(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, P&M WEDDING DAY + 72 YEARS) — In the budget proposal submitted by Mayor Linda Tyer to THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council, one thing is clear. Tyer looks to raise taxes on homeowners and businesses. Just how much? That’s the question.
Budgets being estimates, there’s a lot of play in the figures. They can hide reality or make “real” pure fiction. Nonetheless, numerals describe fixed sums. In math, 2+2 = 4, every time. You can argue otherwise, but you’d be a fool to do so. It should therefore be a simple matter to look at the numbers and fix the tax hike as a definite sum. Ordinarily, that would be the case, but this is Pittsfield.
The Lovely Linda claims her budget raises taxes 4.2 percent. THE PLANET has used 5.9%. Which is it?
It is neither.
How can this be?
Not a Spending Plan but a Political Document
Supercitizen Terry Kinnas, guest hosting on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION (PV-TV) this past Thursday, nailed it when he called Tyer’s budget a political document more than a financial plan. An independent analysis of the figures can only be done when removing the fudge and the sludge. THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron has performed such an analysis. We won’t put you to sleep with the quadratic equations, second-order polynomials, or single variables. The Reader’s Digest version will suffice.
To arrive at the true tax increase, one must remove the “dedicated” funds Tyer counts as “ordinary.” This deception counts encumbered assets as funds capable of being used at the discretion of appropriators. For example, grant money should not be counted in the budget for the purposes of determining a tax increase. These are not available (i.e., discretionary) funds except for the single, narrowly proscribed purpose.
To determine an accurate tax increase, a municipal budget should only include unencumbered money: property tax estimates, abatements, estimated captured delinquent taxes, user fees, interest on investments, and surpluses. “Dedicated” money should not count. Tyer and city finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood include such money, of course, since the higher that number, the lower the tax hike will appear.
Don’t be fooled. This is an accounting trick, voodoo budgeting.
You’re Looking at a 10 to 11% Tak Hike, Pittsfield
To figure an actual tax hike, “dedicated” money must be subtracted. Once this is done, the calculation reveals that Tyer’s budget will raise taxes between 10 and 11%. The mayor, who campaigned on “fiscal responsibility,” has proposed a double-digit tax hike. This comes just after giving five more years of additional tax relief to the multimillionaire owner of downtown’s Beacon Cinema.
Tyer, in her letter to the council summarizing the budget, wrote, “The proposed FY17 budget reflects a 4.2% increase over the FY16 budget.” Wrong. This budget proposes a 10 to 11% increase. The summary admits to an operating budget hike of $6,070,410. Subtract dedicated income, and you have a nearly 11% tax hike.
The renowned Dr. Charles Trczinka, professor of finance at the Kelly School of Business at the University of Indiana and former senior research economist for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, has looked at Tyer’s spending plan.
“I think the 4.2% is outrageous,” Dr. Trczinka said. “The city needs to be reducing taxes not increasing. The $4.43 per week [average increase, $230/yr] is nonsense. Of course it is a small amount, but it is the direction of taxes not the amount that businesses react to. If Pittsfield wants to increase the value of the property it needs to cut, cut and cut. The schools are a perfect place to chop away. I would keep the Police funding in place.”
THE PLANET agrees.
Now who are you going to believe? THE PLANET and Dr. Trczinka or Linda Tyer and Kufflinks Kerwood?
Councilors, you are the last gasp of hope. You cannot pass this budget without chopping millions, as councilor at-large Kathy Amuso correctly stated. Councilors, do the right thing. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski need you now, more than ever.
Don’t fail them again.
“A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.” — William Feather
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You explain the gimmick well, although items like block grant and chapter 90 that do go towards operation costs and some capital could be considered regular and reliable.
Amuso and everyone on the city council can afford substantial increases….Tyer flat out lied .Take this years entire budget and cut it just 1 dollar and we will be on the right road.
A good subject for DV tv is for Yon and Tyer to talk about cost of 121 million dollar building has on local tax today…have we payed anything yet and when will that begin
The results of this years budget may read somewhat like a colonoscopy report. Polyps, diverticulitis, bleeding hemorrhoids and evidence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Doctors prognosis …. untreatable….good luck..have a nice day
Problem is that progressives do not believe in ANY type of austerity measures. They regularly make fun of countries and cities that try to live within a budget. On the one hand they encourage people to live simply and frugally while the progressives in government don’t know the meaning of the words “fiscal responsibility” either in their personal lives or in their policies. Yet they encourage us to carpool to save money and the environment, don’t eat out, downsize your living environment, etc. Due to their out of control spending we are forced to do these things out of necessity.
Anyone else read the Eagle online? As bad as it was, it seems to be heading into the toilet FAST! There was one new news story today over yesterday, and that was a fawning story about the leadership team at Shakespeare & Co.; hardly hard hitting news. Their editorial page hasn’t been updated/added to since 6/3. Not good signs!
And yet…where are the follow ups? I used to track stories for which I was awaiting follow up from them, but I’ve lost track. Little girl dead in apartment in Summer…a year ago maybe? The July 4th massacre? What about that body found behind Lach’s? The vanished videotales of the 88 yo woman? I’m sure there are lots more!
I agree. The bar was set pretty low for improvement but if they have made any effort I am not seeing it yet. Maybe they got it at fire sale price just to make sure no one else bought it and started telling what is really going on around Pittsfield. Preemptive strike.
I do and as you find that the on line version is no better than it was obituary page is all over the place. Names repeated in the middle of information, just awful Can’t believe I pay for this. Now they are leaving me a paper every day because I am such a good customer – just want more money not doing it
They littered my property by chucking a copy of their vile liberal toilet paper in my driveway. Not a “delivered” free sample in a mailbox or doorstep, POS chucked and left in the rain.
I called the “New” Left Winged Parrot to complain, same as the old Parrot. I told them next time I will contact the Police, and ask for littering charges against the Bird.
Question to DV , have you ever invited Yon on to the show?
he did, but she “respectfully declined”. I think that is the PC way of saying FU?
The beautiful Mrs. Yon and all the rest get what they got without the Planets help, so it seems? Don’t think they want to open a can of worms with hard questions from the Planet at this point.
The Mayor has been interviewed on other media several times, one even had the compliment I admire you for what you’re doing?The Planet was nice the first time,but the Mayor will not escape next time….if He even gets the chance?
DV invited Yon, school supt., and behnke (finance dir, PSD) specifically. All refused or declined. DV also issues a gen’l invitation to all school committee members. No one accepted. Their terrified of having to face DV live.
far as AsI am concern there should be no increases in pay for people unless they got more education or there work load has been increase or they get promotion. This business of giving pay increases every time we do a budget is crazy. And this applies to teachers also. New vehicles at this time when the Mayor just got a big tax break for the Beacon is just as crazy tell the fire debarment to go to the Beacon and sit in there new chairs and pretend that it is a new vehicles for the fire department.
The step system takes care of that Painter. Was negotiated in years ago to try to help teacher salaries “catch up” with the rest of the world. It was wildly successful, and now cannot be negotiated out! I live another year, I breathe another year, I get another substantial raise…guaranteed.
Here are the facts: Sabic Plastics is leaving Pittsfield. About 300 jobs will be lost soon. The new Taconic High School project will cost local taxpayers millions of dollars not included in the lovely Linda Tyer’s proposed municipal budget. A majority of homeowners in Pittsfield are senior citizens. They live on fixed incomes. Yearly tax increases of about 5% financially constrain them. About 70% of local residents in Pittsfield depend on welfare assistance and social services programs. That means a majority of local residents take in more taxpayer dollars than they contribute.
So I ask: Who is paying for Pittsfield politics’ large tax increases? Are Pittsfield politics’ finances unsustainable over the long-term? How long will it be before Pittsfield politics goes financially insolvent? Could wealthy communities with high median incomes and plenty of million dollar homes afford Pittsfield politics’ financial management?
Painer…at Disney world There is a virtual ride where You’re sitting in a cockpit and actually flying the aircraft. So your theory orBeacon Seats could actually be quite an idea.
More education is what got Pittsfield in trouble,teachers Must take credits toward a masters in bullsh..from Noth adams state…Westfield state…Cambridge college…..mandating a top step teacher make an extra12 k….multiply that by 400 teachers. 5million more for nothing
The credits are a joke. Monkeys would be boared the classes are so lame.
Does anyone know what the FireBall numbers are for pot smokeing among Teens in the high scrolls?
The Mayor and Fire Chief should explain to the Public if the Captain is a threat to the Community ( Hinsdale ) and If the former girlfriend is in any immediate danger?
Can a Mayor be recalled? Does anyone know what the process is.
yes, it’s described in the charter. if you went to the City Clerk’s office – they could walk you through it.
But then Marchetti would be mayor. And he is high echelon GOB so no difference.
help teacher salaries “catch up” with the rest of the world. Answer
The rest of the world doesn’t have the poor Economy that Pittsfield dose. Remember how many jobs Pittsfield is going to be losing shortly 300 or more jobs when Sabic leaves. Enjoy you pay while other people are in danger of loosing there homes so you can enjoy the extraordinary high pay.
In all seriousness, it is a formula for disaster when you don’t have the reserves nor capacity or revenues, never, ever is to not wise to increase, whether is be taxes,needless positions or raises.
People are talking about the Fireball Nightt and how the high Heel Clan is going to approach this sensitive situation.