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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 24, 2016) — 86,400 times 15.

That’s how many seconds we have before this endless presidential campaign ends. Of course, the day after Election Day, Campaign 2020 begins. Yuk.

That’s where we are right now as a country. Lost, overwrought, and caught in a spider’s web of social media and 24/7 cable news. The time needed for depth of thought has been swallowed by our worried, hurried lives. Conceptual “fullness” comes in tweets, our summaries on bumper stickers.

THE PLANET‘s schedule takes a back seat to no one with classes to prepare, columns to write, TV shows to do, manuscripts to complete, clients to please. Nonetheless, we take time to “get away,” actually scheduling alone time on the calendar among the roads and trails. It’s the “Barry Clairmont” approach. Our Right Honorable Good Friend regularly climbs mountains and hikes in the Great Outdoors that can be reached in the Berkshires in minutes. It’s there, though, only if you act on it. Otherwise, if you forget your Self, you get caught in the maelstrom, a tragic figure in an Edgar Allan Poe story.

This is an odd way to introduce today’s column about a topic we’ve beaten to life. Fortunately, our musings on the 2016 presidential campaign have the serendipitous convenience of dipping instantly either into a prevailing or opposing stream of thought. We flow or fight.

Once again, we share “the other side” than what the Mainstream Media imposes upon you locally. Today’s piece is from

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Try as she might, Hillary is no match for Julian Assange. (PHOTO: madnews)With just a little [under] 2 weeks before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton is pulling out all the stops to keep Julian Assange’s mouth shut. With no success at actually killing him, her minions did the next best thing by cutting off his internet at the embassy several days ago. Unfortunately for Hillary, a damning list has just been released, highlighting the things she’s done against the very country she seeks to lead.

  1. Qatar gives Bill Clinton $1,000,000 for his birthday:
  1. Saudi Sheikh won’t donate money to Clinton Foundation unless he receives a phone call from Bill Clinton. Staff responds: Bill won’t do it “unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check”:
  2. Iran Deal (which Hillary negotiated and defends) “condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf”. John Podesta responds with “Yup”:
  3. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta owned 75,000 shares in Putin-connected energy company:
  1. Transcripts from Hillary Clinton’s lucrative closed-door paid speeches delivered to elite financial firms and other special interests groups (which she has refused and failed to disclose to the public after much demand) have finally surfaced: (See Attachment)
  1. Clinton staff conspiring to stage ‘leaking’ of favorable excerpts from wall street speech, in efforts to calm down the public while leaving out more damaging parts:
  2. Leaked private speech, Clinton: “You Need Both A Public And A Private Position”:
  3. Leaked private speech, Clinton: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with
    open trade and open borders”:
  1. Leaked private speech transcript shows Clinton’s warm ties to Wall Street’s most powerful figures: Clinton: “There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives” The pressure on officials to sell or divest assets in order to serve, she added, had become “very onerous and unnecessary”:
  2. Leaked private speech to Goldman Sachs, Clinton:Wall Street was only accountable for the financial crisis for political reasons. The blame placed on the United States banking system for the crisis “could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened”:
  1. Leaked private speech, Clinton: US will “ring China with missile defense” and has right to rename Pacific Ocean the “American Sea”: (See attachment)
  1. Hillary Clinton flipped her public position on TPP after her team discussed how she would be “eaten alive” by Labor:
  1. Clinton speechwriter:We are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition to the pipeline without her having to actually say it”:

With the majority of the media in Hillary’s back pocket, the only thing that we can do at this point is just keep doing our part by tirelessly working to expose her. With several polls showing a Hillary lead over Trump in many swing states, we must do everything we can to shine a light on the corruption and get those people who are on the fence swayed over to our side. If this woman does wind up getting elected president, at least you can sleep at night knowing that you did everything in your power to prevent it from happening.

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This is, at least, a consolation devoutly to be missed.


“We speak of the future as if it’s the present.”Br. Fred Wells



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Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

I guess any Project Veritas/Okeefe originals are censored here, why I don’t know.

Here is some more Alex Jones with Mr. Okeefe. Go to Youtube yourself for the original Project Veritas expose

8 years ago

Mr. Valenti,

Julian Assange’s Internet connection is allegedly severed at this moment, but WikiLeak’s mission is plainly alive and well given the number, in just these past few days, of emails from John Podesta (Clinton Campaign Chair) exposed even in spite of Assange’s lack of Internet access.
Just exposed, for example, is the fact that Morocco’s King was the subject of a shake-down by Hillary Clinton resulting in the King making payment of $12 million to the Clinton Foundation.

8 years ago

‘Clinton Foundation: Hillary Personally Negotiated $12 Million Pay Day From Morocco’s King’


8 years ago

And notice how the Clinton Campaign and its media buddies keep laying blame on the Russians for the WikiLeaks hack when no one has offered one iota of actual proof that the Ruskies are involved in any way.
Clinton claims that seventeen U.S. government security agencies believe there is Russian involvement, but can any of these allegations actually be believed when it has been the Obama White House implicated throughout in covering-up for Hillary Clinton at FBI, at Department of Justice, at IRS? How difficult would it be for Obama to instruct NSA and CIA to claim that there’s a Russia/Wiki connection?
With the proper tools, a competent IT person can hide his/her tracks on the Internet — even to the extent of leaving phony ‘breadcrumbs’, a trail that would make it appear that IT data is emanating from ANYWHERE that the hacker chose.
For the Democrat National Committee and Clinton Campaign, alleging a Russia/Wiki connection seems mighty convenient and Clinton and crew are using this allegation to draw attention away from the damning content of the thousands of emails so far exposed.

8 years ago

Isn’t it just as possible that the real WikiLeak hacker(s) are person (or persons) within the U.S. government horrified at the possibility of yet another four/eight year Clinton assault on the White House and U.S. Constitution?

8 years ago

Here’s more from the latest WikiLeaks expose (released despite Julian Assange’s lack of Internet connection):

“New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through ‘Oversamples'”

8 years ago

“New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through ‘Oversamples’”


8 years ago

And on a related note, this today:

“How mega-donors helped raise $1 billion for Hillary Clinton”

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

If Trump had shaken people down for these many millions his campaign people would be calling him a genius. All this is not so different than corporate subsidies and tax breaks that lobbyists get for huge American companies. Clinton did not invent this particular version of extortion.

But it is awesome to see up close the seamy underbelly of politics. All politicians must be shaking in their skivvies wondering when their own dirty laundry may hit the news wire. Scrubbers and shredders must be running night and day across the country trying to obscure future embarrassments.

I hope Wikileaks comes to Pittsfield.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Dan,are you reporting this as illegal for the head of the foundation to ask for donations to the foundation.As a journalist will you write about the shut down of the Trump foundation in New York as it appears there is suspicion it is used for Trumps personal use.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Educate yourself about the Clinton Foundation

Clinton Cash, The Movie:

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Trump knows a winner, that’s why his foundation bought him a signed Tim Tebow football.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Dan ,Trump reminds me of a kid in Deming Park who would have won the game if it wasn’t for the game itself.Umpires,those dam umpires, and coaches and the 2nd baseman…if he was better.Trump could play better seems like he solicits crybaby attitude.Trump is losing because Trump couldn’t finish. The competition got better.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Hillary Clinton reminds me of the Jim Taylor character (played by Edward Arnold) in the movie ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’, wherein during political boss Taylor’s all-out, no-holds-barred campaign to destroy the young Senator (played by Jimmy Stewart), Taylor rallies his lackies and henchmen to destroy Smith, saying “This is the works! Either we’re out of business or bigger than ever before. We can’t stop at anything until we’ve smashed this yokel…”

8 years ago

What kind of a role model is Hillary to young women who aspire to succeed in life? She is a terrible role model. She isn’t strong because a strong person would not have put up with Bill’s affairs and abuse of women for virtually her entire marriage. A strong woman would have walked away from that marriage even if she loved the man. Bill Clinton disrespected her throughout that marriage. Instead Hillary played the role of enabler in her marriage. Not a healthy choice. This shows weakness of character not strength.

Hillary shows young women all of the worst ways to get to the top. The lying, the scheming, and the corruption. People will say that this is just the way politics is played, but I think we all know that this is why the country is in such trouble BECAUSE we look the other way when we see corruption. We excuse it and then we can’t figure out why things never get better. Hillary is NOT a good role model for young women and would make a terrible leader of this country.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Terrible role model. I wish Jennifer Aniston would run.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

How can you define HRC by Bill Clinton?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Guilt by association and as an enabler.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

Says a lot about Drumph’s wives…

8 years ago

We need term limits in politics. I completely agree with Trump. Think of all of the politicians we could get rid of with term limits. It boggles the mind. Harry Reid would be gone. Lots of bad people from both parties would be gone. We need term limits.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree with term limits. Being able to be a senator for life just gives them time to build a stronger network of corruption.

Not going to happen though because they make all the rules. they vote for their own pay raises. They rule the roost.

8 years ago

Mr. Assange has said that he cannot release his sources but has said its not Russia. He has indicated that the sources of these leaks come from high up in the US government. Such as the NSA or the FBI as these people do not want Hillary as their boss.

Notice too how Hillary unleashed her flood of bimbos against Trump to draw attention away from the leaks. Trump is filing lawsuits against these bimbos after the election but was told to wait because proof is coming that ties Hillary to these staged female liars.

The press focuses on the bimbos and false accusations to draw attention of her extensive corruption away from her by the now discredited media.

As far as Hillary leading in the polls, don’t believe these faked polls. Just look at what the media has said and done to help Hillary get elected. Truth be told, Trump is leading by a landslide.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

If you think this country is going to go back to watching NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN to get their nighty news, I have a bridge to sell you on the moon.

They replaced Brian Williams with Lester Holt. Like that saved their credibility. The Berkshire Eagle is owned by a new holding company.

Nixon tried to muzzle the press and they turned on him. Rightly so. That’s what shouldv’e happened here. They went with Hillary for money. They ignore the massive crowds for Trump (even refusing to turn the cameras on them at Trump’s request) in favor of Hillary, who cannot draw a crowd of even 200. And those she has to pay in some way to sit through her terrible rallies.

I think that starting in 2017 or even yesterday, people will tune out to main stream news and get their news from the internet. From sites they trust (like this one). Not network news that they are told are fair and balanced.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

FBI AND CIA NSA… there is a conspiracy to have Donald Trump President….ramp up the War industry again.Trump wins you guys know what stocks to buy….we won’t be replacing bridges and water pipes a cross America.Tell everyone in you family over 10 years old to get ready.for War.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Trump is NOT beating the war drums. He wants peace.
He wants to get along with Russia.
Obama / Hillary ARE beating the war drums against Syria and Russia. Hillary even thinks she can win a nuclear war with Russia by striking first.

As far as the leaks. The truth is the truth.
There is no conspiracy to elect Trump. In fact its quite the opposite. Hillary needs dead people’s votes and votes from illegal aliens. There is even a talk of a major Trump landslide shutting down the election by saying the Russians hacked the election.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Put on that tin foil hat

8 years ago

It seems that a 12 yr. old Afghanistan boy, who was fostered by a woman in the UK, actually turned out to be a 21 yr. old terrorist.

I saw this several times on Fox News (you know, that “deplorable” network that so many “deplorables” watch).

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Spider
8 years ago

That must have been a really stupid foster parent.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

No just a blind liberal lemming.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

Because the internet is always true.

Round and Round
Round and Round
8 years ago

Thanks for posting the “other side” DV.” If I depended on local media for my news I would think that Hillary is the new Gandhi and Mom Teresa and Florence Nightingale all rolled into one.

Reply to  Round and Round
8 years ago

I like hiw she can smile and lie at the same time. Now if she could look the camera directly while oerforming that trick, she be a pro.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Exactly R R. the t v media must think we are totally stupid . The bias for Hillary is clearly seen.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  May Hemm
8 years ago

Agree 100% May Hemm. How could the tv media possibly think that?

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

All the people who will vote for Hillary in Berkshire County (and there will be many) need to become informed on her plans if she becomes president. She has said she wants to build a one world power grid so that if it goes down, the whole world loses power. It seems like a very crazy idea to me that one terrorist could disrupt the power for the entire world. This is her thinking.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I’m buying a generator. That’ll fix her.

Chris Cross
Chris Cross
8 years ago

DV – now you have a bromance with BC and JLO ? Say it isn’t so. Those 2 dough boys drive up Greylock and snap some pictures every weekend & you eat it up. Paaalease – both are tax and spend freaks and love Billary – the media will propel Hilary to WH, just like the BB sent Tyer to Allen Street – the media controls all and we let it – sad, sad reality

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chris Cross
8 years ago

Good work Chris. I’ve always felt that DV only tells us the half of the story he wants us to here. I found it strange that he would be writing about Barry’s mountain climbing as though it were just exercise to get away from it all for a few hours. Thanks to you we find out he’s going there with JLO. What could they possibly be up to? Anybody have any ideas?

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Not that there’s anything wrong with it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Miser
8 years ago

Nothing wrong with it? Perhaps. But Barry and JLO together with high powered cameras at 3,489 ft. looking down at Adams, taking pictures. Nothing wrong with that you say, ‘What’s so great about Adams?’ BART, that’s what!. They’re definitely up to something. Tell me why else would two ex councilors go to the top of Greylock? You’re taking this to lightly Miser. That Chris is on to something.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

You’re the one who don’t get it.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Whomever gets in will be watched with hawk eyes. Every time they fart it will be on the news and YouTube and Wikileaks. So hopefully they will be more inclined to behave. I know I am. there are cameras and micro phones every where. They can identify you by your thumb print, your retina and facial recognition. Every body is fair game.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Hillary is getting no pass on this one either.

The average person produces about half a liter of farts every single day, and even though many women won’t admit it, women do fart just as often as men.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Hillary will definitely be reformed. Instead of a homegrown server in Chappaqua serving as the medium for her shadow government, I would expect her expanded exploits to be based in St Petersburg, Russia somewhere in Kazachstan where no reporter would even think to look.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

From Brietbart:

James O’Keefe Files FEC Suit Against Hillary Clinton


by Lee Stranahan20 Oct 2016815


James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are filing a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The decision comes amid increasing media coverage of the two videos released by O’Keefe, which expose apparently illicit actions by a group of political actors associated with the Clinton campaign, the DNC and the White House.

The establishment media was forced to cover O’Keefe’s videos after one subject, Robert Creamer, announced he would quit working for the DNC. This break came a day after the first video release prompted another subject, Scott Foval, to leave his job with another Democratic political group, Americans United for Change.

James O’Keefe told Breitbart News exclusively:

As the chairman of Project Veritas, our work is financially independent and beholden to nobody. Our work is funded by thousands of contributors, small, medium, and large. What I have learned about our media – and it’s frightening – is that almost everyone is compromised. Media companies are beholden to stockholders and I have sources that I am trying to get to go on the record to explain that these companies are afraid of reporting this story for fear of political retaliation. If the public knew the truth, I think it would change everything about American politics.

O’Keefe’s complaint states:

This criminal conspiracy involves the knowing and willful creation of coordinated expenditures from prohibited corporate sources. As is detailed numerous times in the Veritas transcript, attached as EXHIBIT A, the supposedly independent speech and actions of third-party groups were directed, controlled, or puppeteered by HFA or the DNC. Indeed, the record establishes not just simple violations of the FECA’s coordination provisions, but ongoing knowing and willful evasion of federal election law requirements through a complicated scheme. Because this conspiracy involves large numbers of employees, heightened travel, production, and distribution costs and because of the nationwide scale of the operation, upon information and belief, this triggers criminal penalties under 52 U.S.C. § 30109(d)(1)(A)(i).

By failing to abide by the law, these respondents misled the public about the true identity of speakers and funding sources for political protests and advocacy campaigns . This sort of evasion undermines the public’s trust in the electoral process and allows elite political operatives to operate above the law.

O’Keefe’s emphasized his claim that Foval said that another Iowa activist group will not participate unless they are compensated:

Scott Foval of AUFC on 09/15/16 “So, I’ll give an example. In Iowa. Progress Iowa has a built-in group of people that they can message, who will show up. But what they will not do, is do that unless someone is paying them on the proiect. Because there’s staff time involved, there’s transportation involved, there’s food, lodging, training, whatever, involved.

One exhibit in the complaint is a transcript from the video:

SCOTI FOVAL: We’re doing a lot of stuff down here that we won’t necessarily take credit for, because we’re contracted to the DNC … this is happening because we’re spreading things out. The problem we’ re having now, operationally, I can’t hire enough people right now.

PVA Reporter: I thought it was young activists, but, you’re hiring old ladies?

SCOTI FOVAL: We can hire any demo that we want. We use the same mechanism to recruit them that we do to make focus groups. When we have focus group, you maintain that list… [and select people for training]

PYA REPORTER : You’ re already pre-screening them to make sure they are, you know, down with the cause.

SCOTT FOVAL : We have to be really careful. Um, because, what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for ‘X’ people to … that’s not gonna happen. We need to keep it, you know, I hate to use the Beyonce term, “partition,” but we need to keep the partition.

Another key piece of evidence in the O’Keefe complaint is a “Proposal Memorandum” from Scott Foval that includes a line item for “aggressive bird dog.” As Breitbart News reported, “bird dog” is a term used by the group to dscribe face-to-face pressure on GOP supporters.

Foval emphasizes that the goal of “bird-dogging” is to create a sense of “anarchy” around Trump: ”The bird-dogging. The aggressive bird-dogging. What I call it is ‘conflict engagement.’ … Conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies? We’re starting anarchy. And he needs to understand that we’re starting anarchy.”

The proposal allegedly shows how Foval and Creamer would work with an open borders advocacy group:

Our key ally in Wisconsin, Voces De Frontera Action, continues to do field organizing in 9 areas of the state to boost turnout of Latino voters. They have a 2-pronged approach to this activity:

Documentation and Citizenship assistance to allow new citizen to know their rights and gain the right to vote (1.e. create new voters from immigrants)
Mobilization and GOTV to get latino voters to the polls, through major data-driven outreach maximize returns-on-investments in the effort
Protests and media campaigns targered at Trump / Pence / Johnson / Sensenbrenner / Ryan to ‘wake up’ the latino electorate as to why they should vote against these candidates

The Complaint, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D can all be found through the preceding links.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

More from Brietbart:

James O’Keefe Gets Another Scalp: Subject of Undercover Video Ousted

by Lee Stranahan17 Oct 20164633


Scott Foval, one of the subjects of a recent James O’Keefe exposé broken exclusively by Breitbart on Monday, has been removed from his job with the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change.

Fox News has released a quote from Americans United For Change [head] Brad Woodhouse stating. “Americans United For Change has always operated according to the highest ethical and legal standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.”

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, James O’Keefe said he believes this is not the end. “They want to make Scott Foval the fall guy. But this rot goes higher and deeper. This was a conspiracy to create a narrative that Trump supporters were dangerous and out of control. This scheme was created and approved at the highest levels of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee,” O’Keefe said.

A quote from Foval published in the widely read Breitbart article supports this, with Foval saying,”We are contracted directly with the DNC and the campaign. I am contracted to [Robert Creamer] but I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of special events and political for the campaign. Through Bob. We have certain people who do not get to talk to them, at all.”

As Breitbart News reported earlier today:

Foval also explains how the operation is set up to allow the DNC and the Clinton campaign “plausible deniability” in the event that the true nature of the deliberate violence is discovered: “The thing that we have to watch is making sure there’s a double-blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double-blind there, so that they can plausibly deny that they heard anything about it.”

Fovel has already removed traces of his associations with Americans United for Change from his LinkedIn account.

Here is the complete James O’Keefe video:


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

More Hillary/DNC dirt:

Second Scalp: James O’Keefe Video Forces Another Democratic Operative to Resign

by Lee Stranahan18 Oct 20168166


Robert Creamer, a central subject of two recent James O’Keefe exposés broken this Monday and Tuesday, has resigned “from his responsibilities working with the campaign.”

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has today published a statement of resignation from Robert Creamer:

I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the Campaign.

Creamer denies any wrongdoing in his letter of resignation, instead insisting that the “notorious right wing blogger O’Keefe” is mistaken:

I am enormously proud of the work we have done over the last months to sound the alarm about the danger Donald Trump would present to American democracy. Contrary to the outrageous claims of the notorious right wing blogger James O’Keefe, we have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality in our work for the DNC.

Democracy Partners regards our nation’s election laws and the integrity of our democratic institutions with utmost seriousness. And we have only ever-engaged in legal and nonviolent methods to demonstrate how Donald Trump is unfit to be President. Period.

We regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a temporary regional contractor for our firm, and he is no longer working with us. While, none of the schemes described in the conversations ever took place, these conversations do not at all reflect the values of Democracy Partners.

In a video released today, James O’Keefe addresses the resignation:

BREAKING News: Bob Creamer, top @HillaryClinton campaign advisor, “STEPS DOWN” after today’s video. Here is part of his statement..

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 18, 2016

Towards the end of his resignation, Creamer blames O’Keefe’s “dirty tricks” and claims that O’Keefe “uses methods that would make Richard Nixon and the Watergate burglars proud”:

O’Keefe executed a plot that involved the use of trained operatives using false identifications, disguises and elaborate false covers to infiltrate our firm and other consulting firms, in order to steal campaign plans, and goad unsuspecting individuals into making careless statements on hidden cameras.

Those of us who are involved in political work because we believe deeply in progressive values are saddened that those on the right are using dirty tricks in order to pursue their political agenda rather than engage in an honest debate about ideas.

I will not aid Mr. O’Keefe’s despicable efforts to distract from the critical choice American voters face November 8th.

Creamer’s organization Democracy Partners repeats this analysis of the situation in a post on Facebook, going on to claim that the “alt-right takeover of the Republican Party has poisoned our country.”

Breitbart News detailed the connection in an article about the original video released exclusively by Breitbart this Monday:

In one hidden camera video, filmed at Creamer’s Washington, D.C. office, Creamer explains that Hillary Clinton is aware of “all” of his activities, directly or indirectly, and that Democracy Partners has a daily conference call with the Clinton campaign, as well as frequent calls with the White House.

Creamer has been a “political organizer and strategist for over four decades,” according to his organization’s bio, and began “his organizing career in 1970 working with Chicago’s Citizen Action Program (CAP), which had been organized by Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation.” Creamer has written for the Huffington Post, and his columns were regularly sent to a Google Group associated with John Podesta during the Obama administration.

Creamer is married to congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, and has previously served time in prison for check-kiting.


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

‘How to Commit Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale’: Part II of Project Veritas Investigation into Clinton Network

by Rebecca Mansour18 Oct 20169969


The second video in James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas investigation of the 2016 election reveals what O’Keefe describes as “Democratic Party operatives tell[ing] us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale.”

Part one in O’Keefe’s investigation unraveled what appears to be an elaborate web of Democrat-trained provocateurs who have been instigating violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic they called “bird-dogging.” O’Keefe’s team has also uncovered evidence that Democratic consultants may have been relaying messages to and from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and super PACs using a system one consultant called “the Pony Express.” Campaigns and Super PACs are not permitted by law to coordinate with each other.

In the preface to the second video, O’Keefe states that the first video “blew up on social media, but sources have told us that several large corporate media outlets are afraid to cover our discoveries for fear of future retribution from a Hillary Clinton administration. Truth is dangerous especially when it challenges power.”

This second investigation features an undercover Project Veritas reporter posing as a Democratic Party donor brainstorming an elaborate voter fraud scheme to fraudulently register people to vote in various states using the lax voter registration policies currently in place.

Like O’Keefe’s first video, the second also prominently features Democratic operatives Robert Creamer and his colleague Scott Foval, who was removed from his position at the leftwing advocacy group Americans United for Change on Monday as a result of O’Keefe’s investigation. O’Keefe notes that at the time the second video was shot, Foval “worked for People for the American Way, an organization funded in large part by George Soros.”

In the video, Foval is heard saying, “We manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws.”

He then explains:

It’s a pretty easy thing for Republicans to say, ‘Well, they’re bussing people in!’ Well, you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it. So, I mean I grew up with that idea. They used to bus people out to Iowa. If they needed people there we’d bus people out to Iowa.

Foval also discusses the problem of being caught, stating, “The question is, whether when you get caught by a reporter, does that matter? Because does it turn into an investigation or not? In this case, this state, the answer is no, because they don’t have any power to do anything.”

Foval suggests that the voter fraud scheme could potentially be implemented “on a much bigger scale. You implement a massive change in state legislatures and in Congress. So you aim higher for your goals, and you implement it across every Republican-held state.”

He then speculates on “the ripest environment to do it in”:

Honestly the ripest environment to do it in? Two, within striking distance. Michigan, Indiana. Least restrictive donation caps and campaign finance laws and investigative arms, and any of that. Like they have weakened it so bad in those three states, you could fuck your mother in front of the governor and not go to jail. If you have enough money to do this.

Creamer, as Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reported, is “a veteran Chicago activist and convicted felon who is thought to have planned Democrats’ political strategy during the push for Obamacare in 2009 and 2010. Creamer is also the co-founder of Democracy Partners, a consulting group that, according to Project Veritas videos, apparently contracts directly with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, and that works with an array of super PACs and consultants to organize, film and publicize their provocations.”

Foval is heard in the second video saying:

Bob Creamer is diabolical and I love him for it. I have learned so much from that man over the last twenty years, I can’t even tell you. And he calls me to be his firefighter a lot of the time, because there are people who in our movement will not do what it takes to get shit done. And I’m not that person. I’m the one they send when everything has gone to shit. And so he spends a lot of time on the phone with my boss asking me to go places that I don’t wish to go.

While the second video captures Foval and the Project Veritas undercover reporter brainstorming about the voter fraud scheme, O’Keefe notes that “Creamer hesitated to help our ‘donor’ pull off the voter fraud scheme that Foval crafted.”

However, Foval did put the Project Veritas “donor” in touch with another leftwing operative who appeared more receptive: Cesar Vargas.

As O’Keefe explains: “Vargas is an interesting character. He is the co-founder of the Dream Action Coalition, a New York lawyer, and is a dreamer himself. Born in Mexico, Vargas is an undocumented alien. He has known Bob Creamer for years.”

In the video, Vargas is heard saying about the voter fraud scheme:

Like I said, this is not gonna happen this election. So I think it’s about, for us, let’s see who the next president is. If it – if it’s Donald Trump, it even makes more sense. The issue will be more credible and it’ll give us more opportunity to jump in there. If it’s Secretary Clinton, and the voter ID laws are losing and we have much more opportunity to vote, and we have immigration reform, it’s not going to be as significant, right?

When the Project Veritas reporter points out that this would be “voter fraud,” Vergas replies, “It’s civil disobedience.”

The video ends with a clip of Foval stating, “We have to do a better job of making our people do what they’re supposed to do. Not asking them. Making them. Not expecting them and taking them for granted, but beating the shit out of them.”

O’Keefe notes that more videos in this undercover investigation “will continue through the election.”


J. Christian Adams, the President and General Counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, has filed a legal complaint with the Federal Election Commission against “Hillary for America, the Democratic National Committee, Democracy Partners, Americans United for Change, and other known and unknown individuals and groups” based on O’Keefe’s second video investigation.

Adams issued the following statement to Breitbart News:

American voter rolls are corrupted with unacceptable numbers of aliens who are illegally registered to vote. Groups should not be coordinating with campaigns and political parties to exploit vulnerabilities in our election system. We hope this matter is fully investigated and that if aliens are voting, they are prosecuted by the Justice Department. That would mark a change in DOJ policies of the last 7 years.

As the complaint notes, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is “is a non-profit educational and legal foundation dedicated to protect the right to vote, preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections, and educate the public on the issue of election integrity.”

Read their complaint here.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Knock it off. You’re abusing your right to post.

8 years ago

Here is proof the polls are being faked showing Hillary in the lead and democrats declaring the election is over:

Eye opening.

8 years ago

WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation doesn’t pay it’s bills and stiffs contractors services as a routine business practice.

See Here:

Funny, this is the exact same thing She accused Trump of doing in his construction business. Yet, its what she does.
I think they call this “projection”.

8 years ago

Hillary said 17 US inteligence agencies have confirmed Russia hacked the emails.
These include
The Coast Guard
The department of Energy
Really Hillary?
What possible reason would these agencies conclude this?

Would she run the country based on this type of intelligence?

As Trump has said:
“She has no clue”.

Reply to  98.6
8 years ago

I don’t think its Russia only because everything leaked is released late on a Friday when the news cycle is decreased.

Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

The Russians begin their weekends Thursday evening with smoked fish, cured salo, and booze, and are ready for business the following tuesday. It’s a reliable schedule, and definitely rules out friday releases of American communications. Beside which, no Russian over there are able to read since them as they are not in Russian and also in a weird alphabet.

A Russian art teacher once said to me, Russians can only do two things well. Watercolors and nuclear weapons. I wonder what they made of the intelligence that they aggragated during the Cold War…

Reply to  Levitan
8 years ago

….Besides which, there are no Russians over there able to read DNC emails given that they are not in Russian and are in an alphabet that looks weird to them.

8 years ago

Hillary never went to Morocco read it in the eagle.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour did though.

8 years ago

The reason there are polls (supposedly) is to let the voting American people know which way the wind is blowing so they can make an informed decision when they go to vote.

However, the seedy side of polling is that they can be used to actually influence the election. They will say that candidate “X” is way ahead so don’t bother, the election is over, bla,bla,bla…..

Here is how they are rigging the polls in favor of Hillary Clinton.
If they poll 95 progressive liberal democrats and poll 5 conservative republicans….
Then release the results
Guess what?
The democrat is polling at 95% to the republican only 5%.
Thus wanting you to conclude the democrat is so far ahead that the republican can never catch up.

This is exactly what they are doing.

Everyone knows that you cannot trust the media to tell the truth anymore.
Do not believe what they are saying.
They are rigging this election and its obvious.

They have been saying its over for Trump ever since he entered the race.

Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

Agreed. Unless a poll is supported by demographic base, means of administration, question content, it cannot be treated as reliable since one has no way to know what is measured.

The absurdity of contemporary polling has pundits citing realclearpolitics which averages polls which are in themselves uninformative. For an alternative, produce better substantiated data.

8 years ago

Normally, in former elections the controlling elite do not care which candidate you vote for. Republican or democrat, makes no difference to them. If you own all the horses in the race, its just a numbers game after that. The house always wins.

Every single election after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, they have owned both candidates in the race, with the exception of Ronald Reagan. Although they did suceed in controlling him.

What makes this election so different is they do NOT control Donald Trump.

Hillary tried to call Donald Trump a puppet of Putin.
He said:
“I don’t know Putin. I never met Putin. You’re the puppet”.

Again Trump was right on the money.

Take a look at this picture:

Hillary has the endorsement of
Henry Kissinger
George Soros
George HW Bush

But not the American people.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

You always here that from the right wingers… Americans want this, Americans want that. Such BS. I’m American. I am endorsing her.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Trump loses and he can only blame himself…Trump should get all the credit if he wins.

Tim Bartini
Tim Bartini
8 years ago

Just wondering is there a full moon out? The crazy people are out in forces!

8 years ago

Not sure who they are talking to in these polls. I have never been asked by a pollster who I am voting for not once. I agree that the other side just wants to discourage their opponents from voting. This election is over they want you to believe so don’t bother showing up at the polls. Its just another trick to win elections. The two major networks have repeated all day today that Hillary is ahead by 12 points. They want to brainwash people into not bothering to vote for Trump.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

So, from the other perspective, If Hillary voters get complacent, figuring she is going to win anyway, then they will not vote. So your argument is BS. Sorry Pat.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

You’ve been watching to much C N N. Trump won’t be able to overcome the Pussy comment.

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

You may not believe it, but it’s true. In fact they were saying on one of the Democrat channels (CNN or MSNBC) that Hillary voters shouldn’t get confident that she will win and not bother to vote. You see it works the other way too.

8 years ago

Wow, thank God for cut and paste.

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

Dan needs to crack down on that BS like Negan.

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

I think ZY is talking about copy/pasting several entire articles on the Planet. A hot link is sufficient.

8 years ago

Topix regulars have entered the fray? Planet warning notices shortly. Do you want multiple post from no names or two or three (: ( regulars) controlling this MEDIA. Zephyr Teachout rules.

8 years ago

Here is an update on Hillary’s parkinsons disease by Dr. Ted Noel:

The biggest story of the 2016 election campaign that has not yet fully broken out yet.

We find out in the video that drug she on is levodopa.
They are giving her more and more.
She may make to election day without a major incident but this truth will come out.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

That’s a great video about Hillary’s Parkinsons Disease, Thor.
Thanks for posting! Sending that video to everyone I know. If she wins – who will be running the country??
Trump for President!

Reply to  Gigi
8 years ago

Can you imagine this woman wants to be in charge of nuclear weapons and she expects them to launch within 4 mins of when she gives the order.

You have got to be out of your cotton picking mind to vote for her as president.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Wow, how much do you hate women?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

There it is. The shill just could not resist.
See… his method used here.
He makes it look like I hate women.
Twisted. He is exercising his shilling skills.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

It looked for awhile like he was going to leave my comments alone as Mr. Glenn Heller is present whom he had libeled. But he just could not resist attacking me.
Shakes His Head/Praxis33 is here for only one reason.
To disrupt and cause trouble.
He cannot sleep at night until he does.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Those nasty women.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

The Torch is burning but not very bright

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

He exercises his right to shill. Some women are hard to love, and even harder to like. Even so, I wouldn’t mind Hillary if I could trust her and if she were not a crook.

8 years ago

There will be a double digit 2017 increase for Obamacare recipients.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

All the more work for Dr. Ted Noel.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Billionaires and Corporations must must must stop Hillary Clinton at all cost.They have a renewed economy to suck dry again with Trump.If not you we I’ll have a great economy with demand leading the way….be a Corporate pawn vote for trump

Tim Bartini
Tim Bartini
8 years ago

Planet topix

8 years ago

Cain had Abel, if she isn’t able, she’ll have Cain?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

My child now grown up and hasn’t missed yet on Prez elections says…………..Trump.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

After the first debate poll on C N N, they had her winning the debate by a wide margin, no way, knew then where the media was going after that. Voting Trump. I think he’ll take Florida, a key State. he will need others, but it is within reach..

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Believe nothing of what you hear, and half of what you see……..Abe Lincoln.

8 years ago

Trump, keep telling us what you will do, saturate her with all of your proposals, so it makes her head spin,she has no plan other than raise taxes to pay for everything., then stick and jab with insults, but to so many.

Obama is sounding like Richard Pryor. And both are rich.

8 years ago

Trump Psychological profile. Unruly as a child, just wanted to be popular, was not getting the attention from the Father because Dad was soaked up in business and Donald acted out to the point the Dad put him in a Military Academy, where he straightened out. Donald was very intelligent back then and is cunninningly smart. Donald loved his Dad very much, and today still acts out because he never wanted his Dad to be guilty of putting Donald in the Academy.and acts like his Dad did toward him to others today, it is truly surreal. part one of a series.

Reply to  amandaWell
8 years ago

Dr. Ellis disproved Freud’s theories long ago. The other day, a woman asked for whom I will vote. Given she asked, I felt it was reasonable to answer, so I answered Trump. A thin dry smile grew across her face and I thought to myself, ‘here it comes.’ A lecture ensued about how all he will do is help his rich fris and people such as me are just not getting it.

I did not really appreciate her nosiness, and less so her irrational lecture, though I was wiiling to wait for her vacate without responding to her arrogance. I aatribute the rise of irrationality to the popularity of Freud, Marx, and fascism amongst the progressives.

Reply to  amandaWell
8 years ago

*all he will do is help his rich friends….

8 years ago

Y is the Media so bias????