad or maybe worse than the last. Tyer and this COUNCIL and school committee are laughing at the taxpayer. They will do what they want and will be re-elected time and time again by the GOBSIG NETWORK. Planet people—you must get involved. posting is OK but that is not enough. Every person who posts on this site and those who read this site must talk to 10-12 people per week and they to 10 others and so on and so on. WE have Gaetani on our side and that is all that is important. HE WILL BE OUT THERE WORKING ON OUR BEHALF AND WE MUST SUPPORT HIM. He is a very high level business man and he knows how to be successful like he was in the 80’s. At that time he convinced the whole city to go with him when he built the water plants. Just picture this—–If he decides to walk away—-WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE WE THE TAXPAYERS? Time for real action—Start by being at the SC Meeting on 4 13 . The Wiz will be there. YOU do not have to speak- the wiz will speak for you-You couldn’t have a better representative–BE THERE.
I wouldn’t miss that meeting for the world! I can’t wait to see the Water Boy ranting and raving like the the clown he is. I hope his rug doesn’t fall off!
10 Bucks says the Water Boy talks at the meeting 2 minutes before they call the cops on him!
CG is the ultimate welcher. He never backs up anything he says. just flatulence coming out of his piehole.
Reading this blog is like watching a Roadrunner cartoon.
It’s good to be quick on your feet when you’re dealing with Gobsigs.