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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 21-23, 2016) — At a recent meeting of THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends on the Pittsfield City Council, the sanctimonious trio of Kathy Amuso, at-large and former school committee chair; John Krol, Ward 6 and noted defender of politics as usual; and Sweet Pete White, at-large and council water boy snuck an item on the agenda. They did it with an assist from Peter Marchetti, at large, council president, and eternally afraid of controversy or rocking the boat.

The measure asked councilors to endorse a “no” vote on Question 2. This question on the Nov. 8 ballot asking voters to expand the number of charter schools in Massachusetts. A “Yes” vote will allow up to a dozen new charter school to be opened in the Commonwealth. As a country-western song once put it, “Always say ‘yes’ if ‘yes’ if the answer.

On Question 2, “Yes” is the answer.

School Committee: Manipulation, Malfeasance, and Misappropriation of Funds

The Friends brought the item forward for debate. Fortunately, cooler heads brought forth prevailing winds. Notable among the Cool-Air Navigators was Donna Todd Rivers, Ward 5, former assistant city solicitor, entrepreneur, and attorney. She essentially said, “Woah. You can’t politick on public property. This here is city hall, owned not by us but by Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.”

The matter receded under this wise care. Will it be brought forth again? Be warned, Mr. Council President, for if you do so, you will be in violation of state ethics laws that prohibits such blatant political activity from public employees, particularly of the elected variety. It will come back to haunt you.

Not to be outdone and perpetually skating free from public scrutiny, the apparatchiks on the Pittsfield School Committee (PSC) took a similar course. Of course, knowing the corrupt game of manipulation, malfeasance, and misappropriation of funds regularly practiced by this criminal group, can you be surprised? Being professional functionaries of The Party Machine, they not only (a) put the measure on a recent agenda and (b) discussed it, but they also (c) voted. Sea-hag of the PSC, Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon, left the chair to hog the open mic and, still as chair, led the cheers for a view that, if passed, will further guarantee the erosion of public school education in the Bay State.

Advisory 11-1 of the State Ethics Commission addresses “Public Employee Political Activity.” The advisory is poorly written and at time contradictory, but the proper reading makes it clear that state law (G.L. c. 268A) limits the political activity of those feeding from the public trough. The reason is obvious to everyone except the public employees themselves, at least most of those from Pittsfield. They have a vested (usually financial and always political) interest in seeing that policy matters go in one direction as opposed to another. By the way, neither the advisory nor the ethics advisory restricts what a public employee does on private time with private resources.

What a public worker cannot do, especially those in elected or appointed office, is “use his public position to engage in political activity (Section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the state’s Conflict of Interest Law).” They can’t do it “because a public employee who does so is using his position to secure for himself or others (such as a candidate or a ballot question) unwarranted privileges of substantial value …”

The “substantial value” for the PSC is riding herd over 75 cents of every public dollar spent by the City of Pittsfield. That number keeps rising because of contracted pay raises stolen in one-sided “negotiations” and the dreaded “automatic step raises” that each year guarantee hefty pay hikes for teachers and administrators irrespective of the continuing decline in academic performance.

‘Yes’ on 2 Improves Public Education

A “Yes” vote on Question 2 will allow more public charter schools. Charters outperform traditional public schools on less money by relaxing the stranglehold teachers’ unions have over the politics of education, specifically through their control of jelly-spined politicians and equally invertebrate school committee members. “Yes” on 2 will will improve public education. Voting otherwise will guarantee that this generation continues to fail the next.


With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Don’t embarrass yourself. Keep it intelligent.


“The man who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone.”Ayn Rand



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The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Trump is the 1st Presidential candidate not to show his taxes returns.Trump wants us to compete with China financially. Trump want to build a wall people can’t go over under or around.Trump wants to spend more on the military.Trump want to give himself a tax break and his company.
.With all politics being local how does this help a dead Pittsfield ma.We Pat and Levitation want to accept 3rd world wages America will compete with your magic country of China

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Ain’t dead till six feet under.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Pat please , how much under progressive min wage would you be willing to work.Will you also opt out of progressives Social Security ..will you home school Pat.Pesky progressive public schools are killing you.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

ISIS digs tunnel system under Mosul but from what I read on the planet won’t do it under Trumps Wall.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Also on the planet I learned that deregulating things like banks are good for planets contributing bloggers….its been deregulated since Reagan… is that working out for the Pat’s of Pittsfield ma.

Dowager Hat
Dowager Hat
8 years ago

Why would any veteran or rational person vote for Tricia Farley Bouvier, except to have her keep her salary and mileage stipend to Boston ? As a vet, she expects us to travel farther for reduced services. She praises the Pittsfield School System and contradictorily sends her kids to Lenox. She believes a new high school,that will raise taxes is a “economic engine”, while simultaneously a long established high school closes.She wants benefits and driver licenses for illegals and sponsored gender whimsical trans-restroom choice.She dances to the tune of a “progressive” political boss and she and her teacher husband live off the public taxpayer feeding trough. There isn’t time nor space to list her spurious voting record, but research will show the facts. However,this former WEN girl never misses a superficial photo-op. Re-elect her and you will reap what you have sown.

Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

I don’t get it either. People can do odd things.

Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

She is nothing more than a pawn, a puppet of the special interests. A programmed robot. One who takes care of herself and be dammed those unfortunate to get steam rolled along her path.

Anybody but Tricia!! She has ridden the golden goose long enough. Let another puppet have a chance.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

PT, did these 100 people on MASSLIVE use their names or did they use funny names like they do on Topix and here?

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

How can freedom of expression coexist with the rights to publish if anonymity is restricted?

K E Double L
K E Double L
Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

The best vote in the house race for Pittsfield is Chris Connell. He is a hard worker, good listener, and will be our best advocate in Boston. He’s the best councilor. He will be the best state rep.

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  K E Double L
8 years ago

I’m voting for Chisel ….not because he works hard ….he didnt….if he does not win it because he’s lazy

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

Veterans special interests bankrupting American.

8 years ago

Dowager you said it. She is beyond useless!

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

Is she behind the Refugee Asylum for Cities? I’ll say this just once, anything to do with the Middle East, we should not be involved.

8 years ago

If anyone wants to know what the “real” people in this country think about politics then go to MassLive. You know the struggling people in this country who have BEEN IGNORED by progressives, there was an article in there yesterday about Lizzie Warren saying Trump is “disconnected from reality”. Well over a 100 people voiced their opinion (so far still allowed on Masslive unlike our own BB) in which they completely put down Lizzie Warren and her views. Lizzie will undoubtedly be given a cushy position if Hillary wins the election.

Real people, not the elites who are feeding at the trough of government with their high paying do nothing positions, real people know that progressives want to enslave people to their “agenda” which includes “NAFTA, TARFT, mass immigration with entitlements, getting job preference, SS, housing, healthcare and expanded welfare. Sure does a lot for the already poor and homeless in this country.” This was just part of one comment on that site, but it shows just how out of touch the progressives are with people in this country who are being ignored in favor of the immigrants and refugees the progressives want to keep pouring into this country. They say we need the immigrants because we are losing population. Could high abortion rates over the last 25 to 30 years have anything to do with that? As they have promoted abortion, they will never admit it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pat, Do you mean like the “real” people who use some silly name other than their own?

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

My name really is “Pat” and I don’t think its silly.

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Is “Thomas More” your own name or did you cop it from a saint? Please answer, Mr. “More.”

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Evian
8 years ago

I copped it from a saint Evian and I simply asked if these “real” people used real names. I am not criticizing Pat or anyone else. I entered this conversation because of the topic, question 2. Dan toasted Krol, Amuso and White on their ethics of trying to get the council to support question 2. I agree with him, its not their business but he totally ignored Governor Baker playing cheerleader for a yes vote on the front page of the Herald. There are millions of dollars pouring into Massachusetts from 80 Pine St., 32nd floor, New York, NY in an attempt to influence a Massachusetts ballot question. WHY? This is the very type of thing that the Planet would be all over if he were on the other side of the question. I hope that clears things up for you Evian as to who I am not. The only “real” people on this blog are the ones who use their “real” names. Dan, Jonathan, Barry, Terry and Ron. The rest of us just get to say what we think and call names as we wish. As for question 2, I really don’t give a damn. Oops, I almost forgot Chuck Garivaltis.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

Again, we need to not be involved with the Middle East.

Reply to  Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

How do you figure? The Soviets seized the Crimea, shooting down civilian airliners in the process, and are in the process of establishing a port in Syria. So with Russia dominating the Mediterranean and Iran taking the Persian Gulf, we are witnessing the results of the US flight from the Middle East.

The Soviets control the European continent’s access to natural gas. They are building military naval/air bases to surround the West. Leave the future of the Middle East and Europe to them, and we will be on our own. Will our principles and Constitutional rights survive that environment?

Reply to  Levitan
8 years ago

Our principles and constitutional rights may not survive the next president if its Hillary. I worry about Trump too, but right now Hillary to me is the greater threat to our freedom and our constitutional rights.

8 years ago

Just when you think you have heard it all. Now in North Adams the school system will now feed kids THREE meals a day. How long before this virus hits Pittsfield?
The schools are now in the food service industry. School year and summer doesn’t matter! Soon we will have a van delivering 7 and 8 pm snacks!
Enjoy… pay for it! That is unless you are one of the breeding class that receives free everything! Lets review… Section 8, WIC, free cell phones ( usually more than one ) free medical care, free food at the food pantry ( apparently not needed for kids as we feed them for free year round ), now the newest thing is free diapers! In addition there are programs to supply them with everything from free coats, backpacks and school supplies.
The list goes on and on. I can’t believe that I had the nerve to raise my own children. I fed them, clothed them and supplied them with school supplies.
Now I have to do it all over again for looser scum bags just like I have to buy them needles and methadone ( then I have to pick up the needles). They don’t have to legalize pot! Our ass wipe politicians are already high.

K E Double L
K E Double L
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Free condoms, free lottery tickets, free cigarettes, free drugs, and free alcohol, they get all this by paying 93 cents for a candy bar and getting $249.07 back in cash. Scam.

Reply to  K E Double L
8 years ago

And the woman give it to the n y boyfriends or else.

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

And Congress threatens to take Social Security from the elderly that worked and paid into the system. There are so many wrongs in our Country that’s for sure!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

The threat to Social Security is the liberals putting just about everybody on it.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Stupid impoverished kids. They should just go and die.

8 years ago

Agree, vote yes on question 2. Also vote no on question 5. We are going to be taxed to the maximum no need to pile on with preservation tax.

8 years ago

confusing, yes on2 no on 5 no on, come ? Hows grandma going to siphon this out?

Reply to  H
8 years ago

YES on 2. NO on 5. Simple as it gets.

Reply to  Evian
8 years ago

Who’s on first what’s on third, where’s in left,by the time grandpa gets in the booth everything will look like a maze. Oh,they don’t want Grandpa to weigh in anyway.

Bill Q
Bill Q
8 years ago

Then we hear proponents of a yes or no on 2 and both claim it won’t hurt either side.

It seemed like Russia did a lot more than the current situation in the Middle East. Everytime Obama backed down to Putin.

Trump is claiming the pols are rigged.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Pat is voting against Hillary because of her criminal acts and on top of that she will dismantle the constitution….this would be a better reason…..she intimidates you Pat… still get Rush Limbaugh where you live.


Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

I don’t think Hillary is tough at all. How could somebody who would stay with somebody like Bill Clinton be considered strong? To me only a very weak person would put up with Bill’s antics. A strong person would have walked away from that marriage.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

America backs down to nobody…..sometime you need to do right by our soldiers and not fight short tempered wars Trump will have you fight…..If you have youngsters in your family be assured the will be fighting all of Trump’s wars.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

So Obama’s Red Line was not backing down to the Ayotollas?

Fugimoto Hockaloogie
Fugimoto Hockaloogie
8 years ago

Barry Clairmont, you said the other day that you weren’t a progressive. Do you remember any Republicans , conseratives or libertarians that you voted for in the last 20 years?

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

That’s an easy one Fugi….Barry Clairmont.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Voting for these two candidates is like choosing a seat on the Titanic.

Clinton wins the election she will be the most unpopular ever.

I still don’t know what either candidates platform is? I’ve always thought this, when you get to the big leagues, they are all in it together, how else do you come up with inept politicians from the hundreds of millions of citizens.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

You can only sell a wall to so many people.put business owners in jail who hire illegal workers.Trump is also trying to sell lower taxes and more debt like Reagan did.